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Jun 17, 2013 11:46 PM
Dec 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
Can't remember if this is from the show or the LN, but Maria's inability to act decently in society was why Kate had to bring Maria to the school so she could keep an eye on her. I didn't say that there was interaction between the two, indeed that would be out of character for Yozora, she doesn't interact unless she needs to, however it has been shown that Yozora is aware of her surroundings and probably would have noticed Maria.

I'll try to keep my response consolidated (without tons of quotes), but no guarantees....

I believe we started off this chain of conversation over the question of whether or not Sena was easy to trick. I said that Sena is prone to being tricked and you responded with the following:
She wasn't "tricked" so much as her arrogance makes her do stupid things. "Tricked" implies that Yozora did something dishonest to get Sena to do something, whereas all Yozora did was to appeal to Sena's vanity and Sena did it to herself.

I could have pulled out the dictionary earlier, but I thought I'd use Maria as another example to add meaningful context. I'll pull out one of the definitions of trick just to show what I meant (definition #2 from google for "tricked"):
Use deception to make someone do (something).

It's more obvious in Maria's case because of how Yozora obtained Maria as club advisor. Maria took Yozora's lies at face value. The Maria chapter was quoted to show that Yozora was perfectly capable of deception to get her way. (More on this later, specifically with regard to the anime.)

In Sena's case, Yozora is being tricky when she exploits Sena's arrogance. Before Sena lets Yozora and Rika stack her hair, she gets told about how she could only pull it off if she were truly high class (or something to that effect). Sena bought it very easily.

The question for me really had nothing to do with whether or not Sena or Maria deserved to be tricked. It was simply about showing that Yozora is habitually deceptive in order to obtain what she wants.

It also has nothing to do with whether or not her actions have collateral benefits. With Maria, it's true that Kate acknowledges Yozora's role in changing Maria, but as you agree, Yozora didn't do it intentionally.

Kate implied otherwise, saying that Maria liked to show off her intelligence. Yozora attacked in the Yozora fashion, using one's own argument against them. She did this not only to Yusa, but it is also her favorite tactic against Sena. I don't think it is much of a stretch to think she did the same thing to Maria.

This isn't actually true. There's a difference between "showing off" to others and "looking down" on others (which is what Kate says about Maria). Showing off implies that you're not as great as you think you are (it's a way of overcompensating). Maria actually had the goods, so to speak.

Specifically with regard to the anime's added details, the idea that she was a foul-mouthed brat who would have brought Yozora's wrath upon herself isn't consistent with what Kate says about Maria before she met Yozora.

It certainly says that she mocks people, but that's because she was smarter than everyone else. But she wasn't childish, so she probably wouldn't resort to calling people "poop" for no reason. It's more likely that she would mock the high school students she went to school with for not understanding material in class.

Recall that the anime's first season came before her back story was fleshed out. In the anime, it even shows Maria doing work of all things. She's not a teacher and, though it's certainly possible that she was just helping an actual teacher, she probably wouldn't want to use the room that she specifically designates for napping as a work room.

If Yozora really were to use Maria's argument against her, then Maria would first have to have an argument. Even in the anime, there's no actual argument; Maria simply refuses to help Yozora (with some foul words thrown into the mix). Yozora gets angry and resorts to violence and lies.

Yozora has never addressed Maria's intelligence directly (though she has made Maria do her homework for her). Rather, she started off with a physical attack and made up lies that she assumed would work on a kid. Of course, it just so happened that the lies worked because Maria was never taught any religious teachings - that, and she was physically intimidated so she wasn't able talk back anyways. A funny thought - imagine if Maria had been an actual teacher and was educated about religion; things would have gone a completely different path. In that context, Yozora doesn't seem very bright...

Maria humble? That is more of a stretch than my stretch :-)

Okay, poor choice of words. But she was acquiescent. Their first interaction isn't a good example of this (because the physical assault had already intimidated her), but her introductory chapter was proof enough that she's all too willing to believe another person's "authority" of the bible and apocrypha. She didn't automatically belittle Yozora because she wasn't even close to being confident (or arrogant) when it came to religion.

I would have to disagree with you there. They had NO intentions of doing a "good job". Kodaka even knew how it was going to end, calling them merciless. This is why I am suspicious of the "apology", however since the writer hasn't commented we will never know how earnest or why exactly they apologized.

We'll have to agree to disagree. I believe they were teasing Sena to begin with, then actually got into doing the hair stacking. If they were still in control of the prank, I think they would have ended up laughing in her face after doing the tower simply because it was so ridiculous looking. As for Kodaka, he wasn't involved in the hair styling, so he was more objective about the tower than the ones involved. But as you said, we'll never know.

a good tragic ending is better than an average happy ending. As long as it fits the story, either way is fine.

Indeed. "As long as it's entertaining" is exactly what I tell myself. Happy or sad - as long as it works.
JamadaJun 17, 2013 11:52 PM
Jun 18, 2013 12:04 AM

Apr 2013
vh1sld said:
BloodyNightsky said:

Yozora picking on Sena is explained in episode 10 of Haganai NEXT,if I recall right.She dislikes people who think of themselves highly or look with pity to those like her,that's why she "bullies Sena.
Also cut the "May" from harass Kobato.
Another thing,Sena did acknowledge the attention from the boys.
Also,if you noticed,she plays those game to practice them in real life with the members of the club.
Replace "does think highly of herself" with "arrogance" because its the perfect word.
Cut "a little" she is beyond crazy about Yozora,let along Kobato.She has a room full of Yozora's picture.She has high skills in stalking,you didnt mention this,the proof is the pictures she took.None noticed she took pictures.
Yozora is confused since she is a newbie in the arts of love.She is an introvert,for introverts it isnt easy to spit out the words,let along that she doesnt realize she loves him.She thinks that's normal for a friend,that's how much she knows about relationship.In other words,herself,doesnt know that she loves him,for her it's called friendship and she doesnt know why she gets hurt by minor things Kodaka does ever since they met again,after 10 years.
Also Yozora doesnt "bully" Sena for her qualities,she does that for her dumb side.I mean,no offense,but how dumb can you be to let yourself being hairstyled with fruits and cloths?
Does that count as quality?
I never seen Yozora "bullying" Sena for her qualities.And I've watched 1st season several times and 2nd one about 5 times.

Thank you for your insight and analysis. It was quite in depth. I do, however, want to address some of the points you have made.
1. The nickname "meat" cannot only focus on Sena's dumb moments. She also sees Sena as, well, a steryotypical slut, with her rich family, beautiful looks, and boys who follow her around. Yet Sena has proven she is much more. She's a talented, compassionate person who wants to make friends and is also mean to Yozora, but only because Yozora caused her so much trouble. I mean, she said Sera had cowtits. In your many views of the show, how many times do you remember her saying that? There was even a cow sound effect occasionally. That is a quality. I do agree that the first statement about bullying. Yes she is dumb a lot. But it's more than that. The "bullying" may not be fully encompassed by what I, you, or both our opinions combined say it is, but it is more than just about Sena's gullibility and dumb moments.
2. The reason I say Sena does not acknowledge the boys who follow her around is because she realized that they are not real friends. Her maturity allowed her to seek out real friends.

The rest of your comments were spot on in my opinion. Especially the view on Yozora. I hope by now she has finally realized what Kodaka means to her, and that she can muster up the courage to do something about it. Maybe she will soon realize that.

To be honest, I started watching anime on the 8th of this month (lol). And finished Haganai this weekend (a lot of free time). If there are any more objections, feel free to add. Lastly, If you know any series worth getting into, preferably short or just starting out, please let me know.

Well,it's obvious Yozora feels complexated by her big tits.However,you can see that Yozora is "punishing" her for arrogance and she stops her from harassing Kobato when she exaggerates.Once she stopped doing most of the things she usually did in the first season,you can see she didnt bully her that much,in fact they had a normal fight between....I dont know the exact term but lets use the word "friends".
While her methods are not that really likable,she actually gave her some tough love.I mean look how much Sena changed,if it werent of Yozora she wouldnt have changed.Kodaka is too much of a chicken to make her change and he isnt the type.
The club changed Yozora aswell.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Jun 19, 2013 9:10 AM
Oct 2012
Jamada said:
I believe we started off this chain of conversation over the question of whether or not Sena was easy to trick.

Use deception to make someone do (something).

We're really arguing semantics now. Back at the beginning my point wasn't that Yozora doesn't "trick" people, but rather that it is Sena's vanity that is far more responsible for being "tricked". The "stacked hair" episode you mentioned is a perfect example. One could say that Yozora "tricked" Sena into becoming a model, but was that really a "trick"? Stacked hair does exist, what happened was that Yozora knew that Sena could not stand being compared to a mere "commoner" and would demand that they do it to her. Yozora exploited Sena's vanity. That really isn't using "deception".

Jamada said:
The question for me really had nothing to do with whether or not Sena or Maria deserved to be tricked. It was simply about showing that Yozora is habitually deceptive in order to obtain what she wants.

There is an old CS Lewis line "you can't fool an honest man". While that isn't entirely true, there is an important point there. Sena is the one for contempt for average person, who insists in being treated like a "goddess". Yozora may be deceptive, but when it comes to Yozora-Sena's interpersonal dynamics, it isn't as if Yozora has ever pretended to be Sena's friend or hasn't stated her intentions. Sena just refuses to accept it (primarily because she can't believe someone really doesn't like her). To use a simile, it would be like playing poker and your opponent shows you how he has four aces hidden in his sleeve and declares his intention of using them, and then you play a hand and he
wins by having four aces. That is a "trick", but in this instance would you really call what he did a trick?

Jamada said:
This isn't actually true. There's a difference between "showing off" to others and "looking down" on others (which is what Kate says about Maria). Showing off implies that you're not as great as you think you are (it's a way of overcompensating). Maria actually had the goods, so to speak.

Not really. You quoted Kate, Kate called Maria "conceited". That means Maria had an excessive opinion of herself (in this case her intelligence). That isn't mere "showing off", in order to be conceited you have to unduly rank yourself above others, and since you can never be more than what you are, in order to be conceited you have to view those around you as being lower than they are. Being conceited is the very essence of "looking down" on people.

Jamada said:
It certainly says that she mocks people, but that's because she was smarter than everyone else. But she wasn't childish, so she probably wouldn't resort to calling people "poop" for no reason. It's more likely that she would mock the high school students she went to school with for not understanding material in class.

If Yozora really were to use Maria's argument against her, then Maria would first have to have an argument. Even in the anime, there's no actual argument; Maria simply refuses to help Yozora (with some foul words thrown into the mix). Yozora gets angry and resorts to violence and lies.

Yozora has never addressed Maria's intelligence directly (though she has made Maria do her homework for her). Rather, she started off with a physical attack and made up lies that she assumed would work on a kid. Of course, it just so happened that the lies worked because Maria was never taught any religious teachings - that, and she was physically intimidated so she wasn't able talk back anyways. A funny thought - imagine if Maria had been an actual teacher and was educated about religion; things would have gone a completely different path. In that context, Yozora doesn't seem very bright...

