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Apr 9, 2012 2:39 AM

Feb 2012
"Unknowns have beaten top pros in the past with fluke performances and unrepeatable flourishes but never has an unknown in an open bracket consistently beaten top pros, back – to back – to back."

Source and full article:

True underdog stories are a rarity in any sport played across the globe. Stories of inspiration that people have grown up with, like Rocky or Rudy, are now more far flung fantasies than tales of hard work and determination, especially in a world where money rules sports. A working stiff from Philadelphia can no longer walk on to play for the Eagles and a steel mill worker with dyslexia can no longer play for the Fighting Irish.

The same is true in esports – money still rules. The best Koreans are still at the top of global competition and foreigners rarely compete at the highest level without the monetary backing of teams and sponsors. The rarity of the true underdog is what makes what happened at IPL4 that much more exceptional. Unknowns have beaten top pros in the past with fluke performances and unrepeatable flourishes but never has an unknown in an open bracket consistently beaten top pros, back – to back – to back.

An 18-year-old Canadian Zerg known as Scarlett managed to win a Playhem tournament a few weeks prior to the event. That tournament happened to be a qualifier for IPL4, with the champion winning a sponsorship to compete in the open bracket.

Not only has she become one of the most successful unknown open bracket players in StarCraft 2 history but she has also become StarCraft’s most successful transgendered player, breaking down even more barriers in a sport that is dominated by men and sometimes characterized as sexist or hyper-masculine.

If those weren’t enough challenges to overcome already, Scarlett’s first match was set against an experienced Korean from Team Prime, Song “BumbleBee” Byung Hak (formerly known as Terious), who came to IPL 4 to compete in the GSTL final with other top Koreans and was famed for bringing down HuK into Code A.

Words can't describe how genuinely proud and happy I am for her. We've been friends since our DOTA days in Warcraft 3 a few years ago, long before her migration to Starcraft 2.

Women being one of the main focuses of the people I've tutored during my Warcraft 3 reign (2002-2005), it makes me very proud to see a female gamer like her make it big. I've always tried to promote female gaming skill since those years to help mitigate the stereotype and I'm just happy to see a friend do it so well and without my help.

It takes me back. I remember telling her back in 2009 that she had serious potential and that all it would take to be successful is devotion and application to the game. Having taught many players back in WC3, I've always had a good eye for seeing talent, but it does nothing to dampen my shock. I am shocked and not shocked at the same time. Not, in the sense that I knew it was well within her ability, but shocked that she would even actually do it.

Take care Scarlett. I'll be in the shadows of the RTS genre until Warcraft 4 :].
BloodcaliburApr 9, 2012 2:46 AM
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
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Apr 9, 2012 4:59 AM

Jan 2012
Them randoms. Always upsetting the the bigger, well known players.

I used to be one of those randoms in my own game(MAG), but unfortunately I pissed off too many people, so now I'm pretty well known...

But still, good for her! Happenings such as this ARE rare, but for those who know them, it makes it all the more satisfying when they upset the competition when it does occur. Congrats to Scarlett =]
Lemme smang it girl.
Apr 9, 2012 7:43 AM

Dec 2010
Good for her man :) I had no idea THIS was who you were talking about. A few friends and I have a pretty sizable proboards forum and we've had a topic about her for the past few weeks. That voice threw me off a little bit at first I have to admit, before I realized she was transgender =P

Anyway best of luck to her, I've been watching IPL since it started. Some very quality matches ^_^ Check it out!
Apr 9, 2012 7:53 AM

Jan 2008
I'm not trying to be a hater or anything but was I the only one who couldn't figure out if it was a guy or a girl? Watched the vid before reading the wall of text.
Apr 9, 2012 8:39 AM

Jul 2008
Paul said:
I'm not trying to be a hater or anything but was I the only one who couldn't figure out if it was a guy or a girl?
It's a guy dressed as a girl. Hence, transgender.
Apr 9, 2012 9:07 AM

Dec 2010
Defiance said:
Paul said:
I'm not trying to be a hater or anything but was I the only one who couldn't figure out if it was a guy or a girl?
It's a guy dressed as a girl. Hence, transgender.

lol, I think what you are referring to is a cross dresser: A guy dressed as a girl or a girl dressed as a guy. Transgender is something completely different. It means that she (he) was born biologically a male (or vice versa), but either had hormone deficiencies that caused him to have the "mind" of a woman, or, went through gender reconstruction surgery to remove his penis.

