Oh, I expected it to be a low-effort, low quality attempt to milk as much as they could from this franchise. I also expected this to be a short-thrill rollercoaster ride with no room in the car for character development.
I was wrong.
The animation and music score is probably what merited from me a score of 9 by itself. But what particuarly was impressive was how well they had managed to flesh out Ji Wuye, Baifeng and Moye. Baifeng in particularly is unrecognisable in his personality that we are accustomed to.
See, before, Ji Wuye seemed like nothing more than a stand-in villain holding Crimson Snake against her will. Now he turned out to be a very intelligent, well-written power-obsessed psychopath which made Wei Xuang look like a principled sane leader that put down an unruly dog.
For Baifeng, I found it strange in wangcheng when he broke his composure and started strangling Crimson Snake, much like how Wei Xuang strangled Baifeng.
Now it make sense. Baifeng made the choice to stay with the group anyway. Crimson Snake in her emotional state hurt Baifeng by trying to hold him captive with death threats, much like how he felt when he was a guard-dog assassin for Ji Wuye. She insulted his camaraderie and tried to keep him leashed. It made Baifeng feel like she really never really understood him at all. Before I thought he snapped because he was in love with Crimson Snake and seeing her torn up over Wei Xuang.
And finally looks can be deceiving for Moye. From the questionable sociopathic exchanges with the soft-hearted Baifeng and his menacing black attire, one would think that Moye was going to be the villain from the start. It was a really nice twist but a bittersweet outcome seeing him go back and help Baifeng, that included trying to save the assassin as well. In the end, he couldn't free himself from the cage that was his heart. And now I can say, Baifeng has 'grown up' and understood what Moye was trying to teach him, his personality is much more like Moye now. |