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Jun 2009
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# = Active, # = Semi-active, # = Currently Inactive

#skuj [CREATOR/HEAD ADMIN] (Runs this ship)

#OtakuMadness [HEAD ADMIN] (Helps run this ship)

#Jinrou [ADMIN] (SOM Cards)
#Sugar- [ADMIN] (List Updater/Newsletter)
#Mayuka [ADMIN] (Layout Maker)
#Phraze [ADMIN] (Badges/Claims)
#SilentTruth [ADMIN] (Game Manager)

#Yorozuya-no-Yume [OFFICER] (Inviter)
#Bowie [OFFICER] (Inviter)


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OtakuMadnessNov 8, 2016 5:15 AM
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Aug 3, 2012 1:35 AM

Mar 2012

I need to know if claims and cards are dead? If they are I can help but I don't have too much time with studies, but I can do a monthly (sometimes later ;3; gomen) check and cover those who haven't received, otherwise if they aren't dead I can help by taking over claims and leaving cards to Kannei??? (It will be tough for me to do both at this time, please let me know)

Also WE NEED AFFILIATES! Search out active seiyuu clubs! :D it will help with getting members as well! x3 I will try when I have time.
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Aug 3, 2012 3:05 PM

Aug 2009

First of all, thanks a lot on monitoring the forums and even editing some :). The claim cards aren't dead (yet!), but I think Kannei is busy to take up this task for now. So one of us has to fill in for her role for the time being. I can work on the cards, but I have more faith in you guys on card making so if any of you are willing to take up the task for the time being, pls. let me know. Mayu & Yume chan, we need your take on this.

Yes, affiliates...I was thinking of using the same banner that we have of the club, but if you guys feel that a separate banner will do better for the affiliation that's fine by me as well. Just share the banner link with the rest of the admins & officers. There are a couple of seiyuus clubs at MAL that we can affiliate with.

Do you think we can opt for anime clubs as well, like Kuroko no Basuke FC? Lemme know.
Aug 7, 2012 5:31 AM

Mar 2012
Hehe no prob! Just slap me if I mess with anything too much xD
Ok cool then I'll take over claims for the time being (I'll let you know if something happens, like life xD lol) and Kannei can jump in whenever she can or wants to! and I'll leave the Seiyuu cards to her!

From what I can see, all voice actor and seiyuu (overall fanclubs) like ours, are all dead.
This seems to be the only active one! If you know any active ones, let me know xD but there are a lot of seiyuu/voice actor (centered on an individual) clubs that are alive and well! We should try to affiliate with as many as will let us! :D

As for anime clubs, they are a given! So yes! :D & a great idea!

OtakuMadnessJan 5, 2013 6:06 AM
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Jan 5, 2013 5:57 AM

Mar 2012

Ok staff, we really gotta actually start using this .... >_>'

Start by watching this thread, then we can actually use this for club discussion!

Especially admins, if you could drop a message here, you know, report in! xD haha!

Officers too onegai~!

OtakuMadnessJan 5, 2013 10:45 AM
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Jan 5, 2013 6:24 AM

Jul 2011

Well, I think it's a good idea to talk here, so everyone can see. :P

I just wanted to say I'm done with the Kamiyan cards, so whenever skuj-san is ready I can put them up. ^^

Also, I noticed this:
Kannei said:

# Jinrou [ADMIN] (LE/SE/Seiyuu Cards)

Well, I'm not making seiyuu cards anymore. I stopped making them since November, since that's what was decided~
Sorry if you didn't know it. Misunderstanding :/
That's why we'd better use this topic xD
Jan 5, 2013 6:55 AM

Mar 2012
Yaaay!! See, see! This is why I want to use this XD
Need to figure out what's what and plan events better~!

Anyway! As for the cards! skuj told me you were in-charge of them, though I didn't know about the hiatus :/ (I do know there was a delay with the holidays and everything) anyway, are you still willing to do them? I know skuj also covers them.
Is no one covering them at the mo?? O_O
I'll wait for skujs input as well~!
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Jan 5, 2013 7:38 AM

Jul 2011
No, it's not hiatus. Well, it's like I made those because everyone was busy and couldn't make them. Then, we said it would be better to share the work, so skuj-san said that she would help and also Mayu-san.
Actually, I don't think I can make them. :\
If there is really nothing we can do and no one can take them up, I'm willing to make them but I can't promise it will be fast. :\

Gomen ne~
Jan 5, 2013 7:58 AM

Aug 2009
OYA OYA!!! We are finally here. Doumou Minna san...glad we are having a discussion here FINALLY! Happy New Year first of all. Otaku chan, thanks so much for dividing responsibilities and making the forum look pretty :D (i like it!). HEARTIEST THANKS (i think I can speak for everyone here), for creating marvelous layouts for the club as well.

