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Oct 18, 2018 8:18 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She follows Nicole and Theo, then said "Good Night" to Nicole and heads inside Theo's room. She saw him get comfy then open an invitation for her to join. She smiles and got in the bed and got between Theo's arm. She then giggle and says "Wouldn't be nice to always sleep like this?" She looked at him while waiting for his answer

Oct 19, 2018 5:58 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


he would chuckle hearing her words and giggle "yeah it would be great, Goodnight Kiany. I love you." he said snuggling her before falling asleep
Oct 19, 2018 9:24 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She said in a dreamy voice"It would..." Then said in a normal voice "Night Theo. Love you too" She closes her eyes and slept the hole night.

Oct 22, 2018 6:16 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Together the two would sleep peacefully through the night. In the morning, Theo would be tossing his head side to side a bit as he was having a bad dream. "ahh no stay away..." he would mumble to himself as he continued to dream
Oct 22, 2018 8:04 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

Since they were cuddling, she felt the movement of his head. She woke up, being sleepy still. She panic a bit when she heard his voice, so she turn to see his face. But he was still asleep, she sighs and hug him tight. She pat his bavk and said "I'm here"

Oct 22, 2018 9:07 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo was tossing in his sleep a little bit, bothered by a bad dream until Kiany pulled him into a hug. He would stop shaking than and relax as he heard her words. Minutes later he would wake up and rub his eyes. "mm good morning Kiany...." he would say wondering if she would say anything about his bad dream.
Oct 22, 2018 9:38 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

After some minutes, Theo wakes up. She rub her eyes as well, then says "Hey, I'm glad I got you to calm down" She yawns and lays down again "Could I sleep a bit more?"

Oct 22, 2018 9:44 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Theo would softly kiss her before she would speak. He would nod to her "yeah thats fine, want me to get started on breakfast? or wait until your up?" he would ask
Oct 22, 2018 9:47 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She blushes when he kisses her, then she says "Go on, wake me up when is done" She closes her eyes and falls asleep again.

Oct 22, 2018 9:51 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


After getting up and out of the bed, Theo would quietly make his way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to start making them some food. He would get out a few things before he would start making some scrambled eggs. As he was cooking though, Nicole would pass by him with a wave before going off to her job once more. Slowly the smell of food would make its way through the house before hittng Kiany's nose.
Oct 22, 2018 9:54 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

As the smell of food reached the room, she woke up and in an instance was next to Theo. "Smells good" She had her wolf form out, so she was waving her tail.

Oct 22, 2018 10:22 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


as he continued to cook he felt some bizzare feeling behind him, it wasn't until he heard Kiany's voice did he realize what it was he was feeling. He would turn to face her only to be puzzled by why she was in her wolf form, nevertheless he would chuckle to himself before he would try and feed her a piece of bacon he had made while softly patting her head. "just a little longer" he would say talking about the food
Oct 22, 2018 10:30 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She grab the bacon with her mouth and ate it, her hears drop as Theo pat her head. He then said it would take a bit longer, she pouted amd went to freshen up while Theo finishes. When she got to the bathroom she notice she was in her wolf form since she saw her reflection. She changed back to human and washed her mouth and face.

Oct 22, 2018 10:43 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would happily watch as Kiany took the bacon from him and ate it while he patted her, he couldn't help but find it incredibly cute as she started to pout a little. He would finish up the cooking as she freshened up and once he had all the food served and laid out on the table for them he would walk to the restroom and softly knock on the door. "hey foods ready my lovely Kiany" he would say with a smirk wondering if that would make her blush.
Oct 22, 2018 11:20 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She got put of the bathroom when Theo called her, she smiles and says "Can't wait. Thruthfully I've been eating way less than my usual portions. So I get more tired... Shall we then?" She walk to the kitchen and sat down, waiting for Theo to met her.

