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lelouch do you like him or hate him and why
i dont like him
i like him
330 votes
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Sep 18, 2014 4:36 PM

May 2014
I spent most of the last episode z wondering w.t.f is he doing ....thinking he was up to something was' t till the end when I almost lost hope thinking the whole thing with his sis was going too far...when he surpized us all with that end was a masterpiece of a ending ....the way I see it is hey had prick for the good of the world...
Sep 18, 2014 4:43 PM

Jun 2014
LeluchRulesWorld said:
Am i the only one who gets this show? please check this out, i joined this website just to make this response lol:

He couldnt take the heat off of Euphy by telling everyone about his power,

a. no one would believe him and
b. the powers are secret for reasons that were understood in the thought chamber.

One thing that no one gets about this anime is the deep spiritual truths... Suzaku and Lelouch had a revelation in the thought chamber, they seen that it was the only way, even righteous Suzaku could see that there was no denying this was the way to world peace. They saw the what future would be like had they gone about it another way and it simply wouldnt have worked. They had such virtue, honor and friendship together in the thought tank that they were able to transcend all of their demons there, becoming enlightened in a way and worked from that day forward without any regard for personal matters, they worked like gods...

Being a tyrant and taking over the entire world was the best way to make world peace also because he knew that peaceful people, the princesses and other rulers of japan, would succeed him when "Zero" killed him... The former king, Lelouch's father, was just as much of a complete tyrant as Lelouch PRETENDED to be but he hid it so that the people wouldnt fully be able to grasp the implications of it... Lelouch Didnt... He didnt hide it on purpose... he wanted to SHOW all the brainwashed citizens that they were in fact under world domination by giving them a perfect divine example of what they have adhered too... no more would they be able to be fooled. The perfect example was shown to them and noted in the history books of an unhealthy society, of all the gory details of how the elite control everything... think about that... no one can rule without coaperation... he disarmed that resourse because of his amazing strategizing, that kept going btw ... there is a method to the maddness of-course, or he wouldnt be Lelouch :)

Him being the bad guy took all of the heat off of the black nights as well, everyone united against him. He took all the sins of the world on his shoulders and didn't want a lick of credit, his whole intention was good from day one, he was the messiah, and he didn't even try, He didn't proclaim himself the god of the world, he was perfect from eposode one, he walked that walk... no ego.... he did what had to be done cause no one else would. This show is not far off from truth of real life too, it may sound harsh and unreal but in reality we are actually under elitist rule, who are the CEO's and billionare bankers who created money and actually run our nations, nations are their coverup, we do as the TV and other media tells us, we think we have choices but were all brainwashed to some extent by the 1% who actually own everything......I love the fact that the animator is into "Anonymous" with the masks and what not, they are the real life group of "zero's" (wanabes) that actually exist in our world, (youtube them, you will laugh) ... again, super brilliant... if their were someone with the mind and ego of lelouch then things would be peaceful on earth, (were fighting wars for the elitests, we are no different THINKING we are doing the right thing when we are not because we are brainwashed), everyone is obsessed with status quo and being known and loved... not lelouch, he doesnt give a rats ass... awesome! what a hero and an inspiration ... if we only knew...I have a bleeding heart just like leluch, i have cared with that sort of conviction so im plum obsessed with his archetype, and have thought that i would even sacrifice myself and much more for world peace... since i was little it was painfully obvious to me that we are all brainwashed... So to me this is the greatest anime of all time, and the most epic character of al time...

I am so wanting to find more anime like this, Evangelion, and Shinseki yori...PLEASE

No your not the only one who gets this show. And also, welcome to the forums. Death note has a lot of similarities to code geass, though the mc is less relatable than lelouch, witch is saying something.

I wouldn't say I like him, it's more I like how he's written.
I didn't come here to play, I came to win. Now lets play.
Sep 21, 2014 11:34 AM
Feb 2012

you should watch Mahou Shoujo Madoka movies
Sep 27, 2014 5:02 AM

Jul 2014
i like lelouch bcuz he know what he doing. And what do u expect him to do for Euphemia? do u even know what situation is it? In Code Geass series Britannia almost control all over the world and planning to conquer the world. How to clear Euphemia name? Tell everyone he responsible for all that? then what good that come from doing that? Nothing right? it's just like surrender to Britannia, then what going to happen to Nunnally? and hate him bcuz be kill million people? it's for the sake of billion people. how do u expect someone to overthrow someone that controll over 1/3 of the world without sacrifice? Yes he's guilty, but he's know what he's doing, he's know his own guilt. In Code Geass Series lelouch is Hero, why? bcuz he the one that change the fate of the world. if he don't act Britannia will control over the world and everyone will become Britannia's slave. And u know what his goal is? it's to build peacefull place for Nunnally. And to build that peacefull place someone must broke the cycle of hatred. And to broke that cycle of hatred someone must took all the blame/hatred and disappear with it. Lelouch plan to sacrifice himself from the very beginning(that's what writer said). And why he can kill his own brother/sister? bcuz in his eyes Nunnally and Suzaku are the only family to him, his real family abandon him.

P.S Actually Light would have been in my favorite if his goal doesn t change. After L die, he's been consume by evil, willing to kill anyone who oppose him and who dont like his idea.(Dictatorship?). i like his idea of get rid of rotten society, but everything change after L die.
Sep 27, 2014 5:05 AM

Sep 2013
You know, although I disagree with you, I like the fact you included why you don't like him rather than just hate.

When you're bored with the cliche shounen protag, Lelouch brings a fresh air that just blows you away.
Sep 27, 2014 5:23 AM

Feb 2013
Animefreak17a said:
I don't care he is still a prick that deserves death........a long with kallan and roll

He does all those things for him self not for area 11 but for

For nunnally
Looking for the reasons why he's mother was killed

And that's it all for he's miserable self.

Fuck lelouch

damn dude, its okay if you dont like him but dont take it so seriously

Sep 27, 2014 6:15 PM

Jul 2014
badwolf45f said:
damn dude, its okay if you dont like him but dont take it so seriously

Sep 28, 2014 5:31 AM

Jul 2012
natsucule said:
You know, although I disagree with you, I like the fact you included why you don't like him rather than just hate.

When you're bored with the cliche shounen protag, Lelouch brings a fresh air that just blows you away.

theres nothing new about him

hes a light yagami rip off

code gaess has no originality

it takes its settings from gundum with its mechs
it give the main character a power to make anyone do what he wants......death note
it takes place in school......70% of all anime has that
lelouch acts like light

and what are the chances of him running in to a girl that is connected to what lelouches father is looking in to and she give him powers

lelouch isn't a hero........

if it came to it he would sacrifice the nights to save nunnally

lelouch isn't doing it to help people but to get back at his father

what what he did to euphy is completely unforgivable......framing his own sister...........hell spawn
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Sep 30, 2014 10:15 PM

Oct 2013
badwolf45f said:
damn dude, its okay if you dont like him but dont take it so seriously

Oct 1, 2014 1:38 PM

Jul 2014
Lelouch is not selfish and he changes the world, first for the sake of his sister, and after for the sake of the world.

He also had to kill his sister Euphimia, because he accidently used his Geass on her and she would have killed all the japanese people.

Shirley had suffered too much, that's why he had to use his Geass on her, to make her forget him, forget the pain he caused. Her father indirectly died as a result of his actions, as far as I remember, but he regretted it and wanted to help her as much as he could.

And about his brother he killed? Clovis? He was just pathetic and ordered to destroy the shinjuku ghetto and kill all the elevens, Lelouch had to kill him, even when he was his brother, Clovis was evil.

Comparison to Death Note (spoiler)

PS: Lelouch is a badass.

Edit: I apologize for posting 10 times the same message, MAL had some kind of error, and it didn't show my post, so I tried again and again. I deleted them all.
-Notorious-Oct 1, 2014 3:28 PM
It wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world!
Oct 1, 2014 1:52 PM

Jan 2014
Why the hell is it so damn hard for some people to "All Hail Lelouch??"
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Oct 2, 2014 6:32 AM

Jul 2012
-Notorious- said:
Lelouch is not selfish and he changes the world, first for the sake of his sister, and after for the sake of the world.

He also had to kill his sister Euphimia, because he accidently used his Geass on her and she would have killed all the japanese people.

Shirley had suffered too much, that's why he had to use his Geass on her, to make her forget him, forget the pain he caused. Her father indirectly died as a result of his actions, as far as I remember, but he regretted it and wanted to help her as much as he could.

And about his brother he killed? Clovis? He was just pathetic and ordered to destroy the shinjuku ghetto and kill all the elevens, Lelouch had to kill him, even when he was his brother, Clovis was evil.

Comparison to Death Note (spoiler)

PS: Lelouch is a badass.

