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Jan 20, 2018 8:39 AM

Dec 2016

Name: (First name and last name)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Age: Must be over 17 or older, since it is a colleges. No immortal Characters
Magic: You can choose between the following
- Elemental magic: In which case you can choose an element and get abilities based on that element.
- Summoning magic: In this case, you may summon beast or magical creatures. Keep in mind that they also have to be consistent and have a same element.
- Transformation magic: You can can change your appearance, transform into animals and or mystical creatures. (Note: you cannot transform into someone else’s character...maybe at the very last rank, which you most likely won’t get there.
Magic explanation and abilities: Everyone starts off with 1 ability, you can learn more as you rank up.
Magic Cooldown:
- To keep things balance, all powers have to have cool downs, because nobody has unlimited amount of magical energy.
- We will measure that through posts.
- Example you use your powers on post one, then the next post is cool down so you can’t use it.
- That would be 1 post use, one post cooldown. Make sure to give yourself a decent cooldown based on the ability.
- All damage based abilities have to have the same post use as cooldown.
- No Percentage based powers. Our fighting system is basic and percentages are not taken into account during combat.
- No passive abilities. As stated before, everyone must have some form of post use/cool down. No exceptions.
Level:Everyone starts in Level 1
Personality: (How does your character acts, include likes and dislikes, traits, behavior. You can do a paragraph or bullet points.
Questions that will help you right out your character's personality

Appearance: picture please
Bio: (Summary of your life, goals and what not)
Questions to help you with the bio

[b]Magic explanation and abilities:[/b]
[b]Magic Cooldown:[/b]

Ze-LemMar 8, 2018 12:00 PM
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Jan 21, 2018 8:21 PM

Dec 2016
Name: Sakura megami
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Magic: light
Magic explanation and abilities:
Sakura gains light wings that allow her to fly
Magic Cooldown: 4 post use, 2 cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: Sakura is a super energetic and outgoing person. She is Cheerful all the time and can be found most of the times with a smile on her face. She has a talent for making people happy and tries her best to do so. She is clumsy, dense and can sometimes be seen as a total klutz, however she is really smart and isn’t someone you can take on lightly.
If she sets her mind on doing something, she will go out of her way to do it. She makes friends easily and tends to rely on them a lot. Overall she is just cheerful, honest, innocent and loyal.

Bio: Sakura is a super energetic and outgoing person. She is Cheerful all the time and can be found most of the times with a smile on her face. She has a talent for making people happy and tries her best to do so. She is clumsy, dense and can sometimes be seen as a total klutz, however she is really smart and isn’t someone you can take on lightly.
If she sets her mind on doing something, she will go out of her way to do it. She makes friends easily and tends to rely on them a lot. Overall she is just cheerful, honest, innocent and loyal.
Sakura comes from a family of personal guards. Her father and grandfather were very high payed guards. Sakura’s father wanted a boy. He was heavily disappointed when he found out it was a girl. For one reason or another, Sakura’s parents were not able to conceive more children after Sakura’s birth. This caused her father to treat her like a boy. He would dress her up as a boy and make her do heavy training. Training would be random and could include almost about anything. From climbing tall mountains to running laps around the city. Sakura’s mother didn’t like the fact that her little girl was dressing up like a boy so she complained about it and used what little money they had to buy her cute outfits. Her parents would constantly argue on the matter until they one day reached a truce. They agreed to train her but that she could dress as a girl or however she liked. Sakura’s personality was heavily shaped by her mother. Her mother was the type of person to bring smiles to peoples faces in moments of war and chaos. Her mother was the ray in her life and many others. Even in the saddest moments, her mother would always bring a smile to her face. She is very girly and bubbly just like her mom.
Sakura discovered her powers when she was 13. She climbed up a high tree and sat down on a branch while eating an apple. A few seconds in and the branch broke cause her o fall face first into the ground. Luckily for her, her wings appeared right before she hit the ground and she flew high into the sky. Sakura has now decided to enroll into Magic Institute and learn more about her powers as well as train to become an epic guard and protect people.
Jan 22, 2018 6:29 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Aiden Sakamaki
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Magic: Electricity/Lightning Element (Purple of Color)
Magic Abilities: Bolt: Aiden commands bolts of electricity.
Magic Cooldown: 1 post use, 1 post cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: Just like his magical element, he's energetic and carefree, he's quick to make friends and easy to anger.

Bio: Aiden used to be a problem child, and he technically still is. But he used to be worse before. Young Aiden enjoyed making trouble, and not the small scale trouble. Due to his early discovery of his powers, Aiden was often seen shocking his peers. It didn't leave long term scars, but the sight of him finding it electrifying was shocking. Eventually, he grew out of that phase as his power grew within him. His parents basically sent him to the institute to put his powers to good use. Aiden himself was really 'meh' about it and decided to just go with the flow.
Jan 22, 2018 6:37 AM

Dec 2016

I don’t see a problem, approved
Just put him in the character profile thread
Jan 22, 2018 11:02 AM

May 2009
Name: Kiany StHorts
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Magic: Transformation
Magic explanation and abilities:
Halfcanine, right now the only thing she can do is show some parts but not completely transform into one. She has try wolf, fox, dog. This implies also the senses: night vision, good smell, agility and velocity.

