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Graena (グラエナ)Mightyena is a canine-like Pokémon. Its fur is mostly short and gray, but its lower legs, tail, and two thick shaggy strips starting behind its eyes and running the length of its body are black. It has dark, triangular streak patterns below its eyes, which are red with yellow sclerae. Its ears are rhombus-shaped with dark insides, its nose is red, and it has gray paw pads.Mightyena gives obvious signals when it is about to attack, as it starts to growl deeply and flattens its body. Mightyena travels and lives as a pack in the wild, consisting of around ten individuals. Once a Mightyena targets a prey, it will never allow it to escape. The pack chases prey and defeats foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork. The pack can also howl in unison to send information to allies from far away. Mightyena living in a pack follows a strict hierarchy, and will always follow the orders of their leader. This instinct also compels Mightyena to obey only the most experienced of Trainers. As depicted in the anime, Mightyena is prone to licking the faces of the people it's fond of. This species lives in grasslands and savannas. In Lental, Mightyena preys on Furret. Evolution Mightyena evolves from Poochyena. (Source: Bulbapedia) Voice Actors