But we know that Yozora is bright, she did not worry about Maria because Yozora had an accurate read on Maria. Notice that even after learning that she had been tricked, Maria never went to anyone to report it, because Yozora knew that Maria wanted to be thought as of an adult. In this way Maria is very similar to Sena. If you think about it Yozora screwing with the Chairman's daughter isn't "very bright", but Yozora knows that Sena won't report her because to do so would be for Sena to admit that she isn't "all that". Which Sena is incapable of doing. For Maria, to report would mean that she is a child, and Maria can't take that thought either (note how depressed she was when Yusa pointed out that she wasn't a teacher.
Of course Maria was taught religious teachings, she quotes them all the time - but like many "smart" children she knows the words, not the meanings. Seeing herself as a "disciple of god" is the core of her being. And of course she would have called others poop for no reason, Maria has a scatological fetish she even makes soap piles when bathing.

Jamada said:
She didn't automatically belittle Yozora because she wasn't even close to being confident (or arrogant) when it came to religion.

Have you ever dealt with people who have an inflated belief in their own knowledge? They can't admit that they "don't know" because of their arrogance, not their humility. They try to bluster their way through saying "of course I knew that".

Jamada said:
If they were still in control of the prank, I think they would have ended up laughing in her face after doing the tower simply because it was so ridiculous looking.

That is backwards. The prank wasn't just to make the hairdo, but to have Sena parade around with it thinking she was cool. So they didn't laugh because they hadn't "pranked" Sena yet.
Jun 19, 2013 10:03 AM

Nov 2012
is it really that important and confusing? -_-
of course it because she is has a big boobs, blonde, cute, smart, beautiful, etc -_-
Jun 19, 2013 10:04 AM

Nov 2012
MaffleWaffle said:
Because we heard that you hate her.

LOL hahaha~~ nice one bro XD
Jun 19, 2013 1:48 PM
Dec 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
We're really arguing semantics now. Back at the beginning my point wasn't that Yozora doesn't "trick" people, but rather that it is Sena's vanity that is far more responsible for being "tricked". The "stacked hair" episode you mentioned is a perfect example. One could say that Yozora "tricked" Sena into becoming a model, but was that really a "trick"? Stacked hair does exist, what happened was that Yozora knew that Sena could not stand being compared to a mere "commoner" and would demand that they do it to her. Yozora exploited Sena's vanity. That really isn't using "deception".

Semantics matter in this case because I used the word "trick" with a particular meaning in mind to begin with. Yozora most certainly tricked Sena in the sense that I use the word. We clearly can't agree on terminology, so it's pointless to argue it further.

There is an old CS Lewis line "you can't fool an honest man". While that isn't entirely true, there is an important point there. Sena is the one for contempt for average person, who insists in being treated like a "goddess". Yozora may be deceptive, but when it comes to Yozora-Sena's interpersonal dynamics, it isn't as if Yozora has ever pretended to be Sena's friend or hasn't stated her intentions. Sena just refuses to accept it (primarily because she can't believe someone really doesn't like her). To use a simile, it would be like playing poker and your opponent shows you how he has four aces hidden in his sleeve and declares his intention of using them, and then you play a hand and he wins by having four aces. That is a "trick", but in this instance would you really call what he did a trick?

I don't see how your simile parallels Yozora tricking Sena at all (again, I'm using "trick" in the way I understand it). For it to be parallel, Yozora would literally have to say "I'm going to praise you because I want to bring you down a peg." That's not a trick as it doesn't involve deception in any shape or form.

Sena understands that most girls don't like her; in fact, that's why she joined the club to begin with. She resents them for it precisely because of her arrogance - she feels she deserves respect and adoration. She also knows that Yozora is her "enemy", but even so she's all too willing to accept praise - even from someone who habitually pulls the same old trick over and over again. She most definitely lacks self-reflection and refuses to learn that not all praise is honest praise. However, she hasn't actually done much to earn other people's enmity.

Simply put, Sena's arrogant because she's got the goods - prestige, grades, looks, and even athleticism - and she gets resented by others because she's overly proud of her assets. But, in my opinion, such resentment isn't truly justified; rather, it seems to stem from petty jealousy. Yozora, who hadn't even met Sena before (and hadn't yet witnessed Sena's arrogance in person), said this in Sena's introductory chapter:

That's an incredibly superficial reason to resent someone you haven't even met. Immediately after, she mentions that she's heard about Sena's personality being bad, but that was an afterthought - justification to convince Kodaka that Sena shouldn't even be let into the room.

Sena's most assuredly arrogant, but when Yukimura is introduced and asks Kodaka for help:

She didn't know Yukimura, but she doesn't automatically look down on "him" in any way. Her arrogance tends to be about praising herself rather than putting others down. The only case I can recall of her looking down on someone before being antagonized first is with Kodaka - and she dramatically changes her assessment of him. She dislikes girls who dislike her but she doesn't think all girls are contemptible (after all, she earnestly desires to make female friends). With boys, her opinion of them is skewed by the way they worship her - and this opinion gets turned on its head after spending time with Kodaka.

In contrast to Sena's first instinct to provide helpful advice, Yozora's first instinct is to use Yukimura.

I've even see some people make the argument that Yozora had Yukimura join the club specifically to isolate Kodaka even further from his classmates.

It's an interesting theory, and I'll have to keep it in mind the next time I re-read the novels.

Not really. You quoted Kate, Kate called Maria "conceited". That means Maria had an excessive opinion of herself (in this case her intelligence). That isn't mere "showing off", in order to be conceited you have to unduly rank yourself above others, and since you can never be more than what you are, in order to be conceited you have to view those around you as being lower than they are. Being conceited is the very essence of "looking down" on people.

You're the one who used the words "show off"; I was making a case against Maria being a show off. Rather, I precisely made the argument that she "looks down" on others. So, I guess you agree? :P

But really, being conceited is a state of mind whereas showing off is an action. A translation isn't going to get each word perfectly translated, but the context is enough to grasp the intended meaning. Even if "conceited" means "unduly rank yourself above others", it isn't necessarily the most correct word. Right now I'm trying to think of a near equivalent that means "duly rank yourself above others" but it escapes my vocabulary at this precise moment. I could see them using "full of herself" but that has the same connotation. In that context, I think my interpretation is accurate.

In any case, my point is that Maria isn't said to have been a show off (not before she met Yozora, anyways). As such, she wouldn't see a need to start an argument with Yozora. Thus, there would be no argument for Yozora to turn against Maria.

But we know that Yozora is bright, she did not worry about Maria because Yozora had an accurate read on Maria. Notice that even after learning that she had been tricked, Maria never went to anyone to report it, because Yozora knew that Maria wanted to be thought as of an adult.

There's no way Yozora would have known this when she just met Maria; she had no read at all, much less an accurate one. It was an "educated guess" at best, but a guess nonetheless. My point was that Yozora could have made a terrible mistake that could have ended up with her being severely punished. It was a rash decision. It's only in the second interaction (Maria's introductory chapter) where she finds out for sure that Maria is weak to appeals to scripture; she couldn't have known for the first interaction because she hadn't yet conversed with Maria before resorting to violence.

If you think about it Yozora screwing with the Chairman's daughter isn't "very bright", but Yozora knows that Sena won't report her because to do so would be for Sena to admit that she isn't "all that".

This is a completely different case. Sena would be wrongfully abusing the chairman's position. As such, Yozora's defense would be obvious even if Sena were to ask daddy for help. This can actually be considered a well calculated risk (in vast contrast with her first interaction with Maria). Also, she used violence against Maria but not against Sena.

For Maria, to report would mean that she is a child, and Maria can't take that thought either (note how depressed she was when Yusa pointed out that she wasn't a teacher.

That makes no sense. Why would reporting a student's physical assault on a teacher make her a child? Rather, it would make her a responsible teacher. And yes, she got depressed about not being a teacher, but that's because it was a part of her identity. It's like telling a blind Richard Pryor that he's not white. :P

Of course Maria was taught religious teachings, she quotes them all the time - but like many "smart" children she knows the words, not the meanings.

If she really were taught the words, then she'd be able to see through Yozora's blatant lies and would have responded with the obvious - "I've never heard of such a thing". And if she were conceited in her knowledge of religious teachings, then she would have added "You're wrong." Since she didn't respond like that, it's clear that she's not up to snuff on her religious learning nor is she full of herself - at least not when it comes to religion. And because her first two interactions with Yozora sets the tone for future interactions, it's justified that Maria takes a more argumentative stance later on.

Seeing herself as a "disciple of god" is the core of her being.

Hence her depression about not being a sister. Of course, her assumption didn't come out of the belief that she was well versed in religion so much as it came out of a misunderstanding - after all, she was doing the work of a sister and Kate even dressed her up as one.

And of course she would have called others poop for no reason, Maria has a scatological fetish she even makes soap piles when bathing.

In my opinion, it's only after Yozora directly bypasses Maria's superior (secular) education that Maria resorts to childish retorts. Recall the first time Maria uses "unko" is after being flicked in the forehead; the second time is after Yozora says she never uses enough force to cause scars. It's impossible to argue against violence and difficult to argue against lies (unless you're educated in the relevant field), so Maria uses her last resort - childish insults. This is exactly why that passage about her becoming "childish" is important. A non-childish, educated Maria could potentially use her education to her advantage in an argument. But with Yozora, her education instantly became unimportant and she now revels in her childishness (and her potty mouth).

Have you ever dealt with people who have an inflated belief in their own knowledge? They can't admit that they "don't know" because of their arrogance, not their humility. They try to bluster their way through saying "of course I knew that".

I don't think this is relevant to Maria. In Maria's introductory chapter, she automatically accepts Yozora's claims and is genuinely surprised when Kodaka informs her that she's being tricked. Even when Maria becomes suspicious, she quickly accepts Yozora's claims anyways. Rather than saying "of course I knew that", she just groans at her "loss". This is how it actually goes:

Maria doesn't indicate that she's knowledgeable about scripture. Rather, her suspicion was solely due to the fact that Yozora had told nothing but lies. In other words, Maria would believe almost anything about scripture - not because she's trying to bluster her way through an argument, but rather because she simply can't argue about something she doesn't know.

Yozora's specialty is doubting someone to make them do something (with a false promise of "You'll be a proper X if you do Y"). In a hostile environment, people tend to be defensive. Yozora latches onto this defensive instinct and uses it. In Maria's case, it was something like "I'm a teacher, so you shouldn't push me around". So when Yozora expresses doubt that Maria is a proper teacher/adult, Maria is quick to defend her honor. As such, it was easy to turn Maria's need to push back into a desire to prove herself as a teacher.

That is backwards. The prank wasn't just to make the hairdo, but to have Sena parade around with it thinking she was cool. So they didn't laugh because they hadn't "pranked" Sena yet.

