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Your Lie in April
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Feb 5, 2015 5:46 PM
Nov 2013
Well then...the feels hit me i don't think i can watch your lie in April after spoiling myself. I give completely props to the author for not going the cliche route impressive work.
Feb 5, 2015 9:47 PM

Sep 2014
LastChapter said:
What is really depressing though and still gives me the feels is that Kaori lives her life to the fullest due to being inspired by Kousei and progressed her life only for the hope of getting closer to him. She knew she didn't have enough time, so she got closer to him by treating him as just a normal friend and pretended to like his best friend instead. And finally when Kaori has fulfilled her wish to be by Kousei's side, death comes knocking, so she takes a life-threatening surgery for the slight chance she can be with him longer.

It reminds me back of what happened in chapter 41 before the surgery when she starts crying about how this is the extent of getting to know the boy she loves, that there is still so much she doesn't know about him, and how she doesn't want Kousei to leave her side. Unfortunately, that chance will never come and Kaori dies prematurely, leaving behind a letter confessing everything because she wasn't alive long enough to confess everything herself. Life has given her the short end of the stick as when she is about to finally reach her goal, she wasn't able to cross the finish line. Never again will we hear the violin and piano duet brimming with the players' love for each other. Never will Kaori spend time with Kousei again, and never again will Kousei see her brimming smile in spring.

The series had a sad but beautiful ending, every character involved had their development fleshed out splendidly, if only we can give Kaori a second chance and let her stay with Kousei just a little bit longer.
this comment emotionally destroyed me
Feb 6, 2015 12:41 AM

Jul 2014
LastChapter said:
What is really depressing though and still gives me the feels is that Kaori lives her life to the fullest due to being inspired by Kousei and progressed her life only for the hope of getting closer to him. She knew she didn't have enough time, so she got closer to him by treating him as just a normal friend and pretended to like his best friend instead. And finally when Kaori has fulfilled her wish to be by Kousei's side, death comes knocking, so she takes a life-threatening surgery for the slight chance she can be with him longer.

It reminds me back of what happened in chapter 41 before the surgery when she starts crying about how this is the extent of getting to know the boy she loves, that there is still so much she doesn't know about him, and how she doesn't want Kousei to leave her side. Unfortunately, that chance will never come and Kaori dies prematurely, leaving behind a letter confessing everything because she wasn't alive long enough to confess everything herself. Life has given her the short end of the stick as when she is about to finally reach her goal, she wasn't able to cross the finish line. Never again will we hear the violin and piano duet brimming with the players' love for each other. Never will Kaori spend time with Kousei again, and never again will Kousei see her brimming smile in spring.

The series had a sad but beautiful ending, every character involved had their development fleshed out splendidly, if only we can give Kaori a second chance and let her stay with Kousei just a little bit longer.

This comment trippled my heart break over Kaori's death..... why the hell would other people want a realistic ending over fictional characters? we have fiction to run from real life cuz real life sucks for most people, thats how life is we all know that the hard way. Fiction is my ticket for escaping the harsh reality life has to give us..... I learned to love Kaori's character and I wasnt supposed to cry this much but her letter man, her LETTER! after I read the ''Arima Kousei Kun, I love you, I love you, I love you'' it just broke me.... I cant even describe how I feel atm. I might seem like a weirdo crying over a fictional character but I dont care..... The last time I cried like this was in Clannad AS but at least that gave us a wonderful miraculous ending but this.... this is just too much.... I dont want to watch the anime anymore but for the memory of Kaori and what the author wanted to show us I shall watch it and Ima ready some tissues for it.
Feb 6, 2015 5:37 AM

Dec 2014
wtfitsmegaman said:
Usually truck-san takes out all shoujo girls I am quite surprised that kaori died a natural death

Dammit, this reminds me of what happened in the manga
Feb 6, 2015 7:31 AM

Dec 2013
As real as the ending was in comparison to any real life situation (with no miraculous recovery and whatnot) It still doesn't take away the sadness this ending produces...
You could say that the last few pages were of Kousei moving on, but because we don't have anything like a time-skip or a period of mourning so-to-speak, Kaori's death and everything that happens afterwards feels so raw at the conclusion of this manga....

