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Mar 24, 2013 7:34 PM

May 2008
Welcome to our club, Newrailer! Introduce yourself!

Don’t know what to say? Some ideas:

Optional Questions (don’t have to answer them all; say whatever you want)
FauxAznMar 28, 2013 4:06 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Mar 24, 2013 7:49 PM

Jun 2012
1. Most of the people on this site call me either Holy, Bap or HB.

2. Turning 22 in June.

3. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

4. Major in Political Science, Minor in English. I like literature, manga, graphic novels and anime. I also like to be the bad cop admin of our club. Some times ruling with an iron fist.

5. My occupation as of now is managing in a Burnac Produce Ltd. warehouse; however, I am injured and temporary couch potato. Sometime in the future I plan on getting into law school. Dream job has always been becoming an astronaut.

6. Fight Club

7. House M.D.

8. Couldn't name one. Have played and loved too many.

9. Great Expectations.

10. I like anything that sounds good, but what tends to sound good most of the time is alternative rock.

11. Reading, reading and reading.

12. Depending on the genre, it can go either way between anime and manga. If I want something action packed or a psychological thriller, I'll go for anime, but if I want a slice of life series, I'll go for the manga. I can read through a slice of life manga before the anime bores me.

13. Sub, because every dub I have ever seen, I have felt that a lot of emotion is drained out of the characters. Plus, there are no sexy voice actors that work for dub groups; most of them go for doing voices of video game characters.

14. I already know. Psychological. Psychological thrillers or psycho-horrors, whatever. As long as there are well made psychological series out there, I'll be reading/watching them.

15. Whenever someone starts telling me something I don't care about, I sing to them that I don't give a fuck. Tends to piss everyone off. I'm a bit of douche. Regressing back to question #4, remember that I also rule with an iron fist.
HolybaptiserMar 24, 2013 7:53 PM
I'm also filled with pure-hearted ulterior motives.

Mar 24, 2013 11:09 PM

Dec 2012
1) What name do you prefer us to call you?
Jovoo is actually a real life nickname, it's not just my internet handle. Closer friends call me Jov, but yeah, jovoo is pretty much my nick all around.

2) Age?

3) Location?

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
Gladiator, Lord of the Rings

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Prison Break, Game of Thrones.

8) Favorite games? Game genres?
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within/Platformers; RPGs; DotA-Clones

9) Favorite novels?
Warcraft: War of the Ancients Trilogy

10) Favorite music? Music genres?
Literally everything.

13) Dub or sub?
Dub, if the dub is bad, I watch the sub.

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
JovooOct 31, 2013 9:50 AM
The forums are dark, and full of ego.
Mar 25, 2013 3:20 AM
Oct 2011
What name do you prefer us to call you?
Candor, Candy or w/e



Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
History, Literature and Psychology, and Theology to an extent. But I study Biology atm.

Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Dream job. Anything that gets me money to get by. Currently working as a waiter.

Favorite non-anime movies?
Not a movies person, but Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Inception, LotR and some other popular movies were enjoyable.

Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Not a TV-series person either. Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Prison Break, and the Big Bang Theory were the only ones I watched/am watching and enjoying.

Favorite games? Game genres?
Dropped gaming. Fav game franchises are: Prince of Persia, Devil May Cry, Need for Speed, and Pro Evolution Soccer
And of course, some Megaman and Pokemon Gameboy games. Though my favorite Gameboy game would be Shining Force.

Favorite novels?
I didn't use to read novels much (might start in a couple of years though, since Germans like reading novels, so might get that disease from them),
Got infected. Last pretty good novel I read was Fahrenheit 451. The Odyssey and the Hobbit were pretty good as well. A Song of Ice and Fire is ok so far.

Favorite music?
(Symphonic) Metal and Classical Music.

Don't think I got anymore hobbies like before anymore, other than anime & manga.
Reading and Music. Just like the old days.

Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
Watched 1 Korean Drama: High-Kick! (1 season)
I watch good Live-Actions and AMVs.
VNs: Sengoku Rance is a VN all true men should play and would enjoy, other than that, the medium is full of crap. LNs as well. And to answer the question: Not anymore.

