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Event Game v1: Easter Egg Mafia III | Game Over - Can't Beatshu the Mishu

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May 11, 2019 9:45 PM

Oct 2011
self-explanatory of who started it:
Phraze said:
_Wisp said:
mafia night kill him or her, she doesnt die, and is then converted to mafia, thats all
yeah, makes sense.

AbuHumaid said:
Phraze is... sketchy
AbuHumaid said:
Phraze said:
why should I not be interested, if it is in the OP? and I said "choo choo"
I mean, mafia are the ones who would be interested the most in the lost bunny this early because it's mafia, not to mention that the post itself is useless, you're basically repeating what the OP is saying, you could be mafia signaling for the lost mafia but I don't want to get too wild with the theories yet. Also "choo choo" isn't really saying anything.

May 11, 2019 10:05 PM

Oct 2011
it was shade on the first person (and it could've been anyone), to mention the neutral.

May 11, 2019 10:21 PM

Oct 2011
RE said:
Also, I'd like to suggest a mechanical strategy, and receive feedback on it. Don't worry, actual reads will come later. But this is role madness, not to mention a semi-open role madness, and I think there's a way to solve the game mechanically if town has randed certain roles.

Assuming Wisp is town - he can receive one more shot of his ability (which is arguably the most useful ability to town in this game) if the reloader gives him an extra shot, if they haven't used it yet (I would hope not, using it night 1 doesn't seem like a good idea, unless the player had already claimed a useful role).
Jailer, since they should have at least 1-shot left, should target Wisp tonight, so that if Wisp is targeted for the night kill, he'll be protected, and since he's already used his sensor ability, there won't be any loss from the roleblock.

Night 3 is when Wisp can use his ability again. Commuter should target Wisp, if they haven't used their shot yet, to prevent him from being night killed or roleblocked, and by day 4, we'll have another wagon checked and hopefully more scum PoE'd. If Commuter is dead by then, watcher can target Wisp instead (if watcher doesn't use up their shots by then).

It's also possible that the game will end by then, if we successfully hit mafia today between aa-dono and Kiana, and come to an even better PoE. But I think this is a cool strat, and there are only a few ways for it to fail (mafia randing one of the vital roles, players dying before then, players using up their shots.)

I think this won't work since the sensor ability was only once per game. he's pretty much a vanilla by now.

May 11, 2019 10:23 PM

Jul 2009
Phraze said:
I still wonder why yurkin would suggest cfd'ing dono and not move vote there. Mishu also didn't vote despite the panic. Shin could be town for asking bomb to claim. Ironace is MIA.

yurkin said:
Looking back I like how the eyeh train was created
May 11, 2019 10:28 PM

Oct 2011
yurkin said:
Phraze said:
I still wonder why yurkin would suggest cfd'ing dono and not move vote there. Mishu also didn't vote despite the panic. Shin could be town for asking bomb to claim. Ironace is MIA.

yurkin said:
Looking back I like how the eyeh train was created
ur cfd suggestion was at #818. why suggest it if ur happy with how the train was created?

May 11, 2019 10:35 PM

Jul 2009
Phraze said:
yurkin said:

ur cfd suggestion was at #818. why suggest it if ur happy with how the train was created?

yurkin said:
@_Wisp what do you like about dono, she's being very opportunistic with her reads.

I kinda explained it during night phase already
May 11, 2019 10:39 PM

Oct 2011
yurkin said:
Phraze said:
ur cfd suggestion was at #818. why suggest it if ur happy with how the train was created?

yurkin said:
@_Wisp what do you like about dono, she's being very opportunistic with her reads.

I kinda explained it during night phase already

u never explained why u didn't move vote tho suggested otherwise. but ok.

May 11, 2019 10:56 PM

Jul 2009
Kiiruma is only susp when it comes to Kiana. I mean his interactions are mostly with Kiana from the what I recall.
May 11, 2019 10:58 PM

Aug 2012
I'm sick and have been resting. Will catch up soon.

May 11, 2019 11:04 PM

Jul 2009
RE said:
If anyone wants to agree, disagree with me - this has been my impression based on the posts I have read.

Kiiruma is scummy to me. I don't like that he is putting it out there that the chances of him being scum are low based on him getting an egg low on his list. Yes scum are favored, but only so very slightly. It should guarantee nothing, unless it's somehow proven that he received the egg at the very bottom of his list.

Mishu defending aa-dono may suggest they are unaligned. aa-dono, if scum, is a dead woman walking. It's far better to either buss, or let town first decide to defend her and perhaps sheep them. He's only putting himself into the spotlight this way.

