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Sep 25, 2018 6:50 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiles "Great~ I'll get us some water" She went to look for plates and forks, also the flask of water. She went back and gave them to Theo and sat down again.

Sep 25, 2018 6:56 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


soon enough he would finish up cooking, and thanks to Kiany bringing over the plates he would be able to serve it quickly to the both of them. he would then sit with her as he started to eat. " so hopefully we will make it back to my home tomorrow, though it will probably get cold as we go up into the mountains." he would say warning her of what was to come next.
Sep 25, 2018 7:06 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiles "Not to worry, I can't wait to meet your family and see the snow~" She took the plate and started to eat

Sep 25, 2018 7:12 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would chuckle a little hearing her response, "haha lets hope that enthusism will keep you warm." he would say playfully as he wrapped one of his arms around her.
Sep 25, 2018 7:15 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She leans to him and says "I'll be fine, I generate heat when being in my wolf form" She kept on eating

Sep 25, 2018 7:21 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would finish up his food, before offering to take her plate when she was done. "want me to do the dishes? while you get our sleeping bags ready?" he would ask as the sun was already starting to set.
Sep 25, 2018 7:29 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods while giving him the empty plate. She would then drink some water and look for the sleeping bags. Then she would lay them on the ground and sit in one of them, waiting for Theo. She would look at the view and says "It reminds me of home...But with more trees" She giggles

Sep 25, 2018 7:32 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

after getting the plate from her, he would take a drink of water as well before starting the dishes. "oh? did you live near the water in your hometown as well?" he would ask curious to hear more about the place she came from.
Sep 25, 2018 7:42 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She made with her hand a gesture of half and half "It wasn't next to my home, but it was close by. It was the first stop my wolf pack made before going on a hunt and the last one when we came back" She smiles while thinking about her memories "Can't wait to see them again..." She hug her legs and stared at the view.

Sep 25, 2018 7:46 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would watch and listen as she spoke, telling him about some of her memories with her pack. Kiany then commented saying she couldnt wait to see them again, "yeah im sure it will be lots of fun. Want to call it a night?" he asked as he finished the dishes and laid down in his sleeping bag.
Sep 25, 2018 7:57 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods and lays down, she would grab his hand again and said "Night..." She closed her eyes and after some time felt asleep.

Sep 25, 2018 8:05 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Lying down with Kiany, and holding her hand as they were close to each other, the pair soon drifted off to sleep together.
In the morning, Theo would wake up first, thanks to a lizard crawling on his sleeping bag. he would spring up a bit causing the lizard to run away "huh oh it was just a lizard...guess i should get the horses ready." he would say to himself before gently shaking Kiany to get her up "hey its morning, time to get up." he would say and if she sat up he would go and get the horses back attached to the carriage.
Sep 25, 2018 8:11 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She wakes up and yawns, then sits and stretches "Morning" She said while getting up, folding the sleeping bags and putting them in the carriage. She then went to brush her teeth by the edge of the river. Then she fill up the flask and the other container of water.

Sep 25, 2018 8:18 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

After he would finish loading up the carriage he would join her in brushing his teeth. when he finished he would wait for her by the carriage before getting into the driver's seat and offering to help her up. Once they were both on the Carriage, he would crack the reins to get the horses moving again. Theo would smile at Kiany "got any good ideas to help pass the time on the road?"
Sep 25, 2018 8:31 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She got everything in the carriage, then used Theo's help to climb in. When he asked her what should they do, she answered "How about you tell me about your home? What you like? What you like to do for fun? Your favorite spots? How should I act toward your sister and father? Does your sister look like you?" She said this getting excited little by little as she speak

Sep 25, 2018 8:55 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

he would listen to what questions she had, thinking about his answers before saying them. "well its a small moutain town not too many people but big enough to where i still had some friends. I like a lot of different things, reading, hunting, swimming, and helping people in need. I usually spent my free time hanging out with my sister, playing some board game or reading some stories. How should you act? i guess just try and be yourself, that how i fell in love with you~ Nicole and I have the same hair color, but other than that we look pretty different haha." he would say trying to hit every point she brought up.
Sep 25, 2018 9:13 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She listens to Theo very attentive, she blush when he said to be herself. When he was done, she said "So her name is Nicole, I like it. What's your father's name?"

