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Jan 30, 2012 11:34 PM

Nov 2011
(taken from my blog)
School Days is by far the most controversial series that I have encountered since…well, ever. And I’m curious as to finding out why. Let me start of by saying, that I for one absolutely enjoyed watching this series (if you couldn’t already tell from my avatar), for its unique take on the overused theme of high school/slice of life romance. The episodes flowed naturally, showing the protagonist gradually digging himself a deeper grave until he went beyond the point of no return; from cheating on his new girlfriend, to being indecisive between the two, to sleeping with a third woman, to finally sleeping with nearly every character in the show. And while the ending was greatly foreshadowed, I never did think they would actually go ahead and anime such graphic scenes. Again, part of the reason why I found it fresh, there aren’t many other shows that dare step sort in this dark territory, and I commend the makers for this.

But of course, I’m only one of the few who feel this way about the show. There’s a huge group that hope this anime will burn forever in the depths of hell. And I can understand this show not being your forte, we all have likes and dislikes and this simply may not be your cup of tea. Yet what bothers me, and I’m being completely honest here, when I say I have browsed through a multitude of forums and blogs, is that a huge majority of people hate the show for a limited number of trivial (and somewhat ridiculous) reasons. Yes, the animation wasn’t that great (it was lousy tbh), but the other elements of the show held up: the music was well placed (not using the OP in the last episode was simple and brilliant) and the pacing was just about right (every episode moved the plot along just enough) Yet, I have not encountered a single piece of criticism directed towards any of these elements, which is quite sad really.

But enough about me, here is what I believe to be an accurate collection of said criticisms, and how I think they are so easily addressed (No jabs are meant to be taken literally, and I apologize in advance if I have offended you):

OMG the ending was so stupid it made me sick, the creators are sick in the head!
It’s rated R (17 years and above) for a reason, and I wasn’t aware that originality was an illness.

This anime is just another stupid excuse for another fan service.
While I agree the fan service really did do nothing for the plot, (when does it ever?) Its anime, watch enough and you’ll come to expect these things; that and the fact that it’s rated R.

Makoto is such a horrible human being and the girls are so unrealistic that it makes me mad and want to punch a wall.
First off, don’t punch the wall, it’ll hurt and you’ll only get even more emotional; second, considering that a majority of the people who watch anime are in or fresh out of high school, I’m genuinely confused about this criticism. I for one am unfortunate enough to know a few people who can be described as self centered sex maniacs who treat women like objects – like Makoto, which really isn’t that uncommon. But, ask yourself, what high school [virgin] boy would say no to unlimited free sex? And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the character of Makoto was intended to be portrayed as the extreme flaws in man; you were supposed to hate him. As for the girls, they are even simpler; one has assets and is antisocial, while the other has personality and charisma. Simple, I’m sure we all know people like that.

The violence is unrealistic and real people would never do that.
LOL what? I’m not sure what rock you were hiding under in high school, but have you seen what high school girls are like? And yet, no amount of ranting is going to illustrate my point, so I’ll simply say there is a great capacity for evil within all people. Sure people are civilized to a degree due to a proper upbringing, but when people’s emotions or well being pushed to their limits, they revert to their primal instincts. I need only point out the recent Costa Concordia incident and how the civilized, high class atmosphere suddenly descended into chaos when people realized they were in danger. People do things, crazy, irrational things when they feel they are in danger of not getting what they want; whether it is to get on that lifeboat or to get that boy’s attention back. Hell, there was even a part where Makoto and Sekai were discussing about Makoto cheating on Katsura, while the professor in the background was lecturing about the evil in mankind.

This anime is only so famous because of the “nice boat” meme
This one I lost a few brain cells reading. This kind of thinking is fundamentally flawed on so many levels that I’m not even going to bother getting into this.

And there you have it, thank you for reading my rant; I welcome any and all criticisms to my criticisms (haha, Lelouch); but above all, I welcome new reasons as to why you hate the show that don’t involve not reading the Age requirement beforehand.
AzureBluesJan 31, 2012 8:59 PM
Jan 31, 2012 12:15 AM

Apr 2009
SeraVerte said:
Again, part of the reason why I found it fresh, there aren’t many other shows that dare step sort in this dark territory, and I commend the makers for this.