Let's look at what the novel says:

Obviously they didn't begin it just to do the hair style. It was done to prank Sena. But my point is that they had already pranked Sena by making her go through with it. And with the tower being as ridiculous as it was, they should have been rolling on the floor laughing. Instead what happened is that they had gotten so into doing it (along with girl talk, as noted by Kodaka earlier in the chapter) that they stopped caring about the prank and started caring about the actual hairdo - convincing themselves that it was actually well done.

I mean, we know that Kodaka has superlative perception (perhaps even better than Rika's) and he says all of this:

To top it off:

For that reason, I'm convinced that they were in fact impressed by their own creation and simply forgot the original reason for doing it.
JamadaJun 19, 2013 1:55 PM
Jun 19, 2013 4:44 PM
Oct 2012
Jamada said:
Sena understands that most girls don't like her;

I would disagree, she doesn't "understand", Sena just assumes it. The Yusa chapter in Issue 7 shows this:

Since this happens in the 7th volume before Yusa tried anything, I find it amusing when Sena fans go on about how Sena has "developed" so much. Sena hasn't changed a bit, indeed she has gotten worse. Sena doesn't know that the other girls "hate" her, she just assumes it. Note that "getting along with Sena" is defined by Sena, it has nothing to do with the other person. Kobata loathes Sena, but Sena desires Kobata so they get along; Yusa obviously worships Sena, but since Sena doesn't care about Yusa they don't get along and so Yusa falls into the "bitch" category. We have no idea what the girls really think about Sena since we only have Sena's demented world view filtering what is really going on.

If there is one steady argument I would make to your points it is that you have to stop reading the dialog literally and accepting it. The writer isn't that simple. You have to take everything that Kodaka says with a healthy heaping of salt, his obliviousness to the actual emotions of those around him is the main theme of this series.

Jamada said:
However, she hasn't actually done much to earn other people's enmity.
statement is incredible. You saw how she treated the guys at the pool, the Yusa episode shows how she views her fellow students both male and female. Similar to the idea that "Sena has developed", the idea that Sena is in any way a victim is ridiculous.

Jamada said:
Simply put, Sena's arrogant because she's got the goods - prestige, grades, looks, and even athleticism - and she gets resented by others because she's overly proud of her assets. But, in my opinion, such resentment isn't truly justified;

No matter how smart, athletic or talented one is, it doesn't justify treating people the way Sena treats everyone. Want to be hated? Look down on people.

Jamada said:
rather, it seems to stem from petty jealousy. Yozora, who hadn't even met Sena before (and hadn't yet witnessed Sena's arrogance in person) ...... That's an incredibly superficial reason to resent someone you haven't even met. Immediately after, she mentions that she's heard about Sena's personality being bad, but that was an afterthought - justification to convince Kodaka that Sena shouldn't even be let into the room.

I wouldn't hold Yozora up as a "typical" person. We know she has issues with popular people that are, in Kodaka's opinion, petty.

Jamada said:
Sena's most assuredly arrogant, but when Yukimura is introduced and asks Kodaka for help. She didn't know Yukimura, but she doesn't automatically look down on "him" in any way.

Depends on whether you think assuming someone is pitiable is "looking down" or not. It may be only my personal opinion, but I'd rather something think about "using" me than "pitying" me.

Jamada said:
I've even see some people make the argument that Yozora had Yukimura join the club specifically to isolate Kodaka even further from his classmates.

While I wouldn't put that past Yozora, it sounded more that she did it for the entertainment value.
Not that this shows Yozora in a better light.

Jamada said:
There's no way Yozora would have known this when she just met Maria; she had no read at all, much less an accurate one. It was an "educated guess" at best, but a guess nonetheless. My point was that Yozora could have made a terrible mistake that could have ended up with her being severely punished. It was a rash decision. It's only in the second interaction (Maria's introductory chapter) where she finds out for sure that Maria is weak to appeals to scripture; she couldn't have known for the first interaction because she hadn't yet conversed with Maria before resorting to violence.

There is no proof either way, but I would point out that Yozora doesn't appear stupid in other places, generally she only lost to Sena's incredible luck and Yukimura's total obsession. So to think that she approached Maria without knowing a lot about Maria seems out of character. Remember Yozora is weak around people she doesn't know. Standing up to Yusa nearly floored her.

Jamada said:
This is a completely different case. Sena would be wrongfully abusing the chairman's position. As such, Yozora's defense would be obvious even if Sena were to ask daddy for help. This can actually be considered a well calculated risk (in vast contrast with her first interaction with Maria). Also, she used violence against Maria but not against Sena.

No violence? Flyswatter? Also Pegasus told Sena to exploit her power (I think that is in the LN when Sena got Maria promoted). Sena threatened to have Yusa expelled, and Sena wasn't joking. What greater abuse could their be?

Jamada said:
If she really were taught the words, then she'd be able to see through Yozora's blatant lies and would have responded with the obvious - "I've never heard of such a thing". And if she were conceited in her knowledge of religious teachings, then she would have added "You're wrong."

I quote scripture to "religious" people all the time. They have no idea what is actually in the bible. Yozora is a dangerous opponent because she is actually smart. How many people know what the Apocrypha is? Most of what Yozora said tracks with what most people think, that makes accepting the rest easier.

Jamada said:
Since she didn't respond like that, it's clear that she's not up to snuff on her religious learning nor is she full of herself - at least not when it comes to religion.

Your missing the point. It isn't that Maria is up to snuff on her knowledge, its that she THINKS she is up to snuff on it and can't bear the thought of being proven wrong. Therefore to maintain the appearance that she knows she accepts Yozora's line of bull, because to challenge and lose is what she fears the most.

Jamada said:
In my opinion, it's only after Yozora directly bypasses Maria's superior (secular) education that Maria resorts to childish retorts.

Given how Kate both treats Maria and her own action (farting in public), I think it is safe to assume that Maria didn't change her behavior.

Gotta run, but as for the hairstyle, I would recall that Kodaka is not an impartial or insightful observer, you have to take character into account. Do you honestly think that Yozora or Rika would think putting Bugs into someone's hair was "artistic". Yukimura, with her fascination for Sengoku period helmets was into it from the beginning, but Yozora in particular would NEVER put her hair up. She can't tolerate even being looked at (as noted with how she reacted to Yusa and in the train). Of course she was being sarcastic. Rika, maybe I could by was impressed, but not Yozora, her words were completely out of character.
Jun 19, 2013 9:50 PM
Nov 2007
Takuan_Soho said:

I would disagree, she doesn't "understand", Sena just assumes it...

I find it amusing when Sena fans go on about how Sena has "developed" so much. Sena hasn't changed a bit, indeed she has gotten worse. Sena doesn't know that the other girls "hate" her, she just assumes it. Note that "getting along with Sena" is defined by Sena, it has nothing to do with the other person. Kobata loathes Sena, but Sena desires Kobata so they get along; Yusa obviously worships Sena, but since Sena doesn't care about Yusa they don't get along and so Yusa falls into the "bitch" category. We have no idea what the girls really think about Sena since we only have Sena's demented world view filtering what is really going on.

I would not say Sena has gotten worse, but I agree that she has not gotten better or improved. In the beginning, Sena's reason to join the Neighbor's Club was to get some female friends. While she has not accomplish that goal, it is not hard to see why. She's under the delusion that the females around school are just like her dating sims. In dating sims, Sena can control people she wants to her liking by choosing the right response and having a good profile. Plus, if she loses, she can always use savestates to restore everything. Finally, a "game over" or a "bad end" won't do much damage in a dating sim as opposed to real life, where bad choices lead to irreversible damage.

She treats Kobato as a dating sim character she wants to impress and attract (Why can't real conversations have choices and save points?). Unless someone (preferably Kodaka) tries to get her to understand that galge girls =/= real girls, her thought of other females will keep her from making female friends.

Takuan_Soho said:
There is no proof either way, but I would point out that Yozora doesn't appear stupid in other places, generally she only lost to Sena's incredible luck and Yukimura's total obsession. So to think that she approached Maria without knowing a lot about Maria seems out of character. Remember Yozora is weak around people she doesn't know. Standing up to Yusa nearly floored her.

Yozora is not stupid. She's just not good dealing with other people (Her main problem). She was able to manipulate Maria because Maria is just a small child and does not have much common sense knowledge like a high-schooler yet. She makes up random rules and Maria believes in it. A few slaps on Maria makes her scared enough to bow down to Yozora. Aoi Yusa is much older and knows more about the rules and has more common sense so she is tougher opponent for Yozora.

One thing I cannot understand is their thoughts for setting up and joining the club.

Yozora - She wants a club with Kodaka alone. However, she makes a hard-to-understand poster that gets cracked by Sena and Rika. Then Yozora becomes pissed at the poster. Why would she even need to make that poster is she is not interested in additional members?

Sena - Out of the all the clubs that she can join, she picks this one. This club is probably the most unwelcome club for her (add Yozora trying to reject her entry) and yet Sena persists on joining and staying. I do not believe her dad asked her to join.
Saturday... Night's Alright!
Jun 19, 2013 9:53 PM

Jun 2013
Tsundere. Nuff said.
Jun 20, 2013 12:52 AM

Apr 2013
The poster was for those who were bored enough , and without friends , to notice the words/sentence . When you have friends you dont struggle to watch at a poster you dont understand at first glance nor will you look in to understand it and also those intelligent enough can figure it out without even wasting time on understanding it . In other words , the poster was made for the people desperate enough.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Jun 20, 2013 1:06 AM
Nov 2010
It hurts my head whenever someone talks about character development of Sena. The main fallacy I'm seeing is they cherry pick examples, and even PERSPECTIVES when suited, then ignore the rest. For example, if Sena is behaving a little differently with the expectation of romance (one sided through it is), it is signs that she's developed; Whilst at the same time, her unchanging behaviour everywhere else is ignored because a fan has projected themself as Kodaka. Ironically Kodaka himself is not as fussed and tend to be more neutrual ie Observe Sena's 'problem's however it is more prominent in the novel for obvious reasons (anime as medium not conductive for monologues).

Perhaps this is a syndrome brought about by watching too many generic harems where there exists a simple one-to-many relationship between the personality vacuum MC and the 'fetish' objects. In haganai however the relationships between the girls are also interesting and varied.

