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Jun 13, 2012 11:37 PM

May 2012

Hi everyone, so the contest ended and these are the entries we got:
used pencils and took two hours
Fan-art but used some references

used 2B pencils and took about 20 hours O.o
Not fan art, so reference pic was used.

digital art

Used pencil and took 2 hours
fan art with no reference pic whatsoever.

used HB pencil and took 4 hours
not fan art so reference pic was used.

used pencil and took 1 hour and a half
not fan art so reference pic was used.

used pencil and took 1 hour
not fan art so reference pic was used

used 0.5 mechanical pencil and took 1 hour and a half
fan art with no reference pic used whatsoever.

used 9x12 140lb arches watercolor paper, Shinhan Watercolors, Prismacolor pencils, Prismacolor Verithin pencils and white gel pen and took 20 hours
fan art but used references for the clothing and keyblades.

used pencil and took 20 minutes

digital art(paint tool sai) and took 5-6 hours
fan art with no references used whatsoever.

used machanical and HB pencil and took 3 hours
fan art with reference used.

used Mechanical 3mm Pencil, Copic Markers and took 1-3 hours
fan art and used a reference pic

used 0.3 MM Mechanical Pencil and took 5-6 hours
fan art with reference used for the clothes and weapon and hair.

there you have it! those were the contestants this time.
A big thanks to Amberleh who helped fix up a few entries and making them clear^^
now because I'd feel so bad choosing only three out of all the AMAZING drawings this time it's going to be voting.
to prevent cheating, members(non contestants) who want to vote please PM me your top 3 entries.
results are out on 13th-14th I'm not quite sure yet =.="
let the voting begin!
Sadame-tanJul 14, 2012 2:37 AM
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Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 14, 2012 12:38 AM

Apr 2012

Sadame-tanJun 14, 2012 10:49 PM
Jun 14, 2012 12:44 AM

May 2012
that was fast! :P
it's pretty awesome but you didn't state the it digital work?
Jun 14, 2012 12:53 AM

Apr 2012
Sadame-tan said:
that was fast! :P
it's pretty awesome but you didn't state the it digital work?
I did it hand work....Then l uploaded it :D and whats medium?
Jun 14, 2012 1:05 AM

May 2012
Kaito- said:
Sadame-tan said:
that was fast! :P
it's pretty awesome but you didn't state the it digital work?
I did it hand work....Then l uploaded it :D and whats medium?

The medium is what you used to draw;,pencils(graphite),markers,etc...
Jun 14, 2012 1:19 AM

Apr 2012
Sadame-tan said:
Kaito- said:
Sadame-tan said:
that was fast! :P
it's pretty awesome but you didn't state the it digital work?
I did it hand work....Then l uploaded it :D and whats medium?

The medium is what you used to draw;,pencils(graphite),markers,etc...
Then...Pencils, Black chalk (shadin) and Black fineliner.....
Jun 14, 2012 3:13 AM

May 2012
OMG It's KH!!! I luv this game <3
I MUST participat this time, 'cause it' s Kingdom Heatrs >.<

Sada-chan, you made the right decision^^
ZiafungJun 14, 2012 8:29 AM
Jun 14, 2012 5:10 AM

Feb 2009
Kaito-, I can't sit idly by and let you get away with taking credit for art that isn't yours. The image you submitted is just a filtered headshot of the official KH artwork: link

If you overlap the two images, they match up almost perfectly. Plus, having had experimented with the materials you've mentioned, I know for certain that it would be difficult to achieve the same effect of your digitally rendered drawing.
Jun 14, 2012 5:32 AM

May 2012
ohai said:
Kaito-, I can't sit idly by and let you get away with taking credit for art that isn't yours. The image you submitted is just a filtered headshot of the official KH artwork: link

If you overlap the two images, they match up almost perfectly. Plus, having had experimented with the materials you've mentioned, I know for certain that it would be difficult to achieve the same effect of your digitally rendered drawing.

