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Aug 14, 2012 9:20 PM

Feb 2010
Daisuke was starting to feel his wounds burn again as he assumed their new formation and began to fight at a normal pace. What the hell was he carrying bandages around for if he didn't put them on when he had the chance?! He could feel himself bleed out and slightly altered their formation so that Ringer took one side and himself and Milo took the other, Milo providing support since Daisuke had already been reckless and Milo was a long distance fighter with good enough aim to not hit Daisuke... hopefully. Well you have to trust your nakama.

(I'ma godmod Milo a bit here~ hope you don't mind.)

Daisuke blocked the blade of a navy captain and turned Oshikiri to cut through the arm of an incoming fist, twisting the pointed edge and bringing the blade up to cut open his victim's neck and chin, a bullet blowing the captain away from Daisuke and another stopping an oncoming attacker in his tracks. Daisuke tried not to strain his wound and fought mostly on the defensive, backing up so that Ringer could lead the way forward.

"I don't wanna make unnecessary enemies in this chaos... well not now, so I'm not gonna go looking for anyone... even though that music user messed with my head and Adam was getting on my nerves... he's kinda an ally. Anyway I'll go where you go... you thinking about going after the cook despite Vice Admiral Doberman?"

(Yes, Daisuke being ex-military knows who Doberman is... and some of the captains he's cutting down =D Also more importantly I'm gonna be out of town till about monday. I will try to post using my 3DS but meh, that might not work too well, so if you wanna move things forward Psy, Bill, or if necessary Kant can control my character for a bit.)
CrogLatteAug 14, 2012 10:09 PM
Aug 14, 2012 10:31 PM

Dec 2009
As the crazy guitar lady comes flying at Levi he can do nothing but watch, and feel, as she crashes into him. His body crashing to the ground and his arms flinging all the pumpkins into the ground all around the area, every pumpkin exploding on impact. A large explosion is set in motion as all the pumpkins crash into the ground at the same time and explode simultaneously, a large circular blast wave being sent outwards away from the explosion; Levi, chibi, Boomie and the crazy guitar lady all safe in the center where the happened to be no pumpkins.

Finally the explosion calmed down when Levi saw Boomie's lips moving, probably saying something to him, before he jumps and jet's up into the air. Boomie jumping was never good, it often resulted in a boom or a crash, and both hurt.

Levi extends both hand upwards, awkwardly around crazy guitar lady who happened to be lying on top of him, before casting jack jack barrier several times. A 5 layer pumpkin barrier surrounding Levi, Chibi and the guitar lady, preparing for whatever Boomie was about to do.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Aug 15, 2012 5:35 AM

Jul 2008
"Ofcourse!" Ringer replied to Daisuke. "He's probably stronger then anyone here, and doesnt need any help.. but this Doberman fella is a good chance to show off to the cook!" He said, just as another Marine came charging towards them.

Ringer nimbly dodged the incoming stab, and actually physichally grabbed the blade of the marines sword with his left hand and crushed it. His right hand came forward at a marveloud speed, and firmly planted itself in the poor souls chest, sending him flying backwards.

In the corner of his eye, he caught the glimps of another sword coming towards his head. He was already moving through the previous attack, and realized he wouldnt be able to dodge or block the new attacker. He cursed, and was just about to accept the sword into his shoulder when a metal-cane came flying over his shoulder blocking the strike. The cane changed path, and smacked the marine over the head and once more on the side of his neck in rapid succession, giving ringer time to turn and send a hammerfist into the poor sods face. Kagari stepped up to the battling Trio, leaning on his cane.
"Watch your ass boy, didnt i teach you not to leave any openings when attacking!? You are showing off!" He barked at Ringer, who was overjoyed to see the old fart still alive and kicking.

"Father, youre timing is perfect as always!" Ringer said, and took a moment to check if Daisuke was ready, and sure enough he was. He gave Milo and Daisuke a nod, and begun advancing forward. "Stay close Father, we are punching through the crowd towards the Cook"

Kagari grunted in displeasure, but didnt object after seeing the fire in Ringers eyes. He knew there was no stopping them now.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Aug 15, 2012 10:45 AM

Mar 2009
He was amazed at the speed with which the unknown man had fled the scene. The nerve of him, tempting Noah in such a manner, and then seemingly disappearing in the blink of an eye. By the time Noah was done bidding farewell to the female guitarist, he failed to realize that the path forward had been closed off by a melee ensuing between several pirates and marines. “Man I tell ya,” he mumbled to himself as he took a light jog in that direction, dodging an occasional bullet or two that shot his way. Finally, he stopped in front of the riled up crowd that for all he knew, could care less what he was doing.

“Oi! It’s the bastard from before, get him!” The marine that was disarmed by Noah had shown up with reinforcements, but just as quick as they had shown up, they were make with a countering force of pirates. One even knocked Noah on the back of the head with the butt of her sword, causing him to kneel down in the middle of the two groups. Clutching his head in pain, Noah rose to his feet, and shot a menacingly look at the female pirate, then grabbed her by the collar and left sleeve. He turned around so that his back was to her as he bent down, then threw her over him into the closest marine. “Koshi Waza - O goshi!” he yelled out.

Then he was met with the eyes of everyone simultaneously, but this was one too many of an enemy to be taking on, so he had no choice but to go that route.

“Soru….,” he stated in a collected tone, and broke out into an accelerated sprint that was too fast for his enemies to react to. Noah was well on his way towards the summit, advancing parallel to a striking force that was punching itself towards the crowd. (Ringer and Co. <3)
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Aug 15, 2012 11:18 AM

Feb 2010
Cass was at a complete loss to explain anything. Chaos had erupted all around her. She wanted to crawl into a nice safe hole and sleep.

The battle of the bands made her put her fingers in her ears, she had liked the music at first, but now it was just more chaos to add to the boiling pot. She stayed near Levi to avoid his exploding pumpkins and so that anyone would hopefully hit him rather than her. He might also serve as cover for a cannonball or sniper shot.

She stayed next to Levi and hoped nothing would go terribly wrong. But Boomie was a constant threat to that...
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Aug 16, 2012 8:57 AM

Feb 2009
Milo was quick on his feet and maneuvered around both Ringer and Daisuke, partly to give them coverfire but mostly to use them for cover of his own, keeping them between him and most of the danger as much as possible. Then his face shone even brighter as he saw gramps come just in time to deflect a blow to Ringers head.

"Gramps!! You're alive!" He yelled just before he made a quick pirouette followed by a low crouch to avoid a wooden leg that suddenly came flying. As he quickly got up again, his view went through a perfect opening in the crowd around them and through it he saw the flambouyant guy from waaaay earlier but he didn't quite recognize him at first. Their eyes met and Milo stared at him for a full second or two, trying to remember where he had seen that guy before. Then he suddenly remembered.


He then took off straight through the crowd with a speed and agility that shouldn't be possible during these circumstances, barely even gracing a single person or object as he headed straight for Mr Flambouyant. Upon closing in on him he held down his hat with one hand and jumped up over the crowd and then planted both of his feet squarely in the mans face while screaming "I'M NOT A SMALL CHILD!!!!"
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Aug 17, 2012 4:18 AM

Feb 2010
Whilst in the air Boomie drifts a off to the side away from Levi and friends, concentrating his haki he made it as strong as he could before using his jet cannon to enter a rapid decent.

"Titan's Fist!"

Before impact he switched his jet dial off, and swings his arm so it hits the ground with as many impact dials as possible, the speed of his decent, his weight, the strength of himself and that of his haki and the power of his impact dials all contributing to creating a decent sized crater and sending a shock wave, that of a large tremor or a small earthquake, causing the surrounding hills to collapse as they had been weakened by the chaos prior to the impact, sending land gushing atop many, more to lose their footing and focus, and fissures appearing surrounding the crater Boomie had just made.

Boomie's haki was weakened, still enough to stop far off bullets, but only enough to soften blows as he started to knit it back together.


Boomie reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette, pressing it against his cannon to light it before sticking it in his mouth.
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Aug 17, 2012 2:47 PM

Feb 2009
Jyou was dazed and confused after having crashed into the moron that didn't know how to get out of her way. It took her a moment to shake it off. The sudden explosions all around them at once helped with that as well. Her hands reached around, one of them grabbing her guitar and the other making her realize that she was laying on top of some dude.

She sat up and looked at him, realizing it had to of been the same guy she crashed into. This actually pissed her off all over again. Jyou pulled back one of her legs, then threw a hard knee strike to his junk.

"Watch where I'm running, dumbass!"

Standing up, the woman looked around, but noticed something strange surrounding them. It was some sort of barrier. Why the hell did this dude put up a barrier? Her answer would come fairly suddenly and without warning. When Boomie struck the earth and caused a great quake, Jyou could feel the earth shaking beneath her feet. Since the barrier was up they didn't suffer the shaking of the tremor as bad, but still enough for her to lose her balance and fall on her ass. Right back on Levi's chest.

"Augh! Fucking pricks!"

She pushed her guitar on Levi's chest to help push herself back up, seeing how the crowd was knocked every which way from the quake that appeared out of nowhere. Jyou had to admit, she liked what she saw. Such a beautiful sight, this destruction.
Aug 18, 2012 6:37 AM

Jul 2008
Ringer watched Milo fly off towards the unkown man, and was tempted to follow. He didnt however, feeling a need to protect Kagari. Despite being a fearful pirate in his glory-days, Ringers father was feeling the effects of old age and a withering body. Ringer descided to press on, having faith that Milo would make it back to them as he finished up what he was doing.

