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[MSG] Monster Girl Survival Game: Introduction, Rules, & Lore

Feb 20, 2017 4:18 PM

Jan 2015
Monster Girl Survival Game: Introduction, Rules, & Lore

Welcome to the MSG & MFF! If you have never heard of it before, you just want get pointers which stories to read, and/or you want to start a story of your own then this is where you begin. This post contains an index to help you navigate through all the information that is available in this thread.


General Introduction
  1. MSG Introduction: What are the MSG and MFF?
  2. Story Gallery
  3. Joining the MSG & MFF Step-by-Step
  4. Staff
  5. The Rules TL;DR Version

MSG Lore
  1. World & Map
  2. Monster Girls, Companions, & Demographics
  3. Honorary Monster Girls
  4. Technology, Commerce, & Religion
  5. Demonic Energy & Magic
  6. Monster Transformation
  7. History
  8. The Lords
  9. Lord Ahmose
  10. Lord Michiko
  11. Lord Elizabeth
  12. Lord Kaori
  13. Lord Amarante
  14. Lord Kioko
  15. Isles of Frosthaven and Asgard
  16. [url=]Teremir Council[/url]
mugen91Sep 9, 2023 5:03 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 4, 2017 5:22 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Introduction:

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What is a monster girl?
New to monster girls? No worries! We welcome all monster girl fans, new or old. Put simply, a monster girl (AKA a mamono) is an animal, mythical creature, or even an item given the form of a beautiful woman. These women, collectively known as monster girls, look mostly human but retain traits, physical or otherwise, from their non-monster girl counterparts. They are magical, they are powerful, they can live for hundreds of years, and they want YOU. To get a better idea, take a look at this: The Monster Girl Encyclopedia.

What is the MSG?
The Monster Girl Survival Game, or MSG for short, is a collection of stories about surviving in a shared world full of monster girls. Its setting is pre-established and the writers have to adhere to a bunch of rules to ensure a minimal degree of consistency and to prevent the writers from accidentally screwing each other over. However, the shared world allows you to build forth on work by others; nor do you have to come up with a setting of your own; and most importantly it allows you to do a COOP with an other writer where you can write parts your story together, add cameos of other writers, and/or make references to other stories. Your characters can meet another writer's characters, and it allows you to roleplay parts of your story together with other writers. The shared setting takes place in Arcadia, a large island full of monster girls where humans from earth are transported with no supplies, no way home, and no calling for help. How would you survive on Arcadia? Will you integrate into this world, or will you try to find a way back home? The choice is yours! The point of the MSG is to survive and have a good time!

For those who are interested in reading MSG stories, check out the Story Gallery where you will find an overview of all the stories we have in our club. For the readers and writers who are interested in the lore and rules of the MSG, keep reading, for this thread contains all the information you need to know to start writing your own MSG story.

What is the MFF?
Monster Girl Free Form stories, or MFF for short, are created entirely by the writer. The setting is yours to create, but it allows you to do pretty much whatever you want. It only follows two most reasonable rules:
  1. The story has to feature at least one monster girl, this is a monster girl club after all
  2. Don't use the work of others without their permission
For those who are interested in reading MFF stories, check out the Story Gallery where you will find an overview of all the stories we have in our club.

What about Monster Girl Short Stories?
Short Stories are stories that are began and concluded in only a few posts and are uploaded as a whole. They are perfect if you are looking for a quick monster girl story to read or write. Short stories can be part of the MSG as long as they adhere to the MSG rules and lore, or they can take place in their own setting (MFF Short Stories). A short story could be an excellent way to provide background information for something or someone from your main story.

For those who are interested in reading short stories: the general short story thread can be found HERE. The short stories that take place in the MSG setting have their own thread and can be found HERE.

How do I join?
"Well this is pretty friggin awesome! How do I join?" you might think. I'm glad you asked, and boy have I got the perfect post for you: Joining the MSG & MFF step-by-step Guide!
MetallumOperaturOct 25, 2018 1:46 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:23 PM

Jan 2015
Story Gallery:

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This is a list of all the current MSG & MFF stories. For ease of use, they have been grouped into active, finished and discontinued stories. Stories that haven't moved over from the Vault to the MG club yet, are separated by an enter from the other story cards in that category.

Blue cards are MFF Stories
v _ indicates a story has been restarted
Roman Numerals indicates a story sequel

- Active -

- Finished -

- Discontinued -

MetallumOperaturOct 25, 2018 6:04 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:24 PM

Jan 2015
Joining the MSG & MFF Step-by-Step:

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Note: If you decide you want to join the MSG then it is strongly advised to read this thread first, as it contains a lot of necessary background information and it will familiarize you with the rules that you are expected to follow. We know that having to follow rules isn't always fun, but they are necessary to warrant some degree of consistency and to keep the MSG a welcoming place for all writers!

Step #1
So you've decided you want to write a MSG or a MFF story and now you're asking yourself, "how the heck do I start a story and become famous and awesome like everyone else?"

The first thing you need to do is choose your main companion(s). For the MSG you can have in total up to two main companions. You can pick your companions from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Also decide if one of them is a futa.
Please note that for various reasons some monster girls are either banned or restricted for use as a companion in the MSG.
For the MFF there are no restrictions on the number of companions nor their species. You can even design your own monster girls!

Step #2
Now that you've picked your companions, you will need to write the first chapter of your story. For a MSG story there are two requirements for the first chapter:
1. It needs to explain how you arrived on Arcadia, or on/in the waters and islands around it.
2. It needs to be at least 800 words long.

The only requirement for a MFF story is:
1. Chapter #1 needs to be at least 800 words long.

Step #3
MFF stories can skip this step.
Now that you have your companions and your awesome first chapter, send everything to emeraldtryst or dcw2021 in a PM. The PM needs to include the following:

1. The first chapter of your story.
2. The name, race and gender (futa or not) of your first companion.
3. If you want a specific picture representation for your companions in the story gallery, you need to include links to pictures resembling your companions. Otherwise the standard encyclopedia images will be used.
4. Your starting position on the world map

Step #4
MFF stories can skip this step.
Wait. The officer in charge of story approvals will look at your chapter and companion information. He will assess your grammar and will reply to your PM telling you if there are things you need to fix, change or if your story has been approved. Should you for whatever reason no be able to get into contact with either emeraldtryst or dcw2021, then send a PM to one of the other staff members.

Step #5
So you made it. Your story has been approved and you almost peed yourself from excitement. You are now free to start your story. Make a thread with the proper story label: [MSG] / [MFF] and your story name. Post your first chapter and watch the comments flow like cash from a slot machine with a jackpot.

The general recommendation is to not make your too short or too long (around 800-2000 words is excellent) and to post a new chapter regularly. If you can't contain your excitement or write chapters like a machine, writing longer chapters and posting more frequently is of course okay.

Remember to be a part of the community and have a good time writing!
MetallumOperaturAug 22, 2018 1:34 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:25 PM

Jan 2015
Staff :

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Head Game Master

Game Masters

Lord Officers
[url=]Amarante[/url] -- dcw2021
[url=]Charisse/Ahmose[/url] -- emeraldtryst
[url=]Kioko[/url] -- cimechu
[url=]Kaori[/url] -- Clarus_Nox
[url=]Michiko[/url] -- tygertyger
[url=]Elizabeth[/url] -- aspicientis

Honorary Mentions
Blaszak - Creator of the MSG
Subenu - Former Head GM
Rabbiac - Auxiliary Head GM
MetallumOperaturJan 27, 2018 5:56 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:26 PM

Jan 2015
Rules the tl;dr version :

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The MFF has only two rules:
  1. Must contain at least one monster girl
  2. Don't use work from others without their approval
Those rules also apply to the MSG, but for the MSG there are other rules you have to follow too. Those will be introduced along the way in the MSG lore posts, but all rules are there to achieve three key goals. With a healthy dose of common sense and those three goals in mind, you can in most cases figure out yourself whether your cool idea can be used in the MSG or not. Remember: when in doubt feel free to ask a game master.

Here are the three key goals:
  1. Protect the writers: This is not a competition, but a writing project you work on together with others. Don't be an ass and go for mutual agreement if your story affects another writer.
  2. Preserve consistency: Minor inconsistencies are inevitable and no biggie, but the "big picture" should be the same for everyone. The larger the scale of what you want to do/add/state, the more this becomes relevant. So introducing a new village is fine, but introducing a large city requires you to communicate with the staff.
  3. Preserve the setting: Some properties of the setting are fixed and they will have to stay fixed. The most important ones are:
    • Technology level = medieval/renaissance: no gunpowder; no machines beyond simple steam engines; no trains; no modern communication devices; no mass production; and magical alternatives for such technologies are restricted (e.g. go talk to a GM before using long distance teleportation/portals/scrying magic/fireballs the size of a small moon); aesthetics from other periods/settings are fine (e.g. steampunk clothes that doth nothing but look fancy are fine, steampunk rayguns to zap your enemies are not).
    • The world: The map, major demographics, territories, lords, major cities, climate, and a few major landmark names are the same for everyone in the MSG. You will find these in the lore parts of this thread.
    • Monster girl potency: Monster girls are in most cases physically superior to humans. Some monster girls can also use magic, humans can not.
Remember: The MFF setting does not force the writer to adhere to these additional rules. If you don't like the MSG rules than the MFF is the format for you. If you don't like the rules for the MFF either, then this club is not for you!
MetallumOperaturMar 21, 2018 4:07 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:42 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: World & Map

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The Map
The current known world in the MSG setting comprises a small continental plate that hosts an archipelago. The central and biggest island is called Arcadia, while the whole archipelago together with its surrounding seas is called Atalantheis. Here is the most recent version of the map we use for Atalantheis and also a map with the different domains in Atalantheis:

Arcadia's and Atalantheis' Seizes
Though they were a bit shy, we managed to obtain all Arcadia's and Atalantheis' seizes, and are willing to disclose them to you ;-)
The total land surface area of Arcadia and the other islands combined is 4.25 million square kilometres (1.65 million mi2). This makes Arcadia a tad bit larger than half the area of the contiguous United States. Whether you call that a super island or a mini continent we'll leave up to you. Michiko’s aquatic domain spans the continental shelf around the island (light blue) and the coastal waters (blue) which has an area of around 4.75 million km2 (1.83 million mi2). So Michiko’s domain is bigger than all the the other domains combined. The open ocean beyond the continental shelf is uninhabited, unclaimed, and mostly terra (or should I say aqua) incognita.

The seizes of Arcadia and Atalantheis were chosen such that every pixel on the map corresponds to exactly 1 square kilometer (~2.5 km2 = 1 mi2). This allows for easy calculation of distances between two points on the map. Some examples: the distance between Haijokagawa in Kioko to Faldarfar in Elizabeth East coast is around 2270 km (1410 mi), and the distance between Bestallion and Alnor is 1065 km (660 mi).