Simply put, transgender means that your perceived gender does not match your biological sex. I.E. you are biologically a male but consider yourself a female, or you are biologically a female but consider yourself male.

Transgender people are the cornerstone in the discussion of gender vs. sex: an interesting discussion indeed.
Apr 9, 2012 9:12 AM

Jul 2008
Legendre said:
Defiance said:
Paul said:
I'm not trying to be a hater or anything but was I the only one who couldn't figure out if it was a guy or a girl?
It's a guy dressed as a girl. Hence, transgender.

lol, I think what you are referring to is a cross dresser: A guy dressed as a girl or a girl dressed as a guy. Transgender is something completely different. It means that she (he) was born biologically a male (or vice versa), but either had hormone deficiencies that caused him to have the "mind" of a woman, or, went through gender reconstruction surgery to remove his penis.

Simply put, transgender means that your perceived gender does not match your biological sex. I.E. you are biologically a male but consider yourself a female, or you are biologically a female but consider yourself male.

Transgender people are the cornerstone in the discussion of gender vs. sex: an interesting discussion indeed.
From Merriam-Webster"Definition of TRANSGENDER
: of, relating to, or being a person (as a transsexual or transvestite) who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person's sex at birth"

I'm sorry, but he has a penis and is therefore a man in my book. You can call a heart a spade all day, it's still a heart. Transgender implies that he has yet to undergo sexual reassignment and is still a man.
Apr 9, 2012 10:02 AM

Dec 2010
I'm assuming you didn't read my post. I literally stated that exact same concept without the need of a dictionary quote. I was simply telling you that transgender is not as simple as the act of cross dressing.

If you need me to quote my post so you don't have to scroll back up: "Simply put, transgender means that your perceived gender does not match your biological sex."
Apr 9, 2012 10:17 AM

Jul 2008
Legendre said:
I'm assuming you didn't read my post. I literally stated that exact same concept without the need of a dictionary quote. I was simply telling you that transgender is not as simple as the act of cross dressing.
Oh, touchy? Forgive me, I was just providing the exact definition that I was basing my opinion off of. Also, please tell me where I stated something false. He is a man, dressed as a woman, for which I was explaining to the person that asked. Perhaps if you toned down the activism for a couple seconds, you would realize I'm not some bible thumping christian out to get LBGT community and was just explaining to paul that he was indeed, a guy.
Apr 9, 2012 10:25 AM

Jun 2008
I seriously can't tell Legendre was being touchy but you certainly gave that feeling just now with the bible thumping comment.

Your definition does not suggest a guy who dresses as a girl is a transgender, really. If anything the most obvious conclusion when someone says a guy is dressed as a girl would be called a cross dresser.

Whether he's actually a transgender or not is irrelevant, we are simply talking about how your description fits more of a cross-dresser than a transgender. And I think we all know he was a transgender because it was already stated in the OP. We're just just talking about your description is much more suitable for a cross-dresser than a transgender.

All in all, we're just arguing about semantics. Which really shouldn't be that much of a deal to either of you (or me). :/
TachiiApr 9, 2012 10:29 AM
Apr 9, 2012 10:32 AM

Jul 2008
Tachii said:
Whether he's actually a transgender or not is irrelevant, we are simply talking about how your description fits more of a cross-dresser than a transgender.
So you are telling me the definition of cross-dresser and transgender do not coincide at some point? That is the difference between "it's a guy dressed as a girl" and "its a guy dressed as girl that does it all the time". I'm an atheist that sympathizes with the gay community(which is very rare here in the southern US), but when you want to argue about split hairs you really start to lose me.

Tachii said:
All in all, we're just arguing about semantics. Which really shouldn't be that much of a deal to either of you (or me). :/
It doesn't, which is why I am really wondering why I'm having to explain myself to people who disagree with my answer to Paul.
Apr 9, 2012 10:44 AM

Jun 2008
See now we're even disagreeing that it's not about semantics.

Of course the definitions coincide, but again:
We're just just talking about your description is much more suitable for a cross-dresser than a transgender.
I was simply telling you that transgender is not as simple as the act of cross dressing.
Yes, someone one cross dresses could be a transgender. But it is simply more suitable to just call them a cross dresser.

