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Apr 29, 2012 9:14 AM

Jul 2010
if you're talking about the incoming nerf to his sustain it shouldn't be that bad.

Apr 29, 2012 9:19 AM

Apr 2012
Angel_Beats said:
if you're talking about the incoming nerf to his sustain it shouldn't be that bad.

I meant the older nerfs.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 10:06 AM

Jul 2010
still a champion worth playing if you really like him. his level 2 ganks are so powerful, and laning lee is a monster.

Apr 29, 2012 11:25 AM

Apr 2012
Angel_Beats said:
still a champion worth playing if you really like him. his level 2 ganks are so powerful, and laning lee is a monster.

I meant that he was quite OP and easy to carry with in Ranked.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 11:42 AM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
I meant that he was quite OP and easy to carry with in Ranked.

Well, good Lead Singer can still carry pretty hard, I mean.. he has a great mobility and free 40% IAS. It depends on which elo you wan't to carry with him, I mean.. you can't pick straight up a champion and carry with him, on low elo it's easy but not on mid-high.
Mundo is just sick atm.
Apr 29, 2012 12:03 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:
I meant that he was quite OP and easy to carry with in Ranked.

Well, good Lead Singer can still carry pretty hard, I mean.. he has a great mobility and free 40% IAS. It depends on which elo you wan't to carry with him, I mean.. you can't pick straight up a champion and carry with him, on low elo it's easy but not on mid-high.
Mundo is just sick atm.

Lee sucks late tho, mobility or not it's not like his ganks are unavoidable.

Except that there are champions you can simply pick up and play lol. If you remember post release Graves, he was the easiest shit around if you played AD Carry before and he was quite good.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 12:52 PM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
Except that there are champions you can simply pick up and play lol. If you remember post release Graves, he was the easiest shit around if you played AD Carry before and he was quite good.

Yes but I'm not talking about OP champions, and even then it depends on what elo you're playing.

I can play anything and feel Godlike on lower elo's, but when it comes to my and much higher elo.. I'd rather stay Mid or Support than face the player who's maining AD or Top lane, I mean.. I can pick up any champion and play him but question is how good can I play them, not feeding and not being good enough? I'll rather leave that role to some one else, or pick a champion with whom I comfortable with.

It's not hard to pick up a champion when you know what are his abilities and what he's capable of doing in terms of 1x1 or teamfights but when you pick up a new champion and you face good player who sees that you're not very great that particular champion player.. shit gets real.
Apr 29, 2012 1:08 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:
Except that there are champions you can simply pick up and play lol. If you remember post release Graves, he was the easiest shit around if you played AD Carry before and he was quite good.

Yes but I'm not talking about OP champions, and even then it depends on what elo you're playing.

I can play anything and feel Godlike on lower elo's, but when it comes to my and much higher elo.. I'd rather stay Mid or Support than face the player who's maining AD or Top lane, I mean.. I can pick up any champion and play him but question is how good can I play them, not feeding and not being good enough? I'll rather leave that role to some one else, or pick a champion with whom I comfortable with.

It's not hard to pick up a champion when you know what are his abilities and what he's capable of doing in terms of 1x1 or teamfights but when you pick up a new champion and you face good player who sees that you're not very great that particular champion player.. shit gets real.

What are you talking about o.O. I'm an AD Carry player and except positioning there isn't anything really important. You already know who's a great 1v1'er by checking his skills.

Like really, who wouldn't see Graves as a great 1v1, he's tanky, has attk speed steroid and TONS of burst.

And I'm talking about release Graves, people had no idea how to counter him like on any ELO and he was OP too so for 2 weeks it was quite fun (I don't remember if they hotfixed or not o.O).

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 1:28 PM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
I'm an AD Carry player and except positioning there isn't anything really important.

I took AD carries as one champion, if you know how to play one - you're able to play rest ones as well, not even talking about faceroll Graves. Well, I exclude only Ezreal, because he's damn complex compared to rest AD carries.

I can pick up graves too, but how well will I do against player who's maining AD carry, tho we cannot forget about the support, because, imo in soloq, bottom lane is mostly all about how good is the support player. His performance will be overall better than mine.

Just as well I can pick up and play any other champion, I would not call that playing but more like fooling around. To play the champion you have to know nuances of the particular champion, know his weaknesses and strengths, which can take quite a lot of games to get to his full potential.