To help visualize how big Arcadia really is, here is the same map with Texas, Germany, and South Korea laid over it to scale:

Landscapes and Climates in Arcadia
Arcadia sees a great variety in landscapes and climatological conditions. With wet temperate climate in Kioko, a dry rain-shadow desert climate in Ahmose, a mediterranean climate in Amarante, a plains/steppe climate in Kaori, and temperate+boreal forests in Elisabeth. As a rule of thumb the dominant wind direction comes from the South West, and hence the Western half of Arcadia is a few degrees warmer than the same latitudes in Arcadia's Eastern half. To get an idea as to what kind of landscape you can roughly expect in the area you are interested in, please refer to this landscape & terrain map:
MetallumOperaturMay 25, 2023 3:29 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:42 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Monster Girls, Companions, & Demographics

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Monster Girls & Companions
You are not alone on the island, it is populated with monsters and humans. Most 'NPC' monsters will try to 'coerce' a sexual encounter with a man, and sometimes women, given the opportunity. But even if they are civil, humans and monsters alike will ultimately have their own goals, whether those are met with you or through you. It is a dangerous world so you are allowed companions to assist you on your journey. 'Companions' have a special relationship with you, this does not have to be sexual but it often involves them looking out for your well being for one reason or another. You can be friendly with NPCs but ultimately your companions are special.

For the species of monster girls that can be found in the MSG we mainly use the Monster Girl Encyclopedia. If the Monster Girl Encyclopedia is expanded with a new monster girl, then that monster girl is automatically added to the MSG and can be used as both a NPC or as a companion. Remember that the Fallen Maidens are not used in the MSG. As with humans, monster girls all have individual personalities, so keep in mind that those MGE entries should only be used as rough guidelines. Anything in those entries that refers to elements that are not part of the MSG (e.g. the Demon Lord) should be ignored. There are a few species that are restricted or outright banned from the MSG for various reasons. Those species are listed below. If a newly released monster girl is restricted or banned from use, then that monster girl will be added to this list. Furthermore we allow various Honorary Monster Girls to be used as NPCs or companions. These HMGs are monster girl profiles that were made in the various Honorary Monster Girl Competitions we held here in the club. All HMGs that are allowed to be used in the MSG as well as their profiles can be found in this thread.

Restricted & Banned Monster Girls
  • The Lilim and the Dark Matter are banned from the MSG. They do not fit the setting and will not be found anywhere, neither as NPC nor as a companion. The Ocelomeh is, for now, also banned as its home habitat is not present in Atalantheis
  • The Apophis, Gazer, Seraph, and Pharaoh are restricted species of monster girls. They can only be NPCs and you have to contact an admin before you may use them in your story. Exceptions to this rule is mentioning individuals that have already been introduced through either the lore or through other stories. A good example of this exception would be the Pharaoh Lord Ahmose.
  • The Automaton, Angel, Gremlin, and the Chimaera are, like the Apophis, restricted species. The difference, however, is that these species can be used as companions. Though whether you want to introduce them as a NPC or as a companion, in both cases you have to contact an admin first.

We know that Demographics is not the sexiest of topics. Yet a basic understanding of it will help a lot with accurately describing the MSG world in your story.

General population numbers and population densities
The population living on land is around 21 million. This corresponds to a population density of around 5 people per square km, or 13 people per square mile. This is low, very low! South Dakota levels of low. So there will be plenty of areas where there is barely a living soul to be found.
The population living in Michiko's aquatic domain is around 9.5 million. This corresponds to a population density of around 2 people per square km, or 5 people per square mile. Keep in mind that this population is also spread over an additional dimension: depth. So vast swaths of sea pretty much only house nomadic groups of aquatic monster girls that travel long distances. As a rule of thumb: the further away you are from land the more the balance shifts from settlers to nomads.

Human Population
Around 0.5% of the terrestrial population is human. Most humans live among the monster girls either as husbands/wives or as "slaves" bred to be sold as husbands to desperate monster girls with some money to spent. Due to their rarity and high demand, humans are highly valued and usually treated accordingly. In some domains slavery is forbidden and humans enjoy a little bit more freedom. There are a few human villages left hidden in the nooks and crannies of the island. In most cases these villages enjoy the protection of a powerful monster girl or group of monster girls that chase off any would be husband seekers.

In Michiko's domain humans are even rarer and make up fewer than 0.25% of the population.

On average males make up around 70% of the human population. This difference is mostly due to accidental, and in some cases intentional, monsterization of human females. This is also the reason why on average human females are much younger than the men, for they are often monsterized before they grow old.

Monster Girl Population
There are over two hundred (and counting) species of Monster Girls living in Atalantheis. Naturally some species are more numerous than others. The tables below give a rough indication on how common or uncommon a certain species is for Arcadia and Michiko's aquatic domain respectively.

Keep in mind that the distribution of the monster girl species over Arcadia is often highly influenced by domain, climate, and terrain. For example: though the Anubis is fairly common in Ahmose's domain, they are rare in the other domains. The table does not tell where a species is concentrated. The lore posts about the different lords and their domains can give a further indication of which species are typically found in that domain.

Species Rarity Arcadia & Islands
Here all currently known monster girl species are listed by their rarity. Keep in mind that due to the large variety in monster girl species, being a very common species still means they make up only a little over 1% of the total population. Also keep in mind that these are the numbers for Arcadia and the islands, so many aquatic species will be much more common in Michiko's domain than they are "on land". Aquatic species living "on land" are usually living in the rivers, lakes, and wetlands there or are living in coastal population centres.

NB: Don't let a species' rarity deter you from using one in your story, just keep their rarity in mind while writing them in!

Species Rarity Michiko's Domain
Michiko's Domain includes a host of small islands and islets (to small to be depicted on the map) as well as some beaches, also there is magic readily available to make terrestrial species more adapt to a life underwater, so Michiko's domain is host to a minority of terrestrial species. This table only lists the species for whom it makes sense that they feasibly can be found living in the water or on the small island and islets "naturally". A prime example of non-aquatic species that still meet that definition are Harpy species (the Siren in particular) that live and nest on the coast/islands/islets but primarily forage on sea. All the unlisted species together make up around 5% of Michiko's citizens. For these "unlisted" citizens a writer might want to think about a plausible explanation as to why they live in Michiko's domain. Some examples could be: they are the x-th wife of a man whose first wife is one of the aquatic species; they are part of a tiny fishing community on one of the islands that belong to Michiko; they are refugees from one of the civil wars raging on the mainland; etc.

NB: Don't let a species' rarity deter you from using one in your story, just keep their rarity in mind while writing them in!
MetallumOperaturMay 25, 2023 4:17 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:44 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Honorary Monster Girls

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In this post you will find an alphabetical overview of all honorary monster girl profiles from the various honorary monster girl competitions that are allowed to be used in the MSG as either NPCs or as companions.
NB: This list is a work in progress and is updated whenever someone introduces a honorary monster girl to the HMG. If you want to introduce one or more yourself, contact Metallumoperatur or tygertyger to ask whether that one can be allowed into the HMG!

AISFURRU by VenomWolf

BLUE FOX by Tygertyger

CHERUB by Tygertyger



SERAPH by MetallumOperatur

SHINAN by MetallumOperatur

SUN BRIDE by emeraldtryst

WAREK by Tygertyger
tygertygerFeb 2, 2022 7:09 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:46 PM

Jan 2015
Reserved for more HMG profiles
MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 5:13 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:46 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Technology, Commerce, & Religion

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Medieval or older weapons such as swords, bows, and spears.

Enchanted weapons exist but are rare and not all will work for humans.

Black powder has been invented but is only used for fireworks.

MSG technology is split into three types:

1. Mechanical technology such as mills, clocks, generators, cranes and crossbows.
These are powered by rudimentary means such as levers, water, and springs.

2. Electrical technology such as light bulbs, potato batteries, generators and cooking appliances.
These can be powered by generators or monster girls (eg. thunderbird).

3. Magitech and Steampunk, such as advanced prostheses and magically powered mechanics.
This technology does not fall strictly under the medieval fantasy setting.
Because of this it is only allowed with GM approval to ensure it fits in the world.

Technology which is not contemporary to a medieval fantasy setting can only be used with GM approval.

Technology Limitations
1. Technology can not be used to create weapons or transportation.

2. Only minor (definition) items are allowed.

3. Technological items are extremely limited in availability and can not be mass produced.

4. MG NPCs can not create items that do not belong to the three technology types.
An off-island human can only create items with GM approval.

If you do not know if your technology is allowed, ask a GM

MSGC: Knowledge of modern tech can be used for personal gains only with GM approval.
Reasonable explanations are required for any such approval

The island currency are Gold coins.
The gold is mined and distributed by the dwarves of the central mountain and is the standard currency for all major cities. Trade and bartering may be more prominent in the country.

What items may I obtain?
General goods can be obtained any way you want.
Powerful weapons or enchanted items of any kind must be approved by an officer.
If the MGE says MGs can do something with or to items they can do it.

There are few enchanters on the island and they usually don't set up shops.
Any enchantments which give significant advantages to their user need to be approved by an officer.
Enchantments can either be passive or active.
Passive enchantments draw from the demonic energy present in the air and their power greatly depends on their location on the island.
Active enchantments draw their power from their user and as such their effectiveness depends on the user.
Humans are able to use items with passive enchantments but not those with active enchantments.

There are no organised religions like we know them. Many of the island's inhabitants have no grasp of the concept at all. Others have views similar to animism, where the thing they "believe in" exists everywhere. One of the more common forms of devotion is to an ideal or something similar. A succubus might be part of a cult devoted to hedonism for example, while and angel or valkyrie might be dedicated to purity and righteousness.
MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:41 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:47 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Demonic Energy & Magic

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Demonic Energy Detailed explanation
"Demonic Energy" is the omnipresent energy, which makes some of the girls able to use "magic". Some girls able to use magic also have a bit of this energy in their body, allowing them to cast "weak" magic without using much the surrounding demonic energy.

Therefore we refer to magic as the focused/gathered/molded form of demonic energy, used by a girl for her magic. Some girls just have "passive" magic which will get stronger if she's in such a high energy area (e.g. Weresheep's sleep magic)

Demonic energy was first introduced by early humans, because of its unknown origin and not explainable source. It was labeled as "demonic energy" and thus as the name inclines: They thought it was bad. Later it was found out, that some Monstergirls seem to interact with this energy and could use it for creating unexplainable Magic. As it got known better, Demonic Energy wasn't that bad anymore, but the name "demonic energy" still remained.

The land itself emanates this energy, generally on a very low scale. but there are lots of places with different "strength's" (or densities) of Energy. Girls being able to "gather" (or "manipulate/focus/mold" this energy) will be able to make use of it and get their "magic" getting stronger.
Places where those girls used their magic will be places who will then emit stronger demonic energy which leads to the surrounding environment having less energy.