I don't know about other people, but part of the reason I prefer watching anime to say, Asian TV series is precisely because Asian soap opera is filled with this sort of angst-ridden "love makes you crazy" story. Seriously, there are just so many that involves "that sort of pure girl that ends up yandere towards the end type". I have to admit though, School Days does take it somewhat more extreme since obviously, if they tried doing that on Live Action, the executives will have a field day.

So yeah, it is not common in anime per see, but all in all, I don't really see the big deal about this series. I don't hate this anime. It just isn't my cup of tea.

As for the whole 'nice boat' meme, well, that's the point of you know, memes.

Makoto is such a horrible human being [... ...]
I can understand why people may not like the show though, since the male protagonist is a douche. And having characters you like or can root for is a major factor as to whether one likes the show or not, on the overall. Again, I know that this is very subjective in that in some shows, you AREN'T supposed to like/ think positively of the protagonist, eg Chaos;Head, Welcome to the NHK.

Anyway, I don't know exactly where I'm going with this post, but oh well.

what I believe to be an accurate collection of said criticisms

You're kind of cherry picking the criticisms as well. Here's a review (ctr+f the user called "leoxjm") which I thought was well written in criticizing the show.
NilviusJan 31, 2012 2:10 AM
Jan 31, 2012 5:22 AM

Sep 2010
You're kind of cherry picking the criticisms as well.

Of course he is that is the very nature of making a collections of what people say most often.

Jan 31, 2012 6:12 AM

Dec 2011
School Days was awesome. The ending was so crazy, everyone went total psycho for a teenage love triangle. :D Then she was hugging Makoto's head onboard the little ship, that's true love people.
Jan 31, 2012 6:33 AM

Jan 2012
Is Christmas come too late for me? Or perhaps God have answered my prayers? By the way I really, really, really, REALLY happy when a genuine School Days fan finally defending this show or at least try to. After seas of many fake fans screaming "NICE BOAT" all over internet and then a real fan who didn't do the same. Yes SeraVerte you are my 'hero' and I never hate you in first place(unlike to some Legend of the Galactic Heroes snobs) but I still hate School Days since Summer 2007.

To tell the truth I'm one of the few people who saw it from the first episode when it was showed for the first time. However I was disappointed with its ending and it almost killing anime in me in that time but luckily some angels named themselves as Gundam 00, Clannad, Blue Drop and Minami-ke prevented it from happening. From then on Autumn 2007 have always my best season for anime, at least for me. However my hatred towards SD reached the boiling point when some idiots screamed all over anime-related forums including MAL "This show is much like School Days" "I hope it will end like School Days" "Why don't she goes berserk like a bitch from School Days". It just annoying when lots of people treating SD like second Jesus, thinking it is the best anime ever made.

So I decided to take your challenge and as a 'good' hater of the show.

1. The ending is crappier than rest of its show. No joke.
If the director and script writers did not go for such ending, it's an underrated classic like Kimi ga Nozomu Eien but instead they hoped such ending will be memorable. They succeed. Perhaps too successful for its own good. As far as I know there was a worse ending than 'Nice Boat' where Sekai murdered Kotonoha instead of the other way around. It even more brutal and controversial, even in Western/American standards.

2. Kotonoha, rather than Makoto is the worst character in the show if not the entire anime/manga industry itself.
How can millions of people love her? Maybe she's an insane murderer and that's it. After that none of her character is redeemable by any means. Perhaps the worst sin she ever committed is to plagued the anime/manga industry itself with yandere fetishes, which is already annoying in first place.

3. People loved it for bad reason, other than its ending.
They loved SD because it 'parodying' any other rom-com shows, especially seinen ones.

4. 'Nice Boat' meme.
Its not even funny to begin with. In fact its nauseating and untasteful. I just blame 4chan for such thing.