Edit: I apologize for posting 10 times the same message, MAL had some kind of error, and it didn't show my post, so I tried again and again. I deleted them all.

theres nothing likable about lelouch.....he is selfish and a bastard.........hes fanboys just brushes all the horrible things his done to one side and say his a hero.......which he isn't

lelouch started the war because of 3 main things

making the world good for nunnally
killing his father
and finding out what happnened to his mother......

and that's have this deluded idea he wanted to save the world from the start but really it was for those 3 things alone........

he only started to want to save the world after he thought he lost nunnally he found out what happened to his mother and he killed his father.......and after that lelouch had nothing left...

his family wants to kill him....for what he did to euphy and clovis
the knights betrayed him
he lost nunnally
he killed his father
found out what happened to his mother......and kills her.......for a mommys boy who wanted to know why hes mommy was killed....sure quickens to kill her instead of trying to convince her to come back.

again he only started his new plan because suzaku wanted to kill lelouch to avenge euphy but lelouch told suzaku that he would make so much blood shed that everyone would forget about euphy massacre.........which is a fucking stupid idea.......

its like if I killed a 100 million people to make people forget about hitler and all the horrible things he would never work.

oh and about euphy......she was the only royle that shows respect to the 11s and wanted to help them but thanks to that prick lelouch it all went south.....

not only did he kill his sister
not onlt did he stire up the hatred in the 11s and went on a killing spree
not only did he almost get his friiends killed at school
but he does shit to clear her wasn't her fault and the only royal to even want to help the 11s get killed and is hated by all the 11s and has her name tarnished ........all because lelouch miss his fucking mommy

you have to be completely out of your mind to even stand by the lelouch at this point.

he kills his own brother who he had friendly relationship with
he used the 11s and the knights to start a army
he kills millions of peoples-

the people at the stadium *accidently but wrongly uses it to his advantage*

killed people in the city like sherlys dad *indirectly*

and the bomb suzaku fired.......nina might of been the one to make it and suzaku might of been the one to fire it but.........

if lelouch didn't kill euphy then nina wouldn't of got picked up by the royals and its the same with suzaku and if lelouch didn't think suzaku betrayed him and told kallen to kill him.............then all those millions wouldn't have been killed.......its all thanks to lelouch * indirectly *

clovis still cared about was said that they played chess when they was little and had a somewhat brothely bond and the only reason lelouch killed him was because lelouch got it in to his head that the royal family needed to be killed because he thought they killed his mother which in reality non of them knew but his father..................what if nunnally killed 11s do you think lelouch would leave her be.........of course he would because he has a loli sister complex. clovis might of been a horrible government person but still a brother to lelouch

lelouch had no other choice but to use his power on shrilly because it was ether she kills him or he kills her........lelouch doesn't care who gets killed as long as it serves his porpose of killing his father.

if lelouch didn't have the gaess power and somehow got to this point then what do you thing he would of done......he would of most likely killed her.

also lelouch is a coward running away from the horriblr things his done...

1 he uses enemies allies family friends and even by standers and disposes of them when his done with them

2 he tarnishes his sister euphys name.........not only this but he tires to get her to shoot him so he would get support from the 11s but she refuses .....come on thi is a dick move. also he makes her out to be a mass murder dose nothing to clear her name and even manipulates all the 11s to make them think all britannaias are evil.........the 11s went on a hunt killing brittannais where ever they could find them after after the massacre

3 kills millions of millions of people though direct mean indirect mean accidental mean on purpose......all the deaths are all his fault

4 ruined peoples lives look at shrlys mother she lost her husband and daughter because of lelouch

5 making people believe all britannans are evil after the euphy massacre

6 lying he wanted to free japan

7 almost getting his friends killed at school during the black rebellion

8 giving people false hope that zero is a knight of justice but is in fact a conman that was using everyone

sorry but lelouch is a monster..........hell nina is a million time better then lelouch.......yeah I went there.

suzaku is better then lelouch.

lelouch might of changed his plan to make the world hate him and save the world but to me that's not enough ......he should of came out and said he was responsible for everything and he was zero......cause there is nothing worse then false hope.

lying what happened to euphy is thee most horrible thing he has ever done ever..........only because it if he did tell people he was responsible he and the knights would lose credibility and most likely be hated by the people who looked to zero as a hero.

euphy was an innocent girl who wanted peace but lelouch fucked it all up.........

people forget lelouch didn't do it for area 11 or to free the 11s......but he did it all for revenge and is willingly to sacrifice anyone to archive his 3 goals

im glad his dead

geekfreak17aOct 2, 2014 6:38 AM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Oct 2, 2014 7:24 AM

Aug 2014
Meanwhile you like Light Yagami, good logic there.
Oct 2, 2014 8:59 AM

Jul 2012
InsertPriestHere said:
Meanwhile you like Light Yagami, good logic there.

at least he killed fewer innocent people.......who was the very same people who was trying to capture him.

if the police just left light alone then they wouldn't had to die.

and light killed criminals

wars have stopped

crime went down 70%

criminals was scared and on the run while innocent people had nothing to fear and cheering kira on.

unlike light....lelouch has killed millions of millions of innocent and gave false hope and ruined lives betrayed the love and trust and respect of his friends family and allies.

light from beginning to end still killed criminals
lelouch has changed his plans over and over and over but still the same goals until he lost nunnally killed his father and found out what happened to his mother. after that he had nothing and was about to be killed by suzaku but told him he had a plan to clear euphys name ......which was a stupid plan and he went along with it.

that's when lelouch made his plan to change the world for everyone and that was the last 5 eps.

so yeah it is good logic
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Oct 2, 2014 12:11 PM

Jan 2013
Sooo did you get this shit the OP wrote down guys? Lelouch is a prick! Case closed!
Oct 2, 2014 12:21 PM

Oct 2014
Is there a reason why people can't like bad guys. The world isn't full of only good people. Heck one of my favorite characters is Revy and she is probably the biggest jackass of any anime out there. Lelouch is such a great character because he plays the evil MC. He provides intelligence and creativity that makes him so worth watching and his immoral actions are offset not only by the ending, but just the overall entertainment of how he uses his pawns. Using people might make him a bad human, but it doesn't make him a bad character.
Oct 2, 2014 12:28 PM

Jun 2013
Animefreak17a said:
InsertPriestHere said:
Meanwhile you like Light Yagami, good logic there.

at least he killed fewer innocent people.......who was the very same people who was trying to capture him.

if the police just left light alone then they wouldn't had to die.

and light killed criminals

wars have stopped

crime went down 70%

criminals was scared and on the run while innocent people had nothing to fear and cheering kira on.

unlike light....lelouch has killed millions of millions of innocent and gave false hope and ruined lives betrayed the love and trust and respect of his friends family and allies.

light from beginning to end still killed criminals
lelouch has changed his plans over and over and over but still the same goals until he lost nunnally killed his father and found out what happened to his mother. after that he had nothing and was about to be killed by suzaku but told him he had a plan to clear euphys name ......which was a stupid plan and he went along with it.

that's when lelouch made his plan to change the world for everyone and that was the last 5 eps.

so yeah it is good logic

There are so many flaws with your logic, but I am too tired to point them out. I will just say this- Kira/Light used Death Note so much that he became a god in his thoughts, and anyone who opposed him would die. He didn't fight against criminal, even though it was his starting point. He fought against anyone and everything who went against him. And, by the end of Death Note, after he died, everything returned the way it was before him- all of it.

Lelouch on the other hand was in a different spot, and everything he did was based on a wish to make a better world for Nunnally. In the last 5 episodes, Lelouch didn't change his plans of changing the world, he changed his means of changing the world. He would no longer be his persona Zero, instead, he will become a face of country that inflicted most pain on the world, and die by Zero's hand. There was no way to save everyone in the first place, and nothing will change without sacrifice.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Oct 2, 2014 1:30 PM

Jul 2012
Dimitrije1606 said:
Animefreak17a said:

at least he killed fewer innocent people.......who was the very same people who was trying to capture him.

if the police just left light alone then they wouldn't had to die.

and light killed criminals

wars have stopped

crime went down 70%

criminals was scared and on the run while innocent people had nothing to fear and cheering kira on.

unlike light....lelouch has killed millions of millions of innocent and gave false hope and ruined lives betrayed the love and trust and respect of his friends family and allies.

light from beginning to end still killed criminals
lelouch has changed his plans over and over and over but still the same goals until he lost nunnally killed his father and found out what happened to his mother. after that he had nothing and was about to be killed by suzaku but told him he had a plan to clear euphys name ......which was a stupid plan and he went along with it.

that's when lelouch made his plan to change the world for everyone and that was the last 5 eps.

so yeah it is good logic

There are so many flaws with your logic, but I am too tired to point them out. I will just say this- Kira/Light used Death Note so much that he became a god in his thoughts, and anyone who opposed him would die. He didn't fight against criminal, even though it was his starting point. He fought against anyone and everything who went against him. And, by the end of Death Note, after he died, everything returned the way it was before him- all of it.

Lelouch on the other hand was in a different spot, and everything he did was based on a wish to make a better world for Nunnally. In the last 5 episodes, Lelouch didn't change his plans of changing the world, he changed his means of changing the world. He would no longer be his persona Zero, instead, he will become a face of country that inflicted most pain on the world, and die by Zero's hand. There was no way to save everyone in the first place, and nothing will change without sacrifice.

typical lelouch fanboy.......more like you cant

with the power to kill anyone power can do that

light killed people who was trying to capture him......what do you expect him to do......turn him self in.....cause it was mainly the police that was trying to get him.

no he punished criminals there was no need to fight them

again what do you expect him to do roll over and surrender

it wouldn't if he kept on doing it and found someone to take his place........but there was people out there who agreed with his methods and became his followers.......besides he becomes a shingami.

and about lelouch.......yes everything he has done was for nunnally and was willingly to kill innocent people to do it and not for getting to get back at his father and found out what happened to his mother.....and those was his motivation ......hell he would be willing to kill ohgi and the knights if it called for it......lelouchs only loyalty was his sister nunnally and kill and brush off the death of anyone who got in his way or sacrifice anyone to get what he wanted...............

how would you feel if lelouch sacrificed someone you loved to get him self out of something or they was at the stadium and it was him who really killed your loved one ........... not euphy.

lelouch even killed his own mother who he was trying to find out what happened to her.

lelouch lost nunnally and killed his mother and father and had nothing left and decided to spill so much blood that everyon would forget about euphy that was his reasons he made the plan.......geet everyone to hate him for the massicare he made so euphy would be forgotten............which is pretty fucking stupid.