Where these places are is unknown, but they are there. And the "energy" is also moving as the monstergirls "mold" the energy to use magic in different places. If a concentration of energy is too much, the girl will not be able to focus and control it.

The normal energy is something everyone can feel, IF they focus hard on it, otherwise they wouldn't really notice it. But the higher the energy concentration gets, the more aroused humans and monstergirls will be.

Demonic Energy Summary
- Demonic Energy constantly emanates from the land.
- The emanating energy is weak, except in places where the energy is naturally stronger.
- Those places are usually just some squaremetres big (e.g. varying from 2m² up to maybe ~100m²)
- Demonic Energy has an aphrodisiac effect and will make those in contact with it aroused.
The stronger the demonic energy "output" is, the more aroused you become.
- If a Monster girl or human is not used to above-average or high densitiy demonic energy areas, then both of them are affected equally regarding the aphrodisiac effect.

- There might be a slightly translucent, shimmering, purple mist (lets call it Horny dust!) in areas with strong demonic energy concentrations.
- This mist ("Horny dust") can only be collected by witches, and needs to be bound to a liquid. After imbuing the dust, they can give (trade/sell) it away. This "Horny Brew" doesn't really last that long since the energy slowly dissipates.
- Imbuing for example honey or nectar with demonic energy makes its arousing effect significantly stronger.
- Sniffing the dust raw has nasty effects, because it will literally melt your brain. In addition, (travelling through this mist "just" causes your penis (if you have one) to explode!!!, because of the aphrodisiac effect).
MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:40 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:51 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Monster Transformation

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Monster transformation:
As you get used to life on the island you will come to accept the monsters around you. You will have your friends, your companions, and possibly even a family. But you will eventually realize that you are not the same person you were when you arrived. But it is not just your experiences that have changed you. Demonic energy has slowly been seeping into you since you arrived. Eating away at your reservations and your morals. Increasing you desire and sexual stamina. As if adapting to the desires of your likely partners; you can feel the increased desire to be with them, to please them, to display your skill, and to sate your own increasingly insatiable needs. You realize that you are becoming more like a monster. If you accept this change in yourself you will eventually transform into a monster.

How do I become a monster?
There are a couple different processes and it may vary depending on if you are male or female but the basic process is being infused with demonic energy.
  • You can be infused with a whole lot of demonic energy all at once
  • You can slowly change due to contact with monster girls and ambient demonic energy
  • You could be purposefully turned into a monster

What happens if I am infused with a lot of demonic energy all at once?
Being covered in the blood of a powerful monster, visiting certain places, or even certain substances can quickly infuse a person with a large amount of demonic energy.
This can cause the transformation into a monster to be almost immediate.
By default women become lesser succubi or succubi and men become incubi but if the cause is a specific monster then women become the same type of monster.
However, this method is very dangerous.
Survival is not guaranteed and the intense increase in sexual desire can destroy the mind, turning them into nothing but sex crazed beasts. At the very least, the person will never be the same again.

What happens if I am purposefully turned into a monster?
Some monsters have the ability to turn women into monsters and others can consciously affect the incubization process for men.
For women this can be done on instinct, to make a servant, to have a new comrade, or simply upon request.
For men this is done to make a more fitting partner or to increase sexual stamina.
This is not as extreme as infusing a whole lot of demonic energy at once but if done against their will it will still have an effect on the mind, making them physically and mentally the monster they become.

What happens when I slowly turn into a monster?
Whenever one has sex with a monster they are infused with a portion of their demonic energy. If done often enough the person can change into a monster.
Women will become the same species as their partner.
Men will become an incubus but can take on physical traits, such as tails and ears, of their regular partners.
This process is affected by the person’s will. If they wish to become a monster the process will be quicker. If they refuse to become one they can halt the process.
The process happens in three basic stages:
1. The person becomes overall more attractive. Lose weight, better skin, more attractive body, as well as more lust and sexual stamina.
2. The person gains an unconscious charm spell, compelling even the most reserved to show interest.
3. The person fully becomes a monster. This will happen basically overnight once they reach a certain threshold, but there may be some early signs that it will happen.

What happens when a woman becomes a monster?
The woman becomes a monster completely.
If she was impregnated by a futa, there is a chance she will turn into a monster.
If she was impregnated by an incubus, she will give birth to a human child before becoming a monster.
She will have all the strengths and weaknesses of the species she becomes.
Many monsters of the same species may consider her a lower class member until she can prove herself.
She will have increased sexual desire.
She will no longer be able to produce spirit energy.
She will be able to use magic.

What happens when a man becomes a monster?
The man becomes an incubus.
He will share some aspects of his partners but will generally be like a male succubus.
He will be able to use magic.
A man can also turn into an Alp and fully become a monster.

What is an incubus?
An incubus is considered a male monster but is technically still human.
They are created when a human male is infused with demonic energy.
They can use demonic energy.
They have the long lifespan of a monster.
They are a spirit energy factory.
They have incredible sexual desire and stamina.
All monsters are naturally drawn to them.
Some monsters will only see Incubi as men worthy to be their husbands.

What is an Alp?
An Alp is a monster that is created when an Incubus becomes female.
This happens when the incubus desires to become female, rather consciously or subconsciously.
If an Incubus uses too much demonic energy, the desire to replenish it can result in him becoming an Alp.
They cannot produce spirit energy.

What happens when an incubus becomes an Alp?
They lose the ability to produce spirit energy.
They lose all male specific physical traits.
They will immediately gain female genitals.
They are mentally unchanged but inevitably will grow to desire spiritual energy.
If they are overcome by their desire for spiritual energy they will become the ideal woman envisioned by their former male selves and become just as sexually driven as a succubus.

Can a former human become a futanari?
Durring the transformation process it is possible for a female, woman or alp, to become a futanari.
They can perform all the functions of a male and a female but cannot produce spirit energy.

N.B.: Please discuss any monster transformation with a club officer[/s]
MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:35 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:52 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: History

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MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:34 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:57 PM

Jan 2015
MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:33 PM
Jul 4, 2017 5:58 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: The Lords

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MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:33 PM
Jul 4, 2017 6:09 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Ahmose

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MetallumOperaturFeb 20, 2020 4:33 PM
Jul 4, 2017 6:09 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Michiko

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The Wise Lord rules a realm that mostly lies beneath the waves. That fact tells one everything that one needs to know about Michiko, both the realm and the Lord; however calm things appear on the surface, there is always a lot going underneath.

Lord Description
Michiko is a Sea Bishop with black hair and iridescent blue-green scales. She is large for her race, but not freakishly so, with light brown skin and a palpable aura of dignity. The Wise Lord’s face and form are appealing in their own right, but her beauty mainly lies in her dignity and elegance. Her eye color changes according to her mood – deep blue when she is calm, bright green when she is happy, violet when she is feeling amorous, or gray when she is angry. These color shifts are often the only indication of her feelings; the Wise Lord rarely displays strong emotion. She has been heard to raise her voice only a few times during the last several centuries, and those who know her are convinced that those incidents were merely acting.

All of the Lords are fabulously wealthy, but Michiko differs from the others in how she displays her wealth; she uses it to showcase the bounty of her realm. She wears conservative clothing made from fine “sea silk” (fibers from specially grown kelp) and jewelry made from coral, pearls, and nacre (mother-of-pearl). Her current consort -- who always appears with her at court -- and her nobles wear similar finery. Michiko’s royal scepter is carved from a single narwhal tusk. When acting as hostess Michiko sets a sumptuous table… if one likes sushi and sashimi.

The Wise Lord is quiet and unassuming, given to long silences and extended periods of solitude when her duties permit. She is also a master planner who prefers giving a well-timed nudge to shoving. “Work smarter, not harder,” is her motto. Michiko’s laws are designed not to exert control but to guide society along lines that are productive and efficient. She’s not all work and no play, however. Michiko understands the role of fun and relaxation in maintaining morale -- including her own. She makes a point of spending some “quality time” with her consort every day. Michiko is unfailingly polite to everyone, deserving or not, even while she belittles those who earn her contempt. She eschews sarcastic barbs and vulgar jibes in favor of veiled insults.

Michiko only has one consort at a time out of respect for her subjects, who must often share a man if they can find one at all. She remains faithful to that man until his death and won’t choose another until after a suitable period of mourning.

Magical talent is common to all of the Lords, but there is reason to believe that Michiko is even more powerful than she seems. She is known to be a grandmaster of hydromancy and healing magic and a master of glamour. Michiko has displayed advanced ability to control the animals and plants of the sea, but the full extent of this power has never been demonstrated to anyone who is still available for comment.

Realm Description
Michiko’s realm is the sea. In theory this means most of the world. In practice it means the entire continental shelf around the world’s only known continent Arcadia. The only terrain type is water, but that can vary from seas as smooth as glass to waves of terrifying height. The oceans are vast enough that there is always a storm raging somewhere, and it is always sunny somewhere. The trick is to follow the pleasant weather and avoid the worst storms.

The most frequent hazards on the ocean surface are storms. Thunderstorms and windstorms can drive monstrous waves. Waterspouts are even more dangerous. A major seismic disturbance has a chance of creating a tsunami, but such occurrences are rare. Solitons -- rogue waves that appear out of nowhere on calm seas -- can be deadly to surface ships.

Hazards under the waves are usually dangerous life forms. The world boasts several species of shark, some of which are large and powerful enough to be dangerous to mamono. There are also dolphins, including the largest member of that family, the orca. These creatures appear cute to human sensibilities, but their strength and natural weaponry make them formidable predators. Dolphins on the mamono world seem to have heightened ability to use their echolocation as a sonic weapon, and they often use it in combat against monsters (many of whom regard dolphins as food). Monster Earth has dozens of species of jellyfish including some of the deadlier varieties from Earth; the sea wasp and the Portuguese man-o-war are both more common in Michiko than they are in Earth’s oceans. The Humboldt squid, one of the largest and most aggressive cephalopods, is a frequent pest of undersea farms. Large animals aren’t the only threats; the island also suffers periodic red tides.

The most constant hazard of the sea is its pervasive chill. The water in most places is cold, and the temperature can even drop below freezing at great depths. Water expands when it freezes, but the immense pressure of the deeps prevents ice from forming. Add to this water’s superior heat conductivity relative to air and it’s easy to see why keeping warm underwater is difficult. Seagoing mamono are adapted to the cold, but even they are in danger if they dive too deep.

There are few permanent settlements in the ocean. Most of the Wise Lord’s subjects are nomads who live by following the schools of fish on which they feed. The permanent settlements that do exist tend to be large -- as in, actual cities rather than towns or villages. Such settlements grow up around large agricultural concerns. Michiko has instituted free public education for city dwellers, so settled mamono tend to be well schooled and quite civilized.