Damn ninjas.....

Even though she's fictional, I'm seriously gonna miss her.
Feb 6, 2015 8:55 AM

Dec 2010
szympus11 said:
angelica89 said:
Since I am sick of the "miraculously saved" clichés, I liked the way the author ended his work. Imo it's more realistic this way.

+1 for you my friend because i was tired of that kind of ending too and this manga changed it and showed how real life is like .

I was waiting for this end, I'm not disappointed.
Feb 6, 2015 9:27 AM
Oct 2014
It's cruel, sad, brutal, and heartbreaking... not even slightest bit of joy there.. that's why I feel it's not enough to fully complete the story

I mean how will Kousei recover from this? He suffer a lot of trauma after her mom died..and now he lost the girl he loves..

Sure before his mom died, he said something awful so that might be the cause of trauma.. and he did have much nicer 'end words' with Kaori..but I just can't see how he recover from this

Damn everytime I read Kaori's letter it just struck me and tears just drop .. it's too painful :((
Feb 6, 2015 10:35 AM

Dec 2014
I know it didnt follow the cliche route but the story was really predictable ._. Seriously i think most of us figured out what the lie was early on and also it was kind of implied that she is going to die . So deep down i was actually hoping for an ending that would surprise me :/ The ending we got left me wanting more . So meh for the ending :| Overall good story i guess but predictable. Still deserves 9/10 . I hope they throw in some extra scenes or something in the anime . Maybe an ova with a time skip.
There’s no hope on the battlefield.
It has nothing but unspeakable despair.
Just a crime we call victory, paid for by the pain of the defeated.
Yet humanity has never recognized this truth.
And the reason for that is, in every era,
a dazzling hero has blinded people with their legends and prevented them from seeing the evil of bloodshed.
The true nature of humanity has not advanced a step beyond the Stone Age!
Feb 7, 2015 10:03 AM

Apr 2014
yeah the ending and the letter itself the whole story was predictable i mean even from the start you can tell that she really like arima from the start and then not much later you could tell she was dying i even realized that she was just like his mom as to how she was rushing to do things and so on because she was running out of time

but still even though all of it was predictable the letter still broke me just even thinking about it now still makes me wanna cry and when it happens in the anime its gonna make it even more emotional..

but overall even with it ended i do want a bit more as the story still feels incomplete i wanna see what happens after them going to high school and and more

amazing series now just to watch till the end with the anime
"one step at a time"
Feb 7, 2015 6:20 PM

Feb 2008
This ending just doesn't feel complete for me. What I got out of the story is that he finally moved on from his Mother's passing because he met someone that essentially took her place. After a bunch of developments and a few performances, she dies and we're expected to believe that Kousei is able to move on after his pillar of support literally dies? Just feel like there should be more to the ending.

I'm not complaining about her death, I just think that its a bit abrupt at the end which the author clearly wanted us to feel empty. Perhaps most of it is due to the fact that the focus of the show shifted from music to becoming full on drama which I honestly didn't like. I guess it is what it is.
yahzeeFeb 7, 2015 6:23 PM
Feb 7, 2015 11:37 PM

Mar 2012
This is a shitty ending not because she died. It's because the story ends right after she dies...
Feb 8, 2015 1:04 PM

Feb 2008
Smooched said:
This is a shitty ending not because she died. It's because the story ends right after she dies...

Pretty much this^. You basically summed up my 2 paragraphs of ranting in one sentence.
Feb 8, 2015 1:18 PM
Jan 2015
akdgn said:
^Actually i also agree with them. I checked out your list, there's nothing- it's empty. Go and read Kyou no kira-kun, Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora, BokuKimi etc. Also there are lots of soap operas with the same cliche: They always over-dramatize everything but MC always survives by the end. After all those things if Kaori didn't die, how should i say.. it would be ackward and unconvincing.

Check again, only the first one you got right.