Then when it comes to Yozora, the same Sena fans would pick a 3rd person or worse, Sena's perspective and proceed to judge Yozora on it. It makes discussing difficult when the other side kept switching the ground.
Jun 20, 2013 4:43 AM
Dec 2012
Oh god I was sure I'd have to redo this entire post (Windows 7 decided to give me a restart pop up just as I was typing, causing my computer to shut down) but my response is still here! Also, apologies for this wall of text. :P

Takuan_Soho said:
I would disagree, she doesn't "understand", Sena just assumes it. The Yusa chapter in Issue 7 shows this:

Since this happens in the 7th volume before Yusa tried anything, I find it amusing when Sena fans go on about how Sena has "developed" so much. Sena hasn't changed a bit, indeed she has gotten worse. Sena doesn't know that the other girls "hate" her, she just assumes it. Note that "getting along with Sena" is defined by Sena, it has nothing to do with the other person. Kobata loathes Sena, but Sena desires Kobata so they get along; Yusa obviously worships Sena, but since Sena doesn't care about Yusa they don't get along and so Yusa falls into the "bitch" category. We have no idea what the girls really think about Sena since we only have Sena's demented world view filtering what is really going on.

I can see your point of view, but I disagree because your example is exactly what I was referring to. As worldliner_ai says, Sena's perspective is skewed. When she has a bad experience with a female classmate, she raises up her defenses and treats her female classmates as all being ineligible as friends to avoid making the same mistake in the future. Perhaps I should have been more clear though I thought it was obvious - Sena doesn't like girls who she thinks doesn't like her. She's not perceptive at all and can't read the emotions of those who she interacts with (Kobato being the most obvious example, the guys at the pool being another obvious example). She makes assumptions about people who approach her as a defense mechanism, but she's proven time and time again that she's willing to genuinely offer advice to be helpful. She also changes her opinion of Kodaka despite his rough exterior - this is her development; people who refuse to recognize that development baffle me.

If there is one steady argument I would make to your points it is that you have to stop reading the dialog literally and accepting it. The writer isn't that simple. You have to take everything that Kodaka says with a healthy heaping of salt, his obliviousness to the actual emotions of those around him is the main theme of this series.

The only times he's oblivious is when he doesn't realize Yozora was Sora (which is reasonable), and when it comes to girls' feelings for him - not girls' feelings for each other. Context matters (in contrast to the "literal" reading you attribute me with). You can't dismiss Kodaka's perception outright just because he's kept certain thoughts to himself. I mean, there's no reason for him to fool himself into believing that the girls are getting along. None. The theme is specifically about Kodaka's resistance to romance - that's it. Friendship on the other hand is something he was all too aware of. To wit, he's protective of the club because he, like Rika, realizes that they do in fact get along (and he didn't want romance to ruin it).

That statement is incredible. You saw how she treated the guys at the pool, the Yusa episode shows how she views her fellow students both male and female. Similar to the idea that "Sena has developed", the idea that Sena is in any way a victim is ridiculous.

Again, she saw the guys at the pool as attacking her. Her view of guys is skewed and she reacts by trying to handle them in the same way she'd handle the guys in her class. She was scared and about to fall apart, then Kodaka came to her rescue; recall how that's the exact moment that she becomes interested in Kodaka (according to Rika).

The Yusa episode shows how she reacts to aggressors who try to destroy her most precious safe haven. I honestly don't understand why you keep bringing it up; it was a good moment for everyone involved except Yusa. Here's how it goes:

Sena says something about wanting to get back to her game, but her underlying motivation is all too obvious (unless you're reading into it literally). She goes on to make this comment:

That's a clear part of her development. She isn't just some ojou who looks down on everyone. She actually holds respect for someone - Yozora.

No matter how smart, athletic or talented one is, it doesn't justify treating people the way Sena treats everyone. Want to be hated? Look down on people.

If you can excuse Yozora for actually hating on people she doesn't know, I don't see why Sena's worse for not caring about people she doesn't know.

I wouldn't hold Yozora up as a "typical" person. We know she has issues with popular people that are, in Kodaka's opinion, petty.

And this excuses Yozora how? She's excused because she's a main character of a novel? You don't let Sena off the hook for that reason, I don't see why Yozora is free from criticism. Each has their own reason for acting the way that they do. In Yozora's case, it hasn't been explained properly (except that she was once friends with Kodaka a long time ago). In Sena's case, we have her male fans worshipping her, females who spite her (including Yozora) for no good reason, and her papa who told her to use her power as the chairman's daughter if she saw a need.

Depends on whether you think assuming someone is pitiable is "looking down" or not. It may be only my personal opinion, but I'd rather something think about "using" me than "pitying" me.

I don't know how you got to this line of thought. She wasn't pitying Yukimura. Yukimura came to ask for help, and Sena offered some advice. Why is offering help to someone who asked for it a bad thing?

And I can't understand the thought of wanting to be used or manipulated at all, nor can I understand condoning unwarranted manipulation; it's seems a priori wrong to me. On the other hand, sympathy is a virtue in my opinion. I can't reconcile my point of view with yours at all.

There is no proof either way, but I would point out that Yozora doesn't appear stupid in other places, generally she only lost to Sena's incredible luck and Yukimura's total obsession. So to think that she approached Maria without knowing a lot about Maria seems out of character. Remember Yozora is weak around people she doesn't know. Standing up to Yusa nearly floored her.

The anime is the only source for the first interaction and it clearly shows Yozora as not knowing anything about Maria except that she's a child; I'm fine with disregarding the anime for this interaction.

In any case, this argument was about whether Yozora would "use" Maria's "argument against her" (as you suggested). I maintain that there was no actual argument and that the one thing we do know about that first interaction - that Yozora hit Maria - was a rash decision. It's less rash in the second interaction because she's gotten a read on Maria, but before then it was rash. There's more than one way to be stupid (as made evident by Sena who gets good grades, but is idiotic in many other ways). So, whether she's clever or not in an actual argument isn't relevant to hitting someone in lieu of an actual argument.

No violence? Flyswatter? Also Pegasus told Sena to exploit her power (I think that is in the LN when Sena got Maria promoted). Sena threatened to have Yusa expelled, and Sena wasn't joking. What greater abuse could their be?

I don't see the flyswatter being used in Sena's introductory chapter; source?

As I said, it would be abusing the chairman's power. As such, Yozora would have had a valid defense. It's not like a student can be expelled just because someone insults the chairman's daughter. The reason why Sena respects Yozora is because Yozora didn't let the bluff force her to back down. There's no indication that Sena would actually abuse her father's power for such a petty dispute - only that she uses the words to make weak willed fools back off.

I quote scripture to "religious" people all the time. They have no idea what is actually in the bible. Yozora is a dangerous opponent because she is actually smart. How many people know what the Apocrypha is? Most of what Yozora said tracks with what most people think, that makes accepting the rest easier.

This is what you said:

You're contradicting yourself. You're saying Maria knew her religion, but also that she doesn't know it. Contradiction.

In any case, my point in the beginning was that Maria doesn't know her religion and isn't conceited about her knowledge (or lack thereof) of religious teachings. You've basically just affirmed my position on that issue.

On the issue of Yozora's perception of Maria before meeting her, your argument here is particularly weak because we're not talking about a random so-called "religious" person; we're talking about a supposed nun and teacher at a religious-leaning school. A nun isn't just some random person who claims to adhere to a religion, and a teacher is someone who has been formally educated to the point that they can actually teach other people. Weak argument.

Your missing the point. It isn't that Maria is up to snuff on her knowledge, its that she THINKS she is up to snuff on it and can't bear the thought of being proven wrong. Therefore to maintain the appearance that she knows she accepts Yozora's line of bull, because to challenge and lose is what she fears the most.

The novels don't show this characterization of Maria at all. When Yozora suggests that Maria's ditching her responsibilities as a teacher after already becoming (read: being forced into being) the club advisor, Maria takes the bait. It has absolutely nothing to do with Maria being arrogant; it has more to do with her identity as a teacher (which was proven to be very important to her as shown when she got depressed with Yusa's revelation).

Given how Kate both treats Maria and her own action (farting in public), I think it is safe to assume that Maria didn't change her behavior.

I don't see how Kate farting has anything to do with what we've been talking about. Certainly Maria is a child, but she wasn't childish before Yozora literally forced her out of her shell. In short, even if Maria had a fascination with poop before she met Yozora, it doesn't mean she resorted to calling people poop.

Gotta run, but as for the hairstyle, I would recall that Kodaka is not an impartial or insightful observer, you have to take character into account. Do you honestly think that Yozora or Rika would think putting Bugs into someone's hair was "artistic". Yukimura, with her fascination for Sengoku period helmets was into it from the beginning, but Yozora in particular would NEVER put her hair up. She can't tolerate even being looked at (as noted with how she reacted to Yusa and in the train). Of course she was being sarcastic. Rika, maybe I could by was impressed, but not Yozora, her words were completely out of character.

I maintain that Kodaka's perception is strong except when he's deceiving himself to avoid dealing with romance (at least until "the day Hasegawa Kodaka became a protagonist").

I would also argue that Yozora was actually in character, but it's a part of her character that hadn't been revealed until then. You see, they're all girls (and this includes Yukimura of course). The author probably used that chapter to portray them as being more typically girlish than we previously believed; in this case, it's one of those girl moments where they do another girl's hairstyle. I guess he failed in getting that message across to all his readers, but that's the way I read it.
JamadaJun 20, 2013 6:51 AM
Jun 20, 2013 9:10 AM
Oct 2012
worldliner_ai said:
Yozora - She wants a club with Kodaka alone. However, she makes a hard-to-understand poster that gets cracked by Sena and Rika. Then Yozora becomes pissed at the poster. Why would she even need to make that poster is she is not interested in additional members?

The easiest answer is that she was originally earnest, but the poster ended up attracting the type of people she didn't want to attract (mainly Sena). So it was one of her "plans" that "didn't work out the way I wanted it to" (her comments on finding out the Yukimura was actually a girl.)

A more complete answer probably will rely on the writer to tell us. Yozora obviously has some issues. She finally had a chance to get close to Kodaka when she finally asked him out to the movie, Kodaka himself was pretty into the idea, but was put off when Yozora showed up in her jersey. So her issues trump whatever feeling she has for Kodaka. In that Yozora has changed so much from childhood, it makes one wonder if everything isn't related and that Yozora actually had another reason for the club outside of just wanting to get close to Kodaka.

My theory is that Kodaka and Yozora's parting wasn't what we have been told. Instead Kodaka fled when he saw that Yozora was a girl, probably saying that "I didn't want things to change". This is why Yozora plays down her femininity so much and has such a hostile reaction to the idea of sex, and why she wants to appear boyish and not cute. It would also explain why Kodaka wanted to apologize to Yozora so much, and his fear of things changing (and his habit of ignoring things he doesn't want to deal with); it would also explain why Yozora on the date was so insistent on saying how much like the past it was, why she is now so afraid of getting close to people (Night was both their cat and a metaphor).

The irony is that while it has been Kodaka saying how "Yozora" is trapped in the past, the truth is that actually Kodaka is the one trapped. Rika hinted at this during the roof fight (it is clearer in the LN) that the issue was with Kodaka.

If this is all true, then Yozora's main issue isn't that she wants to date Kodaka (which may be true), but that her friendship, the one that her mother told her to cherish for her life fell apart, and she is trying to bring it back.