Just seems we're having a different opinion on what is "pick straight up and PLAY".
Apr 29, 2012 1:32 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:
I'm an AD Carry player and except positioning there isn't anything really important.

I took AD carries as one champion, if you know how to play one - you're able to play rest ones as well, not even talking about faceroll Graves. Well, I exclude only Ezreal, because he's damn complex compared to rest AD carries.

I can pick up graves too, but how well will I do against player who's maining AD carry, tho we cannot forget about the support, because, imo in soloq, bottom lane is mostly all about how good is the support player. His performance will be overall better than mine.

Just as well I can pick up and play any other champion, I would not call that playing but more like fooling around. To play the champion you have to know nuances of the particular champion, know his weaknesses and strengths, which can take quite a lot of games to get to his full potential.

Just seems we're having a different opinion on what is "pick straight up and PLAY".

Only way Ezreal is complex if you're going Trinity Force and to hit Q is a must, otherwise you could still hit a minion if you're not going Sheen, attack speed is still nice.

That's what I'm telling you, as an AD Carry player I didn't find Graves (actually any AD Champ) hard. To be honest I tried every AD Carry first time in Ranked and did awesome at Gold and higher.

Full potential or not, you won't get into a mirror game in Ranked, and you took a role that can still do well even if you don't know how to play the champion itself. As I said, positioning, kiting and focus = AD Carry.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 1:45 PM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
That's what I'm telling you, as an AD Carry player I didn't find Graves (actually any AD Champ) hard.

I don't see big distinction between AD carries too, except Ezreal, so I just take them all as one, it's easiest role in the game after all, but AD players have comfort zone in this role as well, if they pick other AD champ.. they will do much worse than some one who's maining that champion.

I can agree with you that every champion can be picked up, if the player has understanding of how the champion works, but that is not what I'd call playing him.
Apr 29, 2012 1:55 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:
That's what I'm telling you, as an AD Carry player I didn't find Graves (actually any AD Champ) hard.

I don't see big distinction between AD carries too, except Ezreal, so I just take them all as one, it's easiest role in the game after all, but AD players have comfort zone in this role as well, if they pick other AD champ.. they will do much worse than some one who's maining that champion.

I can agree with you that every champion can be picked up, if the player has understanding of how the champion works, but that is not what I'd call playing him.

Actually in terms of difficulty.

Jungle > AD Carry > Mid > Top > Support.

Support being the easiest shit around, Jungle asking for a bit more knowledge and dynamics.

I still think there was no difference, I'm an overconfident fellow (that's what people tell me, I always think otherwise), so Graves surely fit me well after release, same like Corki. Kog not that much, I understood how to play him really fast because I got the idea that he had to bombard from afar.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 2:07 PM

Apr 2012
Hey guys, what is your opinion on the Tribunal? I feel that the rules there are a bit extreme, and it's easy to get banned unjustly, as you know, all level 30's can get to use it.

I got banned for 5 days when it should have been 2 weeks, weird stuff.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 2:45 PM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:

Jungle > AD Carry > Mid > Top > Support.

Support being the easiest shit around, Jungle asking for a bit more knowledge and dynamics.

I'd say

There's no question about AP champions here.
As for jungle.. I'd maybe put it after Support, because Jungling is nothing hard, pick Mundo, Udyr, Nocturne and just sweep the jungle, when there's an opportunity - gank, nothing hard about the role. Patterns are easy, counterjungling isn't something difficult as well. Which lane to gank isn't that hard to figure out.
Top lane.. top lane is like AD - basically mouse2/spell spam each other when there's a good moment for it. Or just farmfest. But have to be cautions for those ganks.
AD carry.. farm, farm, farm, mouse2, mouse2, mouse2, if in trouble - hope for your support to save your ass. Boring role.
Support. Warding, 0 farm leaves you basically with 0 items except g/10, what makes you fragile as hell. Be in the wrong position for a split second and you're dead. Where AD carry would survive, thanks to his support and having higher defensive stats. I've always thought of Support as the crucial aspect of bottom lane. Lets take soloQ for example: AD player is good but support is bad - his lane will lose, because enemy team will use this opportunity to either feed on Support or deny from creeps or just simply push in. But let's switch around here - me as AD player and having good Support, we will win that lane, because support can, and is the one who does make fights happen or bait. To be good support player you have to understand the synergy between you and your AD champion, where AD carry has to just farm and use the opportunity given by his Support to gain advantage in their lane. Try to actually see it with an open mind, how the support and ad carry works and who carries whom in the lane.
I love playing Janna, Nunu. Janna especially, she's so fun to support, easy to make fight happen.

