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May 29, 2017 7:42 AM
Dec 2015
So i'm curious too see how often people here consider suicide?
i'm also interested to know how often suicide attempts, self harm rates and any other thing surrounding this sort of topic.
i'm i am very interested in hearing any bodies stories about depression, anxiety and the nature of people becoming Hikikomori.
i'd love to open some discussion on these topics so feel free to talk to me privately or just in this forum i'd love to get to know more of you!

I don't think it's fair to ask about any one life story before sharing my own so i'll tell a little about me.
My name is Brad, i'm currently 20 years old and living in Sydney Australia.
i first experienced depression at the age of 13,going through high school was fairly rough, bullying that sort of thing i always pretended to be someone else to fit in rather then be myself, i got so good at lying and playing a part that i forgot where the lies stopped and where i stood.
At the age of 13 i promised myself that i'd get through high school without killing myself as long as when i finished if i still felt suicidal that i'd do it. i started self harming myself around this age. i somehow manged to get through high school with a record of suicide attempts and a whole lot of scars.
i finished High school and started working as a mechanic which i considered a dream job, met a girl to this very day i consider perfect, lost the girl and the job went through so many job searches and failed job interviews which became my slow descent into Hikikomori.
Have been a full Hikikomori for about a year now and have just recently decided to give life one final 100% try, and that's where i'm at now.

That turned out to be so much longer then intended anyway hope you can share your story i'd be interested to hear them.

Yours sincerely
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May 31, 2017 5:28 AM

Apr 2012
2 attempts if you can call it that. No self harm, I don't like pain. I'm 24, in Brisbane. Centerlink's system fucked me up.

Was also like you in high school, just tried to 'fit in'. Now I realize how stupid that must've looked cos after graduation you find out which one sticks and which ones don't. Deleted all my 'high school friends' off facebook, and I wasn't that close with primary school friends anymore (and being in another country isn't helping at all), so I haven't had a single friend to have real talk with in close to a decade now.

Did some kitchen hand during year 12, bitch ass of a boss/manager/superior got me fired, and it seems that made a trauma more than I realized it, and hasn't been working/couldn't get hired since then. Not with my blank-paper equivalent of a resume anyway.

After I finished high school, I did TAFE for 1 year (quit) and just been on and off education since then. I did architecture, the regulations was so bullshit, I left. I did Japanese, got too good at it I was treated like an alien. Also realized there isn't much prospect in translations so I stopped trying really hard. Tried architecture a 2nd time, I could understand the shit, but when you just don't like something to the point of almost puking everyday....that should say something. Left permanently. Back to hikikomori for some time, and thought 'when am I gonna quit this kind of life?', so I took Cert 3 in Logistics. Going to class was fine, but then as soon as that was over and I had to look for work, I got real depressed and anxious and back to hikikomori again.

Almost got a job with coles beginning of this year, only to find out I was only rolled around on someone's hand. In the end I only got the generic 'unfortunately blablabla but we look forward to blablabla' bullshit email.

Trying to start fresh now. I start school again July 10. Just curious how long this one can go on before something bad happens again. I'm on Newstart atm, my only hope is when I move to Austudy, the stress isn't as much. If this new study isn't working out, I'm either just gonna be done with life and let it flow or I might do some apprenticeship on either electrician or mechanics. Not keen on the former but I love cars. Whether my weak-ass physique can handle it or not, I don't know.
MumeiHikkiMay 31, 2017 5:31 AM
May 31, 2017 5:49 AM
Dec 2015
i think i understand how you feel, i also found out that not many people from high school actually are your friends because they want to be, rather an obligation because you have the same classes and what not. well if you never need anyone to talk to i'd be glad to listen. i know that's just some bullshit cliche that everyone says but truly hit me up whenever.

i know exactly what you mean, so hard to find a job that doesn't require you to have qualifications for and those that you do find choose people whose resume is just a name (like mine).

that sounds rough, i hope you find something you both enjoy and isn't too stressful.

yeah I've experienced the generic responses from employers as well, i think its one of the worst parts of looking for work, really disheartening when you just get a response like its been written by a robot.

well i hope life turns around for you. well we both have that in common i had a passion for cars but now its not so much. when i did my apprenticeship the first year is always the worst, you just do shitty bottom tier jobs and your usually not treated well because your under a microscope, but that was just my experience.