How can this not be a thing about semantics? We're saying the definition of cross dresser is better suited for your description. You're saying it's not. Now this exchange of comments make it seem us 3 are making a big deal out of it, which by all intentions and purposes, we really aren't.
Apr 9, 2012 10:53 AM

Apr 2011
What's the point of this video? It's a pro guy dressed as a girl? or did I miss something?
Apr 9, 2012 10:59 AM

Feb 2012
What an achievement. A tip of the hat to her.

(Incidentally, why does the word "transgender" always start arguments when those arguments aren't always about transgenderism itself? V_V)
Apr 9, 2012 11:02 AM

Jul 2008
Valaskjalf said:
What's the point of this video? It's a pro guy dressed as a girl? or did I miss something?
Now, now Valaskjalf. Don't be so intolerant as to imply he is just a cross-dresser. He is a transgender and you should use the appropriate definition if you don't want to come across as a racist, sexist, bigoted, religious asshole zealot.
Tachii said:
How can this not be a thing about semantics?
When did I say it wasn't? I was merely agreeing with you that it shouldn't be a big deal.
DefianceApr 9, 2012 11:07 AM
Apr 9, 2012 11:15 AM

Jun 2008
Defiance said:
Tachii said:
How can this not be a thing about semantics?
When did I say it wasn't? I was merely agreeing with you that it shouldn't be a big deal.
Eh. Okay. I was confused since there was two statements in my quote.

Sorry. :[
Apr 9, 2012 12:07 PM

Feb 2012
Defiance is obviously here just to troll. He's not the most intelligent person on the forums but he definitely possesses enough intelligence to be aware that his original comment could have been better worded and knew it would cause an argument against him.

Scarlett is a woman and will forever be a woman in my eyes. If the brain is a woman, then I'm going to treat them like a woman regardless of outer appearance.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 9, 2012 1:18 PM

Dec 2010
Good for them, I suppose. I'll never be a pro because all I know how to do is MMM and hope my team knows what the fuck is going on.
Apr 9, 2012 1:53 PM

Feb 2012
Attention whore.
Apr 9, 2012 2:03 PM

Apr 2010
Female player is a bit of a stretch but I don't feel like dipping my toes in that argument so whatever.

Reminds me of that one high elo league player, ScY-x17. Transgender as well, pretty popular stream.
Apr 9, 2012 2:14 PM

Dec 2010
nathanr said:
Attention whore.

When you do it, it's okay. When someone else does it though, they're an attention whore. Have I ever told you how messed up you are? :P
Apr 9, 2012 4:34 PM

Feb 2012
Clous said:
Female player is a bit of a stretch but I don't feel like dipping my toes in that argument so whatever.

Reminds me of that one high elo league player, ScY-x17. Transgender as well, pretty popular stream.

Pretty sure she's scientifically female. Dunno what you mean here.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 9, 2012 5:59 PM

Nov 2007
Note, EG.Demuslim offered her a regame because she built an Evolution Chamber instead of a Spawning Pool while getting 2raxed. In my opinion, she should have rejected it. Starcraft is a game where the person who makes less mistakes wins and a catastrophic mistake like that should be capitalized on, not forgiven. I have no idea what Demuslim was thinking. If Nestea made a mistake like that, there's no way in hell he would be as chivalrous.

She did proceed to 2-0 him so it's arguable that it would have ended up as a 2-1 but still, it was pretty stupid for both of them to agree to such a thing.

Her games against Oz convinced me that she is, in fact, quite skilled (holding off a Colossus push with only Roaches, Hydras, and one Corruptor) but I still can't help but think if Demuslim didn't give her a second chance she would have fallen right there.
Apr 9, 2012 6:06 PM

Oct 2009
Apr 9, 2012 10:15 PM

Jul 2008
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance is obviously here just to troll. He's not the most intelligent person on the forums but he definitely possesses enough intelligence to be aware that his original comment could have been better worded and knew it would cause an argument against him.

Scarlett is a woman and will forever be a woman in my eyes. If the brain is a woman, then I'm going to treat them like a woman regardless of outer appearance.
Oh, so I'm a troll? Now Bloodcaliber, I was trying not to address your conceited and attention seeking opening post(which uses the words "I" and "me" about 25 times), but you have just crossed that line. As Witty as you may think you are, you cannot argue the fact that this Scarlett is biologically a male(which is what I am referring to). Throwing a fit and trying to insult my intelligence because of that doesn't do you much good.