Well come to think of it they are quite TOO similar,plus it looks like digital work to me, as I've experienced the materials he stated a lot of just doesn't look right...
Thank you very much for pointing that out.
Let's just wait to what Kaito has to say to this,because I'm afraid of making false accusations(not that yours is one)
If, by any chance,this is true then I'm afraid I'm going to have to disqualify Kaito- from this contest.
Sadame-tanJun 14, 2012 5:38 AM
Jun 14, 2012 5:48 AM

Apr 2012
ohai said:
Kaito-, I can't sit idly by and let you get away with taking credit for art that isn't yours. The image you submitted is just a filtered headshot of the official KH artwork: link

If you overlap the two images, they match up almost perfectly. Plus, having had experimented with the materials you've mentioned, I know for certain that it would be difficult to achieve the same effect of your digitally rendered drawing.
Actually yes ohai, but l use that pic as a looking thing. And try to draw it as well. l didn't copy... :/ l was bored once and l saw that pic and l started drawing that for a whlie, then l used those things to draw it and all...
Jun 14, 2012 5:57 AM

Feb 2009
@ Kaito-: This isn't a matter of copying or tracing art. I'm just theorizing that you took an existing image and filtered it. If you want to justify yourself, then you have every right to do so. Like Sadame-tan, I don't want to falsely accuse the innocent; however, I would appreciate it if you would take a moment of your time to read this recent news: link

If what you say is true, I humbly apologize, but I don't believe my eyes are deceiving me. Everything you do reflects your character--please try to remember that.
Jun 14, 2012 6:03 AM

May 2012
Kaito- said:
ohai said:
Kaito-, I can't sit idly by and let you get away with taking credit for art that isn't yours. The image you submitted is just a filtered headshot of the official KH artwork: link

If you overlap the two images, they match up almost perfectly. Plus, having had experimented with the materials you've mentioned, I know for certain that it would be difficult to achieve the same effect of your digitally rendered drawing.
Actually yes ohai, but l use that pic as a looking thing. And try to draw it as well. l didn't copy... :/ l was bored once and l saw that pic and l started drawing that for a whlie, then l used those things to draw it and all...

Its not confirmed that you have cheated but it is not denied too,
So to be fair to other contestants I'm going to have to ask you to post a new entry.
Jun 14, 2012 6:08 AM

Feb 2009
@ Sadame-tan: Thank you for being fair to both parties. Admiration +1 ^__^
Jun 14, 2012 6:09 AM

May 2012
ohai said:
@ Sadame-tan: Thank you for being fair to both parties. Admiration +1 ^__^

Arigatou ^^
Jun 14, 2012 7:21 AM
Jun 2010
Hi there ^^ Are we allowed to use pictures as reference?

And about the issue mentioned above, I have a few things to say.

@Kaito- , is this you by any chance?

This was posted on this person's account:

If the above person is not you, then I must say that claiming other people's work as your own is a very serious issue. If it is you, then all is well. Although I wouldn't know if even that is legit in any way if the issues that were mentioned above turns out to be true.

And as for the picture being digitally rendered, I can't say whether it's true or not, but I took the picture that ohai gave, this one:

And put it under an artistic filter in photoshop and this is what I got:

Looks pretty similar, except for the fact that it's so small.

The truth shall reveal itself ~
Jun 14, 2012 7:46 AM

May 2012
AyaViva said:
Hi there ^^ Are we allowed to use pictures as reference?

And about the issue mentioned above, I have a few things to say.

@Kaito- , is this you by any chance?

This was posted on this person's account:

If the above person is not you, then I must say that claiming other people's work as your own is a very serious issue. If it is you, then all is well. Although I wouldn't know if even that is legit in any way if the issues that were mentioned above turns out to be true.

And as for the picture being digitally rendered, I can't say whether it's true or not, but I took the picture that ohai gave, this one:

And put it under an artistic filter in photoshop and this is what I got:

Looks pretty similar, except for the fact that it's so small.

