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Jan 15, 11:47 PM

Sep 2020
Shoujo fans are hyping up this anime soo much but this turned out to be one of the most boring overdramatic poorly written anime just like A Condition called love and many other recent shoujo romance. I don't understand why shoujo fans hype up every single new shoujo doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

Just to be clear I love good romance anime doesn't matter which demography it's belong to but the recent shoujo romance isn't hitting the right mark imo.
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Jan 16, 12:24 AM
Mar 2021
Dude gave Komi Can't Communicate an 8 and is complaining about the most typical shoujo being a shoujo. What did you expect? If you want good romance that doesn't fall into tropes, you have look towards the seinen series.
Jan 16, 1:09 AM

Sep 2020
Reply to Lamp1009
Dude gave Komi Can't Communicate an 8 and is complaining about the most typical shoujo being a shoujo. What did you expect? If you want good romance that doesn't fall into tropes, you have look towards the seinen series.
@Lamp1009 I have given Maid Same and Boys over flowers 10/10 which are shoujo romance anime. I don't hate shoujo romance but I am suprised to see shoujo fans are hyping every single shoujo anime doesn't matter if the source material is good or bad. This kind of thing doesn't happened among Shounen and Seinen anime fanbase.
Jan 16, 1:19 AM

Jul 2021
My guess is that Shoujo romance fans are so starved for anime adaptations that they're just ecstatic when there's one in the season at all. This is the only Shoujo romance of Winter 2025, as far as I know (not counting a reverse harem show).

I also don't really understand the hype around this show. And I liked Kimi ni Todoke, A Sign of Affection and Akagami no Shirayuki-hime.

I know it's only been 2 episodes, but this made a very poor impression. I wonder if things will drastically improve.
Jan 16, 1:41 AM
Apr 2020
Just 2 ep in and judge the whole anime. If u dont like it just drop it no need to say this stupid statement. The series is one of the best sell manga for shoujo, if they dont hype it then what series they hype ?
Jan 16, 2:09 AM
Feb 2018
Kids nowadays and their labels.
Jan 16, 3:10 AM
Oct 2020
Chill out shounen fan
Jan 16, 4:48 AM

Sep 2020
Reply to casilo
Just 2 ep in and judge the whole anime. If u dont like it just drop it no need to say this stupid statement. The series is one of the best sell manga for shoujo, if they dont hype it then what series they hype ?
@casilo If this is the best shoujo romance can offer then I am glad that we aren't getting tons of shoujo romance adaptation lately.
Jan 16, 5:30 AM
Nov 2022
ZXEAN said:
@Lamp1009 I have given Maid Same and Boys over flowers 10/10 which are shoujo romance anime. I don't hate shoujo romance but I am suprised to see shoujo fans are hyping every single shoujo anime doesn't matter if the source material is good or bad. This kind of thing doesn't happened among Shounen and Seinen anime fanbase.

This is like someone saying "I can't be racist, I have a black friend!"

It just amuses me to no end when people like you are suddenly very critical when the demographic label is shoujo.

Calling it overdramatic is also pretty funny, like yea, different people are gonna react differently in the same situations. Just because you think they're making mountains out of molehills, doesn't mean it's the worst thing to ever happen to someone else
Jan 16, 6:13 AM

Jul 2019
We just have 2 chapters, so I don't think it's fair to judge it like that. I also have my doubts about Honey Lemon Soda (I haven't read the manga), but I think it's normal for a shojo series to start slow, especially if the protagonist is an anxious shy girl who was bullied. If you think that's overdramatic... well, maybe it is, but I see it as necessary to show us her struggles. I don't think you're the target audience of this anime.
Jan 16, 6:38 AM

Sep 2020
Reply to ReXiRa
ZXEAN said:
@Lamp1009 I have given Maid Same and Boys over flowers 10/10 which are shoujo romance anime. I don't hate shoujo romance but I am suprised to see shoujo fans are hyping every single shoujo anime doesn't matter if the source material is good or bad. This kind of thing doesn't happened among Shounen and Seinen anime fanbase.

