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Nov 25, 2008 2:31 PM

Aug 2008
Why do people like Code Geass and Lelouch so much?
Please enlighten me, from what I saw Lelouch pisses me off nearly as much as Light from Deathnote. Lelouch is also less intellegent than Light which makes Lelouch not really likable in anyway... What am I missing here? Someone explain to me whats good about Lelouch and Code Geass since it has such high ratings I cbf watching R2 atm since season 1 was so shit.

I will live on no matter what... so I can meet you once again.
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Nov 25, 2008 2:33 PM

Apr 2008
People like watching train wrecks.
Nov 25, 2008 2:33 PM

Apr 2007
Train wrecks like watching people.
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Nov 25, 2008 2:35 PM

Jun 2008
People wrecks like watching train people.
Nov 25, 2008 2:37 PM

Aug 2008
So people like code geass coz they jus wanna c the characters get pwnt?

I will live on no matter what... so I can meet you once again.
Nov 25, 2008 2:39 PM

Jul 2007
*** Topic Moved ***
Dec 17, 2008 11:13 PM

Nov 2008
The premise of Lelouche apparently outmatches its writers. There's so much potential here, but I've given up after 2 episodes. That lameness with the chess analogies just sealed the coffin for me. I really don't see what got people so excited over this series... I find it totally lacking.
Dec 17, 2008 11:23 PM

Apr 2007
Frohike said:
The premise of Lelouche apparently outmatches its writers. There's so much potential here, but I've given up after 2 episodes. That lameness with the chess analogies just sealed the coffin for me. I really don't see what got people so excited over this series... I find it totally lacking.

Because you can judge a whole series over two episodes. Yup.
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Dec 18, 2008 7:28 AM
Jun 2008
Actually, you can.
It may not be a correct judgement, but a judgement nonetheless.
In this case, he made the correct judgement :D
Dec 18, 2008 10:54 PM

Nov 2007
I've watched 3 episodes so far and I think it's a bit good for a mecha anime.

Dec 18, 2008 11:21 PM

Nov 2008
Siing said:

Because you can judge a whole series over two episodes. Yup.

Why subject myself to more of the series if in its attempt to put its best foot forward in the first few episodes it falls really, and I mean *really* flat? Those are the eps that hook you, the ones that hint at the larger story arc, the ones that give you a strong sense of the characters, etc. They're designed to keep you watching, so the writers and producers usually come out guns blazing.

These eps did that successfully, and yet insofar as they were successful, I was completely uninterested by what they were presenting. It was cliche, hackneyed, contrived, and clearly designed for parking your brain somewhere while you watch.

It's like reading the first 2 chapters in a 500 page novel and thinking "so ... this is what I'm going to be subjecting myself to for the next few days?" Why bother? There's SO much more stuff out there; why waste hours I could be spending watching something original and well-written?

So yeah, 2 eps, stalled. Sue me.
Dec 20, 2008 7:17 PM

Jun 2008
Frohike said:
The premise of Lelouche apparently outmatches its writers. There's so much potential here, but I've given up after 2 episodes. That lameness with the chess analogies just sealed the coffin for me. I really don't see what got people so excited over this series... I find it totally lacking.

Because Death Note is so much fucking better...

Dec 23, 2008 8:13 PM

Nov 2008
Actually in the scope that I'm talking about, it was. The writing was much better and the characters weren't entirely telegraphed.

And even if it were only a couple of points higher on the scale, the strength of the first few episodes alone managed to propel me through the slow middle of the series.

But this series launches with a guy barking orders at teammates literally by their chess positions, when none of them even know Lelouche and don't even know (nor does the viewer) which "pieces" are where... because the analogy makes no fucking sense. I mean come on... There's "suspension of disbelief" stupid, and then there's just blindingly insulting stupid.

Just my opinion. /soapbox off.
Jan 1, 2009 8:48 PM

Nov 2008
Plate said:
People like watching train wrecks.

Exactly. Throw realism and originality out the window and copy every popular character type in anime and mix it all up and you get Code Geass.

You have Death Note for the protagonists, the Gundam universe and Eureka Seven for Lelouch's "friends" and then you have the Full Metal Panic! Second Raid and Fumoffu themes played out with the mish mash of drama, comedy and mecha.

ANSWER to the OP:
It's only popular because people like seeing high quality animation even if the story is copied from almost all of the "best" anime series out there.