My own analogy to School Days:

There's a middle-aged man who bored with his own life and needed attention really bad. He made lots of stunts in internet and real-life but yet no one impressed with him. Finally he only one stunt left: defecate upside down in a place full of people such as Wall Street fully nude. This time people seems interested on him bit, as they knew what will happen nest. When his feces come out, it hit his own face. The crowd cheers and recorded the event and send to the interenet, played it many, many times. The man himself left disappointed and never to be seen again, obviously nobody will see the same stunt again from him and other people but they always hoped it will happen again because it was DAMN EPIC!!!

Thanks SeraVerte, now I have an idea to make a similar thread about Yosuga no Sora next time.
Jan 31, 2012 7:41 AM
Jan 2012
Just got done watching it...gosh what a insane ending.
Jan 31, 2012 7:45 AM

May 2011
I definitely have superpowers. I can feel it in my balls.
Jan 31, 2012 3:39 PM

Nov 2010
NK_500 said:

My own analogy to School Days:

There's a middle-aged man who bored with his own life and needed attention really bad. He made lots of stunts in internet and real-life but yet no one impressed with him. Finally he only one stunt left: defecate upside down in a place full of people such as Wall Street fully nude. This time people seems interested on him bit, as they knew what will happen nest. When his feces come out, it hit his own face. The crowd cheers and recorded the event and send to the interenet, played it many, many times. The man himself left disappointed and never to be seen again, obviously nobody will see the same stunt again from him and other people but they always hoped it will happen again because it was DAMN EPIC!!!

Best post in the universe. Yes sir you win the internet.
Jan 31, 2012 5:38 PM

Apr 2009
Anime_Name said:
Nilvius said:
You're kind of cherry picking the criticisms as well.
Of course he is that is the very nature of making a collections of what people say most often.
But that means ignoring the legitimate criticisms in favor of 'easy victories'. so to speak.

Just as how OP considers his own argument to be justified, there are well thought out oppositions as well. I don't see the point of just targeting the so-called more shallow reasons.
Jan 31, 2012 5:57 PM

Sep 2010
I think picking the most commonly heard problems across the board is a fine way to deal with "haters", that take issue with the what School Days is rather than legitimate criticisms of quality.

The OP is welcome to new debate, he might even be unaware of what legitimate criticisms you refer to, in this topic. Anyone that wants to offer their thoughts can. Copy pasting other people's thoughts count too, I guess.

Jan 31, 2012 6:43 PM

Nov 2011
Karhu said:

Case and point.
Joyce_Steele said:
NK_500 said:

My own analogy to School Days:

There's a middle-aged man who bored with his own life and needed attention really bad. He made lots of stunts in internet and real-life but yet no one impressed with him. Finally he only one stunt left: defecate upside down in a place full of people such as Wall Street fully nude. This time people seems interested on him bit, as they knew what will happen nest. When his feces come out, it hit his own face. The crowd cheers and recorded the event and send to the interenet, played it many, many times. The man himself left disappointed and never to be seen again, obviously nobody will see the same stunt again from him and other people but they always hoped it will happen again because it was DAMN EPIC!!!

Best post in the universe. Yes sir you win the internet.

Indeed, I'm at a lost for words as well.
Nilvius said:
Anime_Name said:
Nilvius said:
You're kind of cherry picking the criticisms as well.
Of course he is that is the very nature of making a collections of what people say most often.
But that means ignoring the legitimate criticisms in favor of 'easy victories'. so to speak.

Just as how OP considers his own argument to be justified, there are well thought out oppositions as well. I don't see the point of just targeting the so-called more shallow reasons.

My closing remarks welcome any sort of new contribution to this argument, as Anime_Name kindly pointed out.
Jan 31, 2012 8:31 PM

Oct 2010
SeraVerte said:
Makoto is such a horrible human being and the girls are so unrealistic that it makes me mad and want to punch a wall.
First off, don’t punch the wall, it’ll hurt and you’ll only get even more emotional; second, considering that a majority of the people who watch anime are in or fresh out of high school, I’m genuinely confused about this criticism. I for one am unfortunate enough to know a few people who can be described as self centered sex maniacs who treat women like objects – like Makoto, which really isn’t that uncommon. But, ask yourself, what high school [virgin] boy would say no to unlimited free sex? And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the character of Makoto was intended to be portrayed as the extreme flaws in man; you were supposed to hate him. As for the girls, they are even simpler; one has assets and is antisocial, while the other has personality and charisma. Simple, I’m sure we all know people like that.