This is like someone saying "I can't be racist, I have a black friend!"

It just amuses me to no end when people like you are suddenly very critical when the demographic label is shoujo.

Calling it overdramatic is also pretty funny, like yea, different people are gonna react differently in the same situations. Just because you think they're making mountains out of molehills, doesn't mean it's the worst thing to ever happen to someone else
ReXiRa said:
This is like someone saying "I can't be racist, I have a black friend!"
Yaa you are right. Is their anything wrong in this statement? I mean I have watched more shoujo anime then you. I wouldn't have wasted soo much of my time if I hate this demography.
Jan 16, 6:55 AM
Jul 2024
This left a bad taste
I meant the anime
Jan 16, 7:08 AM
Jan 2024
ZXEAN said:
Shoujo fans are hyping up this anime soo much but this turned out to be one of the most boring overdramatic poorly written anime just like A Condition called love and many other recent shoujo romance. I don't understand why shoujo fans hype up every single new shoujo doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

Just to be clear I love good romance anime doesn't matter which demography it's belong to but the recent shoujo romance isn't hitting the right mark imo.

Well I will tell you one thing,
It gets better later on and thats the thing i learned from reading/watching shoujo. Could do the three episode/chapter rule and drop it after that but for the highly rated ones i suggest just finishing the whole thing then judging the entire series.
believe me honey lemon soda, to me, when i first started had me biting my screen but after a while it grew on me (cant say the same about a condition called love but thats another thing) so I say just finish the whole anime and then decide whether it was overhyped or not (or read the manga too ig)
Jan 16, 8:01 AM

Feb 2021
yeah it's a trashy shoujo filled with mid and cringe dialogue, but i guess that's what sells it. i agree that it's boring and poorly written
Jan 16, 10:25 AM
Aug 2024
Bro, you can’t judge a whole anime for two chapters. Let it roll a little bit.
Jan 16, 10:28 AM
Apr 2020
Reply to ZXEAN
@casilo If this is the best shoujo romance can offer then I am glad that we aren't getting tons of shoujo romance adaptation lately.
@ZXEAN learn what is opinion dude, U don't like it doesn't mean ppl don't like it
Jan 16, 10:37 AM
Jan 2025
there's barely any good shoujo anime that came out recently so give them a break
Jan 16, 10:59 AM

Apr 2021
i wonder when ppl will respect others ppl taste, ok you dont like it, me personally so far i share your opinion on thos titles however saying shoujo fans hype everything nowadays is funny bc seinen and shoujo fans say this about shounen, mecha fans say this about isekai and so on...
Jan 16, 11:17 AM
Aug 2023
IMO the manga of honey lemon soda is great! Towards later chapters however, it sort of loses its plot… but overall I enjoyed reading it! However, I AM kind of disappointed by the animation. Honey lemon soda had potential, and I’ll be happy to watch it till the end!
Jan 16, 11:20 AM

Sep 2018
Agreed, but I think this sort of cheese and dramatics must be what young girls want to consume (I think it's all mostly horrible, but this is just coming from some 31 year old guy lol), much like the generic fantasy tropes for guys.

I hear there are some truly epic shoujo manga that aren't primarily romance focused, would be cool to see them adapted instead.
Jan 16, 11:20 AM

Nov 2008
2 episodes is way too soon to judge. Lets see how the story will move on. So far its not bad to me i love slow story buildup. Opening sounds good aswell. Im confident for a decent shoujo anime atm.
Jan 16, 12:40 PM

Aug 2011
This show isn't for me but I would just let shoujo romance fans have it. Whatever that may be, because for a long time the opposition was the loudest.
Jan 16, 1:44 PM
Nov 2018
Lamp1009 said:
Dude gave Komi Can't Communicate an 8 and is complaining about the most typical shoujo being a shoujo. What did you expect? If you want good romance that doesn't fall into tropes, you have look towards the seinen series.

Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. is nothing close to this shity flavored lemon soda
Jan 16, 8:30 PM
Dec 2019
And you felt the need to say this why? It’s pretty good, surprise ,surprise—someone actually disagrees. There’s only 2 episodes out so far at least give it 3 before you make a post no asked you too or will even remember in 7 minutes.
Jan 16, 8:31 PM
Nov 2023
Calling the whole story bad and “poorly written” based on 2 chapters is crazy. Honey Lemon Soda is a very popular shoujo manga(one of the top selling) that has a fan-base and many people who enjoy the story, so why wouldn’t people be hyping it up? Everyone who I have heard from says that it gets better.
Jan 17, 5:02 AM

Jun 2020
don't let them silence you
Jan 19, 10:33 PM
Aug 2018
It’s one of the best selling shoujo mangas ever for a reason…y’all are too quick to hate on stuff. The first 2 episodes have been decent but it gets better. You don’t have continue if you don’t enjoy it but calling it trash is just ignorant
Jan 20, 3:29 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to Daniel_cr99
i wonder when ppl will respect others ppl taste, ok you dont like it, me personally so far i share your opinion on thos titles however saying shoujo fans hype everything nowadays is funny bc seinen and shoujo fans say this about shounen, mecha fans say this about isekai and so on...
Really, you're right. He dissing shoujo fans who hype this adaptation but he doesn't realize how crazy shounen fans hype popular shounen adaptation almost every season even tho it turned out it's generic shounen story, i mean @ZKEAN give them a break cause popular school shoujo manga (not villainess) rarely get adaptation nowadays. Sheesh, hypocricy on internet people nowadays, smh

𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠 - 𝕊𝕖𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
"Time doesn't heal anything, it just teaches us how to live with pain." —Itachi Uchiha
Jan 20, 5:21 PM

Jun 2021
Reply to ZXEAN
@casilo If this is the best shoujo romance can offer then I am glad that we aren't getting tons of shoujo romance adaptation lately.
ZXEAN said:
If this is the best shoujo romance can offer then I am glad that we aren't getting tons of shoujo romance adaptation lately.


What's with all of these self decrepitating awful MH leads with 0 personality. And all this "give it a chance it get's better" bullshit, just give it a rest, 99% of shoujo characters stay the same from episode 1 to xx with zero development, but most shows have something else to spice it up, like comedy or at least characters with two dimensional personality. I can maybe count on number of one hand shoujo shows where leads actually get some meaningful character development over time.

There's nothing here, overdramatic bullshit with first world problems. This is THE type of show for fat or ugly girls so they can selfinsert.
Jan 20, 6:40 PM

Oct 2007
I don't know about the manga and it might have played out a little better than it did in the anime.

But the sake of sanity, this anime is braindead. In one scene she is a weakling but then she is genius. And then she got bullied (yeah, very interesting plot of the year.) but wait she is actually an upcoming NBA player.

Neither the characters nor the plot are interesting. You can fail one or the other and the show would be still interesting but to failed both at the same time in the beginning I doubt there is any hope left still in the show.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jan 22, 3:24 AM
Nov 2020
Guys be watching all the cringe self insert Animes with a shy hero winning over 100 women but dare a shy girl go for a popular guy. 😭😭 Also literally 2 episodes are out. Stay away from shoujo.
Feb 1, 5:24 PM
Jan 2022
Reply to perseii
My guess is that Shoujo romance fans are so starved for anime adaptations that they're just ecstatic when there's one in the season at all. This is the only Shoujo romance of Winter 2025, as far as I know (not counting a reverse harem show).

I also don't really understand the hype around this show. And I liked Kimi ni Todoke, A Sign of Affection and Akagami no Shirayuki-hime.

