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Was mayu trying to humiliate Kumiko by asking her whether she should quit audition or not, just like Kanade said?

Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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Is Mayu a bitch?
Jul 4, 11:29 AM
Jun 2024
Most simplified Chinese internet users suggest that, if Mayu really wanted to quit, she could’ve quit even without saying a word. Many people describe Mayu as a bitch. What is your opinion?
Jul 4, 11:36 AM
Sep 2022
Mayu is not a bitch, she's an angel 💖
Jul 4, 11:37 AM
Jun 2024
Reply to MineFord_gurme
Mayu is not a bitch, she's an angel 💖
@MineFord_gurme yes. She is an angel!
Jul 4, 11:41 AM
Nov 2023
No. Her motivations were clear. She wanted an excuse to step down, and Kumiko asking her to, even if only being perceived as doing so, would have given her that excuse. In her own way, she was looking out for Kumiko and the band. She didn't realize, though, that in doing so, she was actually being selfish in her own way.

that's why Kumiko apologized. Mayu was annoying her too, but she didn't realize what Mayu was actually trying to say - that she didn't feel like she fit in and was willing to step down for the sake of harmony with the band.

That's why Mayu broke down on stage when Kumiko stood up for the results of the voting. She finally *actually* realized Kumiko wasn't like that.
Jul 4, 1:18 PM
Jul 2020
She’s too scared to rock the boat so she wants to be told not to try during the audition even though she wants the part. Then she asks kumiko again and again until she gets the answer she wants, she also insults kumiko by basically saying that she’d win if she tried

She’s a disgusting manipulative bitch who caused the tragic fall from grace for this show
Jul 4, 1:23 PM
Sep 2019
DarkVoyagerx said:
She’s too scared to rock the boat so she wants to be told not to try during the audition even though she wants the part. Then she asks kumiko again and again until she gets the answer she wants, she also insults kumiko by basically saying that she’d win if she tried

She’s a disgusting manipulative bitch who caused the tragic fall from grace for this show

Please touch some grass
Jul 4, 1:26 PM
Jul 2020
Reply to Gran_Air
DarkVoyagerx said:
She’s too scared to rock the boat so she wants to be told not to try during the audition even though she wants the part. Then she asks kumiko again and again until she gets the answer she wants, she also insults kumiko by basically saying that she’d win if she tried

She’s a disgusting manipulative bitch who caused the tragic fall from grace for this show

Please touch some grass
@Gran_Air ok unc, sorry for describing what happened in the show
Jul 4, 1:31 PM
Sep 2019
The show literally shows that Mayu felt uncomfortable with having the part but she still loves giving it her all in a performance, unlike Kumiko who had doubts, that’s why Mayu got the part Kumiko didn’t. The show was incredibly mature about not having the main character “Win” and here you are throwing a hissy fit. You did not describe what happened in the show, you didn’t like what happened and are intentionally interpreting it wrong.
Jul 4, 1:40 PM
Jul 2020
That’s exactly what i said, mayu wanted the part but didn’t want to make anyone sad so she harassed kumiko for 11 episodes. I never said anything about who deserved the solo like what are you getting at

I just said the truth mayu was the cause of unexplained drama that lasted the entire season
Jul 4, 1:42 PM

Jan 2013
No? She didn't want to quit, but she still felt bad and would have given up her spot, that's the entire point.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jul 4, 1:43 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Gran_Air
The show literally shows that Mayu felt uncomfortable with having the part but she still loves giving it her all in a performance, unlike Kumiko who had doubts, that’s why Mayu got the part Kumiko didn’t. The show was incredibly mature about not having the main character “Win” and here you are throwing a hissy fit. You did not describe what happened in the show, you didn’t like what happened and are intentionally interpreting it wrong.
@Gran_Air Nah bro 30% of people voted yes, don't bother with this thread. lmao
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jul 4, 1:46 PM
Sep 2019
LostSpectre said:
@Gran_Air Nah bro 30% of people voted yes, don't bother with this thread. lmao

Yeah idk man, people like make me lose faith In humanity because the story is right in front of them and they still decide to ignore it.
Jul 4, 1:48 PM
Sep 2019
DarkVoyagerx said:
That’s exactly what i said, mayu wanted the part but didn’t want to make anyone sad so she harassed kumiko for 11 episodes. I never said anything about who deserved the solo like what are you getting at

I just said the truth mayu was the cause of unexplained drama that lasted the entire season

