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Jul 22, 2016 4:38 PM

Jan 2014
Silverstorm said:
Do we? Cause here on MAL, users from Europe say it's different in the USA. I think they mean it negatively though.

Should have better phrased what I implied; implying we have a good example of what will occur in our country should we directly reflect the EU's failed immigration/refugee policies.

Silverstorm said:
Are you in America? or ever been? Cause I get the impression you're aren't, and I don't wanna waste time (right now) on politics with someone from across the pond. No offense to anyone.

I'm in America. So what exactly are you saying, because you're not being the most clear with your retorts.

Silverstorm said:
I wasn't simply doing anything other asking questions but if you want statements with minus the extreme paranoia; I'm sure America has accepted quite a few muslim refugees that practice or once practiced sharia law. Also I'm sure some of the richer ones have toured the US with no sudden raping. Perhaps the concentrated they get, the more likely they'll rape, but seeing as how they are going to be a minority in the US, not too worried.

And again, like I said, prevention is the best medicine. No one is against allowing refugees in, however, no one wants to admit those who pose threats. When the narrative pushed by the media that the majority of these refugees coming were women and children, yet journalists take pictures of hundreds and thousands of men, devoid of women and children (and no, i'm not arguing there are none), one needs to realize the call of mass immigration and infiltration that is propagated by radical Islamic leaders in the Middle East. Sounds conspiracy-theorist, but there are plenty of videos of Islamic leaders calling for just that, the out-birthing of the native populous and the murder of infidels. Obviously the US is more "safe" due to us being on the other side of the globe, but it doesn't mean you can therefore turn a blind eye to the ambitions of the hundreds-of-millions of Muslims that do follow the call of these leaders, or greatly favor Sharia over Western civilization/law.

This is also where the general Islamic population comes into play, which even despite our massive population they still account for an extremely small demographic of our nation; when compared to the EU, their Islamic population is several percentages higher and increasing at astonishing rates.

Silverstorm said:
I'm sure it's hard in Europe, but America is different. Not only do we have the same racist, but some of them are in positions of power to stomp out most of that. Then the population, really not everyone is the brightest bulb, but they more than likely have a firearm--and ready to use it in some states.

Of course, for now. People seem to forget that everything that has happened in Europe is a product of literally barely two decades of mismanagement. This is not a phenomenon that has been slowly metastasizing over the course of centuries. People are under the illusion that the Islamic conquests are over simply because we live in a more "civilized" era of modern democracy. Radical Islam does not rank in the small numbers, Islam that follows anti-Western Sharia law. Many radical Islamic leaders have often said things such as America being the "great Satan" and Israel being the minor. The aspirations of these people shouldn't be ignored simply because we have an ocean between us.

Simply because we have the capability to combat it doesn't mean we shouldn't prevent it, again, prevention is the best medicine.

Silverstorm said:

I just don't see how you judge someone else for painting an extreme view, when you just did as well. That's the point I'm making, and honestly I think I did a good job. You can't say Europe = USA because the USA doesn't = Europe...literally (USA is just one country) and, for my example.

Because my "extreme" view already has an example to go off of. You're assuming best case scenario, assuming a conclusion that hasn't been proven. We already have a concluded scenario in Europe. Am I arguing that things will play out exactly the same? No, not at all. Obviously we as a peoples are entirely different and the citizens of this country would most likely handle it entirely different. It still doesn't negate the fact that Europe right now is an example of the kind of people we can potentially begin to import. Dealing with them isn't like dealing with a uniform military.

I could go on and on with this explanation, so i'll sum it up as this.

The people seeking our destruction are not uniform, and as proven in Europe, they can and will infiltrate through the legitimate refugees. As proven in Europe, this is something that can grow and spiral out of control. Birth rates, illegal immigration, indoctrination; there are a multitude of factors to be considered and the happenings in Europe should be taken serious.
Jul 22, 2016 4:48 PM

Jan 2014
Silverstorm said:
In any academic setting (which this isn't) that would be instant fail. And so what you're saying is that it's ok for politicians to bend the truth, when they should be telling the truth?

So what you're doing is taking it for literal face-value. To assume a staff member of the Trump campaign wouldn't have anything to do with a speech from the to-be first lady is foolish on anyone's part and being unrealistic in expectation. Whether it's Trump or his wife, no one should be expecting that they would be acting on their own without any aid or guidance. You're far-reaching when trying to call it "lying." Based on your definition, even if there was no plagiarism on her part or the editors part, the speech itself wasn't hers. Going based on that logic, do you think Michelle's speech underwent no aid whatsoever? I can 100% guarantee there were aids assigned to hers as well.

Silverstorm said:
I'm not excusing Clinton for what she should be charged with, but I am questioning your sense of rationale?

You're not understanding; people in this thread, the MSM and DNC are trying to associate a 30 second segment "lie" and "plagiarism" to the honesty and integrity of the individual involved.

So you tell me, does what happened compromise the morality of Melania? That's essentially what's being debated here.

Silverstorm said:
FontSize72LOL said:
Nobody is defending the act of plagairism,
I'm pretty sure that user was...just saying, that last post seemed like it.

What i'm pointing out is how the blame is being improperly attributed.

“A person she [Melania] has always liked is Michelle Obama. Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech,” McIver said

To actually quote the staffer. Was plagiarism on Melania's part intentional? No.

Curious as to how you're finding this so hard to grasp.
eGirlSlayingJul 22, 2016 4:54 PM
Jul 22, 2016 5:54 PM

May 2015
eGirlSlaying said:
ashfrliebert said:

More fear mongering, this time based on a minority. Still generalizing, know what they call it when people generalize others based on a minority? You can come to the conclusion yourself, I think.

I love how you also are supposedly soooo against generalizing, then you generalize immigrants lol citing a source that seemingly completely and utterly ignored illegal immigrant crime.

The above link you provided is old, uses old data, and not to mention every single link in the references is dead.

