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May 24, 2017 10:03 PM

May 2015
Gruffin said:
Ruu said:
mmmm the thing is. CP already talk about town being zombies so him saying he is just cop zombie doesn't convince me. Still I will wait after N1 before I go after him, let's see what he bring back from his visit...
It's not the zombie part I'm talking about.
Ruu said:
mmm how can I explain myself better? Lets see... it makes me bias? Like if I see you are on my town list I have a harder time finding you scummy even if you are doing scummy things.. It's weird I know but that's just how my mind works xD
My mind: "well he is doing X thing and Gruffin finds it scummy but I town read him because of Y and Z, and town usually does scummy things so I guess this is nai...." stuff like that happens to me a lot :/ So I'm trying to get more people into the neutral zone and find a more solid proof/ feeling before town reading them.
For example now I'm having a hard time seeing anything grape does as scummy cause I already town read him.
Sorry if this was too long but is hard to explain how my mind works xD
Does this work the other way?

What part is it then?
And no, usually it doesn't work like that with my scum reads. I'm a low self-esteem townie so I never trust myself when it comes to catching scum xD I still can't believe I caught logic tbh. So I rethink my scum reads all the time and never fully trust them as I usually get super paranoid. And example of my paranoia is my idea of Suzu/Grape. It has not real proof, that's and idea that came to me when I was reading their interactions (I caught logic with vibes also so maybe I should trust my senses a little more? xD)
May 24, 2017 10:04 PM

Nov 2015
Ahhh I’m sorry I had something to do this afternoon, wish I could’ve been here : / I’m not confident I can process /all/ the info in these last 6 pages in just one reading so I plan to read over it a few times, for now I’m just gonna list what jumps out at me first.

CorruptedPurity said:
I should, shouldn't I? I just want confirmation. I townread you now and there's something unique about this game, that you and I and most town can see, but maf can't, I was confused at first and sent a PM to host asking if we had any hidden elements which we dont, so flavor is really good here. But beyond the first day, this wont work anymore so I'm trying to exploit this unique mechanic asap. That's why I need Rinto to claim.

I think I have enough to go with without further confirmation. Will explain once he claims, but most of you should be able to understand my angle here.
I know exactly what CP is talking about. To be fully honest, considering this is Penta’s setup with Cross as GM, I trust both of them to make this game /not/ breakable through this method so I’m not really interested in using it to search for scum.. But I do think this line of questioning is good for revealing town through behavior. I used something similar to townread Jack in FFXV actually.

Fo said:
Togs said:
This sounds very legitimately town to me.. I guess it is early but I’d be pretty impressed if this mindset was faked in the very first post. My first and only read atm is that CP is leaning town.

Outside of that.. there’s not really anything else I can think of rn to comment on. Guess we gotta wait for more to show up
Iffy on this. Like I agree that the mindset you're referring to (being afraid of the N1 kill) is town; it couldn't be anything else, though. I'm mostly just tickled that you reaffirmed it twice; three times if you count the quip at the end where you say there's nothing else to really comment on.

Do you have experience with CP? Is this something that he couldn't fake as scum like is he new? And can you see the scum motive in what he did as well?
Hmm not really, I did play in the werewolf game with him where he counterclaimed me so I kinda knew he was scum already there + I wasn’t really paying that much attention. It’s hard to describe but it’s not just the mindset for me but the way in which he presents those thoughts too, call it an extreme gut feel if you will. That was a pretty early opinion from me though and maybe with more people posting now there will be more perspective but I still feel pretty confident in him.

Fo said:
Togs said:

Heh, this is kind of to be expected from Grrr imo, he's always played like this from my experiences with him.. He was town in those games though and I am not exactly sure if he does anything different at all as scum, I guess I probably have to read Kitty mafia sometime before the end of this game to get an idea of that .__.
Togs how did you read gruffin's question here alignment-wise?
I would say I read it as “playing townly.” I think it’s something that would come easily from town!Gruff and is within the range of scum!Gruff, but something she would have more difficulty keeping up consistently. In other words, as long as she keeps showing play like that I am pretty happy keeping her as a townread.

Gruffin said:
Togs said:
See Lamby's post right below yours, heh. Basically I just saw him saying that and it struck me as pretty town
Eh, this is vague. I was hoping for you to get into why it jumped out at you and why it struck you as town.
There’s actually a legitimate reason it jumped out outside of alignment stuff, I’ll bring it up postgame if you remember to remind me heh. But other than it’s pretty much what it says on the tin, it’s only a supporting reason for my townread after all.

WyNdZ said:
Ruu said:
Logic is on fire! What's up with that? His posts sound agressive in general not just against grape. Calm down my friend!
@CorruptedPurity don't assume alignments so early! Just because they go after each other doesn't mean they can't be buddies. If you come to that conclusion this early in the game you will regret it later imo.

Hmmm I've gotten the opposite impression so far. Unlike the last game where logic's play was perfectly townish (and he flipped scum) in this game he seems to be a bit more relaxed making jokes and making controversial plays like voting no lynch initially. Seems contrary to his previous playstyle.

Ruu said:

I'm pretty sure we just got out first fake claim. We know how much grrr loves to do this. Still my first rvs goes to him cause haters deserve votes

Also is lamby a little monster now? That new name hurts my eyes smh.

What makes you so sure it's a fake claim?
Lamby= LadyGaga right? If so then yes his new name sucks

WyNdZ said:
Rinto-kun said:
Hmm, poor reception of my claim, poor reaction and poor try to pressure me.
It's useless to flavor claim as I have no name. (I'm background character, don't be harsh on me) >.<
I'm still waiting for grrr's help on that.

Does flavor claim mean claiming a character? Because I'm also in a similar situation.
Wyz got 2 votes after just these posts ? I actually liked them from him .__.

aa-dono said:
Lamby's claim threw me off.

I like to believe the answer is literally staring you at your face. But as of now, the only who seems to be seeing it is me and probably Grape..

