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Event Game v1: Easter Egg Mafia III | Game Over - Can't Beatshu the Mishu

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May 8, 2019 6:25 AM

Jan 2019
Like let’s say you’re in LYLO 5 player with 2 mafia, unconverted lost wolf and 2 town. Town hasn’t lost yet... technically, but lost wolf will randomly vote someone and see who the mafia quickhammers...
May 8, 2019 6:25 AM

Jan 2019
No wait, sorry.

Lost wolf would just claim and tell mafia to vote for a townie, and then all 3 scum just hammer for the win

Like it doesn’t make a difference at all Jesus
May 8, 2019 6:26 AM

Jan 2019
Why am I explaining mafia basics I thought you guys were good
May 8, 2019 6:26 AM

Jan 2019
Shinichi most of all I’m disappointed in
May 8, 2019 6:28 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
You guys don’t understand that someone whose wincon is “you win with the mafia” is effectively mafia
Yes they are considered a threat but they are not the most imminent threat at this point in time. You've also stated you don't know how to find said persons at this point in time. So to hunt them when you don't even know how to go about doing it?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 6:29 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:
You guys don’t understand that someone whose wincon is “you win with the mafia” is effectively mafia
Yes they are considered a threat but they are not the most imminent threat at this point in time. You've also stated you don't know how to find said persons what's the point of time to hunt them when you don't even know how to go about doing it?

You’re saying we should ignore lost wolf and that is wrong. Now you are strawmanning by asking me how to hunt them. Well let me tell you the answer, we hunt them like any other scum.
May 8, 2019 6:30 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:
You guys don’t understand that someone whose wincon is “you win with the mafia” is effectively mafia
Yes they are considered a threat but they are not the most imminent threat at this point in time. You've also stated you don't know how to find said persons at this point in time. So to hunt them when you don't even know how to go about doing it?

If shinichi thinks he knows a suspect list of lost wolves then case them and hunt them and lynch them.

The last we talk about the loss by any the harder it will be for the mafia to find them. And if they do signal iit will be easier for us to see it if we leave the subject alone.

Bullshit. If you see a terrorist you report it you don’t keep quiet
May 8, 2019 6:31 AM

Jan 2019
Dial 911 ASAP
May 8, 2019 6:31 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
Like let’s say you’re in LYLO 5 player with 2 mafia, unconverted lost wolf and 2 town. Town hasn’t lost yet... technically, but lost wolf will randomly vote someone and see who the mafia quickhammers...
This is nothing but wine I can do the same thing. What if we lynch 3 mafia in a row and they never convert the lost Bunny?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 6:31 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:
Like let’s say you’re in LYLO 5 player with 2 mafia, unconverted lost wolf and 2 town. Town hasn’t lost yet... technically, but lost wolf will randomly vote someone and see who the mafia quickhammers...
This is nothing but whine I can do the same thing. What if we lanes 3 mafi and a row and they never convert the loss Bunny?

What’s lanes 3 mafi?????
May 8, 2019 6:36 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
logic340 said:
This is nothing but whine I can do the same thing. What if we lanes 3 mafi and a row and they never convert the loss Bunny?

What’s lanes 3 mafi?????
lynch 3 mafia
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 6:36 AM

May 2013
Kiana_Kaslana said:
Help us get town mislynched you mean... -___-

Lost Bunny is sabotaging the votes right now. AKA avoiding mafia as much as possible. AKA proooobably being careful with their vote depending on the player type.

Lost bunny = mafia, for all of our intents and purposes
Obviously identifying mafia is just as important, esp since town can win if all mafia are lynched and lost bunny is still alive
May 8, 2019 6:37 AM

Jan 2010
I'm on mobile talk to text is not always my friend so please give me a moment to edit if you see weird typos
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 6:38 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
logic340 said:
Yes they are considered a threat but they are not the most imminent threat at this point in time. You've also stated you don't know how to find said persons at this point in time. So to hunt them when you don't even know how to go about doing it?

