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Jul 29, 2012 5:28 PM

Sep 2008
Adam's eyes had widen from Blue's capabilities. It was amazing that even with two more people jumping in, in the end, numbers didn't matter. He just sweeped away all theirs attacks like it was nothing. Clearly, everyone underestimated him. Adam had gotten up and was about to jump in until he froze, hearing Blue call out some sort of attack. Fear had covered his heart as well as guilt. Fear for the obvious reason of death, guilt because he felt like he started the fight. If he hadn't tried to "help" the thief, this wouldn't have happened or at least not by Adam. Although, even with mixed feelings. He kept a straight, courageous face as if he was ready for anything.

Standing there, he tried to keep his distance from the attack. Maybe there was a chance for an opening. Maybe he could use Alex's broken piece as a weapon or distraction or something! He had to think of something and fast. That was, until, all of a sudden a large bang took the field. Trying to see where the noise came from, Adam followed the sound but couldn't see anything. Then, as he turned his directions back to Blue, he saw something that looked like gold and Blue with a wound, a fatal wound. Adam didn't understand. The other man shoot three bullets but nothing happened yet, one bullet went through. Adam had no clue who that could've been but he wasn't exactly gonna ignore it as he would keep it on the back of his mind. Who did it and why? Not wanting to think to much of it, he tapped his right toes on the ground.

"Alright, i think it went something like this..."

In an instant, Adam had crashed right on Daisuke with incredible speed which can only be achieved by using Soru. Unfortunately, Adam never used it before and had little control. Although, it was amazing on how he picked it up just by observing it once.

"Ow...Oi... Sorry..."

Picking himself up, he rubbed his head. It wasn't a fun fall although having a human as cushion made it less painful. He then saw Alex try to past the sword to whoever wanted it. Starring at it, Adam was amazed of its powers. It was tempting but he didn't want to take someone else's heirloom. It seemed kinda... Wrong.

"Meh, I don't want it"

He then looked around to se the rest of the group who had participated in the fight. Without them and their distractions, he would've died. It was thanks to them that he was still alive, at this very moment.

"Thank you all for your help. It was greatly appreciated"

He bowed down with respect for everyone's aid. It was the least he could do. Raising back up, he looked right at Ringer, with sparkling eyes. This man, was able to help him out...
"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." ~ Kakashi Hatake
Jul 29, 2012 5:44 PM

Jun 2009
Hearing the girls voice say something about a pill and taking a few minutes the rest was all a blur. Later on when Herain woke up his wasn't in any unbearable pain but the rubble was still a problem so he reached over his abdomen and with a few minutes of straining he finally got the semi-huge piece of rubble off his left arm. Astonished by what seemed like a miracle to him he flexed his hand and rotated his arm. What on earth happened... Then a sharp pain rippled through his head. He suddenly remembered the voice that had helped him and then the face of the bastard that had leveled the place around him.

"Tch.... if I ever see that bastard again I swear I'll kick his ass...." he said as he started to get up but realized that his legs were still pinned. "Dammit all to hell!" he screamed lifting the boulder up just enough to get his legs out before releasing it causing the ground to shudder a bit. "Stupid piece of shit" he muttered to himself as he started walking away from the base the man's face all but fading from his memory as he trudged off towards area 70 where he planned on occupying an empty hotel room for the night.
No matter what blade you possess, it is impossible to cut a single flower that blooms in the wilderness that has become my home. ~Unknown
Jul 29, 2012 5:52 PM

Jan 2012
"What the hell was i doing"

In the middle of area 70, Rose was still limping with her flesh wound, still bleeding from
the explosion. She then stopped by a building to sit down and catch her breath. She thought to herself...

"They were real pirates, and im pretty sure they wouldn't let anyone get in their way. I'm not even a real pirate if i can be down this fast. Tsk"

She fliched from the pain, not knowing what to do, she got up.

"Guess there's nothing to do but keep walking"

She looked up to notice that its getting dark and started limping toward area 20,trying to make it to fork.D heart's appearence.
If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! — Eren Yaeger
Jul 29, 2012 5:56 PM

Feb 2010
Aw man... it seems I assisted in the assassination of a man I didn't know at all... his hopes or dreams. Goldfinger, huh? Maybe... when I'm strong enough... I'll have to fight him for such a cowardly tactic. Then again he did just save my ass so maybe I should thank him. I'm confused...

Adding to the confusion, the annoying as guy who started the fight then started to watch the damn thing landed on him, while copying his technique!Daisuke almost passed out and his dull brown eyes glanced up to see the firey girl who didn't seem to like him much offered him a hand. Suppose it was kind of her. Daisuke reached up and took her hand, carefully watching the two blades, Lilandra and Oshikiri, as one used it's power and the other was moved. As he stood up his legs stumbled and he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen as it was worked to stand his body. Panting and holding the wound, he stood straight and sheathed his blade away.

"I'd like to take that blade... but I promise, I always pay back my debts."

Managing a smile, he glanced over at Ringer and Milo, stressing that this applied to them as well. Speaking of payback he shot a quick glare at Adam then turned cheerfully back to the others and finally gave his introduction in a more pronounced voice, taking Oshikiri as she offered it. He started a polite bow before his abdomen shot him with a hot pain and he decided against it, simply shaking the hand she used to help him up.

"I am Daisuke Rourin... ex-marine and I suppose I was formerly of the Rourin Pirates... my dad never told me my last name and just used the title of his crew. It's nice to meet you Alex Odair, but if you'll excuse me I've kept my companions waiting. We have a meeting at Grove 20."

Grinning now, he walked up to Blue and gently laid a hand on his back over the wound, then closed his eyes and took Okishiri's sheath, strapping it to his right hip and whispering.

"You were actually an amazing swordsman... you loved this blade and truly mastered it well. I'll try to live up to it's potential... sorry."

Sheathing the legendary blade, he turned to Milo and Ringer and held his stomach.

"Thanks a ton guys! I've held us up long enough."
CrogLatteJul 29, 2012 6:05 PM
Jul 29, 2012 6:02 PM

Aug 2010
When Akimoto noticed the a tremendous number of pirates started approaching Grove 20, Akimoto quietly sled down the tree, without making so much as a hint of noise. Preparations had been complete. Unnoticeable, he tied many strong, transparent coloured, yet thin wires on one of his legs. If he ever needed to escape, he would pull the wires, causing one of the trees to bounce back, effectively and quickly pulling him away (as the wires had been strongly attached to the tree by Akimoto). It was an impeccable escape method, although Akimoto did hope that he did not have to resort to this. On his left arm, he had more wires attached to give to his teammates once he had seen them, along with notes of instruction in case they did not understand.

"The new era's come, hasn't it?" he quietly whispered as he slowly blended in the group of pirates which were at Grove 20.
BeyondJul 29, 2012 6:07 PM
Jul 29, 2012 6:20 PM

Jul 2008
As the main events were now all but over. Ringer took a moment to catch his breath. He wasnt used to moving this fast at all, but something got a hold of him that flinged him into the fray earlyer. A thought, a feeling, he didnt know why but he desperately wanted to come to the aid of his new comrade. Without him noticing, Kagari-jiisan had moved up next to him as they observed Daisukes conversation with the cheeky swordsman they now knew as Alex.

"You dont judge a friend by how long you have known them my son. Friendship isnt something as simple as that. You have to feel it, in your gut but more importantly.. in your SOUL!. As you watched that man take a beating, what did your soul feel like me'boy Ringer?" He said, with a wisdom in his voice that hinted to his many years of experience.