Sep 25, 2018 9:40 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would smile glad she was listening to him, "haha well that's good you like it. Ah my father's name is Benjamin, what are your parents names?" he would ask
Sep 25, 2018 9:50 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She 'uuu' then said "Benjamin, fancy" She smiles then answers "My mom is called Delilah and my father is called Anthony. So, after we go see your family, what should we do?"

Sep 25, 2018 10:02 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


he chuckled a bit at her reaction to his father's name, her calling it fancy before he asked about her parents names. Delilah and Anthony, Theo would speak after she finished asking her question. "oh? Delilah and Anthony huh? those seem like cool names. Well as long as there is enough snow on the ground, want to try skiing or snowboarding? there is even a shop you can rent stuff from in town." he would add
Sep 25, 2018 10:05 AM

May 2009
Sep 25, 2018 10:08 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Time would pass as they chatted and continued down the road. Theo would now be the one asking Kiany questions "have you ever been skiing before?" he would ask
Sep 25, 2018 10:20 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She shakes her head and says "I have never seen the snow before"

Sep 25, 2018 10:29 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

"oh yeah? well than you are in for a real treat, maybe i can get Nicole to join us for a snowball fight haha."
Sep 25, 2018 10:54 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiles and says excited "I can't wait~"

Sep 25, 2018 11:20 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


It was right around lunch time that the two would finally start their journey up the mountains, from the desert. Slowly the scenry would change from that of a desert to a road surrounded by trees, as they worked their way up.

"were getting close now, it shouldn't be much longer till we reach my hometown." he would say as they continued down the road. Theo would try and stretch a bit as he was getting tired of sitting.
Sep 25, 2018 11:28 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She asked Theo "Want me to drive now? Also, the unbearable heat is finally gone"

Sep 25, 2018 11:56 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Theo would think for a moment " nah were almost there, i got this. Though no matter how many times i see it, it still baffles me how those trees can live so close to the desert. I wonder what helps keep them going." he would say, as they continued down the road.

It would take a few more hours before they would finally arrive in Theo's home town of albein.
when they finally arrived Theo wouldn't stop at the inn or anything rather he would simply go past it to his old home. He would hold Kiany's hold as the carriage came to a stop. He would then yell out to his family "hey Father, Nicole, I've come to visit!" he would say only for there to be some thumping heard from inside the house. Within a matter of moments a girl would come running out the front door,
"huh Theo is it really you?! It is, Father come quick Theo's home." she would yell through the door before going to the side of the carriage to greet Theo. The siblings would hug each other before Nicole would sliently stare at Kiany, Theo was about to say something but before he could their father came out from the house with a bottle of booze in his hands.
"huh, well welcome back. hurry on in and you can help prepare dinner with Nicole." he would say before turning his back on the others and going back inside.
Theo on the other hand would look towards Nicole and sigh "i see he's made real progess."
"It's tough for him ya know.."
"yeah i know but he shouldn't take it out on us, i hope you've been well in the meantime."
"hehehe looks like im not the only one who has been well, aren't you going to introduce her?"
Theo would blush and smile as he realised they had left Kiany sitting there the whole time.
"well, This is Kiany, my girlfriend and more." he would say as she was still holding her hand curious how she would react to all that just happened.

Sep 25, 2018 12:21 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She leans on his shoulder while they reached their destination.

She would sit and wonder how will everyone react after the reunion. The first person she saw was a girl, she looked happy and nice. She noticed the girl staring right at her, Kiany waved at her while thinking She must be Nicole. Then she saw a man, which looked like a drunker. Theo would ask fast how she has been and talk about their daily lives. Nicole then would point at her, she smile again a bit nervous. When Theo introduce her as a girlfriend and more, she blushed and extended her hand while saying "Is very nice to meet you, Nicole, I'm Kiany"