The truth shall reveal itself ~

-yes you are allowed to use pictures as references aslong as you dont copy them(As in trace them)
-aha~ look what we've got here... Those two pictures arent just similair, theyre Identical!This clearly states that Kaito- has,indeed, used the same method that you used to filter the original...this is quite peculiar isn't it? Kaito-San?
About the deviantart thing; either way, the filtered pic is much more worthy evidence
(apparently I am now beginning to act as if this is a detective case XD It's fun...)
thank you very much aya for taking the time to look further into this very grateful.

Kaito-San. You violated two rules in this contest;
1- you posted a pic you drew before the contest, where you should've drew a new one for the contest.
2-as aya showed, you probably filtered the original picture and posted as an entry wich is cheating.
I am very sorry but I will not take any more explanations, Kaito-San.
It is too obvious.

Therefore, you are now disqualified from the second contest.
I hope that next time I can see your actual drawing in an upcoming contest.
Note to all members: let this be an example.
Btw if you cheat again the rules say you get banned.
Sadame-tanJun 14, 2012 8:07 AM
Jun 14, 2012 8:58 AM

May 2011
Didn't take long before Kaito was found out...

I WILL ABSOLUTELY take part this time round, I couldn't get the time to finish off what I started last time with college hassling me about deadlines haha.

Look forward to seeing everyone else's work as well :3
Jun 14, 2012 3:14 PM

Jun 2011
Well, that was quite the turn of events.

I will definitely try to be in this contest! Kingdom Hearts was so awesome, it was one of the few games that I really got devoted to. It's going to be pretty fun reliving that a bit.
Jun 15, 2012 12:37 PM

Nov 2011
Kaito is, at most, 15 years old. There is no way a 15 year old could achieve something like that with a hand medium in only 2-3 hours unless he was a prodigy artist. The artist on that DA seems to be older than 15 as well judging by the work. That artist is also from Portugal while Kaito is an Aussie.
Kaito also didn't know what a medium was...

But anywho- I will try to participate this time around. I made an entry last time but chose to not submit it but I will this time. I need to brush up on my animu fan art, haha.
Jun 16, 2012 4:08 PM

Jun 2011
i agree with sadame-senpai im only 12

Jun 16, 2012 5:22 PM

Nov 2011
Oh dear. No, I never said you guys couldn't draw. I said in 2-3 hours it would be difficult to precisely replicate that by hand, and what I meant to say was for someone who isn't a professional, which is fair because that is a computer generated effect and the quality and texture on each line is calculated and precise. I know I would have a LOT of difficulty doing something that accurate (I'm also atrocious with charcoal) with the texture as precise as it is and all the clean-up it would take. It would be hard to replicate. I don't mean just the drawing, I mean EVERYTHING about the quality and such, I mean, LOOK at it. It's way too accurate, and I know the rest of you questioned that as well which is why this got started.

I was not trying to insult anyone, my apologies. I was simply trying to further the argument that he did not do that especially with a hand medium. I'm sorry if it came off as insulting, that was not my intent. =)
AmberlehJun 16, 2012 5:27 PM
Jun 17, 2012 12:13 AM

May 2012
Amberleh said:
Oh dear. No, I never said you guys couldn't draw. I said in 2-3 hours it would be difficult to precisely replicate that by hand, and what I meant to say was for someone who isn't a professional, which is fair because that is a computer generated effect and the quality and texture on each line is calculated and precise. I know I would have a LOT of difficulty doing something that accurate (I'm also atrocious with charcoal) with the texture as precise as it is and all the clean-up it would take. It would be hard to replicate. I don't mean just the drawing, I mean EVERYTHING about the quality and such, I mean, LOOK at it. It's way too accurate, and I know the rest of you questioned that as well which is why this got started.

I was not trying to insult anyone, my apologies. I was simply trying to further the argument that he did not do that especially with a hand medium. I'm sorry if it came off as insulting, that was not my intent. =)

nah don't worry about it ^^
Jun 18, 2012 6:21 AM

Feb 2010
Working on a piece now, i'll edit this post when I'm finished~
Jun 18, 2012 2:10 PM

Aug 2010
Amberleh said:
Kaito is, at most, 15 years old. There is no way a 15 year old could achieve something like that with a hand medium in only 2-3 hours unless he was a prodigy artist. The artist on that DA seems to be older than 15 as well judging by the work. That artist is also from Portugal while Kaito is an Aussie.
Kaito also didn't know what a medium was...