Ringer thought back, but the answer came surprisingly easy.
"My soul.. was on fire.. it burned so painfully, i could not bear sit still for another second.." He said with a low voice.
Kagari merely smiled.
"Then, my son, you have found your Nakama!" He said, and give Ringer a hardass pat on the shoulder.

Ringer smiled as he tasted the sound of that thought. Nakama eh..? Thats not a bad thing at all...
He gave Milo a good hard look, and then looked to Daisuke the same way when he apologized for keeping them up. He couldnt bring himself to say it was okay, becouse all he wanted to do was apologize for not reacting to the danger sooner.
He gave them both a hearty smile. He knew he had found friends for life in this random encounter at the blacksmith, and the bonds had been forged and furthered tempered in the battle against Grateful blue. Somewhere deep inside he found himself respecting the deceased swordsman. Never before had he seen such fury under so much control. This meeting had brought him closer to his Nakama, and for that he caught himself offering the deceased a silent prayer to peacefully send him to the afterlife with honor.

"Come then, the cook is waiting~" He said with a smile, and turned around to walk. He would never forget this meeting. Despite the numerous rivals and enemies he had gained and battled against, Grateful blue was a special case that earned himself a place in the Hall of Fame in ringers heart.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Jul 29, 2012 6:24 PM

Jun 2009
After reaching what looked like the swankest hotel in area 70 he decided to make his way around to the roof so he could enter that way. That's when he saw the woman whom he had met earlier at the base. Hmmm I wonder where she is going? Especially in that condition. He looked from the hotel and sighed looking back at her he knew he couldn't leave her alone like that. So he decided to follow her from a distance just to make sure she was alright. It wasn't until a little later that he realized that it wasn't only her but a lot of people were heading in the same direction. Not just pirates but ordinary civilians as well. This peaked his curiosity even more so now not only did he follow her to make sure she was alright but to figure out what the big fuss was about.
No matter what blade you possess, it is impossible to cut a single flower that blooms in the wilderness that has become my home. ~Unknown
Jul 29, 2012 7:15 PM

Mar 2009
It wasn’t long after the fighting had ended that Kuro stepped out from the shadows his long white jacket that ran the full length of his body swayed slightly with the wind but his face was covered by his hood, as the bottom of the jacket swayed slightly the dark sheathe of his Katana could be seen and at the same time so could the handle of some sort of gun that was on the opposite side of his Katana. Just how long Kuro had been standing in the shadows of the building watching wasn’t exactly known and that probably wasn’t important or at least it wasn’t to Kuro anyway to the others though it might have held more importance, walking closer to the large man laying down on the floor Kuro pulled the hood down from his head revealing his face, his sin was a darker tone than normal it was a greyish almost black like color which caused his pure white hair to stand out all the more.

“So after all of this you die from a gunshot in the back of all places...such a horrible world we live in it seems but the question is now what to do with you...”

Kuro paused to look around at the people who had been fighting the giant of a man and as he thought most of them seemed to be worn out as well as having their fair share of injuries at least most of them apart from the large man called Ringer and the gunman that had recently joined the fight. He glanced at the man that now held the legendary sword and if he wanted he could probably take him out now he was injured and tired but that would mean getting into the fight with the others and Kuro rather wanted to avoid pointless fights, it wasn’t as if he needed or wanted the sword anyway although its power was formidable instead his attention turned back to Blue who was now dead on the floor and it was a sorry sight for such a man to be left as he was even if Kuro was a pirate he respected people.

“I know you all have just fought him and nearly killed each other but how about we give him a proper grave...we still have enough time for that and to get to the meeting point I think anyway.”

Kuro was proposing the question to everybody that had gathered although he didn’t know them personally yet they did seem the type to honour people although some more than others with Kuro having seen Adam back out of the fight when the people needed him most and even cower in fear before the gunshot had killed the man.

“Ahh almost forgot my name is Kuro.”
Jul 29, 2012 9:32 PM

Feb 2010
Cass watched the fruit get stolen, but didn't try to do anything, still mourning her rum. When she was left alone with a very angry marine she decided that the memorial was over and it was time to go find Levi and get out of the base. She made her way over to Boomie and slapped him across the face until he regained conciousness.

"Time to go."

She tried to help him to his feet, but not having any effect, gave up and waited for him to stand on his own. She fished the broken glass out of her holsters and sheathed her guns. The recent rum-accident made Cass remember that they left her barrel full of rum outside the marine base, when Levi landed. She ran out of the armoury at a breakneck speed, not waiting for Boomie and forgetting levi. She rushed to get back to the gate they entered through and claim her barrel.
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Jul 29, 2012 10:41 PM

Feb 2010
Boomie awoke from his shallow sleep, he could somewhat recall someone saying something about the devils fruit, and in doing so the marine wasn't sure what to make of the situation, there was just too much confusion.

To add to this confusion, when the little girl 'ran away', Boomie just blew out the cave in, climbed up the stairs, and then went back to the entrance via his own path made by him knocking down walls, and although he may have crossed levi's path, he was more worried about getting out of the marine base, after all that had happened he didn't quite trust it's structural integrity. i'm really curious...what power does that fruit have?!
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Jul 29, 2012 10:51 PM

Dec 2009
When Levi came to moments later he awoke in a small dark place with the sounds of walls being toppled above him; that's normally a good indication that you might just be trapped under rubble. To add to this revelation he could feel Gregory gnawing at his ear, probably trying to wake him up.

Levi tenderly uncurls one of his arms out from underneath his body and stretches it up touching the slab above him with his palm.

"Jack Jack Hammer"

There is silence and then........... nothing happens. Levi decides to try again, concentrating harder this time.

"Jack Jack Hammer"

The slab covering Levi's protective hole is sent flying into the air, coming to rest near Boomie with a resounding thud, the slab cracking into rubble.

Levi Climbs out of the hole and pulls Gregory off of his ear, blood being shed from the bite marks, and placing him on his head. Levi conjures a Jack Jack Balloon and climbs onto it somewhat stiffly, sitting on it as it floats off towards the main entrance where they had come in.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Jul 30, 2012 12:59 AM

Feb 2009
Milo had been frozen in place with his jaw firmly planted on the ground when Blue had countered every single attack thrown at him, and only snapped back when a gunshot had ended the fight. Blue had been shot dead but Milo hadn't managed to see who had done it. He exhaled deeply and calmed himself down a bit before he unloaded the unused explosive rounds back into his satchel and reloaded Ebony with his standard bullets before holstering it again.

He corrected his hat before locking his hands behind his head in a carefree manner and began walking up to Ringer and Daisuke. He returned Ringers gaze and smile with a grand smile of his own before he turned to Daisuke.

"Hahahaha, don't worry about it. It was fun watching you fly between food stands. Speaking of which, Ringer owes me a 100 beli."

Milo had turned around and begun walking towards grove 20 with his companions when an unknown man had walked right up to Blues body and suggested a proper burial for him. Milo turned to look at the man but remained silent, he'd see what the others would do.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Jul 30, 2012 3:41 AM

Feb 2010
"Oh gee thanks."

Although he gave a rather annoyed expression at first, a small smile cracked on Daisuke's face at Milo's comment. This was how a crew should be, isn't it? Although he had no idea why he said gee or what the 100 Beli was about. (Although if it happened to be about the winner of the fight Blue defiantly lost ;D I survived! If it was about the strongest contender... okay Blue takes that.) Ringer seemed rather joyful, and though it was a bit funny to see such a large and scary man so friendly and cheerful, a spring in his step, it made Daisuke grin. It seems they'd grown closer so soon. However it was time to head to the reason they decided to travel together in the first place... the meeting of pirates. Until... another interruption came.