Several random combatants turned towards the group as they advanced forward towards the Cooks position. Some from anger, seeing as Ringer and Daisuke was pounding and slicing everything in their path. Some from rivalry, seeing the group as a way to test their mettle. And some just for the fucking fun of it. Either way, between Daisuke, Kagari and Ringer, their attempts at assaulting the group failed epicly time and time again. Whacked with canes, pounded by iron fists, and sliced by legendary swords, no matter which side they approached on a certain kind of death awaited them ready to send them back to hell or whatever other hole they crawled out of. For being Sabaody, Ringer was surprised at how weak most of these pirates was as they were now very close and could see Doberman over the crowding battlers with their own eyes.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Aug 18, 2012 8:35 AM

Mar 2009

Both of the person's feet planted squarely on Noah's face, with the resulting impact sending the two barreling through the crowd as if the two were a giant bowling ball, and everyone in their way were helpless pins that flew into the air. When the two finally stopped and rose to their feet, Noah had a visible red mark on both sides of his cheeks, obviously fuming because of Milo's action.

"Wh-What the hell was that for!" He pleaded with him, but somehow recognized the fellow from before, prompting him to hold his tongue. However, he wouldn't let Milo answer as he began to assess the situation on his on.

"You're the small child! Wait! How did you even know I thought you were a sm-"

The sound of gun's being loaded and swords sharpening interrupted Noah's deduction. Soon Milo and Noah found themselves surrounded by a gang of marines, with the look that could care less about their bickering. "Tch," Noah sucked his teeth while turning around to stand back to back with Milo then raised his hands to either side of his face while his left leg stood in front of his right leg, adopting some sort of martial arts stance.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend right?" He asked sarcastically as Milo readied himself for the attack.

(I think I got the saying right lol. The enemy (Milo) of my enemy (Marines) is my friend~)
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Aug 18, 2012 9:14 PM

Feb 2010
He had given her a weird look. Luckily enough, she caught it right away before standing back on her feet again. Was it something she’d done or was it the way she was completely soaked that he’d given her that expression? For the second that she pondered on this, it was because she was sync into her disguise. There was no point in trying to cover up her gender anymore since this was a more comfortable place compared to the previous place she just got off of. She chuckled at his explanation but he was right. Also the goosebumps that she felt all along while reaching this far towards the auction house was evidence that it did her no good staying in wet clothes and such.

With her normal tone, slightly higher than before, she answered him back. “I should be fine with this giant coat off.” She took off the coat and drop it on the ground. Continuing to strip before the guy, she unzip the baggy pants with ease and step off of it once it slid down her legs. As for the large shirt, it was off before he even noticed. “Ahh this does feel much better.” She whispered to herself. Having done so though, it never even crossed her mind that she had done something indecent since what was underneath all that clothing was more fitting of a pirate. A short with imaginable pockets with zippers on top and a white tank that had blotches of permanent stains that could no longer be washed away.

From above her, once her attention refocused back to the raging crowd, a flood of paper came falling down. The main reason she had noticed before was, the crowd since arriving at the place was this loud. It could also have been that she couldn’t discern what would be louder than this.

“The Pirate King is no more.. The space is vacant.. The Legend of One Piece still glows bright..! Follow me, those who dare!
I don't care if your going to betray me, cheat me, or have goals that differ from mine, sail with me! Ill be the one leading the spearhead towards Raftel!

I will be the one to give light to this New Era!”

“What the fuck? Did I miss something important?” She spurted out after hearing Fork’s final words. I can’t believe this. One second I am taking off my clothes and the next, I missed the most important speech I came all the way her to listen to...Well at least I caught his last sentence. Disappointed but not to that extend, she leaped up into the air and grab a hold of one of the papers. Looking from the distance where she caught it, it was a map of the world.

This whole time, she had already forgotten about the stranger that bumped into her. It wasn’t enough to complain about such a trivial thing. Which was why, she thinks he had already went on his way.

Excited and extremely hopeful of One Piece, she looked at the map with a smile spread widely. She had been waiting for this for a long time. Having something to look forward to rather than living miserably, dreading this life that her parents left her with.

With all the good thoughts going through her mind, the sudden change in the atmosphere of the place became more and more obvious. Marines popped out of everywhere and surrounded the place, not letting any pirate escape to claim the forgotten One Piece. Not that it was gonna be that soon to get it anyways. Just like everyone else, she was going to fight anyone in her way. It did also help that she knew no one to care enough about their stake in this treasure or as a pirate.

From every glimpse she took, there was a fight going on. One on ones, to those gaining up on the marines, and other pirates fighting one another. But having coming this far, she understood that it was essential to disguise as pirates to blend in for the Marines. There was no one to trust. She back away slowly as a group of pirates circled around her. With weapons in their hands, they were ready to kill her off and move on to the next person in their line of path. From behind her, she bumped into someone’s back. How could she not look behind her...It wasn’t as if she was scared. This moment of hesitation was one thinking of what she needed to do to get out of it.

She peaked to the side to see who else she was going to fight with also and it happened to be the same guy. For some unknown reason, she felt a relief. It was then that it came to her, an outrageous, spontaneous idea.

“Ah you’re still here?” She jokingly asked him, speaking with her head to the side so he can hear. “Whatever. Let’s cut to the chase, you cover my back and I will do the same.” She commanded of him. It was rather rude but from her perspective, it didn’t look like he was going to get away scratch free. And it really benefitted them both. Even without asking for the man’s name, she proceeded to trust such a person. It was all from before, remembering the little worry he had when he asked her about the condition she was in trying to catch a cold. “So what do you say?”
Aug 20, 2012 2:35 PM

May 2010
Sergio wasn’t all too surprised to hear a girl’s voice when the stranger talked in a more normal and comfortable tone. He had somewhat expected it might have been the girl since the voice they used earlier seemed a little forced. He wasn’t going to bother asking her why she was acting like a man, though. He was sure the girl had her reasons. What did surprise him was the girl suddenly stripping right there on the spot. Not only was he shocked by the quickness she had while stripping, but the fact that she seemed to not care at all about everyone around her. His jaw dropped and he noticed he was staring a little bit too much.

He turned his back to her quickly, a shade of red appeared on his ears and cheeks from embarrassment. “Now hold on Miss. I don’t think you wanna just be takin’ off yer clothes in public.” He heard the ruffling of clothes stop behind him, and he made a quick peek around his shoulder. There the girl was standing in a much more fitting shorts and tank top for someone her size. Apparently, she had been wearing her real clothes underneath the disguise. He gave a sigh of relief. Who knows what madness could have started in this crowd of pirates if they had seen a naked girl.

All this time, he had been listening to Fork’s speech on and off. It seemed to be a very touching story about his captain and his dream. He had grabbed one of the papers that had flown over the crowd. The piece of map that led to Raftel. Sergio wasn’t really interested in One Piece though. What he was interested in was joining Fork’s crew. It could be his best chance to find his sister out on the seas. If I joined Fork, someone with a lot of experience sailing around, I might just be able to locate her and those that took her. I need to go see him.

He didn’t get very far before chaos ensued. Everyone was against everyone in this battle. It was a mixture of pirates and marines that nobody had ever seen before. Punches, kicks, swords, guns, cannons, any weapon you could imagine was being used. Explosions were going off everywhere. The marines seemed to be going overboard with it. Something Sergio wasn’t surprised with. It was a sticky situation that seemed Sergio wasn’t going to escape without doing a little fighting. As soon as he came to this conclusion, four pirates who had just taken down two marines turned to look at him. Sergio wasn’t dressed like a marine, but he was never able to fully get rid of that aura of authority he had gotten from the academy. They slowly started creeping toward him as he began stepping back.

“Now look fellas, there ain’t no reason to fight. I ain’t got no quarrel with ya.” He slowly reached for his pistols strapped under his arms, but he bumped into something behind him. He determined it to be shorter than his height, and another person. Whoever it was, had hesitated in attacking him from behind. Then he suddenly heard a familiar voice. He turned his head slightly, so that he wouldn’t lose sight of the pirates in front of him. From his peripheral vision, he saw the girl he ran into just before things went crazy. It seemed she was in her own little dilemma as well. She wanted to team up.

“It looks like we’ve been surrounded Miss. I don’t think we have any choice other than to help each other. So it would be my pleasure to join forces with ya.” He smiled and nodded his approval. “So we got about eight guys blockin’ our escape. Think ya can handle four of ‘em? Cuz I got a plan.” He lowered his voice so only she could hear. “What ya think about me kneelin’ down and ya vaultin’ over me and catchin’ these guys by surprise? They don’t look too bright, so they probably won’t react quick enough. I’ll handle the other four then. Give me a nod, and on the count of three, I’ll kneel down alright?”

(@Syrai: You don’t have to go with the plan. But if you do, then you can either npc Sergio counting to three and kneeling or just kneeling after you count to three. Whatever you end up feeling like doing, I can adapt if need be.)

Youmi Academy ID
Aug 21, 2012 4:46 AM

Feb 2009

Milo got back to his feet after tumbling through the crowd and dusted himself off with a certain satisfaction from landing a solid kick in Noahs face. He quickly made sure that his hat was still on his head and let out a sigh of relief when he confirmed that it was. He turned to Noah who was yelling at him with a smug look on his face which quickly vanished as Noah called him a small child again. Milo was just about to place his leg firmly in Noahs crotch when they were interrupted by a bunch of Marines and he had to reluctantly stop himself.