Unexplained drama? How do you watch 11 episodes of a show and still not understand what’s going on?
Jul 4, 1:58 PM
Jun 2024
People also suggest the following: There were always conflicts in previous seasons of euphonium(trumpet solo audition in season 1, Kanade’s audition.etc.). But in season 3, Kumiko solved all the conflicts. The directors ran out of conflicts so they decided to add a transfer student to the show. Technically, every conflicts in season 3 is caused by Mayu. For example, たったら、部長失格ね(you lose qualification to be president), etc.
Jul 4, 1:59 PM
Jul 2020
Gran_Air said:
DarkVoyagerx said:
That’s exactly what i said, mayu wanted the part but didn’t want to make anyone sad so she harassed kumiko for 11 episodes. I never said anything about who deserved the solo like what are you getting at

I just said the truth mayu was the cause of unexplained drama that lasted the entire season

Unexplained drama? How do you watch 11 episodes of a show and still not understand what’s going on?

Don’t be this petty cause i’m right you know what i meant, mayu was unexplained for 11 episodes

Or maybe you actually can’t read idk, but to make sure you really get it: they didn’t tell us what mayu’s deal was until the end, when she’d already made the entire season uncomfortable and bad
Jul 4, 2:03 PM
Sep 2019
DarkVoyagerx said:
Gran_Air said:

Unexplained drama? How do you watch 11 episodes of a show and still not understand what’s going on?

Don’t be this petty cause i’m right you know what i meant, mayu was unexplained for 11 episodes

Or maybe you actually can’t read idk, but to make sure you really get it: they didn’t tell us what mayu’s deal was until the end, when she’d already made the entire season uncomfortable and bad

I genuinely believe you lack reading comprehension, because that’s exactly what the show was trying to make you feel, and like I said you didn’t like it but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.
I agree with one of the guys above about using Mayu for most of the conflict in the season felt forced at times but it does not make her a bad character or a bitch just because you couldn’t get your head around what was going on.
Jul 4, 2:23 PM
Jul 2020
Reply to Gran_Air
DarkVoyagerx said:
Gran_Air said:

Unexplained drama? How do you watch 11 episodes of a show and still not understand what’s going on?

Don’t be this petty cause i’m right you know what i meant, mayu was unexplained for 11 episodes

Or maybe you actually can’t read idk, but to make sure you really get it: they didn’t tell us what mayu’s deal was until the end, when she’d already made the entire season uncomfortable and bad

I genuinely believe you lack reading comprehension, because that’s exactly what the show was trying to make you feel, and like I said you didn’t like it but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.
I agree with one of the guys above about using Mayu for most of the conflict in the season felt forced at times but it does not make her a bad character or a bitch just because you couldn’t get your head around what was going on.
@Gran_Air -10 points for using the same insult as me

also this is like the third time you've said that i didn't get what was going on when i obviously did, and i never said she was a bad character either you're just yapping about random shit at this point. its also crazy how i fr even tried to be extra clear to make sure you'd get it, but you still didn't.

last time i'm explaining this to you: she ruined the season (amongst other things) but she is not a bad character. her character was used poorly by the creators since her and kumiko are wishy washy and drag things out, maybe if the season was longer the slow awkward pacing would work but the season was short so they didn't have enough episodes so instead everything was just ruined, and the main cause: mayu

but maybe you want me to say that the creators ruined the season instead? idk
Jul 4, 2:34 PM
Sep 2019
DarkVoyagerx said:
@Gran_Air -10 points for using the same insult as me

also this is like the third time you've said that i didn't get what was going on when i obviously did, and i never said she was a bad character either you're just yapping about random shit at this point. its also crazy how i fr even tried to be extra clear to make sure you'd get it, but you still didn't.

last time i'm explaining this to you: she ruined the season (amongst other things) but she is not a bad character. her character was used poorly by the creators since her and kumiko are wishy washy and drag things out, maybe if the season was longer the slow awkward pacing would work but the season was short so they didn't have enough episodes so instead everything was just ruined, and the main cause: mayu

but maybe you want me to say that the creators ruined the season instead? idk

You called her a manipulative bitch and that’s the point I was arguing from the beginning, you keep moving the goalpost farther and blame me for trying to get to why you said that.
It feels like you don’t understand the story because you keep saying Mayu ruined the whole thing, but how exactly? The conflict might’ve felt like it came out of nowhere at the beginning but you get the whole season to revolved around it and yet you keep saying it doesn’t make sense. How? what would you have changed?
You don’t like Mayu’s character and that affected your enjoyment of the whole series but no, it does not ruin the show at all.
Jul 4, 2:40 PM
Jun 2024
Reply to Gran_Air
DarkVoyagerx said:
@Gran_Air -10 points for using the same insult as me

also this is like the third time you've said that i didn't get what was going on when i obviously did, and i never said she was a bad character either you're just yapping about random shit at this point. its also crazy how i fr even tried to be extra clear to make sure you'd get it, but you still didn't.