Now I will slowly read up. Maybe I will develop some reads that way, I doubt it (real time is better). But I don't want to keep asking things that have probably been answered in the thread somewhere.

He took the 13th egg in his list according to himself. So 12th and potentialy 13th people has received their roles before him. If Sparkling Egg took its egg as anything but last choice that can confirm Kiiruma as last person to get an egg. Really depends how much you trust Kiiruma [to give real list and etc]
May 11, 2019 11:23 PM

Jan 2019
goddammit aadono i thought you were town!! you lied to me!!
May 11, 2019 11:27 PM

Jan 2019
May 11, 2019 11:28 PM

Jan 2019
May 11, 2019 11:28 PM

Jan 2019
May 11, 2019 11:32 PM

Jan 2019
unvote: aadono

this doesnt make sense to me.......................................................................................................
May 11, 2019 11:32 PM

Dec 2013
rip lucian,
the only thing i can say right now is

May 11, 2019 11:33 PM

Dec 2013
Kiana_Kaslana said:
unvote: aadono

this doesnt make sense to me.......................................................................................................
what doesnt?
May 11, 2019 11:33 PM

Jan 2019
aadono, you must not break my heart again.... tell us your egg and your results... let everyone know you are innocent!!
May 11, 2019 11:43 PM

Sep 2016
Phraze said:
I think this won't work since the sensor ability was only once per game. he's pretty much a vanilla by now.
If the sparkling egg (reloader) hasn't used their shot yet, they can use it on Wisp.


Also have caught up. I'd probably need real-time to be more sure of everything, so my most confident reads are few. yurkin is town. That is all.

Wisp and Phraze aren't aligned, based on Wisp voting Eyeh over Phraze to break the 3 way tie between Mishu, Phraze, and Eyeh (going off Roy's unofficial VC in #887) near EoD1. If Wisp is scum, he went in for the long haul by switching his vote. And if Wisp was scum with Phraze, I'd argue he votes Phraze over Eyeh, so that Eyeh and Wisp can get towncred for bussing, as well as allow Eyeh to live longer, or at least long enough for his bomb to be useful.

So purely going off VCA - Wisp is also town. And if he's telling the truth that there were 2 scum on Phraze's wagon, then as scum, I think he uses (or claims to use) his ability on another wagon (perhaps Eyeh's) and lies about the number of scum there. Either way, he doesn't get lynched anytime soon.

Abu is scummy. I think I need to change my way of reading him though because I find him scummy as town too. It's not until page 10 (#457) that he finally gives a townlean on someone, and it's only upon request. This pings me because the majority of his read-related posts prior (and after) were accusations. Scum need to shade and mislynch to win, while town need to solve. Throwing accusations around easily falls in the former category.

aa-dono's ISO was disappointing. I don't strongly townread Kiana enough to be completely sold on a scum!dono, but as of her posts from day 1, the reads given felt 1-dimensional. Would be interested in what she had to say today most of all.

Explained Mishu already. Explained Kiiruma already. Mishu wasn't outrageously townie based on what I saw from day 1, but he clearly had some mechanical planning going on that I'd want an explanation for eventually but still felt somewhat town-motivated. Technically a neutral read, but gut says town. After a quick ISO of Kiiruma, he's only given two reads this game, and neither of them were given day 1. First a townread of Kiana (based on something I think is actually NAI - she wanted Eyeh's train to be checked, but there were 2 scum on Phraze's train - so either she was giving an honest assessment or she didn't want the train she was on to be checked), and then a chainsaw scumread of Mishu for voting Kiana.

Phraze is someone I'd need more time with, but gut says town. There were a couple posts from her that made me feel this way, namely the ones where she called out others who decided to scumread her (on the basis that scummy [playstyle] = scum is a bad mentality to have).

I should probably explain yurkin - she's town because of her drive in solving the game. I don't think she suggests a CFD onto aa-dono while scum!Eyeh is close to being lynched, it's too bold, too incriminating if things go wrong and Eyeh is lynched (and he was). Her approach in general has been bold too.

I want to call logic town for his vote on Eyeh. Unless he decided to actually repeal his no-bussing policy (which I can confirm is true, barring the occasional shade he'll fling at a buddy), then he's just town via VCA. Something tells me I shouldn't rely on this completely (meta can evolve), so I'd need more time and interactions with him to be sure.