First, I am perfectly fine if the show tries to make me hate Makoto, in the same way I hate Light in Death note, that is, in a plot-induced, based on a solid character portrayal way. Second, the problem is not that the girls are unrealistic but that their relationship with Makoto is awfully delivered. So they basically end up being flat, one-dimensional characters who all share an objective for no damn reason. I got sick of those "I always loved you" moments coming from six or seven characters in the same way. At one point it was just the rule "every girl who has ever talked to Makoto is going to have sex with him", which is lame if it's not taken as an absurd comedy or something.

The violence is unrealistic and real people would never do that.
LOL what? I’m not sure what rock you were hiding under in high school, but have you seen what high school girls are like? And yet, no amount of ranting is going to illustrate my point, so I’ll simply say there is a great capacity for evil within all people. Sure people are civilized to a degree due to a proper upbringing, but when people’s emotions or well being pushed to their limits, they revert to their primal instincts. I need only point out the recent Costa Concordia incident and how the civilized, high class atmosphere suddenly descending into chaos when people realized they were in danger. People do things, crazy, irrational things when they feel they are in danger of not getting what they want; whether it is to get on that lifeboat or to get that boy’s attention back. Hell, there was even a part where Makoto and Sekai were discussing about Makoto cheating on Katsura, while the professor in the background was lecturing about the evil in mankind.

Eh, really? In which world do I live? Because where I live crazy psychopath girls who would kill for a boy are not exactly the most common thing. I have known girls who fight each other, ok, but these kinds of obsessions? Do you believe that they represent some close reality when these cases happen once every 20 million times? What an awful world to live in if School Days was in the slightest way realistic!

And well, that's all because I don't even hate the show, it's just that these points are always taken and no, I don't think the characters are well-developed nor that the violence is realistic.
Jan 31, 2012 11:03 PM

Sep 2010
Eh, really? In which world do I live? Because where I live crazy psychopath girls who would kill for a boy are not exactly the most common thing.

The OP isn't arguing that such a crime is "common". Any person with a background in law would tell you homicide is the least committed crime in most countries. He is arguing against the claim no such thing would ever happen in real life. Last I heard ~10% of all homicide offenders are under the age of 18 in the U.S, that's an old Bureau of justice stat. What the OP says is more spot on than your "in my neighborhood chicks don't kill" anecdote.
Anime_NameJan 31, 2012 11:17 PM

Jan 31, 2012 11:08 PM

Mar 2009
I liked the ending.
Feb 1, 2012 3:42 AM

Oct 2010
Anime_Name said:
Eh, really? In which world do I live? Because where I live crazy psychopath girls who would kill for a boy are not exactly the most common thing.

The OP isn't arguing that such a crime is "common". Any person with a background in law would tell you homicide is the least committed crime in most countries. He is arguing against the claim no such thing would ever happen in real life. Last I heard ~10% of all homicide offenders are under the age of 18 in the U.S, that's an old Bureau of justice stat. What the OP says is more spot on than your "in my neighborhood chicks don't kill" anecdote.

No it isn't. That would likely happen in reality, but it's so improbable that trying to make it pass for the norm is simply absurd. Trying to see it as a spot on the reality, by saying people in general are violent and they somehow are genetically moved to react like Makoto's girls, is absurd. What the OP says, basically, is that everybody in an extraordinary situation could end up killing somebody. Ok. Tell me then why falling in love with a boy/girl is an extraordinary situation that justifies in any way this comment. Or the same, how many times do you fall in love in life, and how many times are you involved in a shipwreck? By reading the OP's post it seems there was the same chance for these things to happen in life.

I don't care for the level of probability of the events on a fictional show -where do you read I am blaming the show for it?- until it is purposely mutated in order to try to make the show more worthy because it has a point. It is really like saying all clowns are serial murderers after knowing the case of John Gacy.
jal90Feb 1, 2012 4:02 AM
Feb 1, 2012 5:01 AM

Dec 2010
Makoto was a jerk and a player that seriously needed the shit kicked out of him for being like that. I can't say he deserved death, though that was the ultimate climax of all actions to that point. He had it coming, but he didn't deserve it.