Dub or sub?
Prefer sub, but don't mind dub.

Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
Surreal, over-the-top and colorful/fabulous anime. Drama, Historical, and Psychological for manga.

Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
Your typical calm person who prefers spending his time with his hobbies or with 2-3 friends instead of big groups of people. Something unusual? Dunno. I don't smoke, maybe? Me being a butt-hurt ex-muslim? (Trying to work on that butt-hurt part though, 'cause it makes me act like an idiot most of the time)
Candor123Jan 9, 2014 1:34 AM
Mar 25, 2013 12:24 PM

Nov 2012
1. Alex

2) 20

3) L.A California

4) undecided but I'm looking around the medical field.

5) Just a student at the moment.

6) Pulp Fiction, Day of dead(1980s version), Evil Dead, Cinderella Man

7) Young Justice, The Walking Dead(yes I know it's garbage), Smallville, Supernatural

8. Resident Evil 1-3, Final Fantasy VII & X, Battlefield 3(only online)

10) Everything, but I listen to mostly Punk and hardcore

11) Hanging out with friends count? I pretty much stopped doing what I used to do.

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
I like both equally, been trying to read more manga though, and get into Visual Novels

13) Sub sometimes dub.. depends

14) I like anything to be honest, but I guess Psychological, drama, Mystery.

15) I get annoyed easily, but also very nice.
I stutter
I get irritated when people touch my back.
Mar 25, 2013 3:14 PM

Jan 2013
1) What name do you prefer us to call you? Just Arthur.

2) Age?
16. The age that shit happens in anime.

3) Location?
Earth Bahia, Brazil.
4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
Nothing really, maybe digital art or physics.
5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Student. Becoming the GOD OF THE NEW WORLD!
6) Favorite non-anime movies?
The road to El Dourado. Made My childhood togheter with Disney.
7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Avatar the Last Airbender.
8) Favorite games? Game genres?
Ace Combat and Black. Generally FPS.
9) Favorite novels?
If Visual Novels fit here:Tsukihime, Fate Stay Night and Higurashi.
10) Favorite music?
I don't have any particular favorite. I like many musics.

11) Hobbies?
Frankly, I ask this myself too. But really, Derailing topics.

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
As long it is good, I don't really care, although I do favor anime because the scenery is generally better made and a kickass OST drags you in the scenery.

Visual Novels: Tsukihime (My first VN, still my favorite). Fate/Stay Night (Good because of VA patch and the GARness of some characters) and Higurashi (Tied with Tsukihime for being one of the best. That is, if you use the graphic and sound patches).

13) Dub or sub?
Sub, although good dub animes are more prone to get my attention. Like DBZ.
14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
It`s better ask me what I don`t like. Yaoi, Hentai, Ecchi, etc...

15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.

I`m evil.
012yArthur0Mar 28, 2013 4:00 PM

Mar 26, 2013 2:07 PM

Feb 2012
Jovoo said I'm quiet. That's right because I don't have much time to spare currently but anyway let's do this one.

1) What name do you prefer us to call you?
Zylixae, Kenny

2) Age?
23 in 2 weeks

3) Location?
Munich, Germany

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
The military since it's my job and economics since I'll study that stuff. Outside of this box some physics (fusion and stuff) and music.

5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
I'm in officer training in the German Air Force. Dream job? No idea...currently yes but who knows about future chances.

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
Iron Man 1&2, Shawshank Redemption, Coach Carter

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Dexter, Stargate, Game of Thrones

8) Favorite games? Game genres?
Dragon Age Origins as favorite game ever by miles. RPG obivously.

9) Favorite novels?
Spice & Wolf :P

10) Favorite music? Music genres?
Rock - Dead by April, Ashes Remain, Egypt Central, Breaking Benjamin

11) Hobbies?
Anime, games and I'd say basketball but I got barely time for anime and games lol.

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
Anime > manga but I'm starting to read.
Aria the Orgination, Nana, One Piece, Psyren

13) Dub or sub?