Anyway thanks for replying, i really appreciate it. hope it felt good to get some stuff of your chest.
Jun 8, 2017 3:19 AM

Mar 2008
I've thought about it for a long time. I just havent from trying to be there for a friend and not deciding on if there is anything I want to say to anyone first.
Jun 8, 2017 10:43 AM

Jul 2013
I think about suicide anytime I get stressed out. But that's mainly because of my OCD & intrusive thoughts. I 'hear' the phrase, "Maybe I should kill myself." On a loop. On the worst days, I'd think it hundreds of times. But not actually mean it. But when you hear the same thing thousands of times, you start to believe it. So I struggle with reminding myself that they are just thoughts. It's just the illness and not me.

BUT there are plenty of times when I am serious. Where I think about how I'll kill myself. It's like a backup plan for if I get really fucked up. But I've never attempted anything. The closest I've gotten was when I was 18 and not on effective medication for bipolar & anxiety yet. I had the date planned out and planned that if I hadn't gotten help by then, that I'd end it. Fortunately (for my parents) medication did help.

On days when I just can't handle life anymore, I'll take a bunch of sleeping pills and just sleep the day away, hoping I'll wake up the next morning feeling better. I make sure not to even come close to ODing, though.

Now I just go on living for my mom. If I didn't care so much about her, I would be dead by now. But I know that it would break her if I committed suicide. She'd follow in my footsteps. And she's given so much to me - I can't disappoint this woman & be selfish. It's like the worst thing I could do.


As for how long I've been a hikineet, it's been 5 or 6 years? I can't stay in college, my moods are too unstable and I miss too many classes (not to mention the stess of it makes my OCD worse). And for that reason I also can't work. I'm basically agoraphobic as well. I could be worse. It's not like I never leave the house. But I rarely do, and it's only to places I'm comfortable with.
VokiJun 8, 2017 10:47 AM
Jun 8, 2017 5:04 PM

Mar 2015
Hmm lately I've been contemplating suicide at an alarming rate.. like whenever I find myself not distracted by anything such as watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, or when I'm trying to sleep. I'm not sure whether I'm still mentally ill or not anymore (I most likely am). I've already been diagnosed with depression before, but my case is kind of weird.

I've never attempted suicide, nor inflicted self harm. It's just that I don't really care about what happens to myself anymore. I don't care about my health (I still bother with basic hygiene though), nor people around me, nor my future prospects. I've disconnected myself from this world, so to speak. I've been thinking that life's not worth living anymore, at least from my perspective. I just feel so empty and lifeless. I don't feel any excitement, anticipation, adrenaline/thrill, sense of responsibility/accomplishment, self satisfaction, genuine happiness, etc. All those feelings that make life worth living.. I just don't feel them anymore. Studies, work, relationships (only LDRs though).. I've tried them a bunch of times already. But I keep failing. Every single time there'd be an issue that just ruins everything for me.

At some point I ask myself "why even bother anymore?" but I just couldn't give myself an answer I'd be satisfied with, so I completely gave up on everything. I've got no motivation for anything anymore. I know life's meant to have challenges, failures and the like.. but if nothing, and I mean nothing, ever goes your way, that's just bullshit already. Specially for someone like me who's kind of a perfectionist. All I feel now are negative stuff: regret, disappointments, guilt, insecurities, frustrations, despair, loneliness, worthlessness, self pity, etc. Hence why I've become a hikiNEET.

Basically, I'm only alive right now because my family wants to keep me so. If not for them, I wouldn't even bother lifting a finger to keep myself alive. I know I'm being a burden to them right now but if I commit suicide, it would probably make it worse for them. That's why I'm holding myself back. Sometimes I just wish I could just poof from existence, without all the nuisances that'd come with it. It's the same anyways whether I'm alive or not. People could say they "care" or whatever.. but unless there's someone who can truly connect with me, I think suicide's quite a tempting option. Naturally, I'm afraid of death.. but only because of the what-could-have-beens I'd be leaving behind.