Show me current data that says ILLEGAL immigrants don't contribute to crime. Enjoy the statistics on Texas alone regarding violent crime. "b-b-but muh narrative!"
ashfrliebert said:

More fear mongering, this time based on a minority. Still generalizing, know what they call it when people generalize others based on a minority? You can come to the conclusion yourself, I think.

I love how you also are supposedly soooo against generalizing, then you generalize immigrants lol citing a source that seemingly completely and utterly ignored illegal immigrant crime.

The above link you provided is old, uses old data, and not to mention every single link in the references is dead.

Show me current data that says ILLEGAL immigrants don't contribute to crime. Enjoy the statistics on Texas alone regarding violent crime. "b-b-but muh narrative!"

When MyAnimeList sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

In conclusion, we find that it would be a mistake to assume that immigrants as a group are more prone to crime than other groups, or that they should be viewed with more suspicion than others. Even though immigrant incarceration rates are high in some populations, there is no clear evidence that immigrants commit crimes at higher or lower rates than others. Nevertheless, it also would be a mistake to conclude that immigrant crime is insignificant or that offenders’ immigration status is irrelevant in local policing. The newer information available as a result of better screening of the incarcerated population suggests that, in many parts of the country, immigrants are responsible for a significant share of crime. This indicates that there are legitimate public safety reasons for local law enforcement agencies to determine the immigration status of offenders and to work with federal immigration authorities.
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Jul 23, 2016 11:45 AM

Jan 2014
ashfrliebert said:

When MyAnimeList sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

In conclusion, we find that it would be a mistake to assume that immigrants as a group are more prone to crime than other groups, or that they should be viewed with more suspicion than others. Even though immigrant incarceration rates are high in some populations, there is no clear evidence that immigrants commit crimes at higher or lower rates than others. Nevertheless, it also would be a mistake to conclude that immigrant crime is insignificant or that offenders’ immigration status is irrelevant in local policing. The newer information available as a result of better screening of the incarcerated population suggests that, in many parts of the country, immigrants are responsible for a significant share of crime. This indicates that there are legitimate public safety reasons for local law enforcement agencies to determine the immigration status of offenders and to work with federal immigration authorities.

I literally can't tell if you're retarded or trolling since you just contradicted your entire argument by citing that.

Literally nowhere has Trump or myself stated "immigrants commit more crime!" You're creating a narrative that doesn't exist. The point being argued is that a large number of crime has been committed by illegals, and preventing illegals would have attributed to less crime.

Or just to quote you

The newer information available as a result of better screening of the incarcerated population suggests that, in many parts of the country, immigrants are responsible for a significant share of crime.

Literally retarded lol how can Liberals be THIS dumb.
Jul 23, 2016 11:52 AM

Jan 2014
TsundereHeart said:
More like good job exposing yourself on your lack of reading comprehension.

AHAHAHAHA you come back with the same exact thing I said, weak idiot. Let me just expose you a second time for being a complete and utter $hillbot retard. Round 2 commence.

TsundereHeart said:

I never implied that Melania was the speechwriter, I've already known that she wasn't since the apology by the actual writer came out. Please note the part where I said "I don't necessarily hate his wife" in response to the original poster saying they flat out hated her; I never said she was at fault, only the people defending her.

And also, like someone already pointed out above she loses either way because she claimed to have written it with "as little help as possible" but her speechwriter had a pretty significant part, it seems.

LMFAO "b-b-but I never implied anything!" How do you people manage to contradict yourselves in the same post. Is this the Twilight Zone?

TsundereHeart said:

The part about "it's just a tiny portion" isn't really relevant at all to what I originally posted, but somehow you managed to get to it.
Personally I think there should be no plagiarism at all. I don't really care about the issue anymore since the writer apologized, I was only annoyed by their initial lack of response and the people who actually said it was a coincidence.

Just to reiterate, I was /only/ attacking people who think it was an actual coincidence. Not Melania, and I don't even really care about the speechwriter.

Yet you literally just contradicted yourself by alluding to the supposed significance the staffer had.

Don't even try lol you literally exposed yourself three times in a single thread as a complete and utter libcuck. Claiming that you're only attacking the people defending her is backwards, since the very defense everyone's using is the same defense the campaign is using lol the plagiarism wasn't intentional on her part. Where exactly are the people defending the plagiarism itself? Oh, right, NOWHERE. Also, are there any statements by Melania defending herself and the plagiarism? You only mentioned 'her' in your post and no mention of proper blame.

Also, why are you pretending to have known that a speechwriter was involved? Why is it always the libtards that shit bricks once they realize what they're attacking is completely illegitimate lol "oh I already knew!"




the people who actually said it was a coincidence.

Who lol Trump himself alluded to nothing officially anywhere until the staffer came forward. Are you just pretending and whipping up a false narrative to defend yourself? Oh wait, you are.
eGirlSlayingJul 23, 2016 11:59 AM
Jul 23, 2016 12:41 PM

Oct 2015
We're pretty fucked either way. I want Trump to win just to see what will happen.
Jul 23, 2016 12:58 PM

Jan 2014
TsundereHeart said:
Lol okay. This is honestly getting pretty pathetic on your part

Cry more lol your tears fuel me.

TsundereHeart said:

In writing her beautiful speech, Melania's team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking. Melania’s immigrant experience and love for America shone through in her speech, which made it such a success

Cherry-pick more you blithering idiot.

One adviser to Mr. Trump, who has assisted in the drafting of some of his speeches, acknowledged that Ms. Trump used words that were not her own. “I’m sure what happened is the person who was helping write this plucked something in there and probably an unfortunate oversight — and certainly Melania didn’t have anything to do with it,” the adviser, Sam Clovis, a Trump campaign co-chairman

Going to expose your dumbass for a 4th time. Even in the SAME EXACT ARTICLE where all these quotes are copy/pasted on other news outlets they conveniently leave out the fact someone who already aids in speeches (which guess what, is not Manafort's job) corroborated the individual who actually did plagiarize prior to coming forward; all happening at the same time. LMFAO holy shit your tiny brain must be melting right now.