"Tch, what rotten luck to have to team up with a pervert..." Milo sighed to himself, then he spoke louder "Fine, for now."

As Milo got ready for the marines, he suddenly got a big grin on his face and trampled down hard on Noahs heel just as he pulled out his revolvers, faking that he lost balance.

"Oops, sorry." He said with a tone that made it perfectly clear just how sorry he wasn't and then fired off two rounds at a pair of Marines that were closing in quickly.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Aug 21, 2012 9:02 AM

Mar 2009
Noah could feel the stinging sensation by his heel from Milo’s “accidental” slip, as he drew out his dual revolvers.“The little bastard, wait until I get my hands on him,” he thought, but the sudden blast of the revolvers brought him back to realizing they were still partially outnumbered, and it looked as if reinforcements were on the way. ”Well, he’s not that bad of a shot,” he thought as the two marines fell to the floor that was shot down by Milo.

“Guess there’s no helping it then,” Noah stated while bending forward some, then reached around his back to the case holding his guitar. He slowly unzipped the case then withdrew the all black guitar as if it were a samurai sword, “accidentally” colliding with the back of Milo’s head as he swung it outward then secured it in front of him. The mild blow left Milo in a temporary daze, giving Noah enough time to place him in a trance fuel by Noah’s melody.

“Dance!” he called out, as a flurry of odd noises emitted from the guitar. It sounded almost as if Noah were scratching against the strings of the guitar accompanied by the stamping on his foot. Simultaneously, the revolvers at Milo’s hands were spun in between Milo’s his fingers in a flashy manner, as if he were readying himself for the ultimate showdown.

As the melody finally kicked in, Milo began a series of awkward movements, stopping every few seconds in an odd pose as he fire off shot after shot. He looked like a one man army, picking off each marine as Noah continued to play the enchanting melody. What was more surprising was the manner in which Noah happened to move out of Milo’s way with each shot. Whether it was a side step, or bending forward so that Milo could roll off of his back, the moves became increasingly flashier. In the wake of the song’s end, little to no marines was left, except for the last one. Milo was back to back with Noah, still spinning his revolvers at each hand, then finally, boom! Milo had extended his right hand behind him while holding the revolver upside down, over Noah’s left shoulder as the last marine was shot down in front of Noah. Seconds later Milo would regain control over his body, ready to thank Noah in the most ungrateful manner.
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Aug 22, 2012 10:16 AM

Jun 2008
Doberman cut and slew his way through the crowds, the aging vice captain showed the rookies and unexerienced pirates that he was not one to understimate, the more experienced pirates choosing to avoid him if possible, leaving him a fine path through the gathering. Everywhere chaos reigned supreme, even music was being played across the ramshackle battlefield, even drinking was afoot, if not for the screams of the dying it would seem almost merry.

I will be the one to take Forks head, clear the path!

The two elites that had been following tightly behind doberman now ran infront of their vice and readied their massive weapons, two flamethrowers ignited the area infront of them, causing a cone of hellfire to erupt, laying waste to the path ahead of them. Meanwhile the count of marines were rapidly decreasing, though the same could be said for the pirates.

The Figthing around the edges started to intensify, any civilians present had long since died or escaped and now the strongest were clashing around the place, most of the weak had already been rooted out leaving the battleground open for more personal combat, yet things were far from happening in an orderly fashion, most of the canons had been silenced after a number of pirates had gotten to the guns, and the snipers were almost all out of ammo or dead. The ranks of marines who had been standing on the hills were all but obliriated or had joined the frantic melee. It was at this time the Mortars were ordered to fire, and soon Boom! Boom! Crash! the valley blossomed in fire as huge explosions tore huge holes in the figthing as the mortar shells landed in the crowds.

(( - The brawl is slowly coming to an end, now is the time for the final few posts, an the last chance for additional glory! - ))


Fork had been watching the battle with an amused grin, the pirates who had been guarding the auction house were gathering up their equipment as they got ready to move out. At this moment a boy was thrown onto the stage, landing just a few feet away from Rain. Fork took notice and was about to tell one of his sailors to bring the wounded young man in when he was interrupted by the click of a sword being unsheathed from its scabbard.

"Rain, you don't mean to?"

Rain did not respond and slowly moved towards the wounded man, his swords ripping a line in the wooden planks of the stage as he approached. "Stop that Rain, there is no reason-" Rain raised his hand, stopping fork as he was about to finish his sentence. "He called out to me." Said Rain coldly. Fork got very quiet, a dark light running beneath his eyes as he very well knew what was coming. "Rain is grace; Rain brings life, though a man who foolishly seek out the rain;" Jiang Si stopped above the young man. "Must know that the downpour;"the blueish metal of the infamous sword "Rain-Dance" was brought down towards him, the tip shimmering just an inch over his defenseless flesh. "

Will fall down upon him!

The Sword fell down upon the young man in a blur that made it look like a thousand small lines in the air, leaving the boys back riddled with stab wounds as if he had been assaulted by an army of needles, rupturing his flesh and internal organs, leaving it a bloody mess "One does not simply challenge The Rain.." a kick sent the boys dying body over the edge of the stage and into the chaotic mess below.
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
Aug 23, 2012 4:00 PM

Dec 2009
The barrier that Levi had raised quickly fell against the earthquake that boomie produced, only blocking the first 5 major tremors before disappearing and letting those in side to be wracked by the after affects of Boomie's dive.

Despite this Levi never actually realized that Boomie had done anything as he was too busy writhing in pain after guitar girl had decided it was appropriate to seriously wound his manhood with her knee.

Eventually however Levi gets to his feet and takes his cross off his back, the area beginning to thin out now as he can see plumes of flames marking an advance towards the center, towards fork. Levi looks around for Cass, when in doubt look to the chibi; she does the thinking after all.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Aug 24, 2012 3:27 AM

Feb 2010
Daisuke was starting to feel the strain of his exhausted body more and more. There had to be a way to lessen the impact. Fighting defensively would only leave more alive to attack and fighting aggressively would put him in more peril.


Daisuke locked his blade with one man as he thought this over, stabbing Oshikiri from the side to cut through the side of his neck while leaning over and quickly flicking his leg send a projectile blade which blinded another attacker from the right, and with a quick spin and slash the marine's head was on the floor.

What a chaotic battle. He noticed the cannons and sniper fire seemed to stop and looked around before he saw a suicidal manic seem to dive bomb the center of the huge area and create a crater, the earth shaking and sending Daisuke wobbling until he tripped over one of the many dead bodies on the field. (Shin xD) It took him a few seconds to hear a noise from the body and realize he wasn't dead, or a marine. Worth noting... maybe. Nearby land collapsed but the stage and it's nearby surroundings seemed to do just fine as Daisuke managed to catch the Rain's victim on his head and see the effects of some horrible sadist, it seemed. Was this really the right place to be? Everyone involved with Fork directly seemed out of their league... but it was too late now, and at least the battles here had even more chaos to the degree anyone attacking Daisuke had a good chance of getting stabbed in the back. Daisuke kept his back to the stage and flung off the dead kid, happening to stand in front of the unconscious man as he fought.

"Hey Ringer, this one's alive, if that matters. Should we do something?"
Aug 24, 2012 10:40 AM

Jul 2008
Ringer was hard at work pummeling a particularly tenacious marine officer. He was unsure of his Rank, but he was no mere grunt as he had taken the full force of Ringers hammerhand to the face and was still standing. Ringer forced to crouch down, moving in close with the same speed he used earlyer and dug his palm into the officers chest before he had the time to react. He struck out towards Ringer with his sword, which broke clean off of Ringers shoulder, his Tekkai was active and stronger then ever. Rotating his palm and completing the strike, this officer met the same fate as one of his earlyer subordinates as he was sent spinning over the crowd and into a Sabaody tree-trunk.

After disposing of him, he turned to Daisuke to find his words true, the one he had found was indeed still alive but barely. Ringers eyes widened as he made his way over to him.
"Its.. just a boy.. a wee lad like this on such a brutal battlefield." He said, looking at the wounds this boy had sustained.
"Kagari! Have a look at this will ya?" He yelled, just as Kagari-jiisan poked a pole in an uppity pirate's chest with his cane in a move similiar to Shigan. Hearing Ringers call, he came over and begun asessing the boys wounds. The old man certainly was no doctor, but as with every soldier he did posess some basic first-aid knowledge to be used in the field.

Kagari was looking around, trying to find Milo. He had an idea, and would need something from the gunslinger if he was to close the boys wounds.
"Oy, Gunslinger!" He shouted across the crowd, unsure if Milo even heard him. Clearly he had made a new friend in this Guitar-wielding warrior, a welcome sight in this battle royale. "I need some of your Gunpowder, you got some to spare!?"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Aug 24, 2012 2:45 PM

Feb 2009
Milo stood quite still in the final pose he had struck during the flashiest and coolest shootout he had ever done, as his body slowly returned to his own control. He let both his arms fall limp by his sides and he simply stared dreamily ahead for a moment. But the moment passed and the sounds of the brutal battle around them made him blink and bring him back to reality. He looked around quickly before turning around and stared at Noah. He blinked once or twice before the huge words of "Small Child" slammed him over the head and his eyes narrowed.