I know it's only been 2 episodes, but this made a very poor impression. I wonder if things will drastically improve.
@perseii you are quite right, shoujoseis barely get any adaptation, so hype was for this series and the slow resurrection of shoujo on anime scene but....of course we won't get an adaptation for series like oyomegatari MARS or second season of soredemo sekaii ga utsukushii.
shuno-oniFeb 2, 7:19 AM
Feb 1, 9:45 PM

Apr 2017
Reply to shuno-oni
@perseii you are quite right, shoujoseis barely get any adaptation, so hype was for this series and the slow resurrection of shoujo on anime scene but....of course we won't get an adaptation for series like oyomegatari MARS or second season of soredemo sekaii ga utsukushii.
@shuno-oni A Bride's Story is actually a Seinen. Though I agree with the sentiment. I want more diverse ShouJosei adaptations. Though Honey Lemon Soda is a good start, and a good series for those fans. It sold over 13 million copies, so it definitely deserves the adaptation when you look at raw numbers.
Feb 1, 10:11 PM
Jan 2022
Reply to LuxuriousHeart
@shuno-oni A Bride's Story is actually a Seinen. Though I agree with the sentiment. I want more diverse ShouJosei adaptations. Though Honey Lemon Soda is a good start, and a good series for those fans. It sold over 13 million copies, so it definitely deserves the adaptation when you look at raw numbers.
@LuxuriousHeart wait what, is this the "I thought it was shoujosei" moment? I read on tumblr it was shoujosei. But apparently all kaoru mori's works are seinen. I still want an anime of oyomegatari and emma though:)

Totally, HLS being adapted was a bit unexpected for me since I wasn't aware of its popularity but I'm happy though I believe the adaptation could have been better.
shuno-oniFeb 2, 7:21 AM
Feb 2, 1:26 AM

Sep 2020
Reply to shuno-oni
@LuxuriousHeart wait what, is this the "I thought it was shoujosei" moment? I read on tumblr it was shoujosei. But apparently all kaoru mori's works are seinen. I still want an anime of oyomegatari and emma though:)

Totally, HLS being adapted was a bit unexpected for me since I wasn't aware of its popularity but I'm happy though I believe the adaptation could have been better.
shuno-oni said:
I still want an anime of oyomegatari and emma though:)
Emma already have an anime.
Feb 2, 12:48 PM
Sep 2018
perseii said:
My guess is that Shoujo romance fans are so starved for anime adaptations that they're just ecstatic when there's one in the season at all. This is the only Shoujo romance of Winter 2025, as far as I know (not counting a reverse harem show).

I think that too. And maybe it will be the only shoujo adaptation this year... The pattern has been like this. Yeah, let them be happy... 

ZXEAN said:
I love good romance anime doesn't matter which demography it's belong to but the recent shoujo romance isn't hitting the right mark imo.

About that, everybody knows what a shoujo is about, yet people stills expects flying cars, dragons, superpowers and amazing fights... And no, shoujo is not only romance: it has other topics like bullying, insecurities, growing up while building emotional intelligence, sometimes abuse or death... If that kind of topic is not your thing, you can stay in "shounen" romance, that have simpler approaches and more "waifu". You don't have to force yourself to watch what you don't like... :)
Feb 2, 2:48 PM

Apr 2017
Reply to shuno-oni
@LuxuriousHeart wait what, is this the "I thought it was shoujosei" moment? I read on tumblr it was shoujosei. But apparently all kaoru mori's works are seinen. I still want an anime of oyomegatari and emma though:)

Totally, HLS being adapted was a bit unexpected for me since I wasn't aware of its popularity but I'm happy though I believe the adaptation could have been better.
@shuno-oni I don't get the popularity either, but it is popular. Sold over 13 million copies.

Take in mind, Sakamoto Days sold 4 million and Dandadan sold 3.5 million before they got an adaptation. Shounen privilege. 😒 Meanwhile, Don't Call it Mystery sold over 18 million, and has yet to get an anime. Queen's Quality sold 3.3 million, and it still doesn't have an adaptation. Yona of the Dawn sold over 15 million, and it can't get a second second. Kimi ni Todoke sold over 30 million, and it's just recently got a third season. I don't even think Honey Lemon Soda will get a second season, if we go by the pattern.
Feb 2, 4:13 PM
Jan 2022
Reply to LuxuriousHeart
@shuno-oni I don't get the popularity either, but it is popular. Sold over 13 million copies.