She probably feels guilty about it (my theory above could be wrong and it could be exactly the way it was shown, and Yozora is feeling guilty, but I think my theory is more compelling in explaining both characters, not just Yozora), Yozora may be responding the way she has because her desire to let Kodaka know she was a girl caused her to miss say goodbye to her one cherished friend, and what she really wants is to be forgiven by Kodaka and know that they are friends again. She can't just "ask" Kodaka, because we know how Kodaka responds to people showing emotions, so she came up with this "plan" to form a club.

She could be trying to recreate how they met, with her rescuing him, to atone so that they could be friends again. That would be why she invented the club. It would also explain why Rika being the one to "save" Kodaka hurt her so much. It wasn't jealousy or anything, it was her sad realization that she couldn't recreate what they had in the past, nor be the same type of friend they were in the past. Think of it as a Tomoge, Yozora played the route her way and she knows she "lost".

Of course the point is she hasn't, that she is already friends with them, but that is where Yozora's issues get in the way. In part she is similar to Kodaka, she can't accept that people actually like her for who she is. This goes back to the parting with Kodaka (and why I think he rejected her as a girl), despite what Yozora says she really holds herself in low regards. Her hatred of "popular" people isn't because they are popular per se, but because they can act so naturally around large groups of people. For someone like Yozora, who can't because when she tried she was hurt (Kodaka, Night), knowing that there are people who can do it fuels her resentment.

This would be merely petty, but given how Yozora actually physically gets sick dealing with people, it becomes more sad than pathetic.
Jun 20, 2013 11:15 AM

Apr 2013
The theory might make sense but even from Yozora's point of view the story is the same.She just played tsundere when she remembered "So basically it's your fault!".
From what I'm reading right now in Haganai CONNECT.

FluffyFleshJun 21, 2013 2:20 PM
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Jun 21, 2013 6:40 AM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
The theory might make sense but even from Yozora's point of view the story is the same.She just played tsundere when she remembered "So basically it's your fault!".
From what I'm reading right now in Haganai CONNECT ,

I just read the manga chapter titled "CONNECT". I'm not sure how closely it resembles the novel, but it was a very interesting read. It still leaves huge gaps in Yozora's past, but the first interaction between Maria and Yozora makes more sense in the manga than in the anime. It's much more believable.

My appraisal of Yozora's actions has changed dramatically. In my opinion, that was easily the most crucial piece of material in terms of understanding Yozora's character better. (I still think that Sena is too harshly criticized and that many of Yozora's actions aren't justified, but now...
assuming that the manga chapter titled "CONNECT" is truly canon.)

If the novel is similar, I'll be quite happy when I'm able to read it

p.s. BloodyNightsky, that should probably be spoiler-tagged. It's not a big deal, but some people might be bothered by it.
JamadaJun 21, 2013 7:19 AM
Jun 21, 2013 2:28 PM

Apr 2013
My bad , done.
The only manga fan made is Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Plus .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Jun 23, 2013 8:03 PM
May 2013
Jamada said:
I just read the manga chapter titled "CONNECT". I'm not sure how closely it resembles the novel, but it was a very interesting read. It still leaves huge gaps in Yozora's past, but the first interaction between Maria and Yozora makes more sense in the manga than in the anime. It's much more believable.

CONNECT is part of the Hanganai LN series and is written by Yomi Hirasaka (the author for all the LN). It follows the storyline, so there's no reason to think otherwise. The author himself recommends readers to read CONNECT before Volume 9 of the LN - which is expected to be published on 23 Aug 2013. Finally!!
Jun 23, 2013 10:05 PM
Nov 2007
othao said:
CONNECT is part of the Hanganai LN series and is written by Yomi Hirasaka (the author for all the LN). It follows the storyline, so there's no reason to think otherwise. The author himself recommends readers to read CONNECT before Volume 9 of the LN - which is expected to be published on 23 Aug 2013. Finally!!

I cannot find any official source that LN Vol. 9 will be published on 8/23. I think the release date is just an estimate and there is good chance this volume will get delayed again.

All I found on MF's website is that the Blu-Ray and DVDs for NEXT 2-6 all got delayed. Volume 2 was to have been released in a few days, but that has moved to end of August. The other volumes are subsequently delayed as well. I seriously doubt LN Vol. 9 will be ready then.
Saturday... Night's Alright!
Jun 23, 2013 10:09 PM
May 2013
worldliner_ai said:
othao said:
CONNECT is part of the Hanganai LN series and is written by Yomi Hirasaka (the author for all the LN). It follows the storyline, so there's no reason to think otherwise. The author himself recommends readers to read CONNECT before Volume 9 of the LN - which is expected to be published on 23 Aug 2013. Finally!!

I cannot find any official source that LN Vol. 9 will be published on 8/23. I think the release date is just an estimate and there is good chance this volume will get delayed again.

All I found on MF's website is that the Blu-Ray and DVDs for NEXT 2-6 all got delayed. Volume 2 was to have been released in a few days, but that has moved to end of August. The other volumes are subsequently delayed as well. I seriously doubt LN Vol. 9 will be ready then.

See link:
Jun 23, 2013 11:33 PM
Dec 2012
othao said:
Jamada said:
I just read the manga chapter titled "CONNECT". I'm not sure how closely it resembles the novel, but it was a very interesting read. It still leaves huge gaps in Yozora's past, but the first interaction between Maria and Yozora makes more sense in the manga than in the anime. It's much more believable.

CONNECT is part of the Hanganai LN series and is written by Yomi Hirasaka (the author for all the LN). It follows the storyline, so there's no reason to think otherwise. The author himself recommends readers to read CONNECT before Volume 9 of the LN - which is expected to be published on 23 Aug 2013. Finally!!

I know that there is a novel titled CONNECT. That's why I indicated very clearly that I was referring to the manga chapter titled CONNECT. I was wondering whether or not the manga chapter matches the novel since I've read the former but not the latter.

p.s. I'm not asking for a spoiler of the novel; I'd like to read it for myself when I'm able to.
JamadaJun 23, 2013 11:41 PM
Jul 29, 2013 5:46 PM

Jul 2013
At first, I wasn't a fan. Now, while I still prefer Yozora and Rika over her, I really do like Sena. At first, I thought she was going to fall into the "ditzy big tits" girl character, but her personality really started to develop. Instead of having her around just for cheap laughs and fan service, she became more of a real character and I just finished season two and adore Sena,even if not as much as Yo and Ri.
El Psy Congroo
Jul 30, 2013 7:44 AM

Jun 2013
Because she's nice and sweet at heart, and her naive nature is adorable!
Jul 30, 2013 3:12 PM

Apr 2013
SakurasouBusters said:
Because she's nice and sweet at heart, and her naive nature is adorable!

tsudecimo said:
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 2, 2013 1:07 AM

Jul 2013
Sena is more sincere. Tbh both Sena and Yozora have good chemistry with Kodaka but personally I admire Sena's honesty plus she's really smart too. A lot of people said that she's only popular because of tits but I find her tits drawn unrealistically so it's not that attractive.

Even if Sena has the same boob size as Yozora, she'd still be the more adorable given her naivety and moe factor while Yozora is too much of a tsundere (and that's pushing it given she has much more "tsun" than "dere"). Tsundere is only attractive if there's a right balance like Sena.
Aug 2, 2013 1:40 AM

Apr 2013
chaos86 said:
Sena is more sincere. Tbh both Sena and Yozora have good chemistry with Kodaka but personally I admire Sena's honesty plus she's really smart too. A lot of people said that she's only popular because of tits but I find her tits drawn unrealistically so it's not that attractive.

Even if Sena has the same boob size as Yozora, she'd still be the more adorable given her naivety and moe factor while Yozora is too much of a tsundere (and that's pushing it given she has much more "tsun" than "dere"). Tsundere is only attractive if there's a right balance like Sena.

Sincere ?
Seriously......I'm not going to discuss this topic again , about Sena . The honest characters in there are Maria , Yukimura and Kobato .
And , yes , she's popular because of her looks and dont deny that . If Yozora would have acted the same with non-fappable body she would have been hated because of the way she acts .I know that because alot of people , and quite often , complain about annoying characters and annoying tsundere and guess what?
They act pretty much the same but they arent a fappable material ......
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 2, 2013 2:59 AM

Jul 2013
Why not? Sena seems to be a typical tsundere to me and she did confess in the end unlike Yozora who was always scheming. Let's be realistic here, among all the girls only Yozora and Sena have realistic chance of being with Kodaka. Rika is a tease and will never be taken seriously. Maria and Kobato are kids, it's only natural that they don't mind showing their affection (sibling affection mind you, not romance). Yukimura admires Kodaka but her admiration is because she aspires to be a man rather than romantic (although it might have developed). She has been placed as "underling" from the beginning and has little development as girlfriend material.

As I said, tsundere can be the best trait if done right. Taiga from Toradora is tsundere but you don't see anyone complain about her. Same with Risa from Lovely Complex. Go watch Oreshura and read the forum, Ai Fuuyumi the tsundere girl is easily the most popular and most likeable girl among the harem. A lot of people also like Kotegawa from To Love Ru. Another tsundere that I find charming is Kasuga from TWOGK. Sena's trait is also more or less the same with those characters and I've already mentioned that even if she has the same breast as Yozora, many people would stilll love her for her naivety and innocence. Looks aside between Yozora and Sena, Sena has the more tolerable personality so I believe she'd still be more popular than Yozora.
MoeGodAug 2, 2013 3:10 AM
Aug 2, 2013 3:02 PM

Apr 2013
Sena is not a tsundere . Yozora doesnt know what a love relationship is , she thinks that what she feels for Kodaka is friendship , she cant explain why does she feel impressed and in her own ignorance she doesnt share her thoughts to Rika , who is her great ally and friend , to sort things out . She wanted the 10years ago relationship , having fun and laughing at each others stupidity . At the moment of the anime , she tries to resemble that but she cant explain herself why she gets jelous . She tried to make Yukmura look less attractive . Yozora basically is a newb in love . She doesnt know even the basics .
Sena wouldnt be popular to begin with because having someone that doesnt appeal acting with arrogance , overwhelming arrogance . Arrogance that Yozora is cutting everytime she shows up in Sena .
Belive it or not but her looks contributed ALOT for her popularity . Because NO ONE WOULD LIKE SOMEONE THAT THINKS OF HERSELF BEING A GODDESS , that's the lvl of arrogance she has . Imagine Yozora having that arrogance and cut the strong personality she has . Yeah , she would have been hated from the moment she would have appeared in the anime .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 3, 2013 3:30 PM

May 2011
BloodyNightsky said:
Sena is not a tsundere . Yozora doesnt know what a love relationship is , she thinks that what she feels for Kodaka is friendship , she cant explain why does she feel impressed and in her own ignorance she doesnt share her thoughts to Rika , who is her great ally and friend , to sort things out . She wanted the 10years ago relationship , having fun and laughing at each others stupidity . At the moment of the anime , she tries to resemble that but she cant explain herself why she gets jelous . She tried to make Yukmura look less attractive . Yozora basically is a newb in love . She doesnt know even the basics .
Sena wouldnt be popular to begin with because having someone that doesnt appeal acting with arrogance , overwhelming arrogance . Arrogance that Yozora is cutting everytime she shows up in Sena .
Belive it or not but her looks contributed ALOT for her popularity . Because NO ONE WOULD LIKE SOMEONE THAT THINKS OF HERSELF BEING A GODDESS , that's the lvl of arrogance she has . Imagine Yozora having that arrogance and cut the strong personality she has . Yeah , she would have been hated from the moment she would have appeared in the anime .