Noah was still facing away from Milo, savouring the final moments of his performance when tears suddenly began falling from his eyes. Surprised, he looked down and saw the front of a boot where his precious should have been, and as the boot slowly went back down and vanished behind him, Noah followed.

Milo watched with satisfaction as Noah went down, when he by some miracle heard a familiar voice over the battle. He looked up and around until he made eyecontact with Kagari. Unsure of what the old man was yelling, he left Noah on the ground with a "I'm NOT a small child!" and quickly made his way over to the others.

"I'm back!" he said happily upon reaching his friends, then he noticed the body that Kagari was bent over.
"Who's this? Is he dead?" He asked curiously and peeked at what Kagari was doing.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Aug 26, 2012 7:52 AM

Jul 2008
"Who cares? Its just a child, and hes hurt as hell. Gimme some of your gunpowder before this poor lad bleeds to death like a scewered hog!"
Kagari snapped sourly. The cranky old jeezer seemed even crankier then usual at the moment. Maybe the imminent death of this kid was getting to him.

Ringer could only watch, and try to keep them safe as Kagari worked his skills on the poor boy. Most of fighting had started dying out, only the strong ones remained. It was then that the mortars started falling, and the situation took a turn for the worse. Yet neither Ringer or Kagari seemed intent on moving an inch, despite standing directly in the line of fire from the mortars going off all around them.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Aug 26, 2012 11:04 PM

Feb 2010
Daisuke tightened his grip on the handles of the blade as he felt pain run through his body with his movements. Screw exhaustion! He wasn't gonna end up just another body in this huge massacre, if not forgotten known as a simple traitor to the marines. That wouldn't be his life, not now that it was finally starting! He dashed forward at another randomly attacking pirate and kicked off him, flipping and bringing Annabelle across the man's face and cutting his skin loose. Seeing a speeding projectile, he curled into a ball and barely dodged the mortar fire, blown back into the stage and leaping off it to blast a few weak Rankyaku. He landed as the invisible blades caused mortar fire to explode before reaching him or Kagari, then saw the pirate he had just cut burn in a raging fire.

Behind him a elite marine seemed to smirk in satisfaction, Doberman ignoring anyone who didn't target him as he made his way to Fork D. Heart. A bit upset and wanting to help the one who started this adventure, Daisuke shot another weak air blade at Doberman's back, and was soon targeted by the flamethrower, barely dashing out of the way with a Soru, his legs were strained and this caused him to trip. The flames began to follow him and he stuck both blades in the ground, lifting himself and using both his legs to send air blades and break up the fire, although he was still slightly burned before he could leap over the marine's head in a large bound, always looking him in the eye. The elite dropped the more clumsy weapon and took out a more compact weapon, two small scythes, clashing them with Daisuke's blades.

"Damnit... the ones still here are actually strong..."
Aug 27, 2012 7:32 AM

Mar 2009
A moment of silence ensued when the music ended. No not, a literal moment of silence you idiots! Noah was completely silent as his eye's filled to the lid with water that would soon pour down his face. The pain was beyond comprehension, and he had barely time to react. Down to the floor he went along with his guitar emitting a ear splitting sound of strings breaking upon hitting the floor.

It would take him some time, and several footsteps on his head to eventually gather himself up. When he came to, he awoke to a sight that overshadowed what this place intially came. It was like hell on earth! Fire sailed through the air, explosions escalated at an alarming rate, and more bodies tallied up the death toll. Within a few feet he could see Milo rejoining his comrades as they tended to a wounded person, the thought of revenge quickly overcame Noah, and he reacted. Cluthing his guitar, he took one step forward in the direction of Milo, only to be met with a hearty BOOM.

An explosion erupted behind Noah, catapulting him into the air as he sailed over Milo and his crew. The force of the blast sent Noah in the unlikeliest of destinations, as he crash landed onto the stage in front of the auction house. How his guitar was still intact even baffles me, and I am the narrator! But it is true, Noah sat up from the broken pieces of wood his bum mananged to created. His eyes finally focused, and when they did, what a sight he beheld. There he stood Fork D. Heart himself! Its as if every thing ran in slow motion. Noah could see Fork laugh amusingly, a swordsman with his sword drawn out as the tip of the blade trickled blood, and an elderly marine charging forward towards their direction.

"Gimme shelter," Noah whispered to himself in hopes that he would some how make it out of this dilemma in one piece.
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Aug 29, 2012 4:53 AM

Feb 2010
The battle passed by Cassandra in a daze. A constant ringing in her ears from the clashing of steel, blasts of gunpowder and now the steady popping of mortars which always ended in a violent blast. The guttural cries of men fighting and dying and killing were phased out. She had heard them all before, but not like this. She succumbed to the intensity and the overwhelming might of the masses, her mind numbing itself to staunch the pain.

Boomie did something stupid like always. Levi joined in. She was glad to be near Levi in the midst of the battle, his powers were the only thing keeping her alive right now. The musician's duel continued, back and forth,always being interrupted by the battle. It was strange that people would willingly risk their lives in the middle of a battle, just to play music.

As the mortars fell the already thin crowd of bodies dwindled even further. The sight of arms and legs and globs of gunpowder-charred bits and pieces made her throat contract and her stomach heave.

This was war.

It was not as heroic as she had hoped. There wasn't even any honour to be found. Even among men who prided themselves on such notions. It was kill or be killed, where the end justified the means and the method was horrid and unsightly. The men who joined the marines surely didn't want this. This wasn't what they signed up for. A killing ground, a slaughterhouse for men. Where was the justice in that? She noticed one marine - maybe the leader - cutting a path through the carnage, seeming to enjoy himself and grimaced.


Most of the pirates had to feel the same, like she did. While some relished the bloodbath, Cass just felt powerless and only thought of getting away alive. She wasn't like Levi or Boomie. She just had two tiny guns. Near her a man was being choked to death, lifted by a large pirate into the air with one hand. Through the blurred noise and shell-shock there was a crystal clear sound as she saw his throat crushed and a sad Crunch like so many sticks crushed beneath her foot.

What could she do in the middle of so many thousands of men, determined to destroy each other?

She realised now that she had become separated from Levi and Boomie, no longer able to see them.


Cass shivered unintentionally, a cold air surrounding her. Her gaze was drawn up, to the sky, seeing a mortar falling down straight above her.
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Aug 29, 2012 10:18 AM

Feb 2010
“Perfect.” She grinned upon hearing his confirmation. It definitely reassured her that she was going to make it out of this good-for-nothing rumble and set sail once it is time. There was just too many people with no relationship with one another which was even more dangerous.

Thinking of his request, she couldn’t have thought of a better idea. It will give her an upper hand to knock these fools out before they realize anything. Without a hesitation, she nodded and crouch down a little as if she was readying a stance to attack the guys in front of her. At the count of three, she turned left and with a right foot stomp to the guy’s back, along with his boost by standing up, she leapt into the air to the opposite side.

In front of her was the four pirates. At first look, it really seem like she was coming down right in the path of their weapons. They had it upright, all centering right at her. But with the boost she got from him, their estimate of her landing was a little off. She went directly over the weapons aimed at her and with a slight turn to the left, she powered her attack by doing a rankyaku split kick to both the guys in the middle on the sides of their necks. It wasn’t going to kill them but will leave them unconscious at least she hoped. They flung opposite of each other, knocking the two outer guys down by surprise. Using the weight of her body, she landed with one knee on the ground and with the other balancing her behind the pirates.

“I gotta thank him later for making this easier for me.” She said since now she doesn’t have to deal with all four at the same time now. She picked herself up and in both hands was two combat knives she pulled out from the many pockets in her shorts. At this time, the two pirates stood up. One proceeded to launch its giant curved sword at Leia. She forcibly blocked it with the two knives in an x shape, pushing forward so the weight of the sword doesn’t come down on her. She was able to push up the blade away from her as it almost stood vertical in the air. With that chance, she slide her two small knives down the edge of the sword, cutting the man’s hands in the shape of a X followed by a swift routine stab move, both in the under arms at the same time and taking out only the knife on the right, she stab another deep wound on the lower side of his right stomach. When doing this, she really does refrain from killing them but render them from further movements.

She pulls away from his body as he fell down, crouching the pain. She turn right away towards the last guy in their way. Holding only the tip of the blade while a small stream of blood from before runs down to her palm, she threw it directly to him. She had a gut feeling, she will miss and he will swing his sword down to counter it. It was all too predictable for her as well as beneficial. She smiled as soon as he did exactly that, swinging the blade across from him, tipping off her small knife out of the way. At that time, she rushed towards him, and with his sword out of the way, she threw a side ways kick at his cheeks flinging his entire body to go down. She landed with her knee resting comfortably on his neck.
Aug 30, 2012 9:45 AM

Feb 2009
By now, the crowd of the massive battlefield had thinned out considerably. Several pirates and marines lay on the ground either seriously injured, knocked out, or dead. Despite this, the fighting still went on furiously. The remaining fighters turned out to be the strongest of the large crowd, but even so they were beginning to tire.

Jyou still relished in the chaos. It got her blood pumping like you wouldn't believe Though, as much as she loved the lawlessness of this battle, she knew that if enough of these survivors ganged up on her, she would be screwed.

The sound of a cannonball flying through the air could be heard amidst the crashing of swords, shooting of guns, and yells of the combatants. A split second later, it hit the ground, exploding near Jyou and sending bodies flying through the air. She held her arm up to keep the dust from getting in her face, barely able to keep herself standing.