Another man arrived on he scene a few minutes late to the party and introduced himself as Kuro after making a rather odd request. Now pirates might treat there own kind better, but when Daisuke was a marine burying enemy bodies was much less common than holding public executions. Respect for the dead was a concept often quite ignored. Gazing up at the sky he saw that the sky was dark and time was passing by rather quickly. Sure he respected Blue's strength and swordsmanship but they did have a time limit. He gave an odd frown and turned to Milo, Ringer, and Kagari before crossing his arms and speaking.

"I suppose he deserves it but I really don't know if it's our responsibility... not that he had any friends who cared enough to help him survive, doubt anyone's around to bury him. Well I don't wanna hold us up further but I really wouldn't mind if you think we can still make it."
Jul 30, 2012 12:58 PM

Jun 2008
Its almost ready sir, the preparations you specified are almost complete Vice Admiral!

The Elite Marine Soldier had suddenly found him working as Vice Admirals Dobbermans new personal messenger, as none of the actual runners dared to take the job, especially after they lost the last one. Doberman himself was standing on a platform camuflaged expertly to avoid detection, it had a good view of the large open area that faced the old human trade actution house, which now served as a stage for the thousands of pirates who were gathering below. The Elite Soldier gulped at the sight of the sheer enormity of the force below, those pirates were not rabble ether, the weak was actually in a minority on that field, most if not all those pirates had survived on the grandline, though some probably by luck or by hanging onto the back of someone strong, the fact that they were even here ment something. For the marines it was different, a weak recruit could be a weak recruit and sail all across grandline easily enough without ever risking his life, that was just the way of it nowadays and thus he shuddered at the thought of the Force they had used to secretly surround the pirates.. Not that the Pirates did't expect the attack, they must have! Though maybe not such a brazen attack as Doberman had planned out.

Their Force was compromised of nearly five thousand marines, three quarters of which where reinforcement from nearby Islands, the Saobody garrison itself only had about 1500 marines, give or take, it was a pretty large number, but it was dwarfed in comparison to the amount of pirates that had gathered here, they were already facing 5 to 1 odds, and more pirates were still steaming in. If that was not all, 30% of their force were recruits, only 50% were regulars, and a pitiful 15% were veterans and elites, the remaining 5% were not even marines, deckboys and other helpers that had been forced a gun into their hands and told that they were now "Marines".

You look worried.

Dobbermans voice suddenly broke him out of his mind daze, he looked over to the part of the platform where his vice admiral had been standing and to his horror noticed that the man had been watching him.

No, No, Not at all!

He replied quickly, fearful of meeting the same fate as his last messenger, though to his surprise Dobberman, instead of getting mad smiled, it was a viciously cunning smile, like that of a predator who has catched its prey, but he much prefered it to any expression of anger from a man infamous for destroying entire ship crews if he found them "lacking".

Its okay! Even the strong have the right to be worried before they enact a daring charge! Men who only blindly charge without a thought are not brave or strong, they are simply too dumb to realize the danger! To know the risks, and doubt but then still bravely step into the fray? That shows true strength!


It was all he could say in response, he was a bit stunned by the sudden speech, though he quickly found himself relived, he had been lucky, that speech could easily had gone in the other direction, it was obvious that he had found doberman in a good mood.


Announced Dobberman loudly, a few of other nearby marines noticed and followed his hand as he pointed towards the gathering pirates.

Not in a decade have so many pirates gathered in one place, but not only that, in that crowd are people who make people everywhere shake in fear at the mention of their name, big names; "Dangerous Billy" the man who surfed a seaking into Marineford and his Companion "Not So Dangerous" Bill who proceded to set in on fire! The Inglorious bastards Crew, known for their EXTREME sense of humour, big harry, exalted rakel, Victor "Tremble" Glory! There are more known people here than their is remaining in the entirity of this part of the grandline.. Even if I stood here pointing them out for two more days I would not be able to mention them all!

He found himself gulping again, he had indeed heard many of those names before, he was an elite soldier, but he did not see himself nearly the equal to people which bounties soared in the hundred of thousands.

It makes my body tremble with exitement, the idea of charging headlong into this nightmarish gathering makes my blood boil, it is an event worthy of me, Dobberman! Indeed, Ive even heard that the a representative from The Grateful Family have appeared on the island, could a humble soldier want anything else than to battle these foes!?

Dobberman was almost frothing at the mouth, his eyes open so wide that they looked ready to pop out, he had a strong glow around him, it felt like he was almost about to jump down from the platform and charge in right away.
The Elite Soldier had brought some more news that he had held back for the time being as it was never wise to overload the Vice, but he knew that he would have to do something to cool down dobberman, as a man who had served with the crazed vice admiral for more than four years he knew, that the only thing more dangerous than a angry doberman, is an exited dobberman; leading his army into a suicidal situation.

Elite Marine: I am apologize Vice Admiral, but it seems we won't be seeing the Gratefuls make an apperence today.

Dobberman whos eyes had been darting back and forth from great names he had spotted in the crowds suddenly relocated his attention to him, a snarl on his face showing his dislike for being interrupted, the marine had more bad news that he knew he would have to deliver as quickly as possible while he still had time.

Elite Marine: And you know the earlier alarm from the Headquarters? Well it seems like the base has gotten completely destroyed.
Dobberman: What..?

Dobberman seemed to rise in anger for a moment as he heard the rest of the report about the destruction of the headquarters, it would have been a big loss if not for the fact that he had already planned out the relocation of the headquarters inside on of the Mangroove trees, the pirates had simply helped with the demolition of the old place, yet it was a shame to lose the fruit that they had kept locked down there, it had been a gift to him from the Head Admiral Himself, though he really had never had the intention of eating it, fruits gave you artificial strength, he would never fall to such a low! He would have to be angry about it some other day, for now the final preparations had to be finished.

Dobberman: Wait.. What did you say about the Gratefuls?
Elite Marine: Well, Grateful Blue was seen arriving from the New World earlier today.
Dobberman: Blue!? Excellent, ive been wanting to cross blades with legendary smile!
Elite Marine: Unfortuantly..
Dobberman: ...Unfortantly?
Elite Marine: We just got a report in from one of our remaining scouts near Sabaody Park.. It seems, it seems he has been killed.. Sir.

Dobbermans eyes blew open wider than they had been before, he was throughly shocked, he had expected alot of big names to go down this day, but not so soon, and surely not someone like Grateful Blue, the legendary swordsman of the Grateful Family, a man who was rumoured to be next in line for the title of Shichibukai.

Dobberman: ...Who took him down?
Elite Marine: The Scout did't see the battle only the results, it seems he was surrounded by a number of nameless pirates.
Dobberman: Are you saying that Grateful "Smiling" blue was taken down by a bunch of no-name wannabes!?
Elite Marine: I... I don't..

Doberman turned away from the Marine, the shock of hearing about Blues death had taken him down a notch but he would not let it get in the way of his day.. Though, the idea that someone like blue had been taken down by some no-face, reaaaaally pissed him off.. Once this day was done he would have to look into the incident.

Doberman: Oh well.. Lets focus on the beasts infront of us. I want the rest of the prep done in good time before "he" shows up.. Oh, and how far away is the fleet?

Elite Marine: They should arrive within a couple of hours.


- Inside The Old Human Auction House - ¨

Get the all the doors sealed, I want every entrance but the main door and the balcony to be bulletproof! Nobody enters or leaves, you hear me!? An Officer of the Fork Pirates was standing on the old actuion house stage, shouting orders to the pirates who were running about tending to different chores.