OK, so there has been a mix up of seiyuu cards responsibility, Again!!! ah the confusion), did I missed a conversation, coz I'm not sure we stopped making seiyuu cards. But I think with holidays and our personal commitments most of us got held up with ourtasks (including myself). Honto Gomen!

But I seriously want someone to take up the seiyuu cards (pls volunteer) or we have keep it on a hiatus for now, coz I cannot take in card making right now. Currently, I'm working on previously (really delayed) Tally cards from last year and hopefully they will be done and delivered next week. Then there is the newsletter and the updates on homepage.

I cannot give more work load to Jin chan or Otaku chan in card making (they are already handling many things) and Mayu chan is also having her own club commitments.
Mayu chan, pls lemme know howz ur current workload or send me a msg offline.
Kannei, can you also fill us in, onegai.

Jin chan, I'll get back to you about Kamiyan cards in a seperate msg, but thanks for the heads up ^.^.

I also need someone to update the (long delayed) seiyuu birthday list (pretty plsssssssssssssssss).

OFFICERS pls lend us your helping hand here and to take up some tasks now ^.^
Jan 5, 2013 10:05 AM

Jun 2009
yo guys sup :D
Jan 5, 2013 10:13 AM

Mar 2012
@Jinrou: Yeah we really need one active person to take it over and not an "when it happens, it happens and by whoever" xD & tis ok love we know chu busy :3

@skuj: Yay! Hi love! Been waiting for ya! Happy New Year! x3
Let's get this up and running neh?? ;D
& You're very welcome! Just tell me if anything is incorrect or needs attending~!

As for the Seiyuu Cards, I think you've seen I've temporally closed them? It's just until we get everything sorted out! I wish I could take em over but at the moment, I've got too much on my plate :/ Gomen.

but about the Tally, how many cards do you need to send out for last year?? Depending, maybe I can help half the work load????

Ok so we need someone to help keep updated both the Seiyuu Fanlisting and Seiyuu Birthday List

@Kannei: Hello, hello! x'D Thanks for reporting in! I see skuj added a few things after I left, if you have any input?? :3
OtakuMadnessJan 5, 2013 10:27 AM
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Jan 5, 2013 10:22 AM

Jun 2009
soo tally is done by who ???
and seiyuu carfds are closed right -i can take over again-
Jan 5, 2013 10:24 AM

Mar 2012
@Kannei: I'm currently running the Tally at the moment :3
As for Seiyuu Cards if you could take them up again that would be perfect! Since we have no one on them at the moment~!!! ;3;
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Jan 5, 2013 12:28 PM

Jun 2009
got it i take them over again ;D
Jan 5, 2013 4:36 PM

Aug 2009
@OtakuMadness: Ahh! so sweet of you to ask love, layout's perfect ^.^ I think I can handle the Tally for Aug, Sep and Oct months. If you can take up the Tally for Nov & Dec that'll be great. In case you need the graphic format lemme know. The cards have to be sent to all the members who voted.

@Kannei: Phew!!! I'm so relieved that you volunteered for the seiyuu cards...thanks a bunch ^o^

I think seiyuu fanlisting is something that any of us can update as and when we find more fanlisting links, but yes birthday list is a priority. I can update the first few months and here is the birthday listing info, in case someone wants to take up this task -

Oh yeah, we are going to have Valentine SE in Feb and Kana Hanazawa will be our SOM for Feb. Any one else wants to volunteer for Valentine special/SE. Jin chan is already in ^.^ and we might have some YAOI cards in the SE as its a couple theme (I hope u guys are cool with BL).

Do you guys think we should have a choice poll for Valentine to decide our AOM (anime of the month) for Feb? And Durarara will be our AOM for Jan ^^
skujJan 5, 2013 4:47 PM
Jan 5, 2013 5:44 PM

May 2011
Say, just curious, who's SOM for this month? I'm hoping for Mizuki Nana here, though I won't mind anyone else.

@skuj: I think we should have poll for Valentine, just to make sure any members here will satisfied by the results.
Jan 5, 2013 8:28 PM

Jun 2009
@skuj no Problem :)
All done and thread reopend ~~
Jan 6, 2013 4:53 AM

Jul 2011
@SilentTruth, Kamiyan is our SOM. He's also on the layout xD
Jan 6, 2013 5:39 AM

May 2011
Jinrou said:
@SilentTruth, Kamiyan is our SOM. He's also on the layout xD

AH yeah, forget to check that out. Well, it's time for boys turn.
Jan 7, 2013 12:43 PM

Aug 2009
@SilentTruth: Thanks for filling us in about the valentine choice poll.