TsundereHeart said:
The example I put before is an actual defense I've read by some Trump fan (not verbatim obviously, but the same quote was used)

You know in the Trump Reddit itself people already acknowledged the fact it was word-for-word. All that was done was pointing out the blatant hypocrisy and irony of the MSM going batshit insane when there's numerous other plagiarism examples. Pointing out the hypocritical irony isn't defending the action itself.

TsundereHeart said:

You know, I don't know how you become so fucking pretentious that you think you are somehow able to read my thoughts and know my experience. But here, allow me to at least prove how fucking wrong you are, since I was well aware of what I claimed I was aware of at least 2 days before I encountered a retard like you

You're mad af and that's literally all I cared about when I accused you of not knowing your facts LMFAOOOOOO stay boiled
eGirlSlayingJul 23, 2016 1:01 PM
Jul 23, 2016 1:15 PM

May 2015
eGirlSlaying said:

I literally can't tell if you're retarded or trolling since you just contradicted your entire argument by citing that.

Literally nowhere has Trump or myself stated "immigrants commit more crime!" You're creating a narrative that doesn't exist. The point being argued is that a large number of crime has been committed by illegals, and preventing illegals would have attributed to less crime.

But immigrant don't have a net negative impact in crime on society(in the US), so it's unnecessary. Immigrants aren't, on average, more prone to committing crimes than anyone else.

It's obvious that illegals contribute a fair share of crime, there's alot of immigrants, that would still be a minority. So once again, it falls back to generalizing and paranoia.
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Jul 23, 2016 1:23 PM

Jan 2014
TsundereHeart said:

Perhaps one day you will stop being retarded.

I wonder how many times i'd have to repeat myself before you uncuck your brain.

"because she claimed to have written it with "as little help as possible" but her speechwriter had a pretty significant part, it seems."

You're a typical fence-sitter lol

And not only that

"their initial lack of response"

But you completely ignored the fact a speech writer not at fault threw in their own two cents as to what happened the same day as Manafort lol

"Butbutbut lack of initial response"

Fucking retard lmao
Jul 23, 2016 1:27 PM

Jan 2014
ashfrliebert said:

It's obvious that illegals contribute a fair share of crime, there's alot of immigrants, that would still be a minority. So once again, it falls back to generalizing and paranoia.

I'll say it a second time, what's being argued isn't who is more prone to committing crimes.

Really easy question; do illegal immigrants commit a large number of crimes, yes or no.

razor39999 said:
Was laughing about this yesterday, it's not really just about Trump but it's pretty funny.

After watching this I really wonder who they're voting for. Knowing it's all just jokes, I really hope they aren't actually going to vote for $hillary in the end.
eGirlSlayingJul 23, 2016 1:30 PM
Jul 23, 2016 1:31 PM

Mar 2011
eGirlSlaying said:
So what you're doing is taking it for literal face-value. You're far-reaching when trying to call it "lying."
This isn't even semantics. How is calling a lie (which it is) far-reaching? I guess calling a dog a mammal is far-reaching to, by your line of reasoning. You also insinuate it's ok for politicians or would-be politicians, to say one thing and then do the opposite is ok to you. Now I know you're keeping this going just for attention, and laughs--but yet posted anything funny. That might be the greatest offense you made in this thread. Atleast make a joke, have a witty sentence; it's not that hard.

You're not understanding; people in this thread, the MSM and DNC are trying to associate a 30 second segment "lie" and "plagiarism" to the honesty and integrity of the individual involved.
This is rich, you probably should have just not typed this lol

So you tell me, does what happened compromise the morality of Melania? That's essentially what's being debated here.
Yes, she is a liar, and one that lies for little things. If she knew she had the option to tell the truth in the beginning, and instead lied first--she wasn't really honest to begin with. I could understand if whoever didn't want to trow some poor soul under the bus, but that doesn't seem to be the case. You trust people that lie to you? But this thread isn't about Melania, and her lie is not the one to care about.

tl;dr: Yes, her moral integrity is called into question because she lied to people, for no real reason.

What i'm pointing out is how the blame is being improperly attributed. Was plagiarism on Melania's part intentional? No.
Yeah, except for lying about it. And I'd appreciate you not trying to make this about some bimbo. What's this called--strawman--red're trying to use alot of them because you have no real points to talk about when it comes to Trump or Clinton's policies.

Curious as to how you're finding this so hard to grasp.
There's nothing curious about someone trying to derail a topic by failing to make solid points. Throughout our posts, you have not provided anything other than paranoid rhetoric that contradicts you're saying. Stop being an attention whore, doesn't suit you, works better for other users.
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one"
Jul 23, 2016 1:34 PM

Sep 2007
How conservatives view the rest of the world:

Jul 23, 2016 1:38 PM

Mar 2011
eGirlSlaying said:
You wasted time writing all that just to say I'm right. Granted not exactly what you said but your post just agrees that things that happen in Europe don't play out the same in the USA, that Europe is going through some trouble (we all know this), and that terrorism is hard to stop because our enemies don't wear uniforms---no shit, it's called ISIS.

You obviously only did this for none of the reasons to actually post in this thread. Anyone reading our posts see that what you're saying is bs, and that is enough for me. I left you posting stuff that anyone here could have countered you, yet they didn't. I guess they love talking to you, but this isn't entertaining to me; just boring.
"In the end the World really doesn't need a Superman. Just a Brave one"
Jul 23, 2016 1:40 PM

Mar 2008
eGirlSlaying said:
Really easy question; do illegal immigrants commit a large number of crimes, yes or no.

In the US no they don't increase crime or commit more crime.
Jul 23, 2016 1:55 PM

Jan 2014
Silverstorm said:
This isn't even semantics. How is calling a lie (which it is) far-reaching? I guess calling a dog a mammal is far-reaching to, by your line of reasoning. You also insinuate it's ok for politicians or would-be politicians, to say one thing and then do the opposite is ok to you. Now I know you're keeping this going just for attention, and laughs--but yet posted anything funny. That might be the greatest offense you made in this thread. Atleast make a joke, have a witty sentence; it's not that hard.

