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Jan 2, 2013 12:37 AM

Aug 2012
waalex11 said:
shit just got real!

I couldn't resist ):
Jan 2, 2013 12:37 AM
Nov 2010
I watched this
Jan 2, 2013 1:03 AM

Aug 2011
someone kicked me between my legs...
Jan 2, 2013 1:46 AM

Sep 2012
Weaving through a carpark and kicking shin against a tow bar.
Jan 2, 2013 2:08 AM

Jun 2012
I remember withdrawals made my head feel like it was bleeding on the inside, and like I was constantly falling in every direction at once. (I can't explain it any other way than the feeling of falling, it feels like your conscious is separate from your body and spinning around and being pulled in all directions) It felt like there was liquid moving around in my head, and my entire body hurt really bad, especially my head, and a lot through a "I'm extremely nauseous, barely conscious, feel extremely bad/weird, I'm going crazy and I'm extremely scared" kind of way.

Back when I used to skate, on multiple occasions I've landed after trying something down stairs with my board facing vertically in between my legs, hitting my gooch really hard. (Which I think is more painful than a similar direct hit to your nuts, because your nuts have give, your gooch just doesn't. This is not nearly as bad as a lot of pain I can imagine, but it's the only thing that comes to mind. I don't have any kind of painful experience to memorable.

Also had something that weighed over 200lbs land on my foot once.
CazeJan 2, 2013 2:19 AM
Jan 2, 2013 2:16 AM

Apr 2009
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Jan 2, 2013 2:24 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
DoctorDoom said:
MellowJello said:
DesolateOne said:
Broken heart due to a bitch.

That and having my wisdom teeth removed without taking pain killers immediately after.

The pain.


When they took out the ones on the right side of my mouth, the doctor fucked up the painkiller injection in my upper jaw. Since my face did feel like it was started to numb (my lower jaw and part of my cheek) I didn't notice until he started pulling and I realized that I. felt. every. thing.

I was lucky with my wisdom teeth. I got nitrous'd and an IV so I was extremely out.
It was the week after the surgery that was hell.

I still haven't removed any of my 4 wisdom teeth.
I had them since 5-6th grade. :P Dont see any reason to remove them. Do they start hurting?

As for the answer to the question, I had a tooth growing on the roof of my mouth.
Removing it hurt like hell, although i was supposedly given a huge painkiller injection (which hurt like hell in itself)
Jan 2, 2013 2:27 AM

Sep 2011
Got a serious heartache all of a sudden before. Can't figure out why was that happened to me.

Jan 2, 2013 2:31 AM

Mar 2012
Hidden_Joker said:
I still haven't removed any of my 4 wisdom teeth.
I had them since 5-6th grade. :P Dont see any reason to remove them. Do they start hurting?

You're one of the lucky few, then.
Wisdom teeth have a habit of growing in all sorts of fucked-up, which is why most people get theirs yanked. Two of mine were growing genuinely sideways, into my other molars.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 2:32 AM

Aug 2012
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
DoctorDoom said:
MellowJello said:
DesolateOne said:
Broken heart due to a bitch.

That and having my wisdom teeth removed without taking pain killers immediately after.

The pain.


When they took out the ones on the right side of my mouth, the doctor fucked up the painkiller injection in my upper jaw. Since my face did feel like it was started to numb (my lower jaw and part of my cheek) I didn't notice until he started pulling and I realized that I. felt. every. thing.

I was lucky with my wisdom teeth. I got nitrous'd and an IV so I was extremely out.
It was the week after the surgery that was hell.

I still haven't removed any of my 4 wisdom teeth.
I had them since 5-6th grade. :P Dont see any reason to remove them. Do they start hurting?

Sometimes nothing happens and you don't need to remove them. The other times they grow sideways ("impacted teeth") and start wrecking all sorts of shit up with your mouth. Dentists recommend removing them anyway. For the moniez.