Do tell me more though about how YOU feel about how this Scarlett person is doing in Starcraft 2. Judging from your OP, I'm sure you would love to tell me all about your feelings.
Apr 10, 2012 12:06 AM

Feb 2012
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance is obviously here just to troll. He's not the most intelligent person on the forums but he definitely possesses enough intelligence to be aware that his original comment could have been better worded and knew it would cause an argument against him.

Scarlett is a woman and will forever be a woman in my eyes. If the brain is a woman, then I'm going to treat them like a woman regardless of outer appearance.
Oh, so I'm a troll? Now Bloodcaliber, I was trying not to address your conceited and attention seeking opening post(which uses the words "I" and "me" about 25 times), but you have just crossed that line. As Witty as you may think you are, you cannot argue the fact that this Scarlett is biologically a male(which is what I am referring to). Throwing a fit and trying to insult my intelligence because of that doesn't do you much good.

I think the only one throwing a fit here is you guy.

Defiance said:
Do tell me more though about how YOU feel about how this Scarlett person is doing in Starcraft 2. Judging from your OP, I'm sure you would love to tell me all about your feelings.

Suddenly, it's wrong for someone to express how happy they are for an old friend's success. Lemme guess though, you jelly? Refer to the sig then.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 10, 2012 12:25 AM

Jul 2008
Bloodcalibur said:
Lemme guess though, you jelly?
Jealous of what, exactly? I'm really not following what has you, or the other people in this thread for that matter, so angry at me lol.
Apr 10, 2012 3:42 AM

Feb 2012
Lauriet said:
nathanr said:
Attention whore.

When you do it, it's okay. When someone else does it though, they're an attention whore. Have I ever told you how messed up you are? :P

Thanks, I'm crazy.
But you're wrong, I've never played Starcarft..well, I actually have it downloaded it's just the matter of getting myself to install and play it.
Apr 10, 2012 5:52 AM

Feb 2012
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Lemme guess though, you jelly?
Jealous of what, exactly? I'm really not following what has you, or the other people in this thread for that matter, so angry at me lol.

I dunno what's more amusing, that you're pretty new at this trolling thing and are actually the one getting upset in this thread, or that you're still pulling the "you're mad, I'm not" thing out of thin air even after that obviously emotional rant up there =d.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 10, 2012 6:38 AM

Jul 2008
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Lemme guess though, you jelly?
Jealous of what, exactly? I'm really not following what has you, or the other people in this thread for that matter, so angry at me lol.

I dunno what's more amusing, that you're pretty new at this trolling thing and are actually the one getting upset in this thread, or that you're still pulling the "you're mad, I'm not" thing out of thin air even after that obviously emotional rant up there =d.
If you consider pointing out your egotistical opening post an emotional rant, yeah. I'm not going to get into this silly "you mad, bro?", "nah bro, you mad" argument because it will lead absolutely no where, so drop the act btw. I'm confused more than anything.

Regardless, this post didn't answer my questions at all so I'll ask again. Why would I be jealous of you and why are you so upset with me calling scarlet a man when he clearly is one physically?
DefianceApr 10, 2012 7:57 AM
Apr 10, 2012 8:12 AM

Feb 2012
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Lemme guess though, you jelly?
Jealous of what, exactly? I'm really not following what has you, or the other people in this thread for that matter, so angry at me lol.

I dunno what's more amusing, that you're pretty new at this trolling thing and are actually the one getting upset in this thread, or that you're still pulling the "you're mad, I'm not" thing out of thin air even after that obviously emotional rant up there =d.
Regardless, this post didn't answer my questions at all so I'll ask again. Why would I be jealous of you and why are you so upset with me calling scarlet a man when he clearly is one physically?

You're the only on upset here guy.

On topic: What I'm more amazed about is that she can perform so well in her first in-person tournament. I remember when I had my first official amateur boxing match in front of a crowd of 400. I nearly froze until my opponent charged in and opened my eyes up. Being a WC3 player in the past, I can only imagine that I most likely wouldn't be able to play anywhere near my best in the first game. Not with people watching.
BloodcaliburApr 10, 2012 8:17 AM
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 10, 2012 8:18 AM

Jul 2008
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Lemme guess though, you jelly?
Jealous of what, exactly? I'm really not following what has you, or the other people in this thread for that matter, so angry at me lol.