last time i'm explaining this to you: she ruined the season (amongst other things) but she is not a bad character. her character was used poorly by the creators since her and kumiko are wishy washy and drag things out, maybe if the season was longer the slow awkward pacing would work but the season was short so they didn't have enough episodes so instead everything was just ruined, and the main cause: mayu

but maybe you want me to say that the creators ruined the season instead? idk

You called her a manipulative bitch and that’s the point I was arguing from the beginning, you keep moving the goalpost farther and blame me for trying to get to why you said that.
It feels like you don’t understand the story because you keep saying Mayu ruined the whole thing, but how exactly? The conflict might’ve felt like it came out of nowhere at the beginning but you get the whole season to revolved around it and yet you keep saying it doesn’t make sense. How? what would you have changed?
You don’t like Mayu’s character and that affected your enjoyment of the whole series but no, it does not ruin the show at all.
@Gran_Air speaking objectively, Mayu is the start of all the conflicts in this season.
Jul 4, 2:46 PM
Jan 2021
Kanade is an incredibly biased onlooker. she shouldn't be considered anything more than that in this instance.

I believe Mayu's intentions were always as she stated them. She doesn't like hurting other people or causing friction. She just wanted Kumiko to be honest about what she wanted. She kept bringing it up because she knew what Kumiko really wanted.
Jul 4, 2:50 PM
Jul 2020
Reply to Gran_Air
DarkVoyagerx said:
@Gran_Air -10 points for using the same insult as me

also this is like the third time you've said that i didn't get what was going on when i obviously did, and i never said she was a bad character either you're just yapping about random shit at this point. its also crazy how i fr even tried to be extra clear to make sure you'd get it, but you still didn't.

last time i'm explaining this to you: she ruined the season (amongst other things) but she is not a bad character. her character was used poorly by the creators since her and kumiko are wishy washy and drag things out, maybe if the season was longer the slow awkward pacing would work but the season was short so they didn't have enough episodes so instead everything was just ruined, and the main cause: mayu

but maybe you want me to say that the creators ruined the season instead? idk

You called her a manipulative bitch and that’s the point I was arguing from the beginning, you keep moving the goalpost farther and blame me for trying to get to why you said that.
It feels like you don’t understand the story because you keep saying Mayu ruined the whole thing, but how exactly? The conflict might’ve felt like it came out of nowhere at the beginning but you get the whole season to revolved around it and yet you keep saying it doesn’t make sense. How? what would you have changed?
You don’t like Mayu’s character and that affected your enjoyment of the whole series but no, it does not ruin the show at all.
@Gran_Air "You called her a manipulative bitch" time and time again she puts kumiko in uncomfortable situations by asking the same thing over and over, even though she already knows the answer. all while posing as an innocent person who's not trying to force a specific answer out of someone

"Mayu ruined the whole thing, but how exactly?... you get the whole season to revolved around it... what would you have changed?" exactly the problem, there was too much drama. not even in season 1 and 2 did we see drama take more than 5 episodes to be resolved, but now, with 13 episodes on our hands it took 11 episodes to fix things.

what i'm trying to say is that the drama with mayu lead to a majority of the season being wasted on one conflict. And from what i've heard there are plenty of other things from the source material that could've been explored, but instead we got this 11 episode long back and forth between the same two characters
Jul 4, 6:05 PM

Mar 2018
correct me if I'm wrong but my understanding is:
Mayu is a person that hates confrontation, so she tries to play all sides.
However she became the center of a predicament:
she either
a) could play in the competition, since that is what the club is expecting of her.
or b) step down to avoid the risk of replacing not just any band member, but the most trusted, president and protagonist.

Whenever she said, she'd withdraw from the competition, what she meant to say was: "Hey, I'll play in the competition if you want me to, but I am 100% fine stepping down if you ever change your mind."
however the way she communicated this made her seem extremely condescending, not just to the audience, but also to the characters within the show.

Ironically, the fact that she tried to play both sides turned out to be the catalyst for the drama. I don't think many people would have batted an eye if she just quietly withdrew, or owned up to it to say: "yes, I will try to snatch that solo, even if it means replacing Kumiko. It is a competition afterall"

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Jul 4, 7:04 PM

Jul 2017
Reply to DarkVoyagerx
@Gran_Air "You called her a manipulative bitch" time and time again she puts kumiko in uncomfortable situations by asking the same thing over and over, even though she already knows the answer. all while posing as an innocent person who's not trying to force a specific answer out of someone

"Mayu ruined the whole thing, but how exactly?... you get the whole season to revolved around it... what would you have changed?" exactly the problem, there was too much drama. not even in season 1 and 2 did we see drama take more than 5 episodes to be resolved, but now, with 13 episodes on our hands it took 11 episodes to fix things.