Looking around for some sort of shelter while she got her next song ready, she spotted the guy that she crashed into a few moments ago (Levi). He looked... strange... crazy even... but he could do.

"Hey! Dipshit!" She cried out to Levi. Jyou backed up to one of his sides, facing the crowd that recovered themselves from the cannonball that hit a second ago. "You look tough. I think I'll stick with you for a bit!"

She held her guitar ready again, gripping the neck with her left hand and holding the pick with the right. Holes started to form in her skin in preparation for her next song. It was time for another style change.

"Shred Shred Gothic!"

A female's vocals could be heard singing throughout the crowd, amplified by Jyou's Devil Fruit powers. As the singing continued, the sky started to darken. The sunlight that had shone through the tall trees was mostly blocked off by unknown means, significantly making the battlefield much darker and for some harder to see. (0:00 - 0:37)

Then, the guitar started. This song was much slower than the others, but had a darker and more pessimistic atmosphere. The trees, ground, and buildings lost their color, taking on a more monochromatic black and white appearance. It was safe to say that the temperature had significantly dropped to a colder one as well.

"Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
Sealed with lies through so many tears
Lost from within and pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again"

From the ground, several dark vines sprouted and started wrapping around many of the fighters. These pirates and marines looked on with fear and surprise as dead trees sprouted as well. Their leafless and angular limbs added on to the eerie atmosphere Jyou's song gave. These trees were not completely lifeless though. Once formed, the trees would start attacking as well. Swiping at pirates, stabbing marines, all while the vines constricted more people's limbs and some even crushed them.

"You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above"

The pessimistic lyrics worked to drain the fighters of their battle resolve. Hopelessness. Melancholy. Gloom. Despair. They were worthless. At least, that's what ethereal, ghostly figures started to tell them as these phantoms appeared all over the battlefield. They laughed and mocked the pirates and marines.

Jyou wasn't one for self control, but she tried her best not to direct the resolve-draining lyrics towards Levi. She needed someone to watch her back, someone that could keep fighters away and prevent her guitar playing.
TaizenKyoAug 30, 2012 4:41 PM
Aug 31, 2012 9:30 AM

Mar 2009
Kuro looked on at what happened to the person who seemed to have challenged Rain with his body being kicked over the edge of the stage it seemed he was dead, the fight hadn’t lasted long but that was to be expected after all nobody in their right man would challenge Rain to a fight not unless they wanted to die anyway. As saddening as it was seeing such a young man fall to his death in such a way Kuro didn’t have time to waste on feeling sorry for the foolish man instead he was focused on his own goal and despite Rain and Fork being close Kuro was hoping as long as he wasn’t foolish and challenged them he should be safe.


Unlike Fork it seemed Kuro didn’t have the same sort of presence needed to gather the people’s attention during the brawl despite many already falling the noise and chaos still seemed to be continuing. Kuro had come to the stage expecting to be ignored and so had already prepared something to gather the attention of the people in the valley, placing his hand inside his jacket pocket he took out a gun similar to the flare guns he had given the others only this one seemed different in that it had a golden symbol like design on the side of it with the opening at the front slightly larger, the symbol was the Phantom family mark it was something he had stolen before leaving home and was meant for special occasions. Taking the flare like gun from his jacket Kuro raised his hand above his head squeezing the trigger as a small flare like bullet shot out from the tip piercing high into the sky above the valley before causing an ear shattering explosion, following the explosion a bright colourful golden light rained down upon the area surrounding the stage that Kuro and the people with him were on the light was powerful enough to attract the attention of most of the pirates and marines.

“Finally I have most of your attention or at least some of your attention so listen up! Who am I? My name is Kuro. D. Phantom...most of you probably have never even heard of me but that doesn’t matter I have gathered your attention for a very important reason so please listen up unless you all want to die here!”

Kuro took a deep breath he wasn’t used to doing anything like this and the pressure of the situation was beginning to take its toll with thoughts of how it was a bad idea to gather the attention of the blood thirsty people in the valley but there was no going back now and he knew that. With one hand tightening around the handle of his katana he began to compose himself once more before twirling the device he had taken to amplify his voice enough for the whole valley to hear around the tips of his fingers as he raised it back to his mouth and with one last deep breath his speech continued.

“Why will you all die? The answer is rather simple you will die because of being fools! Yes we are all pirates and we are rivals but at the same time we are all the same are we not? Did we not become pirates to chase our dreams and become free? Take a look to the people standing beside you they are pirates just like you and yes I know we are not friends but don’t we all share one common enemy? While we all fight amongst ourselves the marines are making their way here to kill the man that brought the greatest dream of the world back and what will they do with all of us after they have taken fork!? Do we want this valley to be known as the death of the pirates or do we want it to be known as something so then please listen to my words and stand side by side just this once and unite under the flag of pirates and show the world the true power of freedom as we destroy every last single marine in this valley and let the people of this world know that the grand age of pirates has returned once again...for this valley can be known as two things depending on what happens so do we want it to be known as the valley of death or shall we let it be known as the Valley of Dreams!

Stepping back from the front of the stage until he was at the center of it Kuro dropped the device onto the floor of the stage as he raised his hands above him with his black Katana hanging down from his right hand, a smile forming on his face as he yelled out perhaps his final words but they were words that came from deep within his heart and showed his conviction.

“so listen up you pathetic marines if you truly want to destroy our dreams then come at me with everything you have got!”
Sep 2, 2012 4:04 AM

Feb 2009
"Gunpowder?" Milo asked first and wondered what Kagari might need gunpowder for, but he quickly came to the conclusion that he wanted to blow something up and with a smile that showed absolutely no sign of recognition of the mayhem that surrounded them, he pulled out a small wooden box from his satchel. He opened it to reveal, not the standard black gunpowder that Kagari and probably everybody else would be expecting when asking for gunpowder, but a red powder instead.

This red gunpowder was something Milo came across when he was researching (messing around) with ordinary gunpowder and several other things that either went boom or lit things on fire. After throwing several different substances into the mix without it immediately blowing up the pot and parts of Milos face, as had been the case a few times before, he was staring at this weird reaction that made the powder turn red. He was overly excited and of course had to try it out immediately and it turned out that this was a way more violent type of powder. Instead of "sizzling", like the ordinary type did when spread out over an area, this type actually exploded pretty decently even when spread thin. It couldn't be used for his guns, but it was pretty effective in making smaller bombs, well it was only effective for making bombs in general.

And it was this powder that Milo happily handed over to Kagari while stating "Gunpowder!" proudly, then excitedly waiting for what it was that Kagari was going to blow up just as he noticed Noah passing over them in a not so elegant form of flying. His eyes followed him, somewhat surprised, until he landed on the stage, right infront of the cook and a swordsman.

Milo kept his attention towards Noah, completely forgetting that he had handed quite a volatile explosive over to Kagari and not noticing what he was about to do with it, just in case Noah was going to get killed. This he did until a huge golden explosion caught his short attention span instead and some guy who he recognised from somewhere took the stage and started yapping away about something.
BillzorSep 4, 2012 11:34 PM
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Sep 3, 2012 12:17 PM

Jul 2008
Kagari snapped the gunpowder-box from Milos hands. "Took you long enough!" he proclaimed, and begun spreading the gunpowder into most of the wounded childs external wounds. After he was done, he gave the box back to Milo, now less then half-full.

He took out a box of matches that he previously used to light his pipe, and shoved two of his fingers between the childs teeth. "Bite down on those pup, this is gonna hurt like a bitch!" he said, and lighted the first match and pressed it against his wounds. The gunpowder crackles and seared, causing the wound to stop bleeding. Kagari repeated this procedure with every one of the wounds he could find, and by the time he was finished his fingers had nearly been bitten clean off.

Ringer was watching the procedure with a painful look. He had endured this treatment himself once in the past, and was not eager to do so again. The battle was slowly dying out, and while Kagari finished patching the kid up Ringer looked towards the stage where an unfamiliar figure was making a helluva ruckus. It took him some time to realize this person was the same one that had appeared briefly in the battle against Grateful Blue, but he failed to remember this persons name.

When Kagari was finished, he took his finger out from between the childs teeth, his teethmarks now permanently etched into kagari-jiizan's bony fingers. "Ouch, quite a bite on ya" he said, and tried feeling his neck for a pulse. With a grim look on his face, he stood up next to Ringer. "Ive done all i can for the pup, but his pulse is still getting weaker and weaker. I fear hes bleeding internally, quite alot aswell. Even if we DO find a doctor somewhere in this fricking mess, i doubt this boy will live to see the new age of pirates.." he said. Ringer shook his head at hearing these news. Most probably, he would have to see this child die after all. But he sure as hell werent going to let him die alone, that much was certain.

It was then, that Ringers and Kagaris attention was drawn back to the dying child due to the sound of a small pop. As if a firecracker had went off. Turning around, theyr eyes widened. Several small explosions was ripping through the childs wounds from the firetreatment Kagari had given. In seconds, what was left of the severly injured boy was reduced to a pile of meat and blood barely even recognizable as a former human. With his blood all over them, Ringer stared at the sight in disbelief while Kagari looked at Milo with wide eyes.

"Da fuck did you just hand me!?? The boy is minced meat!!" He said, not particularly affected by what had just happened. Tho Ringer was in a state of shock. Kagari quickly slapped his cane across the blacksmiths face to get his attention away from the dead boy.
"Shit happens my boy, people die, the quicker you get over it the quicker you can start protecting those who remain!" He said coldly, tho something in his tone made it evident that he was not entirely untouched by the boys death. In fact, it sounded forced, as if he was trying to convince himself more then Ringer that he didnt have time to mourn the boy.