But anywho- I will try to participate this time around. I made an entry last time but chose to not submit it but I will this time. I need to brush up on my animu fan art, haha.

That's picture what Kaito add was very simple and little easy.I'm 12 years old and I can draw it in 2-3 hours too,but can i ask?What is medium?

(and I'm sorry Amberleh I can't speak english very well so I by mistake click Report this comment Xo
Amberleh said:
Kaito is, at most, 15 years old. There is no way a 15 year old could achieve something like that with a hand medium in only 2-3 hours unless he was a prodigy artist. The artist on that DA seems to be older than 15 as well judging by the work. That artist is also from Portugal while Kaito is an Aussie.
Kaito also didn't know what a medium was...

But anywho- I will try to participate this time around. I made an entry last time but chose to not submit it but I will this time. I need to brush up on my animu fan art, haha.

I'm really sorry (I don't know what will happen)
TremiaJun 18, 2012 2:14 PM
Jun 20, 2012 8:04 PM

Jun 2011
medium used:pencils (is this right o.o)
time taken:Um...2 hours? which include looooooong breaks XD

I used some references
blueunicornsJun 20, 2012 8:14 PM
Jun 20, 2012 8:14 PM

Apr 2012
waa! sugoii!
Jun 20, 2012 11:07 PM
Jun 2010
username: AyaViva
medium used: 2B pencils
time taken: About 20 hours o.O
drawing: I had to use a webcam for this. So it's not very clear.
Ugh... I really need to work on my blending and shading -_-

I used a reference pic.
Jun 21, 2012 1:44 AM

Jun 2011
That .... Is..... Pure... AWESOMENESSSSS
Aya -chan that is great how did u do that ?I rly like it

Jun 23, 2012 11:52 AM

Jul 2008
@AyaViva: I have no words to describe what you have done...

So now the competition is for the second and the third place, eh?

( (_\(>.<)/_) )

This is still to hard!
My candies:
Jun 23, 2012 7:39 PM

Jul 2008
My candies:
Jun 24, 2012 1:37 AM

Jun 2011
That's awesome I love ur chibis

Jun 24, 2012 9:26 AM

Jul 2008
My candies:
Jun 26, 2012 9:07 PM

Jun 2011
medium used:pencil
time taken:2 hours

ps it look sooo much better in real life but when i posted it here it doesnt look like its shaded
Ao-hoshiJun 28, 2012 1:30 AM

Jun 26, 2012 10:37 PM

Jul 2008
Nice draw! ^-^
My candies:
Jun 27, 2012 12:31 AM

Jun 2011

Jun 28, 2012 3:52 AM

Feb 2012
medium used: HB pencil
time taken: 4 houers
drawing:i tried my best to get it clear ><
i hope it would be

Jun 28, 2012 4:16 AM

May 2012
Y36 said:
medium used: HB pencil
time taken: 4 houers
drawing:i tried my best to get it clear ><
i hope it would be


*o* Soo cute~
I really like it
Jun 28, 2012 10:59 AM

Jan 2010
Hey ^^ I'd like to participate, but I wanted to ask if it's possible to be able to draw two pictures for the contest? (I found two pictures that i like and want to draw but I want to make sure first) :)
Jun 28, 2012 11:12 AM

May 2012
Minagi-chan said:
Hey ^^ I'd like to participate, but I wanted to ask if it's possible to be able to draw two pictures for the contest? (I found two pictures that i like and want to draw but I want to make sure first) :)

well, you can only draw one entry per contest, but if you really want to draw both it's okay but you have to decide on one as entry. sorry T~T
btw, come here if you want to show your drawings to us^^(not as contest entries)
Thanks for participating^^
Jun 28, 2012 12:01 PM

Nov 2011
Y36 said:
medium used: HB pencil
time taken: 4 houers
drawing:i tried my best to get it clear ><
i hope it would be


Could you go out into the sun and take a picture without the flash? I can actually fix it up for you so that it's more clear in photoshop, was trying to do that just now but that flash spot is in the way. Go somewhere in the light, but not too bright, and take the photo without flash and then post it again and I'll fix it for ya.