Be prepared for pain if you do need to remove them. It's the kind of pain that won't let you pass out.
Jan 2, 2013 2:33 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
Hidden_Joker said:
I still haven't removed any of my 4 wisdom teeth.
I had them since 5-6th grade. :P Dont see any reason to remove them. Do they start hurting?

You're one of the lucky few, then.
Wisdom teeth have a habit of growing in all sorts of fucked-up, which is why most people get theirs yanked. Two of mine were growing genuinely sideways, into my other molars.

Ah is that so? Then I am indeed lucky. Although because of the wisdom teeth, the gums behind my molars look swollen.
Jan 2, 2013 3:18 AM

Oct 2012
Tavor said:
Itermin8rX said:
When I took a dump and found out there was no toilet paper.
Worst. Pain. Ever.

Your husbando Slenderman couldn't have brought you some toilet paper out of the blue? What a scumbag.

Though, maybe it was because you had the lights on, instead off, with a flashlight on hand.

He's probably still mad at taking his artwork from the woods. Oh well, he will get over it eventually.
Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
Jan 2, 2013 3:48 AM

May 2011
Busted the back of my head open and sat in the emergencey room for about 14 hours with a concussion and the back of my head bleeding. By time the doctor got to me my head had already began to scab so they couldn't give me fucking stiches and they just sent me home... I was also about 8-9 years old at the time.
*Cringey anime weeb stuff*
Jan 2, 2013 4:06 AM

Oct 2012
When it comes to physical pain, the worst that I've experienced was in a fairly serious car crash.

I was behind the wheel of a car, not wearing a seatbelt and I hit a tree head on at what was estimated to be about 90-100kph (roughly 55mph). My memory of the whole event is basically as follows:

I remember the car leaving the road and bouncing around over a few bumps, seeing this humongous tree directly in front of the car. I remember gripping the steering wheel tight and gritting my teeth, then right before the impact screaming/yelling at the top of my voice.

I went black right there and never felt the initial impact. I don't remember the hit or anything between there and the car being stationary.

I woke up with my head in the passenger side footwell, my back pressed up against the passenger door and my feet lying out across the seat towards the drivers side of the vehicle. I had a split second where I thought to myself "Huh? I'm not dead?" and then there was an instant, bright and searing pain that shot through my body, coming from my right leg. It was so intense that a few seconds after that, I had lost all sensation of pain and instead everything was a slow motion numbness. I'm guessing this may have been a combination of shock and adrenaline at this point.

After this, I reached up behind me and opened the passenger door. As I was leaning against it, it opened and I fell out backwards onto the ground. The other interesting thing I noticed at this point, was that I had barely any vision at all. I had no sense of direction or location and felt like I couldn't see anything - (but not in the sense of being blinded or anything like that). I crawled away from the car, no idea for how long or how far and then just lay on my back. The vision thing was really strange. I could see, but wasn't able to comprehend my surroundings. It was as if the pain was so intense that my body was turning down my senses so as to reduce the amount that I was able to feel it.

When people started to arrive, I was aware of their presence, but wasn't able to directly pinpoint where they were or how many were around me. I could hear that they were talking, but wasn't able to understand what was being said. When the paramedics arrived and began working on me, it was much the same. I was aware that they were talking directly to me, but I wasn't able to interpret the words. It all just sounded like mush. I could see their hands, but nothing beyond the wrist. I was able to identify which hands were which and knew they belonged to the paramedics, but couldn't actually decipher what my eyes were seeing beyond what was directly in front of my face.

I was put on morphine and taken to the hospital. It was about 48 hours before I began to regain complete consciousness and get back to normal comprehension. All things considered, I wasn't actually injured that badly. I had a badly sprained ankle and knee and some very deep lacerations on the same leg, broken glass in my forehead from hitting the windscreen, glass in my back, some more superficial cuts on my arms and shoulders, as well as various bruises. I was in a wheelchair for about 4-5 days, then on crutches for another 2 weeks or so.