So I'll create a choice poll for Valentine special anime ^.^.

Jin chan and Mayu chan...this a heads up for you as Valentine card SE. Valentine choice poll will let you know which anime will be most LOVED by the members ^o^

Everyone, opinion plssssss... Shall we conduct choice polls for OP and ED anime of the year or simply create the polling? I did polling last year as well, but just in case members want their fave to be their in the polls, I though of going with choice polls first. I know there can be many fave songs out there but we have to restrict this to just five (again). So shall I create choice polls for OP and ED as well ?
Jan 7, 2013 12:48 PM

Mar 2012
@skuj: Ok np I'll do Nov & Dec then~!! :3
& That's ok, I can just make up a new template! Unless you would prefer I keep using the old one??? Then I don't mind :3
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Jan 7, 2013 1:06 PM

Jul 2011
Yare yare, and here I was ready to release all my yaoi love for Valentine's. T.T
Okay, I'm joking, it's up to the members, after all. It's about what they'd like ne~

Eto...I know 5 is too few, but we can't help it. I mean, everyone can like every song in every anime they've watched. :P
So, I'd say choice polls ^^
Jan 9, 2013 2:44 PM

Aug 2009
@Otakumadeness: Thanks for the update, I am working on Aug, Sep & Oct tally cards right now. There is no general format, I just like the template I was using thats why. Go ahead and use your template if you have made one as long as the text format remains the same. For example: "Most mentioned/loved Seiyuu chara of Yusa Kouji" and then display the most voted character and its name. Simple ne! ;)

@Jinrou: The Yaoi choices are in :D and there are two of them (grins!) Vote away ~ if you want them to be the V-day winner ♥. Oh yeah, its up to the card makers to include a fave (romantic) character or seiyuu as a bonus card ~~

Choice polls it is!!! People keep bringing up "5", of course we have to listen to everyone's choice so five is a gud restriction (after all we have 250+ members to listen to...) ^.^
Jan 10, 2013 4:10 AM

May 2011
Says, just wondering, can we conduct yuri couple as well? Just to be fair though.
Jan 10, 2013 4:59 AM

Mar 2012
@skuj: Ok~! I will go with the flow! I'll make something new but stick with the basic idea, so can you link me to an image of the template you use? So I can see how it looks?? Onegai~!
I'll also link you the new one I make so you can approve it, if you like :3 ??

@SilentTruth: I agree, I love my yaoi~! but gotta be fair to the yuri fans too ;]
OtakuMadnessJan 10, 2013 5:02 AM
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Jan 10, 2013 5:24 PM

Aug 2011

I have a question about the birthdays, you want me to do just for people that signed up for newsletter and staff or others too?
Jan 10, 2013 8:27 PM

Aug 2009
Yui chan, I know I asked you to skick to just newsletter subscribers of our club besides the staff, coz its going to be a lot of work for you >.< (card making for all members I mean). Do you think you can handle this much work? Also I wanted to ask if you can make birthday cards with seiyuu themes (cool promotion for our club as well). Lemme know ^.^

Otaku chan, I will send you the template to get an idea of the Tally cards I am making.

Woh! Yuri too... (sorry I'm not aware of good Yuri animes) With so much romance, I think we should get bombarded with chocs in return at least ;). Well, go ahead and cast your votes people and make sure your choice wins :D...
Jan 10, 2013 11:23 PM

May 2011
skuj said:
Yui chan, I know I asked you to skick to just newsletter subscribers of our club besides the staff, coz its going to be a lot of work for you >.< (card making for all members I mean). Do you think you can handle this much work? Also I wanted to ask if you can make birthday cards with seiyuu themes (cool promotion for our club as well). Lemme know ^.^

Otaku chan, I will send you the template to get an idea of the Tally cards I am making.

Woh! Yuri too... (sorry I'm not aware of good Yuri animes) With so much romance, I think we should get bombarded with chocs in return at least ;). Well, go ahead and cast your votes people and make sure your choice wins :D...

As for Yuri section, maybe we should do it on White day in March, just to make sure of it. Well, I mean Yaoi is for Valentine, so to be fair enough Yuri for White day. How's that sound?
Jan 11, 2013 12:43 PM

Aug 2009
hmmm the white day...the thought did crossed my mind, but I'm not sure how many members are aware of it. We can focus on it, but lets see how the response for the V-day choice poll comes in ^.^. Its a cool idea, we can go with it and maybe mix and match with Yaoi as well. What say everyone, although its still two months away so we can discuss about this...other admins/officers pls tell us ur opinion about "white day" celebration :).

