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Jun 1, 2024
Mixed Feelings
"Hokuto no Ken 2" is basically more of the same, but a bit better. Animation is better, fights are better and the music is glorious as ever. There is a reason why this manga/seres is considered a cult classic. However, do keep in mind that the story continues its tragic melodrama, for better or worse. Characters are constantly introduced just so we can learn about their tragic past and then they sacrifice themselves for the greater good as we get all teary-eyed while they spew out melodramatic stuff in their last moments. No matter how much I like this story and characters, it got ...
Jul 5, 2023
Hokuto no Ken (Anime) add
Words "omae wa mou shindeiru" stormed the internet and that in time led me to discover this anime. Having watched it, now I can say without a doubt that it deserves it's legendary status. However, you should keep some things in mind before doing it.
1. Pacing - While I haven't read the manga this anime is based on, so I can't tell you how much the anime deviates from manga, one thing is crystal clear. Pacing of the whole show is off or rather, very slow. Here's how the show works. We get introduced to a bad guy. Our hero is on the hunt for ...
Feb 4, 2022
This is an episode centered on Sato and his time in the army. An origin to his love for carnage and slaughter is shown in this episode and it makes you sorry that series weren't that much centered on action. The quality of the story is better in this episode than in the whole series in my opinion. Sato is a monster, yeah, but he is a fascinating monster. And after watching this epiode, I understood that I wouldn't mind having the whole series from Sato's POV rather than from Nagai's which is a very bad main character in my opinion, because it takes too ...
Feb 4, 2022
Ajin OVA (Anime) add
First episode is a tale about another boy discovering that he is an ajin. He is actually more realistic and interesting than Nagai is, which is a shame, because this episode is the last we ever see of him. He would have been a far better main character than Nagai.

Second episode is worse than the first one. It's first half explains how Sato got to the funds for buying all the weapons he uses. It's a little bit unconvincing since Tanaka is being played like he is a complete moron, which is too much even for someone like him. Second half of the episode is ...
Feb 3, 2022
Ajin Part 2 (Anime) add
Second season of Ajin is an expected improvement. I say expected because first season was almost completely just character building and preparation for the second one, so this one should naturally be better as things will start happening here. Animation is still weird, but passable, story is still trying too hard and characters are constantly bordering over being interesting and being too much. Our main character finally gets some redeemable qualities, but it's too late. Basically, whole running time of season two you are looking forward to it's finale which promises a cool confrontation between Sato and our protagonists and it's a long way to ...
Oct 31, 2021
I don't often watch stuff like this, but I watched this one with a person very dear to me. It's a beautiful and romantic movie which doesn't do anything special, but still manages to avoid the biggest and most cringe cliches of the genre while being interesting and touching. It has some beautiful thoughts, scenes and ideas and I can tell that I will remember it with a smile and nostalgia later in life. It isn't a masterpiece in my opinion because it's very fast and we don't have the time to start caring for main characters that much. Still, I recommend it to everyone ...
Jul 17, 2021
Ajin (Anime) add
Recommended to me by someone very close, I promised I will one day watch "Ajin". While I can't really say that "Ajin" is bad... It isn't really anything special. Whole thing feels very generic. We are introduced to our main character who is perfectly described by his sister as trash. At the half of the series we start thinking that the series is about him becoming a better person, but no, he just remains trash till the end. Animation has it's moments, and I'm torn between thrashing it and praising it. At points it feels like a PS1 game, and at times it's pretty nice, ...
Jul 15, 2021
Dragon Ball Z (Anime) add
When I finished watching original "Dragon Ball", I was worried that it's sequel, "Dragon Ball Z" will mark the beginning of downfall and that it will be obvious downgrade in story and style department in favour of more action. Well, I am very happy to say that that is not the case. "Dragon Ball Z" is basically more of the same, but even better. Animation is better and so is the action, but the story and characters didn't suffer a bit. In fact, there are whole filler episodes just to develop characters, just like in the original. And, I can't lie, I love that! ...
Nov 29, 2020
Mixed Feelings
"Gakkougurashi!" is a weird anime. Weird is not automatically bad and I love a lot of weird things, but "Gakkougurashi!" is weird for wrong reasons. It has an amazing premise which is butchered for the first half of the season and you constantly find yourself shaking your head in disbelief that somebody could ruin such a good idea with so many irritating characters and cringe moments. Fan service also feels very awkward and forced. It's like they couldn't decide should they make something ultra serious or make something lighthearted, so they made something which has both elements. And for the first half (and even a ...
Jun 27, 2020
Dragon Ball (Anime) add
I am giving "Dragon Ball" 10/10, and not just because this is a classic anime. A lot of people prefer "Dragon Ball Z" over the original, and I don't doubt I will like it. But... I don't think the sense of friendship and adventure seen here can be recreated anymore. As the series went on, it just became a way to show great animation and impressive battles, but little by little, the soul of simplicity and adventure was lost. Here is where it will always remain. A story that began with a weird boy with a tail and a girl on a mission to find ...

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