Take in mind, Sakamoto Days sold 4 million and Dandadan sold 3.5 million before they got an adaptation. Shounen privilege. 😒 Meanwhile, Don't Call it Mystery sold over 18 million, and has yet to get an anime. Queen's Quality sold 3.3 million, and it still doesn't have an adaptation. Yona of the Dawn sold over 15 million, and it can't get a second second. Kimi ni Todoke sold over 30 million, and it's just recently got a third season. I don't even think Honey Lemon Soda will get a second season, if we go by the pattern.
@LuxuriousHeart it won't and neither would skip beat and Mars prolly won't ever get an anime either. Mars' manga's anime would SERVE (if well-made). It's one of my all-time favs.

i dunno if you already know but Im exicted for kimi to koete koi ni naru's upcoming adaptation which makes sense since its something that will gathere both shoujo and non_action shounen viewers. I was still surprised to find that its getting adapted though and i can already see an onslaughter of coming its way in future. Especially since its prequel is a smut...*sigh*
shuno-oniFeb 2, 4:28 PM
Feb 2, 6:21 PM

Sep 2020
Reply to larimatsui
perseii said:
My guess is that Shoujo romance fans are so starved for anime adaptations that they're just ecstatic when there's one in the season at all. This is the only Shoujo romance of Winter 2025, as far as I know (not counting a reverse harem show).

I think that too. And maybe it will be the only shoujo adaptation this year... The pattern has been like this. Yeah, let them be happy... 

ZXEAN said:
I love good romance anime doesn't matter which demography it's belong to but the recent shoujo romance isn't hitting the right mark imo.

About that, everybody knows what a shoujo is about, yet people stills expects flying cars, dragons, superpowers and amazing fights... And no, shoujo is not only romance: it has other topics like bullying, insecurities, growing up while building emotional intelligence, sometimes abuse or death... If that kind of topic is not your thing, you can stay in "shounen" romance, that have simpler approaches and more "waifu". You don't have to force yourself to watch what you don't like... :)
larimatsui said:
About that, everybody knows what a shoujo is about, yet people stills expects flying cars, dragons, superpowers and amazing fights... And no, shoujo is not only romance: it has other topics like bullying, insecurities, growing up while building emotional intelligence, sometimes abuse or death... If that kind of topic is not your thing, you can stay in "shounen" romance, that have simpler approaches and more "waifu". You don't have to force yourself to watch what you don't like... :)
You should have read my comment before writing this. I was talking about romance anime here and I know there are shoujo which aren't romance. Natsume and the book of friends is one of my all time favorite it's a shoujo series which isn't romance.
ZXEANFeb 2, 6:25 PM
Feb 2, 6:33 PM

Sep 2020
Reply to larimatsui
perseii said:
My guess is that Shoujo romance fans are so starved for anime adaptations that they're just ecstatic when there's one in the season at all. This is the only Shoujo romance of Winter 2025, as far as I know (not counting a reverse harem show).

I think that too. And maybe it will be the only shoujo adaptation this year... The pattern has been like this. Yeah, let them be happy... 

ZXEAN said:
I love good romance anime doesn't matter which demography it's belong to but the recent shoujo romance isn't hitting the right mark imo.