School Days was fun to watch, though all the girls were pretty stupid and so were Makoto and Taisuke. The only characters I could say I hated were the ones that bullied Kotonoha, though that was on a much more personal level of hatred.

I absolutely adore School Days. If you felt offended by its contents, why didn't you stop being part of the audience? If you didn't like the shift in concepts, why did you continue watching? Alot of the hatred goes to the hatedom for being so voerly critical. Makoto being an indecisive jerk is people's main reason.

@Jal90: Makoto was stuck in a yandere triangle. Yandere is by far, the furthest you could be away from rationally viewing emotions and actions. Constantly volatile and the smallest event could make the yandere go "Okay, that person has to die so I can have X". It goes way beyond obsessive compulsive.

He had two yandere trying to win him over. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did, to be perfecty honest.

NK_500 said:

now I have an idea to make a similar thread about Yosuga no Sora next time.

Give me a heads-up whenever that happens. <3 Love Yosuga no Sora myself.
Feb 1, 2012 5:33 AM

Jan 2011
SeraVerte said:

OMG the ending was so stupid it made me sick, the creators are sick in the head!
It’s rated R (17 years and above) for a reason, and I wasn’t aware that originality was an illness.
The ending was stupid, because nobody I know of stabs his boyfriend who she knows cheated on him like mad, due to the fact that
-Not a lot of people cheat like mad
-Not a lot of people have boyfriends that cheat like mad
-Not a lot of people would be violent enough and care that much about a boyfriend that cheats like mad...

I'm a Cinderella Tale-esque-ending lover, so that's biasness, but the utter ridiculousness of the plot cannot be argued for. If it's art, it's just as interpret-able as the art of Van Gogh, whose name can't even be pronounced easily! And no, I do NOT appreciate Van Gogh art. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who would pay millions for that kind of art.

SeraVerte said:

This anime is just another stupid excuse for another fan service.
While I agree the fan service really did do nothing for the plot, (when does it ever?) Its anime, watch enough and you’ll come to expect these things; that and the fact that it’s rated R.
Can't say I didn't watch it, so can't comment about the fan service of this.

SeraVerte said:
Makoto is such a horrible human being and the girls are so unrealistic that it makes me mad and want to punch a wall.
First off, don’t punch the wall, it’ll hurt and you’ll only get even more emotional; second, considering that a majority of the people who watch anime are in or fresh out of high school, I’m genuinely confused about this criticism. I for one am unfortunate enough to know a few people who can be described as self centered sex maniacs who treat women like objects – like Makoto, which really isn’t that uncommon. But, ask yourself, what high school [virgin] boy would say no to unlimited free sex? And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the character of Makoto was intended to be portrayed as the extreme flaws in man; you were supposed to hate him. As for the girls, they are even simpler; one has assets and is antisocial, while the other has personality and charisma. Simple, I’m sure we all know people like that.
Not really that uncommon? As far as I know, Ted Bundy is a pretty famous person: and no we do not have many of him. (We do have a lot of corporate execs who overpay themselves, but that's another story of human vice)

And going back to Ted Bundy: I'm also quite sure he's 'universally'(as universal as Metacritic/Rotten tomatoes would have it) taken as a horrible person. Whether he's 'designed' that way is up to you.

SeraVerte said:

The violence is unrealistic and real people would never do that.
LOL what? I’m not sure what rock you were hiding under in high school, but have you seen what high school girls are like? And yet, no amount of ranting is going to illustrate my point, so I’ll simply say there is a great capacity for evil within all people. Sure people are civilized to a degree due to a proper upbringing, but when people’s emotions or well being pushed to their limits, they revert to their primal instincts. I need only point out the recent Costa Concordia incident and how the civilized, high class atmosphere suddenly descended into chaos when people realized they were in danger. People do things, crazy, irrational things when they feel they are in danger of not getting what they want; whether it is to get on that lifeboat or to get that boy’s attention back. Hell, there was even a part where Makoto and Sekai were discussing about Makoto cheating on Katsura, while the professor in the background was lecturing about the evil in mankind.
Unfortunately, it is unrealistic.