he couldn't be zero because he knew couldn't be zero because he didn't have the knights with him....if he became zero and the knights was still free and zero went public then the knights would say his an imposter .......for using them as his pawns cause that's what lelouch was doing he was using people. and when he caught all the knights and became the king he made suzaku kill him as is a persona of false hope and deception .......built on lies.

sorry but I don't agree with his methods and hes reasons and motivations of why he started the war was because of hes own selfishness and benefits....................

sorry but lelouch will always be the prick of all villains in any anime ever
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Oct 3, 2014 3:56 AM

Jun 2013
^First things first, when you wish to argue, better write in such way that other party can actually understand what you are saying. If you write this much gibberish without one capital letter, you should just stay quiet since it looks stupid. Second, same can be said for you- typical Lelouch hater. And you are wrong, if you check my list Death Note and Code Geass both got 10's. I don't prefer Lelouch over Light or vice-versa. Next, world was under Kira's dictatorship. If you speak wrong of him and get his attention- puff you are dead. You tried to capture him- puff you are dead. You tried to help him- he would use you and guess what? Puff, YOU ARE DEAD. And it is not like this is baseless- check it out again. So don't talk to me like Lelouch was the only one who used people. Kira was self-centered bastard who didn't want better world in the end- he wanted to control it. He started believing that he was messiah, a god, whatever you wanna call it, but in the end he was nothing more then a murderer. You have such examples in real world as well- people who kill other people because they committed some kind of crime. Would you agree with them as well?
Dimitrije1606Oct 3, 2014 3:59 AM
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Oct 3, 2014 4:10 AM

Mar 2013
Animefreak17a said:
I just don't get it

He murders he's sister and let's everyone believes she's a murderer and he does nothing to clear her name.
He makes Shirley forget who he is and what he did to her father He is indirectly responsible for her death.
He uses people like pawns both enemies and allies.
He's responsible for killing millions of people and ruining there lives.
He's inconsistent
He has a loli sister complex
He uses the knights for he's own uses and not for there reasons
He is arrogant and two faced.
He betrays he's other sister who loved him
He doesn't come clean that everything was his fault.

I honestly have no idea why people likes this guy I honestly dont.

I just down right hate him

He does it all for him self and not for anyone else's needs

Sounds all good <w<

He does everything for Nunally btw.
Euphemia freaking out was an accident because his Geass got stronger and activated itself when he did that example. (next time say something like "I could make you show me your panties", that would be less fatal.)
He made Shirley forget since she was suffering and it would´ve broken her mind completley if he didn´t do it.
The Britannian Empire used people as pawns too. An emotional distanced strategist is more efficent and has more people from his troops survive.
The amount he killed is nothing compared to Britannia.
Inconsitency is human.
They´re siblings isolated from their family, they went through many hardships, of course that strengthens their bonds. If he was a lolicon, he would abuse Nunally´s disabillity to molest her.
He´s supposed to be an anti-hero. No point in making him one of those "as long as I have my friends I can do everything" shounen protags.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 3, 2014 5:17 AM

Jul 2012
Mycelistsukiyo said:
Animefreak17a said:
I just don't get it

He murders he's sister and let's everyone believes she's a murderer and he does nothing to clear her name.
He makes Shirley forget who he is and what he did to her father He is indirectly responsible for her death.
He uses people like pawns both enemies and allies.
He's responsible for killing millions of people and ruining there lives.
He's inconsistent
He has a loli sister complex
He uses the knights for he's own uses and not for there reasons
He is arrogant and two faced.
He betrays he's other sister who loved him
He doesn't come clean that everything was his fault.

I honestly have no idea why people likes this guy I honestly dont.

I just down right hate him

He does it all for him self and not for anyone else's needs

Sounds all good <w<

He does everything for Nunally btw.
Euphemia freaking out was an accident because his Geass got stronger and activated itself when he did that example. (next time say something like "I could make you show me your panties", that would be less fatal.)
He made Shirley forget since she was suffering and it would´ve broken her mind completley if he didn´t do it.
The Britannian Empire used people as pawns too. An emotional distanced strategist is more efficent and has more people from his troops survive.
The amount he killed is nothing compared to Britannia.
Inconsitency is human.
They´re siblings isolated from their family, they went through many hardships, of course that strengthens their bonds. If he was a lolicon, he would abuse Nunally´s disabillity to molest her.
He´s supposed to be an anti-hero. No point in making him one of those "as long as I have my friends I can do everything" shounen protags.

excuses excuses

thhe reason why it was making her go nuts was because it was the man she loved that killed her father who she also loved............she should of killed him I know I would of

but the difference between Britannia and lelouch is that Britannia is a country and countrys and people take over other country's and territory's all the

the Americans taking the natives land
the Australians taking the natives land
Russia taking over Ukraine
japan invading china during ww2
IS killing people and taking over areas in Syria and Iraq

even animals do this the fight another animal to take its hunting ground.

its natural for humans to do this.......kill and take over lands.........

Britannia enlist people who want to join them

lelouch killed people and used them like they was nothing and lied to them and gave them false hope that he wanted to free area 11 when really he was using them for his own benefit not to help them.

lelouch has directly indirectly accidently killed millions of innocent people.....not just enemies but family friends allies and bystanders -

1 the stadium and made euphy take the fall for his actions and stired the hatred in the 11s making them think all britannias was evil.....euphy wanted to give the 11s a chance but thanks to lelouch that hope was broken....not just the stadium but the casualties that followed ......the 11s went on a man hunt killing britannais veleta but survived hundreds of thousands lost there live because of lelouch and a innocent girls dream and name was tarnished because of lelouch

2 the people who was in the city ( Shirley's father ) its thanks to him thousands of people have died because of his plan to capture his sister.

3 the bomb that suzaku fired ...sure suzaku fired it and nina might of made it but if lelouch didn't kill euphy and didn't think that suzaku betrayed him then all those people wouldn't have died.....which was in the 10s of millions....hell he was contacted before it was fired from the enemy about it but he ignored it

4 his followers who believed in him have died ether in war or he used them and thrown them away to archive victory

5 the people who was researching the power of gaess was killed ......sure they was working with v.v but they was civilians doing there jobs and didn't have any weapons to defend them self.....even killing children

this all thanks to one man because he want to kill his father and find out what happened to his mother and make the world better for nunnally

his friends almost got killed in season one because of him, tomaki was willingly ready to kill school kids because they was Britannia's even tho lelouch told them not to kill anyone in the school

lelouch Is willingly ready to kill all the knight just to save nunnally if it calls for it..........he used the knights and even after he gets found out he still tries to think how to use his gaess on them

also theres loads of different ways of being a lolicon....he could of been a closed case lolicon where he thinks of doing it to her...I mean come on look at the rant he had with rolo and look at him when he thinks nunnally iis dead

he jumps from personality to personalty you don't know which is the real lelouch....which we who are sane knows hes a monster

hes a anti villain not a anti hero.

as much I hate to agree with you on the whole friend ship thing.......yeah at least he was some what unique but that doesn't mean I have to agree with what he has done.

suzaku is better then lelouch and heres why....

suzaku tries to change the system from the inside which is more realistic .....unlike lelouch who happens to have powers to help him

suzaku doesn't have any powers to help him unlike lelouch ....suzaku has worked his way up to gain power

suzaku has skills to win in a one on one fight which lelouch has lost in against him....even when he was facing lelouch in ep 25 with a bomb that would kill them both and suzaku went in and knocked it off of lelouch.......lelouch has to use dirty tactics to win a fight.

suzaku iis on the front line risking his life the whole time while lelouch hide in the back while giving the knights instructions on what to do

suzaku has honour lelouch doesn't

without gaess ........lelouch is completely nothing.....hell he wouldn't even of started the rebellion without the power of gaess.

suzaku on the other hand became a soldier and risked his life so he could change the system.....which lets face it is more likely then some guy who uses power given to him to control people

suzaku can fight lelouch cant

fuck lelouch the douch
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Oct 3, 2014 5:26 PM

Jun 2013
^The more I read your comments, the more I think that:
a) You are just a troll who wants attention.
b) Your brain is a size of a peanut and you really are just as stupid as you look.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Oct 4, 2014 2:28 AM

Jul 2012
Dimitrije1606 said:
^The more I read your comments, the more I think that:
a) You are just a troll who wants attention.
b) Your brain is a size of a peanut and you really are just as stupid as you look.

throwing insults with nothing to back it up......typical lelouch fan boy
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Oct 4, 2014 2:35 AM

Jan 2013
Because everyone knows murder and abuse are cool as fuck when ur 13.
Oct 4, 2014 2:55 AM

Jul 2012
SolviteSekai said:
Because everyone knows murder and abuse are cool as fuck when ur 13.

the fuck are you on
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Oct 4, 2014 3:22 AM

Jun 2013
Animefreak17a said:
Dimitrije1606 said:
^The more I read your comments, the more I think that:
a) You are just a troll who wants attention.
b) Your brain is a size of a peanut and you really are just as stupid as you look.

throwing insults with nothing to back it up......typical lelouch fan boy

I backed myself with my previous two posts, and these are not insults, merely a observation. And again, your grammar speaks all we need to know about you. And I retract my last statement, you are not a or b. Or are a mix of both.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Oct 4, 2014 4:41 AM

Dec 2012
Hey, I've never seen Code Geass, at least not yet so you can't say I'm biased or something.
But I've seen Death Note (in fact I've seen the anime and these two films, I didn't read the manga because I'm lazy right now).