If shinichi thinks he knows a suspect list of lost wolves then case them and hunt them and lynch them.

The last we talk about the loss by any the harder it will be for the mafia to find them. And if they do signal iit will be easier for us to see it if we leave the subject alone.

Bullshit. If you see a terrorist you report it you don’t keep quiet
You have a suspect for lost Bunny yet you are not voting them the hypocrisy is real with this one
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 6:39 AM

May 2013
That said I really need to case someone like I said I would do but luckily this day is 48 hours
Plus I don't wanna be done with yurkin, they are being a little too difficult right now imo
May 8, 2019 6:40 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

If shinichi thinks he knows a suspect list of lost wolves then case them and hunt them and lynch them.

Bullshit. If you see a terrorist you report it you don’t keep quiet
You have a suspect for lost Bunny yet you are not voting them the hypocrisy is real with this one

Oh yeah I forgot to change back my vote, thanks for the reminder

vote: phraze
May 8, 2019 6:40 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

What’s lanes 3 mafi?????
lynch 3 mafia

If we lynch 3 mafia once a row we can celebrate and have an Easter party because we probably win anyway. Too optimistic
May 8, 2019 6:41 AM

Jan 2019
Mishu is so town, so I FoS on yurkin for trying to change my opinion suspiciously.

But not at the level of abu and phraze
May 8, 2019 6:49 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
Mishu is so town, so I FoS on yurkin for trying to change my opinion suspiciously.

But not at the level of abu and phraze
Can you talk to me about your Abu read? He is one of my stronger town leans right now with a couple townie post that have already pointed out.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 6:54 AM
Jul 2018
Hey @Kiana_Kaslana I appreciate that you like me and you're really into me, but Phraze being lost mafia is my read, be original, get your own reads., or at least don't act like it's yours.
May 8, 2019 6:55 AM

Jul 2009
Omg this again

Kiana_Kaslana said:
Mishu is so town, so I FoS on yurkin for trying to change my opinion suspiciously.

But not at the level of abu and phraze

You had your lynch preference placed on people you suspected were the lost wolf

I asked why not mishu

You said you didn't saw anything suspicious out of her

I explained why I did on contrary saw that something

..... Then hell's you've been going on and on with this [bold] which is factually incorrect

Now I'm sure, since already mentioned it few times that you are indeed doing it on purpose to piss me off.
May 8, 2019 6:57 AM

Jul 2009
I like how you turned your plain OMGUS on me into something resembling a case @Kiana_Kaslana
May 8, 2019 6:59 AM

Jan 2010
yurkin said:
I like how you turned your plain OMGUS on me into something resembling a case @Kiana_Kaslana
kiana omgus voted you too?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 7:03 AM

Jan 2010
I'm going to keep my vote on kiana and i would encourage others to do so.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 7:04 AM
Jul 2018
Phraze said:
AbuHumaid said:
If I was mafia I would signal for the lost mafia early, why? Because in mid or late game people tend to forget things that happened during the RVS stage, and don't bother backreading from the start, and some of them even think that stuff that happen this early aren't really relevant, so I totally see a mafia signaling early like this for this reason, when the town's guard is most down.
Also, so what if you built a train?

1. why do u think ppl don't read through rvs? rvs is usually the stage town looks into more than not. mafia are usually the ones to try to skip rvs, when the 'guard is down' so they don't have to make mistakes. preemptive moves in rvs isn't likely, as u are suggesting.
2. I said something. I built a train. u said I did nothing? 🤔

1. Oh trust me, people ignore early game a lot, I've seen it countless times before. Just because you backread RVS, doesn't mean everyone does.
2. I mean building a train is nothing honestly, any mafia could have pulled that off like I said. And what did you do after building that train? Nothing, you didn't pressure logic, you didn't question me why I voted logic, etc. progression on your vote is what counts
May 8, 2019 7:04 AM

Jul 2009
yurkin said:
Omg this again

Kiana_Kaslana said:
Mishu is so town, so I FoS on yurkin for trying to change my opinion suspiciously.