Another Pirate came up behind the officer and nodded his head to him in greeting before having a small talk with him, the officer laughed as the pirate told him about a certain event that had put the Marine HQ in ruins, but then was overcome with a serious expression as the man he was talking to brought about the news he was carrying.

Pirate: It seems like the Gratefuls won't be making an apperence after all..
Officer: Really? I thought we had reached an agreement.
Pirate: Yes, but you know the Gratefuls, they never miss an appointment, surely if Blue has not appeared by now it must mean that they have gone back on our deal.
Officer: Graah.. What a pain, Fork is not going to like this.
Pirate: Its gonna be a bitch to enter the New World now, lets hope they haven't sided with the marines as Fork feared they would.

Hey you two!

Another Pirate, dressed more richely and of an obviously higher station addresed the two from the second floor, he looked tired and angry, the situation was stressfull but this guy look pretty tired.

We start in ten minutes, and we are obviously not ready yet!
Get to work!

- The Gathering Field -

Thousands were now waiting anxiously beneath the Auction house, small fights were breaking out at random points of the field, and otherwise it was lively as only pirates can make a meeting of such size. A number of TV-Crews had managed to find some semi-safe spots in the undergrowth, screening the event to distant islands. Some crazy bastards had brought about wagons of drink and many were more focused on drinking and partying, causing some areas to become filled with laugther and song, while in other places crews of renown were facing off in tense starting contests, people that never would have gone ten feet within one another without firing their guns were standing side by side, only a small incident from going all out. It was a strange mix of light hearted fun and deadly serious themes that was mixed into a whirlwind of emotions, such was the field of gathering individualists.

Otherwise it was a colorful sight to behold, over a hundred different pirate crews were present and they all had their flags with them, causing the air to be filled with a myriad of different colorful jolly rogers nd the occasional gunshot.

The Time is Drawing Near
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
Jul 30, 2012 2:12 PM

Jun 2009
Alex smiled as Daisuke took her hand and told her his name. perhaps she would have friends. it's been a while since she had one. She listened as the others conversed and then she heard the big dude mention something about meeting the cook.

"Hold up Iron giant (psy). your going to meet the cook as well. hmmm i think it would be best we all go together"

Before she could say anything else someone else came from the shadows. obviously he had been watching the whole fight and decided to avoid it. Alex listened to the man as she held one hand on her blade. she wasn't sure why but out of everyone there this was the only person she felt uneasy about and she wanted to be prepared incase he tried to attack.

"You want us to bury him. how thoughtful of you Kuro, however the real question comes down to why you want to bury him."

Alex sighed slightly and she relaxed her arm. confident that he wasn't going to attack them. besides it would be foolish to try and he didn't look like an idiot.

"well i doubt we'll get the bounty anyway seeing as none of us actually landed the finishing blow. also there is so many of us that the bounty doesn't seem worth it anymore. well i'm up for whatever the majority wants to do"
"Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That maybe one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change."- yoruichi
Jul 30, 2012 2:42 PM

Sep 2008
Admiring the fact that Ringer was here, in the same location as himself, he didn't want to look like a creep, or lose focus on what's at hand and that was the dead cold corpse of Grateful Blue. He then notice a strange, dark man, walking up to the corpse and starring at him. After he had introduced himself and suggested a burial, Adam himself walked up to the corpse, starring at him... The Legendary Swordsman. He recalled, in his earlier days, how his sensei mentioned Grateful Blue and his sword the Oshikiri. Stories of how he was a terrible force and that he his sword was quite a weapon. Legendary in its own name. Although, during the heat of the fight, Adam completely forgot about that info. It was a feeling of nostalgia. He was honored to have fought him but was said that he was lying here, dead, by someone unknown.

"He does deserve a burial. I suggest some place other then here since an amusement park wouldn't be suitable for a grave. Also, the name is Adam Ryu..."

Adam had then gazed around the park. It appeared that the thief had gotten away and he couldn't help think that it was his fault this whole situation had started. Although, he had his own sense of guilt. Him wanting to test his strength only to have someone die and others wounded.

With all this happening, he also forgot about the chef that was supposed to be on the island. He didn't want to miss him but he had a duty to fulfill, as a swordsman, to respect a fallen one.

"Let's hurry. It's getting dark..."
"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." ~ Kakashi Hatake
Jul 30, 2012 5:33 PM

Mar 2009
“Now, now, fellas I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding,” Noah stated while sporting a nervous smile and holding his hands up in surrender. He could see the lips of the pirates move, but with the rain of gunshots and fist fights surrounding them, it was hard to hear what their demands were. Well that, and the fact that he downed a fifth of rum prior to entering area 20. That’s when things began to get a little funny. One of the pirates slid his sword up Noah’s chest, hooking one of the bras at the tip of the sword until he lifted it over Noah’s neck. Another pirate followed suit, and soon all of the pirates proceeded to engage in an act that could only be describe as disturbing. They pushed Noah aside then started taking wiffs of the bra, salivating like a pack of wild dogs over fresh meat. Noah was quite perplexed, even dumbfounded, but glad as hell his head wasn’t cut off.

By the time he could properly stand, he found himself surrounded by a sea of the most wretched, senile, and dangerous pirates in all of Sabaody. Slowly he began inching away from the suffocating crowd, but his steps were so off balance that it would only be a matter of time before he would bump into someone, or something, and that is precisely what happened, as he bumped into a crowd of especially rowdy pirates that had just finished firing a succession of bullets in anticipation of Forks arrival.

“Well lookie ere boys, looks like we got found us a musician! Plays a tune lad!” One of the pirates stated, but Noah drew a complete blank as he couldn’t quite comprehend what was going on around him. Unfortunately for him, this wasn’t a request for a favor, but a mandating order, as the pirated cocked his pistol and pointed straight at Noah’s face.

“Eh….heh? O-o-one second,” he pleaded as his left arm swung behind his back in an arch to grab the head of the guitar, but as he tried to unstrapped the instrument, his balance caught the best of him. The guitar leaned too much to the left tilting him forward some and careening into the pirate as the guitar’s head crash into the pirate’s face, knocking him out cold while a simultaneously shot was fired from the gun. No casualties were incurred, but what would follow would be an all out mini brawl amidst the crowds of pirates gathered with Noah pitted in the middle of the fray.
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Jul 30, 2012 6:35 PM

Jan 2012
Continuing to walk across area 70, Rose doesn't stop. She has her hand on above her waist to balance herself, most of the bleeding has stopped but if she moves to much the wound would open again. She start's to hear voices and foot steps behind her.

"Ugh...was hoping for people to not be around here, it would be a pain if they were in the way. I shouldn't rest, if i keep this pace i should be in area 20 in about an hour."

She looks around to make sure not many people were around. She get's the feeling that she was being watched, though with the amount of people walking around it could be anyone. She looked around a bit, before she tired of looking and continued walking.
DeuxNyxJul 31, 2012 12:05 PM
If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! — Eren Yaeger
Jul 30, 2012 8:26 PM

Aug 2010
Akimoto continued to quietly wander around, searching for his crew mates. After walking in a circle for minutes to come, he noticed Celina, who also had her hood on. He swiftly approached her in a sense that would not attract attention.

"Hey Celina. I've found you at last. All that is necessary is to find Kuro now. I have also secured quite a few methods to escape if the worst arises, although, I still may need to test a few of these escape options to guarantee that they would work."