Sep 26, 2018 6:58 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Before approaching the carriage Nicole would wave back at them before getting closer to start start a conversation with Theo. After some words the subject quickly changed back to the companion Theo brought with him. Kiany would introduce herself while offering a handshake to Nicole, the younger woman would walk to the other side of the Carriage to shake her hand. "its nice to meet you too Kiany, come on, let's get you inside. I'm sure you two are tired from your journey." she would say attempting to helo Kiany off the Carriage. In the meantime Theo would start to gey their bags and other things they might need off the carriage.
Sep 26, 2018 7:28 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She got embarrassed that she forgot to get off the carriage first. She would use Nicole's help and get down. Then she would nod fast at Noicole's comment and says "A pleasure" She would walk with Nicole to inside the house.

linetteSep 26, 2018 8:10 AM
Sep 26, 2018 7:37 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Theo would smile as it seemed like the two women were off to a normal start, Nicole seemingly dragging Kiany inside their home first, while Theo took his time getting their bags. When they were away from Theo's ears, Nicole would start to quesiton Kiany, "so you like my big brother right? can you tell me what you like about him?" she would ask Kiany while closing the distance between them so she couldn't escape.
Sep 26, 2018 8:09 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

The question got her off-guard, but she tried to answer as fast as sge could "Yes, I love him. I like everything about him, his kidness, how passive he is, how caring he is, how agressive he can be..." That last part put her in a trance and made her blush lightly.

Sep 26, 2018 8:26 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Nicole would smile seeing Kiany scramble to answer her question, saying she loved this and that about him before making a suggestive comment as she blushed and got lost in her own mind. Nicole would make a eek noise to show her disgust before laughing a little more. "i agree with all those points expect the last one, I couldn't been fine not knowing that. You don't find him weak or lacking at all though? I know healing magic is useful, but most woman want a stronger man who can protect them." she would say curious as to how Kiany would respond, but to her surpise Theo had made it through the door in time to hear what she asked causing him to drop one of the bags on accident before he picked it up and kept moving, this caused Nicole to look a little sheepish.
Sep 26, 2018 8:31 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

The last comment about Theo brough her from her trance, she frown a bit and said "He is not weak, sure his magic is limited like any magic, but he is strong and reliable."

Sep 26, 2018 8:40 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Kiany would disagree with Nicole, saying Theo wasn't weak rather he was strong and reliable, it made him feel a bit better as he moved their luggae to their room where they would be staying. Nicole would listen before talking some more "oh? i see, how did you two meet?" she would ask cotinuing to assult Kiany with questions unless someone stopped her.
Sep 26, 2018 8:45 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiles remembering how they met, then said "It was in the Garden of the Institute, the moment I saw him I felt my heart being capture by him. I first didn't know that it was love, as we started to pass time together I realised what it was"

Sep 26, 2018 8:56 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Nicole would listen closely as Kiany spoke and told her about their past. "oh what was he doing in the garden? he normally isnt one for flowers...but anyway its nice that you two gradually got closer. how long do you think you will be staying with us?" she would ask before Theo would come back and tap her shoulder "lets get cooking, you can just relax if you want Kiany" he would say as he pointed a finger towards the kitchen, Nicole would nod to him and the two would start to walk over to it and get out some various things for cooking. "lets make some steaks tonight, we just bought some this morning Theo."
"oh that sounds great ill go get them."
he would say as he moved to the ice box to remove the stakes from it and return to the kitchen with them.
Sep 26, 2018 9:02 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

Before ahe could answer, Theo took Nicole to the Kitchen to cook. She nod toward what Theo said and sat down in the nearest chair.

Sep 26, 2018 9:05 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Theo would call out to Kiany "is there anything you want on your steak?" he would ask
Sep 26, 2018 9:09 AM

May 2009
Sep 26, 2018 9:41 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


"okay" he would add as he went back to cooking with Nicole. when the two would finish, Theo would carry over a plate full of steaks before setting it down on their dinner table, Nicole following behind with some potatoes and corn. "dinners ready!" Theo would yell loud enough to be heard throughout the house. Their father soon coming out of his own room and making his way to the table. Wobbling a little as he walked, he managed to make it to the chair before taking another drink out of his flask, making Theo sigh before he would start to serve everyone. Once everyone had their plates and food and awkward slience broke over the table as Theo was unsure of what to say first. Kiany would likely notice his pained expression before someone would speak
"whats going on, who's this Theo? your new girlly friend? She's awfully too pretty for a broken person like you hahaha" The older man would say before digging into the food the kids prepared, Theo's expression would only worsen with his father's words, as he struggled to come up with something to say back, believing he was still partically broken. Nicole would simply be quietly eating not wanting to get involved.
Sep 26, 2018 9:50 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smile as Nicole and Theo would bring the food. She was going to eat when the father said some rude comment, she kept still as she transform only her lizard tail. She moved it and grab hold from the chair of Theo's father. She pulled it and made Theo's father fell, she would then smile and say "The food is great~" She started to eat as her tail vanished.