The prevailing culture in Michiko is similar to that of the Polynesian peoples of Earth. Sea folk tend to be gregarious and to express their emotions openly, but the environment in which they live demands toughness. Michikona will laugh, rage or cry at the drop of a hat, but they are stoic in the face of pain or fear. Even a child will sit still and not cry out while being stitched up for a barracuda bite, but that same child will sob inconsolably over a lost toy. Michikona are brave about the important stuff, but about everything else they emote freely. They are also respectful of elders and people of high station.

The closest thing to human religion in Michiko (other than the religions practiced by humans) is a kind of animism. Many mamono believe that the sea itself is a vast, capricious spirit of immeasurable power. They further believe that this spirit must be placated lest it do harm. Michikona who hold to this belief wear talismans representing whichever aspect of the Sea Mother they identify with. Storm, Wave and Sand are the most common, but some follow marine animal or plant totems and those who dwell in the deeper reaches may follow totems like Dark (which represents depth and cold) and Black Smoker. Such totemic practices often shape the practice of magic.

Michiko’s realm is the largest in the world, and it is also rich in resources. This combination of plentiful food and vast living space means that there is very little fighting within the realm. Most conflicts are feuds involving families or groups of friends. The larger incidents are usually part of vendettas between trader clans. The end result is that undersea mamono generally aren’t suspicious of each other. Most believe that they are safe within a city, and they’re right… most of the time. The sight of an unclaimed human male will spark a “feeding frenzy” of such violence that injuries are virtually certain and fatalities are not unheard of. Even the presence of a claimed male can incite violence if his consort seems weak or inattentive.

Nomadic sea dwellers have little use for any economy beyond barter, but things are not so simple among the settled folk. The underwater cities use a monetary system similar to the one that the land dwellers use, except using pearls (which are naturally water resistant) rather than metal coins that corrode in salt water. Fisheries and crustacean ranches are Michiko’s major industries, with kelp farms a close third. For luxury goods, as well as food, there are beds of oysters (for pearls, for both jewelry and coinage) and clams (for nacre). Many a coastal town has its beaches sheltered by the work of coral sculptors.

Michikona trade for goods that can’t be produced underwater, which often means anything that requires the use of fire. Ceramics, corrosion-resistant metals, and bone are all useful materials in the sea. Cooked food is a rare delicacy. Sea dwellers also trade in humans, but at great risk; the Wise Lord has outlawed slavery. The harsh penalties for this crime guarantee that even low-quality slaves can command high prices.

Michiko’s Castle
The Sunken City is built on top of a seamount with Michiko’s residence at the center. The Wise Lord resides in a resplendent castle that is made of still-living coral. The building is easily large enough to house over a thousand people -- even if those people are the larger varieties of mamono -- but there are rarely that many present. The palace consists of a seven-sided wall surrounding a ring of six towers around a larger central tower. Each tower is fully self-sufficient with its own kitchen, storerooms, garrison, guest rooms, and servants’ quarters. The central tower also contains several ballrooms, guest quarters suitable for visitors of high station, and Michiko’s throne room. The Leviathan Throne itself is carved from the bones of a great whale, but Michiko only sits in it during affairs of state.

Nearly a third of the population of the Sunken City is in the direct or indirect employ of Lord Michiko. Those who do not serve in the palace guard or household staff may be farmers who supply the palace with food or artisans who supply the palace with goods. The members of the palace guard tend toward the more powerful and dangerous marine mamono. Many of the finsoldiers are cancers (due to their natural armor) or nereids (because of their speed and agility) while undines, scyllas, and krakens provide sorcerous support. Each wall has three charybdises stationed along its length at regular intervals. The household staff are mostly mermaids, merrows, and sea slimes, but Michiko also employs a large number of ghosts as covert scouts. The sea never gives up her dead; she puts them to work.

Michiko’s Servants
Michiko has many direct servitors, but there are three in particular who handle the matters most important to her.

Ula: The sahuagin Ula holds the title of the Liminal; she is in charge of the coastal waters and acts as the liaison between Michiko’s realm and the realms on land. Ula is a warrior by nature (indeed, she has the finest military mind in the sea), but she understands the importance of diplomacy. She also appreciates the value of battlefield sorcery even though she is no sorcerer herself. The forces under Ula’s direct command consist entirely of mamono who can operate in water or on land with no loss of efficiency.

Nerina: The Pelagic -- the noble in charge of the open waters -- is a Nereid named Nerina. Her sphere of influence extends from the surface down to a depth of 300 Michiko-sized body lengths. Nerina is a brilliant administrator who is rightly renowned for her skill at negotiation. There are no official military forces under Nerina’s command, but she has arranged for a number of citizen militias that she can mobilize at a moment’s notice. Nerina’s actual “soldiers” are the army of traders and shopkeepers in Michiko’s realm. Commerce is her battlefield, and there are few who can meet her there as equals.

Capillaria: Capilliaria the kraken is the Abyssal. As the noble who holds sway over the depths from the bottom of Nerina’s territory down to the sea floor she is Michiko’s spymaster and leading sorcerer. She is also an important figure in the spiritual lives of Michikona; Capillaria is a known proponent of animism (as opposed to Lord worship) and the High Priestess of the Church of the Sea Mother. She is rumored to be conducting an ongoing vendetta against the death-worshipping Cult of the Black Smoker.

Public Relations
Michikona are often outspoken in their appreciation for their Lord. A combination of fair laws, little taxation, a low crime rate and minimal government interference in citizens’ lives keeps Michiko in the good graces of her people. Of all the Lords only Amarante enjoys an equally good reputation.

Depending on when one tries to do it, getting an audience with Michiko is either impossible or ridiculously easy. She holds regular festivals throughout the year during which couples (or groups!) can petition her for her blessing. Michiko’s festivals occur on the first night of the Full Moon of every third month, and each is named after a different virtue; they are the Festivals of Love (Spring), Courage (Summer), Fidelity (Autumn), and Truth (Winter). Outside of festival times she only sees people on official business or if they bring news that bears on the well-being of the realm.

Michiko’s policy of governing is, “The government that governs best governs least.” She doesn’t take this to mean that government officials shouldn’t interfere in the lives of the governed. Rather she sees it as an obligation of the governed to conduct themselves in such a way that little interference is called for. To that end she has instituted the best public education system in any of the realms. She also actively encourages public service (usually via the military or civil service), citizen militias, and entrepreneurship. In Michiko’s opinion a responsible, well-educated, prosperous people doesn’t need a lot of governing.

Michiko also makes deliberate use of her people’s love for her as a means of maintaining control; people who have it good don’t want to revolt. The Wise Lord recognizes that rampant poverty, abuses of the populace by the police and military, and a lack of accountability among government officials all contribute to unrest. Therefore she ensures that there is plenty of economic opportunity for those who are willing to work for it and sees to it that officials who abuse their power are publicly punished. This is not to say that Michiko is loved to the exclusion of being feared; the punishments for corrupt officials make that impossible. The Wise Lord’s subjects love her because they know how fearsome she chooses not to be.

Relations with other realms
Amarante: The Calm Lord is Michiko’s staunchest ally, and vice versa. Their similar leadership styles guarantee that they have much in common politically. Most trade goods from the sea come ashore in Amarante, and it is Amarantine artisans who produce most of the surface-made goods in Michiko’s realm. There is also more cultural exchange between Michiko and Amarante than between any two other realms.

Charisse/Ahmose: In terms of environment the desert is the diametric opposite of the sea, and this difference informed Michiko’s dealings with the Lazy Lord. Being wise, Michiko never believed that anyone could truly be as self-indulgently incompetent as Charisse appeared to be. On the other hand, Charisse knew that Michiko was keeping secrets beneath the waves. This dance of mutual mistrust kept Charisse and Michiko circling each other like sharks (or scorpions) about to strike, and therefore kept their realms in a constant state of wariness regarding each other.

Michiko and Ahmose are still taking each other’s measure after Charisse’s departure. The state of détente still persists, but the Wise Lord treads carefully lest she alienate a potential ally. The Innocent Lord, for her part, sees the vast resources of the sea as a golden opportunity for trade. Small-scale operations regarding the desalinization and purification of seawater show promise; if these methods can be scaled up the resulting industry will send water flowing to the desert and gold flowing to the sea. Both Lords would like to see that happen, but first they must learn to trust each other.

Elizabeth: Elizabeth is still new to lordship and is therefore an unknown quantity to the other Lords. Michiko voted in favor of elevating Elizabeth to Lord status because the two of them agree on issues like protecting their people and governing from a distance. The differences in their methods insure that their dealings are tinged with caution, but Michiko believes that Elizabeth’s harsher approach to crime and punishment works for a nation that borders Kaori. The Wise Lord also hopes to gain a trading partner on the northern coast.

Kaori: Michiko and Kaori have a cordial relationship, but one would have to be blind to miss the strain. The simple fact is that they don’t like each other. Michiko regards Kaori as a bloodthirsty barbarian but sees her as a necessary evil -- someone has to guard the Demon Gate. Kaori is torn between her instincts and her madness (which tell her that anyone so quiet and humble must be weak) and her tactical knowledge (which tells her that anyone who commands such resources is a real threat). The Wise Lord and the Savage Lord have tacitly agreed to leave each other alone, and their subjects mostly do the same… except where the slave trade is concerned. When Michikona buy slaves they usually buy them from Kaorians.

Kaori’s disappearance upset the balance of power in the region. Michiko suggested to the other remaining Lords that they choose a replacement rather than waiting for the most vicious and bloodthirsty warlord to take the position by force, but hers was the lone voice advocating such action. Since the ascension of the Unexpected Lord relations between the sea and the steppes have cooled even further -- Nergal does not appreciate Michiko's advocacy of the other Lords' interference in Kaorian affairs. For her part Michiko sees Nergal as an improvement over the Savage Lord, but she is reserving judgment until she sees how the newly-minted Lord of Kaori intends to handle the slave trade.

Kioko: Michiko didn’t trust Charisse and didn’t like Kaori, but she simply doesn’t understand Kioko. The Wise Lord is a rational being who doesn’t let emotions dictate her actions. The Fickle Lord is a creature of passion and caprice who has been known to kill over a trivial insult or grant a noble title in exchange for a sweet roll. Michiko pretends to ignore Kioko’s antics and hopes that no one notices how annoyed she is. Judging by the way that the zaniness intensifies when Michiko is around, it’s a good bet that Kioko notices. Michikona and Kiokojin aren’t so standoffish with each other. There is much local trade and social interaction between realms that occurs on Kioko’s beaches, and a great many men who live in Kioko have wives who come from Michiko.

The size and bounty of Michiko’s realm allow for a larger population than the island can support. Most land dwellers never think about how many mamono live beneath the waves, and even Michikona don’t really know how many of them there are. They just know that their cities are crowded. Scholars believe that the population of Michiko is a full order of magnitude greater than the island population.