Akimoto looked at Celina in the eye. Her pupils were not reacting to movement, which confirmed his initial assumption that she was indeed blind. Though, after noticing that, Akimoto was thinking about something else. He feels as though he was too cruel to Celina during their initial meetup. Despite being a team mate for a short while, Akimoto still wanted friends to cherish. It really was strange for him, as he was set on defeat "He who has surpassed heaven" in battle. Despite this, he thought that there would be nothing wrong in being friendly.

Akimoto slowly approached Celina and gently grabbed her hand.

"So, shall we go, my princess?"

(Expect the unexpected Ender ^o^)
Jul 30, 2012 10:37 PM

Feb 2010
It wasn't long before Cass reached the entrance, now in ruins. She exited the marine base and headed straight to their original landing point, finding a familiar barrel. She immediately opened it up, revealing a hoard of rum still safe inside, forcing a smile onto her face.

The rum isn't always gone.

She grabbed a bottle out, resealed the barrel to use as a seat and started drinking. It was getting dark, that meant that she could be drunk now with no objections from 'logical' people, or 'idiots' as she liked to call them. Cass felt a familiar presence at the gate behind her and turned around to see the unmistakable forms of Levi and Boomie coming out of the base.

"Osu! We all made it out alive? That calls for a drink!"

She raised her bottle, pausing for a second.

"You guys get your own" she said with a glare.

Cass was sitting on the only source of rum in the current vicinity and she wanted to make sure they knew it was hers.
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Jul 30, 2012 10:41 PM

Dec 2009
Without even waiting for any inclination that they wanted to fly Levi took it upon himself to organize travel back to the old human trade center; jack jack balloons spawning under all of us. In Chibi's case it spawned under the barrel she was sitting on, the rum she was drinking tipping further back than she anticipated and spilling down her shirt.

"Time to see the pirate guy!"

The balloons take off and head back towards area 20.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Jul 31, 2012 1:26 AM

Nov 2009
He was nearing an exit and could see the light of the outside he continued down the corridor. Yes it looks like I have escaped creepy... Thank god... This notoriety isn't worth as I have been trying to keep a low profile.. Now it is time for me to take my leave. As Aimé neared the exit he heard of series of violent explosions going off behind him. Fucking creepy just doesn't give up... The prick is going to bring this damn thing down upon us... I wonder what he did this time. he thought to himself as he turned his head slightly to peer over his right shoulder to see what creepy was doing. All he could see was a fiery inferno that was about to engulf him if he didn't sprint any faster. Shit creepy is going to kill us all... The creep must be a sore loser... Crap at this rate I'm going to di... Wait... Gahh I feel so stupid why didn't I do that before.. He jumped and used his geppo to keep him only a few feet off the ground. He then lifted his arms straight up in the air and swung them down violently releasing a wave of wind propelling him towards the door. As he neared the exit the flames began to gain on him and just as he exited the door way exploded sending him skidding across the ground. "Well that was close!" he said in an excited tone as he appeared to have made it. What he didn't realize was his right sleeve was on fire. "Hey something smells good.. Also my arm is feeling a little HOLY SHIT!!!" he said in a frantic tone as he tried to put out his sleeve by patting his sleeve wildly. It was to no avail however as he just burnt his hand. He then proceeded to dive onto the ground and roll finally putting it out. He then slowly picked himself off the ground and dusted himself off. "Yuck.. Well at least I didn't burn myself to badly.. I feel bad for the others though.. Hopefully they got out before creepy decided to blow up the fucking base.. Well I might as well get to the place were the cook is gathering his crew. I mean it was always my.. Ohh god I'm talking to myself again.. I really need to stop doing that.." he said with a sigh as he walked towards area 70. He figured that it would be the fastest way to get to the area were Fork D. Heart was.

Within several minutes he arrived in Area 70 and eagerly thought about the possible adventures that he could be having with the legendary pirate Fork D. Heart. I hope I am able to join his crew.. There is sooo much I can learn from him especially about cooking!! Gahhh it would be the best be a student under him.. I mean I am good but that man is just on a whole nother level I also will be able to see the world and who knows.. Make more of a name for myself He however wasn't paying attention and bumped into a girl and accidentally knocked her over.(tits) He inturn tripped over her landing face first into dirt road

"Gahhh." he welped as he stumbled to the ground face first. " Crap not again... I'm sorry Ms I was day dreaming a bit and didn't notice you there." he said in an apologetically light hearted tone. He didn't realize that the girl he had bumped into was the one that he had met back at the military base. Primarily because he had yet to see her face as she was sprawled out on the ground still. She wouldn't have anyt trouble recognizing him however.
Jul 31, 2012 1:33 AM

Feb 2010
Boomie exhaustedly accepted Levi's form of transport, and while flying, he set his jet dial to absorb the air as they flew, just in case. He lights up one of his cigarettes and starts to leave a trail of smoke behind.

"So, d'ya r'ly th'nk itsa gan' be im'? i min thiz Fock D Hut? I jus' can' see it..."

Boomie exhales an impressive amount of smoke once more as he and his companions start to hover over district 20.
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Jul 31, 2012 5:44 AM

Jul 2008
"He would'nt have died if it wasnt for our attempt to take the sword. We are pirates, not murderers.. " Ringer said with a heavy head, and turned back around and walked towards grateful.

He was even bigger then Ringer, lifting him was hard but Ringer found the strength to do it. He gave the group of pirates gathered around a nod, and brought Gratefuls body with him about a houndred yards outside the amusement park. Once there he put him down by the foot of one of Sabaodys enourmous trees, and started digging without a word using his bare hands. Digging through soil and roots was no problem for Ringer, but each grasp of dirt and wood felt heavyer then the next as what had just happened slowly festered in Ringers mind.

It was only when the hole was big and deep, that he spoke up.
"If i ever encounter this.. Goldfinger. I will make sure to let him know your fury, Grateful blue. With my own hands i will find out what reason there was for such cruelty to take place in an amusement park.." He said, and looked around at the crowd of Pirates.

"If anyone wish to say a few words, now is the time.."
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Jul 31, 2012 8:35 AM
Jun 2010
Celina’s head turned in the direction of the voice, she was only marginally surprised. Akimoto seemed like a capable man, at the least. She started to smile, as the wind gently tried to snatch her hood away. Then, without warning something warm took her hand inside of it. His voice penetrated her mind, causing a sense of parilazation.


Princes were not a word that she was accustoming to. Whore, slut, broad…were just a few of the usual, and before that blindy, idiot, and stupid were the names…Kindness was rare. A blush suffused her face slowly spreading out from small pen points on her cheek, causing her entire face to turn a deep shade of red. She nodded her head, and spoke quietly.

“Aki, I think that Kuro will be in the thick of things…he seemed like the type of person, that would find the biggest disturbance, and then step in when things calmed down to take the glory. I think we should go there.”

Her hand came up, pointing over all of the pirate’s heads, directly at the plat form where the cook was to appear; or was she pointing at the building behind it? Either way, her idea was as clear as day.

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Jul 31, 2012 8:48 AM

May 2010
In area 20, most people's attention focused around the trading company and the tons of pirates who had slowly been gathering there through the day. If you concentrated hard enough and looked up at the rooftops, you might have been able to notice a long barrel and scope of a gun just peeking over a two story building right across from the trading company. Though the darker it got, the harder it was to spot it. That was exactly what Sergio was hoping for. He had climbed to the roof earlier in the day and had been camped out since then waiting for the event.

Sergio was not surprised to see all of the pirates gathering to see Fork D. Heart. He had heard the tales of him and his past crew while training in the academy. He wasn't at all surprised to see the force the marines had set up in the area either because of that same reason. i reckon they would never pass up an opportunity to catch a notorious pirate like Fork.