7/10 (just for the sake of entertainment) for Season 1.
arimakenshinJan 1, 2009 8:51 PM
Jan 2, 2009 7:30 PM

Jan 2008
Train wrecks + hot girls + tons of fanservice + mecha.
Jan 4, 2009 6:44 PM
Dec 2008
You could always read the reviews on this website which explain very well why different people have different reasons for liking the show.

Code Geass is derivative, but...there's nothing new under the sun, as the saying goes. This is conveniently forgotten when people want to bash this series, but if more anime fans were honest with themselves, they would dissect other shows for being just as, if not more, derivative from other anime or fiction in general.

You really think Death Note, Eureka Seven, Gundam and Full Metal Panic! are completely original?

You make me laugh. Light's character archetype has been around forever but, if you insist, Lelouch is actually more likeable because he has less of a God complex and, believe it or not, the Ashford episodes serve to give him a vulnerable side, via his friends and his sister. Light is just too freaking cold.

I actually think the first season of Code Geass is pretty good without having to talk about so-called "trainwrecks". Imagine that, someone dares to think differently.
MadonisJan 4, 2009 6:50 PM
Jan 5, 2009 6:37 AM
Jan 2009
Lelouch is just fkin wicked. What made me love this series was how, at the end of many episodes you'd find yourself saying "holy shit!" Just watch how the situation evolved from ep1 to final, its just incredible and ironic how things turned out.

You can say "its not original", but how many animes actually are original? They're almost ALL the same, depending on their genre!

Lelouch is one evil bastard, so in the end I think people(and I) like CGEASS because there aren't many characters like him (except for Death Note, but I can't think of many others).
Jan 5, 2009 6:37 AM

Jan 2008
Because people are sheep who accept what they are given, and Cartoon network is the giver
Jan 5, 2009 7:46 AM

Nov 2008
Madonis said:
You could always read the reviews on this website which explain very well why different people have different reasons for liking the show.

Code Geass is derivative, but...there's nothing new under the sun, as the saying goes. This is conveniently forgotten when people want to bash this series, but if more anime fans were honest with themselves, they would dissect other shows for being just as, if not more, derivative from other anime or fiction in general.

You really think Death Note, Eureka Seven, Gundam and Full Metal Panic! are completely original?

You make me laugh. Light's character archetype has been around forever but, if you insist, Lelouch is actually more likeable because he has less of a God complex and, believe it or not, the Ashford episodes serve to give him a vulnerable side, via his friends and his sister. Light is just too freaking cold.

I actually think the first season of Code Geass is pretty good without having to talk about so-called "trainwrecks". Imagine that, someone dares to think differently.

I never did say that Death Note, Eureka Seven nor FMP! were originial.

Imagine this... Stereotypical characters in shows that happen to be consistent! Lelouch went from smart and reserved to evil and clumsy and the same thing happened in Death Note. Producers were just too lazy to not finish off the series in a more polished way.
Jan 5, 2009 1:41 PM

Jan 2009
Because the show has everything you could want in an anime. Also Lelouch is probably one of the best characters I have ever seen in anime, movies, tv or anything. I can't understand how someone couldn't like this anime, but i guess i shouldn't judge :s

also, if this show isn't original, then no anime is. I hadn't seen anything like Code Geass before, and since i watched it, i have been searching for something similar and i still can't find any (Closest thing to it is Death Note, but not close enough). It's intelligent and it's brilliant. Yes I AM a Code Geass fanboy!
Jan 5, 2009 3:40 PM

Jun 2008
Though I haven't finished the first season yet, I like it VERY much. The suspense made me watch several episodes each day, but besides the suspense, I also enjoy the characters and the story development very much. (Edit: I've finished the show, but it hasn't influenced my opinion about what the answer could be for this topic's question. Though I have to admit that I don't like CG as much as when I first wrote this, but I still think it's a good show).
I've heard several times before that Code Geass isn't original at all, but to be honest, even though several things may be unoriginal, this story has it's very own plot which is enjoyable to me.

Death Note may be very similar because of the main characters and abilities, but hey, even though people are all unique, that doesn't mean that everyone is totally different. I'm not saying there are some people that are 100 % the same, but sharing some character traits seems very possible to me, so why not with Light and Lelouch? Though I do agree that the controlling ability isn't very original anymore now, but I like the show and I'm not like 'ZOMG! They are just copying Death Note!' all the time when watching it, so it's totally okay for me. I'm not denying that the show is 100 % original though. But then again, creating a totally original story is very hard to pull off and requires very much talent and imagination in my opinion.