Also, Fo asked if you were CC-ing. So either they (Lamb and Fo) are both scum as well, or not every town have the same that and would see it.

I would like to think that logic is the kind that notice slips. But all three: Lamb, Rinto-kun and Fo are in his "not enough info".

So yeah... I do get your worry.

@Togs Out of curiosity, do you understand what CP and I are talking about?
Probably a bit late but yes I do. Not that I don’t appreciate your lovely tag Dono, but anything in particular that made you think to ask me ?

CorruptedPurity said:
After we break open this game, I demand to be nicknamed "The flavor-hunter" or something cool. Inb4 someone gives me a shitty nickname for being an arrogant prick...
I love the self-confidence towntell. I kind of feel like a broken record about CP at this point but.. he is lock town for me, I feel confident never lynching him.

CorruptedPurity said:
Nah, I like Lamb's responses too much. He does seem genuine in his baiting and after rereading his claim and interaction with me, I think he's townie-ish. Either that, or he is doing some really good damage control but I would still not mind a cop check on him tonight. Better cop check targets are in this order: Logic, Wyndz and Fo.
I agree kind of ? About Lamby’s responses. But I’m wary of fully townreading him.. well it’s lamby, he’s fooled me by sounding vaguely genuine before. Iirc his scum meta is like mine where he loses interest and falls off a cliff later so despite all the action he’s getting on the thread I don’t really feel like I should form a read on him yet.

Ruu said:
@Togs If you are townreading grape why are you still okay with your vote on him? this makes no sense.
To try to form a wagon for reads, but more importantly

Ruu said:
Town: CP, Grape, Togs.

Scum:logic, Rinto

The rest is still neutral to me.

vote change: Rinto

I think logic can still be useful so I'm going after Rinto first. Nobody would claim doc D1 and after rereading his last comments I'm not convinced of his towniness

@Ruu Can you explain your townread on me ? I’m a little surprised I’m so high up out of only 5 players, especially since you seem to not understand my mindset.

AbuHumaid said:
Togs said:

This sounds very legitimately town to me.. I guess it is early but I’d be pretty impressed if this mindset was faked in the very first post. My first and only read atm is that CP is leaning town.

Outside of that.. there’s not really anything else I can think of rn to comment on. Guess we gotta wait for more to show up

What makes you think that's townish? it can be easily faked imo
I don’t think it’s quite so easy, purely a subjective opinion though. Chalk it up to my experience in seeing guys who post like this get lynched and flip town too often : |

logic340 said:
Togs - I really like his game thus far. He's using his knowledge of players to his advantage when reading them and I like that. I think more of you should look into his early read on me. I want to know who agrees and disagrees?
I agree actually, more people should look at it. The only person I saw who really said something similar was Wyz ?

Rinto-kun said:
Sigh, again, I'm not that dumb to let myself slip that easily like that.
I actually believe this. From my experience Rinto doesn’t post much and can seem inactive but he actually contemplates a decent amount over his posting, so I don’t think he’d be oblivious to a flavor trap nor do I really think that hole existed in the setup in the first place.
I also kind of have a track record of defending Rinto when other people don’t see it so I wonder if that will continue into this game heh

Feel like this is getting kind of long and too wall-y so just gonna post it here, still 3 pages left to look through though then I'll summarize my thoughts
TogsMay 24, 2017 10:11 PM
May 24, 2017 10:07 PM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
CorruptedPurity said:
Ok... For logic, my thought process this game:
thank you for doing this..I can totally see where you're coming from now but being that I see things a bit differently than you do it's just an agree to disagree type situation.

You know what I do when I see something out of the ordinary? I jump on it instead of paying with it and keeping it close to my chest. I tell what in thinking in a very direct manner. You've been there you know this? We did know about the countermeasures the host took as it was discussed in the sign up thread Rinto asked.
You gain back a little tired equity as I kind of agree with Gruffin that this feels somewhat similar to SM where you tried yo use mechanic to catch scum early. As I started it's a good place for scum to hide (as I like time hide in it as scum).

I'm glad that you can see where I am coming from and are more calm about the whole situation. I am completely fine with agreeing to disagreeing, what I didn't like was your hyper-aggressive stance in wanting to lynch anyone who participated in the flavorhunt. From my POV the flavorhunt was a very pro-town event as it could really net us some scum so for someone to be so against it seemed scummy to me, furthermore, you were one of the suspects of the flavorhunt, solidifying my read on you even more. I know the flavorhunt is flawed cos of what penta said, trust me I didn't know before I started it, I don't read the sign up threads for questions if I'm not pinged. But the results and reaction still points fingers at you. At the heat of the moment, your rash and snappy posts against me really frightened me, saying how you're about to blow up on me and such, thus I decided to try to pacify you but you seemed to take it personally so my only way of talking is waiting for you to relax and letting me write down my thoughts so we are on the same wavelength. Since you have taken time to listen to me, I shall give you the same treatment. Write about your defense, who you want to lynch and why. I'll promise to review it unbiasly, if I'm satisfied, I'll take my vote off of you and maybe even vote with you, but it must really make sense, not just a hunch here or there, cause I have strong evidence against you and Rinto. The topics I would like you to elaborate on during your defense is why were you so adamant on lynching those who flavourhunted (me, grape, aa) and why you didn't attack Rinto when he said zombified, but instead went along with it.
May 24, 2017 10:10 PM

May 2015
@Togs at the time your posts didn't look scummy at all to me. And I liked them (I would have to re-read it and check my notes to give you a good case but I changed from pc to mobile as I'm going to bed now)

Can we pick this up again tomorrow? I want to give you a proper answer.

