July 20th, 2019
Favorite Servants by Class! (mid 2019)
Anime Relations: Fate/Grand Order: First Order
Disclaimer: I'm going to try my best and follow the rule of 'only 1 version of a servant per list' because if I didn't do that there would be redundancies all over the place. I love FATE and many of the characters in it, I assure you I could make a way bigger list but I'll save that for another time lol. Point is just because someone isn't here doesn't mean I don't like them.. have fun!

Honorable Mention to Chevy. I’m a big fan, great design but the others on the list are just slightly ahead. Just so we’re clear, d’Eon is not a boy nor a girl and I can’t be having this indecisiveness in my life!

She is a knight with a romantic, idyllic nature who practices daily in order to become the ideal king. Because of her inexperience, her girlishness has not been wiped away yet and her heart is filled with hopes and dreams. Although the training to become a king is harsh, she is happy as long as she can take care of the horses. Her design is just too godlike to ignore.

Corrupted by Angra Mainyu, Artoria Alter is vastly different from her normal self. While Lily might’ve been white and black, this one is all black.. like Johnny Cash. It is as they say… black is indeed better. Once you go black you don’t go back. + she likes Cheeseburgers and is cool as fuck so……………….. obviously she was going to be here

It’s Okita… she’s captain of the Shinsengumi and is fucking adorable. Design speaks to everything I like. Do I really need to explain why she’s here? Of course she’s here…

I would never be able to decide who is top of my saber list (as I’m sure anyone who knows me would’ve guessed). Mordred is voiced by a literal goddess… has a fantastic design and is cool/cute as fuck.. she’s just better than her dad in every way.

Musashi is the reason I started playing FGO and not just because of her design. The Five Rings is my favorite book ever and I love the real life Musashi so of course I’d gravitate towards her. FGO has found a way to make my dream a reality… turning the author of my favorite book/someone who’s ideals I take seriously into a waifu. Bravo DW…. Bravo.

He may not be a proper Heroic Spirit like some of the other servants but he’s still my boy. He is a version of Shirou from an alternate timeline where he made a contract with the World (Alaya) and became a Counter Guardian for the world as payment for the contract. Yup… sounds pretty fucking cool to me

Her father abandoned her as a child and she was raised by a bear (thanks to Artemis)… what kind of monster would throw an adorable catgirl out on the streets like that?

In “Kiso’s Last Moments”, the 9th chapter of “The Tale of the Heike” written by Kakuichi, she was portrayed as “of lovely long hair, of truly outstanding features. Exceptionally strong with a bow, a soldier that matched a thousand, always ready to face even a demon or a god, be it mounted or on foot.” In other words, a beautiful, mighty warrior. Her most important trait to know, however is that she is a notorious gamer and one of my main targets to roll for this year

He is the ultimate, transcendent being so divine as to be two-thirds god and one-third human, and no others in the world could match him. Gil talks so much shit and is just too cool to ignore. One of the strongest servants around and has everything a man could want at his disposal.

Ishtar is the goddess of beauty, good harvests, war, lust, discord and fertility in Mesopotamian Mythology/Sumerian Mythology/Babylonian Mythology, and one among the many mother goddesses whose power is derived from the Earth Mother. Said to be the most pampered, or rather, the most beloved goddess by the other deities… Sound about right? It is Rin after all...

aka Uesugi-san Uesugi Kenshin was one of the most powerful daimyos of hisher time. Started studying martial arts and Zen Buddhism at the age of 7. Very new to FGO and the Nasuverse in general but I like the design so……………

this basically sums her up

The Hound of Ulster got his name from killing the guard dog (who was a beast known to have the strength of at least 10 men) who guarded the master blacksmith’s Culann’s house and apparently felt so bad for him he said "Does this dog have children? If he does, could you allow me to take care of them? I will raise them to be guard dogs just as strong as their father. Until then, I will be your guard dog." Cu is my boy.. he likes Rin almost as much as I do. Difference is I ain’t willing to wait a few years like he insists he would