what i'm trying to say is that the drama with mayu lead to a majority of the season being wasted on one conflict. And from what i've heard there are plenty of other things from the source material that could've been explored, but instead we got this 11 episode long back and forth between the same two characters
@DarkVoyagerx I think to say the whole season was ruined because of mayu alone is a bit harsh. The way i think of it, she was kinda like a slow ticking time bomb - or a form of foreshadowing. Kumiko got the soli in the first auditions, which made her not getting it in the second audition hit more deeply and thus make all of mayu's worries hit the point. She is confident in her ability but also passive as a person. The real 'meat' of the drama only lasted from ep 8 (or 9 i forgot) to ep 12, basically when she got the soli and ruined the whole band chemistry.

I agree though, season 3 felt a bit too short. But this is probably something KyoAni has thought about carefully. Imo, Hibike is one of if not the flagship series for KyoAni at this point. They have put a lot of their resources into it compared to some of their other series. 3 seasons, 4 movies, OVAs. They could have decided to stretch out this season into two parts if they wanted to. But they didn't.

In my super speculative opinion, its most likely because they're afraid of audience fatigue. All three years basically follows the same format - new school year, some drama, sunfes, pool episode , audition, festival episode, training camp, more drama, regionals, etc. It would make sense to speed these things up a bit. I also think that's why they made Kumiko's second year into a movie. A lot of us probably wanted it to be a full season but I think fans would probably be equally disappointed for all that watch time just to figure out they didn't even make it past the regionals. And thus why they mashed season 3 into 13 eps. But yea I think 1 - 2 more episodes wouldn't hurt.
deimos96Jul 4, 7:21 PM
Jul 4, 8:28 PM

Jul 2023
obviously no, she had some past like Kumiko for that she tried not to do something that would repeat that past. But when she learn about the Meritocracy of Kitawaji, she tried to discuss with club prez Kumiko again again to clear that if she chosen before who played for three years, would everyone accept her without any harassment. That’s all, her intention all completely justified. bitch is out of question....

Kanade is dedication kouhai, Kumiko's follower.

Jul 4, 8:33 PM

Jul 2023
MineFord_gurme said:
Mayu is not a bitch, she's an angel 💖

she is an angel 😇

Jul 4, 11:29 PM

Sep 2015
Kanade is the one trying to stir up drama. Luckily, Kumiko (an anime character) is level headed and more mature than her simps here (actual human being or NPC?).

Kumiko knew Mayu is similar to her because they both got traumatized for being too skilled. She found Reina and embrace meritocracy together but Mayu doesn’t have anyone like that. Kumiko is now Mayu’s “Reina”. Got it? It’s just that simple.
Truth is absolute but human perception of truth is always relative.
Jul 5, 12:12 AM

Mar 2023
It's explained in episode 12, when they also give her some backstory, so no.
Jul 6, 1:38 AM

Nov 2019
No, Mayu was indecisive. She wanted Kumiko to speak for her. Kumiko being like her future self with more decisiveness and leadership mentality, was like a sister she would push her problems into unknowingly.

Kumiko kinda made things complicated by steering clear of her at the initial stages, while Mayu really struggled to drop her "mama" mode and go for her own ambition. An ensemble is teamwork, so she also feared her selection can cause disunity. She was torn, and she made Kumiko a pedestal for making the right decision for her.

Far from being a bitch, she's a sweetheart with flaws that can be driven away by a reliable older sibling. Or a friend like Reina. She had none of those. Kanade was just spouting shit out of emotion.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Jul 6, 3:57 AM

Jan 2021
Mayu was one of my favorite characters from Season 3. She had no ill intentions and didn't want to cause trouble for anyone, yet it was this approach that caused problems within the band. I would argue that Kumiko pushing her away repeatedly exacerbated the issue. Her wanting to forfeit the audition was a defense mechanism as her backstory would suggest: she doesn't want others to suffer and be miserable because of her, so she chooses to take the fall instead.

I think she's very kind and sweet, so seeing people hate her or outright call her slurs is a bit jarring. She's an outsider who, maybe aside from Tsubame, had no one rooting for her. Her stepping forward for the Nationals soli, clutching her euphionium and shuddering as people start muttering about her almost made me tear up. It''s why Kumiko's speech was such a class act, because Mayu did not deserve to be mistreated and cast aside just because she was better.

Maybe she shouldn't have been so indecisive, but I think her actions came from a place of kindness, not one of malice. And her Nationals performance with Reina was simply outstanding. Her euphonium was fantastic, no way around it. Love Mayu.

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