Oct 23, 2018 6:24 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

he would smile back at her and nod "well i'll make as much as you want, its just me and you again this morning." he said as they walked back to the table and could start eating together.
Oct 23, 2018 12:50 PM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiles and start to eat, pretty fast and with no intention of stopping.

Oct 24, 2018 5:49 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


Theo would offer her more each time she cleared her plate, eating and chatting inbetween the moments of serving. "so the tournament isnt till the afternoon, wanna go look around the festival ground?" he would ask
Oct 24, 2018 10:02 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She chated back at Theo while eating. When he mention the tournament, she stop eating and answered "If that's alright with you, then yes. Is there a specific clothes I should wear?"

Oct 24, 2018 10:20 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


He would watch as she would stop eating for a moment to answer his question, Was the thought of him being in the tournament a bother to her. "its up to you, did you want to participate as well or just watch?" he would ask
Oct 24, 2018 10:55 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

Her eyes glow and she nod fast while saying "Yes, please!"

Oct 24, 2018 11:16 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

He would chucke seeing her reaction, though sadly it was still a single persons tournament. "haha okay, it will be tough though many people want to win that prize." he would say as he finished up his food and started to gather up the dishes once Kiany was done as well.
Oct 24, 2018 11:37 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She smiles and says "I'll just be there to protect you, silly" She gets up and kisses him

Oct 25, 2018 5:51 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would chuckle and smile a bit embarrassed by hearing her say that, "uh you do know its a fighting tournament, we could end up battling each other... and Roger's probably already rigged it so he gets to the finals." he would say as he started trying to think of what to do.
Oct 25, 2018 8:58 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She saddens and says "Then I guess I'll just be in the way... Unless I compete while using my powers! I can use the lizard ones and be invisible, then I'll be able to protect you" She smiles

Oct 25, 2018 9:25 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would think about the idea for a moment before coming up with a compromise, "while it is a good idea, im pretty sure staying like that all day would tire you out. why not just do it for the match between me and Roger?" he asked wondering if she would agree to that.
Oct 25, 2018 9:52 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She doubted, but nod in agreement "If he really wants to beat you, he'll want you until the final round. Hopefully he is thinking the same way and not get you out sooner..." She hugs him

Oct 25, 2018 10:24 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would hug her back "I'm pretty sure his goal is just to embarrass me in front of the crowd or something like that so it shouldn't be too bad. and its not like i can't heal myself." he said with a smile hopeing to relax her a bit more as they were about to go to a festival.
Oct 25, 2018 10:28 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods while saying "True true" She let go of him and said "Let's go get ready then" She headed to Theo's room to grab her clothes to then head to the bathroom and wash herself fast.

Oct 25, 2018 10:36 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


He smiled as she agreed along with him, then when she was ready to start moving the two would make their way back to the bedroom before they would start to get ready for the rest of their day out.

after showering and putting on some clothes that would be easy to fight in Theo would wait by the door for Kiany, "im ready when you are baby." he would say aloud
Oct 25, 2018 10:45 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

Shortly after Theo was done, she went out as well. She hold onto Theo's arm and smiles "Let's go"

Oct 25, 2018 11:08 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Once she was done getting ready, Kiany looked beatiful as always before they set out for the festival. the couple would walk together happily as they made it to the venue and started to see all the various stalls and food vendors. Theo would have a nostalgic smile on his face as he looked around the area.
Oct 25, 2018 11:11 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She looked around, curious and excited to all the new things she was watching. It looked like the Market they went back at the Institute, but more fun and colorful. She ask him "So, what do you recommend we do first?"

Oct 26, 2018 6:03 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would look around after Kiany asked him what they should do first, "how about I try to win you a prize?" Theo would say while looking determined at a simple stall game, Throw the ball and knock the prize over. Theo's first throw was a miss, which he just laughed off, his second throw grazed the stuffed plushie bear making it move a little. On his final throw he was ready to get the prize, he even managed to hit the head of the bear with the baseball, only to watch its head bend backwards and pop back up into place. Theo's jaw would drop as he was left speechless, was there some magic at work or was the game just rigged? either way he just couldn't believe his eyes.
Oct 26, 2018 9:46 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

When he said that, she remember when they went to an event to a water park. She giggle and said "Alright then" She watch as his effort was in vain, the last time didn't go that well either. She looked at him and said "Should we try something else?"