The way my body reacted to the pain was so bizarre and unexpected. Through those moments immediately following the impact, I didn't actually feel like I was suffering at all. It might sound like a strange thing to say, but as terrible as it all was, it was also one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced.
leothedrummerJan 2, 2013 4:09 AM
Jan 2, 2013 4:29 AM

Dec 2012
getting hit in the nuts with a soccer ball dam that hurt
Jan 2, 2013 4:41 AM

Sep 2012
Complx said:
getting hit in the nuts with a soccer ball dam that hurt

You just reminded me of another event. Middle of PE class i experimented by placing a tennis ball on top of a basketball and dropping both at the same time. The tennis ball gained extra velocity through the bounce of the basketball and went straight for my jewels. That shit was atomic pain.
Jan 2, 2013 4:44 AM

Mar 2012
You lot talking about being struck in the testicles must not go outside much or do anything too far out of the ordinary.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 4:46 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
You lot talking about being struck in the testicles must not go outside much or do anything too far out of the ordinary.

LOL exactly.'s just that Im used to getting hit in the sack.
It was sort of an informal greeting between all the boys in my class.
so when we hang out, it would look like
Jan 2, 2013 4:48 AM

Mar 2012
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
You lot talking about being struck in the testicles must not go outside much or do anything too far out of the ordinary.

LOL exactly.'s just that Im used to getting hit in the sack.
It was sort of an informal greeting between all the boys in my class.
so when we hang out, it would look like
Right on.

I get that it hurts, but it's a universal pain and it sure as hell doesn't make for an interesting story.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 4:56 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
You lot talking about being struck in the testicles must not go outside much or do anything too far out of the ordinary.

LOL exactly.'s just that Im used to getting hit in the sack.
It was sort of an informal greeting between all the boys in my class.
so when we hang out, it would look like
Right on.

I get that it hurts, but it's a universal pain and it sure as hell doesn't make for an interesting story.

Yup. Every man has been hit in the sack one way or the other. :D
Jan 2, 2013 5:08 AM

Oct 2012
1. fell down in deep drain, blood everywhere.
2. scratch my stomach against a tree because I tried to reach a tree house. ( of course because I fell down again, with scar eventually.
3. my friend accidentally threw a pencil box on my forehead, my school uniform a little soaked with blood, with scar again.
4. currently, depression ( I guess this is the most hurtful pain I've ever experienced.)
Jan 2, 2013 5:09 AM

Mar 2012
iamokay000 said:
blood everywhere, soaked with blood

See, this is what we want to hear.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 5:10 AM

Oct 2012
and of course, as a female, period pain.
Jan 2, 2013 5:11 AM

Mar 2012
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 5:12 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.

Im guessing what she said just equals the female equivalent of a male's getting hit in the balls pain.
Jan 2, 2013 5:12 AM

Oct 2012
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.

LOL, sorry? :)
Jan 2, 2013 5:13 AM

Mar 2012
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.

Im guessing what she said just equals the female equivalent of a male's getting hit in the balls pain.

I know, but periods are gross, dude.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 5:14 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.

Im guessing what she said just equals the female equivalent of a male's getting hit in the balls pain.

I know, but periods are gross, dude.

LOL well, it's not like they can help it can they? ahaha
Jan 2, 2013 5:16 AM

Oct 2012
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.

Im guessing what she said just equals the female equivalent of a male's getting hit in the balls pain.

I know, but periods are gross, dude.

LOL well, it's not like they can help it can they? ahaha

THANK YOU for being understanding
Jan 2, 2013 5:18 AM

Mar 2012
iamokay000 said:
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.

Im guessing what she said just equals the female equivalent of a male's getting hit in the balls pain.

I know, but periods are gross, dude.

LOL well, it's not like they can help it can they? ahaha

THANK YOU for being understanding
Nobody ever understands my humor.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 5:19 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
Hidden_Joker said:
Negative-Travis said:
iamokay000 said:
and of course, as a female, period pain.
You've just ruined everything.