Scholars of magic believe that Michiko’s public education system includes instruction in magic for youngsters who show sufficient talent. The Wise Lord offers a stipend to sorceresses who enter public service and “land” grants to those who serve for at least a century.
tygertygerSep 18, 2023 7:56 AM
Jul 4, 2017 6:10 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Elizabeth

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mugen91Sep 9, 2023 5:01 PM
Jul 4, 2017 6:11 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Kaori

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Lord(s) description

Akuma (The great Lord)

Akuma was a malef with silver hair, iridescent, purple scales and tanned skin. She was large for a Malef, but quite diminutive when measured against her draconic cousins of other species. Born in the distant mist of unrecorded history, little is known of Akuma’s life prior to her ascension as Lord, other than that she hailed from a powerful and influential clan whose name has been scoured from the history books.

In the modern day, the great Lord holds a near mythological status, but not in a good way. Her name is generally reviled as the one holding the principal blame for the outbreak of the War of the Ancients and the continent’s decline that has continued for more than ten thousand years since that war ended.

Akuma ascended to Lordhood in the year 1762 of the first age by slaying the original Lord Kaori. Her actions were not motivated by greed or lust for power, but an earnest desire to preserve the shrinking human population of the continent. In her eyes the Lords of the day were doing a poor job maintaining the balance between the species, which was their primary responsibility then.

As the first new Lord since unremembered antiquity, Akuma took a very active role in the governance and policy of her realm. She was known to judge her subjects fairly, though her punishments for severe failure were widely feared.

In the millennia that followed her ascension to Lordhood Akuma turned Kaori from a disunited realm being exploited for its resources into the pre-eminent military power of the continent. Her often harsh policies for the preservation of the humans under her rule earned her both the support and ire of many.

She enjoyed a very good reputation among Arcadia’s angelic and human population, but the much more difficult access to prospective husbands resulted in the dissatisfaction of many mamono.

Akuma’s ascension to power had far-reaching consequences for the continent. The consolidation of most of Kaori’s minor and major tribes and kingdoms under her power resulted in most of the other Lords either beginning to exercise more control over their domains or being themselves replaced or outright ousted by others.

While this renewed interest in the affairs of the world might’ve been a positive thing to Akuma initially, she soon found herself disappointed that these new and old Lords, in her eyes, still failed to live up to their true task.

Whether it was this disappointment or a slow fall to madness is unknown. But in an unprecedented move and what historians would one day call the triggering event for the War of the Ancients, Akuma slew Lord Andrayune, the Lord of modern day Elizabeth, to become the Lord of that domain as well.

The great Lord is said to have been a cunning leader and politician, able to inspire loyalty as much as she was able to inspire fear. Her magical talents, at the time, were unsurpassed and no one quite knew how many among the many schools of magic she had mastered.

Akuma was known to only ever keep a single incubized consort. Though whether or not this consort was the same for the almost twenty-one thousand years her reign lasted is unknown, as she was known to jealously guard her consort from interaction with anyone but herself.

Kaori (The savage Lord) (originally named Kishar)

Lord Kaori was an exceptionally large and especially fearsome Ushi-oni renowned for her inhumane brutality and cruelty. Unlike other Lords who are often gifted with both tremendous power and exceptional beauty Kaori wasn't an especially appealing sight, and what little charm she had been given as an exotic mamono was sacrificed in favour of either power or the ability to inspire terror in all around her. The entirety of the human parts of her body were covered in power channelling tattoos and self-inflicted scars, making her almost repulsive to behold, and her spider parts were covered in thick fur that wasn't much better. However, it worked. Most people who encountered her described her as the personification of their worst terror and nightmares.

Before becoming the Lord of her own domain, Kaori fought in the war of the ancients as one of Charisse’s favoured generals and even then she was known for her savagery in battle. She was not a tool that was chosen when finesse was required. Rather, Kaori was the battering ram used to shatter all resistance before her with merciless force. After the end of the war Kaori, who was known as Kishar then, was one of two candidates to become the new Lord of Kaori. The other candidate was one of Akuma’s greatest surviving generals, the dark elf Börte. While there are no historical records to confirm this, those in Kaori old enough to care about such ancient history still believe that the other Lords put the savage Lord into her position to ensure the land from which the great Lord hailed would forever be torn apart by the decrees of its bloodthirsty new Lord.

As a combat fanatic the first and perhaps most important rule that came into effect after Kaori took Lordship was that “Might makes right.” Under Kaori’s rule much if not most of the work that Akuma put into merging the disparate groups of the realm was undone. Instead, much of the realm fractured into separate groups each vying for power and influence over others through force. This was very much intended. Kaori firmly believed that only adversity breeds powerful individuals and that, in a world dominated by the powerful, only such worthy individuals would rise to power.

So fanatical was Kaori about martial prowess and physical combat, that she had an open policy that any worthy challenger may duel her for the title of Lord. Over the course of ten thousand years many have taken her up on the offer, but none lived to tell the tale. While individual challengers for her power were always appreciated, Kaori reacted with utmost hostility to any attempts for cities or regions to undermine her rule and would respond with brutal and savage force to any such attempts.

Like all the Lords, Kaori possessed magical talents, but due to her preference for physical combat, she was rarely seen exercising them. She saw the value of magic to Kaori’s war machine and hence supported the development of combat mages, but personally felt nothing but disdain for such individuals.

Kaori’s ultimate fate is unknown. Sometime in the 6222nd year of the modern age, the savage Lord disappeared without a trace, leaving a realm in disarray and teetering on the edge of civil war.

Nergal (The unexpected Lord)

Nergal is a dark valkyrie of pure silver hair and sea-green eyes. She is of average stature for her race with purple skin tanned from long years spent under the southern Kaorian sun. She exudes an aura of calm competence and, in spite of a number of deep scars, affects a dignified and elegant demeanour.

Nergal, formerly the marshal of Kaori’s second legion, rose to Lordship somewhat unexpectedly in the 6231st year of the modern age. Nine years had passed since Kaori’s disappearance and with every day a great civil war threatened to overshadow even the horrors just recently experienced by the denizens of Ahmose. Generals of Kaori’s legions, various powerful warlords and even particularly ambitious slaver groups looked covetously to the empty throne in Zarom.

Contrary to the values espoused by the missing Kaori and the expectations of an entire continent, Nergal spilled very little blood during her ascension to the throne, Instead she applied a great deal of backdoor diplomacy, threats, blackmail, promises and outright lies to slowly build a critical mass of support among Kaori’s major powers. There are troubling rumours that she also enjoys the backing of Brynnhilde, the leader of the winged legion.

Shortly after the ascension, Tauthe, the marshal of Kaori’s first legion, challenged her to single combat for the position of Lord. Nergal did not use any of her new Lordly powers as she met the challenger in a purely physical duel… a duel that only she ultimately walked away from.

The unexpected Lord is a quiet presence, taken to listening to her subordinates argue, only to make her decision when everyone whose opinions she cares to hear has made their point. Once she has made a decision, though, her subordinates should consider twice before arguing with her.

Nergal’s relationship with her former Lord’s policy of “Might makes right” is somewhat complicated. As a veteran of many border skirmishes against Amarantian and Michikoan troops, she has an appreciation for subordinates who have been tempered by hardship. However, she also sees that it has bled the realm dry of many hands that could have been put to better use. She takes the biggest issue with the many disparate groups vying for power and influence in her new realm and has quietly begun to put policies in place to curtail the power of various generals, warlords and slaver groups, but she recognizes that making quick and drastic changes would risk her realm plunging into the civil war she barely managed to avert and thus any changes will likely be slow to manifest.

While it would be customary for Nergal, as the new Lord, to take the name Kaori, a tradition that has been maintained by all her predecessors with the exception of Akuma, she has yet to do so. Whether that is because she believes that the previous Kaori will one day return or she is waiting to solidify her grasp on power first is as yet unknown.

Realm Description

Nergal’s realm lies in the south-east of the continent and ranges from hilly, forested and mountainous areas in the north-west to south-west as well as seemingly endless steppes covering most of her realm. Though conditions are not as extreme as the Ahmosian desert and the temperatures are temperate through most of the realm, Kaori’s great plains are a hazard to the unprepared traveller. There is little shelter to be found and yet less resources to be acquired for the hungry and thirsty uninitiated traveller. Kaori’s numerous nomadic tribes have, through long experience, learned to survive the harsh steppes, but most of them are loath to share their secrets with strangers.

Most of Kaori’s settlements are found along the long coastlines, larger rivers flowing through the steppes or in the more hospitable north-western to south-western hilly and forested regions. The largest settlements of the realm are Karum Kanes, located in the temperate coastal region in the north-east; Tamirtu lying in a river valley in the steppes but within a day’s march from Kaori’s greatest forest and the capital, Zarom, lying in another river valley near the north-western coast line.

Approximately 70% of the Kaorian populace lives some manner of nomadic lifestyle. Some of these groups roam across the entirety of the realm, while others claim smaller territories that they will often defend against unwanted interlopers. That is not to say that all of the nomadic tribes of Kaori are unwelcoming or even threatening to outsiders, but the uninformed traveller may do well to keep their guard up when they do not know who they are dealing with.

The realm of Kaori and its inhabitants suffer from a particularly poor reputation across the rest of the continent, and in large part that reputation is well-earned. The Lord Kaori’s policy of “might makes right” has resulted in numerous groups vying for power and made them willing to employ violence and cruelty to achieve their goals. Large stretches of Kaori's most fertile lands are controlled by a smattering of various warlords, while the mineral rich north-western and western mountain reaches are dominated by various slaver groups who drive their unfortunate victims hard to unearth the treasures lying deep in the earth.

Many an unwary traveller has found their end or a worse fate at the hands of warlords, slavers, unwelcoming nomads or an overzealous military, and as such the realm’s reputation is not entirely unearned. Nonetheless, the reputation of the average Kaorian as a bloodthirsty savage is certainly an overstated one.

Places of note

Zarom, located in a river valley near the northwestern coastline, likely deserves its reputation as the most unwelcoming among all the continent’s capital cities. Any woman among its 140.000 inhabitants traversing the city would do well to be armed and watch her back, and men are heavily encouraged to not roam the city's streets on their own.

Dominating the cityscape is the Lord’s palace. It stands as an enormous ziggurat at the center of the city and presents a dark and unwelcoming sight. The castle doubles as a fortress with massive walls of solid masonry reinforced with powerful magic to withstand even heavy siege with minimal damage. The walls surrounding the castle have been built to withstand even a charging wurm in her ancient form all while ingeniously placed towers and embrasures on the outer walls allow defenders to rain fire on besieging forces with almost zero blind spots, including those who could possibly fly over the walls and land on the terraces of the central ziggurat.