Don't think of support as Soraka, whos staying begind and just doing nothing but healing/replenishing mana. Don't compare random guy, who's staying behind, playing like a coward and making you lose your lane to actually good Support players, who understand their role fully. When you compare good support player to good ad player, it's pretty obvious which role is harder.

AD is the easiest role in the game. That is what I personally think, and what I've heard from Pobelter, Doublelift and many more professional AD, and not only AD players. I can bet my head on that that none of the professional teams would not class Support as the "Easiest Role", ever.

Hey guys, what is your opinion on the Tribunal?

Tribunal is shit, well the players participating in it. Rage kids after losing game, punishing every game where's "noob" in it, etc.
The "case closed" is up to people from RIOT. They have legitimate reasons when they're actually banning people. I've been banned twice, every case deserved.
one-more-timeApr 29, 2012 2:52 PM
Apr 29, 2012 3:04 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:

Jungle > AD Carry > Mid > Top > Support.

Support being the easiest shit around, Jungle asking for a bit more knowledge and dynamics.

I'd say

There's no question about AP champions here.
As for jungle.. I'd maybe put it after Support, because Jungling is nothing hard, pick Mundo, Udyr, Nocturne and just sweep the jungle, when there's an opportunity - gank, nothing hard about the role. Patterns are easy, counterjungling isn't something difficult as well. Which lane to gank isn't that hard to figure out.
Top lane.. top lane is like AD - basically mouse2/spell spam each other when there's a good moment for it. Or just farmfest. But have to be cautions for those ganks.
AD carry.. farm, farm, farm, mouse2, mouse2, mouse2, if in trouble - hope for your support to save your ass. Boring role.
Support. Warding, 0 farm leaves you basically with 0 items except g/10, what makes you fragile as hell. Be in the wrong position for a split second and you're dead. Where AD carry would survive, thanks to his support and having higher defensive stats. I've always thought of Support as the crucial aspect of bottom lane. Lets take soloQ for example: AD player is good but support is bad - his lane will lose, because enemy team will use this opportunity to either feed on Support or deny from creeps or just simply push in. But let's switch around here - me as AD player and having good Support, we will win that lane, because support can, and is the one who does make fights happen or bait. To be good support player you have to understand the synergy between you and your AD champion, where AD carry has to just farm and use the opportunity given by his Support to gain advantage in their lane. Try to actually see it with an open mind, how the support and ad carry works and who carries whom in the lane.
I love playing Janna, Nunu. Janna especially, she's so fun to support, easy to make fight happen.

Don't think of support as Soraka, whos staying begind and just doing nothing but healing/replenishing mana. Don't compare random guy, who's staying behind, playing like a coward and making you lose your lane to actually good Support players, who understand their role fully. When you compare good support player to good ad player, it's pretty obvious which role is harder.

AD is the easiest role in the game. That is what I personally think, and what I've heard from Pobelter, Doublelift and many more professional AD, and not only AD players. I can bet my head on that that none of the professional teams would not class Support as the "Easiest Role", ever.

Hey guys, what is your opinion on the Tribunal?

Tribunal is shit, well the players participating in it. Rage kids after losing game, punishing every game where's "noob" in it, etc.
The "case closed" is up to people from RIOT. They have legitimate reasons when they're actually banning people. I've been banned twice, every case deserved.

That doesn't say anything, supports are for early game after all, where AD carries lack. Early you won't have problems as first time support unless you're a total retard and you don't understand champions. Know the timers, ward, CC/support your ad carry.

AD Carry must know when to commit early, he must farm perfectly and know perfectly when to push, when not to push, how much damage the tower does and when to prepare it's own creeps, must know his own counterpicks on bot so he won't be aggressive as an idiot then die. Late game it's even worse, you get a even harder job, to try to stay alive and do the most damage. If you don't die last or 4th then you aren't an AD Carry or you got caught.