First, I don't know about Lelouch but taking into account what I've read (more or less, I don't really want to read spoilers about CG) you like Light, right? Well, that's weird then.
Ok, in the first episodes I liked Light, and yeah, and I've agreed with him until he killed an innocent. I know it was just to clean their tracks but it doesn't mean I think it was right. Later, it was in the first episodes as well if I remember right, you can see he thought he was like a kind of god and he was the only one he could tell where's the difference between good and bad (to him), I mean, that's what he thought.
He was ruling the world only by fear, he wasn't changing anything. If deaths and murders stopped it was just due to it. But it doesn't mean it was a change. One day, it would end (with his death) and people would do the same again.
And you know what? If he hadn't been caught, if he had been able to do what he was doing I think all would it be worse. Although you say it wouldn't.
He wanted all the power fell on him (and only him), he wanted all the people fear him. To me that's a dictatorship.

It's not like I hate Light or something (nor I dislike him tbh), I just think he was crazy and that's all. I couldn't care less about L, so I'm not a L fangirl or something either.

I don't know about villains and anti-heroes. The first character I put in my mind when I read anti-heroes is Spawn. And I can't tell about Lelouch, as I said I've never seen CG, but I can see Light as a villain. At least in my point of view.

Anyway, I find funny you say they're fanboys of Lelouch when you have your profile full of things about Light.
Oct 4, 2014 9:28 AM

Jul 2012
Dimitrije1606 said:
Animefreak17a said:

throwing insults with nothing to back it up......typical lelouch fan boy

I backed myself with my previous two posts, and these are not insults, merely a observation. And again, your grammar speaks all we need to know about you. And I retract my last statement, you are not a or b. Or are a mix of both.

the school I went to was shit what do you want from me
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Oct 4, 2014 10:18 AM

Jul 2012
Perquisitore said:
Hey, I've never seen Code Geass, at least not yet so you can't say I'm biased or something.
But I've seen Death Note (in fact I've seen the anime and these two films, I didn't read the manga because I'm lazy right now).

First, I don't know about Lelouch but taking into account what I've read (more or less, I don't really want to read spoilers about CG) you like Light, right? Well, that's weird then.
Ok, in the first episodes I liked Light, and yeah, and I've agreed with him until he killed an innocent. I know it was just to clean their tracks but it doesn't mean I think it was right. Later, it was in the first episodes as well if I remember right, you can see he thought he was like a kind of god and he was the only one he could tell where's the difference between good and bad (to him), I mean, that's what he thought.
He was ruling the world only by fear, he wasn't changing anything. If deaths and murders stopped it was just due to it. But it doesn't mean it was a change. One day, it would end (with his death) and people would do the same again.
And you know what? If he hadn't been caught, if he had been able to do what he was doing I think all would it be worse. Although you say it wouldn't.
He wanted all the power fell on him (and only him), he wanted all the people fear him. To me that's a dictatorship.

It's not like I hate Light or something (nor I dislike him tbh), I just think he was crazy and that's all. I couldn't care less about L, so I'm not a L fangirl or something either.

I don't know about villains and anti-heroes. The first character I put in my mind when I read anti-heroes is Spawn. And I can't tell about Lelouch, as I said I've never seen CG, but I can see Light as a villain. At least in my point of view.

Anyway, I find funny you say they're fanboys of Lelouch when you have your profile full of things about Light.

I know it wasn't right but what do you expect him to do.........let those who knew about him, report what they knew about what happened to the agents...........what exactly was he supposed to do other then kill her was the only way for him to shut her up for good,

but what about those who worshipped him near the end of the manga.....even after he was stopped people still believed in him.........this could be due not because of fear but believing what he did was the right thing ........

also that's all speculation......we don't honestly know what he would of done........hell there was a alternate manga piece that showed light an old man and toold ryuk to kill him because he had enough and wanted to die.

for all we know he could of made the world a paradicce on earth where no evil doers exist.......look wwhat he did

he stopped wars
crime went down 70%
criminals are running scared

don't tell me you wouldn't want people like...

drug dealers
ect ect

are you telling me you wouldn't want to see these sort of people dead.......

what about that guy who was beheaded by IS...are you saying you wouldn't want to see those bastards dead..........if light was real and he had a note book.

also people who haven't done nothing aren't ruled by fear ...they are cheering for kira to kill the bad guys

those who have done wrong are the scared ones.

also we don't 100% know who exactly light has been killing......what I mean is........sure he kills

people who take hostages
drug dealers

these are the sort he has been killing and he has killed the agents and a few people who was trying to capture him..........for all we know he could of been killing the people who deserved to die.

I just agree with what light is doing ..........I mean come on look at the world as it is now.....

terrorists IS
more then half of wild life has been destroyed

we are going to see the end of the world if humans don't stop with its argument................

also I don't agree with it BUT................sometimes a being ruled by fear isn't really that bad........I mean its bad don't get me wrong...but there are certain elements of being ruled by fear that has its benefit ................

people listen to you
you have to do what they say
obey there rules

with people theses days they are selfish they are all self self self and become greedy and couldn't care less about whats going to happened next..........

lights way is something to be left admired ..........he was making the world a better place to live and people didn't need to worry about other people causing trouble for them because they knew kira would punish them if they did again

wars have been stopped
crime went down
crimnals was running scared

and while people didn't had to worry about non of those things they could concentrate on other things with out a care in the world and see the good kira is doing .....for all we know light could of pushed man kind in to a prosperous future.

in the manga things went back to normal after lights death...that was to be expected ....but if light continued to do what he did...then humans wold of learned not to do anything back and make the world better...........

but what exactly are the police doing ..they can only do sooo the criminals the police aren't a threat.....but kira was a threat to them......

kids was drinking
biker gangs was running a muck
and loads oof things went back to normal

because kira wasn't there to punish people and set people as examples...if you do bad things your going to get punished

the police again can only do so much and would never do a better job then what light did......

I honestly don't see the problem.....from when h found the book to the day he died he only killed criminals and a few people who was trying to capture him.....again what do you expect him to do.

sure near the end of the series he said he was going to kill lazy people ........but we don't know what sort of lazy people he was talking about.....for all we know he could of been talking about......

people who take drugs
people who abuse the welfare system ( the frauds I mean)
people who do nothing but drink all day and abuse others

I know this is all speculation but we honestly do not know what light had planned.

I liked the way he did things..... killing criminals people who deserved it people who aren't sorry for what they did.

I honestly like this idea .......I wouldn't do it my self but at least he was cleaning the world and making it better.

( call back in hands are tired lol......lets do this about light in the death note segment not here)
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Oct 4, 2014 2:26 PM

Jun 2013
Animefreak17a said:
Dimitrije1606 said:

I backed myself with my previous two posts, and these are not insults, merely a observation. And again, your grammar speaks all we need to know about you. And I retract my last statement, you are not a or b. Or are a mix of both.

the school I went to was shit what do you want from me

It is not like your grammar is bad, just your sentences are not used properly. When you finish sentence, you use dot. When you begin new one, use capital (Big) letter. It is simple. You are already doing it, you just need to give a better form to what you write. Don't use so many dots all the time at the end of sentence. Don't make so many rows as well, it is hard to follow what you write. I might not agree with you on this topic, but it is not like I want to mock you about grammar. The way you write is just fucked up. And also, don't blame school about grammar. I also had shitty teachers, but I learned English from anime. And I am not even joking. If anime was useful to me for anything, if was for learning English.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Oct 4, 2014 3:23 PM

Jul 2012
Dimitrije1606 said:
Animefreak17a said:

the school I went to was shit what do you want from me

It is not like your grammar is bad, just your sentences are not used properly. When you finish sentence, you use dot. When you begin new one, use capital (Big) letter. It is simple. You are already doing it, you just need to give a better form to what you write. Don't use so many dots all the time at the end of sentence. Don't make so many rows as well, it is hard to follow what you write. I might not agree with you on this topic, but it is not like I want to mock you about grammar. The way you write is just fucked up. And also, don't blame school about grammar. I also had shitty teachers, but I learned English from anime. And I am not even joking. If anime was useful to me for anything, if was for learning English.

yh probably by watching subs......I watch dubs

you got a problem with my style of writing .......fucking cry me a river and sue me.

like I care what you think
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Oct 4, 2014 3:43 PM

Jun 2013
Animefreak17a said:
Dimitrije1606 said:

It is not like your grammar is bad, just your sentences are not used properly. When you finish sentence, you use dot. When you begin new one, use capital (Big) letter. It is simple. You are already doing it, you just need to give a better form to what you write. Don't use so many dots all the time at the end of sentence. Don't make so many rows as well, it is hard to follow what you write. I might not agree with you on this topic, but it is not like I want to mock you about grammar. The way you write is just fucked up. And also, don't blame school about grammar. I also had shitty teachers, but I learned English from anime. And I am not even joking. If anime was useful to me for anything, if was for learning English.

yh probably by watching subs......I watch dubs

you got a problem with my style of writing .......fucking cry me a river and sue me.

like I care what you think

I don't give a rats ass about your stupid excuses nor about bad grammar, I just tried to be friendly for once because it looks stupid. If you want to have serious discussions about something AKKA not be a troll, you should at least write like you are supposed to. And true, I do watch subs simply because dubs mostly suck, but you will need to open a whole new thread if you wanna brag about subs vs dubs. I am done with you and your stupidity because there is no point in actually discussing anything with people of your sort.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Oct 4, 2014 3:52 PM

Jun 2013
Animefreak17a said:
Dimitrije1606 said:

It is not like your grammar is bad, just your sentences are not used properly. When you finish sentence, you use dot. When you begin new one, use capital (Big) letter. It is simple. You are already doing it, you just need to give a better form to what you write. Don't use so many dots all the time at the end of sentence. Don't make so many rows as well, it is hard to follow what you write. I might not agree with you on this topic, but it is not like I want to mock you about grammar. The way you write is just fucked up. And also, don't blame school about grammar. I also had shitty teachers, but I learned English from anime. And I am not even joking. If anime was useful to me for anything, if was for learning English.

probably by watching subs, I watch dubs.....also if you have a problem with my style of writing .........then cry me a river and sue me.