Halflizard, she can show some parts but not completely transform into one. She has try chameleon, Komodo dragon and simple lizard. This implies also the senses: can camouflage making hard to be spotted, deadly bite because saliva has venom. Also her skin is harder now because of the hard skin.

Halfbird, she can show some parts but not completely transform into one. This implies the senses: can see from afar, can fly, uses her claws as hands, reacts fast.

Magic Cooldown: 3 post, 2 cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: loves to explore, eat and spontaneous

Bio: She was raise close to the forest where she could interact with animals. That's how she learn about her powers, by trying to imitate them. Her parents weren't surprised since some of her ancestors had does powers too. They hear of the attacks and, for her safety, send her to the school.
linetteApr 30, 2018 7:05 PM
Jan 22, 2018 4:40 PM

Sep 2016
Name: Raiores Dragryder
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Magic: Summoning magic: Fire realm
Magic explanation and abilities: Summons creatures from a realm where flames exist everywhere, so it's impossible for anything to exist there unless it adapts to it, by flame manipulation. However, Rai can only open the gate enough to let their attacks move through.
Flame Resistance: Doesn't get burnt by the flames from the fire realm. Any other flames burn him.

Fireball: The user open the gate to let one of the fire realm's monsters throw an attack through it, a fireball.
Deals 1 damage when hits a target and doesn't cause strong burns or spread as flames.
Magic Cooldown: Flame resistance: Passive
Fireball: 2 posts
Level: 1
Rai has been through a lot of pain, loneliness, rejection, hate. That's why he hasn't been much friendly to those in his town. However, he plans to be friendly to those he will meet in the future as he wants to open a new page where he is a kind, friendly person. He hasn't had a friend for years, so he is gonna get along very well with the any he gets later. He has been through a lot of pain, he knows how bad it is, he knows how bad it is not having somebody he could lean on when he is weak, so he wants to be the one people lean on in the Times of their weakness, the one that takes all their pain away. Rai is often a kind person unless he really dislikes someone, as he has never wished anyone bad before no matter how much he didn't like them. He is forgiving and usually acts upon logic rather than let emotion blind him, but he isn't heartless. And he sometimes lets emotion blind him if he only could do that. Otherwise, he is really good at controlling himself and usually, before making any action, asks himself, what is the best thing for all that could happen and what must be sacrificed for it to happen, which helps a lot making the best choices. He likes making jokes. He doesn't have any hobbies but he likes eating. That's what he usually does. He really likes people despite what he has seen of them and wishes to make friends with people who don't fear him or his powers. Humans' kindness especially warm his heart and make him happy.

Has it been 17 years already. It was a dark day where Sun didn't rise. It was a day where many died. Smell of death roamed the hospital where a new born baby was born... Where the only survivor of his city was born. It was as if death came out of that child. Luckily, his powers were sealed, extracted from him and thrown into nothingness, where it would harm none. However, as his powers were being extracted from his body, his body became very weak, it almost lost all life is possessed, but a man gave him power. Power that his body controlled in place of death. It was only meant to support his body so that it lives, but it became a part of him quickly. and, as it was only strong enough to match magic powers possessed by the average person, the child was allowed to live as he was given to one of the town's residents to look over him. He was willing to, but he never had a choice anyway. It was the result of his actions that Rai still lives.

8 years have passed, as that child, Raiores, was lying in bed, crying himself to sleep again. It has been 2 weeks, he did that everyday. Flashbacks following a farewell crowded his mind as he remembered riding a dragon controlled by one he liked a lot, by who was a father and family for him. Flashbacks of a guy dying as he bid Rai farewell, as Rai escaped from the beast swallowing his only friend. Only had I been strong enough to stand and fight, you would be with me now... Said Rai with all power that was still left in him before he lost control and burst into tears. He had lost all he valued in his life. You gave me all I ever had... Even my name... Flashbacks followed again... You really like riding that thing, don't you? How about Dragryder? We don't know your second name so how's Dragryder, Rai? You like it? Haha!

More years have passed, Rai, now a teenager, now over all that happened in the last, looked over by the government, having learned a lot about his past through memories he had gained, woke up one day to learn he would be heading to an academy to master his magic after a month, as soon as he is 17. He continued his everyday life then, leaving his little apartment for a walk. Where could you be now? I really was fooled for a while... To think you were eaten by a monster, forgetting even that you controlled that monster. Why did you want me way, Eric? Rai continued walking, paying no attention where he was going. He eventually was tired and sat for a rest as he ordered a drink. It was just another day. Or so thought Rai. As he sipped from his drink, he just dropped the cup and stared, his eyes wide open, at a newspaper with the date of that day. Main article: Criminal Eric Zachary, executed earlier today.