(Sry Shin... xD)
PsynergiSep 5, 2012 9:28 PM
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Sep 3, 2012 5:30 PM

Dec 2009
With mortars raining from the skies and crazy guitar lady playing at Levi's back he could only stare around in wonder at the death and destruction.

"Sooo many body parts....."

Levi was so fascinated in fact that he actually began to physically drool; the drool running down his chin and dripping onto the ground. Levi begins to rummage through the bag at his hip, finding Gregory tucked inside hiding from the commotion, until he finds that his saw is indeed in there.

Levi looks back and forth between the numerous dead bodies around him, wanting to harvest their body parts, and the crazy guitar lady at his back. Now normally Levi would not have an issue leaving guitar lady behind but her music was good, you can't just leave a good music box behind.

"Chibiiiiii!!!! CHIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Can I go collect the body parts?!"

Levi had obviously not realized that Cass had split away from them in the commotion, regardless she was his decision maker when he couldn't decide by himself so he asked like always.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Sep 7, 2012 9:58 PM

Feb 2010
The sky grew black and dark, a depressing atmosphere taking grip of almost everyone in the valley, followed by a giant golden explosion that shown out even further against the contrasting clouds. A speech meant for inspiration was given as horrible ghosts rose and insulting lyrics rang out.

Odd mix. Poor guy though... I wonder if anyone is gonna pay attention, or he'll just get a ton of mortar fire his way. Probably the latter.

Preoccupied with his opponent, he locked his blades and was forced back as he parried each quick swipe of the scythes, putting his blades downward and against his forearms as he tried to lead each strike outwards and create an opening. His opponent was faster than him though, and his attempts were made worthless. Just as he was backed up against the stage a giant vine burst from it and swiped at him... a bit unusual. It stabbed forward at the marine and he cut it into thin slices as it attacked. Despite the opening Daisuke was busy trying to slice, kick, and stab a bunch of jerkass ghosts around him.

Ghost: "Haha hahaha! Yooou're weeakkk!"

Daisuke: "Shuddap!" -Kick-

Ghost 2: "You're gonna die today! What a pointless life!"

Daisuke: "Rrraagh!" -Stab-

Ghost after reforming: "Didja do something?"

Ghost 3: "Your friends have to deal with deadweight like you? Shame."

Daisuke: "Just shut up!"

Rapidly slicing now, he shut his eyes and ran from the ghosts, almost ready to fall into depressing until...

Pop... Pop.... Pop pop pop pop POP!

"What the fuck!?"

The boy Ringer stood before quickly became a mess of blood and gore over a wide radius. What was the point of that?! What sadists did he get himself mixed up with?! Before he could tell why Ringer went to that boy or what was going on he was attacked by the marine elite, slightly cut up. He instinctively blocked himself and two pirates came to his assistance.

Pirate 1: "Need some help pirate brother?"

Maybe some people did listen to the guys speech. Certainly not the girl with the guitar though.
Sep 9, 2012 1:23 AM

May 2010
Sergio had felt her jump off his back into towards the men he was facing, but he didn’t take the time to spectate how the girl fought. He had his own group to deal with after all. Sergio turned 90 degrees to face the four that he needed to deal with, and pulled out his two pistols in the same motion. He fired two shots down at their feet. It startled the group as they looked down where the shots had hit the ground. When they looked up, Sergio had already closed the gap between them, introducing himself to the pirate on the far left with a pistol whip that made a sickening thud when it connected with the man’s head.

“Let that be a lesson to all y’all. You should never gang up on a girl ya hear?”

The three remaining pirates didn’t take too kindly to that. They charged at him with swords drawn out. The dodged under the first pirate’s slashing sword, kicked him in the back sending him forward, and shot a bullet into the back of each leg. They weren’t killing shots; Sergio wasn’t trying to kill him. He wanted to incapacitate all of them if he could. That guy wasn’t going to be walking for a while, if ever again, but he would still live at least.

The other two pirates got to him a little faster than he had anticipated. One of them swung his sword down on Sergio. He was just barely able to holster his pistols and swing his rifle into his hands to block the blade. The other pirate then attempted to stab Sergio was he was occupied with blocking the first attack. Sergio tried to dodge, but the blade was able to still make some contact, slicing across his side just below the ribs. It was a good cut, but Sergio knew from experience that it wasn’t critical. He needed to focus on getting out of this outnumbered situation. He flipped his rifle high into the air; the butt knocked the sword bearing down on him to the side. Pulling his pistols out again, he shot the sword out of the pirate’s hand, and then shot him in the opposite leg, and finally swiping that same leg out from under him. The pirate toppled to the ground in pain. Sergio deemed him out of action with a hand and leg injury. The last pirate belted out a loud yell for his fallen comrades. At that moment, Sergio caught his rifle out of the air and put the barrel into the man’s mouth. The pirate’s eyes widened in fear knowing it could be all over in just one pull of the trigger.

Sergio smiled. “Looks like ya had some skill after all. Ya gave me a pretty nasty wound.” He looked down and saw the side of his shirt soaking in blood. “Many other men would kill ya right here. But, I heard someone makin’ a speech as we were fightin’. He wanted all of us pirates to work together to take down them marines. I believe he is right that we shouldn’t be fightin’ amongst ourselves. So when I take this gun out of yer mouth, I wanna see you turn around and engage yerself with a marine. Would ya do that fer me?

The pirate nodded, his eyes still open wide. Sergio pulled the barrel out and swung the rifle back over his shoulder. The man backed away slowly, then turned around and ran off. Sergio didn’t really care if he went to fight a marine or not, as long as he wasn’t going to bother him or the girl. He looked over to see how the girl was doing to find that she had already finished taking down her four guys. He walked over to her laughing.

“Well it looks like ya can take care of yerself, huh? Mighty fine work ya did on these men.” Sergio clutched at the wound on his side. It hurt like hell, but the blood flowing out was beginning to slow down as he put pressure on the wound. “Tell ya what. How bout we head for the stage and find that guy who made the speech just now? Seems like he is one of the few who has a level head in this damn valley. We could get out of this mess sooner if we are able to get a few more people to join us.”

Youmi Academy ID
Sep 11, 2012 9:42 AM

Feb 2009
The familiar popping of the red gunpowder brought Milo's attention back from the guy on the stage, who he didn't really quite get what he was playing at, and saw what Kagari had done. His eyes widened and he jumped backwards, away from the gory used-to-be-a-human-body, with a high-pitched squeal.

"Oh my god! What did you -bleurgh." He barely even finished the sentence before he bent over and threw up, which was kinda lucky for him since a stray bullet passed right where his head had been a split second earlier.

After emptying the contents of his stomache, Milo kept his back turned towards the bloody mess in order to keep himself on his feet. He looked very pale though since this was his first experience with a mutilation of that level. But he still tried to speak with Kagari who had just asked him what he had given him.

"Why would you do something like that? If I had known you were that sick I would 've never had gone with you guys..." He said with his back still towards the mess, and Kagari.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Sep 12, 2012 10:08 PM

Feb 2010
Boomie, after hearing the eerie tune, started to get a sense of boredom, deminishing his resolve to fight to the extent that he didn't retaliate to getting hit by these living-dead plants whipping him, though he had enough resolve to keep his haki up and walk slowly over to the now-gothic seeming chick.

"Oi...bitch...stop play'n ya damned music, sha it's gud 'n all, but it's put'n meh off..."

Boomie let out a cloud of smoke, and from behind him plants were lashing at him, but he was seemingly unhindered, just getting shoved by them every now and then, as his hand started to slide to his dial selector.
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Sep 15, 2012 2:20 AM

Jul 2008
"It was your fricking gunpowders fault! It wasnt on purpose, bwah!" Kagari said sourly.

Ringer had sort of recovered from the shock by this time, and took a good look around. The warriors had been seperated from the common rabble, only the strongest remained. Only a handful of those were marines, including Doberman. Pirates all around were already shouting and cheering their own victory, not even giving a hint of thought to the countless fallen. Ringer could feel a surge of confidence from that, and a hint of excitement. The adventure he sought was again within grasp, after having his hopes diminishing when the marines showed up.

"Guys, this is it. We stand on the doorstep of our journey. The battle is almost over, soon the cook will make his picks and when he does, we WILL be amongst the chosen. " Ringer said, his tone of voice reflecting the dreamer within him.
"The new world awaits us, at the end of this event. Muster your strength and fight off any remaining rabble that wishes to challenge us. The marines will not stand in my way, OUR way, not anymore."

"Stay on your toes until Mr. Heart puts an end to this, let us show him AND the marines why we are here. Show them, that challenging us is to court death itself. He said, tossing the corpse of a fallen pirate at a nearby marine Officer still fighting on.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Sep 15, 2012 2:43 AM

Feb 2010
"Damn well said!"

Daisuke shouted to Ringer and tried to move on from the chaos of the past events, curving his blades and spinning to work up speed and power in his attacks, one other pirate using chakrams to keep his marine opponent busy whenever Daisuke's back was turned. He quickly struck with each blade as he rotated and suddenly bent his legs and slashed with Oshikiri in a powerful blow. The marine jumped back and was followed by an air blade which slashed his shins deep and left him on a knee. A chakram followed from the right and Daisuke back flipped and shot off a Rankyaku, which took both the elite's weapons to block. Finally the last pirate jumped in with his stone hammer and smashed it on his foe's skull.