So in your tiny brain the second a campaign aid even grammatically checks her speech or anyone else makes suggestions on subject matters, or in the final draft of her speech injects something, it is therefore not done by herself and she's a liar when saying she wrote it, even when it accounts for literally less than a few seconds out of 20 minutes. Which also encompasses morality itself somehow, good lord lol

Silverstorm said:
This is rich, you probably should have just not typed this lol

Coming from the person who's making one-liners devoid of substance, how ironic. Try again.

Silverstorm said:
Yes, she is a liar, and one that lies for little things. If she knew she had the option to tell the truth in the beginning, and instead lied first--she wasn't really honest to begin with. I could understand if whoever didn't want to trow some poor soul under the bus, but that doesn't seem to be the case. You trust people that lie to you? But this thread isn't about Melania, and her lie is not the one to care about.

Lets break this down for your last few brain cells, shall we?

You're making the assumption and accusation that because aids are involved with speeches, that the speech in its entirety is disingenuous, when you have literally NOTHING to base that on other than an aid was given aspects of Michelle's speech by Melania to assist in incorporating the segment, which ended up accounting for barely a few complete sentences combined out of nearly 20 minutes. Do you have a shred of proof to substantiate the notion that therefore the speech in its entire is again, disingenuous and not done by her. No, you don't, and that's what makes your hard-liner accusation of her being a "liar," false. Like I said several times already, you're making the assumption that no speeches are handled by others or undergo some process of editing.

Not to mention, Michelle had a speech writer assigned to her as well. Going based on your definition of honesty and who plagiarized who, perhaps we should attribute the credit to Michelle's speech writer and not Michelle? Hmmm.

Silverstorm said:

tl;dr: Yes, her moral integrity is called into question because she lied to people, for no real reason.

Proclaiming you write your own speeches which are then edited and aided by others doesn't equate to compromising your integrity, sorry.

Silverstorm said:
Yeah, except for lying about it. And I'd appreciate you not trying to make this about some bimbo.

Guess what dipshit? I wasn't the one who brought up this topic. Also, the topic of the OP was Trump and his campaign, does this fall under the umbrella of the Trump campaign? Yes. Take a seat.

Silverstorm said:
What's this called--strawman--red're trying to use alot of them because you have no real points to talk about when it comes to Trump or Clinton's policies.

If you're going to throw around logical fallacies, at least use them properly. Trying to dismiss my entire post as either a strawman or red herring is only making you seem desperate, considering you can literally go back a single page and just look at who sparked all of this, or simply go to the OP and realize that any topic pertaining to the campaign is of relevance. Hurrrrrrr muh brain am so smurtt. Dumbass.

Silverstorm said:
There's nothing curious about someone trying to derail a topic by failing to make solid points. Throughout our posts, you have not provided anything other than paranoid rhetoric that contradicts you're saying. Stop being an attention whore, doesn't suit you, works better for other users.

Point out the contradictions and form a rebuttal, you've failed to do so in two pages of shitposting (low-quality).
Jul 23, 2016 2:01 PM

Feb 2016
He's good for America but I dont care about America.

Cool he is against Globalism but besides that he got nothing for me.

He also shouldnt ban all Muslims. I do agree on deporting some of them. Especially if they are Islamists
Jul 23, 2016 2:03 PM

May 2015
eGirlSlaying said:

I'll say it a second time, what's being argued isn't who is more prone to committing crimes.

Really easy question; do illegal immigrants commit a large number of crimes, yes or no.

Okay than, I'll phrase it more simpler and thus better - no.
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Jul 23, 2016 2:04 PM

Feb 2016
razor39999 said:
Was laughing about this yesterday, it's not really just about Trump but it's pretty funny.

Jon Stewart and Colbert are so obsessed with Trumps dick its sad
Jul 23, 2016 2:04 PM

Jan 2014
traed said:
eGirlSlaying said:
Really easy question; do illegal immigrants commit a large number of crimes, yes or no.

In the US no they don't increase crime or commit more crime.

Not going to bother explaining what's actually being discussed so i'll just do this.

over 195,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and June 30, 2016.

these criminal aliens were charged with more than 520,000 criminal offenses

Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 129,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.

234,000 convictions including 437 homicide convictions; 23,166 assault convictions; 7,450 burglary convictions; 30,509 drug convictions; 217 kidnapping convictions; 16,957 theft convictions; 20,200 obstructing police convictions; 1,754 robbery convictions; 2,486 sexual assault convictions; and 3,274 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 155,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.

I'm not going to interpret this, I want you to interpret it for me.

When you read these stats on Texas what do you conclude.
Jul 23, 2016 2:07 PM

Jan 2014
ashfrliebert said:
eGirlSlaying said:

I'll say it a second time, what's being argued isn't who is more prone to committing crimes.

Really easy question; do illegal immigrants commit a large number of crimes, yes or no.

Okay than, I'll phrase it more simpler and thus better - no.

I posted Texas statistics above, I want you to interpret them for me and then give me another answer.
Jul 23, 2016 2:09 PM

Jan 2014
Dildry said:
He's good for America but I dont care about America.

Cool he is against Globalism but besides that he got nothing for me.

He also shouldnt ban all Muslims. I do agree on deporting some of them. Especially if they are Islamists

Trump only wants to ban Muslims that pose a threat of potential ISIS/radical Islamic infiltration areas, IE: Syria. ISIS members have already been identified having penetrated the refugee population in Europe.
Jul 23, 2016 2:12 PM

Feb 2016
eGirlSlaying said:
Dildry said:
He's good for America but I dont care about America.

Cool he is against Globalism but besides that he got nothing for me.

He also shouldnt ban all Muslims. I do agree on deporting some of them. Especially if they are Islamists

Trump only wants to ban Muslims that pose a threat of potential ISIS/radical Islamic infiltration areas, IE: Syria. ISIS members have already been identified having penetrated the refugee population in Europe.

Banning all Muslims is too damn final.

Its like a declaration of war on Islam almost.