That was the greatest shock Rai ever had in his life so far. He picked the paper at once and read through It. According to the paper, all who Rai ever cared for was a first grade criminal, having attempted to retrieve Rai's powers from the nothingness and killed all who stopped in his way.

A month has passed, Rai was over the shock, it was time for him to be headed for the academy. He expected shock to be over as he was leaving the town that never loved him, leaving the people who avoided him in fear of his power. However, there was one more in stalk for him. As he was about to leave, he picked a newspaper where he read the main article, Eric Zachary is alive. It seems Eric had escaped execution without government's attention somehow. The nothingness hasn't been stable lately as if someone has been roaming there or messing with it, but Eric couldn't get Rai's powers from there. It was sealed there way too well. However, no one knew where he could be, he was messing with them from a safe distance. It was another shock for Rai, but he was getting used to those already. He just continued heading to the academy as if nothing happened, doing nothing about that but thinking about it calmly as he was driven there. He was curious about what life was waiting him there, but not as much as he was about what Eric was planning. He expected to meet him one day, and planned to try get answer from him then, but that day has yet to come and Rai could not but wait for it.
RaioresMar 5, 2018 10:15 AM
Jan 22, 2018 11:37 PM

Dec 2017
Name: Mao Takahashi

Gender: Female


Magic:Summoning magic

Magic explanation and abilities:

Magic Cooldown:2 posts 2 magic cooldowns

Level:Level 1

Personality: Mao is very shy and tries to keep her feeling hidden and give fake smiles so no one worries about her but still want to meet new people. She likes her friends and if new people come along,she will try her best to help everyone out and keep everyone happy.She is motivated by the thought of all the wonderful friends she might find.but she fears being alone...she respects others opinions.tries her best to give all she can and be polite and can get to be very emotional. Mao would most likely be embarrassed if someone were to help her but her not to have any way to repay them,or causing a fail in the mission.Mao likes to sing in her free time.


Bio:When she had been living a happy life with her parents until she was 4 when her father had been infected with a rare disease that had no cure,not long after her father passed away her mother never giving a reason abandoned her daughter only leaving little fox at her care. until her grandparents found out what had happened when going for a visit and took in their granddaughter which formed her unsocial personality trying not to be abandoned again.when she was 15 she was getting to be more open when she met felix he was a kind cheerful guy always trying to get Mao to meet more people and be more social.but what she didn’t know was that felix had his own problems that she never knew about,until one afternoon they informed Mao that he was in a hospital and he might not make it she went as fast as she could when she saw him she tried to take back the tears to not make him worry, but felix just told her to make a promise with him,he told her to forget him and meet new people.Mao right after he had finished confessed to him wanting him to know what she felt for him before he left but he just smiled and said he had always loved her to that was the moment when the disease took his life.Mao was devastated and went back to her shyness and started fearing to be left alone again.hearing the news and seeing how she was left her grandparents sent her out to come to the magic institute hoping she would find someone that she could make as speical and dear that would be able to make her forget felix.
_Ashie_Mar 11, 2018 11:41 AM
Jan 23, 2018 7:54 AM

Dec 2016

Approved, have fun
Jan 23, 2018 8:11 AM

Dec 2016

Approved, have fun
Jan 23, 2018 4:13 PM

May 2013
Name: Theo Ryder
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Magic: light
Magic explanation and abilities:
healing touch:


Simultaneous heal:

Magic Cooldown: 1 post use for small cuts, bruises, 2 post cool down. For a sprain or muscle damage 2 post use, 4 post cool down. A single broken bone, or major lasoraction takes 3 posts use and 6 post cool down.
Level: 5
Personality: Theo is a kind hearted individual who hides behind his tough exterior to avoid confrontation. He generally doesn't have a problem making friends or socializing, he always just hated when people would ask about his scar. Sometimes he answers honestly, other times with sarcasm, it usually depends on the person he's with. He can be a bit protective of the people he cares for, but he knows his limits. He enjoys exercising, and loves to swim.