Second got no real conclusion, instead it hints on more suffering and soon death and the third one.... What a mess that was, the ending was so vague and opened that he died in the tv version and at the end of the manga author simply said that he lives, and that ending was like finishing on ch. 43. of shigatsu. So if we take that into consideration it wouldn't be that big of surprise to have Kaori alive at the end of the anime. It's just a flavor, some like it bitter, some sweet. There's nothing in her death but to support Arima to mature and she did her part before she died.
Feb 9, 2015 9:12 AM

Jan 2010
Lol RIP Kaori. In more seriousness, I called Kaori's death from the whole beginning because she rised her own fucking death flag "I want people to remember me" everything was predictable and thus it was a boring read. 3/10
Ryuku-TsukuyomiFeb 9, 2015 9:22 AM
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Feb 9, 2015 11:12 PM
Mar 2012
It seems people are equating predictability to "shit story." It's not being unable to guess the development that makes the series good, but how the development is executed, and Shigatsu did a pretty damn good job. Oh, so you "knew" what was going to happen before the ending came? Congrats, so did those who paid attention to all the death flags blatantly being waved at the reader halfway through the series. Perhaps I should now spoil myself the ending to every series before I read/watch it and call it shit when I'm done because I knew the ending? The author wasn't going for the surprise factor that Kaori died, the author was painting a story of how it inevitably concludes.
Feb 10, 2015 6:49 AM
Oct 2014
LastChapter said:
It seems people are equating predictability to "shit story." It's not being unable to guess the development that makes the series good, but how the development is executed, and Shigatsu did a pretty damn good job. Oh, so you "knew" what was going to happen before the ending came? Congrats, so did those who paid attention to all the death flags blatantly being waved at the reader halfway through the series. Perhaps I should now spoil myself the ending to every series before I read/watch it and call it shit when I'm done because I knew the ending? The author wasn't going for the surprise factor that Kaori died, the author was painting a story of how it inevitably concludes. much true

Predictable is not equal to shit.. as long as the execution is good then nothing's wrong...sure unpredictable plot will give you feeling of excitement and surprise..and it's a good thing, but calling a series shit because the plot is predictable is just ignorant...

You can't just give a plot twist and bam! the series become better... clearly the author already has an idea of Kaori dies at the end.. and for this kind of ending, does it need a plot twist?? I don't think so, what needed is how the author convey the dynamic between Kaori and Kousei.. that's why it still sad as hell especially the letter part.. and that's why I think the ending is not complete because it doesn't show how Kousei can cope with Kaori gone

Maybe people these days think that predictable means that they outsmart the author... that's why they feel good about themselves if their prediction of how the series goes come true

mbahamoodFeb 10, 2015 7:03 AM
Feb 10, 2015 8:57 AM

Aug 2014
Holy dick balls penis, I can't wait till this ending to be animated to see the faces and what the butt hurt lads write.
Feb 10, 2015 1:43 PM
Apr 2014
God, Kaori really did die. (Tear, tear)
Nice letter as well (kind of reminded me of Koizora, minus the fact in Koizora it was a journal).

Beautiful series, 8/10. Kudos to the author for creating such a manga. Looking forward to the next work the mangaka makes.
Feb 11, 2015 3:41 AM

Oct 2011
Damn... it won't make me stop watching the anime, but... now I really hope the OVA will be some alternate ending where Kaori lives... SHE DESERVES HER HAPPY ENDING DAMMIT! T.T
Feb 11, 2015 7:08 AM

Sep 2011
it's ironic that the anime had the most colourful palette ever at the beginning.
it gave me hope as what fiction should have done but turned out that when you know your end you suddenly want to make your last seconds of your life being colourful.
and Kaori ended up sharing her colours to Kousei, making herself losing her colours---
i don't even know if she felt happy dying. she must've been filled with regret not being able to perform for the last time, although she managed to perform with Kousei once in her most colourful period ever.

i thought this series couldve been a great encouragement for your creative side, now i'm not really sure. i have mixed feelings where i loved the first cour of the anime but reading the last two volumes of the manga was so frustrating.

Also i wanted more epilogue on Kousei. did he stay for the in-country high school or did he go overseas? Emi somewhat said Kousei was gonna go for a "journey" at the end of his performance, does that mean he's going overseas? But Tsubaki said that she would stay by his side "forever like a ghost haunting your back" so does that mean Kousei won the competition and gets to go to his first-choice high school?