The Goddess of the Underworld in Sumerian myth. She freely wields a spear-like cage; at times stabbing the enemy with it, at times imprisoning souls, at times summoning lightning, she is the fearsome ruler of the underworld. Having carried out her duties of administrating the underworld since birth, she is a goddess that disappeared along with the Age of Gods without ever knowing of the world above, or of freedom. Personally I think she’s better off down there as to avoid her sister Ishtar’s playful torturing

You know who trained Cu to be such a badass killing machine? Yup… this beautiful number right here. I don’t think you’ll find someone cooler on this list either. She guards the FUCKING LAND OF SHADOWS AND IS A MASTER OF RUNECRAFTING AND SPEARMANSHIP.

Look here’s all you need to know about Medb (besides the fact her name is pronounce Maeve). Apparently the knight Fergus used to need 7 women at a time to satisfy him… it only took Medb by herself to conquer him. Then, at the time of the second invasion of Ulster, Queen Medb (who was scheming her revenge against Cú Chulainn) concluded that "Fergus' existence will become a bother" and shunned him. PIMP MOVE. Feel free to make the doujins, I’ll read them.

Head of the El-Melloi faction and has innate ability to win me over based on design alone. I don’t know much about her yet but I look forward to learning more by watching the Case Files

You all know who Medusa is both in Fate and in actual Mythology but did you know she helped carry me through most of my beginning chapters of FGO?... Did you also know she has a great scene with Sakura in Hollow Ataraxia? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Fun Fact: Drake was so good at her job that she basically gave rise to the British Empire by herself. The story goes that there were six tons of just spice in the load she had at the time of her return, and that by far exceeded the national budget of the England of that time. These commodities and the detailed maps produced during the world circumnavigation became the capital to put together a fleet that could compete with the world's champion (Spain) and served as foundation for the establishment of the East India Company. She just wants to be treated as one of the boys and according to a sailor, "Ergh, we cannot call ourselves men if we look the captain as a woman; or rather, it would be rude towards her."

Vive la France! Did you know canonically the has the most haters in the Nasuverse? Weird right? Who could hate Marie!?!? Look at her! She's a rich noble always seen with cool headgear whether it's that hat or a crab.

Basically Medea before she got tainted but that’s not what’s important. What’s important is that she grows up to love 2 things.. her master and Saber. The latter of course is something we can all relate too

You all know who Merlin is outside of Fate but did you know he is also a memelord who gave a girl a dick and then that produced Mordred? Yeah you probably did know that but it’s so weird I just wanted to say it

She was my first SSR and although I don’t really like lolis, she is clearly a top tier regardless. In her own words “I don’t need my own route, people love me anyway”

Canonically has the fluffiest tail in the world (confirmed by me, just now). Based off of Amaterasu who is one of my favorite people in all of mythology I could talk for hours about how great she is but I’ll spare you the time and details lol. She’s voiced by Chiwa Saito and that’s all you need to know for now.

Not only an underappreciated animated movie but also an underappreciated servant. She might be considered cold to you when first summoned but she warms up to you over time and god damn it’s worth it. She’s the best… I love you Anastasia.

A fuuma ninja whose legend states that she operates karkuri dolls to do her bidding but here’s the real kicker, those rumors aren’t true. The real truth is that she, herself, is actually a doll and not human at all

No relation to the ancient queen of Babylon I assure you. One of her most famous things is that she lured all of the men who killed her brother into a room then flooded the room with the Nile river thus killing them all in revenge. Another thing she’s famous for is being a fucking cutiepie

He who forged the name of "the Old Man of the Mountain" elected to live as an observer who would enact judgment upon the rot and the deviations of the sect. Gramps doesn’t fuck around and he basically deserves love because all grandparents deserve love

X is not only adorable but also pretty funny and has a design that I’d describe as “basically tricking everyone into liking it”. X has revealed to none that her true identity is actually Artoria Pendragon. While she believes that her "perfect disguise" has tricked everyone, it is asked that others keep the fact quiet to keep from spoiling it and also for the sake of X's own honor. :3

idk if she counts as a Fate character or not but… she’s here now and I am sure not going to tell her to leave… she’ll use those eyes of death perception and kill me. Sweet jacket though

A fictional character famously played by Robert De Niro once and most famous for TRYING TO KILL MORDRED I FUCKING HATE YOU FRAN I DON’T CARE HOW GOD DAMN ADORABLE YOU ARE

She is the strongest monster slayer of the Heian period who destroyed many monstrosities, such as Shuten-douji. I think they’re cool now though

blah blah blah we all know who he is. Did you know he is also the star of my favorite Disney movie?... yeah…. Bet you didn’t know that one… smartass

“If God is certain to exist, then surely divine retribution shall find me.”