Tempted to label Shinichi as town for derping so much on how the mechanics of this game work, but I also don't really remember his non-mechanics-related posts. So I also need more time here.

ironace is a hard null.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 11, 2019 11:46 PM

Jul 2009
"If the sparkling egg (reloader) hasn't used their shot yet, they can use it on Wisp."

Detective Egg is not an x-shot based ability so he can't
May 11, 2019 11:49 PM

Jan 2019
i had role information last night that told me that aadono was likely town. but wisp's role trumps my role. so, since i know i am town aadono has to be scum... but i hate to believe it.... that aadono could be a murderer...
May 11, 2019 11:50 PM

Sep 2016
yurkin said:
"If the sparkling egg (reloader) hasn't used their shot yet, they can use it on Wisp."

Detective Egg is not an x-shot based ability so he can't
Wow, that's disappointing. I guess that would be too close to breaking the game, but still.


AbuHumaid said:
Kiiruma said:
Why not, Abu?
I was caught as scum before due to my list so I want to get it out early for discussion.
Why is this fair?
AbuHumaid said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:
I won’t be around for phase change and I think a couple of us won’t be too

Awa/Kiana mafia?
What about that post suggested that Awa and Kiana were mafia?
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 11, 2019 11:50 PM

Jul 2009
"And if he's telling the truth that there were 2 scum on Phraze's wagon, then as scum, I think he uses (or claims to use) his ability on another wagon (perhaps Eyeh's)"

?? Think he claimed two scums on eyeh's wagon
May 11, 2019 11:51 PM

Jul 2009
yurkin said:
"And if he's telling the truth that there were 2 scum on Phraze's wagon, then as scum, I think he uses (or claims to use) his ability on another wagon (perhaps Eyeh's)"

?? Think he claimed two scums on eyeh's wagon

Oh nvm I'm not thinking
May 11, 2019 11:52 PM

Jan 2019
May 11, 2019 11:54 PM

Jan 2019
RE said:
yurkin said:
"If the sparkling egg (reloader) hasn't used their shot yet, they can use it on Wisp."

Detective Egg is not an x-shot based ability so he can't
Wow, that's disappointing. I guess that would be too close to breaking the game, but still.


AbuHumaid said:
Why is this fair?
AbuHumaid said:

Awa/Kiana mafia?
What about that post suggested that Awa and Kiana were mafia?

we cant both be mafia, now that wisp's investigation has come to light. 1 town on the phraze wagon, 1 scum, it's a 1v1 between me and aadono, unless wisp is lying.

i know i am town, so after aadono flips scum, i am cleared. unless wisp is lying, again, of course, then its 2 townies down.
May 11, 2019 11:54 PM

Sep 2016
Kiana_Kaslana said:
i had role information last night that told me that aadono was likely town. but wisp's role trumps my role. so, since i know i am town aadono has to be scum... but i hate to believe it.... that aadono could be a murderer...
I mean, what is it?
You and awa (and technically Wisp) are the only ones who should be candidates for the lynch today. So claiming isn't a bad idea. Though maybe awa should claim first.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 11, 2019 11:54 PM

Jan 2019
RE said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:
i had role information last night that told me that aadono was likely town. but wisp's role trumps my role. so, since i know i am town aadono has to be scum... but i hate to believe it.... that aadono could be a murderer...
I mean, what is it?
You and awa (and technically Wisp) are the only ones who should be candidates for the lynch today. So claiming isn't a bad idea. Though maybe awa should claim first.

its a secret
May 11, 2019 11:56 PM

Jan 2019
bear in mind that even if aadono flips scum, wisp isn't clear, only i am. since wisp could be bussing, its a long shot, but it happens sometimes
May 11, 2019 11:56 PM

Sep 2016
Kiana_Kaslana said:
we cant both be mafia, now that wisp's investigation has come to light. 1 town on the phraze wagon, 1 scum, it's a 1v1 between me and aadono, unless wisp is lying.

i know i am town, so after aadono flips scum, i am cleared. unless wisp is lying, again, of course, then its 2 townies down.
Yeah, I know. I don't think Wisp is lying (regardless of his alignment). But I'm curious of how Abu came to that conclusion based on the post he quoted. Because if it's what I'm thinking, then he used pretty shallow reasoning and I don't like that.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 11, 2019 11:57 PM

Sep 2016
Kiana_Kaslana said:
RE said:
I mean, what is it?
You and awa (and technically Wisp) are the only ones who should be candidates for the lynch today. So claiming isn't a bad idea. Though maybe awa should claim first.

its a secret
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 11, 2019 11:58 PM

Jul 2009
RE said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:
we cant both be mafia, now that wisp's investigation has come to light. 1 town on the phraze wagon, 1 scum, it's a 1v1 between me and aadono, unless wisp is lying.

i know i am town, so after aadono flips scum, i am cleared. unless wisp is lying, again, of course, then its 2 townies down.
Yeah, I know. I don't think Wisp is lying (regardless of his alignment). But I'm curious of how Abu came to that conclusion based on the post he quoted. Because if it's what I'm thinking, then he used pretty shallow reasoning and I don't like that.