But not at the level of abu and phraze

You had your lynch preference placed on people you suspected were the lost wolf

I asked why not mishu

You said you didn't saw anything suspicious out of her

I explained why I did on contrary saw that something

..... Then hell's you've been going on and on with this [bold] which is factually incorrect

Now I'm sure, since already mentioned it few times that you are indeed doing it on purpose to piss me off.

If you talk about the time I asked something like "you town read this?" about mishu wall post. That wasn't in attempt to change your mind but to state disagreement [I feel like that's pretty obvious but who knows it wasn't]
May 8, 2019 7:05 AM
Jul 2018
Kiana seems too wolfy to be wolf, @LucianRoy what do you think of her? Since you played against Scum!Kiana last game.
May 8, 2019 7:06 AM

Jan 2019
AbuHumaid said:
Hey @Kiana_Kaslana I appreciate that you like me and you're really into me, but Phraze being lost mafia is my read, be original, get your own reads., or at least don't act like it's yours.

prove your copyright claim.
May 8, 2019 7:06 AM
Jul 2018
Vote: Phraze

For now.
May 8, 2019 7:07 AM

Jan 2010
AbuHumaid said:
Phraze said:

1. why do u think ppl don't read through rvs? rvs is usually the stage town looks into more than not. mafia are usually the ones to try to skip rvs, when the 'guard is down' so they don't have to make mistakes. preemptive moves in rvs isn't likely, as u are suggesting.
2. I said something. I built a train. u said I did nothing? 🤔

1. Oh trust me, people ignore early game a lot, I've seen it countless times before. Just because you backread RVS, doesn't mean everyone does.
2. I mean building a train is nothing honestly, any mafia could have pulled that off like I said. And what did you do after building that train? Nothing, you didn't pressure logic, you didn't question me why I voted logic, etc. progression on your vote is what counts
another townie abu post imo

@kiana_kaslana do you think phraze and abu are s/s? If not how are both in your scum read list?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 7:07 AM

Jan 2019
yurkin said:
yurkin said:
Omg this again

You had your lynch preference placed on people you suspected were the lost wolf

I asked why not mishu

You said you didn't saw anything suspicious out of her

I explained why I did on contrary saw that something

..... Then hell's you've been going on and on with this [bold] which is factually incorrect

Now I'm sure, since already mentioned it few times that you are indeed doing it on purpose to piss me off.

If you talk about the time I asked something like "you town read this?" about mishu wall post. That wasn't in attempt to change your mind but to state disagreement [I feel like that's pretty obvious but who knows it wasn't]

well, you talk in a weird way so a lot of things you think you said are obvious are actually making no sense to me. such as that super long weird irrelevant wall you posted just now. it was so weird that it made me stop scumreading you so hard any more.
May 8, 2019 7:08 AM

Jul 2009
I'm half asleep and for some reason thought conversion can happen through lynch, opening says dead and that's misleading

@Phraze what was your issue with the mechanic again?
May 8, 2019 7:08 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
AbuHumaid said:

1. Oh trust me, people ignore early game a lot, I've seen it countless times before. Just because you backread RVS, doesn't mean everyone does.
2. I mean building a train is nothing honestly, any mafia could have pulled that off like I said. And what did you do after building that train? Nothing, you didn't pressure logic, you didn't question me why I voted logic, etc. progression on your vote is what counts
another townie abu post imo

@kiana_kaslana do you think phraze and abu are s/s? If not how are both in your scum read list?

i read abu as groupscum and phraze as lost wolf. if my theory is correct they dont know/cannot confirm that they are both scum at the same time
May 8, 2019 7:08 AM

Jan 2010
I dont think abu/phraze are ever scum together here
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 7:10 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
logic340 said:
another townie abu post imo

@kiana_kaslana do you think phraze and abu are s/s? If not how are both in your scum read list?

i read abu as groupscum and phraze as lost wolf. if my theory is correct they dont know/cannot confirm that they are both scum at the same time
theoretically I understand what you're saying but from their interactions and from the way abu is going about treating phraze with the way you say she signaled I don't see it at all. Like not even a smidgen
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 7:11 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:
Mishu is so town, so I FoS on yurkin for trying to change my opinion suspiciously.