@SilentTruth: Would you like to take up the responsibility of updating the Seiyuu bday list forum or help us out with it? We really want officers also to take up some work load.
Jan 11, 2013 2:01 PM

Jul 2011
I don't even know what white day is, but I've been hearing it a lot. xDD
Anyway, I believe that everyone is allowed to vote whatever they want. It's not like we forbid them to vote yuri for Valentine's. x'D
Aaand I don't know any yuri/shoujo ai anime either, except for Aoi Hana...>.>
Well, if you want to include yuri, I'm fine with it, just don't make it only yuri~
Jan 11, 2013 6:00 PM

Aug 2011

The cards aren't hard to make doesn't take longer than 5 mins, It's just remembering to send them, I wouldn't have problems sending to all members, just it will take sometime organizing all the birthdays.

when you say seiyuu themes, you mean like for the seiyuu of the month or just any?
Jan 12, 2013 12:34 PM

Aug 2009
@yui_iwisawa: Yui chan, phew... glad to know that they it wont be too much for you ^^, yeah organizing birthday list is a big task. That's why I wanted to stick to just subscribed members for now, but its your call, as long as you can manage send the cards to other members as well.

Seiyuu themes means any seiyuu pic in the birthday card and you can send in ur fave seiyuu pic cards as well ^.^

@Jinrou: I agree with "everyone vote" part, yeah let the member votes decide if the choice will be straight/BL/GL ;). I think I will keep the discussion on white day on hold for now. If anyone else wanna share opinion go ahead. Do not worry Jin chan, we cater to all genres :D, so lets see how the voting goes :).

And I'm still waiting for volunteers on Seiyuu Birthday list update.

@Otakumadness: Otaku dear, I'm done with Tally cards till Dec and will be sending out the cards soon (ah!!! the relief). So if you haven't started working Nov/Dec tally, then pls go ahead with the Jan ones (sorry, I just kept making the cards and finished the task ^.^). I will be sending you the format soon too.
Jan 13, 2013 3:32 PM

May 2011
skuj said:
hmmm the white day...the thought did crossed my mind, but I'm not sure how many members are aware of it. We can focus on it, but lets see how the response for the V-day choice poll comes in ^.^. Its a cool idea, we can go with it and maybe mix and match with Yaoi as well. What say everyone, although its still two months away so we can discuss about this...other admins/officers pls tell us ur opinion about "white day" celebration :).

@SilentTruth: Would you like to take up the responsibility of updating the Seiyuu bday list forum or help us out with it? We really want officers also to take up some work load.

Ehh, I don't know if I can take responsibility of such thing, but I'll see what I can do about seiyuu b'day. I'm keeping finger cross here. As for yuri part, yeah, it's good thoughts there. Let's just see what will happen on v-day first.
Jan 13, 2013 3:34 PM

May 2011
Jinrou said:
I don't even know what white day is, but I've been hearing it a lot. xDD
Anyway, I believe that everyone is allowed to vote whatever they want. It's not like we forbid them to vote yuri for Valentine's. x'D
Aaand I don't know any yuri/shoujo ai anime either, except for Aoi Hana...>.>
Well, if you want to include yuri, I'm fine with it, just don't make it only yuri~

Well, white day was very common in Japan (I don't know about USA though), so if you haven't heard much of it, it's okay. I also lack knowledge about this day too.
Jan 14, 2013 4:02 PM

Mar 2012
@skuj: Wow gurl you're on a roll xD I'll just concentrate on Jan then :'D

P.S. & Yes~! Please do link me a template when ya can :3

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Jan 16, 2013 1:28 PM

Jun 2011
Yo, minna xD
As for the seiyuu B-day, I started doing it a while ago, though it didn't progress so well (I also had quite much cardwork so xP), so maybe SilentTruth and I could devide the job?

As for the white day, I know it's a month after the Valentine's day and it's when guys who received chocolate on the Valentine's day need to buy a present for the girl who gave them the chocolate... or something like this xD

And making the OP & ED polls is also a good idea (though it's going to be hard to choose xP).
Jan 16, 2013 6:55 PM

May 2011
Heiwajima_Mayu said:
Yo, minna xD
As for the seiyuu B-day, I started doing it a while ago, though it didn't progress so well (I also had quite much cardwork so xP), so maybe SilentTruth and I could devide the job?