AP Champions are hard but not as hard as Junglers, they won't have problems if they roam at least if they roamed in the perfect situation, if you get counterpicked as Ahri by Mordekaiser and he pushes you all day then that's your fault.

Junglers need to know the timers, they need to ward the jungle, they need to know to survive a counter jungle early and know all routes possible of about fifteen other junglers. They need to control dragon, they need to know all ways to gank and which lane synergises best with his own skills, and if it's worth ganking. If it wasn't worth it then he losses a lot.

Top is just counter pick and play aggressive + farm, or get counterpicked play safe + farm and just be careful for ganks either way.

My two primary roles are Top (first) and AD carry (second).

EDIT: About the Tribunal, I got banned for 5 days, I don't know for what reason as my last ban was 1 week, so this one should have been 2 weeks. o.O

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 3:12 PM

Apr 2010
Tribunal is pretty awful since the community is awful, but in general if you aren't a huge dick you won't get tossed in there. Atleast, on NA. If you do get in though, pretty much fucked. People just auto punish and don't read anything.
Apr 29, 2012 3:18 PM

Apr 2012
Clous said:
Tribunal is pretty awful since the community is awful, but in general if you aren't a huge dick you won't get tossed in there. Atleast, on NA. If you do get in though, pretty much fucked. People just auto punish and don't read anything.

Woah really? Here on EU on every game there is somebody that screams "REPORT X PLEASE".

So you always get into the Tribunal. Oh btw here on the forums people defend the Tribunal fiercely, I suppose until they get banned themselves XD.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 3:46 PM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
That doesn't say anything, supports are for early game after all, where AD carries lack.

Mid/Late game too. Ward control is up to them mostly. Defending/helping support not to die in teamfiht while not to get focused.
Early you won't have problems as first time support unless you're a total retard and you don't understand champions. Know the timers, ward, CC/support your ad carry.

First time supports play passive, which makes you lose your lane. And they can over commit and die, which makes you lose your lane even more.

AD Carry must know when to commit early, he must farm perfectly and know perfectly when to push, when not to push, how much damage the tower does and when to prepare it's own creeps, must know his own counterpicks on bot so he won't be aggressive as an idiot then die. Late game it's even worse, you get a even harder job, to try to stay alive and do the most damage. If you don't die last or 4th then you aren't an AD Carry or you got caught.

In soloQ you cannot commit if your support plays passive, it's impossible for the most of the time to win a 1x2 fight/lane. Farming, pushing, lane freeze, counterpicks is for Mid and Top too, dunno why are you mentioning this, those are just basic things you have to know when playing those roles.
Ad carry has to just position himself to deal damage and not die. As for support, it has to position, support not only AD but rest of his team if it's necessary. But support is not about teamfights only, you are too much focused on them, stop it already.
AD's point in game is just to farm so to be useful later on.
Support has much more tasks throughout the game.

AP Champions are hard but not as hard as Junglers, they won't have problems if they roam at least if they roamed in the perfect situation, if you get counterpicked as Ahri by Mordekaiser and he pushes you all day then that's your fault.

Yes they are, AP is playing against player while Jungler is fighting creeps for the most of the game, LOL, are you really trying to say that jungler has harder time fighting AI than Mid player fighting real person taking in count that the Mid lane is, imo, the easiest lane to gank.

Junglers need to know the timers, they need to ward the jungle, they need to know to survive a counter jungle early and know all routes possible of about fifteen other junglers. They need to control dragon, they need to know all ways to gank and which lane synergises best with his own skills, and if it's worth ganking. If it wasn't worth it then he losses a lot.