May 24, 2017 10:11 PM

Dec 2014
My current stance:

Willing to lynch:
Logic and Rinto (dont care who, both are good lynch targets for me)

However, I will review Logic's case in depth and unbiasly and if he has a stronger target, I will go for it (not grapefruit tho). Why am I being slightly biased towards logic now? Notice his surge of rage and anger, followed by frustration then a calmness? That's a huge town tell for logic and even though all the evidence points that he's scum, the meta points that he isn't (I've turned into Claire).
May 24, 2017 10:20 PM

Aug 2013
So I'm a little discouraged now; decided to stop responding to posts as they came and just binged all the way up from page 7 and I'm finding myself second guessing a lot of things.

Biggest things are that ruu started to town up quite a lot. And logics back n forth with dono left a really bad taste in my mouth.
May 24, 2017 10:22 PM

Aug 2013
I think that my scumreads on wyz and abu are stronger than they should be as well and that stems from being frustated at just how cut-out they are (lack of presence--responding to little things here and there) that just tend to hit on scum more often than not, but togs has a point that at least wyz was getting at things that were at least somewhat original.

Don't think that they're scum together at the very least so that's helping my poe a bit.
May 24, 2017 10:23 PM

Aug 2013
speaking of togs his catchup so far this page looks pretty good
May 24, 2017 10:28 PM

Aug 2013
@Ruu-- confused why you think scum doctor isn't a basic role? Is there a list of roles that can/cannot be in this game somewhere I could look at because there's evidently a couple different definitions of basic
May 24, 2017 10:30 PM

Aug 2013
Really do need to go to be and Ima sleep on stuff but at the moment I think rinto, logic, suzune and gruffin has scum in it for sure.

If any of those are wrong I'd take a look at abu and wyz (was gonna put astros in the lurkerlist along with these two but I saw a couple things that looked vaguely town)
May 24, 2017 10:34 PM

May 2012
He's got the most frustration out of all of us, I think, and he's eager to push on people that he thinks are scummy. His posts feel like he's willing to go down for his reads, and that's most clearly expressed by the level of emotion each one carries. I don't agree with most of them, but I suspect it may be because our definitions of "scummy" are different.
Hnrghghg he sounds townish. Please don't be scum this game, I swear to god I will start calling him Jackrito II if he is.
Ruu said:
What part is it then?
And no, usually it doesn't work like that with my scum reads. I'm a low self-esteem townie so I never trust myself when it comes to catching scum xD I still can't believe I caught logic tbh. So I rethink my scum reads all the time and never fully trust them as I usually get super paranoid. And example of my paranoia is my idea of Suzu/Grape. It has not real proof, that's and idea that came to me when I was reading their interactions (I caught logic with vibes also so maybe I should trust my senses a little more? xD)
Okay, I think I'm getting what sort of playstyle you have now...Hm.
May 24, 2017 10:36 PM

Dec 2014
Since we're talking basic roles.

Does 3 shot + 1 self shot doctor sound like a basic role to any of you? Also one of my factors for suspecting rinto
May 24, 2017 10:46 PM

May 2012
Ah, I take back what I said about Grrr's flavor claim checking out. I see what I was referring to has already been done before.

CorruptedPurity said:
Since we're talking basic roles.

Does 3 shot + 1 self shot doctor sound like a basic role to any of you? Also one of my factors for suspecting rinto
Not sure. ._. Kit and I put a 2-shot vig in our basic, and a 3 shot doc only being allowed to self protect once sounds viable, but the role being worded as 3 shot + 1 self shot sounds odd.
May 24, 2017 10:53 PM

Dec 2014
Rinto-kun said:
I'm claiming 3-shot Doc, 1-shot self-doc,

Can anyone see this viable in a basic game? Doesn't look too out of the ordinary but the more I think about it, the more I feel 3+1 isnt something I would see in a basic game
May 24, 2017 10:55 PM

Dec 2014
Gruffin said:
Ah, I take back what I said about Grrr's flavor claim checking out. I see what I was referring to has already been done before.

CorruptedPurity said:
Since we're talking basic roles.

Does 3 shot + 1 self shot doctor sound like a basic role to any of you? Also one of my factors for suspecting rinto
Not sure. ._. Kit and I put a 2-shot vig in our basic, and a 3 shot doc only being allowed to self protect once sounds viable, but the role being worded as 3 shot + 1 self shot sounds odd.

I know, I married her...

X-shots is usual, but x+y shots sounds fishy to me...
May 24, 2017 10:58 PM

Dec 2016
@Gruffin so you don't find him scummy, just kind of out on his own. Interesting. I'll have to reread it because I definitely felt his reaction the flavor hunting wasn't a town reaction. I can get anger and frustration but I don't get them in that situation.
May 24, 2017 11:08 PM

Sep 2012
CorruptedPurity said:
Since we're talking basic roles.

Does 3 shot + 1 self shot doctor sound like a basic role to any of you? Also one of my factors for suspecting rinto

Just guna pop in wherever for the time being koz I'm eating din-din.
Thing is.... that having a single shot of self protection doesn't seem odd at all from what I've experienced here on MAL.
Are you on about the role itself or just thinking oddly of it due to the specific wording + instead of the self protection in brackets etc?
3 shot also seems like a viable limitation given the size of the game and potential roles distributed within the type of set-up.
May 24, 2017 11:11 PM

Nov 2015
Okey, caught up completely

@wen294 Welcome to the game, I will appreciate your vote on me any time I start to get lurky ~

Gruffin said:
@Ruu I'll look back through your posts and respond in a bit.

For now, @Grapefruit21 (This link is referred to a lot in this)

My current reads on Togs is he is a light townread. Our view of the gamestate is eerily similar, and the way he responded to my quadruple-scoop Ruu question told me that he's willing to think critically about both myself and Ruu. In addition to that, he also offered his own opinions on her when he really didn't have to in order to evade my suspicion at the time. One thing in particular that I liked about it was this line:
I don’t know if that makes sense and this I already typed too much for just a slight feeling but.. either way not enough to fully read her.
It flows naturally, and it's....not really a thing that I can see him pulling off so well as scum. This is because it's much easier to get caught up in explaining your reads when they are genuine.