Shitsuji-CartyFeb 10, 2018 9:46 PM
Jan 23, 2018 7:59 PM

Dec 2016

with the power invested in me, I APPROVE!
Jan 24, 2018 7:35 PM

Jan 2017
Name: Cain Armicanius
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Magic: Elemental; Gold
Magic explanation and abilities:

  • Touch of Gold: He can turn any small object to gold for three posts, following the following rules/limitations:

    • Only one object
    • He must be touching the object in some way (clothing counts, as long as he’s wearing it), the moment he stops touching it the effect will stop. He can move the effect to another object while the ability is active though.
    • While the ability is being used, an object must be affected
    • Object cannot exceed a meter in size
    • If the object is bigger than one meter, he can use his power on a part of it (previous rule still applies)
    • The object cannot be a person/character
    • If the object is something he owns, he can make the effect permanent (still has cooldown though)

Magic Cooldown: 3 post use, 4 post cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: Cain is very enthusiastic about tasks and social situations, and is typically energetic. He seems to have absolutely no sense of decorum at times, doing whatever comes to mind, and tends to say and do things that make no sense to people, including himself sometimes. He is quite paranoid in the way that he is suspicious of absolutely everything, but he sees this as normal, and doesn’t let this get in the way of socializing. He sees combat as a sort of game, and is “somewhat” of a masochist, so it’s no wonder he enjoys it, though he holds no ill will towards opponents, or nearly anyone for that matter.


Jan 24, 2018 7:46 PM

Dec 2016

yo! your character is going to get kidnapped because of his powers. Shit, He can make someone rich in a matter of seconds!
by the power invested in, I approve
Jan 25, 2018 4:36 PM

Sep 2014
Name: Shen Rong

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Magic: Summoning magic

Magic explanation and abilities: Can summon fox spirits and monster like:

These monsters/spirits are capable of fighting, yet are not extremely proficient in it. These monsters/spirits are good at stealing and spying. They are also good at gathering information. The monsters are as strong as the summoner herself. Shen Rong has made a contract with these monsters/spirits and they originally were just slaves of her family. Currently, she has 1 fox that she owns and she can only make a contract with fox spirits.
Shen Rong can summon all of her foxes at one time but that drains all of her energy.

Magic Cooldown:1 post, 1 cooldown

Level: 1

Personality: Shen Rong may come off as prideful and arrogant young lady and that is absolutely the case. She wants to be the best at everything, therefore, she works extra hard to be good at her studies and magic.
She is an apathetic human being that almost never interferes with other peoples business unless they are her close friends or loved ones. However, despite all of this she does not harbour any ill feelings towards anyone and despises people who purposely cause troubles for others.
Shen Rong is somewhat a perfectionist and it ticks her off than she fails at something or then people fail to meet her expectations. However, she tends to keep her frustration to herself.
She abhors all insects as she finds them to be unbearably disgusting but apart this irrational hate she is quite logical and rarely gives in to her emotions as she thinks that emotional people are weak.


Bio: Shen Rong comes from a well-off family and has spent her childhood living in luxury, however, she was born in as part of the branch family instead of the main one. And due to that, she was incapable of learning her family's passed down magic. But despite that, Shen Rong was born with a good magic aptitude and her ability was noticed by the main branch. After a long discussion, it was decided that Shen Rong will be allowed to learn the basic magic and was send abroad to deepen her knowledge in Institute of Magic. However, this was agreed on one condition, after finishing her studies, Shen Rong would have to come back home and marry into the main branch as a side wife of the young master. Shen Rong was horrified by this condition as she is unwilling to marry that person as this young master is a terrible person who frequents alcohol and women. Therefore, Shen Rong has made a firm decision to run away after finishing her studies and becoming a magician.
LibertiaJan 26, 2018 8:27 AM
Jan 25, 2018 9:30 PM

Dec 2013
Name: Annalise Revaris

Name: Lucian Revaris
Ze-LemJan 25, 2018 9:35 PM
Jan 26, 2018 8:53 AM

Dec 2016

Approved :D
Jan 26, 2018 8:53 AM

Dec 2016

Approved :D
Jan 26, 2018 9:01 AM

Dec 2013
Success !
Jan 27, 2018 1:18 PM

Jun 2015
Name: Fyrus King
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Magic: Elemental magic, Dark Flames
Magic explanation and abilities: Fyrus can use dark flames, it's a variation of the fire elemental magic, the black colour of his flames exist because the flames he creates use as a fuel the light itself. So, oxygen, something to burn, and the light itself, thanks to that, his flames are usually stronger than normal fire... But it doesn't emit light and it also is harder to control than normal flames, if he loses it's control he can hurt himself.
His ability is to use that flame to turn a single object to ashes, an object that is not bigger than 1 meter, or cause a 2nd degree burn if used on someone skin. Another rule for this ability is that he can't desintegrate anything made of any kind of metal, because his flames are still not hot enough to reach the melting temperature, but it's strong enough to reach the temperature of making the metal hot enough to cause a person not being able to touch it for some time.
Magic Cooldown: 1 post use 5 cooldown.
Level: Level 1
Personality: Fyrus is someone who is seen as an arrogant person, he always thinks he is better than the rest, and for him that's true, there is no one of his level that he has ever meet, but, that doesn't mean he likes to step on people, it's quite the contrary, those who he considers "friends" are treated as nobles, and he is always kind to a friend.
Fyrus won't hesitate on pointing a mistake, or any act that he thinks the person couldn't do it because of not paying enough attention or because of lack of knowledge, making him sound rude, but he is usually just trying to fix the mistake.
He has a not common sense of humour, which mixes his arrogant persona, with some puns and things sometimes totally out of character... but this is only shown when he finds himself among people he can trust.
He is usually quite if the event doesn't interest him, but he is quite talkactive when it's something that catch's his attention.
He doesn't like group conversations where he isn't the one in control of it.
He preffers talking on private, with only 1 or 2 persons instead of a group.
He really loves swords.