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
Slice of Life, Fantasy, Drama

15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
Dude I'm in the military. Is that enough for an anime fan? :P
ZylixaeMar 26, 2013 2:11 PM
Mar 30, 2013 1:37 PM

Oct 2012
Oh! Well, I certainly glossed over this thread, thanks for pointing it out to me, FauxAzn!

The basics, right! Well, currently at the age of 18 and reside in the state of Georgia; I got into anime, oh, last year in the summer to be precise. It was one day I was in a IRC chat with my other internet buddies of a different community. One of them being more experienced in anime than I was, was trying to convince someone to watch School Days. The person, and another one that joined in, claimed it was the most fucked up thing they've seen. They tried to dare this one guy (non-anime watcher) to see it. However, I was quite up for the challenge myself to see what the hell they were talking about. All my anime experience consisted of Miyazaki films like Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky, and Spirited Away and on a lesser degree, Sonic X as a kid.
So around July (2012) or so, I looked online to watch this baffling mess it was hyped to be. Of course in my initial viewing of the first few episodes, I was led to believe, "Ha! What the heck were they talking about again?" More and more, no shocker, well, it did indeed go downhill from there. BUT! I am rather thankful for the little trip through School Days as it prompted me to see if most anime nowadays was really this messed up or was it just a rare occurrence that such a thing surfaced?
Well, shortly after, since I had no idea where to start, I randomly subscribed to some user on YouTube that regularly uploaded series here and there. One of them happened to be Clannad and After Story! I practically went into this anime blindly with zero knowledge of its popularity, what is was about, whether it was supposed to be sad or not, etc. So pretty much, I had no idea what to expect throughout the whole series. So did it prove to me anime does vary? Of course it did! I was crying episodes upon episodes during my marathon, and no other form of entertainment had me this emotionally involved before.
It was there on that I was convinced that I was hooked on anime and wished to watch even more! Though, being the noob I was, I curious if anime could be 'scary'. So after a quick Google search, Higurashi seemed to be one of those kinds. However, the streaming site I used at the time (after deviating some from YouTube), had only the second season of Higurashi. But did I know it had two seasons?! NOPE! It was only when I created my MAL account back in October that I found out I had seen the second season this whole time. Man, I felt like raging for my lack of research beforehand. Nevertheless, what a great watch it was.

So, that was my brief intro of how I got into anime more beyond a few films my mother showed me as a child. In the realm of what I've found to love the most currently (genre wise) are Mystery, Psychological, Drama as my top three. Out of those stem into my favorite such as: Mawaru Penguindrum, Ergo Proxy, Steins;Gate, and Serial Experiments Lain to name a few. Why? I tend to like a challenge when it comes to anime. I simply love researching a bit after completing such shows to learn new things in an interesting way than simply reading Wiki articles all day; instead I find more value out of seeing what I watched being connected to something in reality, whether it's philosophy, movies, novels, paintings, pop culture, etc. Moreover as well, I prefer to view anime in subtitles.

Andddd, I think that was quite enough for an introduction~
ShoryuJun 16, 2013 1:44 PM

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Apr 27, 2013 10:25 AM

Jan 2013
What name do you prefer us to call you?
Cylindt, would be cool if you messed around with it and made a nick out of it.

17 Earthspins.

Sweden, Gothenburg.

Your subjects of interest?
Math and English.

Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Gymnasium teacher (teacher for 16 - 19 y/o kiddos) .
It's kind of not possible to teach out one subject alone here in Sweden. I'm still deciding what to teach beside math but it is a tough call to make.

Favorite non-anime movies?
Inception, The Dark Knight (Rises), Good Will Hunting is pretty cool aswell.

Favorite games?
Back when I was even younger I used to play solo games. My favourites were: Warcraft III both the original and the Frozen Throne expansion, God of War II, Kingdomhearts II & Final Fantasy XII.

Music genres?Favorite music?
Mostly trance but I'm not necessarily locked to it. Watching anime reminds me of how much I like Japanese music.

Working out in the gym and anime. I used to sing, play the guitar and bass, but I quit since it consumes to much time and I don't enjoy it as much as I used to.