I honestly couldn't care what anyone thinks of me anyways.

I have no idea where my previous comment went, but I will put it shortly- With that kind of grammar you will be always considered an idiot, so just go for it. I actually gave a friendly advice, but truth be told, I don't give a rats ass. Now I will gloriously retreat from this thread, because there is no point in discussing anything with your sort.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Oct 4, 2014 4:54 PM

Jul 2012
Dimitrije1606 said:
Animefreak17a said:

yh probably by watching subs......I watch dubs

you got a problem with my style of writing .......fucking cry me a river and sue me.

like I care what you think

I don't give a rats ass about your stupid excuses nor about bad grammar, I just tried to be friendly for once because it looks stupid. If you want to have serious discussions about something AKKA not be a troll, you should at least write like you are supposed to. And true, I do watch subs simply because dubs mostly suck, but you will need to open a whole new thread if you wanna brag about subs vs dubs. I am done with you and your stupidity because there is no point in actually discussing anything with people of your sort.

1 I like to watch the whole anime not just at the bottom of th screen

2 you only say im stupid because I hate lelouch and points out all the bad things about him that you cant defend against my arguments on why I hate him, so you try to push me down in other places.
3 it didn't sound like you was being friendly ........more like you was just being insulting

4 I have learning difficulties and its call AS
geekfreak17aOct 5, 2014 2:00 AM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

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Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Oct 5, 2014 7:45 AM

Dec 2012
Animefreak17a said:

I know it wasn't right but what do you expect him to do.........let those who knew about him, report what they knew about what happened to the agents...........what exactly was he supposed to do other then kill her was the only way for him to shut her up for good,

but what about those who worshipped him near the end of the manga.....even after he was stopped people still believed in him.........this could be due not because of fear but believing what he did was the right thing ........

also that's all speculation......we don't honestly know what he would of done........hell there was a alternate manga piece that showed light an old man and toold ryuk to kill him because he had enough and wanted to die.

for all we know he could of made the world a paradicce on earth where no evil doers exist.......look wwhat he did

he stopped wars
crime went down 70%
criminals are running scared

don't tell me you wouldn't want people like...

drug dealers
ect ect

are you telling me you wouldn't want to see these sort of people dead.......

what about that guy who was beheaded by IS...are you saying you wouldn't want to see those bastards dead..........if light was real and he had a note book.

also people who haven't done nothing aren't ruled by fear ...they are cheering for kira to kill the bad guys

those who have done wrong are the scared ones.

also we don't 100% know who exactly light has been killing......what I mean is........sure he kills

people who take hostages
drug dealers

these are the sort he has been killing and he has killed the agents and a few people who was trying to capture him..........for all we know he could of been killing the people who deserved to die.

I just agree with what light is doing ..........I mean come on look at the world as it is now.....

terrorists IS
more then half of wild life has been destroyed

we are going to see the end of the world if humans don't stop with its argument................

also I don't agree with it BUT................sometimes a being ruled by fear isn't really that bad........I mean its bad don't get me wrong...but there are certain elements of being ruled by fear that has its benefit ................

people listen to you
you have to do what they say
obey there rules

with people theses days they are selfish they are all self self self and become greedy and couldn't care less about whats going to happened next..........

lights way is something to be left admired ..........he was making the world a better place to live and people didn't need to worry about other people causing trouble for them because they knew kira would punish them if they did again

wars have been stopped
crime went down
crimnals was running scared

and while people didn't had to worry about non of those things they could concentrate on other things with out a care in the world and see the good kira is doing .....for all we know light could of pushed man kind in to a prosperous future.

in the manga things went back to normal after lights death...that was to be expected ....but if light continued to do what he did...then humans wold of learned not to do anything back and make the world better...........

but what exactly are the police doing ..they can only do sooo the criminals the police aren't a threat.....but kira was a threat to them......

kids was drinking
biker gangs was running a muck
and loads oof things went back to normal

because kira wasn't there to punish people and set people as examples...if you do bad things your going to get punished

the police again can only do so much and would never do a better job then what light did......

I honestly don't see the problem.....from when h found the book to the day he died he only killed criminals and a few people who was trying to capture him.....again what do you expect him to do.

sure near the end of the series he said he was going to kill lazy people ........but we don't know what sort of lazy people he was talking about.....for all we know he could of been talking about......

people who take drugs
people who abuse the welfare system ( the frauds I mean)
people who do nothing but drink all day and abuse others

I know this is all speculation but we honestly do not know what light had planned.

I liked the way he did things..... killing criminals people who deserved it people who aren't sorry for what they did.

I honestly like this idea .......I wouldn't do it my self but at least he was cleaning the world and making it better.

( call back in hands are tired lol......lets do this about light in the death note segment not here)

Well, regarding about your last sentence. I talk about Light here because I didn't watch Code Geass, if not I would do the same about him.

About the second one, it sounds a bit like a sect. At least to me.

Yeah, I really like all the people that do bad things were dead or in prison (in prison working in dangerous but necessary works). And it depends on what they did but that's another story and this is a bit off-topic so... But I don't like how Light did the things he did. The end doesn't justify the means. It doesn't in this case.

Yeah, but it still sounds like a dictatorship to me.

It does happen. But I wouldn't feel safe with something like that. I mean, what would be next? He has the power to decide what's good or wrong (and only him). Who would decide if you were being good or bad? Would it be any trial? And what would happen if you were innocent? I would live with fear, indeed.

Sorry, but I can't change my mind in this issue.

Anyway, I'll stop here because as you said it doesn't involve Lelouch and it would be a bit off-topic. But I'm gonna watch Code Geass soon so maybe I'll return back. :p
PerquisitoreOct 5, 2014 7:49 AM
Oct 22, 2014 3:54 AM

Jul 2012
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

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Oct 23, 2014 1:41 PM
May 2014
Animefreak17a said:

Why? You're arguments have been countered countless times over the last 7 pages. Just get over it.
Oct 24, 2014 11:53 AM

Jul 2012
Misoru-kun said:
Animefreak17a said:

Why? You're arguments have been countered countless times over the last 7 pages. Just get over it.

More dont like me saying lelouch is a piece of crap and everything iv said about him is true
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Jun 18, 2015 6:59 PM

Jun 2015
I know this is like 3 years old, but I couldn't stop laughing for five minutes after reading these comments. I seriously don't see why you hate Lelouch, your poll even proves people like him more than they hate him. Some animes actually need death to be good so it can be dramatic and intense. Besides, the amount of bloodshed in Code Geass is small compared to Akame Ga Kill or Deathnote. It's even smaller compared with the world wars (Lest We Forget).
Jun 18, 2015 7:22 PM
Mar 2012
I like him because his actions weren't selfish and his motivation for the rebellion wasn't either. Not to mention he is actually a pretty caring guy just at the wrong times! (Excusing nunnaly)
Jun 19, 2015 5:55 AM

Jun 2015
Lelouch is probably my favorite anime character, but I don't see how people hate him. He'll always be better than you Animefreak17a.
Jun 22, 2015 4:59 PM

Jun 2015
Animefreak17a said:
I just don't get it

1 - He murders he's sister and let's everyone believes she's a murderer and he does nothing to clear her name.
2 - He makes Shirley forget who he is and what he did to her father He is indirectly responsible for her death.
3 - He uses people like pawns both enemies and allies.
4 - He's responsible for killing millions of people and ruining there lives.
5 - He's inconsistent
6 - He has a loli sister complex
7 - He uses the knights for he's own uses and not for there reasons
8 - He is arrogant and two faced.
9 - He betrays he's other sister who loved him
10 - He doesn't come clean that everything was his fault.

I honestly have no idea why people likes this guy I honestly dont.

I just down right hate him

He does it all for him self and not for anyone else's needs

1. It was an accident with the Geass that he didn't intentionally do. He killed Euphy because she was killing Elevens and he couldn't stop her, the Geass' effect just can't wear off. He could only choose to kill her. If Lelouch attempted to clear her name, he would have to reveal about his blood lineage, his identity as Zero and his Geass, he couldn't do anything without revealing the secrets that he has hid from the world. He did though faced everyone's hatred at himself in the end to overpower the hatred and memories of Euphy's massacre.

2. Shirley was in pain with that memory of him being Lelouch and causing her father's death. The only way to remove the memory is using the Geass to make her forget it and live a happy life or to kill her and not have that flow of thought anymore. Her father's death, was as you said, indirect. He didn't mean to, but to win, he had to sacrifice something. This is like calling the Americans and British, who bombed German-occupied France in WWII to destroy German bases but killed civilians in the process, pricks.

3. That's like every commander in history before the 1950's. There is no democracy in the military or on the battlefield, the soldiers did what they were told.

4. I can name at least seven people, off the top of my head, who have done worse:
1. Hitler
2. Stalin
3. Genghis Khan
4. Wilhelm the Second
5. Napoleon
6. Mao Zedong
7. Mussolini
He never started the war of the Holy Britannian Empire, he was swept into it. After R2, it was said that life became much better thanks to the concentration of hatred on Lelouch.

5. That's like everyone in the world. War and stress can make it worse too.

6. "loli sister complex"? Work on your sentence structure, there isn't a verb in there.