Why cant you know.

Crack down on Islam?

Regulate their mosques?

Ban from countries where ISIS has a significant presence?

Not the entire 1.2 Billion people inside the Islamic Community.

Same can be said for Europe.

EDIT - My bad so Trump meant what I was stating. Well since when was it like that. I thought it was the entire Islamic Community
Jul 23, 2016 2:15 PM

Jan 2014
Dildry said:
eGirlSlaying said:

Trump only wants to ban Muslims that pose a threat of potential ISIS/radical Islamic infiltration areas, IE: Syria. ISIS members have already been identified having penetrated the refugee population in Europe.

Banning all Muslims is too damn final.

Its like a declaration of war on Islam almost.

Why cant you know.

Crack down on Islam?

Regulate their mosques?

Ban from countries where ISIS has a significant presence?

Not the entire Islamic Community.

He didn't say all Muslims, again, he specifically said it'd be regional, Syria being one.

Mr. Trump said he would block immigrants from “countries with great terrorism.” Muslims from Scotland or other parts of Great Britain “wouldn’t bother me,” he said.

Direct words.
Jul 23, 2016 2:17 PM

Feb 2016
eGirlSlaying said:
Dildry said:

Banning all Muslims is too damn final.

Its like a declaration of war on Islam almost.

Why cant you know.

Crack down on Islam?

Regulate their mosques?

Ban from countries where ISIS has a significant presence?

Not the entire Islamic Community.

He didn't say all Muslims, again, he specifically said it'd be regional, Syria being one.

Mr. Trump said he would block immigrants from “countries with great terrorism.” Muslims from Scotland or other parts of Great Britain “wouldn’t bother me,” he said.

Direct words.

Mhh well call me silly but apparently the media fooled me!

Oh boy and I thought I was free from their poisonous biased rhetoric against Anti Globalists.

Silly me!
Jul 23, 2016 2:20 PM

Jan 2014
Dildry said:
eGirlSlaying said:

He didn't say all Muslims, again, he specifically said it'd be regional, Syria being one.

Direct words.

Mhh well call me silly but apparently the media fooled me!

Oh boy and I thought I was free from their poisonous biased rhetoric against Anti Globalists.

Silly me!

Queue Hououin laugh

Jul 23, 2016 2:39 PM

Mar 2008
I gave you stats for the whole country that look at all groups and you gave me stats for Texas that only looks at illegal immigrants with no comparison to other groups during the same time frame for the same location. It is without a point of reference for comparison no conclusion can be made aside from people in general commit a lot of crimes which is something I could have told you without stats.
Jul 23, 2016 2:43 PM

Jan 2014
traed said:
that only looks at illegal immigrants with no comparison to other groups during the same time frame for the same location. It is without a point of reference for comparison no conclusion can be made aside from people in general commit a lot of crimes which is something I could have told you without stats.

Where exactly have I not said over and over and over ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

And no, using generalized language like "oh well people in general commit a lot of crimes" doesn't accurately portray what's being debated. Illegal immigrants attribute a large number of crime in the US, Texas is a good example of how a massive number of crime could have been preventable.

The topic has never been about generalizing all immigrants and comparing it to the rest of the US demographic.
Jul 23, 2016 2:54 PM

Mar 2008
eGirlSlaying said:
traed said:
that only looks at illegal immigrants with no comparison to other groups during the same time frame for the same location. It is without a point of reference for comparison no conclusion can be made aside from people in general commit a lot of crimes which is something I could have told you without stats.

Where exactly have I not said over and over and over ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

And no, using generalized language like "oh well people in general commit a lot of crimes" doesn't accurately portray what's being debated. Illegal immigrants attribute a large number of crime in the US, Texas is a good example of how a massive number of crime could have been preventable.

The topic has never been about generalizing all immigrants and comparing it to the rest of the US demographic.

Okay whatever I meant immigrants compared to illegal immigrants but it lacks the data telling you how many are in the state to begin with and considering its just a state in the US not an independent nation even then that can cause inaccuracies. There is several ways to interpret that data one is that illegal immigrants commited more crime than legal immigrants during that time frame in that particular state or it can be interpreted that there are more illegal immigrants in that state than legal immigrants so that is why their crime rate is higher. Please learn to interpret stats better before trying to make an argument.
Jul 23, 2016 3:00 PM

Jan 2014
traed said:

Okay whatever I meant immigrants compared to illegal immigrants but it lacks the data telling you how many are in the state to begin with and considering its just a state in the US not an independent nation even then that can cause inaccuracies. There is several ways to interpret that data one is that illegal immigrants commited more crime than legal immigrants during that time frame in that particular state or it can be interpreted that there are more illegal immigrants in that state than legal immigrants so that is why their crime rate is higher. Please learn to interpret stats better before trying to make an argument.

I love how you're reading into it as if there's some other meaning to it lol it's pretty clear you don't want to acknowledge the fact due to our poor border security we have illegal immigrants that pour across our border, contributing to crime that should never occur; that's what's being debated, not some secret meaning behind it.

For someone who brags about "interpreting" the statistics you do a pretty poor job of identifying what's being argued.

Do illegal immigrants contribute to crime? Yes; this is crime that should never occur to begin with.
Jul 23, 2016 3:01 PM

May 2015
eGirlSlaying said:

I posted Texas statistics above, I want you to interpret them for me and then give me another answer.

No lol, not a large amount overall. If that phrasing's more satisfying. Not a big amount? Quality? Actually maybe this phrasing *is* the problem.

Maybe this one's better. Not a big share? Sum? Volume? Percent? I'm running out of synonyms here.

Texas crime rate is pretty low especially, actually. Generally speaking.
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Jul 23, 2016 3:21 PM

Jan 2014
ashfrliebert said:

No lol, not a large amount overall. If that phrasing's more satisfying. Not a big amount? Quality? Actually maybe this phrasing *is* the problem.

Maybe this one's better. Not a big share? Sum? Volume? Percent? I'm running out of synonyms here.

Texas crime rate is pretty low especially, actually. Generally speaking.