But not at the level of abu and phraze
Can you talk to me about your Abu read? He is one of my stronger town leans right now with a couple townie post that have already pointed out.

abu is really good at scum. if you trust him too easily you are just going to be in a trap.
May 8, 2019 7:11 AM
Jul 2018
Kiana_Kaslana said:
AbuHumaid said:
Hey @Kiana_Kaslana I appreciate that you like me and you're really into me, but Phraze being lost mafia is my read, be original, get your own reads., or at least don't act like it's yours.

prove your copyright claim.
AbuHumaid said:
I mean, mafia are the ones who would be interested the most in the lost bunny this early because it's mafia, not to mention that the post itself is useless, you're basically repeating what the OP is saying, you could be mafia signaling for the lost mafia but I don't want to get too wild with the theories yet. Also "choo choo" isn't really saying anything.
May 8, 2019 7:12 AM
Jul 2018
Kiana_Kaslana said:
logic340 said:
Can you talk to me about your Abu read? He is one of my stronger town leans right now with a couple townie post that have already pointed out.

abu is really good at scum. if you trust him too easily you are just going to be in a trap.
Thanks for the compliment.
May 8, 2019 7:13 AM
Jul 2018
@Phraze by the way, if you're town please don't lose your temper on me, let's not turn this into another petty back and forth between me and you like in previous games.
May 8, 2019 7:14 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

i read abu as groupscum and phraze as lost wolf. if my theory is correct they dont know/cannot confirm that they are both scum at the same time
theoretically I understand what you're saying but from their interactions and from the way abos going about treating phraze with the way you say she signaled I don't see it at all. Like not even a smidgen
AbuHumaid said:

Kiana_Kaslana said:

prove your copyright claim.
AbuHumaid said:
I mean, mafia are the ones who would be interested the most in the lost bunny this early because it's mafia, not to mention that the post itself is useless, you're basically repeating what the OP is saying, you could be mafia signaling for the lost mafia but I don't want to get too wild with the theories yet. Also "choo choo" isn't really saying anything.

hmm. interesting, you caught it pretty early, but didnt call out phraze as being lost wolf scum or pushed her hard in this post. sure, you have a copyright claim, but it's for a completely different product from mine. it's like you invented a spinning manual blender while i invented the fruit juice automatic electric blender. you don't get to file a copyright strike
May 8, 2019 7:14 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
logic340 said:
Can you talk to me about your Abu read? He is one of my stronger town leans right now with a couple townie post that have already pointed out.

abu is really good at scum. if you trust him too easily you are just going to be in a trap.
A lot of people are really good at scum.... if this is the one reason you're saying I shouldn't trust him I'm going to ask you to go re read his posts and the respond to me.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 7:15 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

i read abu as groupscum and phraze as lost wolf. if my theory is correct they dont know/cannot confirm that they are both scum at the same time
theoretically I understand what you're saying but from their interactions and from the way abu is going about treating phraze with the way you say she signaled I don't see it at all. Like not even a smidgen

maybe open your eyes wider then.

for someone who's voting me, it's hard for me to assess your credibility, sorry. i don't know if you are just not seeing it for real or on purpose
May 8, 2019 7:17 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

abu is really good at scum. if you trust him too easily you are just going to be in a trap.
A lot of people are really good at scum.... if this is the one reason you're saying I shouldn't trust him I'm going to ask you to go re read his posts and the respond to me.