Do you prefer manga or anime?
Anime forsure. I enjoy manga, don't get me wrong, I even think it's better in some cases (like with Deathnote). It's just that you miss out on things like music and sound during the fighting scenes and romantic moments. My lazyness is a contributing factor aswell, and let's be honest: new anime looks way too gorgeous to choose manga above it.

Dub or sub?
I cringe whenever I watch Dual-audio animes and forget to put it in Japanese. The only legitimate dubbed anime out there is probably Pokémon.

Favorite genres?
I really like drama, adventure, romance and a bit of action is usually cool.

Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
Ehm... Whenever I don't understand something "keeh?" tend to fly out of my mouth followed by a wtf face. I don't even remember how I gained this lame habit, and I can't unlearn haha...
CylindtFeb 8, 2015 12:41 PM
Jun 14, 2013 4:33 PM

Oct 2012
1) What name do you prefer us to call you?
Art, Artstyle, Cai, Wabbit

2) Age?
18 in July

3) Location?
Natural born and citizen of Japan but half-Filipino blood, I go from Japan to Philippines, currently in PH though.

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
Anime, Visual Novels, Books, Games...

5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
I have none of both.

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
I have none.

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
I have none.

8) Favorite games? Game genres?
DotA League of Legends. Genre: Just about anything.

9) Favorite novels?
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Maximum Ride, Percy Jackson - Heroes of Olympus - Chronicles of Kane, Artemis Fowl

10) Favorite music? Music genres?
Emotional/Epic/Battle Anime OSTs / Battle Themes, Post-Hardcore, Classical, Metalcore, Alternative Rock, Pop

11) Hobbies?
Watching Anime, Reading Books/VNs, Playing games...

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.

Anime > Manga, I enjoy VNs and nothing else in the list.

13) Dub or sub?

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
Nothing really.
Jun 19, 2013 12:06 PM

Dec 2012
1)What name do you prefer us to call you?
tsudecimo or any nickname you can think off.


Sudan. Google it.

4)Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
Medical school second year.

5)Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Professional gamer(FGC) which will never happen so realistically speaking Medical physician.

6)Favorite non-anime movies?
The Dark Knight , Se7en , the hangover , X-men : first class , etc..

7)Favorite non-anime tv shows?
House, Breaking Bad and Dexter.

8)Favorite games? Game genres?
God of war III , SSF4 , UMVC3. Favorite genres: fighting games.

9)Favorite novels?
Didn't read one yet other than the sequel for OMK.

10)Favorite music? Music genres?
Rap & Hip Hop.

Sports( Football, 8 Ball Pool, Bing Bong.), video games and I am trying to get into reading actual books.

12)Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
I slightly prefer anime but I think reading manga has more advantages and options, so I hope to read more manga in the future.

13)Dub or sub?
Sub and hopefully raw in the future.

14)Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
Romance, comedy , drama and psychological.

15)Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
Not much of a quirk but I generally don't care what others think of me and I am somewhat pessimistic, it might not be odd in western culture but it's where I live.
Jun 19, 2013 12:22 PM
Jul 2018
I may have forgotten to do this.
1) What name do you prefer us to call you?

2) Age?

3) Location?
Czech Republic, a small town.

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
Football and programming (I know, right?)

5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Working at Valve or playing for Liverpool FC.

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
Anything by Quentin Tarantino

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Anything by Ricky Gervais

8) Favorite games? Game genres?

10) Favorite music? Music genres?
DnB, Rock, Punk-Rock

11) Hobbies?
Football (or Soccer, if you're cool), PC Games

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
I prefer anime.

13) Dub or sub?

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)

15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
I have a british accent.
removed-userOct 29, 2013 4:17 AM
Sep 11, 2013 5:11 PM
Jul 2018
Hello! I just joined!

1) What name do you prefer us to call you?

2) Age?
...I can't answer this.

3) Location?
I'm in the southeastern part of the United States.

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
Hmm....I'm not sure. I guess something along the lines of programming and computer science.

5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Video Game designer and/or programmer is my dream job. Some day, I hope to own my own game company and become big.

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
In order from my most favorite: Terminator 2: Judgement Day, The Lion King, The Terminator, Aliens, and I Am Legend. James Cameron directing something makes me happy.