If you read Yorzora's profile, it's incredibly biased compared to all the other Haganai profiles and obviously written by a Yorzora hater.
Aug 7, 2013 6:55 AM
Dec 2012
It's alive! This thread - it's alive!

BloodyNightsky said:
Sena is not a tsundere . [...] .

I agree with chaos86's opinion - that Sena has the more tolerable personality; this is obviously just an opinion (which by itself isn't anything worth arguing over). If the information from that one manga chapter (titled 'CONNECT' - not to be confused with the novel with the same name) were actually presented in the novels or the anime, then I think a lot more people would find Yozora a lot more tolerable (and her popularity would increase). However, because that information has not been presented to the majority of Haganai's fan base (thus far, unless the CONNECT novel went over the same material as the manga chapter), I still believe that Sena would have ended up being significantly more popular than Yozora even if she didn't have her "assets". We've already had this conversation so I'll leave it at that.

That aside, I can't at all agree with your bolded statement. I'm firmly of the opinion that Sena is tsundere towards Yozora (in the modern sense of the word). She might even be classified as tsundere towards Kodaka (in the classic, pre-modern sense of the word). In any case, there's plenty of people out there who would dispute your claim.
JamadaAug 7, 2013 6:59 AM
Aug 7, 2013 7:18 AM

Apr 2013
You totally got wrong what I've said in my post you've quoted .
A character that appeals to the eye will diminish the viewers judgement on that character . Arrogance was never forgiven , Sena's atitude was never forgiven but surprise-surprise , what Sena has and Yozora doesnt?
Both are bad personality wise , Sena with hear massive arrogance and weird fetishes and Yozora with her.....erm....."bullying" and complexes .

What people keep missunderstand or rather ignore is that everytime Yozora and Rika are "bullying" her is when she literally asks for it aka her arrogance comes to surface .
See the scene with the haircut , see the scene with the fortune . In every scene , every single of them the "bully" started when Sena shown arrogance .
The verbal abuse is various , either she really looked like a walking porn scene or it was out of complex of inferiority.

The only archtype that it is clear is dandere which is represented by Yukimura . There are no archtypes aside of that . Yozora isnt a tsundere , Sena isnt a tsundere and it isnt a matter of interpretation .
Sena never goes from "cold" to "hot" , Yozora is always "cold" and shows her caring side in her own way which Kodaka ...... doesnt see .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 7, 2013 3:12 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
You totally got wrong what I've said in my post you've quoted .
A character that appeals to the eye will diminish the viewers judgement on that character . Arrogance was never forgiven , Sena's atitude was never forgiven but surprise-surprise , what Sena has and Yozora doesnt?
Both are bad personality wise , Sena with hear massive arrogance and weird fetishes and Yozora with her.....erm....."bullying" and complexes .

What people keep missunderstand or rather ignore is that everytime Yozora and Rika are "bullying" her is when she literally asks for it aka her arrogance comes to surface .
See the scene with the haircut , see the scene with the fortune . In every scene , every single of them the "bully" started when Sena shown arrogance .
The verbal abuse is various , either she really looked like a walking porn scene or it was out of complex of inferiority.

The only archtype that it is clear is dandere which is represented by Yukimura . There are no archtypes aside of that . Yozora isnt a tsundere , Sena isnt a tsundere and it isnt a matter of interpretation .
Sena never goes from "cold" to "hot" , Yozora is always "cold" and shows her caring side in her own way which Kodaka ...... doesnt see .

I don't really want to get into the Yozora vs Sena argument. It's a matter of opinion as to which has the better personality; there's nothing to argue. I prefer Sena's personality and overall character whereas you prefer Yozora's. Let's leave it at that.

This is a description of a tsundere : "She usually plays out as having an attitude toward the main character, usually a male, and often criticizing him in one way or another, but as the series progresses she eventually warms up to him or falls in love with him, though usually finds it very hard to admit it or outright denies it in some cases."

Note that we're not talking about romantic feeling in the case of Sena's relationship to Yozora, but Sena can be called tsundere if you believe (as I do) that Sena hates Yozora after their initial meeting but then comes to actually strongly like Yozora (despite their open hostility). She'd never admit that she likes Yozora (tsuntsun), but deep down she does (deredere). That's very typical tsundere behaviour. The dere part comes whenever Yozora pretends to be doing something nice; I think that Sena is particularly vulnerable to Yozora's false friendliness precisely because Sena wants Yozora in particular to be nice to her.

In the case of Kodaka, her feeling is obviously romantic; it's atypical in the sense that she comes out with her feelings in the way that she did, but Sena can still be called tsundere for the overall pattern of her interactions with Kodaka (being critical of him and his "yankee" looks for the most part, but allowing her hidden feelings to bubble up from time to time up until the point that her feelings were at full boil and accidentally spilled over). It's the pre-modern, classic tsundere pattern because that pattern allowed for the gradual and permanent development of feelings from hate to love rather than the modern hate-love-hate-love-hate-love... ad inifinitum pattern that's become common. It might not be so obvious because the development of her feelings didn't take 14 manga volumes to reach their peak, but it's there for anyone willing to see it.
JamadaAug 7, 2013 3:24 PM
Aug 7, 2013 4:36 PM
Jun 2013
BloodyNightsky said:
You totally got wrong what I've said in my post you've quoted .
A character that appeals to the eye will diminish the viewers judgement on that character . Arrogance was never forgiven , Sena's atitude was never forgiven but surprise-surprise , what Sena has and Yozora doesnt?
Both are bad personality wise , Sena with hear massive arrogance and weird fetishes and Yozora with her.....erm....."bullying" and complexes .

What people keep missunderstand or rather ignore is that everytime Yozora and Rika are "bullying" her is when she literally asks for it aka her arrogance comes to surface .
See the scene with the haircut , see the scene with the fortune . In every scene , every single of them the "bully" started when Sena shown arrogance .
The verbal abuse is various , either she really looked like a walking porn scene or it was out of complex of inferiority.

The only archtype that it is clear is dandere which is represented by Yukimura . There are no archtypes aside of that . Yozora isnt a tsundere , Sena isnt a tsundere and it isnt a matter of interpretation .
Sena never goes from "cold" to "hot" , Yozora is always "cold" and shows her caring side in her own way which Kodaka ...... doesnt see .
BloodyNightsky said:
You totally got wrong what I've said in my post you've quoted .
A character that appeals to the eye will diminish the viewers judgement on that character . Arrogance was never forgiven , Sena's atitude was never forgiven but surprise-surprise , what Sena has and Yozora doesnt?
Both are bad personality wise , Sena with hear massive arrogance and weird fetishes and Yozora with her.....erm....."bullying" and complexes .

What people keep missunderstand or rather ignore is that everytime Yozora and Rika are "bullying" her is when she literally asks for it aka her arrogance comes to surface .
See the scene with the haircut , see the scene with the fortune . In every scene , every single of them the "bully" started when Sena shown arrogance .
The verbal abuse is various , either she really looked like a walking porn scene or it was out of complex of inferiority.

The only archtype that it is clear is dandere which is represented by Yukimura . There are no archtypes aside of that . Yozora isnt a tsundere , Sena isnt a tsundere and it isnt a matter of interpretation .
Sena never goes from "cold" to "hot" , Yozora is always "cold" and shows her caring side in her own way which Kodaka ...... doesnt see .
I think you like Yozora....a little too much dude, it's kinda freaky.
Aug 7, 2013 5:04 PM

Apr 2013
I dont see how I exaggerate regarding Yozora.

I havent said anything about Sena vs Yozora , I just said both are terrible only that Sena receives less punishment for her personality because of her looks , none likes someone who belives of himself being a godlike being and says to everyone with so much confidence and disrespect everyone around her (I'm talking everyone but the club) .
We all know that if you look cute/hot you'll receive different treatment , a softer punishment , more screentime.
I'm not insisting on this aspect for nothing , I insist because you deny it. I'm not saying that's all about Sena , I'm just poking you in the eye saying "Hey , why does my coffee tastes like shit and hers is all sweet?" .

I'm really trying not to bring up Yozora but everyone keeps insisting.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 7, 2013 6:44 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
I dont see how I exaggerate regarding Yozora.

I havent said anything about Sena vs Yozora , I just said both are terrible only that Sena receives less punishment for her personality because of her looks , none likes someone who belives of himself being a godlike being and says to everyone with so much confidence and disrespect everyone around her (I'm talking everyone but the club) .
We all know that if you look cute/hot you'll receive different treatment , a softer punishment , more screentime.
I'm not insisting on this aspect for nothing , I insist because you deny it. I'm not saying that's all about Sena , I'm just poking you in the eye saying "Hey , why does my coffee tastes like shit and hers is all sweet?" .

I'm really trying not to bring up Yozora but everyone keeps insisting.

I've made plenty of concessions that Sena's personality is bad. The reason she gets a pass from most people is not because she's got big breasts; it's because Yozora rubs people the wrong way even more than Sena does.

Again, this is an issue of preference. It's not worth arguing over.

Also, there's no need to let Evil-Monk get to you. That was a pretty trollish comment he made.
JamadaAug 7, 2013 6:49 PM
Aug 8, 2013 3:59 AM

Apr 2013
Jamada said:
BloodyNightsky said:
I dont see how I exaggerate regarding Yozora.

I havent said anything about Sena vs Yozora , I just said both are terrible only that Sena receives less punishment for her personality because of her looks , none likes someone who belives of himself being a godlike being and says to everyone with so much confidence and disrespect everyone around her (I'm talking everyone but the club) .
We all know that if you look cute/hot you'll receive different treatment , a softer punishment , more screentime.
I'm not insisting on this aspect for nothing , I insist because you deny it. I'm not saying that's all about Sena , I'm just poking you in the eye saying "Hey , why does my coffee tastes like shit and hers is all sweet?" .

I'm really trying not to bring up Yozora but everyone keeps insisting.

I've made plenty of concessions that Sena's personality is bad. The reason she gets a pass from most people is not because she's got big breasts; it's because Yozora rubs people the wrong way even more than Sena does.

Again, this is an issue of preference. It's not worth arguing over.

Also, there's no need to let Evil-Monk get to you. That was a pretty trollish comment he made.