I'm not very good with the 'this show is overrated!' argument, but I guess some people are very strict with judging a show and others are very loose with it (like me, unless a show really irritates me). I guess, depending on a person's personality, the way people judge anime can be very different for each person. This is also my answer for the one who wondered why people like Code Geass so much. We don't have several fiction genres for nothing. I dislike horror, while I know people who love it. We are all unique, so what we prefer and like is different too.
That's my personal view though.
RespecticanJan 7, 2009 4:05 PM
Jan 15, 2009 12:40 AM

Jun 2008
I'm wandering why you spelled wondering wrong. Anyway, I can answer your question.

People like it because they are able to forgive all errors and see the show as something to immerse themselves in, and something purely entertaining. It's a skill developed from reading novels. One person mentioned that they thought the chess analogy was stupid, but really, it was more of a plot device than an analogy. It all depends on how you see things.

So, to conclude, people like this anime because it entertains them, and it entertains them because they are willing to be entertained.


deathangel521 said:
Because people are sheep who accept what they are given, and Cartoon network is the giver

That's a grossly overused analogy. Please, never again. On that note, it's completely out of place. You kind of failed to make any sort of relevant sense here. If I may suggest, you could do some thinking before you offer us all such a childish insult.

Anyway, I think some of you are too quick to judge something that's stealing from something else. If your criteria for "good" and "creative" are "something completely new", then I'm afraid you'll find yourself cut short when it comes to enjoying things like this. That's because it's an incredibly shallow way to view things. In truth, which you will realize if you think about it, it's not about the base, the surface material, but what gets done with it. In this case, it comes in the form of a well directed, well animated, and enjoyable place to park our brains and watch, which is truly what entertainment is all about. On that note, someone else mentioned "a place to park our brains and watch" as a criticism. I have to argue that. While I love stories that make me fill in holes for myself, such as (I hate to use popular examples) Akira (awful movie in my opinion, but intellectually remarkable nonetheless) or NGE (although that one crossed the line a little bit), it isn't a fair criticism of a television series of all things, the very meaning of which is mindless entertainment.

With that said, I don't go in to an anime expecting to be intellectually challenged or anything of the sort. If that's the case, I'll read (Neal Stephenson is a good example of what I was talking about earlier).

So, that brings me back to my original point of being "willing to be entertained". It's something very necessary when watching anime or TV, or movies. Yes, they're ridiculous, and often made up of recycled characters and plotlines, but hey, as I heard once, "Bad artists copy; good ones steal."
GrmoJan 16, 2009 12:11 AM
Jan 15, 2009 12:42 AM

Jul 2008
Grmo said:
So, to conclude, people like this anime because it entertains them, and it entertains them because they are willing to be entertained.
Damn, was that insightful.
Jan 17, 2009 3:36 PM

Jan 2009
when something/someone is on top people like to bash it and try to drag it down. Just because almost everyone seems to love CG, some people think they are "cool" because they don't. Like it makes them special somehow going against the grain. That is much more laughable than being one of the sheep in love with this spectacular anime in my opinion. So in conclusion: baaaaaah baaaaah... i am a sheep and proud of it, if the alternative is to be one of these haters who think they are special.
Jan 18, 2009 1:55 AM

Jul 2008
shinigamidono said:
when something/someone is on top people like to bash it and try to drag it down. Just because almost everyone seems to love CG, some people think they are "cool" because they don't. Like it makes them special somehow going against the grain. That is much more laughable than being one of the sheep in love with this spectacular anime in my opinion. So in conclusion: baaaaaah baaaaah... i am a sheep and proud of it, if the alternative is to be one of these haters who think they are special.
Mocking people that don't like the anime doesn't really help your cause lol. Your statement seems to imply that people only hate the anime because they are anti-mainstream, which is completely false.

Most people dislike this anime because they thought it was mediocre(that's me) or just bad.