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
In order from my most favorite: The Legend of Korra, Sym-Bionic Titan, Animaniacs, Gravity Falls, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I love my cartoons.

8) Favorite games? Game genres?
In order from my most favorite, my favorite games are: Solatorobo: Red the Hunter, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Kingdom Hearts II, and Metal Gear Solid 4. My favorite genre is Action/Adventure, with a love of JRPGs as well. I really love pretty much anything with Zelda in its name made after A Link To The Past. And I really think Solatorobo is EXTREMELY underrated.

9) Favorite novels?
I don't read a whole lot, but my favorite book is Alas, Babylon. Its about an alternate Cold War where Russia launches nuclear weapons throughout America and people in a small town in Florida must adapt and learn to survive everyday life. I'm also getting into the His Dark Materials series, starting with The Golden Compass.

10) Favorite music? Music genres?
I'm not too big on music, but I love listening to progressive rock, plenty of 80s music, and dramatic orchestral music. My favorite bands are Kansas, mostly known for Carry On My Wayward Son and Dust in the Wind, and Green Day, known for songs like 21 Guns.

11) Hobbies?
I mostly spend time watching anime or playing video games. If I'm not doing that, I enjoy browsing Tumblr, talking to people on forums, or viewing artwork.

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
I prefer anime. I'm not much on reading, and I don't like how a lot of manga is black and white. I like color. I might just prefer to have a fancy art book over a manga. Still, I do read a little manga, and I do enjoy some fan fiction and visual novels, as well as a few amvs.

13) Dub or sub?
I prefer English dubs, but I can watch either if I have to. I don't want to read or have words covering the artwork. Plus I want to be able to look away and still know what's going on.

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
I like action anime with a good story mixed in, but I don't require it. I also like mystery.

15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
I'm a fan of furry art.
removed-userSep 11, 2013 5:15 PM
Sep 23, 2013 5:59 AM

Jan 2012
1) What name do you prefer us to call you?


2) Age?

18 (in a month I'll be 19)

3) Location?

Denizli, Turkey

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?

I love philosophie, psychology, myths, spiritual stuff

5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?

I want to be a psychologist but I will use that job as a step for being a novelist.

6) Favorite non-anime movies?

Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Boys Don't Cry, Thelma & Louise, Saving Private Ryan, The Reader, Becoming Jane, Cold Mountain, Forrest Gump, Requiem For A Dream, Into The Wild

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?

Shameless, Game of Thrones

8) Favorite games? Game genres?

I'm not a fan of games o_O

9) Favorite novels?

Requiem For A Dream, Even Cowgirls Get The Blues, Memoirs of A Geisha, When Nietzsche Wept, Howl's Moving Castle, Mrs. Dalloway, The Hours, The Dispossessed, Little Prince, Still Life with Woodpecker, Jitterbug Perfume, Never Let Me Go

10) Favorite music? Music genres?

I listen every genre as long as it's good. I am big fan of Fiona Apple, Amy Winehouse, Kanye West, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Björk, Drake, Florence and The Machine, Green Day, Lana Del Rey, Lykke Li...

11) Hobbies?

Well I don't know it's a hobby but I change my religion once in two weeks o_O

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.

Depends on the stuff. Some mangas arts are so bad so I might prefer animes but in general I prefer mangas

13) Dub or sub?


14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)

I love josei, seinen, slice of life, fantasy, martial arts and samurai

15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.

Well I don't know where to start but here are some:
-Right now I'm a pagan o_O
-Like I said before I change my religion once in 2 weeks
-In the streets I try to realise people's personalities by looking their faces
neonstripedzebraSep 23, 2013 6:08 AM
Oct 16, 2013 8:30 PM

Aug 2013
Hi ! Nice to meet you all! :D
1) What name do you prefer us to call you?

2) Age?

3) Location?

4) Favorite non-anime movies?
Pacific Rim,White House Down, 21st jump street, conjuring, project X:D,21 and over,etc....

5) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Top Gear, The Ellen Degeneres Show, the walking dead, The simpsons etc...

6) Favorite games? Game genres?
Call of duty,Grand theft Auto,Need for speed, Watch dogs
Genre: shooting, strategy,violence,driving,and sometimes sports..