Kousei grew at the end but i just wanted to see a little bit more.
Feb 11, 2015 8:15 PM

Apr 2012

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Feb 11, 2015 9:17 PM

Dec 2014
its make me really tearful somehow after read this
well... feels coming
Feb 13, 2015 3:27 PM

May 2012
i stopped breathing awhile there.. T_T
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Feb 15, 2015 5:11 PM

Nov 2014
That's good, she stopped suffering.
Feb 16, 2015 2:03 AM

Apr 2009
epicSHIN said:
That's good, she stopped suffering.

I'm suffering ;~;
Feb 16, 2015 1:57 PM

Nov 2014
Azn210 said:
epicSHIN said:
That's good, she stopped suffering.

I'm suffering ;~;

You'll recover right away.
Feb 17, 2015 1:32 AM

May 2013
Well, at least Kaori feels the same for Kousei. But still *sighs*
The world shall know the truth soon.
Feb 17, 2015 5:37 AM

Sep 2014
Where the hell these tears came from??
Feb 17, 2015 2:04 PM

Nov 2014
Seepos said:
Where the hell these tears came from??

The onion beside you.
Feb 18, 2015 8:31 AM

Sep 2014
epicSHIN said:
Seepos said:
Where the hell these tears came from??

The onion beside you.

Didin't even noticed that them were there.
Feb 19, 2015 3:28 PM
Sep 2014
I sure hope they give viewers more closure on the anime. Maybe an epilogue OVA where the characters have grown up.

The author could also extend the manga when they go to college and we will see Nagi turn into a babe and both she and Tsubaki will support Arima.
Feb 19, 2015 8:18 PM
Feb 2015
oh...depression for a week :'(
what started as a funny and enjoyable manga,turns into an ending of sadness and them feels..9/10 for me
Feb 20, 2015 12:19 AM

Jan 2010
i havent felt this happy or sad reading something for a long time....
Feb 20, 2015 6:32 AM

Oct 2008
LastChapter said:
It seems people are equating predictability to "shit story." It's not being unable to guess the development that makes the series good, but how the development is executed, and Shigatsu did a pretty damn good job. Oh, so you "knew" what was going to happen before the ending came? Congrats, so did those who paid attention to all the death flags blatantly being waved at the reader halfway through the series. Perhaps I should now spoil myself the ending to every series before I read/watch it and call it shit when I'm done because I knew the ending? The author wasn't going for the surprise factor that Kaori died, the author was painting a story of how it inevitably concludes.

Thank you for that! Besides if you think in wider perspective there is no story that wasn`t already told at some point of the time. Yet we still keep reading stories...
As for Kaori death... at first I was very disappointed. I mean I have enough bad endings in real life, but after sometime I thought maybe it`s for the best. If she just survived the operation and got better for a while I would be harder on her and Kousei, plus she didn`t suffer anymore. But still I would`t might a miracle even unbelievable one. I don`t think they`ll alter the story in anime, besides even if they did everyone knows how it really ended, so whats the point? Now it would be only to please the fans ( or alt least some of them).
Smooched said:
This is a shitty ending not because she died. It's because the story ends right after she dies...

Yeah, I really would like to know what happened after. What happened with Kousei Tsubaki and others. Does he still remember Kaori for who is he now playing? Does he visit her grave/parents?

Btw. Am I the only one who is under impression That Watari knew all along that Kaori really is into Kousei not him?
Feb 21, 2015 8:40 AM
Nov 2014
arrr, i just have read chap 40, but when i saw this manga will end at 44 chapters, immediately i think kao-chan may die. is it real :(
Feb 24, 2015 2:19 AM

Jul 2013
I thought it was pretty obvious. I mean the show is called "Your Lie in April"
and the only thing repeated over and over was "I'll stay by your side" and "I'll never leave you".
Also there was the cat who was always compared to Kaori died and her final words "we all need someone to kiss us goodbye"
Nonetheless,great manga. I should have stuck with the anime.
humaidk2Feb 24, 2015 2:25 AM
Feb 24, 2015 8:02 AM

Sep 2013
I'm not sad that Kaori passed away, it was inevitable. I'm lying, I'm crying my eyes out.
What makes me more sad is the fact that even though WE know that in the end, they both love each other, they didn't. At least not directly. Would've loved a confession before the surgery.