Even if the future awaiting me is so bright that it's blinding,
If I'm to face it alone, there's no real meaning in it.. ♫♫

Jun 10, 2017 1:35 AM
Dec 2015
@traed so your reason for living is a close friend? i think that's pretty noble and to me it says a lot about your character; that your very caring and a great person
mayhem845Jun 10, 2017 2:03 AM
Jun 10, 2017 1:52 AM
Dec 2015
@Voki I've had similar experiences, its rough trying to think let alone do anything with that constant background noise. I'm curious; do you consider them thoughts or just mere sounds ? and when you hear them are they in your own voice or someone else? I had a bad experience with an experimental acne drug that gave me some form of delusional schizophrenia in which i heard voices (my own voice and that of others) that were pretty similar to what you mentioned, is your experience have any similarities?

I'm glad to hear medication working hope it continues to work and even get better for you!

I really respect that (living for the sake of others) it really says to me just how awesome you must be, hope you keep hanging in there for your mothers sake and even find a reason for you to live as well.

well i'm told to take baby steps to get back into society, i usually get some earphones and listen to music and then go for walks to try and get "back out there"maybe that'd help? i don't know i'm not in any position to give advice.

Thanks for taking the time out to reply to me i appreciate it :)
Jun 10, 2017 2:25 AM
Dec 2015
@Etzel yeah that sucks, I've found that just keeping as busy as possible is the best way to combat that, but sometimes it can become overwhelming, are you seeing any form of therapist or taking any medication?

i feel like life can become somewhat a door that you open that just leads to a brick wall, too worried to open more doors but you need to, to move forward. Can even feel like a revolving door with no good options.

I think my experience is similar but also very different so there''s no profound advice i can give you or be of much or any help. I've felt nothing before and i would all ways prefer feeling bad emotions then none at all so i understand that its really really shit.

I kind of get that way to where you say people say they care but it almost feels like that's just the 'appropriate response' in that situation, it's hard to tell peoples true motivations.
Well if you ever need anything and its within my power i'll absolutely try my best to help, even if it's a simple chat or if you want to play some video games or talk about how good (or shit) some anime or anything is i'm down just hit me on here or i could give you a link to a discord chat if you want to talk, or Facebook, email, im even down if you want to go old school letter writing just let me know.

Thanks for responding i really truly do appreciate it, it takes a lot of courage in my opinion to talk about stuff like this, so thanks :)
Jun 10, 2017 6:32 AM

Mar 2015
@mayhem845 I've dealt with psychologists/psychiatrists already and took medication, but I don't really think either would do me any good at this point. I feel like my case is kind of more on emotional/situational aspects than mental ones. After all, I'm only considering suicide because I see it as the most guaranteed way of getting out of my miserable life.

I don't really care that much about money, achievements, etc. at the moment. I'm more in need of that sense of being needed by someone (other than my family), if that makes any sense. That sense of belongingness/security. Friends just don't do that for me anymore, since like you've mentioned, you really can't tell people's true motives. I've tried befriending people but at some point in time, I just tend to drift away from them or vice versa. I'm a bland, boring hikineet.. so I feel insecure when I find myself just giving them generic responses. Conversations end up being one sided because I've got nothing interesting to share. People have their own lives after all, so I don't wanna bother them just to deal with my selfish constant want of attention. It doesn't help that I never try to work on maintaining those relationships either, since that's just who I am by nature. I'm already cynical to a detrimental level, so that makes things even worse.

I could relate a bit to you guys when you mentioned trying to fit in with others, since I usually end up doing that. When I was younger, I was pretty active, easy to get along with, and usually at the core of a group of friends. Now I hate interacting with people (irl mostly), cuz adapting to different personalities just to avoid conflicts and such takes its toll on me. Forcing myself to be someone else for others is just mentally tiring for introverts like me.

And the way I see it, my life mostly has revolving doors with brick walls beyond them lol. No matter which I try to open, I've never felt that I've had any progress at all for the last 5+ years. I appreciate sincere people who try to give advice/support and such, but as I've told myself, depression's mostly a self battle, specially in my case. I rather have people depending on me, not the other way around. XD

Even if the future awaiting me is so bright that it's blinding,
If I'm to face it alone, there's no real meaning in it.. ♫♫

Jun 10, 2017 8:40 AM

Mar 2008
Thank you.