Oct 30, 2018 7:48 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo looked defeated by the fact he could not win something for Kiany, she was even kind enough not to say anything besides asking if he wanted to try something else. He would nod to her "sure, wanna go on one of the rides or something?"
Oct 30, 2018 9:38 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods and kisses his cheek "Sure, as long as I'm with you~"

Oct 30, 2018 9:42 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder


He would smile a little as he held onto Kiany's hand, "how about that one?" he would say pointing out a small coaster ride. it wasn't very big but it would still go fast, Theo would keep his arm around Kiany as they rode the ride.
Oct 30, 2018 9:45 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods and smiles, enjoying her time with Theo. After the ride she asked him "How about eating something? All the food stands look amazing~"

Oct 30, 2018 9:48 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

After the two get off the ride they would be walking about the various stalls, the smell of the food hitting their noses. "yeah, they smell amazing too, want to try some takyoaki?" he asked
Oct 30, 2018 10:46 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods fast before he even said the name of the food "Yes! Uh, please"

Oct 31, 2018 7:03 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would laugh a little seeing her reaction, "haha okay okay, just wait here and ill go get us some." he said pointing towards a nearby bench for her before running off to find the food himself. Shortly later he would return with more than one helping just to be safe, he would then sit next to her before speaking "be careful they are gonna be hot."
Oct 31, 2018 8:39 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She nods and sat, looking over toward where he was. She got happy when he came back. She lean to him smelling the food, she smiles and couldn't wait to start eating.

Nov 1, 2018 5:49 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

after waiting a little bit of time for the food to cool down, Theo would try and feed one to Kiany, "say ahh" he would say with a smile before he would eat one himself and enjoy the taste. at the same time, the two would hear an annoucement, soneone was calling for the start of the tournament and all those who were going to participate should go sign up. Theo would sigh feeling their fun time was cut short. "ugh i really dont wanna deal with this." he would complain a little
Nov 1, 2018 5:54 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She ate happily. When she heard Theo complain cuz of the tournament, she placed her hand on his shoukder and said "The faster we get out of this, the better. I'm here with you" She smiles at him

Nov 1, 2018 8:32 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would smile when he heard Kiany's words, "thanks baby you mean the world to me." he would say affectionately as he went kiss her softly. Then he and Kiany would start to make their way to the booth where a man was signing people up for the tournament. Theo would make sure to enter himself before looking to Kiany to see what she wanted to do. "did you want to be in the tournament as well or just watch?" he would ask just to make sure.
Nov 1, 2018 9:15 AM

May 2009
Kiany StHorts

She looked at him and nod acertive "We are in this together" She then look at the man in the booth and nodded at him so he would put her as well.

Nov 1, 2018 9:29 AM

May 2013
Theo Ryder

Theo would nod to her, "alright, just be careful out there." he said before they would start moving towards the area where the other particpants. As they were waiting someone would explain the rules of the tournament,
"rule number one, you fall out of the ring your out.
Rule number two, all fights are one on one and elimation, so if you lose your out for the rest of the day.
last rule, if you hurt the bystanders your disqualifed. If there are no other questions the tournament will begin shortly."
the man would shout for everyone to hear him. It seemed like neither of them were up in the first round at least so they would just be stuck in the waiting room for now. "haha i wouldn't be surprised if you did better than me Kiany." he would say with a light hearted laugh while some of the other participants gave the couple dirty looks.
Nov 1, 2018 10:38 AM
Nov 1, 2018 10:43 AM

May 2013
(no i thought i always said it would be a tournament?)
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