Timers? Write down buffs(5min), drake(6min), baron(7min) timers, rest timers doesn't matter. Rest lanes has to ward as well. There are basically just 2 routes - blue or red, that's it. The rest you're mentioning.. they're damn basic things to play a jungler. That's nothing hard. Ganking is easy. Routes are easy. Drake is easy. Timers? Write down. Dealing with counterjungling can be easy and can be tricky, everything depends on the particular game and teammates. No really.. AI is harder than facing player?... They don't have to pay much attention to game at all, afk farm jungle, when there's good opportunity - gank>burn flash/kill>gank again>kill>go afk farm>can get oracles>clear wards. That's it. While AP player has to pay attention all the time, so he doesn't get WTFBURSTED or ganked, or he can gank instead, etc, etc.
I can write down so many aspects of every role, but I really want to watch Casshern Sins atm, maybe I'll write something tomorrow.
one-more-timeApr 29, 2012 3:58 PM
Apr 29, 2012 4:39 PM

Jul 2010
i like the love that support is getting here. :-]

Apr 29, 2012 7:17 PM

Apr 2010
Immahnoob said:
Clous said:
Tribunal is pretty awful since the community is awful, but in general if you aren't a huge dick you won't get tossed in there. Atleast, on NA. If you do get in though, pretty much fucked. People just auto punish and don't read anything.

Woah really? Here on EU on every game there is somebody that screams "REPORT X PLEASE".

So you always get into the Tribunal. Oh btw here on the forums people defend the Tribunal fiercely, I suppose until they get banned themselves XD.

People say shit, but never actually follow through. They know that anyone who says REPORT X is pulling shit from their ass and won't follow through. Unless they are blatantly feeding or going super hardcore harassment.
Apr 30, 2012 12:02 AM

Apr 2012
Tribunal? Ban?
Neeh, np, haven't been banned a single time. Atm lvl 30 with almost 300 wins. ;)
Apr 30, 2012 12:48 AM

Apr 2012
jallan said:
Tribunal? Ban?
Neeh, np, haven't been banned a single time. Atm lvl 30 with almost 300 wins. ;)

Haha, man, that's what I was saying to everybody when they would get banned.

Oh I'm 700 games in total, you guys just don't know how to follow the rules blabla.

Then I got banned myself. And found out how extreme the rules are.
Clous said:
Immahnoob said:
Clous said:
Tribunal is pretty awful since the community is awful, but in general if you aren't a huge dick you won't get tossed in there. Atleast, on NA. If you do get in though, pretty much fucked. People just auto punish and don't read anything.

Woah really? Here on EU on every game there is somebody that screams "REPORT X PLEASE".

So you always get into the Tribunal. Oh btw here on the forums people defend the Tribunal fiercely, I suppose until they get banned themselves XD.

People say shit, but never actually follow through. They know that anyone who says REPORT X is pulling shit from their ass and won't follow through. Unless they are blatantly feeding or going super hardcore harassment.

Well, here people actually believe anything. It's simple for two people to say "Report X for flaming". Somebody will surely report.
Angel_Beats said:
i like the love that support is getting here. :-]

What do you mean bro?

If you can't fight the AI anymore because you got counter jungled while ganking and failed that gank too you lost at least a level, or you even lost a dragon because you ganked top and you failed, enemy jungler noticed and took it with his bot lane. The most important objectives are Dragon in Early/Mid, and Baron in Mid/Late. Junglers must interact with ALL LANES. You're adding your own roles in the order you want >.>. Mid is the same like Top, only that you need to roam, thus it's harder than Top, but not with much. Top can roam too, but that asks for a really retard like enemy top laner.

Committing or not, you can even avoid it, because the only thing you need is to farm. Supports don't get focused down unless the better targets are down already or you're really out of position. And NO, teamfights are important, they always were and they will always be, in rare cases the game goes without teamfights. I as AD Carry love a support that just sticks to me, and doesn't "support" the rest of the team in the fight if we're in one already and I need it more.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 30, 2012 1:18 AM

Apr 2010
It just depends. I've played over 1000 games and have been a dick in far too many of them. Never had a warning before. Roll the dice everytime. I have heard though that they are being more proactive about it due to some hype about people wanting to change how the online gaming community is currently. If that is actually true or customer pandering I do not know.
Apr 30, 2012 1:21 AM

Apr 2012
Clous said:
It just depends. I've played over 1000 games and have been a dick in far too many of them. Never had a warning before. Roll the dice everytime. I have heard though that they are being more proactive about it due to some hype about people wanting to change how the online gaming community is currently. If that is actually true or customer pandering I do not know.

Nah, the Tribunal isn't verified in any way by Riot, only permabans after all. So it's just the community doing a really bad job. Because of how the Tribunal works too.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 30, 2012 8:10 AM

Feb 2010

~9:30, 18:20

I'm not going to try and search where Doublelift, Cop and other AD players say that they're playing AD carry because it's easy and all they do is mouse2 people down, and as well giving the credit and pointing out that Support is harder to play.

