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May 18, 2013 1:07 PM

Dec 2012
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May 18, 2013 1:23 PM

Dec 2007

I'm dying to watch them, but alas, Big X is not available anywhere (not even raw) and KnH torrent is 40 gigs and raw and I don't have enough storage space at the moment.
May 18, 2013 1:43 PM

Feb 2013
A solid space opera based on a manga from the late ‘70s, it influenced a lot of Japanese science fiction and you can see it in modern Hollywood serials as well.
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
May 18, 2013 1:48 PM

Dec 2012
Yeah, all those really don't come into mind much for some anime fans.
Including etlists.
May 18, 2013 2:06 PM

Dec 2012
I can't believe this is underrated - Forza! Hidemaru
May 19, 2013 10:44 AM

Sep 2011

^This show is pretty overlooked on here (in Japan it seems to get the attention it deserves, was even re-broadcast recently in HD) despite being by Eva's director. Aimed at kids originally but well done to the point all can enjoy it.The animation is pretty fluid for a show of it's time, too (as expected from Gainax)

Here's the opening:

Plus a nice (and emotional) piece from it's OST:

One thing to keep in mind if anyone tries it though: there are these filler episodes in the middle of it that detract from the experience and it's better to just skip them. To know which to skip, read this thread:

DBZ24 said:
A solid space opera based on a manga from the late ‘70s, it influenced a lot of Japanese science fiction and you can see it in modern Hollywood serials as well.

Is it true it's similar to LOGH? Since both are space operas, and all. Definitely worth a look, at least.
May 19, 2013 3:09 PM

Feb 2013
skapandi said:
Is it true it's similar to LOGH? Since both are space operas, and all. Definitely worth a look, at least.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes? I haven't seen that so I can't tell you, know that's definitely worth a look too
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
May 19, 2013 4:16 PM

Sep 2011
DBZ24 said:
skapandi said:
Is it true it's similar to LOGH? Since both are space operas, and all. Definitely worth a look, at least.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes? I haven't seen that so I can't tell you, know that's definitely worth a look too

It sure is, if you liked Terra e... then there's a good chance you might like it as well, since they're both space operas and all, and vice versa.
Plus LOGH is really good, it's not overlooked here on MAL though.
May 27, 2013 12:36 PM

May 2013
skapandi said:

^This show is pretty overlooked on here (in Japan it seems to get the attention it deserves, was even re-broadcast recently in HD) despite being by Eva's director. Aimed at kids originally but well done to the point all can enjoy it.The animation is pretty fluid for a show of it's time, too (as expected from Gainax)

That's cool! I used to watch this when I was a child, you brought me back old and sweet memories ^^
May 27, 2013 6:03 PM

Feb 2013
Definitely Vampire Knight.
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
May 29, 2013 4:09 PM

Dec 2012
Level E -
Created by same maker of Yu Yu Hakusho Togashi Yoshihiro -
May 29, 2013 6:33 PM

Jan 2013
I heard about "Level E"
May 29, 2013 8:27 PM

Feb 2013
Why is One Piece so ignored? Now that shits the most underrated
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
May 30, 2013 1:40 PM

Dec 2012
Dat shit....
May 30, 2013 7:07 PM

Feb 2013
Dat shit wack
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
May 31, 2013 7:03 PM

Jan 2012
KakaKarrotCake said:
Why is One Piece so ignored? Now that shits the most underrated

Actually, I don't think that it is at all. Considering that it didn't have a successful TV run, it is one of the Most popular series ever. The only bad thing is that it will forever have a black mark on it because of that terrible, in the running for worst dub ever, 4kids dub. That turned dub turned out more hater than fans, and I can't believe they pulled that off since One Piece is the best shonen since DBZ.

My top 5 Underrated anime:
Hajime no Ippo
Tiger & Bunny
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 31, 2013 7:12 PM

Feb 2013
Kaizoku_Mugiwara said:
KakaKarrotCake said:
Why is One Piece so ignored? Now that shits the most underrated

Actually, I don't think that it is at all. Considering that it didn't have a successful TV run, it is one of the Most popular series ever. The only bad thing is that it will forever have a black mark on it because of that terrible, in the running for worst dub ever, 4kids dub. That turned dub turned out more hater than fans, and I can't believe they pulled that off since One Piece is the best shonen since DBZ.