All she wants to do is save people and she’s damn good at it. So good in fact that after her work in the military was finished, she came home to a metric-fuckton of money donated to her by fellow soldiers as a thanks to her. She then used this money to change the world… one little bit at a time.

Him and Mozart were friends… nothing more… nothing less…. Don’t look it up.

The King of Currumpaw, was an actual gray wolf (there are diverging opinions) whose name became widespread after being featured on Seton’s “Wild Animals I Have Known”. The story goes that he rampaged on the Currumpaw Plains, a vast American pasture, killing over 2,000 heads of cattle in the space of 5 years and slaughtering 250 sheep in a single night without eating them. Additionally, the Japanese would pronounce it ‘robo’ right? I’ll let the image of a mechanical wolf run through your head for a while.

The Saint of Orleans. A Catholic saint born in Domrémy, France, and the heroine of France who liberated Orléans in the Hundred Years' War. It’s a shame her name was tarnished by the Apocrypha anime but I don’t want to say too much bad about her.. Jesus might be listening.

Idc if she’s literally possessed by the devil, she might be the most headpat/hug worthy servant around.

Same as above except now her sexiness is more lowkey and only on this part of the list because I need to fill space so I’m violating my disclaimer rule. Avengers were made to break rules anyways.

Hey remember that part about me breaking rules? Well MHX/MHXX is one of my personal favorites so she’s back! This time AS A FUCKING GUNDAM WHO IS BEING PILOTED BY A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER BABE.
Honorable Mention to Chevy. I’m a big fan, great design but the others on the list are just slightly ahead. Just so we’re clear, d’Eon is not a boy nor a girl and I can’t be having this indecisiveness in my life!
She is a knight with a romantic, idyllic nature who practices daily in order to become the ideal king. Because of her inexperience, her girlishness has not been wiped away yet and her heart is filled with hopes and dreams. Although the training to become a king is harsh, she is happy as long as she can take care of the horses. Her design is just too godlike to ignore.
Corrupted by Angra Mainyu, Artoria Alter is vastly different from her normal self. While Lily might’ve been white and black, this one is all black.. like Johnny Cash. It is as they say… black is indeed better. Once you go black you don’t go back. + she likes Cheeseburgers and is cool as fuck so……………….. obviously she was going to be here
It’s Okita… she’s captain of the Shinsengumi and is fucking adorable. Design speaks to everything I like. Do I really need to explain why she’s here? Of course she’s here…
I would never be able to decide who is top of my saber list (as I’m sure anyone who knows me would’ve guessed). Mordred is voiced by a literal goddess… has a fantastic design and is cool/cute as fuck.. she’s just better than her dad in every way.
Musashi is the reason I started playing FGO and not just because of her design. The Five Rings is my favorite book ever and I love the real life Musashi so of course I’d gravitate towards her. FGO has found a way to make my dream a reality… turning the author of my favorite book/someone who’s ideals I take seriously into a waifu. Bravo DW…. Bravo.
He may not be a proper Heroic Spirit like some of the other servants but he’s still my boy. He is a version of Shirou from an alternate timeline where he made a contract with the World (Alaya) and became a Counter Guardian for the world as payment for the contract. Yup… sounds pretty fucking cool to me
Her father abandoned her as a child and she was raised by a bear (thanks to Artemis)… what kind of monster would throw an adorable catgirl out on the streets like that?
In “Kiso’s Last Moments”, the 9th chapter of “The Tale of the Heike” written by Kakuichi, she was portrayed as “of lovely long hair, of truly outstanding features. Exceptionally strong with a bow, a soldier that matched a thousand, always ready to face even a demon or a god, be it mounted or on foot.” In other words, a beautiful, mighty warrior. Her most important trait to know, however is that she is a notorious gamer and one of my main targets to roll for this year