So you consider Texas alone having over 155K illegal immigrants committing tens and hundreds-of-thousands of crimes to not be significant lol are we living on the same planet? Or are you just one of these illegal immigrant sympathizers?

Just like the other poster, you're oblivious to what's being discussed. Illegals commit large numbers of crimes, all of this crime could have been preventable. Attempting to somehow put a spin on 234,000 criminal offenses as insignificant is asinine when the topic is illegals specifically and how none of it should have occurred to begin with.

Concerned for you seeing as you can't put two and two together.
Jul 23, 2016 3:43 PM

May 2015
eGirlSlaying said:
traed said:

Okay whatever I meant immigrants compared to illegal immigrants but it lacks the data telling you how many are in the state to begin with and considering its just a state in the US not an independent nation even then that can cause inaccuracies. There is several ways to interpret that data one is that illegal immigrants commited more crime than legal immigrants during that time frame in that particular state or it can be interpreted that there are more illegal immigrants in that state than legal immigrants so that is why their crime rate is higher. Please learn to interpret stats better before trying to make an argument.

I love how you're reading into it as if there's some other meaning to it lol it's pretty clear you don't want to acknowledge the fact due to our poor border security we have illegal immigrants that pour across our border, contributing to crime that should never occur; that's what's being debated, not some secret meaning behind it.

For someone who brags about "interpreting" the statistics you do a pretty poor job of identifying what's being argued.

Do illegal immigrants contribute to crime? Yes; this is crime that should never occur to begin with.

Big is relative though, obviously illegal immigrants contribute *some* to crime. That's never been the argument. That's hardly a problem, if they don't increase crime rates it doesn't matter. It *changes* nothing because immigrants aren't a significant net negative of crime. Nevermind is rounding up them and deporting them a net positive in money. So I stick to what I said, just post 9/11 paranoia that strangers will take er jobs and kill us all. But maybe fear of strangers is just an american thing.

eGirlSlaying said:

So you consider Texas alone having over 155K illegal immigrants committing tens and hundreds-of-thousands of crimes to not be significant lol are we living on the same planet? .

ashfrliebertJul 23, 2016 3:47 PM
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Jul 23, 2016 3:57 PM

Apr 2016
People that hate him are either ignorant, or sjws. They think he's racist because he wants to stop illegal immigration.
And because he wants to ban muslim immigration temporarily. Which is a smart move to ensure the safety of Americans. Just look at what happened in europe.

And people will say Trump is a bad person for so many other reasons that just aren't true. People will say he "flip flops" on issues, but he doesn't. I saw a youtuber, Secular Talk, Saying that Trump flip flopped on what he thought about Muslims. He gave 2 audio recordings of Trump. In the first one, Trump said: "We need to ban all muslims from the country until we figure out what's going on."

In the second someone asked him why all muslims should be banned permanently. Trump said: "I never said that, I said that we should ban them temporarily until we figure out what's going on"

And this youtuber calls that a "flip flop", when he literally said the same thing.
UnpopularAnimeJul 23, 2016 4:04 PM
Jul 23, 2016 3:57 PM

Mar 2008
eGirlSlaying said:

I love how you're reading into it as if there's some other meaning to it lol it's pretty clear you don't want to acknowledge the fact due to our poor border security we have illegal immigrants that pour across our border, contributing to crime that should never occur; that's what's being debated, not some secret meaning behind it.

For someone who brags about "interpreting" the statistics you do a pretty poor job of identifying what's being argued.

Do illegal immigrants contribute to crime? Yes; this is crime that should never occur to begin with.

Because that is how one properly reads stats. You cant just guess to interpret data any way convenient to you. Texas is not representative of the whole US and the US isnt representative of Texas. Texas is one state among many. Texas can set up their own immigration policy if they wanted with some limitations of course since it's just a state

Also most illegals don't hop the fence or swim in they fly or drive in legally then overstay without proper paperwork. That is how they actually know how many illegals there roughy are total because there is a paper trail. Get your facts straight.
Jul 23, 2016 3:59 PM

Jan 2014
ashfrliebert said:

Big is relative though, obviously illegal immigrants contribute *some* to crime. That's never been the argument. That's hardly a problem, if they don't increase crime rates it doesn't matter. It *changes* nothing because immigrants aren't a significant net negative of crime. Nevermind is rounding up them and deporting them a net positive in money. So I stick to what I said, just post 9/11 paranoia that strangers will take er jobs and kill us all. But maybe fear of strangers is just an american thing.

"Big is relative," the definition of deflecting. Illegals commit a large number of crime in the US, it's pretty clear you don't actually believe your own drivel, anyone with half a brain would recognize literally hundreds-of-thousands of avoidable crime as significant.

Here, lets play another game, just so you can further admit that you don't actually believe the garbage you want to pretend that you support.

If Sweden didn't allow the overflow of refugees, would the ridiculous number of rapes committed there be less than it had been prior?
Jul 23, 2016 4:01 PM

Mar 2008
eGirlSlaying said:
If Sweden didn't allow the overflow of refugees, would the ridiculous number of rapes committed there be less than it had been prior?

Sweden is pretty much the only country in the world that I can think of that has had an automatic acceptance of refugees. Also totally different cultures so there is a culture clash. That is how it got to where it is now.
Jul 23, 2016 4:12 PM

May 2015
eGirlSlaying said:

"Big is relative," the definition of deflecting. Illegals commit a large number of crime in the US, it's pretty clear you don't actually believe your own drivel, anyone with half a brain would recognize literally hundreds-of-thousands of avoidable crime as significant.

I disagree, crime happens, it's just the way the world works. Illegals do not, on average, commit "a large amount" of crimes relatively speaking.

Some of them commit crime, let me rephrase that, fine, "Alot commit crime", but as long as a majority don't the impact it has on society lessens out. Not to toss aside human value, but you focus on the detraction so it's only going to go out in one ear and out the other. Your point of view just falls on a subjective moral one that "if the minority commit crime and have negative impact on society, it doesn't matter about the majority and positive impact", ignoring the fact that people can *contribute* to society.