Bio: Fyrus who has always been arrogant comes from a poor family, he always had what to eat, but they couldn't really afford many luxury things.
When Fyrus was a kid, around 3 years old, he cast his first dark flames, he did it on himself, at his right leg, fortunately, the flames were still weak, and he doesn't bear a burn scar on it.
At 5 years old, he started to play with his flames at florests, but he would only be able to create burn some minor things, and the flames would never spread...
When he was 8 years old, a noble saw him during night using his dark flames near a normal bonfire, the usage of his dark flames consumed part of the light near the bonfire itself while turned a piece of log into ash instantaneously.
That facinated the Noble who couldn't couldn't actually see very well what happened there, but he knew that the child he had encountered was a special one...
Thus, that noble man approached the kid and asked for him to repeat what he had done so he could see it clearly this time...
Amazed by Fyrus the Noble adopted him, taking him out of his poor family in exchange of turning them a bit rich, and turned Fyrus into a Noble like him.

From then on, Fyrus kept making his fire stronger as he trained... but the training wasn't good enough, that's when this noble decided to send Fyrus to the Institute of Magic so that he could get stronger, and learn how to use that flames that he has never seen anyone use before.
fyruskingJan 27, 2018 1:22 PM
A Gift By: Natsukage
Jan 27, 2018 7:48 PM

Dec 2016

Both Approved :D
linetteFeb 20, 2018 6:24 AM
Jan 28, 2018 6:42 AM

Mar 2017
Name: Hideyo Saitou
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Magic: Air Magic
Magic explanation and abilities: Enhance: Makes anything stronger and better overall to use or wield by concentrating air around that thing. For example, a dagger would have a longer reach than normal and can make air slashes that can hurt an opponent if the opponent was 30 steps away or less.
Magic Cooldown: 2 posts use, 2 posts cooldown.
Level: 1
Personality: Saitou Hirai is just your daily average normal person. He wants peace and quiet, though he doesn't mind company and wants to have friends that he can rely on and hang out with. When he needs some space and alone time, he doesn't want anyone to disturb him no matter what happened. He thinks that he is generally a nice person and doesn't want to be evil or do anything bad intentionally.

Bio: Nothing unusual has happened to him. He lives an average normal life. Though, that might change I guess. Anyways, he isn't really that special. Though, he isn't really a weak person. Since he was a child, he was getting trained by professionals so he can become stronger and learn skills like how to use weapons and such. They weren't harsh and were actually nice people. Thanks to those people, he wasn't actually weak. Though, he might need some improvements so he can get stronger.
AcellahFeb 24, 2018 12:31 AM
Jan 28, 2018 8:37 AM

Dec 2016

your power can be 2 post use, two post cooldown
Jan 28, 2018 8:50 AM

Jul 2014
Name: Anaru Kobayashi
Gender: Female
Age: 20 (February 20th)
Magic: Summoning Magic
Magic explanation and abilities: While in her 1st personality, she is quite inept at magic, being only able to summon creatures such as rabbits and butterflies. However, while in her 2nd personality she becomes much more adept at magic, being able to summon one White tiger with black stripes to help her in battle. While the Tiger seemingly has not supernatural abilities, it definitely isn't a normal tiger, only time will tell if anything else will come from this summoned companion.
Magic Cooldown: 2 post use, 2 post cooldown
Level: 1
Personality 1:
She's a shy, polite and slightly self conscious person who can sometimes get attached to others.
Personality 2:
She's aggressive and standoffish, generally hard to approach except for the few people she becomes attached to in her 1st personality
Appearance: 1 (Shy Personality)

Appearance 2:

Sodalicious_Mar 4, 2018 6:59 AM
Jan 28, 2018 11:32 AM

Dec 2017
Name: Miyuki Inabe

Gender: Male


Magic:Summoning magic:can summon a white wolf that can use freezing powers

Magic Cooldown: 2 posts and 2 cooldowns

Level: 1

Personality: he is a very cheerful, kinda shy guy never likes to see anyone cry tries to always do his best and help in whatever he can also very overprotctive at times...he likes to play violin and is very emotional quiet and likes reading


Bio: he spent his life hidden away since he was 15 because of unknown reasons with a woman he considered his mother that he had met when he was 4 since his mother had died when he was only 4 she was very sickly but always tried to take good care of him so to repay her so did he but she got even worst and died when he was 16 her last wish for him was to go out to the magic institute to get better at his summoning and to find what had been something he had always been looking for something he could sense he had to protect.
_Ashie_Feb 14, 2018 5:47 PM
Jan 28, 2018 11:45 AM