Im guessing what she said just equals the female equivalent of a male's getting hit in the balls pain.

I know, but periods are gross, dude.

LOL well, it's not like they can help it can they? ahaha

THANK YOU for being understanding
Nobody ever understand my humor.

Now I feel bad for not understanding humor.
Jan 2, 2013 5:22 AM

Oct 2010
Soccer.. my balls.. enuf said. Worst pain ever.

I usually getting numb at most of the time.. so I don't really feel 'pain'.
As some other mentioned here "depression" I been through it.. I wouldn't really call it pain, just more being down, but I managed to change depression into a way that I can enjoy life.
It's called a sadist.
Jan 2, 2013 5:24 AM

Mar 2012
Hyack said:
Soccer.. my balls.. enuf said. Worst pain ever.
No, it isn't.

I managed to change depression into a way that I can enjoy life.
It's called a sadist.
How does that even work?
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 5:25 AM

Oct 2012
Hyack said:
I wouldn't really call it pain, just more being down, but I managed to change depression into a way that I can enjoy life.
It's called a sadist.

Are you sure you don't mean masochism?
Jan 2, 2013 5:25 AM

Mar 2012
leothedrummer said:
Hyack said:
I wouldn't really call it pain, just more being down, but I managed to change depression into a way that I can enjoy life.
It's called a sadist.

Are you sure you don't mean masochism?

My thoughts exactly.
I'm dead. Don't come looking for me.
Jan 2, 2013 5:25 AM

Aug 2012
Negative-Travis said:
Hyack said:
Soccer.. my balls.. enuf said. Worst pain ever.
No, it isn't.

I managed to change depression into a way that I can enjoy life.
It's called a sadist.
How does that even work?

LOL another balls comment.

And..I dont mean to be offensive, I dont get...depression.
Nothing really fazes me so I dont get depressed that often.
Jan 2, 2013 5:31 AM

Oct 2010
Negative-Travis said:
Hyack said:
Soccer.. my balls.. enuf said. Worst pain ever.
No, it isn't.

I was kid, back then my sensitive was a bit higher.

Negative-Travis said:

I managed to change depression into a way that I can enjoy life.
It's called a sadist.
How does that even work?

Enjoy other people's pain and their depression. If it isn't enough for you, just spill some of your own depression to make them feel worse. But for me it feels so good when people are terrible down and I'm not the cause of it. (By the way, most of my target are people I don't like, or who actually deserved it to be punished)

I do help some people out of depression, but those are my friends or some people who actually deserve not being depressed.
Jan 2, 2013 5:32 AM

Oct 2012
Hidden_Joker said:
And..I dont mean to be offensive, I dont get...depression.
Nothing really fazes me so I dont get depressed that often.

Nothing offensive there at all. What you're speaking of is perfectly normal. Depression goes beyond a feeling or emotional level - it is an actual medical condition, a chemical imbalance. It's somewhat fair to call it a sickness. It isn't something that comes from sadness or the like, it's just something that is.

So not understanding is just fine - be thankful for that! :)
Jan 2, 2013 5:34 AM

Oct 2012
Hyack said:
Negative-Travis said:
Hyack said:
Soccer.. my balls.. enuf said. Worst pain ever.
No, it isn't.

I was kid, back then my sensitive was a bit higher.

Negative-Travis said:

I managed to change depression into a way that I can enjoy life.
It's called a sadist.
How does that even work?

Enjoy other people's pain and their depression. If it isn't enough for you, just spill some of your own depression to make them feel worse. But for me it feels so good when people are terrible down and I'm not the cause of it. (By the way, most of my target are people I don't like, or who actually deserved it to be punished)

I do help some people out of depression, but those are my friends or some people who actually deserve not being depressed.