I find it funny that you have the audacity to insult people just because they don't like Code Geass as if this statement makes you any better than the people you are condemning lol.
Jan 18, 2009 1:57 AM

Apr 2007
shinigamidono said:
i am a sheep and proud of it

shinigamidono said:
the alternative is to be one of these haters who think they are special.

damn, where do I fit in then
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Jan 18, 2009 2:03 AM

Jul 2008
Neverender said:
shinigamidono said:
i am a sheep and proud of it

shinigamidono said:
the alternative is to be one of these haters who think they are special.

damn, where do I fit in then
Because you haven't given CG a score of 11, you must obviously be a crazed self-righteous, anti-mainstream hater.
Jan 18, 2009 12:10 PM

Jan 2009
Defiance said:
Neverender said:
shinigamidono said:
i am a sheep and proud of it

shinigamidono said:
the alternative is to be one of these haters who think they are special.

damn, where do I fit in then
Because you haven't given CG a score of 11, you must obviously be a crazed self-righteous, anti-mainstream hater.

i am not implying that at all.. you are welcome to not like it. but if you feel it's necessary to make forum posts about not liking it, then you are indeed exactly who i say you are. a hater who thinks he's special because he's going against the grain. It's one thing to make a post about something you like.. you do it because you just saw something great and you want to share or something like that. When you go and make a post about something you don't like, well in that case you know exactly what you are doing.

I wasn't mocking anyone for not liking CG. I was mocking them for trying to make themselves feel special by going to a CG section of the forums and posting how they don't like CG. That's laughable, and if you think it's not, then you are laughable too.
There are Animes i dont like too, or ones i watched and i didn't hate but didn't love either... guess what, I have never even checked one of the forums post about them or make a thread about anything related to them. You only make posts for things you love and things you absolutely hate. If not for one of these two, you are just trying to make yourself feel special. So again you fit exactly where I classified you.

PS Defiance, clearly from looking at your Anime list + compatibility we have the complete opposite tastes in Anime. So I don't expect us to ever see eye to eye on this topic either. So consider this my last post on this thread. Good day
shinigamidonoJan 18, 2009 12:32 PM
Jan 18, 2009 6:11 PM

Jul 2008
shinigamidono said:
Defiance said:
Neverender said:
shinigamidono said:
i am a sheep and proud of it

shinigamidono said:
the alternative is to be one of these haters who think they are special.

damn, where do I fit in then
Because you haven't given CG a score of 11, you must obviously be a crazed self-righteous, anti-mainstream hater.

i am not implying that at all.. you are welcome to not like it. but if you feel it's necessary to make forum posts about not liking it, then you are indeed exactly who i say you are. a hater who thinks he's special because he's going against the grain. It's one thing to make a post about something you like.. you do it because you just saw something great and you want to share or something like that. When you go and make a post about something you don't like, well in that case you know exactly what you are doing.

I wasn't mocking anyone for not liking CG. I was mocking them for trying to make themselves feel special by going to a CG section of the forums and posting how they don't like CG. That's laughable, and if you think it's not, then you are laughable too.
There are Animes i dont like too, or ones i watched and i didn't hate but didn't love either... guess what, I have never even checked one of the forums post about them or make a thread about anything related to them. You only make posts for things you love and things you absolutely hate. If not for one of these two, you are just trying to make yourself feel special. So again you fit exactly where I classified you.

PS Defiance, clearly from looking at your Anime list + compatibility we have the complete opposite tastes in Anime. So I don't expect us to ever see eye to eye on this topic either. So consider this my last post on this thread. Good day
In a nutshell, your post is saying that anyone who is making a negative post is a guy who "thinks he's special" and is "laughable." I don't really see how I am committing any maverick behavior just because I make a negative comment about an anime that I've watched. I mean, these are DISCUSSION forums. If everyone agreed then it wouldn't really be up for discussion now would it?

No matter how you phrase it, what you are saying is you dislike people who dislike CG lol.
Jan 20, 2009 12:40 AM

Sep 2007
I haven't watched it yet =3

Jan 21, 2009 5:22 PM

Oct 2007
Why does everyone make really long posts and expect me to read them, why cant you all just sum it up like this guy:

Dest said:
Train wrecks + hot girls + tons of fanservice + mecha.

You sir might have just convinced me to watch Code Geass :P Im still refering to it as Code Gayass though, just cause its fun :3
Jan 23, 2009 2:41 PM

Apr 2008
cuz of <3 Suzaku <3

Jan 25, 2009 11:37 AM

Jan 2009
Mikim said:
cuz of <3 Suzaku <3


o god. don't think i have ever read/heard anyone say that :o

here is your answer ;)
Jan 25, 2009 2:44 PM

Oct 2008
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Many people like Code Geass, many people hate it.

Every type of anime has their own original ideas and unoriginal ideas. Everyone just likes to focus in on the unoriginal ideas.