Sep 2016
Name: Eric Zachary
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Magic: Summoning magic: multi-versal serpent
Magic explanation and abilities: Allows the user to access realms that are not his, by permission of those whom they belong to, to summon creatures from there, but can only take what belongs to the serpent species.
Inferno Snake: Creates a link with Rai's realm summoning a flame bending snake to his service. The snake shall follow Eric's orders long as they don't defy greater orders as those of their summoner, in this case Rai. The snake can throw a fireball every 2 posts but can't fight physically, has a life span of half the summoner's and returns to where it came from to recover once defeated. Water deals twice the damage when used against it and flames deal half of it.
Magic Cooldown: Inferno Snake: 5 posts after it's defeated or 3 after its desummoned
Level: 1
Personality: A kind person who hates seeing any in any of the pain he has once suffered. Often uses sarcasm and a lot of humour. Very rarely talks as if serious about something, even if he is. Willing to help anyone in need for free, but likes keeping the reputation of the greedy, big fat liar. That guy is willing to do anything for money or so he pretends. He can think by logic most of the time, but emotions cloud his vision and thoughts when very strong. He has experienced being a father in a way before, so he has the experience and maturity. He likes to keep some things hidden for some reason, especially the personal things. Too lazy to do anything that doesn't interest him. Pretty good at finding his way around and trouble he faces. Despite all that, he cares about his researches and keeps them secret from all.

RaioresJan 29, 2018 8:25 AM
Jan 28, 2018 11:55 AM

Dec 2016

Jan 28, 2018 1:38 PM

May 2013
Name: Hiro Crossfield
Gender: male
Age: 18
Magic: Fire elemental
Magic explanation and abilities: Smokey cloud: using his hands he expels a thick black smoke that is hard to see through, and doesn't dissipate unless he wants it too, or he goes too far away from it.
Magic Cooldown: 1 post use, 2 post cool down
Level: 1
Personality: Hiro is a quiet young man who prefers to keep to his own thoughts rather than speak with others. He doesn't mind speaking one on one, but any more than that and he feels like his presence starts to fade. He's often scared of new things as he chose to live life in his own little bubble until his parents sent him to the institute. He loves games and manga.

Shitsuji-CartyFeb 1, 2018 4:44 AM
Jan 29, 2018 1:20 AM

Jul 2017
Name: Kai Satan/Kai White
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Magic: Lightening (Dark)
Magic explanation and abilities: ◕ Thunder Strike : Shooting the electricity to the opponent.
Magic Cooldown: 1 post use, 1 post cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: Kai has a good heart but he scares from his own power. He scares that he might end up hurting others. That's why he keeps the distance from others. He gets angry easily when anyone badmouth about his family. He loves listening music.

NebuchadnezzarIIJan 29, 2018 7:05 AM
Forget not that the
earth delights to
feel your bare feet
and the winds long
to play with your

—Khalil Gibran
Jan 29, 2018 5:40 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Rosaline "Rose"
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Magic: Light Elemental
Magic explanation and abilities: Despite her dark personality, Rose is adept at wielding Light Magic in multiple ways that involve deception.
  • Light Bending: Allows her to cast illusions onto the field, which can directly affect her and her surroundings only. It doesn't directly affect others. Although indirect effects may include, but isn't limited to, trickery on sight. The illusion stays active until the affected figures out that it's an illusion, or until Rose is too far away.

Magic Cooldown: 1 post use, 1 post cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: Kind and cheerful, she's a very gullible girl. Easily manipulated, and to anger. She likes to play around and tease. Or so others think. Rosaline is actually a very psychopathic person. Enjoys toying around with others, making them think she's an innocent girl. She does enjoy playing around and teasing, but not in the innocent way. She also enjoys manipulating people.

Discount66Jan 29, 2018 5:49 AM
Jan 29, 2018 7:56 AM

Dec 2016
@Shitsuji-Carty, @Kai_N_Walker, @Discount66
All are approved! :D
Jan 30, 2018 5:29 AM

Dec 2016
Jan 30, 2018 3:43 PM

May 2009
Name: Garrett Iwa
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Magic: Elemental-Earth
Magic explanation and abilities: He can manipulate pieces of earth so they stick to his hands and forms a kind of rock glove to fight.
Magic Cooldown: 2 post use, 1 cooldown
Level: 1
Personality: he is quiet, has a bit of a temper and is not very sociable. He does speak when is necessary. Likes to play a flute in his free time and sometimes invent new melodies.