I dunno what's more amusing, that you're pretty new at this trolling thing and are actually the one getting upset in this thread, or that you're still pulling the "you're mad, I'm not" thing out of thin air even after that obviously emotional rant up there =d.
Regardless, this post didn't answer my questions at all so I'll ask again. Why would I be jealous of you and why are you so upset with me calling scarlet a man when he clearly is one physically?

You're the only on upset here guy.
Let me rephase, because you didn't listen to first part of that post and ask you a THIRD time. Why would I be jealous of you and what irks you about me calling this Scarlet person a man when he clearly is one physically?
Apr 10, 2012 8:41 AM

Dec 2010
@Defiance: The only two options given to you in this scenario are that you are either trolling or butt hurt. Otherwise, you would have read my post, realized that transgender does indeed mean more than simply cross dressing, and gone on with your life. Instead, you have decided to spend that time on this thread, either defending yourself in a relatively emotional manner, or trolling.

Again, it all started with me simply pointing out that transgender meant more than cross dressing. My statement was not a stab at your intelligence nor was it to try to incite you to respond in such a manner, it was simply to add on that transgender meant more than cross dressing so people did not get the wrong idea from your post. Ironically, it was you that got the wrong idea from my post.

I also want to restate that the difference between cross dressing and transgender is not splitting hairs at all. They are two very different things.
UmbryaApr 10, 2012 8:44 AM
Apr 10, 2012 8:46 AM

Apr 2011
Debate all you want I still don't see the point of this video. What are they trying to prove? That not only ''guys'' can become pros at a video game? rofl
Apr 10, 2012 8:47 AM

Jan 2012
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Lemme guess though, you jelly?
Jealous of what, exactly? I'm really not following what has you, or the other people in this thread for that matter, so angry at me lol.

I dunno what's more amusing, that you're pretty new at this trolling thing and are actually the one getting upset in this thread, or that you're still pulling the "you're mad, I'm not" thing out of thin air even after that obviously emotional rant up there =d.
Regardless, this post didn't answer my questions at all so I'll ask again. Why would I be jealous of you and why are you so upset with me calling scarlet a man when he clearly is one physically?

You're the only on upset here guy.
Let me rephase, because you didn't listen to first part of that post and ask you a THIRD time. Why would I be jealous of you and what irks you about me calling this Scarlet person a man when he clearly is one physically?

In response to your question, have you seen Scarlet's "parts"? Neither have any of us. Whatever Scarlet wants to call himself/herself shouldn't matter to any of us.God knows he/she is more accomplished in said field than you are, so show some respect.

Addressing the other question, what irks us about you is that you think that using long words and meaningless arguments to cover up your bullshit, which a lot of people seem to think. A troll with a big vocabulary is still a troll.
Lemme smang it girl.
Apr 10, 2012 9:00 AM

Dec 2010
Valaskjalf said:
Debate all you want I still don't see the point of this video. What are they trying to prove? That not only ''guys'' can become pros at a video game? rofl

Essentially, yes. You must be new to the professional gaming scene. It isn't very accustomed to having women around.
Apr 10, 2012 9:04 AM

Jan 2012
Legendre said:
Valaskjalf said:
Debate all you want I still don't see the point of this video. What are they trying to prove? That not only ''guys'' can become pros at a video game? rofl

Essentially, yes. You must be new to the professional gaming scene. It isn't very accustomed to having women around.

It's true. I can't think of any women off the top of my head that are really at the top in the games I play(RB3 and MAG) except ofc for vocals in RB3. It's just not common...
Lemme smang it girl.
Apr 10, 2012 9:12 AM

Jul 2008
Legendre said:
@Defiance: The only two options given to you in this scenario are that you are either trolling or butt hurt. Otherwise, you would have read my post, realized that transgender does indeed mean more than simply cross dressing, and gone on with your life. Instead, you have decided to spend that time on this thread, either defending yourself in a relatively emotional manner, or trolling.

Again, it all started with me simply pointing out that transgender meant more than cross dressing. My statement was not a stab at your intelligence nor was it to try to incite you to respond in such a manner, it was simply to add on that transgender meant more than cross dressing so people did not get the wrong idea from your post. Ironically, it was you that got the wrong idea from my post.

I also want to restate that the difference between cross dressing and transgender is not splitting hairs at all. They are two very different things.
To put it simply, I do not believe your definition is adequate enough to change the meaning of what I said. I stated that he was a guy dressed as a girl and several of you wanted a piece of me after that, yet I'm the one getting accused of being emotional and upset >_>. From my angle, you sir are the ones trolling.