People like CG because of "Train wrecks + hot girls + tons of fanservice + mecha." That's just about it.
Feb 15, 2009 5:05 AM

Jun 2007
198 here is a quick podcast on why you should dislike it alot.
Check out my podcast here
Mar 16, 2009 1:50 AM
Oct 2008
While I was drawn to and entertained by the first few episodes. It was the Battle of Narita that really got me. The 2 episodes that showed it were incredible.

I really think that it's among the Great Battles of Anime History.
Mar 16, 2009 1:51 AM
Mar 2008
I liked it for the robots, women, and table petting.
Mar 16, 2009 2:03 AM

Apr 2008
I liked it for the over the top plot twists.

Mar 31, 2009 7:46 PM

Mar 2008
haha code geass reminds me of crime and punishment.

except i actually finished code geass. >_<
Apr 6, 2009 11:59 AM

Jun 2008
Defiance said:
Grmo said:
So, to conclude, people like this anime because it entertains them, and it entertains them because they are willing to be entertained.
Damn, was that insightful.

Lol yeah it was. xD
Apr 6, 2009 12:05 PM

Dec 2008
I would say Code Geass is interesting because of the story and plot twists. Everyone can argue how smart Lelouch really is, and is Light smarter than him, and would his actions work in real war- but it's not really important. Neither code Geass or death note are realistic.

Code Geass is also very epic, there are some scenes that make you hold your breath for just a second- great feeling. Mechas also contribute a lot to the series- they are powerful and nicely designed. I don't know what some people expect from code geass- it's a well written anime with really good designs (if you like clamp style). It's ENTERTAINING.
Aug 20, 2009 11:32 PM

Jun 2009
i liked it cuz it was from the same dudes that made gundam.. i believe..

the story seemed very interesting towards the end.. heck i'm still unable to understand it when i think about it..

also they made characters that well i could connect with. if i can connect with an series's characters then i'm sold cuz i wanna see what happens next.

also KALLENXLULU FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 22, 2009 8:35 AM
Aug 2009
i too was hesitant to watch it at first but when i did try, i totally got hooked. to think that i'm not so interested with mecha. it shouldn't be compared to death note because they are unique in their own ways. Lelouch is the best character i've seen and i agree that this series shouldn't be judged after just an episode or so. who knows, you might realize you're missing so much more for not trying.
Aug 25, 2009 1:10 PM

May 2009
The For people new to anime this is definitely one of those shows that will make you think its the greatest thing ever. For casual fans it will seem great. For regular anime fans it would seem good or bad. To people that can recognize what this series ripped off of what and how it ruined it then of course they will see it as bad. I thought this show was great until I started watching LOGH and saw how it failed and how Lelouch was kinda a ripoff of Reinhard and other characters. It was a fun ride but nothing amazing and nothing really new.

Don't recommend me something that is still publishing, unless its close to being finished. Don't recommend me anything that isn't licensed.
Sep 3, 2009 7:29 PM

Apr 2009
Hmmm,,,I think geass is better than death note,,

I enjoyed this show than DN,,

For me Code geass is the next evangelion,,

there are still many anime that has the same level of this 2 anime,,

Elfen Lied
Ergo Proxy
Wolf's Rain
One Piece,,

A lots...^^
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Sep 3, 2009 7:39 PM

Mar 2009
<img src="" border="0" />
im a philippino painter
Sep 5, 2009 11:49 PM

Jun 2009
sundeath said:

Was CLAMP really responsible for Code Geass? In that case I might actually get around to watching xxxHolic.

About why people like CG so much: I think it's because in the end most people can recognize quality when they see it. Some try to deny it because they hate going along with the crowd but deep down you know you had a good time watching it. Otherwise you wouldn't have spent the 10 hours it takes to watch the entire series.
Sep 6, 2009 10:09 AM

Nov 2008
DrHouse said:
sundeath said:

Was CLAMP really responsible for Code Geass? In that case I might actually get around to watching xxxHolic.
Absolutely not, it's Goro Taniguchi who did the story and CLAMP was only responsible of the character deisgn.
She was refering to the character design I think.
Oct 26, 2009 8:33 AM
Jun 2009
Enjoyable show is enjoyable. Damn it guys you are watching animes there is no such thing as orginal content in an anime show :)
Oct 26, 2009 1:29 PM

Jun 2009
I started watching, and I can't help but think Geass is Death Note and Mobile Suit Gundam thrown together. But I like it!
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