Despite everything I said above, he is still only a light townread. This is because I haven't seen him do much pushing on others and he hasn't been doing a whole lot to change that. @Togs Can you check in and give us an update?
Oh, another quick note about Togs is I'm super tempted to sheep his read on Logic (as I'm seeing a lot of what he's seeing on that read too), but I'd really hate to be pocketed by him twice in a row. Fence sit, hooray!
@Logic340 Tagging you because I believe you asked for opinions on this read awhile ago?
Oops guess I missed this on my actual check-in, thanks for keeping tabs. Hmm about Logic, I guess I can’t fault you for being paranoid but reading your posts from today my I honestly feel some of my own paranoia of *you* is coming up.. I guess your CCL play was that scary to me heh. But anyways glad you have the same line of thought as me about Logic, I hope you end up hopping over to this side if he’s ever up for lynch.

Ruu said:
@Fo what is a mafia doctor? Isn't this a basic setup? we shouldn't have that kind of roles I think.... I'm not a big fan of your #470 at all. I don't fully trust Rinto but your reasoning is not convincing either.

grrr said:
By the way, I am nameless zombie (I litteraly have no name, just zombie cop) and from my role description it is clear that the entire town is zombies but I am not sure if that is true for the other zombies. Is there anyone else, beside Rinto, who based on his role description can't tell if his allies are zombies?

This post is a HUGE RED FLAG FOR ME. I see this as flavour/role fishing. If you are town you should have no doubts like this imo. Also how do you guys feel about the idea of grrr being a mafia role cop ? Is a possibility since mafia needs some kind of pr.
Ruu said:
Suzune-chan said:
Then let him check me Ruu. I know what my ability is and my alignment, I would be willing to test the theory. I said that in order to claim something like that this early some part of it would have to be grounded in truth.

mmm okay.

@grrr why did you change your target for N1? - You claimed because you said you wanted to check on CP but then you change your mind.


Also I'm starting to think: what if Suzu is doing what she usually does to her scum partners? Let me explain:
- Suzu goes after her scum buddy.
- Her mafia partner then goes on to defend himself
- He gets townread by her and others.
- People go after other players after townreading them both for "scum hunting and proving they are most likely town"

maybe I'm too paranoid but that's what happens when you know what a great mafia player she is xDD

Edit: ^Here I'm talking about Suzu/Grape
I like these a lot from Ruu actually, coming up with paranoid theories is something I see a lot more as town. If I have spare time tonight/tomorrow I will go though a couple of her scumgames to see if she ever did this as scum but I feel like she’s a little more sorted out to me.

Ruu said:
@Togs at the time your posts didn't look scummy at all to me. And I liked them (I would have to re-read it and check my notes to give you a good case but I changed from pc to mobile as I'm going to bed now)

Can we pick this up again tomorrow? I want to give you a proper answer.

Looking forward to it.

Opinions on players atm:

{logic, CP, Grape} - They are lock town to me rn. Feel free to suspect them all you want as that will be helpful to me.

{Gruffin, Wyz, Ruu, Rintoslot} - Lean townreads, Wyz is the one I talked about the least but I liked his thinking and his tone enough to put him up here.

{wen, Fo} - Their posts seem decent to me, I just haven’t been paying attention too much and also am paranoid of their scumgames. This is a reminder to my future self if I reread this to look at them more closely.

{Grrr, Lamby, Astros} - I’ll just say this is the “unique playstyle” category, I have a hard time gleaning anything about these players without going absolutely crazy so I only feel like I’ll try to put in that effort only when it becomes really important for PoE.

Abu - I’d like to see more though, I feel a little bad for him honestly with all he has to catch up on but that’s the nature of the beast I guess, if I had to CFD onto someone right now with no suspects it would be him.

Suzu - I secretly have been bothered by her posts but I didn’t quote anything because I can’t put my finger on anything specific and also I was reading a bunch at a time. Also maybe I don’t really like where her pressure is going most out of everyone this game. Gonna try to look at her closer and compare to Scum/Town games I know of her next.

Oh, and UNVOTE (making this big because I know they can be missed in wallposts sometimes)
May 24, 2017 11:23 PM

Sep 2012
Ruu said:
@Fo what is a mafia doctor? Isn't this a basic setup? we shouldn't have that kind of roles I think.... I'm not a big fan of your #470 at all. I don't fully trust Rinto but your reasoning is not convincing either.

grrr said:
By the way, I am nameless zombie (I litteraly have no name, just zombie cop) and from my role description it is clear that the entire town is zombies but I am not sure if that is true for the other zombies. Is there anyone else, beside Rinto, who based on his role description can't tell if his allies are zombies?

This post is a HUGE RED FLAG FOR ME. I see this as flavour/role fishing. If you are town you should have no doubts like this imo. Also how do you guys feel about the idea of grrr being a mafia role cop ? Is a possibility since mafia needs some kind of pr.

Mafio doc is something to stop them getting their ass handed to them in small setups including SK and/or vig or less relevant, multi-faction games (should not be the case here)
It also throws off the typical claim game that smaller games can fall victim to.

But yeah.... there is a level of uncertainty or simply put, missing information to some extent within that flavour claim.
May 24, 2017 11:30 PM

Sep 2012
grrr said:
I wonna poke something. I already poked logic but he is no fun. Suzune will be poked tomorrow. I think I can poke gruffin today.

Gruffin we can lynch you today and tomorrow we can lynch someone else.
vote: gruffin

May 24, 2017 11:36 PM

Sep 2012
Suzune-chan said:
CorruptedPurity said:

I feel your pain, mobile interface makes me tilted before the game even starts.