Yozora picked on others because of theyr bad habbits , she had some fun without purpose too but most of it were because of theyr bad habbits .
Sena because of her arrogance , Yozora abuses that to the maximum . And everytime she says something stupid Yozora insults her , and let's face it that is not fun talking about your tests with someone smartass know-it-all .
Maria because of her atitude of a spoiled brat and bad manners.And , yeah ,the "run naked" event was unnecessary.
And the only one that doesnt look she deserves it is Yukimura. But she seems to enjoy it too....
Rika is very similar to Yozora because Yozora has a perverted side that she hides it and Rika basically says it open that she is perverted . Because of that she cant do anything towards her .
I mean lets face it Rika and Yozora have a thing for raping. Yozora and Rika understand each other better than anyone in the club.

All the above about the characters are something you can see and nothing interpretated by me .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 8, 2013 8:00 AM
Dec 2012
Spoiler because I don't really want to argue, but I have a bad habit of nitpicking....

But again, we'll never find a consensus on which character has the better personality; I myself prefer the arrogant Sena to the sadistic Yozora. I can only speak from my own subjective experience, both from within and from reading other people's reasons for liking or hating the characters they do - plenty consider Yozora actions against Sena to be unjustified and overly cruel. We'll probably never come to an agreement on this point.

The only thing I truly can't stand is when people denigrate a character that they don't like by attributing their popularity to nothing more than looks. Looks obviously play their part (especially if we were to talk about the shadier side of fandom *coughporncough*), but not so much in the novels where most people were able to appreciate the characters for their charms and quirks with minimal influence from outward appearances.

Based on looks alone, I originally thought that I would prefer Yozora over Sena. It's only through watching the anime and reading the novels that I came to like Sena (as well as the others, especially Rika). Obviously you went a different path; that's perfectly acceptable.

We're both aware of each other's opinions. Can we stop arguing now?
Aug 8, 2013 8:13 AM

Apr 2013
Jamada said:
Spoiler because I don't really want to argue, but I have a bad habit of nitpicking....

But again, we'll never find a consensus on which character has the better personality; I myself prefer the arrogant Sena to the sadistic Yozora. I can only speak from my own subjective experience, both from within and from reading other people's reasons for liking or hating the characters they do - plenty consider Yozora actions against Sena to be unjustified and overly cruel. We'll probably never come to an agreement on this point.

The only thing I truly can't stand is when people denigrate a character that they don't like by attributing their popularity to nothing more than looks. Looks obviously play their part (especially if we were to talk about the shadier side of fandom *coughporncough*), but not so much in the novels where most people were able to appreciate the characters for their charms and quirks with minimal influence from outward appearances.

Based on looks alone, I originally thought that I would prefer Yozora over Sena. It's only through watching the anime and reading the novels that I came to like Sena (as well as the others, especially Rika). Obviously you went a different path; that's perfectly acceptable.

We're both aware of each other's opinions. Can we stop arguing now?

You wanna stop?
All that I said in the last post its what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
One of her favorite word is "rape"......what does that mean to you?
When it came to choose the theme of the movie Kodaka said "anything without rape" and how did she react?
It's not a matter of a fucking opinion what I've said there it's what ACTUALLY happened .
None of the above are something came out of my mind.
Now , you really pissed me off with "opinion" . What I've said there is exactly what happened in the anime . Want me to quote every fucking word that refers to the post I've made?
It's not something I've interpretated or thought of is a fact because it happened , for christ sakes have we seen different anime?

You can easily notice that everytime Yozora pulls a prank is when Sena shows arrogance and Rika joins.
Kate herself said that Maria changed because of Yozora and the incident with running naked was unnecessary , want me to quote that?
Tell me I'll copy and paste it from the novel translation itself.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 8, 2013 7:16 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
You wanna stop?
All that I said in the last post its what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
One of her favorite word is "rape"......what does that mean to you?
When it came to choose the theme of the movie Kodaka said "anything without rape" and how did she react?
It's not a matter of a fucking opinion what I've said there it's what ACTUALLY happened .
None of the above are something came out of my mind.
Now , you really pissed me off with "opinion" . What I've said there is exactly what happened in the anime . Want me to quote every fucking word that refers to the post I've made?
It's not something I've interpretated or thought of is a fact because it happened , for christ sakes have we seen different anime?

You can easily notice that everytime Yozora pulls a prank is when Sena shows arrogance and Rika joins.
Kate herself said that Maria changed because of Yozora and the incident with running naked was unnecessary , want me to quote that?
Tell me I'll copy and paste it from the novel translation itself.

That's a very broad interpretation of "perverted". Most people would say that making light of rape is "sick" or "twisted" rather than "perverted". I can see that you're not "most people" so I won't argue the point.

Honestly, take a chill pill. You come off as a big douche.
JamadaAug 8, 2013 7:23 PM
Aug 9, 2013 3:51 PM
Oct 2012
BloodyNightsky said:

I get your point, and to a great extent I thnk you are correct, however there is a show difference that can also explain why people are more sympathetic to Sena that doesn't have to do with looks: we only hear about Sena's faults, we don't actually see them; whereas we do see Yozora at her worse.

If they showed Sena crushing some poor lovestruck fellow, grinding him underfoot and smiling in enjoyment as Yozora did to Sena at the beach, people would dislike Sena more. Instead we only have heard about it; while they have shown Yozora being petty and hateful. 1 picture is worth 1,000 words. In short we don't see bitch/mean Sena, we only see cute/stupid Sena that has been broken in by Yozora, as such people like the tamed Sena, and dislike the tamer Yozora. Had the show started with Sena trying that "I'll get you expelled" attitude (instead of Sena pleading to join the group) and with Yozora righteously putting the "bitch" into place, people's attitudes towards both would be very different. Image is reality.
Aug 9, 2013 3:54 PM

Jul 2013
SakurasouBusters said:
Because she's nice and sweet at heart, and her naive nature is adorable!

Dr. Sheldon Cooper " It is no way to make new humans. People coming out of people. Some kind of dirty magic show.
Aug 9, 2013 9:11 PM
Dec 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
BloodyNightsky said:

I get your point, and to a great extent I thnk you are correct, however there is a show difference that can also explain why people are more sympathetic to Sena that doesn't have to do with looks: we only hear about Sena's faults, we don't actually see them; whereas we do see Yozora at her worse.

If they showed Sena crushing some poor lovestruck fellow, grinding him underfoot and smiling in enjoyment as Yozora did to Sena at the beach, people would dislike Sena more. Instead we only have heard about it; while they have shown Yozora being petty and hateful. 1 picture is worth 1,000 words. In short we don't see bitch/mean Sena, we only see cute/stupid Sena that has been broken in by Yozora, as such people like the tamed Sena, and dislike the tamer Yozora. Had the show started with Sena trying that "I'll get you expelled" attitude (instead of Sena pleading to join the group) and with Yozora righteously putting the "bitch" into place, people's attitudes towards both would be very different. Image is reality.

Excellent, excellent post. It really is all a matter of perspective.

I'm actually sympathetic to Yozora's inner motivations; I just don't really like how she's outwardly behaved. I do think Yozora will gain in popularity as her back story is fleshed out, but I also think she'll have to adjust her outward behaviour in order to really appeal to a larger fan base.
JamadaAug 9, 2013 9:20 PM
Aug 12, 2013 12:06 AM
Dec 2012
MiloticBear said:
I used to think Yozora's bullying was bad, but it really has been the only way to snap Sena out of her self-absorption at times and actually get her involved into the club activities. Then I would believe it if Rika joined in with Yozora to get closer to Sena. So in the many times she tried to exclude Sena from activities, it made Sena active in wanting to be involved and not left behind, like reverse psychology. The reason Yozora and Sena are the best apt to become best friends is because Sena is bring poked and prodded to meet Yozora halfway.

I have to admit, I like this theory. I'm don't believe that Yozora was antagonistic for Sena's benefit to begin with, but it may be true that she has come to embrace that playful antagonism in the same way that I believe Sena does - because they both secretly enjoy each other's company. The problem I would have had with this theory before is this moment:

Nowadays however I'm open to the interpretation that Yozora wasn't really wishing that Sena never joined the club, but rather that she was simply expressing her frustration despite (or perhaps because of) the truth in Sena's blunt advice - to act in the present rather than look back to a distant past.

I'm still of the opinion that Sena hasn't done much wrong aside from being arrogant (which I personally don't dislike in a character). She looks down on people who don't have the conviction to face her directly (e.g. girls who talk behind her back, and apparently Yusa who harbored a secret/one-sided rivalry) and she respects/loves those who do (i.e. Yozora/Kodaka respectively). She doesn't care much for the others who don't have much presence (e.g. Yukimura who mostly just stands around with a vacant stare on her face, and Maria who she doesn't really interact with), but that's an awkwardness that I can relate to. She certainly doesn't hate them; she even bought Maria a ticket to the theme park so she wouldn't be left out. Below is a really nice moment.

As for Sena's relationship with Kobato... yeah, she's creepily weird and overbearing. Still, I don't hate that part of her because she means well.

That's ultimately why I like your theory. If Yozora means well when she's messing with Sena (to get Sena involved with club activities) rather than bullying Sena simply to bring her down a peg (or to selfishly reform her character into something less offensive to Yozora's sensibilities), then she's instantly more appealing to me.

Anyways, I really should retire from this thread now. I don't have anything else to say anyway; I'm basically just repeating myself at this point. (Knowing me, I'll probably jump back in anyways.)
JamadaAug 12, 2013 12:11 AM
Aug 12, 2013 1:31 PM

Apr 2013
Takuan_Soho said:
BloodyNightsky said:

I get your point, and to a great extent I thnk you are correct, however there is a show difference that can also explain why people are more sympathetic to Sena that doesn't have to do with looks: we only hear about Sena's faults, we don't actually see them; whereas we do see Yozora at her worse.

If they showed Sena crushing some poor lovestruck fellow, grinding him underfoot and smiling in enjoyment as Yozora did to Sena at the beach, people would dislike Sena more. Instead we only have heard about it; while they have shown Yozora being petty and hateful. 1 picture is worth 1,000 words. In short we don't see bitch/mean Sena, we only see cute/stupid Sena that has been broken in by Yozora, as such people like the tamed Sena, and dislike the tamer Yozora. Had the show started with Sena trying that "I'll get you expelled" attitude (instead of Sena pleading to join the group) and with Yozora righteously putting the "bitch" into place, people's attitudes towards both would be very different. Image is reality.

That's because the story is about Kodaka and Yozora and we didnt see that because Kodaka wasnt there since he is the story teller and we see what he sees only.
I'm not trying to say Yozora is an angel or Sena is the devil , I'm pointing out flaws people see only in Yozora and they compeltely ignore Sena's like she doesnt do anything to receives the pranks and Yozora is the bad guy , give me a break.