My top 5 Underrated anime:
Hajime no Ippo
Tiger & Bunny

That's the point, I was being sarcastic lol
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
May 31, 2013 8:53 PM

Jan 2013
May 31, 2013 10:45 PM

Feb 2013
MJBaller23 said:

Hell no
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
Jun 1, 2013 6:06 AM

May 2013
88!_Daikaijuu Underrated. 10/10 to me.

KakaKarrotCake said:
MJBaller23 said:

Hell no

Big ups for Yu Yu Hakusho and fuck One Piece.
Jun 1, 2013 10:54 AM

Feb 2013
Lost__Wisdom said:
Big ups for Yu Yu Hakusho and fuck One Piece.

You sir are very wise.
"I told you. My name's not Kaka anyone."
"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!"
Jun 9, 2013 6:00 PM

Dec 2012
Modified by Carmeni
Jun 10, 2013 7:34 PM

Jan 2012
Wow, a lot of younger fans here. You know, I will never under stand all the hating that is done in the anime community. Its not like being an anime fan means that you have joined some sort of contest where you win somehow by being the biggest (insert anime title) fan and hating all other anime ever you win something. I paticularly find One Piece haters distasteful because they watch 1 episode and think that a 700+ episode series is encapsulated in 1 episode. I have never meet a single person that watches the first 100 episodes and hates One Piece... even the former haters. But, I digress, it great that you love your own shows and that you might not like others, but how about we keep that to yourselves. I will never understand the narrow minded anime fans when being an anime fan proves that you are open minded to begin with.

Sarcasm is not translated through writing well.

Oh, but I got another few to add to my Underrated list:
Nasume Yuujinchou
Sword of the Stranger
Ergo Proxy
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 30, 2013 2:28 PM

Jul 2012
I agree, Mugi. From now on I promise to never dis any anime or anyone for liking an anime I don't. I'll just have nothing to say on the subject. I will encourage everyone to watch anime that I like and tell them why they should see it.

Again (why do we have two threads on the same subject?), around here "underrated anime" seems to mean old anime that no one is talking about much anymore - anime that was very much appreciated at when it was new. In my mind, "underrated anime" is anime that never did get the attention it deserved. I don't mind. I think the old good old stuff needs to be promoted too. I wish I could rename the club to reflect both. Maybe I should give up on trying to re-build this club and just start my own.

See the other thread for my recommendations on actually underrated anime.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 3, 2013 4:34 AM
Jul 2013
...... Hi! 1st time posting and still need to fill about 95% of my lists but seeing as I've spend the last years eating somewhat random manda/anime for no reason at all I can throw a few names that you might enjoy
Akumetsu - > think of a cross between death note and code geass, with a great social critic and art style, I srly don't understand how come no one knows about this one.(finished)
Psyren - Very much like gantz but with less BS, finished and with a great story that actually makes sense.
Denpa kyoushi -> sort of like GTO+ negima, not that underground but on the rise as it's been announce to have an anime incoming, either way absolutly fantastic both funny and smart.
akame ga kiru! -> this is how real fights go like between assassins, expect seeing characters diying every episode in fights that last less than 10 minutes, also each chapter of manga is worth it's own anime episode due to the amount of content placed in each, each release will never feel short (ongoing on monthly magazine I think)
korean manga - all colored and ongoing remember to read from left to right
Tower of God(tog) - great art and a storyline that will take your breath away when you reach the end of the 1st arc (trust me, this one is just.... godly)
God of High School -> good martial arts fight and a charismatic MC makes this story great
Girl the wild's -> guy in girls schools decides to finally man up, despite the context this is more of a guts manga that the ecchi you would expect

not much of my department since I don't rly watch much appart from the mainstream (if they earned their anime, they must be already popular in some way)
baccano- as mentioned by others
Phantom requiem for the phantom- spy world anime that has a great story and the usual plot twists you'd expect from an action/thriller
all the monogatary seasons - just because they are that great.
claymore - (although last 2 episodes branch from the manga, then again the story actually goes from good->ermagod after the anime
freezing -> EXACTLY like claymore but with PLOT, tons of PLOT, like claymore story in the manga continues after the anime.