so you are just townreading abu instead of disagreeing with "abu/phraze is s/s". that's a really long way to beat around the bush
May 8, 2019 7:19 AM
Jul 2018
Kiana_Kaslana said:
logic340 said:
theoretically I understand what you're saying but from their interactions and from the way abos going about treating phraze with the way you say she signaled I don't see it at all. Like not even a smidgen
AbuHumaid said:

hmm. interesting, you caught it pretty early, but didnt call out phraze as being lost wolf scum or pushed her hard in this post. sure, you have a copyright claim, but it's for a completely different product from mine. it's like you invented a spinning manual blender while i invented the fruit juice automatic electric blender. you don't get to file a copyright strike
I have been pushing Phraze since her first post, even before you showed up on the thread, my vote just came late, so I don't know what you're on about?
Also I did mention that Phraze could be lost wolf here too;
AbuHumaid said:
yurkin said:

Don't you see a lost bunny signalling instead? Don't get the logic of the mafia revealing themselves
My post applies to both mafia and lost mafia, I think either would do it, the logic is discovering the lost mafia ASAP, and it's not revealing per se.
May 8, 2019 7:20 AM

Jan 2010
Kiana_Kaslana said:
logic340 said:
A lot of people are really good at scum.... if this is the one reason you're saying I shouldn't trust him I'm going to ask you to go re read his posts and the respond to me.

so you are just townreading abu instead of disagreeing with "abu/phraze is s/s". that's a really long way to beat around the bush
I have never tried to hide the fact that I town read him. What have you been reading? Even if I did not town read him the interaction does not strike me as s/s, not even in the way you explained w/lw.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 8, 2019 7:21 AM

Jan 2019
AbuHumaid said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

hmm. interesting, you caught it pretty early, but didnt call out phraze as being lost wolf scum or pushed her hard in this post. sure, you have a copyright claim, but it's for a completely different product from mine. it's like you invented a spinning manual blender while i invented the fruit juice automatic electric blender. you don't get to file a copyright strike
I have been pushing Phraze since her first post, even before you showed up on the thread, my vote just came late, so I don't know what you're on about?
Also I did mention that Phraze could be lost wolf here too;
AbuHumaid said:
My post applies to both mafia and lost mafia, I think either would do it, the logic is discovering the lost mafia ASAP, and it's not revealing per se.

well, fine, credit is given.

your product is not the same as mine though, so copyright claim overruled
May 8, 2019 7:22 AM

Jan 2019
logic340 said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

so you are just townreading abu instead of disagreeing with "abu/phraze is s/s". that's a really long way to beat around the bush
I have never tried to hide the fact that I town read him. What have you been reading? Even if I did not town read him the interaction does not strike me as s/s, not even in the way you explained w/lw.

maybe im wrong. i just reread abu's posts and it seems towny now.

or maybe i fell into my own trap of reading abu as town when he is scum like i said before. lol
May 8, 2019 7:23 AM

Jan 2019
AbuHumaid said:
@Phraze by the way, if you're town please don't lose your temper on me, let's not turn this into another petty back and forth between me and you like in previous games.

what happened in previous games? can you give a bit more detail
May 8, 2019 7:27 AM
Jul 2018
Kiana_Kaslana said:
AbuHumaid said:
@Phraze by the way, if you're town please don't lose your temper on me, let's not turn this into another petty back and forth between me and you like in previous games.

what happened in previous games? can you give a bit more detail
We got salty at each other, then tunneled and scumread each other for ridiculous reasons. Both of us were town.
May 8, 2019 7:29 AM

Jan 2019
AbuHumaid said:
Kiana_Kaslana said:

what happened in previous games? can you give a bit more detail
We got salty at each other, then tunneled and scumread each other for ridiculous reasons. Both of us were town.

lol. did nobody else on the town help out to solve the issue?
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