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Jan 5, 9:44 AM
Jan 2022
Snowy1234 said:
Omg, pls do not repeat my mistake. Drop this show immediately. I also got recommended this, and reviews are positive right? So it will become good right? Right?
I kept on watching, ep 20, 30, 50.. 70... same boring stuff, same emptiness. I watched a lot of anime, like a lot, and FMA is still the most boring show I have seen in my life. But now if i don't like show I drop it immediately, lesson learned.
Some people find something here, but as you said 5 episodes should do. Not 20-30. Even extremely slow starters as Steins Gate are more interesting than this.
Do not torture yourself. There is nothing here.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂....🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕..Yeah yeah..🖕🖕😂..70 episodes 😂😂🖕..
Jan 5, 9:46 AM
Jan 2022
best anime ever ❤️❤️❤️🔥.. many Don't like it though.. it’s got 1 million+ 10 rating and 50 thousand+ 1 rating..
Jan 5, 10:07 AM
May 2016
Reply to DigiCat
ktg said:
"20 years" and you managed to watch 200 anime. Yeah, you must be impressive...

Therengoku342 said:
bro only watched 200 anime in 20 years, that's acc tough, I've watched 200 in 2.

This argument makes zero sense

I've also watched anime for over 20 years, but over 300 of the ones i've watched have been completed and/or discovered only in the last 3 years

People tend to forget that there used to be a time when we didn't have endless supplies of free streaming and had to rely on catching eps on TV or forking out the cash for VHSs and DVDs and if we were lucky we'd be able to find some more niche stuff to download
@DigiCat Because that is not an argument. He committed a fallacy, so I made fun of it (like the other user).
He wanted to legitimate his take, not by proving his point or refuting mine, but trying to put himself in a better position, making himself look like a more experienced viewer.
If you are more interested in the fallacy:

When we are talking about being good at something or having experience. It doesn't really matter when you started, because that tells us nothing. What we need to know how much actual time you put it into that thing. Like I played chess 20 years ago, but I'm not a GM, I haven't played chess for 10-20k hours like others high level players. The same is true for anime. Let's say you only watched One Piece, but you started it when the first episode aired. That would mean you've been also watching anime for more than 20 years, but you would still have limited amount of knowledge.

So yes, in these cases - sadly - it does matter the number of anime and the time you spent on it.

And I'm not trying to be arrogant here. I don't consider myself as a hardcore viewer, because I know how many important shows are there that I haven't watched yet. I would call myself as a medium-level viewer.
Jan 5, 10:19 AM
May 2016
Reply to DrFlamingLeaf
ktg said:
@DrFlamingLeaf Yes, I went with the show that has the best directing of the decade and had huge impact on the industry, influenced so many staff members (directors and animators as well). For one example, Kaguya-sama's director also worked on Madoka Magica with studio shaft, you can clearly see their influence on his directing style. So I'm perfectly aware how good Monogatari is, while you even failed to finish it and you've only seen 4 Monogatari titles.

I don't know why newbie watchers think they know their stuff, while there are hardcore viewers out there.

Best directing and all that may be true, but a show that sexualizes minors doesn't deserve to be anywhere in a list of great shows lmao. It loses so many points strictly because it it's trash minor fan service. I stopped watching it because of that. If it wasn't for that then I could see it being much better.

You also think I can't "know my stuff" because I'm new to anime? Gtfo with that elitest bullshit lol. You're smug af.
@DrFlamingLeaf If a show "loses points", because of your own moral compass, then the show is still great and the problem is within you and you loses so many points as a human being. This is the same argument when you call Michelangelo's David porn.