7) Favorite music? Music genres?
MitiS, Eminem,Tyga, Motrip, Kollegah, Habibi Brüder, Seyo, Bushido
Raps, Dubsteps

8) Hobbies?
Badminton, swimming, cycling

9) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
Animes and Manga

10) Dub or sub?
If you want to know anything else feel free to msg me or comment on my profile :D

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
tomadaichiOct 16, 2013 8:34 PM
Oct 18, 2013 9:02 PM

Jan 2013
1) What name do you prefer us to call you?

3) Location?

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?

5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
Silence of the Lambs

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Law and Order

8) Favorite games? Game genres?
Halo series and FPS and RPG

9) Favorite novels?
Halo series,

10) Favorite music? Music genres?

11) Hobbies?
Anime, gaming and programming

12) Do you prefer manga or anime?

I prefer anime over manga but that's only because I'm lazy. Manga is usually better than anime story and art wise.

13) Dub or sub?

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)

Sci-Fi, Psychological and Historical

15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.

Oct 31, 2013 1:32 PM

Sep 2012
1) What name do you prefer us to call you?
Everyone call me nihilist (or anime hater/hipster).So nihilist is fine.
2) Age?
3) Location?
In the corner of the middle of my room
4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
Math(not now).Got a full time (3 years)diploma in mechanical engg one and a half years ago.
5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Got job once in Steel factory, quitted it.Currently unemployed.
6) Favorite non-anime movies?
Bicycle Thieves, 3 idiots, Schindler's List.
Bankok knockout(guilty pleasure for action)
7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
The dalton brothers and takeshi castle(I like comedy)
8) Favorite games? Game genres?
None.I stopped playing games long ago after .nes era
9) Favorite novels?
I like to read short stories more than long ones.GOOD Short stories give me far more pleasure than a supposed epic.Ex short stories from Leo Tolstoy or Rabindranath Tagore.
10) Favorite music? Music genres?
11) Hobbies?
Watching bad anime/shows while drinking tea.
12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
Anime because I like watching moving pictures more than still pictures.No light novels because I can't read japanese and I can't find good ones(a.k.a Guardian of the spirit) in english.
AMVs?Why not, recommend me some(fight ones).
Computer broken so no VN even if I want to play.
13) Dub or sub?
Sub although I don't have any problem with dubs and I can watch them with ease.
14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
Mal says drama and psychological but actually its comedy.
15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
I am insomniac and it helps me in watching anime at night.
Nov 19, 2013 7:58 AM
Jul 2013
1) Haru is the name ♪( ´▽`)

2)Top kick ass anime:
-Soul eater (CRONA (≧∇≦)& black star LMFAO)
-Death note (L all day)
-Durarara (Shizaya.. Nuff' said)

3)Favorite manga: well, I'm a fujoshi. For those who don't know what that is, look it up. For those who do know what it is, you'll know why I can't list my fav manga XD

4) Location: bikini bottom

5)Age: how old is the person asking me? :o I'll adjust my answer accordingly XD

6)interest: traveling, anime/manga, writing/drawing, and jamming on the SAX WOOH

7)what I wanna be: a CEO c: of a cool business <3

8) Favorite non-anime movies: the hangover series XD

9) favorite non-anime tv series: The walking dead (refer to username c:<

10) favorite games: Ao ONI

11) favorite novel: Psh who reads? -3-

12) do you prefer anime? Hell yes c:

13) Dub or Sub: SUB! DUB IS FOR DINGUS'

14) favorite genre: yaoi, shoujo, romance, action, comedy

15) something unusual: hmm... I need to sleep with exactly 6 PILLOWS surrounding on my bed! !(◎_◎;) because I had a dream about vegeta raping me in super Saiyan mode, and that's the only way it doesn't occur again ;O;
Dec 21, 2013 4:24 PM
Dec 2013
1)What name do you prefer us to call you?
I rly dont mind, thexhamster or Spite will do

2) Age?