You actually do mean sadism, my mistake. I can't really see how that will benefit you in the long run, but we are all individuals. Do whatever it is that is best for you.
Jan 2, 2013 5:39 AM

Jun 2011
Jumping off the balcony. But that happened when I was 4, so I don't remember shit about the pain.
Jan 2, 2013 5:40 AM

Nov 2011
When I was a kid I was stung multiple times on my right hand by bees. I was opening a gate that had dozens on bees buzzing around the latch for some reason and it was night so I couldn't see shit. I probably experienced more painful stuff as a teen and adult but this incident always stuck with me more because I was so young then.
The Art of Eight
Jan 2, 2013 5:46 AM

Aug 2012
Ah! I also remembered one too.
I was doing volleyball training in a gym (not the one with the wooden floors, but the ones with the styrofoam type floors).
We were doing explosive running training.
During the practice, I suddenly felt my foot sliding over the floor too unnaturally fast as I took off running. I looked at my foot and saw a huge flab of skin hanging off the side of my foot. The skin on the sole of my foot had come off entirely.

now THAT in itself didnt hurt much, but I had to disinfect the wound, so they had to pour rubbing alcohol on the wound. Now that was extreme pain.
Jan 2, 2013 5:48 AM

Oct 2010
leothedrummer said:
You actually do mean sadism, my mistake. I can't really see how that will benefit you in the long run, but we are all individuals. Do whatever it is that is best for you.

By the way.. I love this thread.
Jan 2, 2013 6:21 AM
Jan 2013
when i was younger i was in the swing, and in the front of the swing was our car's trailer (idk is that even a right word to it...well anyways) somehow when i was swinging my legs got under it and it ripped my skin off from my knees. There was lots of blood and it hurted like hell, i was just sitting in the ground and shouting mom : DDD
Jan 2, 2013 6:58 AM

Jun 2009
The heartache from when she rejected me...

No but really, a motherfucking toothache. I've broken my right arm before, but nothing compares to the toothache I had last year. I thought it wouldn't get bad if I simply left it, but jesus was I wrong. It had me getting out of bed at 4 in the morning and run to the store, to try find random products to help. I was extremely tempted to just try pull it out myself, because my dentist appointment was too long away.

I've just gotten my first wisdom tooth completely come through, so I'm hoping the others follow suit and do not fuck up.
TrapaliciousJan 2, 2013 7:01 AM
Jan 2, 2013 8:59 AM
Jul 2008
Kidney pain from infection. Sharp as hell and 4-5 seconds long in intervals of every 2-3 minute for 20 minutes.
I thought I was gonna die. Literally can't breathe because every breath makes the pain even sharper.

They compare this pain to childbirth. I want kids. щ(ಥДಥщ)
Jan 2, 2013 9:17 AM

Jul 2012
annmaryjay said:
daintybiscuit said:
LolitaDecay said:
I had a kidney infection once and I actually thought I was going to die.

lol me too. was in college. had a UTI and thought "Ill be fine!"

my big one is gastric bypass. they make you have a teeny tiny little pouch of a stomach (i had some emotional probs and dealt with it by eating)

the pain was unreal. narcotic patches and morphine pump did NOTHING. I just white knuckled the whole thing and finally got home. pain or not, home is always better.

it was so intense i hallucinated half the time. I thought I had found a mathematical formula that explained the entire presence of the universe.


Was it an open surgery or a laparoscopy? We just started scopic gastric bypasses this year at the hospital and those people don't have much pain after the surgery o.O

I've never broken anything so my biggest pain is quite lame. First four times I had sex I almost fainted because of the pain. Damn you hymen!

lol@hymen! i'm sure it sucked for you, but on a post its funny
yes i had it laproscopy-ily. can't really say why it was SO painful after your info, but i can't imagine being opened up wide. OWW.
Jan 2, 2013 9:51 AM

Dec 2011
The constant stomachaches I had during 12th grade/first year of college.
Jan 2, 2013 11:06 AM

Apr 2011
An ant bit the tip of my penis. That was not a good experience.
Jan 2, 2013 11:07 AM

Sep 2012
MitsukiHimeka said:
The constant stomachaches I had during 12th grade/first year of college.
Sounds rough.
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