@Jamada : I've had a piece of SnK stupidity fans , see SnK 17 and 18 comments.....if you saw the anime you'd come to same conclusion . I got pieced easily when you didnt get that I actually posted what happened in the anime and it was nothing that had to do with how I see what Yozora does.
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 12, 2013 2:02 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
@Jamada : I've had a piece of SnK stupidity fans , see SnK 17 and 18 comments.....if you saw the anime you'd come to same conclusion . I got pieced easily when you didnt get that I actually posted what happened in the anime and it was nothing that had to do with how I see what Yozora does.

SnK? Parallels can be drawn from outside sources to help yourself interpret a story, but it doesn't make sense to assume that the writer's intentions are to parallel those sources.

Well, since I'm replying anyways...

I'm pointing out flaws people see only in Yozora and they compeltely ignore Sena's like she doesnt do anything to receives the pranks and Yozora is the bad guy , give me a break.

You're assuming that people ignore Sena's bad personality and actions. They don't, so stop pretending that they do (which you seem very, very insistent on doing).

The difference is that people can't in their minds justify Yozora's seemingly intentionally hurtful actions against someone who ostensibly doesn't mean harm. While MiloticBear has done a good job convincing me that Yozora's intentions were good, you have very much failed in that regard. You seem to believe that Yozora is justified in trying to bring Sena down a peg just because Sena's arrogant or because she's overly eccentric; I don't.

The perspective MiloticBear has offered seems to justify Yozora's actions, but it has more to do with Yozora adjusting her own behaviour for Sena's benefit rather than trying to change Sena for Yozora's benefit (the former being a far more noble ambition).

It's a difference of perspective (as Takuan_Soho has said), not of facts. When the author actually reveals canonically Yozora's perspective with respect to her interactions with Sena et al, we may actually get somewhere with this. For now, you should accept that your opinion is not canon.

Again, since I'm replying anyways...

MiloticBear said:
I could probably just be missing something or be misunderstanding a facet of her character.

I think it's the snippet about buying Maria's ticket that we interpret differently. Sure, she was so Kobato-obsessed that she wanted just the two of them to go, but it's not because she's against being with the others. It's more like she's in eroge mode - trying to clear Kobato's character above all else. When her eroge illusion is smashed by Yozora, she actually considers Maria's feelings as (somewhat) important, feels bad, then makes the offer so they can all go together. I'm not of the opinion that she was simply pandering to Kobato when she made the offer to Maria; after all, she ironically isn't all that considerate of Kobato's feelings.
JamadaAug 12, 2013 2:20 PM
Aug 12, 2013 2:18 PM

Apr 2013
Sorry for the grammar mistakes , I mean I had read alot of stupid comments in the SnK threads regarding a specific topic .
I am "pissed" not "pieced" .....too much one piece for one day for me it seems.....

It isnt a matter an opinion what I've said all what I did is say what happened in few episodes , not perspective not opinion but exactly what happened in those episodes and quoted what Kate said about Yozora's methods . I didnt inserted nothing from me , IT ISNT MY FUCKING OPINION.
I'm not spitting out theories because I'm done with that . Spitting out theories would mean repeating myself.
And I'm not helping myself with other anime . Just watch facebook comments and see what's the general opinion...."Yozora is such a bad character for hurting my Sena-sama" , "Yozora is terrible she doesnt deserve to be in the anime" , alot of idiotic comments around the internet ALOT of them .
A level-headed person would see that Yozora and Sena are the entertainment of Haganai , not talking about romantic interests or any romance but comedy and it's why we enjoy the anime . It's because of Yozora AND Sena . That a level-head person would my humble opinion.

This is something what is an opinion :
"I think Kodaka is picturing Yozora's in the wrong way and missunderstand her , which Rika pointed out on the rooftop." -> it's totally biased and , in this case , I totally try to justify her , excusing everything she did . Which is an example , bad or good , it's up to you to decide.

That's a freaking opinion , not what I've said by describing the anime episodes which happened exactly like I said .
If I say . "Sena confessed to Kodaka and he ran out of the room " , is it called an opinion to you?
To me it sounds like telling the facts .
Here is an example how an opinion looks refering to the confession:
"Sena confessed to Kodaka and he ran because he is an idiot" -> this is an example of an opinion.

Basically what you told to me that if I said:
This is an apple. -> this is my opinion according to you.

No , my friend , this is an opinion:
This apple is delicious

FluffyFleshAug 12, 2013 2:24 PM
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 12, 2013 2:25 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
Sorry for the grammar mistakes , I mean I had read alot of stupid comments in the SnK threads regarding a specific topic .
I am "pissed" not "pieced" .....too much one piece for one day for me it seems.....

It isnt a matter an opinion what I've said all what I did is say what happened in few episodes , not perspective not opinion but exactly what happened in those episodes and quoted what Kate said about Yozora's methods . I didnt inserted nothing from me , IT ISNT MY FUCKING OPINION.
I'm not spitting out theories because I'm done with that . Spitting out theories would mean repeating myself.
And I'm not helping myself with other anime . Just watch facebook comments and see what's the general opinion...."Yozora is such a bad character for hurting my Sena-sama" , "Yozora is terrible she doesnt deserve to be in the anime" , alot of idiotic comments around the internet ALOT of them .
A level-headed person would see that Yozora and Sena are the entertainment of Haganai , not talking about romantic interests or any romance but comedy and it's why we enjoy the anime . It's because of Yozora AND Sena . That a level-head person would my humble opinion.

This is something what is an opinion :
"I think Kodaka is picturing Yozora's in the wrong way and missunderstand her , which Rika pointed out on the rooftop." -> it's totally biased and , in this case , I totally try to justify her , excusing everything she did . Which is an example , bad or good , it's up to you to decide.

That's a freaking opinion , not what I've said by describing the anime episodes which happened exactly like I said .
If I say . "Sena confessed to Kodaka and he ran out of the room " , is it called an opinion to you?
To me it sounds like telling the facts .
Here is an example how an opinion looks refering to the confession:
"Sena confessed to Kodaka and he ran because he is an idiot" -> this is an example of an opinion.

The things you've offered to me have been opinions - a discourse on Yozora's actions. Actions can be interpreted when motivations become involved. And motivations are at the core of the discussion; the question has always been whether or not Yozora's actions have been justified.

You're of the opinion that they are. I'm slowly altering my own opinion, but mostly because of MiloticBear not you.

edit: I give you credit for drawing attention to that manga chapter titled CONNECT.

edit again:
fact: "Sena did A , Yozora did B."
opinion: "Sena did A, Yozora did B because of A." (unverified without Yozora's perspective)
opinion: "Sena did A, so Yozora doing B is okay." (blantant opinion)
JamadaAug 12, 2013 2:34 PM
Aug 12, 2013 2:36 PM

Apr 2013
I'm sorry for discussion with burst of feelings , I like to be level-headed but too much stupidity hurts.......I'm sorry I got involved in Danganronpa and SnK forums......stupidity is a transmisible disease.

Like I said , naming facts it isnt an opinion . Saying what everyone have seen it isnt an opinion it is called relating facts . I havent said a thing interpretated .

What I basically said is : "Yozora is bullying Sena everytime she shows arrogance" - > see the haircut episode , see the 1st season about going to karaoke "commoners....." remember the scene? She has shown arrogance there , she looked down upon other members . What Yozora did?
I'll let you tell me because you think what I'm saying is an opinion.

Here is another thing that it isnt interpretated .
Yozora has a problem with being looked down upon , which is made more obvious in the episode with "King Lear" on the stage . This isnt an opinion of mine , it is something that Yozora herself made it obvious .
FluffyFleshAug 12, 2013 2:40 PM
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 12, 2013 2:50 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
I'm sorry for discussion with burst of feelings , I like to be level-headed but too much stupidity hurts.......I'm sorry I got involved in Danganronpa and SnK forums......stupidity is a transmisible disease.

Like I said , naming facts it isnt an opinion . Saying what everyone have seen it isnt an opinion it is called relating facts . I havent said a thing interpretated .

What I basically said is : "Yozora is bullying Sena everytime she shows arrogance" - > see the haircut episode , see the 1st season about going to karaoke "commners....." remember the scene? She has shown arrogance there , she looked down upon other members . What Yozora did?
I'll let you tell me because you think what I'm saying is an opinion.

Fine, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I think a lot of this heat between us is because sometimes I find your posts difficult to read and miss out on some of the points you may be trying to make. Is English your second language?

Anyways... the haircut episode. This is a perfect example of your opinion distorting facts. Sena wasn't being arrogant at all when Yozora decided to bait her. Rather, she was silently mulling over the idea of getting a haircut when Kodaka arrived at the start of the chapter. Nothing arrogant about that. Sure, she let her "noble" identity get herself tricked into letting Yozora and Rika do it, but it's not like she initiated the "bullying" on her own.

The karaoke episode... Sena was was upset about how her classmates in middle school didn't invite her to karaoke (just because she's popular with the boys) and was badmouthing them for it. She dealt with her obvious disappointment by putting up the front that she isn't interested in such "vulgar commoners' games" even though she actually wants to participate. I'm not sure Yozora is "bullying" Sena here at all. Rather, this situation fits MiloticBear's theory perfectly; Yozora is goading Sena to get her involved in a club activity.
JamadaAug 12, 2013 2:59 PM
Aug 12, 2013 2:59 PM

Apr 2013
I'm not talking about Sena's intentions , I'm talking about that she said it's a commoner activity , by saying that she looked down upon the members of the club , and yeah she was pulling a tsundere act there but that doesnt change the fact that she treated it with arrogance , Yozora saw the opportunity and used it.
"Commoners activity....." that's a proof , a solid one that she looked up down upon them , which is what arrogance is . Belive it or not I can smell arrogance from a long distance .
I see what you're saying but I named what happened in the anime .

Anyway , as I said ,Yozora hates being looked down upon and when Sena does that she is abusing Sena's weakness .
"Love is a drug to our brain , it stops the thinking function and when you realize it wether you acomplish it or not you'll enter in one of the 3 withdrawal states : happy , sad or anger. Once this drug gets hold of you you'd better be prepaired beforehand." - Me
Aug 12, 2013 3:01 PM
Dec 2012
BloodyNightsky said:
I'm not talking about Sena's intentions , I'm talking about that she said it's a commoner activity , by saying that she looked down upon the members of the club , and yeah she was pulling a tsundere act there but that doesnt change the fact that she treated it with arrogance , Yozora saw the opportunity and used it.
"Commoners activity....." that's a proof , a solid one that she looked up down upon them , which is what arrogance is . Belive it or not I can smell arrogance from a long distance .
I see what you're saying but I named what happened in the anime .

Anyway , as I said ,Yozora hates being looked down upon and when Sena does that she is abusing Sena's weakness .

But don't you see that you're interpreting Sena's words to mean that she's "looking down" on them? In my opinion, she isn't looking down on them at all. She's just trying to protect her feelings that were once hurt in a similar situation in the past.
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