Tbf I've been wondering about exactly same post
May 12, 2019 12:00 AM

Jul 2009
Tho know what he's suggesting there, and it look jokish
May 12, 2019 12:04 AM

Sep 2016
yurkin said:
Tho know what he's suggesting there, and it look jokish
Yeah, I saw you asked Phraze of what she thought of Abu the same page :p

So I thought maybe you picked up on that.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 12, 2019 12:08 AM

Nov 2015
🐰 Vote Count 2.1 🐰

aa-dono (4) - Logic340, yurkin, AbuHumaid, Kiana_Kaslana
Ironace (1) - Phraze
Kiana_Kaslana (1) - Mishukax

Not Voting (6) - aa-dono, Kiiruma, Shinichi-kun, _Wisp, RE, ironace

>>Day 2 Timer<<
May 12, 2019 12:13 AM

Dec 2013
yurkin said:
Tho know what he's suggesting there, and it look jokish
ootl? what post of abu?
May 12, 2019 2:39 AM

Jul 2009
Kiana_Kaslana said:
hey, i just thought of something cool. we should use the sensor egg on the eyeh wagon.

if there is a bus, we will know. if its pure, we can clear 5 townies. i think that is the best move.

Big hmm on this and the conversation bellow it
May 12, 2019 3:38 AM

Jan 2019
I think it’s time for me to just claim it... if aadono is scum as we suspect.. scum already know my role

I’m the psychic neighborizer egg... I neighbored aadono last night cos I like aadono

She convinced me she was town... and I believed her... then we talked about stuff. She thought I was town too so she claimed her egg, it’s the jailkeeper egg, and that’s a very town egg, so I believed her even more... but now wisp did the sensor and she’s confscum from my POV (unless wisp is lying, then we must lynch him!!)

Why aadono why??? Why you lied to me...???? I thought we were friendss
May 12, 2019 3:39 AM

Jan 2019
So I want to know who aadono used her jailkeeper egg on last night
May 12, 2019 3:49 AM

Dec 2013
jail keeper would be a good egg for the scum to take away from town.
@kiana_kaslana how did she convince you?
May 12, 2019 4:00 AM

Jan 2019
ironace said:
jail keeper would be a good egg for the scum to take away from town.
@kiana_kaslana how did she convince you?

she was very convincing
May 12, 2019 4:01 AM

Jan 2019
It’s a good thing wisp used the sensor here, I would be so snowed and pocketed by aadono if he didn’t. I would defend her to the death
May 12, 2019 6:18 AM

Apr 2018
RE said:
Kiiruma is scummy to me. I don't like that he is putting it out there that the chances of him being scum are low based on him getting an egg low on his list. Yes scum are favored, but only so very slightly. It should guarantee nothing, unless it's somehow proven that he received the egg at the very bottom of his list.

I claimed my egg early and it went Un-CCd this whole time. Furthermore Scum nor Neutral benefit from taking the vanilla eggs as discussed further onto P25 where aa has taken the fullmetal egg as that actually takes something away from town.

If you believe I perhaps am not the Literary egg then I'd like to know why. And I'd like you to search my username in the browser, see what comes up and then see what flavours have been posted.

As for my reads that you further mention, I know I haven't made any but that's just sorta how I play normally. I don't make explicit reads, I struggle to do it especially since it's exam season.
I thought Mishu's vote seemed a bit opportunistic because Kiana in general has made pro-town suggestions such as the sensor being on the biggest wagon to potentially confirm 4 people and trying to eliminate Kiana as such could be seen as trying to get rid of someone it'd otherwise be hard to get rid of due to things said in thread alone.
My personality:

May 12, 2019 6:29 AM

Jan 2019
well, lucian did take the image egg. that's 1 conftown gone.

but then again, with 2 scum dead on d2 (assumedly), we're pretty close to winning. so i guess it wont be a big problem.
May 12, 2019 6:29 AM

Jan 2019
i think i just set up a flag
May 12, 2019 7:02 AM

Jan 2010
Ugh.....Neighbor is the top role that i believe LB would want so I'm hesitent to full on believe kiana here but she has my attention.