7. He lied about that if you didn't notice. Plus that's like every military in the world. They are there only for the countries sake. Besides, the Black Knights were used as the military of the UFN, to bring justice to those who couldn't and free areas of Britannian oppression.

8. Everyone is arrogant and two-faced.

9. What do you mean by betrayed? And what other sister? He has like one hundred of them.

10. He has, give me an example of where he doesn't.
Jul 11, 2015 7:39 AM

Jul 2012
Polaris13427 said:
Animefreak17a said:
I just don't get it

1 - He murders he's sister and let's everyone believes she's a murderer and he does nothing to clear her name.
2 - He makes Shirley forget who he is and what he did to her father He is indirectly responsible for her death.
3 - He uses people like pawns both enemies and allies.
4 - He's responsible for killing millions of people and ruining there lives.
5 - He's inconsistent
6 - He has a loli sister complex
7 - He uses the knights for he's own uses and not for there reasons
8 - He is arrogant and two faced.
9 - He betrays he's other sister who loved him
10 - He doesn't come clean that everything was his fault.

I honestly have no idea why people likes this guy I honestly dont.

I just down right hate him

He does it all for him self and not for anyone else's needs

1. It was an accident with the Geass that he didn't intentionally do. He killed Euphy because she was killing Elevens and he couldn't stop her, the Geass' effect just can't wear off. He could only choose to kill her. If Lelouch attempted to clear her name, he would have to reveal about his blood lineage, his identity as Zero and his Geass, he couldn't do anything without revealing the secrets that he has hid from the world. He did though faced everyone's hatred at himself in the end to overpower the hatred and memories of Euphy's massacre.

2. Shirley was in pain with that memory of him being Lelouch and causing her father's death. The only way to remove the memory is using the Geass to make her forget it and live a happy life or to kill her and not have that flow of thought anymore. Her father's death, was as you said, indirect. He didn't mean to, but to win, he had to sacrifice something. This is like calling the Americans and British, who bombed German-occupied France in WWII to destroy German bases but killed civilians in the process, pricks.

3. That's like every commander in history before the 1950's. There is no democracy in the military or on the battlefield, the soldiers did what they were told.

4. I can name at least seven people, off the top of my head, who have done worse:
1. Hitler
2. Stalin
3. Genghis Khan
4. Wilhelm the Second
5. Napoleon
6. Mao Zedong
7. Mussolini
He never started the war of the Holy Britannian Empire, he was swept into it. After R2, it was said that life became much better thanks to the concentration of hatred on Lelouch.

5. That's like everyone in the world. War and stress can make it worse too.

6. "loli sister complex"? Work on your sentence structure, there isn't a verb in there.

7. He lied about that if you didn't notice. Plus that's like every military in the world. They are there only for the countries sake. Besides, the Black Knights were used as the military of the UFN, to bring justice to those who couldn't and free areas of Britannian oppression.

8. Everyone is arrogant and two-faced.

9. What do you mean by betrayed? And what other sister? He has like one hundred of them.

10. He has, give me an example of where he doesn't.

You wanna know something.....If nunnaly was in euphys shoes then he would never kill nunnaly cause remember Lelouch was doing all this for nunnaly.......I mean

Forget everyone who believed in him
Forget his loyal knights who believed in him
Forget Shirley who's family he destroyed and millions more
Forget about euphy...... who he planned to make her shoot him to be everyone on his side...... yeah dick move there ...... And murdered her.
Forget suzaku.... his only best friend who tried to kill suzaku ..... twice.
Forget his knights who was killed in the blast
Forget the millions of innocent people who was killed because of him

Yeah these people don't matter.. the just carries on like they was nothing..... BUT when nunnaly was thought to have died... He wanted to die...... you go watch episode 19 r2 where rolo saved him...... what does he say..... il tell you he said...... stop rolo let me die nunnaly is dead I have nothing to live for anymore......... yeah that's how little he cared about everything else.... oh yeah millions of millions of people died because of me and millions of millions of lives are ruined and I made everyone in the world hate Britannia even more an made people think all Britannians are evil ... said by ohgi............. BUT WHEN NUNNALY IS DEAD..... I GIVE UP...... yeah you like this selfish bastard.

Oh p.s..... his plan of making everyone forget euphy is idiotic ...

. so the people who survived the massacre
The people who lost loved one's at the massacre
The people who heard it on the radio
The people who saw it on tv..... worldwide
The events at the black rebellion
The announcement to all of the world that euphy did it all her self.
And it's been a year since then.....

You expect me to believe everyone has forgotten her because of Lelouch plan....... man are you a idiot or what.

Oh by the way... If he knew nunnaly was still alive then he wouldn't of made the zero plan and the resson he didn't turn back when he found out she was alive was because he came too far with the plan to turn back...... everyone in the world wanted Lelouch dead at that point.

Who you calling a prick I'm britsh and I have American friends too so watch what you say.

Lelouch was self and your right if he didn't have the geass or she found out who killed her father again then Lelouch would of killed her as a sacrifice.... but Lelouch would never kill nunnaly.... in fact he again wanted to die when she was thought to have died........... yeah.

By the way the Germans had it coming ..... the Japanese had it coming but I don't agree on bombing on civilians tho..... I mean if it was on a military base then yeah.

I mean you manipulated

Making everyone think euphy was a killer
Making suzaku out to be a traitor
Making all Britannians to be evil even tho not all of them are
Making the knights believe the the geass order was filled with bad guys..... which wasn't true... all they are was scientist and children
Making everyone believe he was fighting for them even tho he was using them to get what he wanted....

He used everyone killed millions nit because he wanted to help others but......BECAUSE HE MISSED HIS MOMMY AND WANTS TO PLAY GOOD BIG BROTHER WITH LITTLE SISTER AND HE HAS DADDY ISSUES.

And no it's called shitty writing...... Charles was hated, euphy was hated and Lelouch was hated.... you would of thought that everyone would want to kill the whole royal family after Lelouch was killed ... jus like how the Russians killed there royal family because of the bad living the poor had.

He made everything worse because he was an emotional arse hole... that puts his feelings first then what is needed to be done.

Oh so you admit his a lolicon lol.

No the knights wanted to bring down Britannia once and or all after the massacre but after they found out what really happened they traded Lelouch for Japan... so really it was justice they did that... they found out the truth about Lelouch and they had a change of heart about euphy and that not all Britannia was evil.... it was just Lelouch who made things worse.

Yeah and Lelouch is 3faced.... Well 4 faced.

Cornila I'm talking about... she loved nunnaly an Lelouch and Clovis and euphy and wanted revenge on zero and Japan because she thought they killed them and when she found out who zero was she wanted to take him down...... And let's be clear... she never knew that Lelouch was zero til the end of season one and Lelouch wants to take her hostage ever since she came to Japan...... what a arse hole............ Clovis cared about Lelouch and was sad he was thought to have been killed by the Japanese and cornila was the same they cared about Lelouch but look what He did to them........ uncaring bastard.

Never he never came clean about his crimes... ever. He kept lying and lying an lying and when he was found out by the knights he was going to use his geass to control them but couldn't because of the robots ......... He never came clean

He never told anyone about what he did.....who he was and why he did it... the only person he came clean about what he did was suzaku about euphy and no one else..... well maybe kallen but that bitch also lied to her comrades about what really happened at the stadium and who zero was.

Up yours fan boy
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Aug 11, 2015 11:29 PM

May 2015
Well as a Light and Lelouch fan, this was fun to read.
Aug 14, 2015 10:05 PM
Jul 2015
I think he's likeable because in the end he's doing everything for the greater good, even if his methods are at times downright horrific at times. As well as that, he does appear to regret a lot of his failings, unlike Light Yagami.
Regularly hugs trees.
Aug 18, 2015 12:43 AM
May 2009
In the end you just hate Lelouch because almost everyone who watched CG and Death Note concludes he is more human and nice than Kira ?
It's okay...
You're just angry because he beats Kira in MyAnimeList top favorites.
I still don't like that Simon stupid asshole because he killed Kamina... But don't hate a fictional character that much, is kind of stupid.
Aug 26, 2015 1:09 PM
Nov 2014
Your hatred for lulu, clearly means you didn't look past what was playing in front of you to see the bigger. He became the worlds greatest evil, the only thing left to fear was him. Going further than that, he had will power to see his plan through rather than losing himself while drunk on power, while others might have. IN the end he atoned for his massive sins by paying the ultimate sacrifice, and FOR THE GOOD OF THE PEOPLE. MOST animes always have the cocky character that tends to flaunt his abilities "on a grand stage" so to speak, because if he hadn't, his enemy (roughly 1/3 or the remaining world" would have never taken him seriously in the first place.

To be completely honest, the notion that lelouch is too 'self centered' to be considered not on your shit list, is absolutely absurd. Sacrifice a few, and possibly save the MANY. Its a tactic any right commander would obviously take. Some people just need to watch a few more anime before they run their mouths acting like they know it all because they've seen 1 anime ONCE and make such rash assumptions. But don't worry, school will be in session soon. So educate yourself a bit ;) thanks
Aug 26, 2015 1:43 PM

Jul 2015
Animefreak17a said:
I just don't get it

He murders he's sister and let's everyone believes she's a murderer and he does nothing to clear her name.
He makes Shirley forget who he is and what he did to her father He is indirectly responsible for her death.
He uses people like pawns both enemies and allies.
He's responsible for killing millions of people and ruining there lives.
He's inconsistent
He has a loli sister complex
He uses the knights for he's own uses and not for there reasons
He is arrogant and two faced.
He betrays he's other sister who loved him
He doesn't come clean that everything was his fault.

I honestly have no idea why people likes this guy I honestly dont.