Once you're done catching up, I want your opinion on Lamb, Rinto and to a certain extent, Wyndz. I find all 3 strong candidates, Rinto for something he said which I prefer not to reveal, but I think you should be able to catch on if you're town. Lamb for his claim and lastly Wyndz for being reasons mentioned by Fo; "Posts are very detached despite interesting things going on at the moment"
Honestly whether or not they are detached or not is not something I am good at telling only if the tone of them is off from one to another. Tonally they all feel the same so I do not have an opinion really on Wy they did nothing to really stand out to me as interesting.

Lamb I am getting a scum feeling from. I commented on it earlier I believe, but very early in the game I picked up on it and when I finally catch up will be my vote.

Pre-planned opinion and probable solution before having caught up?
Only good thing I can see about that is making sure you don't go second guessing what you believe to have picked up on, other than that.... yuck.
May 24, 2017 11:39 PM

Sep 2012
Suzune-chan said:
CorruptedPurity said:

Hmm interesting, what is the basis for this vote? I had strong suspicions of him and even though they died down by alot, there is still the gut feeling devil's advocate deep down telling me to be wary of him.
I posted it several posts back actually. I learned recently that I need to trust my intuition a little bit more because I make more mistakes if I cast it off for logic alone and that i rely more heavily on it them i realized. I first noticed Lamb in the entrance with a lighter comment. As the game moved on though I noticed this something is wrong moving through the posts by post 200 I was sure I was in the right place.

Um, let me build you a half case. One that is based a lot bit on gut and a little on facts. Tonally post 157 was the first one to catch my attention. The tone seemed unreasonably critical seeing what it was going towards, is is what made me pay a little more attention. Then this post really peaked my interest 203 because this seemed strange to question information so early and to draw attention to the fact that something was going on.

To be honest though, it was a super light and fluffy post that caught my attention. I noticed at work and I though, "Interesting thing to say, almost strained joking. Feels scummy..." that was where I first noticed it.

Edit: I remember now it was the having a baby during phase change post. Weird thing to tip me off, but something about it set the wheels in gear.

Knowing something was played at a bad point of the game and assuming what those who shared certain role PM aspects knew are bad how?
Also lol.... the post itself was pointing out I'd be working through the phase change as per usual, just adding an amusingly horrible example for missing a phase change seeing as it doesn't matter to other players in most cases at the end of the day.
May 24, 2017 11:42 PM

Sep 2012
logic340 said:
CorruptedPurity said:

How's it feel to be caught mechanically?
If it's proven you didn't catch anyone mechanically I hope you take this rope without kicking and screaming.

Cuts up quote?
Pre-taunting in the process.
May 24, 2017 11:49 PM

Sep 2012
VC looks drunk af, when did I even vote there?
On a similar note, a bit broken up atm with posts and such but Imma fuhk off for a bit now, but before leaving.

Vote: Logic
May 25, 2017 12:17 AM

Nov 2015
I'm going to bed actually, plan to try to make full use of tomorrow though. With the way the thread is going I have a feeling I might have to play defense for logic heh. Anyways see you on the other side
May 25, 2017 12:25 AM

Dec 2014
Togs said:

Opinions on players atm:

{logic, CP, Grape} - They are lock town to me rn. Feel free to suspect them all you want as that will be helpful to me.

{Gruffin, Wyz, Ruu, Rintoslot} - Lean townreads, Wyz is the one I talked about the least but I liked his thinking and his tone enough to put him up here.

{wen, Fo} - Their posts seem decent to me, I just haven’t been paying attention too much and also am paranoid of their scumgames. This is a reminder to my future self if I reread this to look at them more closely.

{Grrr, Lamby, Astros} - I’ll just say this is the “unique playstyle” category, I have a hard time gleaning anything about these players without going absolutely crazy so I only feel like I’ll try to put in that effort only when it becomes really important for PoE.

Abu - I’d like to see more though, I feel a little bad for him honestly with all he has to catch up on but that’s the nature of the beast I guess, if I had to CFD onto someone right now with no suspects it would be him.

Suzu - I secretly have been bothered by her posts but I didn’t quote anything because I can’t put my finger on anything specific and also I was reading a bunch at a time. Also maybe I don’t really like where her pressure is going most out of everyone this game. Gonna try to look at her closer and compare to Scum/Town games I know of her next.

Curious on why logic is a townread and how the hell is Rinto a town lean? Wyndz also did nothing town-ish to deserve being on the townlean list. Wen is replacing dono who i believe should be a townread. Also curious about how you are going to approach Suzu...
May 25, 2017 12:29 AM

May 2012
Grapefruit21 said:
@Gruffin so you don't find him scummy, just kind of out on his own. Interesting. I'll have to reread it because I definitely felt his reaction the flavor hunting wasn't a town reaction. I can get anger and frustration but I don't get them in that situation.
Ah yeah, I didn't address the flavor stuff specifically. Post 307 kinda follows what I was saying about our definitions of "scummy" being different.
May 25, 2017 1:00 AM

May 2012
After some rereading, I think I like my vote here better:

Vote: Wyndz

What we've got from Wyndz is a town read on Logic, some strategy questions, a vote on a lurker, and a couple more questions over the flavor debate (299, 301) They're posting things, but I don't see any intent to gamesolve.

Going to bed now; Hope to see some responses to this when I wake up.
May 25, 2017 1:30 AM

Dec 2016
Gruffin said:
Grapefruit21 said:
@Gruffin so you don't find him scummy, just kind of out on his own. Interesting. I'll have to reread it because I definitely felt his reaction the flavor hunting wasn't a town reaction. I can get anger and frustration but I don't get them in that situation.
Ah yeah, I didn't address the flavor stuff specifically. Post 307 kinda follows what I was saying about our definitions of "scummy" being different.

I understand different definitions of scummy. I'm scratching my head trying to come up with one that unilaterally paints everyone who did that as scum. I just can't fathom a knee jerk reaction to read that as scum coming from town this game.
May 25, 2017 2:26 AM

Dec 2014
Being in different time zones is suffering...
May 25, 2017 2:28 AM

Dec 2013
Grapefruit21 said:
logic340 said:
why are you even bringing that up that game has nothing to do with anything that I just said. You were part of the conversation in stray dogs when I caught him lying so why does Castle Panic have anything to do with this? Feel like you're trying to make me look bad in your post rather than actually read what I say and respond to me in a way that lets you figure me out.