Edit: Wut do they call this again? Generalizer? LizationGenral? GenreallyRealization?
ashfrliebertJul 23, 2016 4:18 PM
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Jul 23, 2016 4:12 PM

Apr 2016
Veronin said:
Some of his ideas are fine. Islam is incompatible with the west, terrorism is real, people should not be coming in to countries illegally, and the self-hatred of white people is obnoxious and needs to end.


He's a terrible figurehead for these ideas. Not because I think he's racist-- I don't care if he is-- but because he talks like a seven-year-old, regularly spreads lies, misinformation and conspiracy theories, and is seemingly incapable of talking the nitty-gritty and actual policy.

Nigel Farage is an example of an intelligent person who supports the ideas mentioned above. If Donald Trump is the US' equivalent to Farage, if that's the best the country can do-- then that is a pretty sad statement about the US. Talk about lowest-common-denominator.

He talks like a child? He simply says it the way it is. Spreads lies? What lies?

Incapable of talking the nitty gritty? Speeches are almost always simple. and don't get into the nitty gritty. And how deep can he even go? Muslims shouldn't come into the US because many are terrorists. How do you even talk about the "nitty gritty" in that?

It's like trying to scientifically explain why jumping into an alligator lake is unhealthy.
It's just common sense, there's no need to go deeper into it.
Jul 23, 2016 4:16 PM

Jan 2014
traed said:

Because that is how one properly reads stats. You cant just guess to interpret data any way convenient to you. Texas is not representative of the whole US and the US isnt representative of Texas. Texas is one state among many. Texas can set up their own immigration policy if they wanted with some limitations of course since it's just a state

And again dipshit, learn to understand what's being argued. Illegals commit a large number of crimes, Texas is just one example I gave of the numbers regarding their crime.

traed said:
It is without a point of reference for comparison no conclusion

Just to point out how you're bringing up factors that are entirely irrelevant, go ahead and define a point of reference and the legitimacy of a supposed comparison, define both and how they relate to illegal immigrant crime statistics; you've made it pretty obvious you're someone who likes to throw around terms that they themselves have no clue how to apply properly.

The stats are cut and dry, basic. What's being presented in front of your face is the number of crimes committed by illegals, this is potentially avoidable crime in just one state alone. Now, if you want to continue with your drivel about needing a whole host of parameters for these numbers to be relevant and legitimate, go ahead and lay them out and I want you to define them individually and then provide examples.

traed said:

Also most illegals don't hop the fence or swim in they fly or drive in legally then overstay without proper paperwork. That is how they actually know how many illegals there roughy are total because there is a paper trail. Get your facts straight.

Oh sorry, since when was this the focus of the topic? Visa-overstays don't negate the fact that illegal immigration is the crux of the matter. I know you'd like to dance around the issue every which way you possible can, but how about you pull your weeb head out of your ass and come back to reality where hundreds-of-thousands of crimes are committed by people who should have been deported; preventable/avoidable crime, get that through your thick skull.
eGirlSlayingJul 23, 2016 4:19 PM
Jul 23, 2016 4:18 PM

Jan 2014
traed said:

Sweden is pretty much the only country in the world that I can think of that has had an automatic acceptance of refugees. Also totally different cultures so there is a culture clash. That is how it got to where it is now.


Go ahead, do tell, what part of their culture forces them to rape Swedish women. Holy shit my sides are in orbit.
Jul 23, 2016 4:19 PM

Apr 2016
ashfrliebert said:
eGirlSlaying said:

"Big is relative," the definition of deflecting. Illegals commit a large number of crime in the US, it's pretty clear you don't actually believe your own drivel, anyone with half a brain would recognize literally hundreds-of-thousands of avoidable crime as significant.

I disagree, crime happens, it's just the way the world works. Illegals do not, on average, commit "a large amount" of crimes relatively speaking.

Some of them commit crime, let me rephrase that, fine, "Alot commit crime", but as long as a majority don't the impact it has on society lessens out. Not to toss aside human value, but you focus on the detraction so it's only going to go out in one ear and out the other. Your point of view just falls on a subjective moral one that "if the minority commit crime and have negative impact on society, it doesn't matter about the majority and positive impact", ignoring the fact that people can *contribute* to society.

Actually all illegals commit crime. Keyword - illegal. :P
Jul 23, 2016 4:22 PM

May 2015
UnpopularAnime said:

Actually all illegals commit crime. Keyword - illegal. :P

Wow that's incredible what way can we make this not crime committing, maybe giving them legal status?

NAAH, that's ridiculous.
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Jul 23, 2016 4:24 PM

Jan 2014
ashfrliebert said:

Wow that's incredible what way can we make this not crime committing, maybe giving them legal status?

NAAH, that's ridiculous.

The irony behind your remark is that i'm certain you believe in open-border policy and would support handing out citizenship to the millions of illegals. Hence why you so adamantly refuse to acknowledge the fact hundreds-of-thousands of crimes committed were avoidable.

Oh wait, sorry, such a small number, nothing to be worried about.
Jul 23, 2016 4:36 PM

May 2015
Trump detractors hates it! Learn how to save the lives of hundreds of thousands and the whole economy with ONE WEIRD TRICK.

i just wanted an excuse to pun
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Jul 23, 2016 4:39 PM

Jan 2014
ashfrliebert said:
Trump detractors hates it! Learn how to save the lives of hundreds of thousands

That's like saying learn how to save the thousands of women from being raped in Sweden had they had no refugees.

Oh wait...
Jul 23, 2016 4:41 PM

Apr 2016
ashfrliebert said:
UnpopularAnime said:

Actually all illegals commit crime. Keyword - illegal. :P

Wow that's incredible what way can we make this not crime committing, maybe giving them legal status?

NAAH, that's ridiculous.

Yea, they need to come in legally. There are legal mexicans here right now. If they got in legally, then the others can too.
Jul 23, 2016 4:44 PM

Mar 2008
eGirlSlaying said:


Go ahead, do tell, what part of their culture forces them to rape Swedish women. Holy shit my sides are in orbit.