In any case, 'real' violence is done in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, etc etc etc... I wouldn't consider the violence in SD anything close to 'real,' other than cannibals(which I'm not really educated about) or primitive people. In essence, the violence is as real as the tribes as shown in the Nicholas Cage film The Wicker Man.

SeraVerte said:

This anime is only so famous because of the “nice boat” meme
This one I lost a few brain cells reading. This kind of thinking is fundamentally flawed on so many levels that I’m not even going to bother getting into this.

Try getting into it.

Let's talk about famous: Death Note, Code Geass. And I know for a certain Death Note has its memes(first kickstarted by english dub), and its popularity further surges via that. Memes are free advertising. The only way I know of SD is its ridiculous violence and ending, like how I would know of FATAL, a horrible 'game.'(seriously, google it if you're not faint hearted and curious. You will find out that the human mind is capable of creative works that are plain horrible and horrifying, and I don't mean the Silent Hill, Clock Tower or Amnesia kind...)

Nice boat simply pushes its popularity further, and is succinct yet clear in meaning.

I would've totally preferred a good ending, when the original VN obviously had them.
ZmffkskemFeb 1, 2012 5:48 AM

「みんながいるからだ。」 - 棗鈴
Feb 1, 2012 10:48 AM

Sep 2010
jal90 said:
Anime_Name said:
Eh, really? In which world do I live? Because where I live crazy psychopath girls who would kill for a boy are not exactly the most common thing.

The OP isn't arguing that such a crime is "common". Any person with a background in law would tell you homicide is the least committed crime in most countries. He is arguing against the claim no such thing would ever happen in real life. Last I heard ~10% of all homicide offenders are under the age of 18 in the U.S, that's an old Bureau of justice stat. What the OP says is more spot on than your "in my neighborhood chicks don't kill" anecdote.

No it isn't. That would likely happen in reality, but it's so improbable that trying to make it pass for the norm is simply absurd. Trying to see it as a spot on the reality, by saying people in general are violent and they somehow are genetically moved to react like Makoto's girls, is absurd. What the OP says, basically, is that everybody in an extraordinary situation could end up killing somebody. Ok. Tell me then why falling in love with a boy/girl is an extraordinary situation that justifies in any way this comment. Or the same, how many times do you fall in love in life, and how many times are you involved in a shipwreck? By reading the OP's post it seems there was the same chance for these things to happen in life.

I don't care for the level of probability of the events on a fictional show -where do you read I am blaming the show for it?- until it is purposely mutated in order to try to make the show more worthy because it has a point. It is really like saying all clowns are serial murderers after knowing the case of John Gacy.

The OP doesn't essentially ay that and is not arguing that what is seen in School Days is within a normal of human reaction., merely that it is within the bounds of possible ones.

I control+F'd the word 'love' and didn't see that mentioned by the OP at all. The said 'sex' and went on to describe how he knows some sex maniacs that treat women like objects for sex and qualifed that as being Makoto-like.

I am not saying you are blaming the show for anything. I am actually trying to stay away from actually discussing the show. This has been me pointing out the incorrectness of your statements about homicide, your misinterpretations of everything said to this point, and reiterating what the OP has said.

The ending was stupid, because nobody I know of stabs his boyfriend who she knows cheated on him like mad, due to the fact that

People kill people, regardless, if you know them or not. This exact crime might not have been committed in real life but that doesn't make it stupid because the creators decided to make up a murder scenario in a fictional story.

Feb 1, 2012 12:37 PM

Oct 2010
SeraVerte said:
The violence is unrealistic and real people would never do that.(1)
LOL what? I’m not sure what rock you were hiding under in high school, but have you seen what high school girls are like? (2) And yet, no amount of ranting is going to illustrate my point, so I’ll simply say there is a great capacity for evil within all people (3). Sure people are civilized to a degree due to a proper upbringing, but when people’s emotions or well being pushed to their limits, they revert to their primal instincts (4). I need only point out the recent Costa Concordia incident and how the civilized, high class atmosphere suddenly descended into chaos when people realized they were in danger. People do things, crazy, irrational things when they feel they are in danger of not getting what they want; whether it is to get on that lifeboat or to get that boy’s attention back (5). Hell, there was even a part where Makoto and Sekai were discussing about Makoto cheating on Katsura, while the professor in the background was lecturing about the evil in mankind.