When sergio got to area 20 and looked it over, he felt the rooftops would be the safest place. Less chance of getting caught by marines or trampled by a crowd. Plus it gave him one of the best views for the main event. He looked through his scope.

"The man sure likes to build up excitement. I sure hope it's worth it."

Youmi Academy ID
Jul 31, 2012 11:14 AM

Feb 2010
(-Posts before Bill because it's soft posting and I'm impatient as shiz-~)

Daisuke walked over to the body of Grateful Blue after it was set down and carefully began to wash out the wound that killed him with a cup of water from a nearby drinking fountain, feeling it was unfit to bury him with the gold dust of his killer eternally within him. After he was satisfied he stood up and used Oshikiri to pop two sapphires from its sheath, laying them in his pockets.

"I'm a bit too greedy to let you keep the sword you were so skilled with... and I wouldn't like the thought of it rusting away uselessly in the ground just as I doubt any swordsman would, but you can keep a part of it. Can't say I know much about you, but you were truly strong and fierce."

He turned Oshikiri and began to carve Grateful Blue's name within the tree behind his grave, unsure of anything else he could put.
Jul 31, 2012 11:38 AM

Aug 2010
"That's probably the case. We might as well approach the entrance and wait outside from a slight distance until Kuro pops up."

Akimoto eyed all the pirates that were almost rushing to come inside. He wondered if he could take most of them. There was also the threat of marines that kept bothering him. Despite all this, Akimoto knew that most of his escape options did work. He was still waiting for a "sucker pirate" to come so that he could test one of his unconfirmed escape methods. Fighting and running away would be a fun thing for pirates to do, after all.

Akimoto then started walking with Celina, with his hand still gently holding hers. In the middle of the walk, he noticed that Celina's cheeks were red.

"Celina, your cheeks seem to be rather red. Are you okay...?"

Akimoto was completely clueless of Celina, who was blushing. He thought that holding someone's hand would be just a symbol of friendship between the two. After all, he never had experience dealing with women when he was trained by "He who has mastered nothingness"...

Jul 31, 2012 11:38 AM

Jan 2012
Rose continued to walk when, she was bumped into and fell to the ground. She lifted herself and sat on her bum carefully, so she wouldn't open the wound. She started wiping the dirt from her chest, coat and hair. She saw someone lifting himself from the ground too, which must of been the person who bumped into her.

"Are you alrigh....."

She noticed the clothes and face of the man was the guy who attacked her at the Marines HQ.She had a menacing face though in her condition she knew, she really couldn't pay him back for last time. She picked herself up and wiped her skirt. She walked toward the man, helping him get up from the ground.

"Are you ok?"
If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! — Eren Yaeger
Jul 31, 2012 12:24 PM

Jun 2009
Herain watched the scene unfold from a distance as his shy nature took over when he was around people. As he studied the injuries of the woman he realized that she must of gotten caught up in the same blast that he did. Allowing his pity to overcome his shyness he decided to step forward.

"Is there...uh... anyway I can help you two out?" he asked trying to be as polite as possible knowing it was the right thing to do.
No matter what blade you possess, it is impossible to cut a single flower that blooms in the wilderness that has become my home. ~Unknown
Jul 31, 2012 1:03 PM

Nov 2009
"Yeahh I'm fine.. I tend to not pay attention sometimes when I'm day dreaming... My apologies Ms uhhh.. No need to scowl at me.. It was just an accident!" he said in a shy tone as he hadn't yet been able to put it together that she was with the pirates he attacked. He then noticed her clothes and tatter at the bottom of her shirt that was obviously from his rankyaku. It then clicked in his head that this was the girl he dubbed tits back at the Marine base. Ohh crap... This is awkward.... I hope she doesn't make a scene and say something that would make it seem like I took place on the attack on the base.. By the looks of it she took more of beating from creepy then I did..[ My best bet is to play it casual if she does question it and make it appear like I don't know what she is talking about he thought to himself.

He was about to speak again until another stranger seemingly came out of nowhere offering to help them. He turned his head to see who the man was and recognized him. He wasn't sure where but he had seen him before. It then clicked in his head and he realized he was the man who was fighting creepy at first. Ohhh crap you got to be kidding me.. This is just my luck... Bumping into two people that were at the marine base.. Sooo much for trying to keep a low profile Aimé... No calm down... He doesn't seem to realize I was the other guy at the marine base. If anything I will play it off as nothing if tits starts to connect me to it. Yeah that is what I will do. he thought to himself as he cleared his throat as he addressed shins character.

"No need for help.. I just am a bit of a clutz and accidentally knocked over tits over there." he immediate covered his mouth realizing he had called her one of the nicknames he had came up with her in his head. He immediately turned his head towards and started to apologize in a frantic and embarrassed tone. "I'm sorry it kind of slipped out I didn't mean anything by it I mean you do have huge uhh... Nooo I mean it is just a very prominent feature about you.. Yeahh I'm going to stop talking now before I get myself in more trouble. A tinge of red came across his cheeks and not because he had thoroughly embarrassed himself in-front of two strangers. He began to wonder why he cared what they though about him but it he had always cared what people thought of him. He always hated making a bad first impression which is exactly what he did.
Jul 31, 2012 1:52 PM

Jan 2012
After helping the man get up another man approached, offering his help to us. That man was also a man from the Marine HQ. He's the one that put his hand around my neck. These two were last ones i wanted to see today, and meeting them both at the same time, isn't better. Though being around other's feel's better, then walking alone.

"I think he is goi...."

After hearing the man beside her calling her "Tits", her face turned red. She put her arm's around her breast's and gave the man a more menacing stare. She hit him beside the head and turned away from him.

"I didn't ask for them to be this big, they just happened cause i'm a healthy person."

Turning back to the new guy that just came. She put her hands back down.

"I think we'll be ok, though I'm looking for where Fork.D Heart, is suppose present himself, but i kinda got sidetracked as you can see"

Pointing to her wound, which she is happy that from this event, didn't open.
If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win! — Eren Yaeger
Jul 31, 2012 2:34 PM

Jun 2009
Alex followed everyone out of the amusement park. she watched as the big man carried Grateful and even dug a hole for him with his own bare hands. it confused her why anyone would go to such lengths. yes he was killed while we were fighting him but it wasn't our fault that he was dead. He said his piece and asked if anyone wanted to say anything.


Before she got the chance to say something Daisuke started to say something. she had watched him Place sapphires in the grave with the man. and she listened to his little speech about why he did it.

"well i'm not good at this sort of thing. He was a remarkable Swordsman and the only reason i fought was to test out my skills against his own. I never thought it would lead to his death by this Goldfinger. all i can say is that hopefully Daisuke will do him an honour with his sword and i will ofcourse help if we ever cross this Goldfinger. Killing someone from the shadows, it's shameful and cowardly"
"Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That maybe one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change."- yoruichi
Jul 31, 2012 3:31 PM

Feb 2009
(Ach ye bastard!)

Milo followed Ringer to the site he intended to bury Blue at. He was surprised to see him get so serious about it, but he could agree that a shot in from the shadows was somewhat of a cowardly move. He wondered who this Goldfinger was. He was clearly something else since he could take down the strongest man Milo had ever seen with one bullet.

As Ringer was finished with the grave and asked if anybody had something else to say, Milo remained silent. He had nothing to say about someone he knew nothing about, and he couldn't see what difference it would make. Instead, he drew Ivory and aimed her up into the sky and fired a single bullet to mark the end of a great swordsman. He then holstered her again and waited for the others to get ready.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Aug 1, 2012 3:38 AM

Feb 2010
By the time the trip was complete Cass had finished her bottle of rum. It wasn't a binge, but a slow and steady savouring that only left her tipsy and still in condition to fight without major repercussions. Being drunk in a bar fight may be one of her unwritten rules. But she would never think of fighting pirates of marines without at least one part of her head clear and thinking. When the pumpkins landed outside the building she became curious.