Call me angry. Call me emotional. Call me a troll, because it really doesn't matter. All in all, this all boils down to people getting their jimmies rustled over one comment I made to answer someone's question lol.

EDIT: Though I'm not as dense as you might think I am. I realize why you accuse me of being a troll, and it's because I refuse to call this man a woman. I made no bigoted statements, I made no "trolling" comments, I just refuse to go along with your politically correct bullshit.
DefianceApr 10, 2012 9:31 AM
Apr 10, 2012 10:40 AM

Feb 2012
Defiance said:
Legendre said:
@Defiance: The only two options given to you in this scenario are that you are either trolling or butt hurt. Otherwise, you would have read my post, realized that transgender does indeed mean more than simply cross dressing, and gone on with your life. Instead, you have decided to spend that time on this thread, either defending yourself in a relatively emotional manner, or trolling.

Again, it all started with me simply pointing out that transgender meant more than cross dressing. My statement was not a stab at your intelligence nor was it to try to incite you to respond in such a manner, it was simply to add on that transgender meant more than cross dressing so people did not get the wrong idea from your post. Ironically, it was you that got the wrong idea from my post.

I also want to restate that the difference between cross dressing and transgender is not splitting hairs at all. They are two very different things.
To put it simply, I do not believe your definition is adequate enough to change the meaning of what I said. I stated that he was a guy dressed as a girl and several of you wanted a piece of me after that, yet I'm the one getting accused of being emotional and upset >_>. From my angle, you sir are the ones trolling.

Call me angry. Call me emotional. Call me a troll, because it really doesn't matter. All in all, this all boils down to people getting their jimmies rustled over one comment I made to answer someone's question lol.

EDIT: Though I'm not as dense as you might think I am. I realize why you accuse me of being a troll, and it's because I refuse to call this man a woman. I made no bigoted statements, I made no "trolling" comments, I just refuse to go along with your politically correct bullshit.

Jeez, what are you so upset about?
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 10, 2012 10:54 AM

Jan 2012
@ Defiance

Calling someone transgender or a cross-dresser, or whatever the hell you want to call them, isn't a matter of political correctness. It's a fact. If a man dresses like a woman, he's a cross-dresser. If a man gets the fix, he's transgender. That's fact.

The thing that pisses people off is that this is a congratulatory thread, and you come on here and bring up something like that. Who gives a shit if they're transgender or a crossdresser? That has NOTHING to do with their accomplishments. It has nothing to with political correctness, either. It has to do with respect, and your lack of it.
Lemme smang it girl.
Apr 10, 2012 10:59 AM

Jul 2008
InTheBushes321 said:
If a man gets the fix, he's transgender.
I now realize the people in this thread are just too stupid to have intelligence conversation with....
Apr 10, 2012 11:07 AM

Feb 2012
InTheBushes321 said:
this is a congratulatory thread, and you come on here and bring up something like that. Who gives a shit if they're transgender or a crossdresser? That has NOTHING to do with their accomplishments.

Pretty much. And to be honest, I don't give out compliments easily, even to friends I'm fond of. But I'm genuinely, sincerely proud of Scarlett for her hard work finally showing some effective results.

SC2 is her first RTS since she never played the RTS portion of WC3, only DOTA. Taking into account the short amount of time she's had to play SC2 to get to this point, I'm quite impressed. She's an extremely intelligent person, even outside of the complexity of RTS, just very introverted and shy. With a genuinely sincere personality to boot, I don't think she deserves anything but praise and admiration. All this negativity, not just in this thread, but everywhere else concerning her transgenderism was expected, but nevertheless those of us who know better should put that issue aside and stop giving it much attention.

Just to add, I was there before she started her transition. She's currently only 1 year into it. Transitions usually last around 3-4 years to fully complete. Her voice that she's practiced and perfected on Skype/Ventrilo sound much better than the voice she nervously used in that interview. She just needs more practice I guess. But my point is, it's amazing she can pull this much off with just a year into transition and only a year of playing SC2 and already beating serious level pros.

She had to put in a lot of work into her transition all while practicing SC2. Not to mention there are emotional barriers that must be toppled over. She had to work out in long hours daily to get the desired weight she wanted before entering transition. Meanwhile you have some immature people on the internet who, not only know nothing about gender science, but will make fun of such things, who probably can't even get up off their seat to work out and keep themselves healthy even if their lives depended on it.