+18 manga
kono S, o mi yo! -> drama + supernatural power
minamoto-kun monogatari -> guy afraid of girls gets convinced by his aunt to get an harem
Nozoki Ana -> voyeurism (how da hell did I spell that right in the 1st attempt), contains lots of love, drama and interesting characters
Good ending -> it does indeed have a good ending after tons of plot twist and not so serious drama, worth more for its vanilla content.

I can probably find a few more jewels if I looks into my non physical list, that I really need to make physical for my sake, either way let me know if any of these grab your fancy.
Jul 3, 2013 6:55 AM

Jul 2012
Hi chynonm! Welcome to MAL and the Unappreciated Anime club. We need more manga people here.

Good post. You didn't just throw out a list and say you liked them, you told us about them. Now I want to go read and/or see most of those (some I already have).

How far did you get with Gantz? It actually does make sense once they get around to explaining things. For most of the series it is a big mystery - one that you will never guess. It just keeps growing more and more hair. It just ended recently at 400+ chapters and you reminded me that I need to go read the last one. For me it was a manga made out of pure awesome. In case you were wondering, the live-action movies were awful.

+18 manga? You mean hentai? Most people think hentai is just porno, and mostly they're not wrong, but some of them have really good stories. It's good to have someone who can point them out.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 3, 2013 8:20 AM
Jul 2013
Gantz I followed until a few months ago, so I have the last episodes pilled up (i saw until a bit after they entered the giant spaceship) I'll get around to finishing it someday.(chapter 369)

As for the +18
They are hentai but they aren't, it's the distinction between h-manga and mature manga
h-manga have basically hentai as the basis with the story being the filling.

the ones I refer follow the other category, they are mangas with a story that so happens to involve mature content, they are dedicated to the story rather than the h-content so you can expect more like frontal nudity and a few sex scenes but depending on the manga these rarely come every chapter and even then are only a few pages at most to help give more focus on the story itself, think berserk for example.

Nozoki ana for example finished with 109 chapter over 13 volumes following similar structure to that of usual manga, if you watch it in search of porn I can tell you there are 1000 better things, mostly h-mangas, if you came in search of a story depicting the drama and complex adult relationships people form, you won't find anything similar, after all sex is a part of love (Sword art online chapter 16.5 is written by the author itself and wasn't included in the anime to keep from going +18, there is also a doujin very well made following the authors exact words but that would fall under the category of pure hentai).
The mature mangas I recommended are mostly for people who enjoy drama, comedy, drama, romance respectively. I can vouch for them being incredible works of fiction that shouldn't be disrespected because of their mature content, if anything they are brave enough to include it without making it the center piece.

Also a few I didn't include

Nana to kaoru (also spin-off nana to kaoru arashi)-> this doesn't have any kind of sex at all, but the whole story is based around the love/distance relationship between the characters and BDSM as a form of expression with the sex component removed from it.

School Days HQ, it a visual novel that is played almost like an anime and that has, WAY too many endings, but at least you can keep the MC from being a complete douche, unlike in the anime :P

And yet another I remembered Girl Friends -> yes it's yuri and aparently +18, I watched it quite a while back but its short 35 chp, and I like it for how it depicts the conflict inside the girls as they are afraid to confess their love in fear of ruining their friendship.
Last one I promise:
Life -> teenage girl struggles though life as her depression leads her into cutting herself, it's a great story concerning bullying and the crisis that usually come with adolescence.
These 2 are both finished which is why only after finding an old list in mangaupdate did I remembered them.

I'm not sure the rules surrounding h-manga here in MAL since I'm new and all but If you rly RLY want I can also recommend the best of em since I'm a beast when it comes to H in general and know more than I should... I'm just not sure weather h-manga fits the purpose of this club.
Jul 3, 2013 1:27 PM

Jul 2012
You're that far into Gantz and still say it makes no sense? You must not be a sci-fi fan. =0D

So 18+ vs hentai is much like I said but more so with a more formal distinction. Hentai is for wankers and 18+ is for grownups.