You're adding your own roles in the order you want

Erm no.. that is how I see these roles. I will never see Support as the easiest role to play.

Junglers must interact with ALL LANES.

That's nothing hard.
Look my Shaco, Rammus, Tryndamere, Warwick. I played all of them in the Jungle, well trynd was 50/50. Jungle is easy but for sure harder than AD. I'm not concluding it only from my own games.

But if you want to stay at the "support is easiest role to play".. fine by me. Not going to argue anymore, because you always go only by your own experience.
Apr 30, 2012 10:41 AM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:

~9:30, 18:20

I'm not going to try and search where Doublelift, Cop and other AD players say that they're playing AD carry because it's easy and all they do is mouse2 people down, and as well giving the credit and pointing out that Support is harder to play.

You're adding your own roles in the order you want

Erm no.. that is how I see these roles. I will never see Support as the easiest role to play.

Junglers must interact with ALL LANES.

That's nothing hard.
Look my Shaco, Rammus, Tryndamere, Warwick. I played all of them in the Jungle, well trynd was 50/50. Jungle is easy but for sure harder than AD. I'm not concluding it only from my own games.

But if you want to stay at the "support is easiest role to play".. fine by me. Not going to argue anymore, because you always go only by your own experience.

I already said Jungle > AD as how hard they are.

Of course I'll go by my experience, that's the most important thing, I don't really care of what the other players say, if I win my games it's okay with me. Especially if it's Ranked. From when I started playing I barely checked guides for champions, I made my own builds like I did in other MOBA's.

They could even say "Kog'Maw must now be played solely AP, works best", I won't just go "OH YEAH, GONNA DO THAT", no, I'll stick to my own beliefs.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 1, 2012 1:45 AM

Apr 2012
The buffs on Deathfire Grasp are extreme. 750 range? Ok I'm maining LeBlanc now.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 1, 2012 6:15 AM

Feb 2010
I just dunno why they're buffing Annie.. she had only a small nerf, -5 dmg on both Q and W, she was already good champion, lol.
May 1, 2012 6:22 AM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
I just dunno why they're buffing Annie.. she had only a small nerf, -5 dmg on both Q and W, she was already good champion, lol.

Her low range made her quite suckish.

But did you see that DFG buff? I's EXTREME. 750 RANGE? Lol, it makes LeBlanc the most viable shit atm.

OH YEAH, now it costs less too with more AP, who needed manareg on LeBlanc anyways? CDR AP and the Active is enough.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 1, 2012 6:45 AM

Feb 2010
Dunno, dunno, I was playing Annie on NA and a while back on EUW, her aa's are damn strong with that range. Low range spells are good trade for high damage output, but we will for sure now see more Annie's.

DFG buff is sweet, sucks that trist's E has only 625 range =(
May 1, 2012 6:59 AM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Dunno, dunno, I was playing Annie on NA and a while back on EUW, her aa's are damn strong with that range. Low range spells are good trade for high damage output, but we will for sure now see more Annie's.

DFG buff is sweet, sucks that trist's E has only 625 range =(

Sometimes it happened to me that I couldn't get in range for the DFG on some champions (when I was an idiot). This buff is EXTREMELY NICE!

DAMN, I can't stop talking about this shit XD, I can't wait to get unbanned on 3rd of May and rape some faces on mid.

Hmmm, WW got nerfed o.O. Kinda sad. He wasn't OP. My main Irelia got buffed again, but HEY they had to bring a better skin than Cyberblade T.T.

ImmahnoobMay 1, 2012 7:02 AM

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 1, 2012 7:32 AM

Feb 2010
I have Aviator Irelia skin, I like it more than this one. But I'm pretty bad Irelia, because I don't like farming for 30 minutes-.-, s1 I had like 40% win ratio with her, lol.

I'd say that the WW was a bit too strong, especially his late-game sustain and high dmg on Q. ArQuel's WW es #1.
May 1, 2012 10:05 AM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
I have Aviator Irelia skin, I like it more than this one. But I'm pretty bad Irelia, because I don't like farming for 30 minutes-.-, s1 I had like 40% win ratio with her, lol.