This goes for anyone else who is taking pictures of their entries with their cameras. Everyone should have an equal chance regardless of equipment, so just get the best photo you can and I will go ahead and adjust it for you. =) It's a quick fix but I know not everyone has photoshop so I'm more than happy to assist.
Jun 28, 2012 12:17 PM

May 2012
Amberleh said:

This goes for anyone else who is taking pictures of their entries with their cameras. Everyone should have an equal chance regardless of equipment, so just get the best photo you can and I will go ahead and adjust it for you. =) It's a quick fix but I know not everyone has photoshop so I'm more than happy to assist.

Amberleh, you're SO amazing *__*
I'm a failure as a creator T~T
Jun 28, 2012 12:24 PM

Jun 2011
T-Ti cant see the drawing am I the only one who cant

Jun 28, 2012 12:25 PM

Nov 2011
Sadame-tan said:
Amberleh said:

This goes for anyone else who is taking pictures of their entries with their cameras. Everyone should have an equal chance regardless of equipment, so just get the best photo you can and I will go ahead and adjust it for you. =) It's a quick fix but I know not everyone has photoshop so I'm more than happy to assist.

Amberleh, you're SO amazing *__*
I'm a failure as a creator T~T

PFFFT how are you a failure?! You're running the club and setting up these contests all on your own. I daresay I don't have the attention span to do such a thing, so kudos to you!

It's just a couple of clicks in photoshop. =) I just want everyone's entries to look as good as possible. It will make judging a lot easier too I'm sure (or harder, depending on how you look at it! Haha.) I'm not expert so they won't look as perfect as they do in person I'm sure, but I can at least make them look a little closer to the original.

Feel free to link things to me in a private message as well if you have say a DA where the image is located so that I can work with higher-res stuff because it's a tad easier. If not, don't worry about it. =)
Jun 28, 2012 12:29 PM

May 2012
Thank you sooo much^^
hey, would you like to be a staff member?
You can help with what you just said, and you can also help with judging^^
of course that does not prevent you from entering contests, it's okay if you don't want tho^^
Jun 28, 2012 12:42 PM

Jan 2010
Ok... here ish my drawing, hope it came out ok XD

username: Minagi-chan
medium used: pencil
time taken: 1 hour and 1/2

Jun 28, 2012 12:52 PM

May 2012
Minagi-chan said:
Ok... here ish my drawing, hope it came out ok XD

username: Minagi-chan
medium used: pencil
time taken: 1 hour and 1/2


Nice :D
and don't worry it looks pretty clear to me :3
Jun 28, 2012 2:46 PM

Apr 2012
username: joelstl15
medium used: pencil
time taken: 1 hour
I don't know if you will reconize her lol

Jun 29, 2012 10:25 AM

Feb 2012
Sadame-tan said:
Y36 said:
medium used: HB pencil
time taken: 4 houers
drawing:i tried my best to get it clear ><
i hope it would be


*o* Soo cute~
I really like it

Thank you very much ^^
Jun 29, 2012 10:49 AM

Feb 2012
Amberleh said:
Y36 said:
medium used: HB pencil
time taken: 4 houers
drawing:i tried my best to get it clear ><
i hope it would be


Could you go out into the sun and take a picture without the flash? I can actually fix it up for you so that it's more clear in photoshop, was trying to do that just now but that flash spot is in the way. Go somewhere in the light, but not too bright, and take the photo without flash and then post it again and I'll fix it for ya.

This goes for anyone else who is taking pictures of their entries with their cameras. Everyone should have an equal chance regardless of equipment, so just get the best photo you can and I will go ahead and adjust it for you. =) It's a quick fix but I know not everyone has photoshop so I'm more than happy to assist.

ok , i will be glad to ^^

i did just like what you said

is it okay like that ?
Jun 29, 2012 12:02 PM

May 2012
Y36 said:

is it okay like that ?

yep! it's pretty clear :3
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