MAL's rules are fairly clear on the subject. Basically don't get too graphic. Remember, there are women and children about.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 4, 2013 2:15 AM

Jul 2012
How many of you remember Pythagoras Switch? You could say it was sort of Japan's answer to Sesame Street. It wasn't an anime but there were animations in it. It was known for contraptions that did nothing very cleverly:

And the Algorithm March which was done with the help of a wide variety of people like for instance ninjas:

Look closely and you will see that the motions interlock with each other.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 4, 2013 11:42 AM

Jul 2012
WARNING: There are mild spoilers in this... call it a commentary on Cowboy Bebop.
GrinfilledCeltJul 4, 2013 12:08 PM
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 8, 2013 7:59 PM

Jul 2012
Here is a short list of anime that was genuinely underrated - good stuff that never did get much attention:

Chuuka Ichiban!
Dennou Coil
Eve no Jikan (Movie)
Gallery Fake
Hanada Shounen-shi
Hen Zemi

Well, maybe not so short. That takes us through 'H'. I could talk about any of them but this post is already too long. If you have questions just ask.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 9, 2013 5:03 AM

Apr 2011
Man, Chuuka Ichiban was one of the older anime I've watched about a decade ago. Though I knew at the back of my mind that it was a 1990s anime, it was great. In fact, Chuuka Ichiban! remains the only cooking-related anime I've watched so far. That's how good it is.
Jul 9, 2013 12:17 PM
Jul 2018
Kino's Journey is a show that isn't talked about nearly as often as it should be, because it's fantastic.

I'll mention Baccano because everyone else has, though I'm starting to think it's not as underrated as everyone thinks it is..

If you're looking for laughs, Cromartie Highschool is a great show to watch, though it also depends a little bit on your sense of humor
Jul 9, 2013 9:57 PM

Jul 2012
DT, If Chuuka Ichiban! was the only cooking anime you've seen, how good could it be? Like every other cooking anime I have seen (Yakitate!! Japan and Yumeiro Pâtissière) and the Food Network it devolves into an endless chain of cooking competitions. I nevertheless like them all.

Kino's Journey was good, Carlo. If it had another season or two it just might have developed a plot. I liked it well enough to buy it. Baccano was good and gets the attention it deserves. I have that too. You have to love any anime with Freddy Mercury as a character. I picked up Cromartie High at Best Buy for $15.00 Score!

I don't believe this, chynonm. I was going to ask you about a manga I started reading a long time ago and want to go back to it but I forgot it's title. Then I decided to look at the ones you recommended first. The first one on your list, Akumetsu, was that very manga. =0)
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 10, 2013 5:24 AM

Apr 2011
I really don't know how to explain it, Grin. Maybe it's because there was something about Chuuka Ichiban! that made it interesting to watch. As for subsequent food-themed anime, maybe it's because I was busy tuning in to other anime at the time that Yakitate!! Japan and Yumeiro Pâtissière were still new.

carlomandeguz said:
Kino's Journey is a show that isn't talked about nearly as often as it should be, because it's fantastic.

I second this one, carlo. And I share the same sentiments with Grin on this one. Honestly, with the world being a very big place, there'd still be more places for Kino and Hermes to visit and learn from.

Just as how I'm not that much into food-related and sports anime, the same can be said for mech anime. Among the few that I loved at the start of the 2000s was the Vandread series. I loved the plot, and the animation seemed more futuristic; so much that, in my opinion in terms of animation alone, Vandread surpasses that of Gundam SEED's. Come to think of it, Vandread's first season was aired in 2000, and its sequel the year after. Way earlier than Gundam SEED (2002) and its Destiny sequel (2004).
Jul 11, 2013 9:37 PM
Jul 2013
Here's two (manga only)
1 Akame Ga Kill
2 Tripeace
Both action comedies and worth reading!!
Jul 12, 2013 6:45 AM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
For those of you who are a fan of Hanada Shounen-shi, you might like Chie the Brat (Movie). It's about a poor fiesty 10 yr old girl who is "the most unfortunate girl in Japan". It's really a great comedy and the girl is similar to Ichiro Hanada.
The movie spawned a 39 episode series but I haven't seen that.
Jul 12, 2013 10:08 AM