Defiance said:
InTheBushes321 said:
If a man gets the fix, he's transgender.
I now realize the people in this thread are just too stupid to have intelligence conversation with....

The irony of that post.
BloodcaliburApr 10, 2012 11:14 AM
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 10, 2012 12:00 PM

Feb 2012
Defiance said:
InTheBushes321 said:
If a man gets the fix, he's transgender.
I now realize the people in this thread are just too stupid to have intelligence conversation with....

I prefer a willpower conversation
also called a flamewar
Apr 10, 2012 1:51 PM

Jan 2012
Defiance said:
InTheBushes321 said:
If a man gets the fix, he's transgender.
I now realize the people in this thread are just too stupid to have intelligence conversation with....

Despite the fact that you imply that your intelligence is greater than ours but used the wrong tense of the word intelligent, it's true. It was one example of many, because technically transgender is the gender one ID's themselves as. The example I gave was the most blatant, but they don't necessarily NEED to get the fix to become transgender, I have a close personal friend who has not undergone the operation(but will within the next 3 or so months) but is still a transgender. Just because I used the most rash example does not mean I'm wrong. Sorry =]
Lemme smang it girl.
Apr 10, 2012 2:00 PM

Dec 2010
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
InTheBushes321 said:
If a man gets the fix, he's transgender.
I now realize the people in this thread are just too stupid to have intelligence conversation with....

The irony of that post.

Stomach is hurting from laughing.
Apr 10, 2012 3:10 PM

Jul 2008
Legendre said:
Bloodcalibur said:
Defiance said:
InTheBushes321 said:
If a man gets the fix, he's transgender.
I now realize the people in this thread are just too stupid to have intelligence conversation with....

The irony of that post.

Stomach is hurting from laughing.
Apr 10, 2012 4:33 PM
Feb 2010
Two things made me laugh while reading this.

First - I don't think women will appreciate this Scarlett being called a woman, as it makes it seem like the only way for a "woman" to do well at Starcraft is to be born with a penis.

Second, and more lol-tastic - The OP actually thinks that Warcraft 4 will come out in their lifetime.
Apr 10, 2012 4:51 PM

Jun 2008
Xjellocross said:
Note, EG.Demuslim offered her a regame because she built an Evolution Chamber instead of a Spawning Pool while getting 2raxed. In my opinion, she should have rejected it. Starcraft is a game where the person who makes less mistakes wins and a catastrophic mistake like that should be capitalized on, not forgiven. I have no idea what Demuslim was thinking. If Nestea made a mistake like that, there's no way in hell he would be as chivalrous.

She did proceed to 2-0 him so it's arguable that it would have ended up as a 2-1 but still, it was pretty stupid for both of them to agree to such a thing.

Her games against Oz convinced me that she is, in fact, quite skilled (holding off a Colossus push with only Roaches, Hydras, and one Corruptor) but I still can't help but think if Demuslim didn't give her a second chance she would have fallen right there.
Lol, probably the only post in this thread that talked about the game.

And I had no idea what it meant, rofl.
Apr 10, 2012 5:32 PM

Feb 2012
nerb said:
Two things made me laugh while reading this.

First - I don't think women will appreciate this Scarlett being called a woman, as it makes it seem like the only way for a "woman" to do well at Starcraft is to be born with a penis.

Second, and more lol-tastic - The OP actually thinks that Warcraft 4 will come out in their lifetime.

Ignorance is bliss, concerning both points.

Tachii said:
Lol, probably the only post in this thread that talked about the game.

And I had no idea what it meant, rofl.

Thread wasn't about the game, it was about Scarlett's achievement.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Apr 10, 2012 7:47 PM

Apr 2011
Bloodcalibur said:
nerb said:
Two things made me laugh while reading this.

First - I don't think women will appreciate this Scarlett being called a woman, as it makes it seem like the only way for a "woman" to do well at Starcraft is to be born with a penis.

Second, and more lol-tastic - The OP actually thinks that Warcraft 4 will come out in their lifetime.

Ignorance is bliss, concerning both points.

Tachii said:
Lol, probably the only post in this thread that talked about the game.

And I had no idea what it meant, rofl.

Thread wasn't about the game, it was about Scarlett's achievement.

He does have a point about WarCraft 4. It has a much chance of coming out as Half-Life 3 or a patch that will finally make StarCraft II an actual good game :p
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