@Kiana_Kaslana do you know who if anyone dono jailed last night?
@aa-dono did you jail someone last night?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 12, 2019 7:05 AM

Sep 2016
Kiiruma said:
RE said:
Kiiruma is scummy to me. I don't like that he is putting it out there that the chances of him being scum are low based on him getting an egg low on his list. Yes scum are favored, but only so very slightly. It should guarantee nothing, unless it's somehow proven that he received the egg at the very bottom of his list.
I claimed my egg early and it went Un-CCd this whole time. Furthermore Scum nor Neutral benefit from taking the vanilla eggs as discussed further onto P25 where aa has taken the fullmetal egg as that actually takes something away from town.

If you believe I perhaps am not the Literary egg then I'd like to know why. And I'd like you to search my username in the browser, see what comes up and then see what flavours have been posted.
You are attempting to use something that has no guarantee to make you town to clear yourself. Did you get your last egg or not? Since you did not, you are not mechanically cleared town.
It can also depend on the player, which choices they'd like. I could argue that scum have very little need for the Sparkling Egg, which was your last choice. I could also argue you created your list for the sole purpose of being townread for it, whenever you shared it. You could be town. Not for this reasoning though.
As for my reads that you further mention, I know I haven't made any but that's just sorta how I play normally. I don't make explicit reads, I struggle to do it
I have never seen you not make a read day 1 as town. Even when you were busy you still gave reads out (thinking of Desserts Mafia).
I thought Mishu's vote seemed a bit opportunistic because Kiana in general has made pro-town suggestions such as the sensor being on the biggest wagon to potentially confirm 4 people and trying to eliminate Kiana as such could be seen as trying to get rid of someone it'd otherwise be hard to get rid of due to things said in thread alone.
How is Mishu's vote opportunistic when he was the only one voting Kiana at the time, as opposed to the 3 people already voting aa-dono? How is fighting aa-dono's lynch opportunistic when saving her (from my perspective) was a lost cause? That doesn't seem opportunistic at all, fighting against what the majority (so far) has been saying.
By suggesting the sensor look at Eyeh's wagon, Kiana was also indirectly suggesting they not look at the wagon she was on (Phraze's), which as it turns out, had scum on it. Was it not possible, from your perspective (I'm not suggesting this is the case), that she could be pushing for the sensor to not check a wagon that contained scum?

Are you aware that there is currently a dichotomy between aa-dono and Kiana? By default, if aa-dono is lynched and flips scum, Kiana is almost never getting lynched. So why is it that what Kiana has been saying takes priority over this mechanical check, when it comes to the unlikelihood of her being lynched?
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
May 12, 2019 7:10 AM

Dec 2013
_Wisp said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

Makes no sense though, if she was so in plain sight why didn't she get shot?
maybe mafia is bad?

No, because they shot on the wagon like they were supposed to. Lucian would have been confirmed so it was best he died.

AbuHumaid said:
Shinichi-Kun said:

Mafia wouldnt vote her if she was actually the lost wolf lol
Mafia doesn't know who's lost wolf

thanks captain obvious lol

May 12, 2019 7:11 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Ugh.....Neighbor is the top role that i believe LB would want so I'm hesitent to full on believe kiana here but she has my attention.

@Kiana_Kaslana do you know who if anyone dono jailed last night?
@aa-dono did you jail someone last night?

I advised her to not use it since it was limited shot. Whether who aadono actually used it on, I do not know
May 12, 2019 7:11 AM

Sep 2016
For the record, I think Kiana's been really townie today. At this point would easily lynch aa-dono over her. But that was a conclusion you (Kiiruma) reached independently of the dichotomy.

Kiana_Kaslana said:
I think it’s time for me to just claim it... if aadono is scum as we suspect.. scum already know my role

I’m the psychic neighborizer egg... I neighbored aadono last night cos I like aadono

She convinced me she was town... and I believed her... then we talked about stuff. She thought I was town too so she claimed her egg, it’s the jailkeeper egg, and that’s a very town egg, so I believed her even more... but now wisp did the sensor and she’s confscum from my POV (unless wisp is lying, then we must lynch him!!)

Why aadono why??? Why you lied to me...???? I thought we were friendss
Did you talk about reads? She may have left spew.
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
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