Jul 2012
As far as I have been able to tell, Jym, I am the only one here who has seen Hanada Shounen-shi. Jarinko Chie (Chie the Brat) looks interesting. I couldn't find it with a quick look. I'll have to look harder when I have more time.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 12, 2013 10:19 AM
Jul 2013
1 Akame Ga Kill: Tatsumi is a fighter who just got robbed by a pretty girl, but his luck seems to be looking up as another girl has taken him in. What he doesn't know is that he's about to be visited by family of assassins (including the girl who robbed him) and they might be the good guys, and recruiting.... 2 Tripeace: Nana , a young boy who suffers from extreme amnesia, has forgotten his real name. After helplessly witnessing the unjust death of three children during one of his trips, vowed to eradicate war from the world. Then he joined Tripeace, a small group of activists whos members use weapons and will stop at nothing, not even violence, to bring peace to the world. The new registration number 102078 is faced with a dilemma: can we protect peace at any cost?
Jul 12, 2013 10:57 AM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
GrinfilledCelt said:
As far as I have been able to tell, Jym, I am the only one here who has seen Hanada Shounen-shi. Jarinko Chie (Chie the Brat) looks interesting. I couldn't find it with a quick look. I'll have to look harder when I have more time.

I found several online sites that have it, animationmovieonline is one but you have to sign-up for a free account.
Hanada Shounen-shi can be viewed on line at Both are also on torrent sites.
Please note that I did not provide any active links.
Jul 14, 2013 1:51 PM
Jun 2012
Sorry for any errors in this post, not a native english speaker.

Kaizoku_Mugiwara said:
Wow, a lot of younger fans here. You know, I will never under stand all the hating that is done in the anime community. Its not like being an anime fan means that you have joined some sort of contest where you win somehow by being the biggest (insert anime title) fan and hating all other anime ever you win something. I paticularly find One Piece haters distasteful because they watch 1 episode and think that a 700+ episode series is encapsulated in 1 episode. I have never meet a single person that watches the first 100 episodes and hates One Piece... even the former haters. But, I digress, it great that you love your own shows and that you might not like others, but how about we keep that to yourselves. I will never understand the narrow minded anime fans when being an anime fan proves that you are open minded to begin with.

Sarcasm is not translated through writing well.

Oh, but I got another few to add to my Underrated list:
Nasume Yuujinchou
Sword of the Stranger
Ergo Proxy

Well, in my case I really don't like One Piece and I've watched over 100 episodes, lol. But from that to start hating on it is just being childish, you know... People all have their tastes and we should respect them, even if we disagree. In my opinion t's not like we should keep our dislikes to ourselves, but we should show people why we don't like and discuss it with them peacefully and gently.

I, from time to time happen to come across a conversation with people about animes and why I don't like one of them, but I don't just go like: "this anime is sh*t", or something like that, I tell them why I don't like it and show them my points. Then the person proceeds show me why they like and what they like about it and we come to a conclusion, generally being one of those two:

1: We have different tastes.
2: I've not watched it with the right mindset/in the right moment.

And then we are settled and no one is sad/angry at each other.

PS: Natsume Yuujinchou is freaking awesome. :D
PS2: Does this platform support multi-quoting?
PS3: If anyone checks my list, you'll only find the ones I like better/the more recent ones. I've watched tons of anime that are not on my list.
Jul 14, 2013 4:04 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
Joam said:

I, from time to time happen to come across a conversation with people about animes and why I don't like one of them, but I don't just go like: "this anime is sh*t", or something like that, I tell them why I don't like it and show them my points. Then the person proceeds show me why they like and what they like about it and we come to a conclusion, generally being one of those two:

1: We have different tastes.
2: I've not watched it with the right mindset/in the right moment.

And then we are settled and no one is sad/angry at each other.