3) Location?
Australia, currently in canada for 2 months skiing

4) Your subjects of interest? Perhaps your present (or intended) major in college?
Im currently in 2nd year of university studying games programming and development with the hopes or graduating with a major in games art

5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Dream job to be an artist for games like kingdomm hearts or the FF series

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
Cabin in the woods

7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
The walking dead

8) Favorite games? Game genres?
I currently play on a professional oceanic LoL team so not much time for other games, but choosing one defs the kingdom hearts series

9) Favorite novels?
City of bones by classandra clare
All mathew reilly novels

10) Favorite music? Music genres?
Jpop, only exception is greenday

11) Hobbies?
Video games and drawing

12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
Love Anime and some fan fiction. my fave animes are guilty crown and the pet girl of sakurasou

13) Dub or sub?
Sub (is this even disputable)

14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
Rom com and SAO(places ive read they are now considering this online game format a genre with sed name)

15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
Im curious to a fault and often try to psychoanalyse people

Mar 3, 2014 10:35 AM

Jan 2013
1) What name do you prefer us
to call you?
- Shattereddreamzz Skyzblue is fine

2) Age?
- 20 *sighs*

3) Location?
- The Rose Garden, with my Bride..

4) Your subjects of interest?
- who the fuck gives a damn about studies Physics..

5) Your present (or intended)
occupation? Your dream job?
- Harem king (my parents seem to disagree with me though)

6) Favorite non-anime movies?
- Godfather 2, Chinatown, Dr Strangelove and how I stopped the bomb..

7) Favorite non-anime tv
- Bullshit, anime is everything for me
GoT, Friends, Firefly..

8) Favorite games?
- I love football. Fifa has corrupted my life.

9) Favorite novels?
- *with my brainy specs* Gone Girl, The Shining..

10) Favorite music?
- Give me a mushishi-esque soundtrack. I will listen to it the entire day.

11) Hobbies?
- Sleeping, taking a nap, lazily resting with my eyes closed.

12) Do you prefer manga or
anime? Do you also enjoy
Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction,
Visual Novels, Light Novels,
Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.?
- Recently I am on a 'manga phase'.. I can't seem to watch any anime.
- Watched only 1 Korean drama (Winter Sonata) ; fell asleep at an unknown time.
- VN's are great for fapping playing. My favs are Umineko, Tsukihime, G Senjou no Maou and Ever 17.
- Light novels: Utsuro no hako to zero no maria- read it.

13) Dub or sub?
- sub>dub (manga fan)

14) Favorite genres?
- Psychological, thriller, drama.

15) Name something unusual
about yourself. Yes, you have
one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
- Lionel Messi is my god. (Wait, is that even a quirk?)
TrequartistaMay 23, 2014 10:24 AM
Kagami_Hiiragi said:
Idc if you think its weird, I have a life and friends and an income of money.

Aug 9, 2014 3:01 PM

Jun 2014
Just joined.

1) What name do you prefer us to call you?
Scotch. Scotch-sama, scotch-senpai, basically anything that starts with S next to it. OR my real/kinda fake name, Zyzo.
2) Age?
Damn... I don't think I have enough self-esteem to answer this...
3) Location?
2D Realm
4) Your subjects of interest?
IT, Science, English
5) Your present (or intended) occupation? Your dream job?
Haven't decided yet
6) Favorite non-anime movies?
The Nightmare Before Christmas, childhood.
7) Favorite non-anime tv shows?
Adventure Time, Gravity Falls.
8) Favorite games? Game genres?
I love all games.
9) Favorite novels?
10) Favorite music? Music genres?
11) Hobbies?
12) Do you prefer manga or anime? Do you also enjoy Korean Dramas, Fan Fiction, Visual Novels, Light Novels, Live-Actions, AMVs, MMDs, etc.? Name your favorites here too if you want.
13) Dub or sub?
14) Favorite genres? (If uncertain, head to MAL USERNAME/favs)
TV, Super Power
15) Name something unusual about yourself. Yes, you have one. EVERYONE has a quirk.
I used to be called Sex Master in school, please, don't ask.
I'll be really really cool, if you're really really weird.
"You see this guy's eyes? More crossed than Christianity! Look at him!"
- Seamus "SSoH" O'Doherty
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