"Well, we're here. What now?"

She sat on her barrel, surveying the area and wondering just what was going on. There was a buzz in the air, a sense of impatience, tension blowing in on the breeze. She felt uncomfortable. But that was not a new feeling to her after being around Boomie and Levi for so many years. Only, this was a different kind of feeling, it was ominous and did not bring her anxiety but rather dread. Something was definitely going to be happening here. Something important.
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Aug 1, 2012 7:50 AM

Mar 2009
Kuro watched on as ringer dug the grave for the giant man and then said his speech that was soon followed by most of the others apart from the gunman who fired a shot in the air which was probably the way he decided to show his respect, the most unusual thing was how they all hated or wanted to get revenge against this Gold person and yet none of them really knew Blue and even more unusual was how they were just in a fight to the death with him.

“I didn’t know him but at least he has a grave for people to visit.”

Kuro spoke while looking up at the sky it had grown much darker and the area around them had quietened down considerably, the time seemed to be drawing near for the gathering and if he didn’t want to miss it then he would have to get going now but it seemed all of the people gathered around him also wanted to head towards the meeting spot for this cook even though it was probably a trap it was going to be fun and this attracted Kuro as well as the rare chance to meet somebody like the cook.

“This is the world we live in now no matter how strong we all are or how strong we become we will always have a weakness or a blind spot. I’m heading to the meeting location for the cook and the chances are I will become a pirate and see the rest of the world with my own eyes...shall we all go together as one group helping each other like in the fight?”

Kuro looked back around at each one of the people by the grave of Blue as he waited for an answer it wasn’t until he had finished speaking that he remembered his other two friends who had gone on ahead of him while he allowed himself to be distracted by the fight slightly.

“I also have two friends that should be at the location for the cook right now.”
Aug 1, 2012 9:14 AM
Jun 2010
Celina’s eyes widened to the size of quarters, and her face became a deeper shade of red, that seemed almost impossible to achieve. Her voice began to come out in a growl, quickly rising to a shout.

“I…am…not…turning red!”

Her hand, within his grasp, previously comfortable…warm, relaxing snapped up and out, aimed to slap him in the face. From the angle, it would hit him in the mouth, because she did not know exactly where he was; however, do to suddenly two pirates who were drunk as they possibly could be and still stand moving rudely between akimoto and Celina, and catching her slap on the face…it would never land.

“OY, yeh bitch…yehs shlapped meh…”

The pirate turned, drawing a knife from his belt, but quickly dropping it due to his finger tips being numbed from the drink.

“I will kills yeh…”

(Your test dumby perhaps?~)

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Aug 1, 2012 10:10 AM

Aug 2010
"...Cute", Akimoto whispered, though Celina could hear him...

"This is a bit troublesome, isn't it? I would like to keep Celina all to myself and avoid showcasing my techniques. Well, it wouldn't really matter if you fell unconscious quietly..."

"What the hell are you talking about? Let's clobber this kid!" the drunk pirate said as they mindlessly approached Akimoto.

Akimoto slowly lifted his arms as the pirate dashed at him.
Kobokushi! (Palm Strike)

Within a brief second, Akimoto pushed his hands onto pirate, who immediately fell unconscious. His insides had taken damage and he had started to internally bleed. The vast majority of pirates did not notice as the pirate simply fell unconscious silently. However a few around the area quickly shuttered in fear and kept their distance from Akimoto...

"I think that 30% was too much on an ordinary fake of a pirate..."
Aug 1, 2012 10:20 AM

Mar 2009
Bodies on top of bodies piled up in the area where the pirates confronted Noah. For several seconds he was nowhere to be seen. Finally out of the bottom of the pile, he began crawling out as the fray didn’t let up. He slowly snuck his way out of the mini brawl, but his luck ran dry when he tripped over a rock that pushed him into a tuck and roll through the crowd. The momentum was quite astounding really because the ground was not inclined.

He came into a steady halt with his guitar standing up behind him in its case. In front of him stood a trip of odd looking folk (Levi, Boomie, Cass), yet despite their differences, they looked to be the perfect match for each other. The girl of the group even sat atop a barrel, which he did not know how she managed to carry with her, but prayed would be filled with rum because after that sudden twist of events, a drink would be prime write about now. Hoping he would break the odd moment of silence, and delay another confrontation, Noah flashed a nervous smile while extending his hand out to the trio and stating, “Eh….nice to meet you?”
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Aug 1, 2012 11:41 AM

May 2010
As Sergio looked around down at the huge crowd of people below him, he noticed strange behavior in a section of the crowd. A small open circle seemed to have appeared suddenly. He couldn’t quite make out what had happened through his scope. He didn’t fully want to leave his spot and go down into the crowd, but his academy training pushed him to go check out the situation.

He stood up, shouldered his rifle, and climbed down the front of the building with ease. He had done it a million times before. As a sharpshooter, Sergio was always looking for the high ground. That meant he had to become good enough to climb to get to that high ground. He hopped off halfway down and landed with a roll on the ground to soften the impact. He came straight out of the wall, weaving and pushing his way through the crowd. The whole time, he was in an endless cycle of excusing himself to each person he bumped into. Most pirates were too startled by this to say or do anything back. It’s like they never met anyone with manners before.

Sergio finally reached the edge of the circle and squeezed himself in between two big pirates. “Excuse me gentlemen, I just want to check things out here for myself.”

The circle was empty except for a young couple (Akimoto and Celina) and a burly man laying unconscious on the ground. He didn’t know what to make of it, since the guy and the girl didn’t seem like they would even be in the same weight division as the man on the ground or many of the others that were around them. Looked like he was going to have to play detective. Though, he didn’t want it to take too long since the main event was getting close to starting.

He walked up to the couple to see if he could find anything out. “Well, hello there Sir and Miss,” he said as he tipped his cowboy hat and gave a warm smile to go along with his greeting. “I am sorry to disturb you during yer date, but I noticed somethin’ odd happenin’ here from over yonder. So I came over as fast as I could and was I surprised to find this big guy layin’ on the ground like that. I was wonderin’ if you could tell me what happened and who did it? I’d greatly appreciate it. Then y’all can go back to yer little date, and I can take care of any troublemakers.”

Youmi Academy ID
Aug 1, 2012 11:57 AM
Jun 2010
Celina turned a brighter red, her mind spinning, as if she was going to black out. She was not use to such complements, but she was trying to ignore them. She did not think that aki would like her capitalizing on his remark of her being, “cute.”


The new stranger’s words and his soft drawl were getting to Celina, more so than any other words anyone had yet said to her. Her temper that had just begun to go back down began to rise again; so did another thing. Her conquer’s haki, began to slowly build up pressure in everyone’s mind, just around a 3 meter diameter. Her eyes began to get a soft glow in them, as her face turned to the cowboy.

“Who. The. Hell. DO. You. Think. You. Are!”

She took a step in the direction his voice came from, and remembered the slight sound that the falling object from the man, now seemingly knocked out had made. She stooped, her finger tips coming in contact with a hint of a knife. She stood, her breath coming fast as she took another step towards the man.

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Aug 1, 2012 12:33 PM

Aug 2010
Akimoto quickly walked up to Celina and raised his arms to prevent her from going crazy. Her Conquerer's Haki made him feel slightly weak-willed, but he simply struggled it off. He then eyed the man who questioned himself and Celina.