Much of the city’s income relies on its heavy industries as most of its population works in processing the resources dug up in the mineral rich mountains to be traded with the other domains.

Though education is not what Arcadia’s denizens typically associate with Kaori, the university of Zarom generally has a solid reputation. Its primary purpose was always to serve as the military academy of Kaori and in that purpose it has achieved a reputation as the best academy of its kind on the continent. It counts numerous well known military leaders among its graduates, and even those officers in the service of other lords who received permission to attend have come to appreciate the quality of its education. Magical and scientific research play a smaller role in Zarom’s university, but it has nonetheless produced some well known and respected scholars.

Sadom and Gomarra
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Sadom and Gomarra are twin cities of about 14.000 inhabitants each, located on two sides of a wide chasm in the mountain range separating Kaori and Elizabeth. They are noteworthy primarily as they are a collective project of multiple of Kaori’s largest slaver groups. When raiders enter Elizabeth on the hunt for plunder and slaves, more often than not these raiders likely came from Sadom or Gomarra.

The cities have variously been described as a blight upon the continent, a festering wound or an insult upon the honour of any living mamono. Rather than be insulted by such words, the slavers running the cities seem to revel in their reputation. Murder and every kind of violence imaginable run rampant at all times. Though the city is run as a collaborative effort between multiple slaver groups, these groups are in a never ending conflict for power and influence over one another and only ever present a united front when it comes to defending their turf against outsiders.

Though the cities are not vast in size or population they are heavily defended and located in difficult-to-assail positions deep in the mountains. Neither their defensive capabilities nor their ability to gather information are to be underestimated. This was made clear in a particularly bloody incident where the battle plans of multiple hafna of Sanguineae to assault the cities in support of a planned slave revolt were uncovered before the fact. As a result of the bloody battle that ensued, rather than free the slaves and burn that blight upon the land, most sanguineae were slain and the survivors taken prisoner. Meanwhile, the slavers of Sadom and Gomarra suffered only few losses owing to their preparedness. Recountings of the battle were written down by the slavers and sent to Asgard as a taunt to the remaining Sanguineae, inviting them to try again.

First legion fortress
Between the mountains separating Kaori and Elizabeth and the sea, a narrow stretch of traversable land is guarded by the fortress housing Kaori’s first legion. The fortress and surrounding town houses approximately 29.000 Kaorians, of which 17.000 are formally part of the first legion. While this number includes many auxiliary personnel, there has never been space for anyone in the savage lord’s legions who could not swing a sword.

Owing largely to heavy activity of slavers in the north-west of Kaori, the first legion is well accustomed to making battle with particularly unhinged groups of slavers or enraged Elizabethians who carelessly cross the border into Kaori to avenge themselves upon the slavers.

The border between Elizabeth and Kaori is likely the most volatile on the continent and though large scale warfare hasn’t taken place in a long time, reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance are a daily occurrence with frequently bloody results. Skirmishes too are not rare, though both the leadership of the first legion as well as Elizabethian border troops are careful not to escalate tensions beyond what their lords would deem acceptable.

Until recently, the first legion was led by marshal Tauthe, a towering ogre and veteran of many battles. After she was slain in one on one combat by Nergal, her former second in command, Tianat has taken command of the legion and pledged her fealty to the new Lord.

While Tianat consolidates her power, the situation in the border region teeters precariously on the edge with officers of the legion taking freedoms and slavers testing the limits of this new marshal.

Second legion citadel
The citadel of the second legion is located in the deep south of Kaori. It guards the wide valley that leads into a narrow stretch of Amarantian territory between the southern mountain chain and the ocean and, most importantly, the mysterious “Demonic Gate”.

Located far from any of Kaori’s major settlements, the second legion citadel finds itself in a strange situation. During peacetime, it depends either on the Amarantian city of Magna Ubera or passing nomadic tribes for supplies as the arable land is only suitable to partially keep the citadel supplied. This might be cause for concern, but it is widely believed that even were a war to break out between Kaori and Amarante, the wide valley would likely serve only as a secondary priority for amarantian incursion. The wide steppes any invading army would have to cross before reaching the more valuable and more densely inhabited heartlands of Kaori would present an obstacle just as effective as the mountains that separate most o Kaori from Amarante.

This leads many to assume the primary purpose of the second legion citadel’s location is to guard the “Demonic Gate”. However, since no one is quite sure what the “Demonic Gate” really is, it is an answer that cannot be conclusively answered.

About 19.000 Kaorians call the citadel their home, of whom about 12.000 are formally part of the legion. Until recently, the second legion was led by Nergal, who is now known as the unexpected Lord. In her absence, her former second in command, the living scabbard Anunit, has taken charge of the legion.

As the smallest of Kaori’s three great legions, it was quite unexpected that Nergal of all of Kaori’s marshals and generals managed to rise to the position of Lord.

Third legion fortress
The third legion fortress guards the wide valley separating the Kaorian and Amarantian heartlands and the fortress and surrounding city house around 27.000 Kaorians, of whom about 20.000 serve as part of the legion. Amarante is by far the richest and most populous realm on the continent and accordingly, the largest of the three great legions is tasked with guarding this most obvious route of incursion in the event that a war were ever to break out.

In spite of this, the border between Kaori and Amarante is far less volatile than the one between Kaori and Elizabeth, owing mostly to the fact that slaver activity is lesser in this region. Instead trade between Kaori and Amarante flourishes, in addition to lucrative smuggling business taking place along the border.

Many speculated that if one of Kaori’s marshals or generals were to take up the position as new Lord, Damkina, the third legion's marshal would be the most likely candidate. All the bigger was the surprise when the powerful oni did little else than to hinder (and in some cases, murder) candidates she did not approve of. There are rumours that her current position is simply so lucrative that she has no desire to set foot into the serpent’s den that is Zarom.

The Demonic Gate
The so-called “Demonic Gate” is something of an enigma not only to the realm of Kaori, but to the continent as a whole. Rather than a particular structure, a large stretch of land in Kaori’s far-eastern coast is what people usually mean when they refer to the “Demonic Gate”. The region is a great salt waste and utterly hostile to life.

Rumour has it that the placement of the second legion citadel was chosen in large part to have a sizable force close to the “Demonic Gate”. The Savage Lord was obsessed with guarding this gate, but no one has ever been able to discern her reasons.

Across the millenia, many expeditions have been launched to more closely investigate what secrets the region holds, but as far as the public is aware none of these have ever been met with success. Most travellers who dare enter the salt wastes soon turn back under the torment of the harsh environment. They are the lucky ones. Among those who persist and penetrate deeper, a few have returned after falling prey to madness, but most never return at all.

Relations with other realms

The relationship between the realms of Kaori and Amarante has always been strained; the ways of life of their respective people are simply too different for tension not to arise. And while outright, large-scale warfare has not occurred in millenia, neither side has ever seen fit to demilitarise their border.

Amarantians tend to take looking down at Kaorians as bloodthirsty savages to a whole new level when compared to the other domains and similarly, Kaorians tend to view Amarantians as soft cowards who’d rather let their coins speak than honest force of arms.

In spite of these less than complimentary views held by the people, there exists heavy trade and decent enough diplomatic relationships between the two realms, including a flourishing smuggling trade. For though they are not as keen to admit it, the average Kaorian is scarcely less fond of gold than the average Amarantian.

While she looks down on average Amarantians as soft cowards, Nergal holds respect for the calm Lord herself. This is based primarily in Amarante’s humility, as she chooses not to live a life of lavish luxury, despite ruling the most prosperous of all the realms. Amarante herself looks at Nergal with careful optimism. As Nergal has spent many years close to the Amarantian town of Magna Ubera, the Calm Lord has ample reports on the former marshal of the second legion which paint her as a harsh, but ultimately reasonable individual. In any case, Amarante views her to likely be an improvement compared to the savage Lord or the civil war that might soon have erupted in the absence of a new Lord.

Nergal’s opinion of the innocent Lord is of yet unformed. The childlike pharaoh does not represent Nergal’s typical view of a powerful ruler, but the fact that the diminutive pharaoh emerged as the new Lord of the desert realm following the disastrous civil war certainly demands careful consideration. And while formal relations are yet to properly be established between the two newest Lords of the continent, Nergal is certainly watching with great interest as the innocent Lord navigates the pitfalls of rebuilding and uniting her war-torn realm.

Other than some nominal trade there is little interaction between the Ahmosian and Kaorian people. Many Kaorians view those Ahmosians dwelling in the great settlements as no less soft than the average Amarantian, but respect the hardy nomads that live in the harsh desert.

Elizabeth’s realm has historically been the one most at odds with Kaori, and that trend continues to this day. In the days of the previous Lords generous amounts of blood were regularly shed across the border, and accordingly the views held by the respective populaces of the realms are hostile to say the least. Animosities are fanned particularly by regular raids into Elizabethian territory by slavers on the hunt for plunder and slaves. The savage Lord's unwillingness to act against the slavers was always one of the driving forces behind the animosity between these two peoples. In spite of the generally poor opinion these peoples hold of one another the average Elizabethian probably is held in higher esteem than the average denizen of any other realm in the mind of the average Kaorian. They are generally viewed as hardy people that will not flinch from a fight and are more likely to draw steel than their purse strings.

Whether the emergence of two new Lords just a few decades apart will have a long term impact on these poor relationships remains to be seen. Neither Elizabeth nor Nergal have as of yet formed a conclusive opinion of the other, and they remain wary of their respective counterparts. Any hope for significantly improved relations certainly hinges on the slaver question and what policies the Unexpected Lord ultimately chooses to enact.

In the days of the savage Lord Michiko and Kaori enjoyed what could best be described as a cordial relationship, if a strained one. Kaori held an almost schizophrenic view of Michiko as she simultaneously regarded her quiet humbleness as weakness, but also viewed someone who has reigned the greatest of all the realms for longer than any other Lord as a grave threat. Though ultimately unspoken, a tacit agreement existed between the two Lords to stay out of each other’s affairs and most of their subjects adhered to that guideline

As a new Lord, Nergal has yet to formalize her relationship with Michiko, but to describe her opinion of the Wise Lord as negative would be apt. Michiko’s suggestion to the other Lords that they should be the one to crown the new Lord of Kaori has earned her more than a little animosity and is likely to strain relations for decades or centuries to come.

Nergal does not have the highest opinions of Michikoans in general. As a young officer, stationed with the first legion she was confronted with the duplicity of Michikoans buying slaves from Kaorian slavers only to turn around and denigrate her people for being savages.

While her opinion of both the Lord and the people is bad, Nergal is not eager for conflict either. She recognizes that Michiko is likely among the most powerful, if not the single most powerful, among the Lords and at the same time there is little to be gained for the Kaorian people by conquering the land beneath the waves. She is content to maintain trade relations for the time being.