I don't care much about money either aside from needing it. It's usually easiest to be more open with someone in private one on one
Jun 10, 2017 11:34 PM
Dec 2015
@Etzel yeah i completely understand what you mean, i think a good friendship should have both persons'needing/appreciating each other, it's vary hard to find something like that, kinda need something really strong to link the two.
Ever try to befriend someone who is also hikki/neet?

yeah i know what you mean, i can't do social events and be very social, i don't mind small groups and 1v1 that can be pretty good.

did the Interacting with people get worse over time or was it more of an all of a sudden thing?

when it really comes down to it i think the only one who can help you is yourself, thats what makes situations like being hikki/neet so difficult to adapt back into society

Jun 11, 2017 10:23 AM

Jul 2013
mayhem845 said:
@Voki I've had similar experiences, its rough trying to think let alone do anything with that constant background noise. I'm curious; do you consider them thoughts or just mere sounds ? and when you hear them are they in your own voice or someone else? I had a bad experience with an experimental acne drug that gave me some form of delusional schizophrenia in which i heard voices (my own voice and that of others) that were pretty similar to what you mentioned, is your experience have any similarities?

For me I call them "thought bubbles". Like, they aren't something I really hear. But they also aren't thoughts that I'm consciously thinking. It's more like tics (like in tourettes), only they happen in my mind. Like there's some part of my circuit that keeps throwing these things at me on repeat. And it's triggered by stress. If I ignore them, they'll usually go away. But I've got a compulsion to be terrified of the thoughts and to actively obsess over them, which only makes the cycle worse. So even though they make me feel like shit, and I actively want to think about them and question them, I need to stop doing it. Just gotta accept that they are there, they don't have any meaning, and they are out of my control. But that they also don't have any power over me unless I let them. So I now try my best to ignore them. Cause when I don't they only get worse. And when they get worse, I may actually start feeling suicidal.

Here, this can better describe how intrusive thoughts in OCD work:

(Intrusive thoughts are only one part of OCD for me, btw. I do have physical compulsions, too, in case anyone was curious. These are the main contributor to me not leaving the house much. I don't actually have much social anxiety.)
Jun 11, 2017 7:29 PM

Mar 2008
I kind of do that. I cant go through making toast without thinking about putting a fork in it to electrocute myself despite me in no way wanting to die that way. Among other things.
Jun 14, 2017 12:35 AM
Dec 2015
@Voki that makes a lot of sense. i think i understand know, hopefully you can ignore them and stay strong.

I've had somehow similar experience, i believe i suffer from schizoid personality disorder (SPD) (non diagnosed, partially due to the difficulty diagnosing it) which falls into a similar category to OCD

I read up a bit on Intrusive thoughts and it sounds pretty rough to deal with
I've never experienced OCD before, whats that like?
Jun 14, 2017 10:31 AM

Jul 2013
mayhem845 said:
@Voki that makes a lot of sense. i think i understand know, hopefully you can ignore them and stay strong.

I've had somehow similar experience, i believe i suffer from schizoid personality disorder (SPD) (non diagnosed, partially due to the difficulty diagnosing it) which falls into a similar category to OCD

I read up a bit on Intrusive thoughts and it sounds pretty rough to deal with
I've never experienced OCD before, whats that like?

It's not fun. Lol. Always a fight with oneself.
Dec 28, 2017 1:37 PM
Apr 2010
A quite good day is one without suicide thoughts, and these are rare...
They are annoying, a constant struggle, sometimes i just consider it to get rid of that...

I'm 33 from Germany. Most of my life is somewhat clouded memory (therefore i have only vague ideas what caused my condition), but i have proof that this depressive episode goes on for at least the last 13 years, i expect it to be more like 15-18 though. i know that somewhen i used to cut, as pain helped me to concentrate on something other than to kill myself, but as the effect got weaker and i did not want to accidentially cut too deep (and cripple my hand) i quit it, and used stress, being constantly under stress helped quite good for some years, until i was too exhausted to continue with that, now i try to distract myself with anything i find.
I know enough that it won't be just an attempt, and as i find a way around the potentially aftermath (someone finds the body gets traumatized or something like that, someone could think it's their fault and get depressed over it, ...) I could go that way to eventually rest in peace at last. But i fear before i find that way i lose control and just jump from some really high rooftop (i think about 20 stories should be enough to have nearly zero chance of survival) onto concrete.