To make it clear before you get so mad at me. Monogatari is one of the few exception where the fan services are good and there's purpose to use it, but this only could work because Nisioisin is an incredibly talented author and the shaft had incredibly talented directors.
I'm too lazy, but I do recommend to watch this. No spoilers in it for you, it talks about one of Bakemonogatari's fan service scene and explain it so even a monkey would understand it:
There's also a second part, but this contains spoiler for you, because it mainly talks about scenes that you haven't seen, like Nisemonogatari's fan service scenes. If you are not planning to watch the series right now, then give this a watch:

DrFlamingLeaf said:
You also think I can't "know my stuff" because I'm new to anime? Gtfo with that elitest bullshit lol. You're smug af.

No, I'm actually thinking that if you started watching anime 20 years ago, but watched less show that someone who started a year ago, then you have no right to talk about when you started.

And btw, yes, if you are new to a medium, then you shouldn't really judge things, because you might lack certain perspective or knowledge. IF someone first watches Dragon Ball and Uchuusen Sagittarius, then without further knowledge that someone won't be able to tell which show had what kind of influence on the industry. Or you won't be able to tell when a series did something first time or just copied something else.
Jan 5, 10:25 AM
Nov 2021
ktg said:
@DrFlamingLeaf If a show "loses points", because of your own moral compass, then the show is still great and the problem is within you and you loses so many points as a human being. This is the same argument when you call Michelangelo's David porn.

To make it clear before you get so mad at me. Monogatari is one of the few exception where the fan services are good and there's purpose to use it, but this only could work because Nisioisin is an incredibly talented author and the shaft had incredibly talented directors.
I'm too lazy, but I do recommend to watch this. No spoilers in it for you, it talks about one of Bakemonogatari's fan service scene and explain it so even a monkey would understand it:
There's also a second part, but this contains spoiler for you, because it mainly talks about scenes that you haven't seen, like Nisemonogatari's fan service scenes. If you are not planning to watch the series right now, then give this a watch:

DrFlamingLeaf said:
You also think I can't "know my stuff" because I'm new to anime? Gtfo with that elitest bullshit lol. You're smug af.

No, I'm actually thinking that if you started watching anime 20 years ago, but watched less show that someone who started a year ago, then you have no right to talk about when you started.

And btw, yes, if you are new to a medium, then you shouldn't really judge things, because you might lack certain perspective or knowledge. IF someone first watches Dragon Ball and Uchuusen Sagittarius, then without further knowledge that someone won't be able to tell which show had what kind of influence on the industry. Or you won't be able to tell when a series did something first time or just copied something else.

I ain't reading all that bro. Lmao. It ain't that serious, I don't take anime that seriously. It's a fun hobby, it's not my whole life like it seems to be yours. You need to take a step back and go experience life as it seems anime is your whole life. Go touch some grass.

I ain't watching no damn video about how sexualized minors is actually art 😭.
Jan 5, 10:26 AM

May 2021
Reply to ktg
@DigiCat Because that is not an argument. He committed a fallacy, so I made fun of it (like the other user).
He wanted to legitimate his take, not by proving his point or refuting mine, but trying to put himself in a better position, making himself look like a more experienced viewer.
If you are more interested in the fallacy:

When we are talking about being good at something or having experience. It doesn't really matter when you started, because that tells us nothing. What we need to know how much actual time you put it into that thing. Like I played chess 20 years ago, but I'm not a GM, I haven't played chess for 10-20k hours like others high level players. The same is true for anime. Let's say you only watched One Piece, but you started it when the first episode aired. That would mean you've been also watching anime for more than 20 years, but you would still have limited amount of knowledge.

So yes, in these cases - sadly - it does matter the number of anime and the time you spent on it.

And I'm not trying to be arrogant here. I don't consider myself as a hardcore viewer, because I know how many important shows are there that I haven't watched yet. I would call myself as a medium-level viewer.
@ktg Excuse me, did i ever try to defend the guys words?

Also what fallacy? The guy has some shit takes and ways of saying them, but they're his opinions and he's free to have them, so what does that have to do with how many anime he's watched?