He is the ultimate, transcendent being so divine as to be two-thirds god and one-third human, and no others in the world could match him. Gil talks so much shit and is just too cool to ignore. One of the strongest servants around and has everything a man could want at his disposal.
Ishtar is the goddess of beauty, good harvests, war, lust, discord and fertility in Mesopotamian Mythology/Sumerian Mythology/Babylonian Mythology, and one among the many mother goddesses whose power is derived from the Earth Mother. Said to be the most pampered, or rather, the most beloved goddess by the other deities… Sound about right? It is Rin after all...
aka Uesugi-san Uesugi Kenshin was one of the most powerful daimyos of hisher time. Started studying martial arts and Zen Buddhism at the age of 7. Very new to FGO and the Nasuverse in general but I like the design so……………
this basically sums her up
The Hound of Ulster got his name from killing the guard dog (who was a beast known to have the strength of at least 10 men) who guarded the master blacksmith’s Culann’s house and apparently felt so bad for him he said "Does this dog have children? If he does, could you allow me to take care of them? I will raise them to be guard dogs just as strong as their father. Until then, I will be your guard dog." Cu is my boy.. he likes Rin almost as much as I do. Difference is I ain’t willing to wait a few years like he insists he would
The Goddess of the Underworld in Sumerian myth. She freely wields a spear-like cage; at times stabbing the enemy with it, at times imprisoning souls, at times summoning lightning, she is the fearsome ruler of the underworld. Having carried out her duties of administrating the underworld since birth, she is a goddess that disappeared along with the Age of Gods without ever knowing of the world above, or of freedom. Personally I think she’s better off down there as to avoid her sister Ishtar’s playful torturing
You know who trained Cu to be such a badass killing machine? Yup… this beautiful number right here. I don’t think you’ll find someone cooler on this list either. She guards the FUCKING LAND OF SHADOWS AND IS A MASTER OF RUNECRAFTING AND SPEARMANSHIP.
Look here’s all you need to know about Medb (besides the fact her name is pronounce Maeve). Apparently the knight Fergus used to need 7 women at a time to satisfy him… it only took Medb by herself to conquer him. Then, at the time of the second invasion of Ulster, Queen Medb (who was scheming her revenge against Cú Chulainn) concluded that "Fergus' existence will become a bother" and shunned him. PIMP MOVE. Feel free to make the doujins, I’ll read them.
Head of the El-Melloi faction and has innate ability to win me over based on design alone. I don’t know much about her yet but I look forward to learning more by watching the Case Files
You all know who Medusa is both in Fate and in actual Mythology but did you know she helped carry me through most of my beginning chapters of FGO?... Did you also know she has a great scene with Sakura in Hollow Ataraxia? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fun Fact: Drake was so good at her job that she basically gave rise to the British Empire by herself. The story goes that there were six tons of just spice in the load she had at the time of her return, and that by far exceeded the national budget of the England of that time. These commodities and the detailed maps produced during the world circumnavigation became the capital to put together a fleet that could compete with the world's champion (Spain) and served as foundation for the establishment of the East India Company. She just wants to be treated as one of the boys and according to a sailor, "Ergh, we cannot call ourselves men if we look the captain as a woman; or rather, it would be rude towards her."
Vive la France! Did you know canonically the has the most haters in the Nasuverse? Weird right? Who could hate Marie!?!? Look at her! She's a rich noble always seen with cool headgear whether it's that hat or a crab.
Basically Medea before she got tainted but that’s not what’s important. What’s important is that she grows up to love 2 things.. her master and Saber. The latter of course is something we can all relate too
You all know who Merlin is outside of Fate but did you know he is also a memelord who gave a girl a dick and then that produced Mordred? Yeah you probably did know that but it’s so weird I just wanted to say it
She was my first SSR and although I don’t really like lolis, she is clearly a top tier regardless. In her own words “I don’t need my own route, people love me anyway”