Sweden is politically and socially more on the left and their refugees are from far right Islamic countries. If you think that is the same culture then I can't take you seriously ever. A lot of these guys either want to spread sharia law and cant stand a culture that different from their own. Rape is a way to dominate and in domination they try to punish thosee who do not conform to their concept of modesty so that may be one factor plus the fact they are coming from countris with high rape rates to begin with which arent properly recorded becausse that is how it goes in third world countries. Also Sweden has not done as much as it could to stop this or even properly punish these people so they know they can get away with it.

eGirlSlaying said:
And again dipshit, learn to understand what's being argued. Illegals commit a large number of crimes, Texas is just one example I gave of the numbers regarding their crime.

I already said people commit a large number of crimes. Do you think they arent people now? I never said they committed no crime

eGirlSlaying said:
Just to point out how you're bringing up factors that are entirely irrelevant, go ahead and define a point of reference and the legitimacy of a supposed comparison, define both and how they relate to illegal immigrant crime statistics; you've made it pretty obvious you're someone who likes to throw around terms that they themselves have no clue how to apply properly.

Well for one Texas only represents Texas I already said that. For another if you want to say they commit more than others in Texas you would need to have a list of total total for the same time frame. If you really only wanted me to say they commit a lot I already did and you're wasting your time throwing a tantrum.

eGirlSlaying said:
The stats are cut and dry, basic. What's being presented in front of your face is the number of crimes committed by illegals, this is potentially avoidable crime in just one state alone. Now, if you want to continue with your drivel about needing a whole host of parameters for these numbers to be relevant and legitimate, go ahead and lay them out and I want you to define them individually and then provide examples.

A large amount is an arbitrary term. It has no meaning without a comparison for other states or other inmates in the same state or othre countries same size as texas. Anything really..

eGirlSlaying said:
Oh sorry, since when was this the focus of the topic? Visa-overstays don't negate the fact that illegal immigration is the crux of the matter. I know you'd like to dance around the issue every which way you possible can, but how about you pull your weeb head out of your ass and come back to reality where hundreds-of-thousands of crimes are committed by people who should have been deported; preventable/avoidable crime, get that through your thick skull.

What do you even want ? I'm not even suree what you'ree trying to argue for anymore.
Jul 23, 2016 4:58 PM

Jan 2014
traed said:

Sweden is politically and socially more on the left and their refugees are from far right Islamic countries. If you think that is the same culture then I can't take you seriously ever. A lot of these guys either want to spread sharia law and cant stand a culture that different from their own. Rape is a way to dominate and in domination they try to punish thosee who do not conform to their concept of modesty so that may be one factor plus the fact they are coming from countris with high rape rates to begin with which arent properly recorded becausse that is how it goes in third world countries. Also Sweden has not done as much as it could to stop this or even properly punish these people so they know they can get away with it.

Every time you reply I have to remind you what the topic is. The rapes could have been avoidable had these refugees not been accepted. Plain and simple that's how it goes; culture was never brought up, but at least now you're admitting you're trying to justify rape. "That's how it goes" is apparently a valid argument though, along with assumptions, interesting. "but but but muh stati-" oh wait, no statistics there my bad.

traed said:

I already said people commit a large number of crimes. Do you think they arent people now? I never said they committed no crime

The fact you even said this just goes to show how lost you are with what the topic is.
e: Just missed something. For the last several pages you've been arguing for and against a topic that was never brought up.

Not a single thing i've stated prior had anything to do with the topics you've been harping on. The points i've been making are simple; illegals attribute to a large number of committed crimes that could have and should be avoidable to an extent.

I'm seriously failing to see why you're trying to read into everything further than need be.
traed said:

Well for one Texas only represents Texas I already said that.

And? It's the chosen example regarding illegal immigrants and the number of avoidable crimes had these people not been here. Is an example that's not incorporating the collective somehow irrelevant? Each state has its own crime statistics regarding illegals, I choose to use the most prominent.

traed said:

For another if you want to say they commit more than others in Texas you would need to have a list of total

Should I count the number of times you've alluded to this topic. This was never brought up, I never even hinted at the notion of illegals committing more crimes, but feel free to quote me.

traed said:

total for the same time frame. If you really only wanted me to say they commit a lot I already did and you're wasting your time throwing a tantrum.

If you clicked on the link I provided initially you'd see it's current. I'm sorry that you're too lazy to understand for the hundredth time what's being discussed.

traed said:

A large amount is an arbitrary term. It has no meaning without a comparison for other states or other inmates in the same state or othre countries same size as texas. Anything really..

Still can't grasp what's going on :/ so sad. I'll ask you the same thing I asked the other poster, do you consider hundreds-of-thousands of crimes that should have been avoidable to be a large number. Avoiding the topic saying "welll uhhhh, uhhh, 'large' is open to interpretation," please, give me a break. If you walk up to any normal human and ask them "hundreds-of-thousands of possibly preventable crime was committed in Texas alone at the hands of illegals, is that a large number?" I really doubt someone would argue that it's insignificant.

I mean, only a few dozen million people died in WWII which accounted for not even 5% of the world population at the time, but no, 50 million+ dead isn't a big number.

Herp, liberal logic.

traed said:

What do you even want ? I'm not even suree what you'ree trying to argue for anymore.

This topic is so beyond stupidly basic and you've blown it up to be something unnecessary.

The number of crimes committed by people who should not be in our country to begin with are many. I used Texas as a single example of how illegal immigrant crime has contributed. These are all crimes that should be avoidable.
eGirlSlayingJul 23, 2016 5:20 PM
Jul 23, 2016 5:28 PM

Oct 2015
At least he's not hillary clinton.

America is fucked no matter which figurehead is elected, so might as well elect the one who is actually a walking talking meme
Jul 23, 2016 5:40 PM

Jun 2014

Ahh wow, I can't wait for 2040. A much better president. :)

s t a t i c n o i s e

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