I'd say that the WW was a bit too strong, especially his late-game sustain and high dmg on Q. ArQuel's WW es #1.

No, there was no need of a nerf on WW.

Aviator Irelia is kinda dull, that's why I bought no skin for her until Cyberblade, and now there's Frostblade that looks so awesome. Freakin' Riot.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 1, 2012 10:24 AM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
No, there was no need of a nerf on WW.

We can go on for hours with "Yes" and "No", lol. But if they nerfed him - it was needed.

ArQuel outplayed every Olaf he was facing, was funny, lol.

Aviator Irelia is kinda dull, that's why I bought no skin for her until Cyberblade, and now there's Frostblade that looks so awesome. Freakin' Riot.

It's a matter of taste. I don't like Cyberblade skin. This new skin is sure pretty sweet, but I prefer my Aviator one <3

And I'm really loving the spectator thingy, that you can spectate your friends, that's just freakin' awesome.
one-more-timeMay 1, 2012 10:28 AM
May 1, 2012 10:34 AM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:
No, there was no need of a nerf on WW.

We can go on for hours with "Yes" and "No", lol. But if they nerfed him - it was needed.

ArQuel outplayed every Olaf he was facing, was funny, lol.

Aviator Irelia is kinda dull, that's why I bought no skin for her until Cyberblade, and now there's Frostblade that looks so awesome. Freakin' Riot.

It's a matter of taste. I don't like Cyberblade skin. This new skin is sure pretty sweet, but I prefer my Aviator one <3

Outplaying has nothing to do with the champion, you can outplay with anything. It wasn't needed at all, his late game sucks even more than it did now.

Of course, if Aviator would look like that in-game too it would be fine, but she doesn't, so yeah, pretty dull... But everybody with their tastes.

I don't know if Spectator will work properly tho, you never know what Riot brings lol.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 1, 2012 11:15 AM
Apr 2012
My ace champion is Kassadin, sadly I can never play him in ranked games.
May 1, 2012 11:31 AM

Apr 2012
ValorsoraEX said:
My ace champion is Kassadin, sadly I can never play him in ranked games.

Kassadin es #1 best blink always banned huehuehue.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 2, 2012 3:13 AM

Apr 2009
Starting to like Heimerdinger more than Ahri (my main).

He's so much fun and I can practically survive 3v1s now
May 2, 2012 4:17 AM

Dec 2011
I played it for weeks at my friends house... I learned to play decent with Ashe, Brand, Katarina (I probably played my best games with her) and Ahri...

I can play at least decent with these...

I downloaded the game to my PC this morning... But my shitty connection causes "Please Reconnect" message...

And just when I thought I will learn to play with other champions...

Anyway game is fun and great for killing time...
May 2, 2012 5:18 AM

Apr 2012
akutasame94 said:

Anyway game is fun and great for killing time...

Sure is. It sucks when you cannot afford to kill time tho... :p
May 2, 2012 7:20 AM

Apr 2012
The Spectator Mode works truly well lol. I expected some crashes, lag and other stuff from Riot.

But hey, they did a good job. Except for the fact that it's delayed with 3 min. Which I find truly annoying.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 2, 2012 7:36 AM

Apr 2012
Immahnoob said:
The Spectator Mode works truly well lol. I expected some crashes, lag and other stuff from Riot.

But hey, they did a good job. Except for the fact that it's delayed with 3 min. Which I find truly annoying.

Well, it got its purposes with the 3 min delay. But custome matches should have a option to not have this 3 min delay.
May 2, 2012 7:45 AM

Jul 2010
jallan said:
Immahnoob said:
The Spectator Mode works truly well lol. I expected some crashes, lag and other stuff from Riot.

But hey, they did a good job. Except for the fact that it's delayed with 3 min. Which I find truly annoying.

Well, it got its purposes with the 3 min delay. But custome matches should have a option to not have this 3 min delay.

that will never happen because people scrim, and smaller tourneys use custom games to host their matches.

May 2, 2012 7:52 AM

Apr 2012
Angel_Beats said:
jallan said:
Immahnoob said:
The Spectator Mode works truly well lol. I expected some crashes, lag and other stuff from Riot.

But hey, they did a good job. Except for the fact that it's delayed with 3 min. Which I find truly annoying.