Since about 5 years i'm in therapy, but I'm through most meds my psychiatrist could find (mostly with little to no effect, sometimes with effect which reduces quickly again) and my psycho therapist seems to just being able to deaccelerate the downwards spirale... They think i could have asperger and now i wait for the clinic specialised in autism to get me a second interview appointment or a diagnose (one of these should arrive around beginning of 2018), perhaps someone specialised in that can help efficiently.
Dec 29, 2017 7:25 PM
Dec 2015
@Harlekin169 Hey dude hope everything is well.
Depression Tends to eat away at your memories and the brain tries to repress bad memories so i can understand what your going through, you must be pretty strong to have lived with it for so long, my hat off to you.
What do you use to distract yourself? if you don;t mind me asking.
Yeah i get what you mean by not wanting to traumatize others, it's a really hard part of depression wanting to die but not wanting to hurt others, shows you are a kind and caring person though.
I hope everything goes well for you in your appointment and good luck in the future
Dec 30, 2017 3:20 AM

Nov 2012
I think about it all the time, what keeps me going is the fact that I don't want to bring shame on my family.

I keep hoping that things will get better but they never do, I struggle to even pretend to be normal around people, thus I try to avoid human contact as much as possible.

I have a job but only because I have to, need money to live as I have nobody to rely on.
Dec 30, 2017 5:51 AM
Apr 2010
@mayhem845 i'm exhausted, i slept about 15 hours again and wouldn't mind sleeping til i have to go to work again, that'll mean til january 3rd, in fact i wouldn't mind being in a coma not awaking anymore, less traumatizing for others than me being dead i think. I think just pragmatic as long as there maybe ways out of it, i'll try them first, suicide would be last option, but as there are not too many options left, could happen in the next two years, if i do not become less stubborn.
Distraction isn't easy as i need new things to distract myself, but as long as there are anime/movies/serials not seen, books/manga/(web-)comics not read, (video-)games not played, and so on, there is distraction... Wouldn't mind to learn new jobs too, but i'm selling myself not good enough, and there are not too much jobs for my day-night-circle.
Kind and caring? No, i don't think that, i just wouldn't want me to happen such a thing (but wouldn't mind a corpse too much either) therefore i try not to be the cause for it to happen to others. Just what Kant meant with his imperative.
Perhaps i won't get another appointment and they just send the diagnose, i wouldn't mind not driving a few hours there again.

@no_good_name i too have a job, parttime as much as i can, which means i work about 110 hours a month. But the money isn't enough to live, only to survive, means i am able to pay my rent and bills and buy cheap groceries but that's it.
Harlekin169Dec 30, 2017 3:19 PM
Jan 1, 2018 5:24 AM
Dec 2015
What do you guys do for work?
Jan 1, 2018 12:12 PM

Nov 2012
Truck driver, long hours and low pay, at least it keeps me away from people most of the time.
Jan 1, 2018 3:49 PM
Apr 2010
I work in a multiplex cinema.

And since we've got a collective labour agreement and works council in 2013 the company stays more or less true to laws and the pay got okay too (since yesterday i get 10,23€ per hour, but after tax and social security contributions i often get less than 1000,- per month, half of it needed for renting my small apartment).
Jan 10, 2018 5:40 AM
Dec 2015
Being a truck driver doesn't sound too bad, i like the open road. Sucks about the low pay though.

That sounds alright, do you get to see a lot of movies because of it?
Is the Tax high where you live? sounds rough holding down an apartment by yourself.
Jan 10, 2018 8:10 AM
Apr 2010
Tax and social security contributions add together to about 30%. I could watch every movie we get for free, but i could go there anytime, therefore i don't go there often (actually last movie i've seen was Thor Ragnarok). When i lived an half hour car drive away i 've seen way more movies, as it was more convenient to see a movie than driving home between shifts in my job and parttime job.
Jan 10, 2018 3:45 PM
Dec 2015
The taxman must love you
Sounds like a pretty good gig to me
Jan 11, 2018 3:08 PM
Apr 2010
Why should they love me? The tax one has to pay in germany is just not static but definined by how much income you have, higher income more tax (at least in theory, as most rich people are egoistic assholes not paying their share [hello Apple and Amazon]), if i'd get about 850,- before tax i wouldn't have to pay any tax (only about 20% social security contributions, these would degrease til zero at 450,- per month).
Jan 14, 2018 4:10 AM
Dec 2015
Its just a saying when you pay a lot of tax the tax man loves you for it.
yeah its the same where i live, and i assume most places.
I can get taxed up wards of $400 some weeks depending on hours worked.
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