Bio: He comes from a village that has little fauna and almost everything is dry, which is bad since it leaves them expose plus is hard for them to grown anything. Still, he loved this place and the village was able to prosper. The tattoo he has represents that he has powers and brown for the kind that is earth. He came her because he wants to get better so he can help out his village in the future.
linetteFeb 1, 2018 6:58 AM
Jan 30, 2018 7:40 PM
Jan 2018
Name:Kai Akiya
Magic:Shadow Element
Magic explanation and abilities:
Magic Abilities
Shadow Manipulation:
-Manipulate sharp blades of shadows to cut the opponent

When Leveled up:
Manipulate a wall of shadows for protection
Manipulate a shadow mist to make it hard for the opponent to see

Shadow Magic Notes:
-Stronger at night
-Weak against light elemental

Normal Abilities:
Kai is skilled at combat since he has been doing it from a young age.
Kai is skilled at throwing knives and daggers.

Magic Cooldown:2 post use, 1 post cooldown
Personality:Kai doesn't want to get involved with anyone else because he thinks it is unneeded. He is determined to become stronger and thinks friends are not needed. He's dark, always listening and barely ever talking and if someone talks to him he probably would ignore them. His personality is like this because of what happened 10 years ago. (In bio) If someone is in danger he would go out of his way to save them but it doesn't mean he would be there friend. Kai doesn't want to get attached to someone and lose them again.

Bio:Kai grew up in a village where he lived with his Mum and Dad in a small house. His father told him if he wanted to survive he had to become stronger. So he practiced martial arts with his grandpa who trained the local kids. Kai was a bright kid who loved his family and friends. He loved to play with the local kids and help out everyone. But one day it all came falling down. When Kai was 7, on the day he won the martial arts fighting competition against the other kids and one a medal, dark spirits that came from the forest were terrorizing the village. The sky was dark and people were screaming and shouting for help. Houses came falling down as the dark spirits rampaged through. His grandpa told Kai and the rest of the kids to stay at the training house and wait for the village's mages to fend off and protect the villagers from the dark spirits. But Kai couldn't wait. He realised that a dark spirit was near his house. A sudden erge kicked in and he ran out without thinking. He ran and ran tears coming out of his eyes while he thought of his parents. But it was too late. He ran to the road of his house and saw a big dark demon spirit, wings wide, red eyes and black mist coming off of its body. The dark demon screamed as Kai's house fell to peices. Kai couldn't move. Fear struck him while he stared at the demon. The demon turned its head at Kai who was staring at it unable to move. It flew straight towards the medal Kai was holding and possesed his left hand. Kai was in pain as the demon went up his arm trying to devour his soul. As it traveled up his arm what it had possessed turned black. In the flash of the moment Kai put his hand in a fire from one of the burning houses. Kai was in pain while the demon was burned to death in his arm.
Kai woke up in his Grandpa's training house in the morning. He was told that the dark spirits destroyed most of the village and killed most of the people, unfortunately including his parents. Kai blamed himself for not being strong enough and as a result he chose never to have a connection to anyone from that day because he might lose them again. From what happened on that day lead him to the attitude he has today. As a result of the possession Kai had gained shadow magic and had gained wings and an arm made of shadows. His grandpa continued to train him in combat so he could become stronger and Kai chose to go to the Institute of Magic.

Goals: To become stronger, so he can protect his village.

Likes: Custard because it's what his Mum used to make.

Dislikes: People who ask him to many questions, people who keep talking to him to when he doesn't want to, people who don't know common sense, people who are annoying :p

KaiAkiyaJan 31, 2018 10:26 PM
Jan 30, 2018 8:39 PM
Jan 2018
Name: Nate Wooldern
Age: 17
Magic: Elemental (mostly it's lighting)
Magic abilites: "Quick Flash" - with a little electricity he is able to move a lot faster than usual for up to five minutes at a time
Cooldown: 2 post usage & 2 posts cooldow (because he has to concetrate in the process)
Level: 1
Personality: Nate's noted to be a carefree guy but at the same time is kind of a slacker. He dislikes being those that are aggorant or try to use him as that bothers him. He likes cloud watching and has a jog every morning in order to improve on his agility. He also likes learning new forms of magic as it would help him out in the long run.



For as far as he's concerned his father was killed when he wa really young and for the most part has been raised by his mother. He is noted to be an only child but did feel enivous towards those who do have at least one sibling (currently or at one point). He gets along with his mother just fine as she was the one who taught him how to use elemental magic. There was a cat that was named Snickers (because it snickered a lot) that had a habit of scratching him. He is still single but is perfectly okay with dating anyone regardless if they can transform or even is the same gender as him.

(I believe for now that is the best that I can do and will try to be active on here as much as I possibly can).
Sakura_megamiJan 31, 2018 9:11 PM
Jan 30, 2018 11:19 PM

Dec 2014
Name: Silica Lou Rayvin

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Magic: Elemental Magic (Ice)

Magic explanation and abilities:

Magic Cooldown:

(I wanted to go with something kinda unique but I'm more than happy to rework all of this if you think it doesn't quite work. I haven't RPed in about two years so my perception of pace and how things work are probably a bit off.)