Well, it got its purposes with the 3 min delay. But custome matches should have a option to not have this 3 min delay.

that will never happen because people scrim, and smaller tourneys use custom games to host their matches.

It should be optional (hence the name, option). For Custom games the creator can simply put the delay or not.

I know of the purpose of the 3 min delay. But I still know of people ghosting (I don't know if this was the term, I forgot) streams.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 2, 2012 8:33 AM

Dec 2011
jallan said:
akutasame94 said:

Anyway game is fun and great for killing time...

Sure is. It sucks when you cannot afford to kill time tho... :p

Or even worse...

I have time to kill (well I am 17 :P ), but your internet doesn't let you... XD

LoL I wrote you instead of I... Fixed it now :D
akutasame94May 2, 2012 8:37 AM
May 2, 2012 8:42 AM

Apr 2012
akutasame94 said:
jallan said:
akutasame94 said:

Anyway game is fun and great for killing time...

Sure is. It sucks when you cannot afford to kill time tho... :p

Or even worse...

I have time to kill (well I am 17 :P ), but your internet doesn't let you... XD

LoL I wrote you instead of I... Fixed it now :D

You could always read a book XD.

Anyways, hope you will still like the game, if you get to higher levels (if you're already 30 or you don't want to play Ranked ignore this) you should learn champions from every role.

But you can always main one single role.

My advice.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 2, 2012 8:43 AM

Apr 2012
Immahnoob said:
Angel_Beats said:
jallan said:
Immahnoob said:
The Spectator Mode works truly well lol. I expected some crashes, lag and other stuff from Riot.

But hey, they did a good job. Except for the fact that it's delayed with 3 min. Which I find truly annoying.

Well, it got its purposes with the 3 min delay. But custome matches should have a option to not have this 3 min delay.

that will never happen because people scrim, and smaller tourneys use custom games to host their matches.

It should be optional (hence the name, option). For Custom games the creator can simply put the delay or not.

I know of the purpose of the 3 min delay. But I still know of people ghosting (I don't know if this was the term, I forgot) streams.

Thats....exactly what I ment when I wrote "option to not have this 3 min delay". Tick, or untick.
May 2, 2012 8:44 AM

Apr 2012
jallan said:
Immahnoob said:
Angel_Beats said:
jallan said:
Immahnoob said:
The Spectator Mode works truly well lol. I expected some crashes, lag and other stuff from Riot.

But hey, they did a good job. Except for the fact that it's delayed with 3 min. Which I find truly annoying.

Well, it got its purposes with the 3 min delay. But custome matches should have a option to not have this 3 min delay.

that will never happen because people scrim, and smaller tourneys use custom games to host their matches.

It should be optional (hence the name, option). For Custom games the creator can simply put the delay or not.

I know of the purpose of the 3 min delay. But I still know of people ghosting (I don't know if this was the term, I forgot) streams.

Thats....exactly what I ment when I wrote "option to not have this 3 min delay". Tick, or untick.

Well, Angel_Beats didn't know that so I told him o.o.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 2, 2012 11:16 AM

Apr 2012
Immahnoob said:
jallan said:
Immahnoob said:
Angel_Beats said:
jallan said:
Immahnoob said:
The Spectator Mode works truly well lol. I expected some crashes, lag and other stuff from Riot.

But hey, they did a good job. Except for the fact that it's delayed with 3 min. Which I find truly annoying.

Well, it got its purposes with the 3 min delay. But custome matches should have a option to not have this 3 min delay.

that will never happen because people scrim, and smaller tourneys use custom games to host their matches.

It should be optional (hence the name, option). For Custom games the creator can simply put the delay or not.

I know of the purpose of the 3 min delay. But I still know of people ghosting (I don't know if this was the term, I forgot) streams.

Thats....exactly what I ment when I wrote "option to not have this 3 min delay". Tick, or untick.

Well, Angel_Beats didn't know that so I told him o.o.

Oh I see, I see. ;)
Just bought Lux...I like her ulti..foooooh sure xD
May 2, 2012 11:21 AM

Apr 2012
jallan said:

Oh I see, I see. ;)
Just bought Lux...I like her ulti..foooooh sure xD

Lux is quite fun, too bad you can't win only by yourself you're a caster/support T.T.


Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
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