About that, everybody knows what a shoujo is about, yet people stills expects flying cars, dragons, superpowers and amazing fights... And no, shoujo is not only romance: it has other topics like bullying, insecurities, growing up while building emotional intelligence, sometimes abuse or death... If that kind of topic is not your thing, you can stay in "shounen" romance, that have simpler approaches and more "waifu". You don't have to force yourself to watch what you don't like... :)
larimatsui said:
If that kind of topic is not your thing, you can stay in "shounen" romance, that have simpler approaches and more "waifu". You don't have to force yourself to watch what you don't like... :)
2/3 of my favourite romance anime are shoujo. I don't hate watching shoujo romance to be honest.
Feb 5, 4:33 PM
Apr 2011
Bros like " omg this anime is overhyped " while self-admitting on his profile that AoT is his favorite anime. Weirdo alert
Feb 5, 8:18 PM
Jul 2023
Reply to ZXEAN
@Lamp1009 I have given Maid Same and Boys over flowers 10/10 which are shoujo romance anime. I don't hate shoujo romance but I am suprised to see shoujo fans are hyping every single shoujo anime doesn't matter if the source material is good or bad. This kind of thing doesn't happened among Shounen and Seinen anime fanbase.
@ZXEAN How can I believe your statement when shounen/seinen anime fanbase gave Tensura a good rating for sitting around a table for half a season and buys enough merch that garbage like Rent A Girlfriend gets a 4th season
Feb 5, 9:03 PM

Mar 2024
It's best to ignore hype tbh, for me blue box was the last straw. Considering the insane hype surrounding it even prior to release it's really not all that. Honey lemon soda is the other romance that doesn't live up to the hype, it's not even good, but it's starting to be slowly. If you ignore the hype you can't be let down if something falls short, even posting about it just seems to be pointless, i dared to talk bad about blue box and the bandwagoners just threw general bs at me, romance fans (all demographics) might just be the most unreasonable beings when it comes to anime
Feb 20, 4:48 PM

Dec 2023
I am also quite disappointed by Honey Lemon Soda after having high hopes.

Everything feels so over the top, forced and cliche. The dialogue is for the most part extremely basic.

I recently watched Insomniacs After School and absolutely loved it, it felt natural and satisfying compared to HLS which....doesn't.
YordaTricoFeb 20, 4:52 PM
Feb 20, 5:13 PM

Jan 2013
Why are you speaking as if your opinions are facts, though?
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Feb 26, 2:34 AM
Dec 2022
I'm a guy. I love Sign of Affection, Kimi ni Todoke, My Little Monster, Orange, My Love Story, Maid-sama, Kamisama Kiss, and though I'm not a fan, Fruits Basket.
I had high hopes for HLS cause people were hyping it on X and Twitter but...*sigh*.
I'm 5 episodes or so in (dub lover) and this show is frustrating to watch. I've lost my shit how many times.
I've seen Komi and Sawako. I loved and cheered for those 2. Kazehaya and Tadano are interesting male MCs that I admire but Uka and Kai are just the opposite. Always infuriating, cringe, and hard to root for.
I won't insult the anime, manga, or the fans but it's been mid so far to me. Quite surprised the series has over 13 million copies in circulation.
Well, taste is subjective after all.
Feb 26, 7:36 AM

Feb 2019
Shonen fans speaking on shoujo… I laffed
Mar 11, 8:49 AM
Jul 2017
Shounenbros claiming a shoujo romance of all things is "overhyped" is a wild claim when literally any Shonen Jump adaptation gets hyped to hell and back even when it's just another generic battle series

I ain't saying HLS is a masterpiece or anything but we get like maybe 4-5 shoujo in an entire year of seasonal anime, we're dealing with crumbs here so God forbid people get excited for something I guess
Mar 11, 8:55 AM

Sep 2020
Reply to texasfangirl1999
Shounenbros claiming a shoujo romance of all things is "overhyped" is a wild claim when literally any Shonen Jump adaptation gets hyped to hell and back even when it's just another generic battle series

I ain't saying HLS is a masterpiece or anything but we get like maybe 4-5 shoujo in an entire year of seasonal anime, we're dealing with crumbs here so God forbid people get excited for something I guess
texasfangirl1999 said:
just another generic battle series
Are you talking about Demon Slayer ?
Mar 11, 9:21 AM
Jul 2017
Reply to ZXEAN
texasfangirl1999 said:
just another generic battle series
Are you talking about Demon Slayer ?
@ZXEAN Not specifically? Doesn't have to be Demon Slayer, sure it could be included but we could also put JJK and MHA into that category as well
I was referring more to battle shounen that get overhyped in general when they're not really that special either
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