Sep 26, 2018 10:06 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


The two siblings would gasp as their father's chair was suddenly pulled out from under him, causing the man to fall to his bottom and curse a bit. When he would stand up he would look to Theo with a glare "oh so you think your tough shit now just cuz you go to some insitiute, well im still your father and i won't have you disrespecting me!" he would yell before throwing his flask at Theo's head. Normally it would have been something easy for him to dodge it, but he knew that would only continue to esclate things. Taking the hit would only piss him off, but he would grit his teeth for the time being as he tried to ignore his father and eat the dinner. Nicole would try and respond to what Kiany said "really? im glad you like it haha ha..."
Sep 26, 2018 10:14 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She noticed the father got mad, so she stay on guard. When the dad throw the flash, she would react and grab it. She stand up and said "Is rude to throw stuff, how can you ask respect from them if you don't respect them first? Also, don't you dare touch my man" She transform in her half-wolf form and growled at Theo's dad. "Fuck off if you don't intend to behave" She sat down and transforms back to her human form, then kept on eating . She smiles at Nicole and says "Now I know why Theo cooks so good~"

Sep 26, 2018 12:54 PM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo was expecting the flask to hit him, but then Kiany got up and caught it, before started to talk back to his father. The man would turn red with anger "who the fuck do you think you are? Coming into my house, and trying to tell me how to interact with my children. Could you respect someone who got the love of your life killed?! Dam kids dont understand a thing!" the man would say before leaving the dinner table and walking out the door of the house leaving all of them behind.
Theo would sigh as he walked to Kiany and grabbed her hand "thanks Kiany, for what you said, but i doubt any of it will actually reach him as he is.... I'm sorry you had to deal with it.." he said looking down worried she would think less of him.
"its been like this ever since her death, he blames Theo and cant get over it....and Theo just sits there and takes it so that doesn't help either...." she would add.
Sep 26, 2018 3:59 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiles at Theo and Nicole, then says "I can't know what is like to be in your position, but what I think is that this man doesn't deserve what you are bearing. He would understabd once he is left alone, you guys don't need to deal with this. You tried, he doesn't get it, you deserve to move on too..." Sge felt sge was getting into a restricted area, so she clear her throat and said "So, Nicole, what did you think of my powers? Also, would you like us to do something you like?" She would hold Theo's hand

Sep 27, 2018 6:19 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Theo and Nicole would look down as they agreed with what Kiany was saying, but still didn't want to give up on him. "Yeah I agree with you...but it is my fault...and i don't want to just give up on him..." Theo would say with a sour expression on his face. This would make Nicole sigh, " It's not your fault Theo, its that jerk Rogers, why can't you get that already." she was concerned for him but also annoyed.
It was then Kiany cleared her throat and tried to change the subject of the conversation as the group finished up their dinners. Nicole would glance over to Kiany again and tilt her head a bit, "i've never seen something of the sorts, are you simply changing apperance or does it do more?" she would ask a little curiously as Theo would softly squeeze Kiany's hand while he tried to relax.
Sep 27, 2018 7:10 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She explained "Oh, it does more. With the one you saw, I have night vision and better sences. I have 2 more, half-reptile, which was the one I used for making your dad fall, and half-bird." She would care Theo's hand, she wanted to say more but she was affraid to talk of something she doesn't quiet know.

Sep 27, 2018 7:19 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Nicole would listen as Kiany explained her magic to her, awwing every now and then as she thought of seeing them in action. "wow that sounds like it would be very useful, which one is your favorite?" she would ask with a giggle. Theo on the other hand would continue to stay quiet as he ate his food and let them talk.
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