If she had to name a single one among the other Lords of the continent she does not respect at all, Nergal would choose the Fickle Lord. Kaori was a brutal savage, but there was method to her madness. Michiko’s meddling in Kaorian affairs raised her heckles, but her base of power demands Nergal’s wariness. Amarante’s renunciation of a life of luxury in favour of serving her people commands her respect. Elizabeth and Ahmose have simply not ruled for long enough to make conclusive judgements about them, but Kioko’s fickleness fills Nergal with disgust.

To her thinking a leader who lets her actions be dictated by her passions and caprice is not worthy of being called such. Kioko’s thoughts on the unexpected Lord are as yet unknown. Perhaps she has not yet even felt like paying any heed to the new Lord of Kaori.

There is not much to be said about the relationship between Kaorians and Kiokans. The two realms are far apart, so the average person will not have much contact with the other group unless they are willing to travel far. However, stereotypes about the Kaorian savage are widely shared among Kiokoans.

As the most significant provider of ores, processed metals and other treasures of the earth, Kaori is Teremir’s most important trading partner. For that reason alone, among all the other powers on the continent, there are none with whom Kaori and her successor Nergal enjoy a better relationship than Teremir. The dwarven councils of the deep halls are known for their fierce independence, straightforwardness and profit oriented thinking. Teremir is unlikely to ever give Nergal a hard time, so long as the flow of goods to the mountain halls keeps flowing.

However, this support also presents a double-edged sword to Nergal. Her ascension to Lordhood was received positively in Teremir because she is seen as a stabilising force. However, should she implement policies that are too radical and destabilise her realm, that support might erode. And while Teremir does not wield the same power as the continent’s other, proper realms, it would be foolish to underestimate the influence the dwarven councils wield.

Important Figures / Factions


Until recently, Tianat was the second in command of the first legion, under the command of Tauthe, who was slain in single combat by Nergal. Though Nergal considered long and hard to also part the dark elf’s head from her shoulders, she eventually determined to keep the ambitious woman as the new marshal of the first legion, at least for the time being. That is, after thoroughly ensuring that Tianat had no immediate plans to follow in her predecessor's footsteps and challenge Nergal’s throne. Unlike the third legion, Nergal has placed a number of officers with the first legion to warn her of any potentially treasonous movement. Something which has made Tianat’s job of fully establishing her authority noticeably more difficult. But Tianat is a patient woman.

And Tianat is an ambitious woman. She lays claim to be a direct descendant of Börte, the legendary general from the war of the ancients. It is unclear whether there is merit to her claim and investigating it is a potentially perilous undertaking. One historian who made the attempt found herself unexpectedly locked deep in the cells of the first legion fortress, being convinced by Tianat of the veracity of her claims. Nowadays, that historian rarely leaves her mistress’ side and is eager to discuss the myriad evidence that points to the veracity of Tianat’s noble heritage. Tianat’s appearance and bearing certainly lend themselves to her claims of such lofty heritage. The dark elf is known to carry herself with an air of elegance and knows to play with her beauty as much as with her weapons.


The unexpected Lord’s former second in command and new marshal of the second legion, the Living Scabbard Anunit is known as a capable commander and skilled fighter with both magic and blade, something that makes her a bit of a rarity in the high command positions of Kaori’s military.

Anunit always has a habit of always wearing her full uniform and gloves and covers her face with one of many different masks. In spite of the often merciless sun, few of the rank and file troops have ever seen her without these articles. The reason is simple. As a young officer, Anunit served in the Smert campaign and suffered extensive burns across most of her body due to the merciless dragon’s fire that the town’s defenders deployed. She can barely bear to look at herself and does not wish others to behold her ruined form either.

Her experiences in Smert have made Anunit quite lose her appetite for the business of war. Another thing that makes her an unusual choice for a Kaorian marshal. In spite of this, when she was assigned to the second legion, Nergal saw something in the young officer and took her under her harsh wings.


Damkina is a red oni of substantial size and renown. For a Kaorian marshal (or military woman in general) her skin is surprisingly unblemished by scars, though anyone thinking that may be due to cowardice in battle would be sadly mistaken. As a young woman, Damkina hungered for battle and her talent at it saw her swiftly rise through the ranks of Kaori’s legions. She is an older woman now and where she once brashly sought battle as a means to settle any argument, she has grown more shrewd over the many years she has served at the border to Amarante. Her position has allowed her to form many useful and lucrative connections across the border.

Leading the largest of the three first legions, Damkina was viewed by many as one of the most likely candidates to become the new Lord after Kaori. However, she never had any intention to claim that throne for herself. That is not to say that she stayed as a bystander in the years between Kaori’s disappearance and the ascension of Nergal as the new Lord. Once it was clear she would not claim the throne of Zarom herself, Warlords and Generals serving beneath her, as well as Generals of smaller legions petitioned for her support. None of them received it and more than one of them departed the third legion fortress without their heads.

Damkina has not made any moves against Nergal, but whether this means that she approves of the former second legion marshal or simply views her as an acceptable interim solution is not clear to anyone but herself.


The angel Mulugunna is a native of Kaori, though she actually spent most of her early life on Asgard as a part of the winged legion. Though she eventually returned to Kaori and joined the legions, she has always been regarded with watchful eyes. After all, Brynnhilde is not generally known to prematurely release capable warriors from her service, especially not if they have not birthed a suitable number of children to bolster the ranks of the winged legion. And yet, as far as most people are aware, Mulugunna does not have any daughters.

As a consequence, Mulugunna never rose beyond the rank of a junior officer. Instead, she served first as a sort of mentor to a young dark valkyrie named Nergal and later, when she was far eclipsed in rank, she became her adjutant.

Mulugunna is known as much for her sharp tongue as for her sharp blade. As a cunning and opportunistic schemer it is rumoured that she has played no small part in the ascension of the Unexpected Lord, and her clear connection to Brynnhilde leaves some people wondering how much of an influence the ancient Seraph will wield in Zarom through the angel.


The savage Lord’s former right hand and leader of a fanatical Kaorian loyalist faction is a Salamander known only as Kaida. Unlike Kaori, Kaida is a voluptuous redhead with exotic looks, but to judge that book by its cover would be very ill-advised. Kaida is a powerful and supremely skilled fighter who personally fought in hundreds or even thousands of battles and survived many assassination attempts. While she isn’t known to be a particularly good strategist, her low cunning is almost legendary. That low cunning helped her stay in the savage Lord’s good graces for far longer than most others, especially among those dwelling in Zarom. Her dedication to Kaori was so great that she spent much of her life in the Savage Lord’s shadow, simply carrying out her orders and acting in her name... something that made her a wildcard following Kaori’s disappearance.

Kaida likely had the best chances of ascending to the throne and yet for years all she did was keep the throne of Zarom free of any would-be Lord while leading her loyalist faction. As a matter of fact, Kaida only ever desired to serve her Lord and had no desire whatsoever to become Lord herself.

A few months before Nergal’s ascension, Kaida seemed to have lost interest in her role of leading the loyalist faction. In her absence the loyalist faction was too disunited from infighting to offer any resistance to the Unexpected Lord. Initial rumour had it that a skilled (or more likely, crafty) man somehow managed to best her in an acceptable contest. That rumour was confirmed when Nergal rewarded Kaida for her loyal service to Kaori with a great blessing. Since then, they have eloped to work on putting that blessing to good use.

The Legions
The legions comprise Kaori’s official military and together they represent one of the most frightful military forces on the continent. As the name implies, Kaori’s military is divided into multiple different legions, serving a variety of purposes.

Foremost among them are the three “great legions”. They inhabit great fortresses and are the first line of defence against potential incursions from the territories of the other Lords. Each of these are led by one of Kaori’s three marshals, who are now Tianar, Anunit and Damkina. Aside from the Lord herself, these three marshals likely hold the greatest amount of individual power among the major players in Kaori.

Aside from these great legions, there are a number of lesser legions each led by one of Kaori’s generals. The fourth, fifth and sixth legions are each loosely associated with one of the three great legions and traditionally serve as a proving ground for new recruits. They are most commonly deployed to quell uprisings and malcontent. All too often, new recruits in those legions were treated as cannon fodder, as exemplified by the bloody Smert campaign, in which the 4th legion suffered tremendous losses to quell an uprising. As someone who has gone through that process, Nergal seeks to reform this system. In her view, Kaori simply does not have enough able bodies to callously burn through recruits without at least giving them some training first.

The 7th, 8th and 9th legions are much smaller than the others and are rarely deployed. They do not have a fixed purpose, but are headquartered throughout north-eastern and eastern Kaori where most of the time they serve as guarantees against potential hostilities coming from the nomadic tribes or incursions from the sea.

The Blood Brides
The Blood Brides, though technically the tenth legion, are very different from all other elements of Kaori’s military. The Blood Brides recruit exclusively from Zarom’s orphan population and are tiny when compared to even the smallest of the legions. The number of fully initiated members consists of exactly 111 members, though they control a varying number of indoctrinated agents and soldiers waiting to fill a vacancy. Every member of the Blood Brides, whether fully initiated or aspiring, must display absolute loyalty to the Lord of Kaori, and a lack of dedication will be punished most severely. Rumours about their gruesome initiation rituals have reached far beyond Zarom and even Kaori itself. The Blood Brides are structured with one overall commander who is in regular contact with the Lord, ten group leaders, and 100 regular members.

The Blood Brides serve the direct will of the Lord and fulfil any role from overt or secret policing to espionage and assassination. When the Lord of Kaori wished a mouth shut and for whatever reason could not do so overtly, a Blood Bride would be sent to do the job.

During Kaori’s absence the Blood Brides have remained largely inactive, but have begun moving once more following the ascension of Nergal. By all appearances they have taken no offence at having a new master. This is perhaps best explained by the fact that, while they are fanatically loyal, they swear their loyalty to the rightful Lord of Kaori, not to whomever sits atop the throne of Zarom at the time of their initiation.

The Bladetail Legion
The bladetail legion is something of a curiosity within Kaori. Founded by a lizardman and still composed mostly of these reptilian women, the Bladetail Legion does not exist to further their own interests, to amass power or wealth, nor even for the satisfaction of their bloodlust. The legion was formed to stand against the vile slaver groups that infest much of northern Kaori.

In the time of the Savage Lord, the Bladetails often found themselves in a difficult situation. Under the maxim of “might makes right,” Kaori certainly had no intention of interfering with them attempting to establish a base of power within her realm, at least so long as they paid tribute to the Savage Lord herself. Kaori did not even mind too much if they destroyed a slaver band here or there, but the slavers were explicitly approved of by the Savage Lord. If the Bladetails had been too successful they might well have risked incurring Kaori’s ire. After all, hated as the slavers are, they run much of the operations that extract Kaori’s many natural treasures and thus serve not only Kaori’s economy but that of the whole continent.

