:D Yayz! There are other Jordanians on here! We always seem to be amongst the minority on anime/manga groups! Another Jordanian swelling the ranks, here ^_^v
Halla im from Qatar and Living in Qatar,I'm only 14 years old but its so Surprising to see so many Otaku,Anime fans all over the Middle east ^ o^~ So amazing..
i have nearly on anime-fans friends here,
so i just surprised to see there's a fans from Lebanon and rest of Arab world, which i thought i'm the only one who think Anime isn't for children like my other friends think.
And dude, like, seriously? There is a lot of awesome otaku's from Kuwait... And I HARDLY know anybody who likes anime in this country. Where have you guys been all my life? D:
First of all I thank the admin for creating such club...:D Anyways, let's cut to the chase, I'm a 16 year old BOY, I come from YEMEN, and I currently reside in MALAYSIA... (I've been living in SE Asia for 13 years now so I don't know a lot about the Otaku society back in my home country...)
Nice to meet you all...:D
P.S: If you reside in Malaysia feel free to send me a message...:D