Hmmm another really aggressive response. Not completely sure what it means alignmentwise but it's a pattern. Think more likely than not to be town here given Stray Dogs and Kitty, just a bit over eager.

Tbh i haven't really seen logic be so agressive before and i've seen town! and scum!logic now. His play kinda feels like it isn't logic.

logic340 said:
Explain to me every time I'm aggressive I get scum read but what do I always flip? I would like everybody who's played with me to answer this question
Idk i haven't seen you play this agressive before, but i've seen your town play before and since you said it like this i assume you're aiming at the fact that normally you flip town when this happens.
If so why does your play just completly changes for no clear reason every now and then? Makes no sense.

logic340 said:
Grapefruit21 said:

I got into it a bit in 29, but I'm happy to expand some more on it here. Though really both are NAI because it's pure theory talk that I can do as either side in my sleep.

The crux of RVS is interacting with people and seeing how they react. The primary form of interaction is with votes and responses to them. When people elect not to vote they are flying under the radar, not putting anything on the permanent record and not advancing the game.

My use of "net negative" was directed at people who decide not to vote not at RVS as an entity. When Abu, Astros, and CorruptedPurity don't vote they aren't aiding a wagon to form and have something to analyze later, they are avoiding putting a vote on the permanent record that might be used against them later, and they aren't driving discussion by taking a stance that can be discussed.

When people don't interact you don't have anything to work with, and voting is the strongest interaction we have. We should use it whenever it's safe to do so.
I agree with like none of this.

We can interact here without voting and my Vote No Lynch generated more intrusions and discussion then your RVS on me. I would also dare to say that the three people who did not vote have now generated more discussion than your RVS vote on me as well. Now you said you do to add some weight to get a response to my no lynch, did you get what you wanted? I'll be honest for a vote that was supposed to add pressure you ran away from it from fault quickly? @Gruffin this is what I find scummy not the vote itself.

All the people who haven't posted yet aren't eating and wagon to form either should they post RVS votes with their very first post? If not then I feel like this comment holds no weight as they will put votes down later that will actually be able to be analyzed because they will have real reasons behind them. RVS votes are hard to analyze because there are no reasons behind them hence them being called RVS which stands for random. Purity and Astros have both taken stances in RVS Purity has driven discussion so I don't see what you're getting at here I really don't. Again Abu looks the worst in your vote is not on him.

I don't see what RVS has to do with interacting? It seems like you're hanging the whole lot on a blank vote right now? I've actually played a game on Oro Jackson where are there was no RVS votes to start the game so I know it's possible from personal experience.

You know logic, on page 8 or so as a reply to me you made it sound like you got some good results 'nd all. All i'm seeing right now is you having a heated discussion with somebody else over PERSONAL views on no lynch votes and RVS. This isn't alignment indicative, it doesn't involve behaviour. It just involves personal opinions and you're bashing people for it.

grrr said:
Ruu said:
Lmao. That's the whole point of the role! Seeing if your suspicions are correct xD

Lynching the suspicious people is easier way to check them.

Hmm i quite agree with this actually. A deep wolf is way more dangerous than the PoE pile.

Rinto-kun said:
I'm claiming 3-shot Doc, 1-shot self-doc, @grrr I'm with you on that, baby. *^*
Help me check on logic because he feels zombified, I'll protect you, do we have a deal? I've had it, I want to trust you but you always fail me with those claims. This time I'm serious about it and I hope you weren't bullshitting again because I'm screwed if so.

Once again, what the hell is the purpose of this claim?
The details feel legit enough, i guess he can use one of his 3 shots to heal himself one time. Then he has 2 shots left to use on others. So not 3+1 as i heard some people say. Generally best not to say that you can self-heal though so you can trick scum into trying to kill you.

Also lemme get this straight, you town read logic? How comes?
May 25, 2017 2:52 AM

Dec 2013
CorruptedPurity said:
Lecture ended, I have caught up. Lemme reach home then I'll write my thoughts on the computer as its much easier to manage there compared to writing on mobile. Before anything else, something really jumped at me, I'd like Rinto to flavour claim please, since you already claimed your role, there's no harm in flavor claiming right? Hopefully by the time I reach home, he claimed his flavor name for me to input into my catchup post.
He already indirectly did this, did he not?

Grapefruit21 said:
Mostly afk but I very much like Vote: Rinto-kun.


CorruptedPurity said:
@Rinto-kun for the (third?) time, pls claim in full, flavor and all.
Read between the lines. It's there.

Rinto-kun said:
Hmm, poor reception of my claim, poor reaction and poor try to pressure me.
It's useless to flavor claim as I have no name. (I'm background character, don't be harsh on me) >.<
I'm still waiting for grrr's help on that.
Well not sure i believe the doc claim as it kinda feels out of context but i town read you atm.

Laby-Gaga said:
Hmmm I feel safe enough to do so already then I guess.
Flavour claim: Yuki Takeya

Hmm i'm not sure who this Yuki Teriyaki is but
Vote: Laby-Gaga

Quck edit: done with page 4 now. Catching up is taking soo loooong. I feel like you're posting faster than i'm catching up.
May 25, 2017 2:58 AM

Dec 2014
wen294 said:
Yuki Teriyaki

Are you asking to be lynched? I know we are supposed to be lynching cute little moe girls like the monsters we are but you should know better than to insult waifus in an anime forum...
May 25, 2017 3:13 AM

Dec 2016
@wen294 all will be made clear on page 7. Dono actually noticed it sooner in the read. You went the opposite direction funny enough.
May 25, 2017 3:36 AM

Dec 2014
Grapefruit21 said:
@wen294 all will be made clear on page 7. Dono actually noticed it sooner in the read. You went the opposite direction funny enough.