PS: Natsume Yuujinchou is freaking awesome. :D
PS2: Does this platform support multi-quoting?
PS3: If anyone checks my list, you'll only find the ones I like better/the more recent ones. I've watched tons of anime that are not on my list.

Well said.
I noticed on your profile that you were planning on watching Natsurio Kiseki, it looks like I will enjoy that also. I've seen the others you plan to watch and they are great.

Here are a few anime that I think are special and probably underrated:
Kemonozume - A brutal adult love story with cannibalism, gore, sex, nudity, and very creative & artistic, Man loves a beautiful monster.

Future Boy Conan - Early work directed and storyboarded by Hayao Miyazaki _This has all the Miyazaki magic that you come to expect in his Studio Ghibli career. Wonderful!

Katanagatari - unique, dialogue driven. Main character is a Human sword.

Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone - A controversial and interesting study of teen relationships and sibling love.

Shiki - Classic Vampire story with a twist, who is more evil, Humans or Vampires? Emotional, tragic, bloody gore fest. Feel sad for both groups.

Jormungand - Action, adventure about charismatic female arms dealer who has a scheme for world peace. Nice.
Jul 15, 2013 1:39 AM

Apr 2011
Jul 15, 2013 11:41 AM
Jun 2012
Jym[b said:
Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone
- A controversial and interesting study of teen relationships and sibling love.

Just watched thanks to your recommendation. THANK YOU SO MUCH. It's sooooooooooooooooooo good. <3 <3
Jul 15, 2013 5:30 PM

Jul 2012
@ Joam - Your English is very good. It's a lot better than I am in whatever tongue is your native language. I couldn't have been more eloquent the pointlessness of hating any anime or anyone for liking it.

@ Jym - I second your recommendations. Kemonozume was great, I would liken the story more to Romeo & Juliet. Future Boy Conan was a lot of fun to watch as was Katanagatari. I haven't seen Shiki and Yosuga no Sora, but I am taking steps to change that. Very, very, very slowly. =0) Right now I'm re-watching Hanada Shounin-shi. That show is even better than I remember. So much so that I don't even mind having The Backstreet Boys running around in my head.

Joam said:
Jym[b said:
Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone
- A controversial and interesting study of teen relationships and sibling love.

Just watched thanks to your recommendation. THANK YOU SO MUCH. It's sooooooooooooooooooo good. <3 <3
Me too, but UTorrent says it'll be another two weeks before I'll have it. Grr!
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 15, 2013 6:33 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
GrinfilledCelt said:

Me too, but UTorrent says it'll be another two weeks before I'll have it. Grr!

I watched it on under "Yosuga no Sora". I checked and it is still listed if you want to start on it now.
Jul 17, 2013 12:07 AM

Jul 2012
Actually I have it now, Jym. UTorrent always tells me outrageous lies about how long downloads will take. It's almost as bad as the GAO. It only gives figures based on the current download rate. Now I just have to find time to watch it.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Jul 17, 2013 6:35 AM

Jun 2012
I've read the manga for Yosuga No Sora(not sure if I ever added it to my list), and I'm going to be honest when I say I didn't really like it enough to watch the anime. I also pretty sure that the manga was toned down for some reason but it got its point across. I guess it was like a advertisement for the anime.

Just added it to my list now....
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Jul 17, 2013 2:05 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
I like slice-of-Life shows. Doesn't matter if they are aimed at males or females. Just watched a sweet, cute girls anime called Natsuiro Kiseki (A Summer-Colored Miracle). It is a simple quiet story of 4 friends who are spending their last summer vacation together before on of them moves away. It is a well written, heartfelt show about growing up, dreams etc with very developed and likeable characters. To spice things up the writers add a magic rock at a local shrine that can grant wishes. The rock is very wise :-). The wishes teach the girls something about themselves and the meaning of friendship. This show captured me right away and gave me warm fuzzies. It also gave me a sense of some of the various locations in Japan.
Jul 17, 2013 2:05 PM

Dec 2012

only 1,500 people have actually read it , such a shame.
I think manga is better in some ways , I enjoyed manga not as much as anime
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