Rayneshia El-Arte Corwen

Rayneshia El-Arte Corwen

Log Horizon
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Log Horizon 2nd Season
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Log Horizon: Entaku Houkai
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Log Horizon
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Log Horizon: Nishikaze no Ryodan
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Member Favorites: 89

Rayneshia El-Arte Corwen (レイネシア=エルアルテ=コーウェン)

Race: Human, People of the Land
Class: Noble
Subclass: Rose Garden Princess
Affiliation: League of Eastal Freedom Cities

Lenessia is the grand daughter of Sergiatte Cowen and the princess to the throne.

Voice Actors
Ise, Mariya
Neves, Emily
Horta, Luísa
Portuguese (BR)
Desplantes, Isabelle

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