In the years since Kaori’s disappearance the Bladetails have stepped up their operations against the slavers, though they also had to contend with different warlords and military women trying to grab power where they could. With Nergal’s ascension hopes are high within the legion that the new Lord will support their crusade against the slavers, but as yet Nergal has not taken a clear position on the issue.

Though they operate where they see the need within northern Kaori, the Bladetail Legion’s main base of operations is their camp in the foothills of the mountains of Teremir in the north-west of Kaori.

The Nomadic tribes
A great deal of Kaori’s landmass is made up of sparsely populated plains, travelled by many disconnected tribes of nomadic mamono. While it is difficult to say something general about the numerous tribes that make up Kaori’s nomads, there are some factors that they share between one another.

The first and most important factor is that almost all the tribes are very independent. While the Lord holds sway over them, getting the nomads as a whole in line would be a monumental task and likely wouldn’t be achievable unless the realm as a whole was in great peril. The tribes maintain intricate and often delicate relationships among each other that vary from friendly to wary or even hostile. Fights for territory and resources are not uncommon, but the means through which these fights take place vary wildly depending on the territories and tribes involved.

There are two great gathering of the tribes of the vast plains that take place in somewhat regular intervals. One is the “raid” on Magna Ubera, a long held tradition that takes place once every second or third year. It was started during a time when the Amarantian city of Magna Ubera was frequently the target of assaults by the great tribes. Not keen on fighting the fierce tribes, Magna Ubera was more likely to offer tribute to the tribes than steel and over the centuries, the raid on Magna Ubera has evolved into a great festival where tens of thousands of tribeswoman gather and are welcomed in Magna Ubera with a great feast for all the senses. The shrewd business women running the city had long ago realised that eating the losses of such a festival was much preferable to the losses incurred from serious assaults of the women of the plains.

The second regular gathering is the gathering of the Khangana. Every ten years, the leaders of the mightiest nomadic tribes gather together to discuss current affairs, settle scores and allow for the renewal of ties between the tribes. While some of the great khan’s do not see eye to eye with their peers, it is rare for one of them to miss this occasion. For while most of the tribes are individually too weak to stand against the greater powers in Kaori, they present a fearsome force indeed when they are united. And so, though they are usually dispersed and lack unity, the great tribes are capable of presenting a surprisingly sturdy and unified front when they see their common interests under attack.

mugen91Sep 10, 2023 7:21 AM
Jul 4, 2017 6:11 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Amarante

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mugen91Sep 9, 2023 5:02 PM
Jul 4, 2017 6:11 PM

Jan 2015
MSG Lore: Kioko

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mugen91Sep 9, 2023 5:02 PM
Feb 20, 2020 4:16 PM

Jan 2015
Isles of Frosthaven and Asgard
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The Isles of Frosthaven and Asgard are part of the most northern sub-archipelago of the greater Arcadia archipelago. They were settled around 15,000 years ago when a wave of angel, elemental, and snow type monster girls branched out north due to shifts in power on the mainland. The elemental and snow type girls settled in the mountains, glaciers, and tundras of Frosthaven, while the angels made the island of Asgard their home. Around 10,000 years ago, a wave of refugees came to the islands to escape the turmoil of the Dragon Wars. They mainly settled in the pristine forested foothills and coastal regions of mid and southern Frosthaven where they established a small city along the eastern coast which is to this day the islands’ main port. It did not take long for tensions to arise between the original settlers, now known as the mountain dwellers, and the refugees who were known as the coastal people. Occasionally the tensions escalated into small scale skirmishes, but it never reached the point of a full blown war. Eventually Dorothy and Yara ended these feuds by expanding their domain and subjugating Frosthaven. Dorothy proclaimed the queen of the mountain dwellers as the rightful queen to all of Frosthaven. Having no need for ancient feuds interfering with the stability of her domain, Dorothy forced the two groups to merge into one united group. While they detested this decree they ultimately had little say in the matter and thus the “unified” vassal queendom of Frosthaven was formed. Over time this forced cooperation has nurtured a small degree of understanding between the mountain and coastal dwellers, though distrust and prejudice are still very much present to this day. When Elizabeth took over as the Lord she extended an olive branch by appointing the current queen, Avala, as one of her generals and granting the vassal queendom a much larger degree of autonomy.

Climate and Habitats:
The Northern part of Frosthaven along with the mountains in central Frosthaven are cold icy or tundric environments. The average temperature here rests between 5 and -5 degrees C during the summer and can grow as cold as -30 degrees C during the winter. The southern half of Frosthaven and the island of Asgard are a taiga environment and are covered in dense pine forests. The average temperature during the summer can rise to around 15 degrees C while during the winter it can easily cool down to -20 degrees C.

Islands, cities, and notable towns:
Frosthaven is the largest island of this archipelago with an area of around 41,000 km2. It has a population of around 40,000 people, the vast majority of whom live in the Southern half of the island. Most inhabitants live in small villages or towns. There are two main population centres: a small coastal port city named Midlemeath, and the palace of Freyshiem a large palace complex in the central mountains of Frosthaven that is home to queen Avala and serves as the capital of the queendom.

The Port City of Midlemeath:
Founded roughly 10000 years ago, it has a population of around 8000, making it the smallest city in Elizabeth’s domain. Midlemeath thrives as the only seizable port on the island of Frosthaven. It is located at the foot of the central mountain range and near the base of a large fjord. It’s harbour is well protected and remains ice free for ten out of the twelve months. During the two midwinter months trade grinds to a halt. Its primary exports are ivory, pelts, whale oil, amber, wood, and valuable high quality gems and crystals mined from the mountains of Frosthaven. The predominant architectural style in the city is Nordic / Viking. Midlemeath is the opening icon of Frosthaven.

The Palace of Freyshiem:
Nested in the heart of Frosthaven’s central mountain range lies the capital of the queendom where Avala, the Ice Queen resides. Freysheim is an unusual place as it is not so much a city or a town, but rather a single palace. The palace is humongous and labyrinthine. It covers a far larger area than the city of Midlemeath even though it is home to less than half as many inhabitants. One can wander around for days inside the palace without meeting a single other soul. The palace is famed for its exquisite icy beauty with richly sculpted walls and thousands of beautifully carved ice sculptures. Being made almost entirely out of ice, the palace is the perfect place for monster girls that thrive in the cold. Some parts of the palace are kept warm to accommodate the small human population living there. Freyshiem focuses mostly on administrative activities and cryomancy research.

The island of Asgard, also known as the isle of angels, is the last remaining true neutral bastion in Atalantheis that owes no fealty to any of the lords nor the Teremir council. The landscape of Asgard is idyllic with craggy mountains, snowy peaks, rolling hills, boreal pine forests, meadows, crystal clear lakes, and rushing streams. The northern part of the island is more mountainous while the southern part is more hilly. The island spans an area of about 22,000 km2 and has around 32,000 inhabitants all of whom are exclusively either an angel type or human. Asgard has the highest human to mamono ratio with roughly 1% of its population being human. The triplet towns of Valhalla, Folkvangr, and Niflheim are the main population centres.

Asgard was given its name by the mysterious crew of two fully manned Viking longboats that emerged from densest fog Asgard had seen in over a millennium around 2400 years ago. They were met by a cohort of mostly valkyries, cupids, and cherubim. What exactly transpired between these two groups varies greatly depending on who you ask, but the outcome of the interaction is undisputed: the angels had bet their booties and had lost resoundingly. In the following weeks every angelic cherry on the island was popped. It appears the angels enjoyed their “defeat”, so much that they remodelled their island and society to mimic Norse mythology as closely as possible to draw in more humans.

The triplet towns Valhalla, Folkvangr, and Niflheim:
The towns of Valhalla, Folkvangr, and Niflheim are called triplet towns because their populations are roughly equal, currently each having round 7500 inhabitants. Valhalla is the military centre of the island and houses large numbers of valkyries, cupids and to a lesser degree cherubim. The jarla of Valhalla is an ancient seraph called Brynhild. Valhalla is famed for its daily scenario battles between aspiring human warriors and angels, and for its feasts during the evenings and nights. Folkvangr is the administrative and relaxation centre of the island and houses predominantly houris. The jarla of Folkvangr is a seraph called Skadi. Folkvangr is famed for its hot spring spas and mead-breweries. Being stressed is outlawed in Folkvangr and the houris see to it with a militant zeal that all forms of stress are immediately relieved.

Notable characters:

Avala, The Frigid Queen of the Far North

“Mercy must be earned.”


Age: 5475 years
MG: Ice Queen

Avala has dark blue hair and piercing bright blue eyes. Her personality is, in every sense of the word, cold. She feels very few emotions except contempt and disgust for most things in this world. She is extremely ruthless and stops at absolutely nothing to achieve her goals, but what those goals entail is rarely clear. Rumours have it that sometimes someone comes along that can melt her icy heart and then her personality completely changes. Her contempt turns to respect and disgust to delight but only to those individuals.

Almost nothing is known about her past except that she was once the daughter of an important individual. When she fully appeared on the island almost 5000 years ago, Avala quickly worked her way to the top. Her ruthlessness and intelligence were unyielding and within a few hundred years she sat as the assistant to the former queen. When the queen passed on with no heir, Avala claimed the throne as her own and executed all who did not agree with her within a single night that is known as the “Night of Red Snow”. Ever since that day Avala has ruled Froshaven unchallenged.

Note: Avala has a soft spot for music, especially for a song called “Let it Go”. If she were to ever be challenged to a musical competition, she will undoubtedly sing this song.

Brynhild, The Ashrizen

“Death from above, it’s an army of wings.”

Picture (NSFW)

Age: ?? years
MG: Seraph (transcended valkyrie)

Brynhild has dark golden eyes, long straight ashen hair, and an ashen skin with golden markings. She has six wings that are constantly crackling with white lightning. Even though she is one of the oldest still living people in Atalantheis, she shows no signs of ageing. Personality-wise she is a bit of an enigma, but those that know her might tell you that she is toweringly arrogant. Those few that know her well would tell you that it is not arrogance. She has a love for hnefatafl games. Rumours have it that after the thane of the Vikings, that landed on Asgard around 1100 years ago, had managed to beat her a hundred times in various hnefatafl games she took him as her husband. Presumably they have played hundreds of games before he managed to achieve that feat.

Not much is known about Brynhild's past. She was a general in one of Akuma’s legions during the War of the Ancients. It was during this time that she transcended from being a mere valkyrie to a seraph. Despite having stayed loyal to Akuma to the bitter end, Brynhild was granted Asgard and independence by the prevailing lords. Since then she apparently hasn’t been doing much aside from forming and training the Winged Legion: an elite army of angels that even Kaori’s first legion dares not boast they can best. Why she was granted these privileges and honours remains one of the many mysteries surrounding the war of the Ancients.
MetallumOperaturJun 6, 2022 10:05 AM
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