Interesting to see if the anime will be faithful to the original or tweak some stuff here and there. Time to go to my corner and cry like a b*tch for a week for being emotionally weak. I can never handle a main character's death. FEELS/10

An epilogue would've been nice though. What happened to Emi?, Takashi? his sister? and the rest.
natsuculeFeb 24, 2015 11:17 AM
Mar 3, 2015 9:06 PM

Jul 2014
I'm going to seriously miss this series. but first things first, i have to brace my tear canals for the anime, then i can look back at this series in hindsight. uugghh i honestly don't even know. i'm speechless
Mar 3, 2015 11:00 PM

Feb 2012
That ending was so bad ugh I was hoping for a successful surgery and the two playing on stage together once again, making a big comeback shocking the classical world in their world. Tragedy isn't even listed as genre for this series so that was really unexpected, at least her suffering ended.
Mar 5, 2015 3:20 AM

Jun 2013
Really?? Thats how it ended? Well, can't say I didn't call it. I just can't feel for this, honestly think its a terrible end
Mar 5, 2015 8:25 AM

Aug 2014
Mar 5, 2015 1:39 PM
Mar 2015
I read it the last chapter and concluded that she died man it felt like somebody just shot me int he heart . i ask why .............................................................................. ?
Mar 5, 2015 5:19 PM

Sep 2010
No happy end for us ;__;

We all saw it coming, but I really hoped for a miracle. Sad endings aren't my thing even if they are "realistic."
Mar 5, 2015 9:31 PM

Nov 2011
what a sad ending :(
RIP Kaori

Mar 6, 2015 1:03 PM
Apr 2014
I knew she would die... I knew it... but that letter... that letter made my cry... then I translated it to spanish and cried again...

Kaori Miyazono, you're one of the best female characters i've seen ; _ ;

giganta said:
That ending was so bad ugh I was hoping for a successful surgery and the two playing on stage together once again, making a big comeback shocking the classical world in their world. Tragedy isn't even listed as genre for this series so that was really unexpected, at least her suffering ended.

It IS listed tho. - anime | manga | reviews
Mar 7, 2015 8:03 PM

Sep 2008
^^ Totally agree. Ass-pulls like "she ends up living"is what you'd call a bad ending as Kaori was part of the plot device for Kousei to walk that road of sorrow and overcoming it.....5/5 for this chapter and a 9/10 overall for the manga. Now I just hope the adaptation stays faithful unlike a certain other 2014 anime(akame ga....oops) and Kaori kicks the bucket. Sadist that I am would not forgive A1 if Kaori miraculously lives and plays duet with Kousei. The guy needs to be a soloist thru and thru...and no shipping for Tsubaki either (mean face)
Mar 8, 2015 4:44 PM
Jul 2018
This ending is on par with Clannad in the feels department. I didn't even know that was possible.
I am crying.
Mar 8, 2015 6:29 PM
Oct 2014
Scrypt said:
^^ Totally agree. Ass-pulls like "she ends up living"is what you'd call a bad ending as Kaori was part of the plot device for Kousei to walk that road of sorrow and overcoming it.....5/5 for this chapter and a 9/10 overall for the manga. Now I just hope the adaptation stays faithful unlike a certain other 2014 anime(akame ga....oops) and Kaori kicks the bucket. Sadist that I am would not forgive A1 if Kaori miraculously lives and plays duet with Kousei. The guy needs to be a soloist thru and thru...and no shipping for Tsubaki either (mean face)

True, but I think it'd been just as effective if she was in critical condition. Couldn't walk anymore or needed physical therapy. But I guess it hits harder when she dies.
Mar 9, 2015 4:58 PM

May 2013
The tears can't stop.
Mar 9, 2015 7:27 PM

Apr 2011
So Kaori became like a medium to make Kousei come back to being a Pianist and making both him and Tsubaki realize something.

She really made a lot for those last months she had. And it was all devoted for her childhood crush.

Kinda romantic.
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