I just down right hate him

He does it all for him self and not for anyone else's needs

You know ,you're harbouring a lot of misguided rage .Let's go from the beginning shall we ?
I. Murdering his sister was an accident and he didn't clear her name because it would mean her death was a waste .In the end ,he even stated how he had become a villian so great her name would be forgotten partly for her sake .
II. He didn't personally kill Shirley's father .He was collateral damage .You do know he could have used Geass to order her to commit suicide with no repercussions right ?To ease her pain ,he had her forget all about him .
III. Using people like pawns was a means to the end in order to stop war and discrimination .
IV. Yes ,he killed millions of people indirectly by accident .But he also saved millions more with his death since war mostly ended .
V. Inconsistent how ?????
VI. He just loves his sister .Now you're just being petty >_<
VII. See no. 3
VIII. He'd have to be two faced to keep suspicion off himself you know .His arrogance doesn't even compare to Light Yamgami's .Besides he can't be flawless
IX. Coming clean wouldn't have changed anything ,in fact it would have complicated a lot of things .If he was known to be the villian who killed many(as Zero) ,as well as the hero who saved many(also as Zero) ,the world's anger in general wouldn't have subsided and wars would have continued .

People love Lelouch because of his rich character .He's not some generic shounen character who spouts off nonsense about not killing people and friendship and bullshit .He's not just an arrogant murderer like Light Yagami
.He's not exactly a good guy either .I'd say he was the bad guy who understood what being the bad guy meant unlike Light Yagami
Sep 18, 2015 8:00 PM

Jul 2012
Evildragon16 said:
Animefreak17a said:
I just don't get it

He murders he's sister and let's everyone believes she's a murderer and he does nothing to clear her name.
He makes Shirley forget who he is and what he did to her father He is indirectly responsible for her death.
He uses people like pawns both enemies and allies.
He's responsible for killing millions of people and ruining there lives.
He's inconsistent
He has a loli sister complex
He uses the knights for he's own uses and not for there reasons
He is arrogant and two faced.
He betrays he's other sister who loved him
He doesn't come clean that everything was his fault.

I honestly have no idea why people likes this guy I honestly dont.

I just down right hate him

He does it all for him self and not for anyone else's needs

You know ,you're harbouring a lot of misguided rage .Let's go from the beginning shall we ?
I. Murdering his sister was an accident and he didn't clear her name because it would mean her death was a waste .In the end ,he even stated how he had become a villian so great her name would be forgotten partly for her sake .
II. He didn't personally kill Shirley's father .He was collateral damage .You do know he could have used Geass to order her to commit suicide with no repercussions right ?To ease her pain ,he had her forget all about him .
III. Using people like pawns was a means to the end in order to stop war and discrimination .
IV. Yes ,he killed millions of people indirectly by accident .But he also saved millions more with his death since war mostly ended .
V. Inconsistent how ?????
VI. He just loves his sister .Now you're just being petty >_<
VII. See no. 3
VIII. He'd have to be two faced to keep suspicion off himself you know .His arrogance doesn't even compare to Light Yamgami's .Besides he can't be flawless
IX. Coming clean wouldn't have changed anything ,in fact it would have complicated a lot of things .If he was known to be the villian who killed many(as Zero) ,as well as the hero who saved many(also as Zero) ,the world's anger in general wouldn't have subsided and wars would have continued .

People love Lelouch because of his rich character .He's not some generic shounen character who spouts off nonsense about not killing people and friendship and bullshit .He's not just an arrogant murderer like Light Yagami
.He's not exactly a good guy either .I'd say he was the bad guy who understood what being the bad guy meant unlike Light Yagami

Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that.....

If you watch the episode where suzaku and Lelouch are talking near the lake Lelouch said he will spill so much blood that everyone will forget euphy...... go watch that ep where he took over Britannia. Also ok fine it was an accident but if this was nunnaly you know damn well he would save her and without a second thought and if you say otherwise then you don't know Lelouch... He even said he was doing it all for her though out the series and he wanted to die when he thought she was dead...... hell that was the reason he started the zero plan.

About Shirley...... If you think about for a sec if Lelouch did kill Shirley then it would of brought to much attention which he didn't need otherwise it might of blew his cover.... also Lelouch was a coward for doing that to Shirley. Lelouch couldn't even face her for what he did to her family.... spineless coward.

Yeah bullshit again he only did all of this for his own ambitions....

1 get revenge on daddy
2 find out what happened to mommy
3 make the world better FOR his sister......

He wasn't even phased when his own followers was killed.... what a asshole.....again watch the episode where he gets betrayed by his knights and when rolo saved him.... even when he has a clear escape he tells rolo he wants to die because nunnaly was dead..... yeah this is how little he cared about everything else... but if nunnaly is dead.... I give up..... this is your hero.

No not just accidentally or indirectly but he also purposely killed people too which included innocents ...... remember the war he started near the end........... I made my point...... not forgetting millions of people who lost loved ones because of him.. which includes his war near the end.......also you can't say, oh there is no more hatred in the world, oh war has stopped because that is buckshot....

Yes there is still hatred for Britannia
Yes there will be more war even after his death.....

Come on do you really think that everyone will just sweep everything under the rug and say let bygones be bygones ans let's go for a drink....... again BULLSHIT.

what about everyone that Britannia has hurt.... even tho most of the people are gone who have hurt them... the country and the royals are still alive like Cornelia and nunnaly and scizel which are the siblings of euphy and Lelouch and Cornelia has took over other countries too and let's not forget Cornelia is the sister of euphy....... again I made my point.... not everyone is going to be forgiving towards Britannia or its citizens.... I mean look at nina she didn't do anything towards the 11s and they attacked her and that's where her fear of 11s originated from..... again I made my point.

Ok il tell you.....

1 he saved suzaku many times before and then out of nowhere he tries to kill suzaku in the cave in his flash back.... what was the point of saving him if he was going to kill him.

2 he was using rolo and even wanted to kill him re what he did to Shirley and he made it clear that he hated him ans told him to leave and not come back.... And then when rolo saved his life Lelouch gave such hypothetical speech saying ..... rolo you are my little brother... as he was dying.................-_- really He says that to the guy who killed the girl who loved him and destroyed Shirleys mothers life.

3 many fan boys keep saying ..... oh Lelouch saved his knights because he really wants to help them ans he saw them as his friends and comrades...... but in reality he was using them and didn't care if they lived or died... He didn't even care that ohgi was shot or that many of them was killed in ep 19r 2

4 Lelouch is a puppet of the series unlike light yagami who pushed the plot instead of being the puppet..... think about it for a sec... when as light ever got outside help because the plot has helped him... like rolo saved him or kallen and cc helping him get his memories back... stuff like that..... light never got help from the plot and relied on his wits and smarts to get him out of things like that.

5 I felt I wasn't watching a character play his roll but felt that someone was writing him..... strange to hear that and that's exactly what was happening because it is a poorly written story..... but here's what I mean....

In the past I have seen many stories that have had charecters be them selves and not be hypocritical and such.... but with Lelouch i felt that he was written to how the story wanted him to be...... like he wasn't the center of the series but the plot was and how the plot wanted him to

When he tries to kill suzaku in the cave even tho Lelouch wanted to help his best friend and did many times before.
When he thought suzaku betrayed him at the shrine.... even tho Lelouch is SUPPOSED to be good at reading people.

It felt that the plot was in control of everything instead of Lelouch being in control of everything...... Lelouch wasn't the pusher of the series but the plot was.....example

1 Lelouch killed his brother even tho they had childhood memories together.......... because the plot demands it.....

2he tries to use Cornelia as a hostage even tho she loved Lelouch...... but the plot demands it.

3 he forgave rolo..... because the plot demands it.

4 he tries to get suzaku to join him in his new zero plan... even tho suzaku has every single right to kill Lelouch ans has no reason to trust Lelouch...... He ends up joining him.... because the plot demands it.

5 the ending looks like a heppy ending.... because the plot demands it.

6 his knights betraying him even tho he helped them...... the plot demands it.

7 nunnaly having the power to see in to peoples hearts....... the plot demands it

You see what I mean it's all too convenient.

Oh yeah and millions lost their lives because of him putting her first... If anything his petty and doesn't see the bigger picture.

Again I made my point.

Light was a god he was way more rich in character then Lelouch mommies boy..... at least light didn't need help from the plot light pushed the series leleouch was a product of o the plot. Yeah Lelouch is flawed... just like his plans and missions...... unlike lights plans which made a whole lot of sense then Lelouchs plans.

Oh well goodbye world..... euphy never deserved this... .... here is what he should of done if he was going all out..... as the world leader he should of said..... I was the one who made euphy kill all the 11s at the stadium I was intending to kill zero but i lost control because it was a testing drug..... And to prove it he gets the world leaders together broadcasts it though out the world and gave them a fake drug and then Lelouch said.... kill your selfs and then they do so... which would of completely clean euphys name........ If anything Lelouch deserved to die and he is suffering brutal torment by those he killed in the c world.... good riddance to trash.

Light bettered the world...... He is a god.

Lelouch fought Britannia....... because he missed his mommy.

Light never killed innocent people if he didn't need to unless it was to get away from the police.

Lights character development is way beyond that of Lelouch fact Lelouch doesn't have any considering the plot is the one in control how Lelouch should feel...... Light will always be better then Lelouch..... at least I wouldn't be scared of being killed because I know o wouldn't do anything wrong... unlike Lelouch who will kill anyone who is doing it for his sister il stick with the god who wants to bring peace then a whinny little bitch who fought a country because he missed his mommy.

Lelouch is petty and a waste of time........

. squid girls plans make more sense then his.
Mars at daybrake made more sense then code geass
Lelouch is a rip off of not just light but code heads is a complete rip off of other shows too.