I also don't get the statement of "I know how many important shows are there that I haven't watched yet", what do you mean by important shows?
What makes a show more important than another? Isn't the point of watching anime to enjoy it, to watch what you personally like regardless of what others think of it?
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jan 5, 10:51 AM
Dec 2015
You're a JJK fan, so of course you don't want plot, I get it. Mindless action and random powerups and shock deaths won't happen in this show but there's plenty of reasons why it's a good one. Stick with it if you want, or don't.

FYI I don't think this show deserved the Number 1 spot at all. But it's good in it's own right. I don't regret watching it.
Jan 5, 11:00 AM

Jan 2023
If you've only seen eleven episodes, I think there's still not much you can comment on.

I saw all 64 episodes, it seems like just another ordinary series to me. Extremely overrated. With zero character development. Eldric Edward seems to me to be one of the dullest characters in anime.

But I started it and finished it so I could give a real opinion.
Jan 5, 11:02 AM

Jun 2011
Reply to KarateJones
ShamankinguYoh said:
KarateJones said:
I had the exact same issue with the show.

It does everything really well as far storytelling, pace & mystery etc. and yeah around episode 22 it picks up as a whole.

But if you’re looking for a good fight? Turn away immediately. All of the fights are so tame and leave you feeling blue-balled. Just when a fight is about to get interesting, one of the characters runs away as the other watches & allows him to get away clean. There’s never any real sense of danger in any fight seeing as not a single character dies or gets seriously injured via combat. It’s just the same thing every single time. You could actually skip every battle and it wouldn’t matter. I want to see jjk level of combat

It’s a great show don’t get me wrong, it’s just that the fights leave so so much to be desired imo.

Not every shonen is going to be stupid constant brainless hype bait action like JJK, Demon slayer or any of these other trash modern shonen. FMA comes from an era where action in shonen was there to supplement a great story and cast of characters, not as the only selling point like it is today. God I hate what shonen has become.

Also your point isn’t even true, Scar kills Bradley and Bradley kills old man Fuu.

I feel that if fmab came out today instead of then, it would be much more on the level of current animation standards. It’s just that technology/production obviously improves over time

But like i said it’s an amazing show nonetheless, just one personal opinionated gripe that i have
@KarateJones I see no problem with FMAB's animation? What is wrong with it?
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jan 5, 11:12 AM
Jul 2017
ToG25thBaam said:
@KarateJones I see no problem with FMAB's animation? What is wrong with it?

There’s no issues with it, like i said earlier: there aren’t any real issues with the show at all.
My point in that statement was that it would appeal to more shonen/young fans if it had the flashy combat that many current anime boast
Jan 5, 11:21 AM
Feb 2019
Otaku_4511 said:
You're a JJK fan, so of course you don't want plot, I get it. Mindless action and random powerups and shock deaths won't happen in this show but there's plenty of reasons why it's a good one. Stick with it if you want, or don't.

FYI I don't think this show deserved the Number 1 spot at all. But it's good in it's own right. I don't regret watching it.

Bro just assumed I’m a jjk fan, I dropped it several times before picking it back up because a friend kept telling me how good season 2 was, in no way am I fan of jjk, I still think it’s overrated and the fans overhype it, me mentioning the fact that I watched a fast paced action anime also doesn’t mean I enjoy “mindless action and random powerups” action isn’t even my favourite genre so I don’t see the point in you assuming
Jan 5, 11:27 AM
Dec 2021
bladewade said:
Im currently on episode 11 of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and I must say it’s so underwhelming and boring to watch, the minute I feel as though the story is going to develop and get more interesting, an underwhelming 10 minute fight happens which is boring to watch. Idk if it’s because I just finished Jujutsu kaisen season 2 so my expectations for action is insanely high however, even so I would’ve expected this to be way better because of the constant praise this anime receives. The only thing really pushing me to watch this is a comment that someone made claiming it gets really good after episode 22 and I know someone under this thread will say I’ve pretty much just started the anime so I shouldn’t necessarily be complaining however, I believe a anime should captivate the watcher at least by the 5th episode.
I want to know if it’s true that this anime gets better after episode 22 and why this it’s so loved in the anime community, I’ve genuinely never heard negative criticisms made towards this show