It came as quite a surprise when the hammer was the thing that shattered upon impact, even more so to Daisuke who knew next to nothing about Haki. With a fast slash the hammer pirate's neck was slashed, and he let his body fall onto the marine. Daisuke quickly aimed Oshikiri in a straight arc, bursting into a Soru forced by willpower.

Blue Day Lightning!

He stabbed the blade forward as he ran forward swiftly, but not as fast as to vanish, managing to stab the incredibly sharp tip of the blade through his dying ally and finally the heart of his target.
Sep 20, 2012 12:18 AM

Feb 2009
Recognizing the person's voice, Jyou figured that she and the asshole she was sticking with knew each other. Maybe another temporary ally. Most of the weak fighters were out of commission now, leaving just the strong ones left. Several even seemed to be able to fend off the dead trees and vines she summoned to do her dirty work.

"Chill the fuck out, prick." She yelled at the prick (Boomie). Willing to have this guy keep the others from getting at her, she tried to keep her technique from affecting him... but control wasn't her strong suit.

"Tell you what, keep these other dipshits away from me and I'll... try... to keep these things from targeting you."

Easier said than done. She changed the way she played, experimenting with ways to redirect her attacks, yet she only managed to stop the vines and trees from attacking him. Several of the phantoms remained, but some left him in favor of people that still had strong resolve.

"That's the best I can do!"

Jyou had reached the end of her song though, but she wasn't done quite yet. Immediately, she went into a more fast paced one. The increase in speed made the attacks from the vines and trees more violent, whipping, stabbing, and strangling with more vigor.

The different song had an effect of the phantoms that went around trying to drain the fighters' willpower. They were more malicious and matched up with the song, laughing mockingly.

"Time to die, poor mates... You made me what I am!"

"Your praying is in vain... It'll all be over soon"

"There is no God... Our creed is but for ourselves"

"Not a hero unless you die... Our species eat the wounded ones"

"Run away with your impeccable kin!"
TaizenKyoSep 20, 2012 12:25 AM
Sep 20, 2012 4:24 PM

Feb 2010
"Fine...flame dial..."

Boomie spun around, lifting up his cannon, seeing the sight of all the deadened trees and vines whipping people amongst the chaos.


Flames burst from Boomie's cannon, covering the vines and trees, alternating the cannon so it only let out fire in short bursts as to not completely decimate the vegetative minions that were all around him. Eventually all the trees and vines in sight were on fire, and whoever they hit also caught on fire. Boomie switched his dial to his breath dial, ready to revert to his speciality, making explosions.
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Jan 29, 2013 9:23 PM

Jul 2008
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Feb 1, 2013 9:56 PM

Jun 2008
The Valley which to this point had been one big brawl were starting to loosen up, champions stood upon piles of bodies holding onto the pieces of papers that showed the way to the eternal treasure! Wounded and dying lay amongst fallen victors, yet the battle kept playing itself out and one would assume it might last for hours more, if not for what came next.

It started with a shout, then another shout, then a scream. But not the kind of scream you hear from human throats, no more like the screeching scream of heavy projectile cutting through the air like if gravity was nothing but a joke, the kind of scream which usually is followed up by a big BANG! The explosion ripped a housesized hole in the middle of the valley, the impact powerful enough to send a shockwave that everyone one in the valley felt like a punch in the back, causing everyone to turn towards the center in which a gaping smoking hole was all that was left of whatever had been so unfortunate to have been in wrong place at the wrooooong time. While most people had been attracted to the source of the blast, most people noticed quickly that nothing land-based caused that kind of crater, only the largest classes of marine ships did, and so it was that most if not all the pirates and the marines alike looked up towards the falling sun, and realized that there, far out on the horizon.

Rose a second sun.

As its twin fell it rose towards the heavens, approaching them like a divine thing of mythical past. But while one might in some other world have fallen to your knees and prayed. In this world, a second sun had a way of inspiring something entirerly different in people; Fear.

The White Fleet is coming!

Like on cue the brawl dispersed, but as if the gods of chaos themselves were watching, dispersing the brawl caused only more chaos and soon everyone was running and jumping over corpses, pushing others out of the way to get away from the source of their distress. If any figthing was still going on at that point it was over the best way of escape, anyone who had even a slight idea of simply fighting their way out at that point had stopped considering it an option as the first few barrages hit the island, rocking the entire thing to its core. For people closer to the shore the approaching fleet was something taken out of a fantasy novel. The white fleet, largest of all the Marine fleets and known for its extremely brutal take on "peacekeeping" was so large that its numbers made it impossible to get a clear read on their total numbers from a distance, every sail was so white and coated with a special substance that made them almost blinding to look at.

At the head of the fleet came the source of the second sun, the light given of from its massive sails enough to create the illusion that a new sun was rising when viewed on approach and falling when viewed in its wake. The ship was the largest ship in the world, an island sized thing that could take extreme punishment and deliver just the same, its large ordenance canons the first to reach the shores, barrage upon barrage starting to land amongst the mangroves, turning wood to splinter and flesh to gore. More and more ships was starting to come into range and more and more the island was starting to turn into a vision from hell, artilery fire spreading across the island like a natural disaster, destroying countless people, marine, pirate, or even civilians alike.

Dobberman was outraged, not at the lose of his lives or the fact that he obviously had been seen as dispensble, to be killed along with all the pirates on this island, actually, he appluaded the tactic. But personally he was more concerned by the fact that this stopped him from going any further, forced to run in order to save his own hide he had to watch as Fork and his closest rushed through the doors and out towards the sea. Swallowing his pride by killing the closest people he could find, he rallied some of his men and set out for his personal ship.

The Fork Pirates were busy trying to hail any pirates they could find, pointing them in the direction of the north-eastern point of the island, explaining that anyone who wished to save themselves should head in that direction.

((The island is turning into a nightmare, explosions are ripping the place apart. Get to the North-eastern point, or your character is almost gurranteed to die. Figthing is still happening all over the place however, its hard to get through the chaos so noone can expect to get there in a single post.

A Devils Fruit has been seen on the island growing on some fruits in an old ruin, it seemed to have bloomed out of nothing. Many men have already died fighting over it. Its a good chance but the fruit is a big detour and might risk your life.))
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
Feb 1, 2013 11:00 PM

Mar 2009
A roaring boom halted any further movement in the stage area as a huge gaping hole formed in the middle of the valley from the explosion that diverted everyone's attention from killing each other. Suddenly there were murmurs, then whispers, followed by some more incoherent banter, until it was finally confirmed.

The White Fleet is coming!

Noah's eyes opened wide at the thought of him being accused of being affiliated with the likes of the fellows around him, and quickly rose up as the remaining men that were still alive scrambled from the stage. Pirates were directing the few that were still sane to head towards north eastern part of the island as the explosions continued to rain down upon the area. There was no time to lose.

"I gotta split the scene man!"

He voice was croaked from all of the previous performances, but still barely audible among the chaos. He would then brake out into a light jog towards the assigned area, occasionally bumping into the few pirates that apparently had unfinished business with each other despite the danger of dying right then and there. It was clear that the journey to the goal was far from easy.
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Feb 1, 2013 11:48 PM

Feb 2010
Daisuke wouldn't have thought it possible but it seemed things only got more chaotic. A fleet known only for its ruthless destructive tactics had appeared and would surely put an end to everything on this archipelago. An endless amount of screeches came at them, followed by the inevitable explosions and screams of fear and death. Soon one landed close enough to send Daisuke's body flying back, the blood of the man he just killed staining his face and clothes crudely.

He was so tired. When Daisuke's back hit the ground and he looked up at the white sail which blinded him yet made everything darker, casting shadows all over the island, he realized how far he had pushed his body and how much pain he was in. All that mattered now was to protect his swords and his life, the things most important to him, and he was sure he couldn't handle it alone. Grunting, he kicked his leg out to push the two bodies off his blade, sheathing it and checking to made sure both his weapons were on him and put away safely before he quickly glanced around, finding Ringer and rolling his body over, pushing off the ground to stand and slowly move closer. His legs were burning as lactic acid had built up from the many Sorus he pushed out despite his lack of mastery. Finally he stood up straight and shouted upwards, closing his eyes and crying out desperately.

"Ringer! Milo! Kagari! Let us live on and follow Heart! To One Piece!"

"Shuddap scum!" Daisuke looked over his shoulder as a delirious marine came up behind him. This marine knew he was going to die here and hearing Daisuke's hope pissed him off, so he followed his rage and pulled his sword, slashing at Daisuke. Daisuke's only choice was to fall over, narrowly avoiding the blade but leaving himself vulnerable.

"Oh and help please!"
Feb 2, 2013 1:17 AM

Jul 2008
Ringer was right there with Daisuke within just a moment. He was starting to suffer from extreme tiredness aswell at this point, only the endurance of a blacksmith were still keeping him going. His big lumbering arms drenched in blood, and his face and torso drenched in sweat, he looked almost ready to topple over like a fallen titan himself.

As he got within reach of Daisuke, he wouldve been able to attack and stop the pirate in time, but thats not what he did. Being behind Daisuke, he was actually closer to Ringer then the pirate, and so Ringer simply grabbed onto Daisukes arms and pulled him back.