I hate Lelouch so much...... may he burn in he'll forever.

Code geass wishes it was like death note.

Code geass is trash
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Sep 21, 2015 12:16 PM

Apr 2015
Animefreak17a said:
Evildragon16 said:

You know ,you're harbouring a lot of misguided rage .Let's go from the beginning shall we ?
I. Murdering his sister was an accident and he didn't clear her name because it would mean her death was a waste .In the end ,he even stated how he had become a villian so great her name would be forgotten partly for her sake .
II. He didn't personally kill Shirley's father .He was collateral damage .You do know he could have used Geass to order her to commit suicide with no repercussions right ?To ease her pain ,he had her forget all about him .
III. Using people like pawns was a means to the end in order to stop war and discrimination .
IV. Yes ,he killed millions of people indirectly by accident .But he also saved millions more with his death since war mostly ended .
V. Inconsistent how ?????
VI. He just loves his sister .Now you're just being petty >_<
VII. See no. 3
VIII. He'd have to be two faced to keep suspicion off himself you know .His arrogance doesn't even compare to Light Yamgami's .Besides he can't be flawless
IX. Coming clean wouldn't have changed anything ,in fact it would have complicated a lot of things .If he was known to be the villian who killed many(as Zero) ,as well as the hero who saved many(also as Zero) ,the world's anger in general wouldn't have subsided and wars would have continued .

People love Lelouch because of his rich character .He's not some generic shounen character who spouts off nonsense about not killing people and friendship and bullshit .He's not just an arrogant murderer like Light Yagami
.He's not exactly a good guy either .I'd say he was the bad guy who understood what being the bad guy meant unlike Light Yagami

Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that.....

If you watch the episode where suzaku and Lelouch are talking near the lake Lelouch said he will spill so much blood that everyone will forget euphy...... go watch that ep where he took over Britannia. Also ok fine it was an accident but if this was nunnaly you know damn well he would save her and without a second thought and if you say otherwise then you don't know Lelouch... He even said he was doing it all for her though out the series and he wanted to die when he thought she was dead...... hell that was the reason he started the zero plan.

About Shirley...... If you think about for a sec if Lelouch did kill Shirley then it would of brought to much attention which he didn't need otherwise it might of blew his cover.... also Lelouch was a coward for doing that to Shirley. Lelouch couldn't even face her for what he did to her family.... spineless coward.

Yeah bullshit again he only did all of this for his own ambitions....

1 get revenge on daddy
2 find out what happened to mommy
3 make the world better FOR his sister......

He wasn't even phased when his own followers was killed.... what a asshole.....again watch the episode where he gets betrayed by his knights and when rolo saved him.... even when he has a clear escape he tells rolo he wants to die because nunnaly was dead..... yeah this is how little he cared about everything else... but if nunnaly is dead.... I give up..... this is your hero.

No not just accidentally or indirectly but he also purposely killed people too which included innocents ...... remember the war he started near the end........... I made my point...... not forgetting millions of people who lost loved ones because of him.. which includes his war near the end.......also you can't say, oh there is no more hatred in the world, oh war has stopped because that is buckshot....

Yes there is still hatred for Britannia
Yes there will be more war even after his death.....

Come on do you really think that everyone will just sweep everything under the rug and say let bygones be bygones ans let's go for a drink....... again BULLSHIT.

what about everyone that Britannia has hurt.... even tho most of the people are gone who have hurt them... the country and the royals are still alive like Cornelia and nunnaly and scizel which are the siblings of euphy and Lelouch and Cornelia has took over other countries too and let's not forget Cornelia is the sister of euphy....... again I made my point.... not everyone is going to be forgiving towards Britannia or its citizens.... I mean look at nina she didn't do anything towards the 11s and they attacked her and that's where her fear of 11s originated from..... again I made my point.

Ok il tell you.....

1 he saved suzaku many times before and then out of nowhere he tries to kill suzaku in the cave in his flash back.... what was the point of saving him if he was going to kill him.

2 he was using rolo and even wanted to kill him re what he did to Shirley and he made it clear that he hated him ans told him to leave and not come back.... And then when rolo saved his life Lelouch gave such hypothetical speech saying ..... rolo you are my little brother... as he was dying.................-_- really He says that to the guy who killed the girl who loved him and destroyed Shirleys mothers life.

3 many fan boys keep saying ..... oh Lelouch saved his knights because he really wants to help them ans he saw them as his friends and comrades...... but in reality he was using them and didn't care if they lived or died... He didn't even care that ohgi was shot or that many of them was killed in ep 19r 2

4 Lelouch is a puppet of the series unlike light yagami who pushed the plot instead of being the puppet..... think about it for a sec... when as light ever got outside help because the plot has helped him... like rolo saved him or kallen and cc helping him get his memories back... stuff like that..... light never got help from the plot and relied on his wits and smarts to get him out of things like that.

5 I felt I wasn't watching a character play his roll but felt that someone was writing him..... strange to hear that and that's exactly what was happening because it is a poorly written story..... but here's what I mean....

In the past I have seen many stories that have had charecters be them selves and not be hypocritical and such.... but with Lelouch i felt that he was written to how the story wanted him to be...... like he wasn't the center of the series but the plot was and how the plot wanted him to

When he tries to kill suzaku in the cave even tho Lelouch wanted to help his best friend and did many times before.
When he thought suzaku betrayed him at the shrine.... even tho Lelouch is SUPPOSED to be good at reading people.

It felt that the plot was in control of everything instead of Lelouch being in control of everything...... Lelouch wasn't the pusher of the series but the plot was.....example

1 Lelouch killed his brother even tho they had childhood memories together.......... because the plot demands it.....

2he tries to use Cornelia as a hostage even tho she loved Lelouch...... but the plot demands it.

3 he forgave rolo..... because the plot demands it.

4 he tries to get suzaku to join him in his new zero plan... even tho suzaku has every single right to kill Lelouch ans has no reason to trust Lelouch...... He ends up joining him.... because the plot demands it.

5 the ending looks like a heppy ending.... because the plot demands it.

6 his knights betraying him even tho he helped them...... the plot demands it.

7 nunnaly having the power to see in to peoples hearts....... the plot demands it

You see what I mean it's all too convenient.

Oh yeah and millions lost their lives because of him putting her first... If anything his petty and doesn't see the bigger picture.

Again I made my point.

Light was a god he was way more rich in character then Lelouch mommies boy..... at least light didn't need help from the plot light pushed the series leleouch was a product of o the plot. Yeah Lelouch is flawed... just like his plans and missions...... unlike lights plans which made a whole lot of sense then Lelouchs plans.

Oh well goodbye world..... euphy never deserved this... .... here is what he should of done if he was going all out..... as the world leader he should of said..... I was the one who made euphy kill all the 11s at the stadium I was intending to kill zero but i lost control because it was a testing drug..... And to prove it he gets the world leaders together broadcasts it though out the world and gave them a fake drug and then Lelouch said.... kill your selfs and then they do so... which would of completely clean euphys name........ If anything Lelouch deserved to die and he is suffering brutal torment by those he killed in the c world.... good riddance to trash.

Light bettered the world...... He is a god.

Lelouch fought Britannia....... because he missed his mommy.

Light never killed innocent people if he didn't need to unless it was to get away from the police.

Lights character development is way beyond that of Lelouch fact Lelouch doesn't have any considering the plot is the one in control how Lelouch should feel...... Light will always be better then Lelouch..... at least I wouldn't be scared of being killed because I know o wouldn't do anything wrong... unlike Lelouch who will kill anyone who is doing it for his sister il stick with the god who wants to bring peace then a whinny little bitch who fought a country because he missed his mommy.

Lelouch is petty and a waste of time........

. squid girls plans make more sense then his.
Mars at daybrake made more sense then code geass
Lelouch is a rip off of not just light but code heads is a complete rip off of other shows too.

I hate Lelouch so much...... may he burn in he'll forever.

Code geass wishes it was like death note.

Code geass is trash

It's funny because the lack of character development is what made Death Note a bit boring for me. I mean his development is in like the first two episodes and then he never progresses. Like, in the first episode he realizes what he's doing, that he's actually killing people and he is scared of the Death Note. But then he is like, f*** it I'm a god I kill whoever I want.

He did intend to kill innocents since the beginning when the fake L is on the television and asking Kira to stop killing people. And we don't know how many non-guilty people in jail he killed because he didn't even care about that.

You say Light never needed outside help ? Seriously ? Without any outside help he wouldn't have escaped the police for 10 episodes. Ryuuk told him about the cameras in his room, Misa helped him with the tapes, Ryuuk helped him again by writing fake rules in the Death Note to make Light look non-guilty etc...

To be honest, we can't really compare Lelouch and Light because they don't live in the same world, they are not in the same circumstances and their goal is not the same, far from it : Light wants to be a God and Lelouch wants Japanese people to be considered as equals to Britannians again (part of that goal is because he wants Nunnaly to live in a better world).

If we have to compare DN and CG I'd say (and it is only my opinion, I don't intend to say I have the best one, everyone has his tastes) Code Geass is better because after each episode I wanted to know what would happen next, which was also the case for the first episodes of Death Note. But the difference after 10 episodes or so I've started to hate Light for what he was doing, and that is sad because all the anime revolved around him.

To be honest I almost stopped watching DN after
because it was getting really boring. I just wanted to see what happened at the end so I just watched the last 1/3 of the anime at double speed to understand what happened before the ending.

The only illogical thing for me is how could you say Light is a hero while you think Lelouch is a prick ? I mean Lelouch actually made the world a better place where Japanese are considered as equals with Britannians while
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