Canonically has the fluffiest tail in the world (confirmed by me, just now). Based off of Amaterasu who is one of my favorite people in all of mythology I could talk for hours about how great she is but I’ll spare you the time and details lol. She’s voiced by Chiwa Saito and that’s all you need to know for now.
Not only an underappreciated animated movie but also an underappreciated servant. She might be considered cold to you when first summoned but she warms up to you over time and god damn it’s worth it. She’s the best… I love you Anastasia.
A fuuma ninja whose legend states that she operates karkuri dolls to do her bidding but here’s the real kicker, those rumors aren’t true. The real truth is that she, herself, is actually a doll and not human at all
No relation to the ancient queen of Babylon I assure you. One of her most famous things is that she lured all of the men who killed her brother into a room then flooded the room with the Nile river thus killing them all in revenge. Another thing she’s famous for is being a fucking cutiepie
He who forged the name of "the Old Man of the Mountain" elected to live as an observer who would enact judgment upon the rot and the deviations of the sect. Gramps doesn’t fuck around and he basically deserves love because all grandparents deserve love
X is not only adorable but also pretty funny and has a design that I’d describe as “basically tricking everyone into liking it”. X has revealed to none that her true identity is actually Artoria Pendragon. While she believes that her "perfect disguise" has tricked everyone, it is asked that others keep the fact quiet to keep from spoiling it and also for the sake of X's own honor. :3
idk if she counts as a Fate character or not but… she’s here now and I am sure not going to tell her to leave… she’ll use those eyes of death perception and kill me. Sweet jacket though
A fictional character famously played by Robert De Niro once and most famous for TRYING TO KILL MORDRED I FUCKING HATE YOU FRAN I DON’T CARE HOW GOD DAMN ADORABLE YOU ARE
She is the strongest monster slayer of the Heian period who destroyed many monstrosities, such as Shuten-douji. I think they’re cool now though
blah blah blah we all know who he is. Did you know he is also the star of my favorite Disney movie?... yeah…. Bet you didn’t know that one… smartass
“If God is certain to exist, then surely divine retribution shall find me.”
All she wants to do is save people and she’s damn good at it. So good in fact that after her work in the military was finished, she came home to a metric-fuckton of money donated to her by fellow soldiers as a thanks to her. She then used this money to change the world… one little bit at a time.
Him and Mozart were friends… nothing more… nothing less…. Don’t look it up.
The King of Currumpaw, was an actual gray wolf (there are diverging opinions) whose name became widespread after being featured on Seton’s “Wild Animals I Have Known”. The story goes that he rampaged on the Currumpaw Plains, a vast American pasture, killing over 2,000 heads of cattle in the space of 5 years and slaughtering 250 sheep in a single night without eating them. Additionally, the Japanese would pronounce it ‘robo’ right? I’ll let the image of a mechanical wolf run through your head for a while.
The Saint of Orleans. A Catholic saint born in Domrémy, France, and the heroine of France who liberated Orléans in the Hundred Years' War. It’s a shame her name was tarnished by the Apocrypha anime but I don’t want to say too much bad about her.. Jesus might be listening.
Idc if she’s literally possessed by the devil, she might be the most headpat/hug worthy servant around.
Same as above except now her sexiness is more lowkey and only on this part of the list because I need to fill space so I’m violating my disclaimer rule. Avengers were made to break rules anyways.
Hey remember that part about me breaking rules? Well MHX/MHXX is one of my personal favorites so she’s back! This time AS A FUCKING GUNDAM WHO IS BEING PILOTED BY A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER BABE.
Posted by Gabagool | Jul 20, 2019 8:07 AM | 1 comments
May 11th, 2019
My MAL Interview
Anime Relations: Bakemonogatari
Posted by Gabagool | May 11, 2019 10:52 AM | 0 comments
January 1st, 2018
My Favorite Characters!
Posted by Gabagool | Jan 1, 2018 3:02 PM | 0 comments