As for the white day, I know it's a month after the Valentine's day and it's when guys who received chocolate on the Valentine's day need to buy a present for the girl who gave them the chocolate... or something like this xD

And making the OP & ED polls is also a good idea (though it's going to be hard to choose xP).

Good idea. I think that should work in our favor.
Jan 23, 2013 5:21 AM

Jun 2009
@skuj: Im making Right now inbetween Checks on your votings take a look if you like

on the 31st im closing all and putting all stuff in a thread too make it easier too keep the overview

out of ten per category they can choose 3 / open till 20th february and then just i think the top 3 per thread deserve cards will open on 25th of february if thats okay with u
Jan 23, 2013 2:01 PM

Aug 2009
Kannei dear...awesome job on handling the "in between checks" part in the choice polls threads (that didn't even strike my mind LOL!), but that's how it should be done. Yes, the top 10 ones will be in our polls and the ones who come in top 3 positions will be our winners. I think we need to change the deadline date for picking the 3 winners, because sometimes people only vote when the newsletter is out (unless we send out a special announcement that the polls will be closing on 20th feb or something like that...). I'll try to send NL early, but cant promise anything coz I have personal commitments as well :(. So let's keep the deadline till 25 feb and then announce the winners & post the card templates. Does that sound OK?

Jin chan, you have to make cards of top 3 winners of each poll, except for OP & ED polls. Oh yeah, Mayu chan and Kannei I hope you guys can make Valentine winner cards as well:). As of now, I think Yaoi winners are Junjou and Sekaiichi :D. Looks like other winning ones will be - Kimi ni Todoke, Kimi to Boku, Lovely Complex, Toradora, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Inu Boku SS...ahhhh!

Minna san, the newsletter is delivered phew! thoughts pls, what should be done about the OP & ED winners? Shall we have cards of the groups/singers who sang those OPs/EDs, or shall we again focus the anime cards for the winning OSTs? Onegaishimasu!!!
Jan 23, 2013 2:49 PM

Jun 2009
@skuj: fine by me :)

I will make cards for all the winners of the Votings and Valantine ~~
Jan 26, 2013 6:26 PM

Aug 2009
@Kannei: OKAY!!! R u kidding me, u blew off the roof :D...I'm at a loss of words here and boy u r quick. Now I think we can definetly announce the Valentine special on Feb1st. And I'm cool with the rules too, there are so many to choose from so I'm sure members will have a hard time choosing (even I'm debating on which one to choose... LOL!). Now we have to wait what surprises Jinchan will bring in ^.^

@Jinrou: Jin chan I hope checking out the V-day results and I'm holding my breath for the surpise you'll bring in :D

Otaku chan...mushi mushi!!! We need your thoughts as well ^.^

skuj said:
what should be done about the OP & ED winners? Shall we have cards of the groups/singers who sang those OPs/EDs, or shall we again focus the anime cards for the winning OSTs? Onegaishimasu!!!

Minna...pls tell me soon>.<, so that Kannei & Jin chan can start working on the poll winners as well.
Jan 27, 2013 2:07 AM

Jun 2009
xD glad u like them ~~
Jan 27, 2013 4:07 AM

Jul 2011
So the Valentine SE will open on 1st Feb? Then I'll start making them~ *.*

Hmm...Since we will make cards for the favorite anime, I would like to see bands/singers for the OP/ED. ^^
JinrouJan 27, 2013 4:31 AM
Jan 27, 2013 4:50 AM

Jun 2011
Ah, ok, I'll also try to finish them by then xD

As for the OP & ED cards, hmmm... any would be fine with me, but it might be a problem to find good pictures of some of the artists, so maybe we should concenrate on the anime again... dunno...
Jan 27, 2013 9:30 AM

Jun 2011
Valentine SE

Post limit: #20 (or #22-23 at most, I'll see xD)
Members: 3
Staff: 6
Participants: As many as wanted
The name shouldn't be longer than 14 characters since it probably won't fit on most cards...
The delivery might be late.
Jan 27, 2013 9:52 AM

Jul 2011
Mayu-san, great cards as always. :3


Members/Staff: 4
Participants: 6
Post Limit: #18
Some of the cards will probably look better with a short name~

Jan 28, 2013 6:40 AM

Jun 2011
Thanks :3
And I absolutely love yours x333
And Kannei's cards, as well ^^
(can't wait to request xD)
Jan 31, 2013 2:36 AM

Jun 2009
thx ;D

Anyways Closed the Old Votings OPend the New One
sended out the Newsletters and updated the List

Jan 31, 2013 4:52 AM

May 2011
Anyway, can I say something? I notice all the seiyuu that we're going to voted are all boys. No offense but can we do woman section as well?
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