Ok, I will answer directly from the post.

(1). From the very first the premise makes a more complex criticism of the series, which has not only to do with the exaggerated -because they are- events that can drive to a double murder, but with the execution of the whole plot, that is, terms of believability -I know many people say "it's not realistic" when they mean "it's not believable". And the OP simplifies the point to just being an innocent statement about violence in humanity that makes it easy to answer. I am not denying there is violence in some of those situations. What I mean is that this violence is not representative enough to hold a defense of this kind. School Days is an exception as huge as one could conceive.

(2) Here, the OP tries to convince by using the ugly argument of "do you live under a rock or what?" the idea that what happens in School Days is realistic.

(3) Bland statement. There is a huge capacity of evil in the same way there is a huge capacity for good. But that doesn't mean everybody is able in situations like the one of School Days to reach the next level of craziness necessary. Are there girls who would kill for their boyfriends? Of course! Where did I deny that? But I, personally have never seen things going to that level. And a few exceptions appearing in news are not going to make it look like the norm.

(4) This is followed with an example of a danger situation trying to compare it with the love polygon (?) of this series. As if the cotidianeity of these elements was in any way comparable. And most people can deal with falling in love and cheating without getting mad and murdering somebody, which is not the same as denying that it can happen.

(5) Again, "doing crazy irrational things" can't be read as "immediately thinking of murder", and a shipwreck is something that may happen once if not never in your lifetime, while love and its various problems is something one has to go through in several variants during their whole life. It takes an extreme situation in itself to justify an extreme reaction over a rather normal event.

If the answer was "it is a fictional show" or "it can happen", I wouldn't have answered. But instead, the answer was more of the kind "you say it is not realistic, I'll show you that violence is inherent to human beings", which for me is answering an extreme with another extreme. Because I don't think anybody would dismiss a fictional series for not being totally true to life unless that "being realistic" was one of the most highlighted points in defense of it.
Feb 1, 2012 1:13 PM

Sep 2010
1. The OP took statements that can easily be found about School Days and answered them as he saw fit. If anything was over-simplified it would be the posters who made those sort of comments. Being able to admit that such violence can occur in reality is all that's need to defeat the claim that it is unrealistic and that real people would never do it.

2. Even in this topic you see people that are only able to relate to things if it happens in the world they know. The argument only calls into question other people's limited world view, it can be a rude and ugly awakening because ignorance is bliss.

3. The statement "People kill people." is 100% accurate and does not imply every person kills every other person. As you said, capacity of evil. The story in such a way that the actions appear to within the realm of possibility and not probability. The story wasn't trying to be reflect the norm.

4. This is not about what most people would do. It is a single story with specific situations and an outcome( for the anime it is a worst case scenario) that suits the events depicted.

5. Yet, murder is described and defended as a crazy, irrational event especially when it is also tagged as a crime of passion.

The answer has always been that art imitates life but the counter you keep running to is 'art doesn't imitate my life'.

Feb 1, 2012 1:59 PM

Oct 2010
I think we are getting to the point, eh.

Maybe it is just the way the OP expresses his disagreement what doesn't convince me. As said, it looks for me as if, in contrast with those who argue that the things happening in School Days are completely absurd and unrealistic, the OP tends to take that extreme position, which I am trying to make clear I don't agree with, and answers by saying more or less that everybody could come with a reaction like that. Which being strictly accurate in theory (virtually anyone could go hyper-angry and take a gun), in practice doesn't make too much sense, because sensitivity of people towards the same stimulus and their reaction vary and in the end in the case of love/jealousy things the events in School Days are still incredibly fucked up extremes.

So I think it is a problem of semanthics. Me trying to interpret things in a way that was not intended? Maybe, maybe. I'll take my responsibility for that.

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