"It appears as though you've made this lady quite angry. I do not know anything about the man that you refer to."

With that being said, Akimoto released a devastating atmosphere around Sergio, Celina, and a few pirates around him. It was the type of atmosphere that said to "stop pulling a lion by it's tail...". In a sense, Akimoto had intentionally told Sergio that he was the culprit. It was an indirect way of telling him, but obvious enough for Sergio to understand what has gone on.

"Based on your clothing, I can tell that you are not a marine. As such, please do not disturb me of such matters as you lack the authority to do so."

With a brief pause, Akimoto faced Sergio directly.

"Don't rush to your death so quickly."

Akimoto then turned his back and convinced Celina to calm down. Those two would eventually start walking to find Kuro...
BeyondAug 1, 2012 12:36 PM
Aug 1, 2012 3:55 PM

Dec 2009
Levi stares oddly at the new arrival (Noah) before walk around him inspecting his body before finely settling to stare at the mans hands.

"You have nice hands. Can I have them?"

Levi's face shows he is completely serious and actually does want to remove the man's hands and put them in his bag of collectibles. But Levi suddenly thinks he should ask Cass what she thinks first, Cass always knows best.

"Chibi can I take his hands?"
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Aug 1, 2012 4:15 PM

Feb 2010
Boomie interrupts, taking Cass' place to answer.

"Ya' don' wan dem hans, ya wan brawny ones, like mine!"

Boomie throws his hand down so it's inline with the new arrivals, showing the comparison from the precise hand of the guitarist and the strong, burnt and scarred hands of the giant.

Boomie lets his cigarette fall to the ground before stepping on it.

"Although...they could be a mechanics hand...very a womans...reminds me of Chibi's."
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Aug 1, 2012 4:56 PM

Jun 2009
Well this is awkward Herain thought to himself but decided to carry on with the conversation as if he hadn't heard the nickname.

"So.... who is this Fork character and why is everyone so eager to go see him? I mean it seems everyone is heading over to where he is." he said motioning to the crowds of people still wandering towards grove twenty.
No matter what blade you possess, it is impossible to cut a single flower that blooms in the wilderness that has become my home. ~Unknown
Aug 1, 2012 5:45 PM

Feb 2010
Cass turned to appraise the man speaking to them. That fact alone told her that he was a) stupid b) brave c) oblivious or d) all of the above and probably drunk. She hoped it was d, personally. She spotted the guitar over his back as Levi and Boomie spoke. After seeing his entrance from the crowd outside she took an immediate liking to him, he may be more suited to dealing with them than she had first thought. Chaos was always welcome in her books and he appeared to have a natural talent for it, even unintentional.

"He's a musician idiots. Of course he has nice hands, delicate hands. Those kinds of hands are useless on anyone but their owner Levi, you shouldn't bother."

She turned her attention to Noah.

"It may have been nice if you knew how to do a proper introduction. You're supposed to give your name as a sign of trust. My name is Cassandra."

Cass didn't move off her barrel to shake the man's hand. Instead she wrapped her arms around her chest and glared at him. He was different, she had to admit. There was a sense of charisma somewhere, all musicians had charisma, but his was an awkward presence that simply tried to put people at ease. Most people never think much of the court jester or fool but Cass dealt with both on a daily basis and knew just how dangerous a fool was. He may have been called handsome by other and even she could not contradict that he was definitely easy on the eyes, but to her it was cuteness. In the same way that most people find small fluffy animals cute.
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Aug 1, 2012 5:54 PM

May 2010
Sergio took a couple steps back and he felt a drop of sweat running down his neck as some weird feeling came over him, but he worked to fight it off. It almost seemed like it was coming from the girl. This must be why Ma always told me to never anger a woman. He put his hands up in front of his chest gesturing for the girl to calm down.

“Whoa there Miss. I didn’t mean anythin’ b-“

He was cut off as the guy stepped in between them to stop her. Though the feeling he got from him was anything but kind. The man said one thing, but his eyes and the aura he gave off was telling the exact opposite. After a few threatening words, the man and the girl turned and started walking away. A small click was heard from behind them. Sergio had taken one of his pistols out in his left hand and cocked the hammer back ready to fire. His face had turned grave and a little sadness could be seen mixed in.

“I don’t think you should tell me not to rush to my death when you are one step away from yours, Sir. Don’t teach what you don’t practice. I guess nobody taught you manners either, just like the rest of these guys. Disrespect is something I can’t tolerate.”

Sergio held his gun aimed at Akimoto for a bit longer, then uncocked his gun and put it back in to his holster. The tension in his voice was gone, but the seriousness in his words wasn’t.

“You are only half right about my status. Yes I am not a marine, but I was one once; won’t be one ever again unless they change their ways. But it is a good thing I ain’t, otherwise you would be full of bullets, Sir. Now how about we start over again shall we?”

He brought back that warm smile.

“My name is Sergio Phillips, though some people call me “Deadshot”. I’m here to see what this Fork fella has to say to everyone. Judging by the lady’s reaction, I was wrong to think you were on a date. Does that mean you are here for the same reason?”

Youmi Academy ID
Aug 1, 2012 6:11 PM

Mar 2009
He felt a shrivel run up his spine when the man with the long over coat asked him for his “hands”. As his smile began to slowly fade away he thought about what the hell this man has been thinking? I mean, he looked like a doctor, but was he really one? Then again I doubt a professional would ask his comrade for approval. He tried to answer the man’s inquiry but was immediately interrupted by the boastful tone of the other man in the trio, who stated,

"Ya' don' wan dem hans, ya wan brawny ones, like mine!"

His hand had retracted back to his side by now. Obviously he thought he was dealing with a bunch of nut jobs, and it would probably be best to leave them be before things get “weirder”. When he finally got to his feet, the woman in the group addressed him, and correctly assessed the purpose of his hands, even though it was followed up by a scolding of his improper manners.

“Cassandra eh? That’s some insight you’ve got there,” he stated as his eyes surveyed her entire figure. “Heh, haha, yo-ho-ho!” he sang out before taking a slight bow before the group. “That is correct, I am a musician, in fact, one of South Blue’s best, Noah LeBlanc! And you, well you are probably the only group that hasn’t tried to kill me all day, so I should give my thanks…..for now.”
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Aug 1, 2012 6:17 PM

Feb 2010
Flower? your names Flower? nice! suiting for a Magician!

Boomie ignores Cass' insult, but still rebukes what his ally said.

"VARANDA?! Last time it was Maranda, time before that it was Cassandra, but when you told US your name it was COMMANDER! Commander Arrow!"

Boomie turns to the musician.

"Don't believe her, she tries to changse her name as much as she changes her guns, I'm Boomie! Owner of 'Babies Go BOOM!'"
JyenhAug 1, 2012 7:09 PM
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Aug 1, 2012 7:07 PM

Dec 2009
Levi constantly talks back to Boomie whilst Chibi talks to Noah.

"Your hands are ugly and scarred, they are good for nothing but holding exploding bombs. Which I have seen you do on many occasions and is why they are useless for anything else. They are bad hands Boomie."

Levi hears chibi introduce herself as Cassandra and then listens to Boomie putting his two sense in.

"Boomie is right, her name is Commander Arrow, or chibi for short."

Levi waits a moment as an eerie and awkward silence follows, the expectation being that he introduce himself but he thinks people are staring at the pigeon rat on his head.

"Oh and this is Gregory, he is my first surviving experiment; he's so adorable isn't he? A true masterpiece."

Levi takes Gregory off of his head and begins cradling him in his arms and petting him.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
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