I wanted to touch on that. It really shows how faulty my method is, two people of the same role reacted differently. That being the case, I can't fault Fo or logic for not noticing the trap. I can still pin logic for his scummy reaction, rinto for his unprovoked slip and to a certain extent, lamb for his role claim (although I kinda believe him that it may be bait)
May 25, 2017 3:41 AM

Dec 2016
CorruptedPurity said:
Grapefruit21 said:
@wen294 all will be made clear on page 7. Dono actually noticed it sooner in the read. You went the opposite direction funny enough.

I wanted to touch on that. It really shows how faulty my method is, two people of the same role reacted differently. That being the case, I can't fault Fo or logic for not noticing the trap. I can still pin logic for his scummy reaction, rinto for his unprovoked slip and to a certain extent, lamb for his role claim (although I kinda believe him that it may be bait)

I still kind of disagree on Fo. The way the question was asked strongly implies they don't think you are CC'ing.
May 25, 2017 4:16 AM
Jul 2018
catching up, wow you guys got no chill
May 25, 2017 4:28 AM

Jun 2009
Honestly, I feel off this game. Now I can tell myself all kinds of lies: it's because my role doesn't have any flavor so I can't slip in to the character, I'm focusing too much on it and let enjoying it lasts, I just feel not fired up about it I need to get my head in the game, just need to sit and think about it. However, I'm not sure any of that really fits it. The somewhat convenient lies I tell myself to excuse the fact that I just can't find anything. There's nothing interesting going on. And it doesn't even bother me that people are scum reading me for being off my game because I feel off my game. I really need to find a spark.

In my town pile i am currently looking at togs, logic, and corrupted purity as pretty strong reads.

Rinto is complicated because they have the bizarre claim that I almost want to call out because of the one shot self but seems foolheartedly to call out in host claim unless she made it up.

Lamby I called out early and the first one I held quite a bit of fire towards this game. I will probably hold into for a while because I was unable to sway people with the result not my investigations but I just get the feeling something is there.

As I was driving I began to ponder ruu and I will tell you what I get out of that.

Ask me questions.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 25, 2017 4:35 AM

Aug 2014
Vote Count 1.6
logic340 (4 votes): Gruffin (1), Grapefruit21 (4), grrr (7), wen294 (12), CorruptedPurity (23), Wen (27), Grapefruit (31), grrr (35), Laby-Gaga (36)
Laby-Gaga (2 votes): CorruptedPurity (18), Suzune-chan (32), wen294 (38)
AbuHumaid (1 vote): Wyndz (25)
wen294 (1 vote): logic340 (26), Logic340 (28)
Astros (1 vote): Grapefruit21 (6), Ruu (29)
CorruptedPurity (1 vote): Wen294 (30)
Rinto-kun (1 vote): CorruptedPurity (14), Grapefruit21 (15), Fo (17), wen294 (22), Laby-Gaga (24), Fo (33)
Wyndz (1 vote): Fo (19), Grapefruit21 (20), Gruffin (37)
Fo (0 votes): Suzune-chan (2)
Grapefruit (0 votes): Togs (5), logic340 (8)
Ruu (0 votes): Gruffin (10), Laby-Gaga (13), logic340 (21)
grrr (0 votes): Ruu (9)
Togs (0 votes): Wyndz (11)
Gruffin (0 votes): Grrr (34)
No Lynch (0 votes): logic340 (3)
Suzune-chan (0 votes): Fo (16)
Not Voting (3 players): AbuHumaid, Astros, Rinto-kun,

Inverted Tally
Gruffin: logic340 (1), Ruu (10), Wyndz (37)
Suzune-chan: Fo (2), Laby-Gaga (32)
logic340: No Lynch (3), Grapefruit21 (8), Ruu (21), wen294 (26), wen294 (28)
Grapefruit21: logic340 (4), Astros (6), Rinto-kun (15), Wyndz (20), Logic340 (31)
Togs: Grapefruit21 (5)
grrr: logic340 (7), Gruffin (34), Logic340 (35)
Ruu: grrr (9), Ruu (24), Astros (29)
Wyndz: Togs (11), AbuHumaid (25)
wen294: logic340 (12), Rinto-kun (22) logic340 (27), CorruptedPurity(30), Laby-Gaga (38)
Laby-Gaga: Ruu (13), Rinto-kun (24)
CorruptedPurity: Rinto-kun (14), Laby-Gaga (18), logic340 (23)
Fo: Suzune-chan (16), Rinto-kun (17), Wyndz (19), Rinto-kun (33)

Reminder: Deadline is in less than 12 hours.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
May 25, 2017 4:38 AM

Jan 2010
@wen294 I hate to do this but what you said is just not a factual statement. You were in Hirugashi which was by far my most aggressive game (poor Fo I'm really sorry about that). You even called me out for being a "wild logic"?

I'm not buying this read in the slightest
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 25, 2017 4:45 AM

Dec 2016
@Suzune-Chan talk me through the logic town read. What part of his game is saying town to you?

I'm having a similar problem with Rinto as you. Just not sure what to make of that claim and the slot being radio silent and unfilled since then hasn't helped.
May 25, 2017 4:53 AM

Dec 2014
@Grapefruit21 has your opinion of logic changed? Especially about how he tends to be more emotional as town (Kitty, Castle Panic, others that I've never played) while slightly more methodical and calm when answering as scum (sailor moon, Easter). Are you factoring in this meta too? Or going solely based on what evidence you get from this game? There's no wrong answer here.
May 25, 2017 5:03 AM

Jan 2010
wen294 said:
logic340 said:
I agree with like none of this.