"Blacksmiths art: Daisuke Hammer!" He roared, and swung Daisuke around like a weapon, smacking his feet into the Pirates face knocking him out cold.

"Words of hopes and dreams Daisuke!" He barked with a big grin on his face, and swung Daisuke over his left shoulder like a wild animal he had just shot was gonna take home to skin.

"Kagari-jiji, you too, come'ere!" He said and grabbed the old man by the collar, tossing him over his other shoulder.

"Agh, Let me go you imbecile! I am perfectly capable of walking there myself!" Kagari yelled and whined, trying to hit Ringer in the back of the head with his cane. Fortunately Ringer was too hard-headed to care. Kagari was slower then the others, and Daisuke hurt this was a good chance to share some of his endurance until they wish otherwise.

"Milo! what Daisuke said, to One Piece!" He barked at the gunslinger and started a steady and not-too-fast jog away from the battlefield. As he did, Ringer overheard some random pirate blabbering about going to the north-east if they wanted to live. Figuring it was better then running around the island like headless chicken, he headed in that direction.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Feb 2, 2013 1:50 AM

Jul 2008
Keratani stood on a hill of corpses, ripping her spear out of the mouth of a fresh kill and looking more than a little satisfied with herself. She sits down at the top, a little exhausted when she heard a scream. An inhuman scream...a scream that sounded sort of like...

In a sudden panic, Keratani gets back onto her feet and traces the path of the projectile, deeming that it wouldn't land on her. She braces for the shockwave and is launched back, literally flying through the air when it hits her, an arm breaks on impact but she'd be fine...or so she thought before she landed, skipping over the ground like a cast stone on water before skidding to a halt. Panting, she shakily gets back onto her feet, only a few meters ahead of Ringer's group. Her left arm hangs limp at her side, made practically useless from the impact, blood trickling down to her fingertips before dripping onto the ground. She winces as the adrenaline subsides and the pain settles in.
TamoballFeb 2, 2013 1:55 AM
Feb 2, 2013 4:14 AM

Feb 2010
Cass managed to scramble away from the mortars, using some of the less observant fighters as human shields against shrapnel. In the din of the fighting she heard a familiar voice. Levi was yelling something about body parts. She had never been happier to hear him talking about them. She followed his voice through the battle, her small stature proving useful to avoiding conflicts almost entirely. She didn't have to shoot anyone in self defense, so she shot a few people in good fun and sport, following the whole atmosphere that a battle was supposed to have. Cass was not one for tradition, but she was always up for shooting something. Tradition was just the excuse. She spotted Levi looking around confused, having just realised she was not next to him.

"Not right now Levi! Wait until the battle is over, first!"

Chaos had erupted across the island as she worked to rejoin Levi. The Fork pirates were now ushering for a retreat and she had enough common sense to heed their message. But not enough responsibility to drag Levi and Boomie along with her, but she planned to anyway, because it was better than being alone.

"Levi! Look!"

The tried her best to draw his attention to the fleeing pirates heading towards the north-east section of the island. She found an arm severed at the elbow on her foot so she picked it up and used it as a visual aid to try and focus Levi.

"Follow the arm boy, follow the arm!"

She waved the arm around, holding it by the hand to shake the gore onto others rather than herself and backed away towards the north-east section of the island with caution, trying to coax Levi to follow.

"This way boy, follow the body parts!"
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Feb 2, 2013 6:37 AM

Mar 2009
It seemed the majority of the fighting was over or at least the smart people had begun to get the fuck out of the valley, the unlucky ones lay on the floor their bodies broken, crushed, deformed beyond belief and it was a sign to Kuro that it was time to leave this horrible mess behind. The world was much worse than he thought and his eyes had been opened even more in the last few seconds, sheathing his blade Kuro jumped down his feet landing in pools of blood one of them landing on a man’s head if he wasn’t dead then he was now that Kuro crushed his skull, it would have made a sick noise if the large cannons didn’t drown at the noise that was.

I could catch the fruit right now but...will I die or not?

Kuro was caught thinking as he made his way through the chaos, he ducked and sometimes even crawled through the people it didn’t matter anymore how it looked the only thing that made a damn was surviving this death trap! Along his way he saw the people that he had met before when he went to look at the sword, they seemed to have lived so far as well and if he was lucky they were heading in the same direction as he was and it didn’t matter if that was the ship or the fruit anymore...though the fruit would be nice...

“Oi! Where are you going!?” Kuro yelled so that his voice would reach ringer at the same time he had unsheathed his sword to cut through a person’s body, the blood spraying across the sky like a thin wave of red water, Kuro was annoyed that people were still fighting even though such a large threat was coming, the people must have been idiots.
Feb 2, 2013 4:18 PM

Dec 2009
Upon seeing the lifeless limb waving in front of him frantically Levi decided there was something special about it and that he must possess it.

"Come back here Arm~ U want o add you to my collection!!!!"

Levi starts to chase the arm when he remembers about crazy guitar lady and her good music.

"Come with me music box!"

But that was about as much remembering as he was bound to do as Cass waved the arm more frantically and running away with it.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo! Come back Arm!"
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Feb 2, 2013 11:21 PM

Feb 2009
The pessimistic wails, shrieks, yells, and nagging of the specters summoned by Jyou's guitar ceased to have an effect on the combating pirates and marines. Instead, several seemed to have been distracted by something. Some kind of big explosions or whatever, they hardly did anything to tear her focus away. Hell, she was having the time of her life!

Whatever the reason, she wasn't having anymore fun with this song. It bored her really quick now that very few people were even being affected by it. Instead she twirled the guitar a bit before shouldering the instrument. It turned into an axe again... not quite able to shred sick rifts anymore, but still rad.

Eyes spotted the dude she ran into earlier... but he looked rather pathetic. Chasing after a severed arm like a dog after a bone. Or an alcoholic after booze. Or a man after tits. Or... well, you got the idea.

They, along with several others, were running in the same direction. So is that where the party was headed? Sweet. There's no way she was going to be left out. Jyou chased after the weird necrophiliac and his midget friend, swerving between stray fighters and cutting down the ones that got in her way.
Feb 3, 2013 3:33 PM

Feb 2010
Boomie was just about to create multiple explosion when someone beat him to it, a creator being formed in the middle of the field, as he looked over to where it come from. The white fleet. He reared around so that him was facing the loud girl, and noticed she had stopped playing and was heading towards Levi, and on first appearance, a floating arm.

Boomie witched his cannon to use his jet dial, as he took it from his phone and stood on it, his feet set in some grooves and activated the dial and began to propel forward at a rapid pace. He was trying to determine whether or not he could sustain all of their wait, usually it was only either chibi or levi, now he would be attempting to carry chibi, levi and the loud girl levi had taken interest in.

He decided he couldn't. As he flew past Jyou, he picked her up, "Be a good little test subject," and as he had said it, he dropped her so she was with levi and continued to fly passed them, looking for the floating bubble balloons he had seen previously that day.
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Feb 3, 2013 5:47 PM

Feb 2010
"I believe that guy, Fork is wanting us to move away from that." She answered referring to the white fleet that was now causing more chaos in the crowd. "But yes that is a good idea. Moving towards him to the northeast shore will save us."

All around them, everyone were rushing towards the same destination, bumping and moving around both of them. Leia glanced at his wound just making sure he was okay to move. Although she only met him just moments ago, she trust he wasn't a weak person that a wound like that would kill him. She offered him the kind of expression that showed him if he needed help, she gladly lend him a hand since he did the same.

She ran ahead, paving a sizable path for Sergio to follow behind. It was harder than she thought though. Back to back with other people running, they were going slower than she imagined. Unless her intention was to push and shove and run over people, she needed the patience to speed walk instead.
Feb 4, 2013 1:21 PM

May 2010
"You're pretty darn right he wants us to move away from that. Them ships there are the White Fleet, and they don't mess around. Too think they would fire on a town with civilians in it though. Seems they haven't given up their selfish ways."

Sergio nodded to the girl and followed her as best he could through the crowd, still clutching the wound to stop the bleeding. She actually did a pretty good job pressing through the crowd while still opening a lane wide enough for him. He was taller than most of the people in the crowd, so he peeked over everyone. It seemed like everyone was starting to get stuck in a bottleneck as they headed towards the Northeast shore. They weren't going to get very far if this kept up. The screaming of the cannonballs and the explosions could still be heard. Time wasn't on their side. If they stayed in the area any longer, a cannonball would probably hit them. They needed an easier way.

Looking up, Sergio remembered his original escape plan. At this point, it may be their best chance to get out of this trap. "I've got an idea, come with me." He reached out in front of him with his clean hand and grabbed the girl's hand, pulling her to the right and pushing through perpendicular to the crowd. He took one of his pistols out with his bloody hand and started shooting up in the air in an attempt to get people's attention and get out of their way. "Excuse me folks! I need to push through here. Please don't make me shoot the gun anywhere but in the air." The two of them reached the side, stopping in front of a small one story building.

"Alright, Miss. We are goin' to plan B. If we kept waitin' to get through the crowd, we weren't goin' to make it. So I decided to go back to my original idea before things hit the fan." He knelt down and cupped his hands. "I'm goin' to give ya a boost so ya can climb up the buildin' to the roof. Then I'll climb up after. If we run across the roofline, we'll have a better view of what's ahead and an easier time gettin' to the northeast shore. Be careful of loose parts in the roofs, though. With all of the fightin', there are bound to be some weak spots. Climb up whenever you're ready."

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