Now to go to bed and hope this makes some sort-of vague semblance of sense (it's 7am and I've been trying to come up with ideas for this from start to finish since like 4am) ;-;
DJ_AriaJan 31, 2018 9:11 AM
Jan 31, 2018 2:41 AM

Dec 2013
Just take out dash from the first img and ]

Best I could do to get you the pic you're using
In a way that you can post it using the BB coding
Jan 31, 2018 9:18 AM

Dec 2014
Ze-Lem said:
Just take out dash from the first img and ]

Best I could do to get you the pic you're using
In a way that you can post it using the BB coding

Fair enough. Thanks, changed.
Jan 31, 2018 9:09 PM

Dec 2016

He can only start of with one ability, he can gain more as he levels up
Jan 31, 2018 9:12 PM

Dec 2016

Jan 31, 2018 9:14 PM

Dec 2016

She can only start of with one ability and it can't be too powerful
freezing a whole human being should not be possible for a level one mage
you can get there if you are active, its easy to get level points and rank up.
Jan 31, 2018 10:31 PM
Jan 2018
Sakura_megami said:

He can only start of with one ability, he can gain more as he levels up

Okay, got it. How about @linnete 's character Garret Iwa. He has 2 abilities, Rock glove and "manipulating anything to get it surrounded by rocks".
Feb 2, 2018 12:15 PM

Dec 2013
You can only use one ability at the beginning
As she levels up she can unlock more
But everyone starts with only one ability
So idk how you'd want to decide which one she'd use
Since the way you have it is eh
Slightly confusing
With the way you have it separated
Feb 2, 2018 12:22 PM

Jan 2016
well as for a quick explanation
Flame control and Flame kindle are something like passives in games they are not abilities in the proper way,I thought I should explain her basic power to have some ground work for new abilities
the true ability is fire ball were she combines the two and consumes her mana reserve of three turns wort of mana
Feb 2, 2018 12:35 PM

Dec 2013
Ah ok
Makes sense now
So if that's really her only true ability in terms of actual usage
Then youre fine
But as for the mana stuff
We don't really have a mana system per say
So it's really not necessary or well .. don't see how it would really properly fit in this sort of rp
Since stuff is just easily based on usage and the cooldown posts
Feb 2, 2018 12:39 PM

Jan 2016
than I'm gonna make a quick edit and just see how it goes
Feb 2, 2018 12:52 PM

Jan 2016
Name Chandra Nalaar
Gender Female
Age 20
Magic Fire
Magic explanation and abilities

  • Abilities gained from birth

    • Flame control :Controls the fire and heat in a area around the user , it's not limited to her fire and can control any external source in range. This ability has a large area of effect and doesn't consume almost any mana making her impossible to combat in the event of a large amount of an external source of flames.
    • Flame kindle:Can generate fire from mana ,the temperature and efficiency is dictated by the power level.
      Right now she is able to generate flames as hot as 800°C. At top potency he can generate fire for 20 seconds,but if she just wants to keep a small fire lit it's mana consumption is very low and can go as long as four days.

  • Abilities resulted from "Flame control" and "Flame kindle" : When the two combine she can evoke great power but after that is impossible to generate more fire with "Fire kindle" before her cool down is up ,this may evolve with her level.

    • "Fire ball" - Shoots a ball of fire of 0.5 meters diameter that explodes on target ,heat generated is of her maximum output and the explosion is of 2 meters diameter - Magic Cool down: 1 post use, 1 post cool down

Level 1

Chandra is particularly good with fire and uses it to resolve whatever situation she might be in. She values ingenuity and improvisation with her magic. She is passionate, impulsive, and doesn't much like authority, as typifies characters tightly bound to the fire nature. Even though Chandra is proud of her independent nature, she also recognizes the volatile nature of her inner fire.
That might be said but she is also an innovative and intelligent person and pursue her passion of creating gadgets in her free time besides her magic improvement training
Even if she was deemed attractive and was confessed many times she flat out refuses and just has no interest in love her only passion being her gadgets

Chandra was born on Kaladesh, with a "mother who was strict, father who was gentle, two sisters who [she] hated, and an older brother who she adored" in her own words. Her brother was killed in a war at some point. As she grew older, Chandra began to practice and play with her fire abilities, which came to her as naturally as breathing, more and more. However, on her home country, magic was strictly banned for the commoners, and her parents pursued many ends in an attempt to "cure" their daughter of her wild streak. Believing that "a husband and children would do her good," they planned to marry her to one of the local boys.Outraged she left her home city and traveled to the academy gates in search for a life of freedom were she can perfect her magic and magic instruments


AnonimRApr 1, 2018 9:43 AM
Feb 2, 2018 12:54 PM

Jan 2016
Ok so this is the edited version ,I hope I made it more easy to understand
Feb 2, 2018 1:13 PM

Dec 2013
You're approved
Feb 2, 2018 8:13 PM

Nov 2016

Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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