We can interact here without voting and my Vote No Lynch generated more intrusions and discussion then your RVS on me. I would also dare to say that the three people who did not vote have now generated more discussion than your RVS vote on me as well. Now you said you do to add some weight to get a response to my no lynch, did you get what you wanted? I'll be honest for a vote that was supposed to add pressure you ran away from it from fault quickly? @Gruffin this is what I find scummy not the vote itself.

All the people who haven't posted yet aren't eating and wagon to form either should they post RVS votes with their very first post? If not then I feel like this comment holds no weight as they will put votes down later that will actually be able to be analyzed because they will have real reasons behind them. RVS votes are hard to analyze because there are no reasons behind them hence them being called RVS which stands for random. Purity and Astros have both taken stances in RVS Purity has driven discussion so I don't see what you're getting at here I really don't. Again Abu looks the worst in your vote is not on him.

I don't see what RVS has to do with interacting? It seems like you're hanging the whole lot on a blank vote right now? I've actually played a game on Oro Jackson where are there was no RVS votes to start the game so I know it's possible from personal experience.

You know logic, on page 8 or so as a reply to me you made it sound like you got some good results 'nd all. All i'm seeing right now is you having a heated discussion with somebody else over PERSONAL views on no lynch votes and RVS. This isn't alignment indicative, it doesn't involve behaviour. It just involves personal opinions and you're bashing people for it.
I did get good result I got interactions out of it and I would advise you to back and reread those interaction if you feel otherwise.
wen294 said:
logic340 said:
Explain to me every time I'm aggressive I get scum read but what do I always flip? I would like everybody who's played with me to answer this question
Idk i haven't seen you play this agressive before, but i've seen your town play before and since you said it like this i assume you're aiming at the fact that normally you flip town when this happens.
If so why does your play just completly changes for no clear reason every now and then? Makes no sense.

The response below is for this part of your post.
logic340 said:
@wen294 I hate to do this but what you said is just not a factual statement. You were in Hirugashi which was by far my most aggressive game (poor Fo I'm really sorry about that). You even called me out for being a "wild logic"?

I'm not buying this read in the slightest
This is how I caught Qoco in Stray Dogs. Lying about what he actually knows about me as a player. There is only one mentality behind lying about what you know about someone which is why I call so much attention to myself to see who is going to lie about what they know. You sir have done just that and in a very bad way. Why does town need to lie about what they know about another town player? They don't this mindset only comes from the mafia.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 25, 2017 5:05 AM

Jan 2010
CorruptedPurity said:
@Grapefruit21 has your opinion of logic changed? Especially about how he tends to be more emotional as town (Kitty, Castle Panic, others that I've never played) while slightly more methodical and calm when answering as scum (sailor moon, Easter). Are you factoring in this meta too? Or going solely based on what evidence you get from this game? There's no wrong answer here.
I doubt it will change his town reads town read me and he hasn't questioned them about it?
Togs and Fo? He never responded to the below quote from Fo which is weird because he asked this question twice?
Fo said:
Grapefruit21 said:
@Fo thoughts on logic?
Hardy, blockheaded, unabashed town so far.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 25, 2017 5:09 AM

Jan 2010
Here are my thoughts on Rinto's claim:
-In Fairy he made a really complex role claim. So while I know Rinto will do so when I look at the circumstances they are severly different. In FT he and Jack were facing lynch pressure so he made the claim to save Jack since he had the stronger ability.
-What advantage would Rinto gain as scum claiming Doctor there? Who was he protecting? It just makes no sense for him to do this as scum because it's just asking for the Rope.
-There has been no sign or hint of a counter claim (imo).
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 25, 2017 5:14 AM

Dec 2016
@CorruptedPurity I didn't read any of logic's scum games except Prison, which from my POV he played a very emotional game. He tends to snap more at someone as town, but I don't see this as not fitting his town meta. So yeah no it hasn't I'm still firmly believeing that logic is scum here. Awaiting his response to you as that could persuade me though.

@logic340 That's quite the jump to say Wen is intentionally lying. Could be they forgot about Hirugashi or have a different opinion that you have started off just as aggressive. Wen's opinion about your aggressiveness isn't a fact. And people lie as both alignments for multiple reasons. Though I see your point that a lie to discredit you is more likely to come from scum, and I agree. That's a huge part of why I'm scum reading you!
May 25, 2017 5:18 AM

Dec 2014
A better question is why would doctor claim at all? When asked which town role plays most like mafia, I would say doctor, cause a claimed doc is a dead doc so a doc would usually lie about their role the most. The fact that he blatantly claimed unprovoked is another factor to consider.
May 25, 2017 5:21 AM

Dec 2014
Also logic, quite a couple post back I did give you an opportunity to explain yourself and tell me your thoughts, I will look at this unbiasly without any considerations of what I thought of you before. I'm giving you a clean slate so I suggest you utilize it to the best of your abiities. Even though logic dictates that you're scum, somewhere in my gut I get the feeling you're not. Just pointing out that you still have that opportunity in case you missed it.
May 25, 2017 5:21 AM

Jan 2010
This is exactly what I say as I read most of your posts.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 25, 2017 5:22 AM

Dec 2016
logic340 said:
Here are my thoughts on Rinto's claim:
-In Fairy he made a really complex role claim. So while I know Rinto will do so when I look at the circumstances they are severly different. In FT he and Jack were facing lynch pressure so he made the claim to save Jack since he had the stronger ability.
-What advantage would Rinto gain as scum claiming Doctor there? Who was he protecting? It just makes no sense for him to do this as scum because it's just asking for the Rope.

Two responses to this since it isn't really a take but just questions. First Doctors get a ton of leeway because the role is so important for town. It can earn a ton of town cred. So that could be the scum motivation. But more importantly a town doctor should never ever ever out themselves if there is a possibility of a RB still. And even after it's super sketchy as scum can just kill you. So much more likely is it's a fake claim imo. And I can see both alignments making that sort of fake claim.

-There has been no sign or hint of a counter claim (imo).[/b]

And nor should there be. Outing the doc is not worth a lynch on D1 ever.
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