What is Futari wa Precure (Pretty Cure)?
Pretty Cure is an anime that follows Honoka and Nagisa, a crime fighting duo that is working to help two cute aliens restore their home planet and save Earth from villains that come from the Dark Zone. The two protagonists need to use their alien friends in order to become emissaries of light. When they are in this form, they can use a powerful magical beam, made up of white and black thunder, to take out any enemy in range. They are incredibly powerful and as the series progresses, Honoka and Nagisa evolve even further.
Pretty Cure Opening Song - "DANZEN! Futari wa Precure" by Mayumi Gojo
The OP to the series is short but cute and does a great job of introducing the viewer to the two lovely protagonists.
Let's take a closer look at the Pretty Cure opening song, shall we?
The OP to the classic anime Pretty Cure features the main protagonists, Honoka Yushiro and Nagisa Misumi, strutting their stuff all over their hometown. The viewer sees these girls fighting crime while maintaining a social life when they aren't taking down evil forces. It perfectly portrays a sense of what the main characters are like, with the opening showing Honoka being the smart one in the lab and Nagisa being the more active one with her sports equipment. The OP also includes our duo transforming into their awesome magical outfits. Honoka rocks a cute white dress while Nagisa wears a cute black skirt.
The opening is bright and colorful and has fast-paced shots which give the intro energy. The bright colors and the hearts that are placed in many different places also give the series a cute vibe. The OP song is titled "Danzen! Futari wa Pretty Cure" and is sung by Mayumi Gojou. It is fun and upbeat and compliments the female duo and the nature of the series perfectly. The upbeat song and the fast-paced cuts give the audience a sense of what the heroes are like and helps them decide whether to stick around for the episode or to look for something else to watch.
From the scene of the opening shown above, the view portrays a sense of unity between our protagonists. It shows Nagisa helping Honoka continue in an extremely tough battle. The lyrics also add to the idea of unity among these heroes. Part of the lyrics are: "Even wearing uniforms, we are unexpectedly tough. In this crisis, we're both entering. We'll become stronger and closer." An important part of this series is teamwork because Honoka and Nagisa rely on each other in order to fight crime. They also rely on their alien friends in order to become the fearless emissaries of light that they are.
Overall, the intro reflects the series's playful tone and does a good job reaching its target audience. It shows that Nagisa and Honoka are cute girls that can get the job done without breaking a sweat and that no matter what evil they face, it will be taken care of easily if they work together.