tbh, its not that good of an anime to begin with, fans hyped this up for no reason, I mean its not bad but it is obviously not like highest rated anime on MAL, pace is ok (sometimes slow), story is a bit lackluster, and poorly written characters, If you didn't like starting episodes, its highly likely you won't like rest of the anime
Jan 5, 11:37 AM
Dec 2015
bladewade said:
Otaku_4511 said:
You're a JJK fan, so of course you don't want plot, I get it. Mindless action and random powerups and shock deaths won't happen in this show but there's plenty of reasons why it's a good one. Stick with it if you want, or don't.

FYI I don't think this show deserved the Number 1 spot at all. But it's good in it's own right. I don't regret watching it.

Bro just assumed I’m a jjk fan, I dropped it several times before picking it back up because a friend kept telling me how good season 2 was, in no way am I fan of jjk, I still think it’s overrated and the fans overhype it, me mentioning the fact that I watched a fast paced action anime also doesn’t mean I enjoy “mindless action and random powerups” action isn’t even my favourite genre so I don’t see the point in you assuming

My guy you presented yourself as a JJK dickrider in the original post, that's a you problem.

Good for you if you're not a fan of JJK or mindless action. Except you're bored in a show with plot so...?

My unsolicited advice?
Man up and make a decision.
Continue it or drop it and be okay with that.
Jan 5, 11:56 AM
Feb 2019
Otaku_4511 said:
bladewade said:

Bro just assumed I’m a jjk fan, I dropped it several times before picking it back up because a friend kept telling me how good season 2 was, in no way am I fan of jjk, I still think it’s overrated and the fans overhype it, me mentioning the fact that I watched a fast paced action anime also doesn’t mean I enjoy “mindless action and random powerups” action isn’t even my favourite genre so I don’t see the point in you assuming

My guy you presented yourself as a JJK dickrider in the original post, that's a you problem.

Good for you if you're not a fan of JJK or mindless action. Except you're bored in a show with plot so...?

My unsolicited advice?
Man up and make a decision.
Continue it or drop it and be okay with that.

Calling me a dickrider when you’ve got otaku in your name makes me think you’re a 12 year old boy with autism
Jan 5, 12:05 PM
Jun 2022
There's too much jjk and fmab disrespect in this thread, both are really good shows in their own regard and don't deserve to be compared
Jan 5, 12:09 PM
Dec 2015
bladewade said:
Otaku_4511 said:

My guy you presented yourself as a JJK dickrider in the original post, that's a you problem.

Good for you if you're not a fan of JJK or mindless action. Except you're bored in a show with plot so...?

My unsolicited advice?
Man up and make a decision.
Continue it or drop it and be okay with that.

Calling me a dickrider when you’ve got otaku in your name makes me think you’re a 12 year old boy with autism

Don't make fun of people on the spectrum, retard
Jan 5, 12:37 PM

Mar 2014
FMAB is not a fight shounen, you should not be watching it with the same mindset as you watch JJK. FMAB is a fantasy drama with a ton of political and religious criticism, and the plot is short and concise. It just happens to fit the shounen demographic. Like, you do know you can have shounen of a variety of genres and not just fights, right? I understand if it's not your type of show, but there's a reason why it consistently returns to the #1 spot here. Also, you should not compare the animation from 2009 to the CG animation of today, and you should definitely not watch it with the same standards in mind.
Jan 5, 12:48 PM

Apr 2021
i mean if this is not bait, and you geniunely wanted to get an answer, this is the worst place to ask lol, the haters will talk sh!t abt it and the fanboys will be glazing the story.

Jan 5, 12:59 PM
Feb 2019
Otaku_4511 said:
bladewade said:

Calling me a dickrider when you’ve got otaku in your name makes me think you’re a 12 year old boy with autism

Don't make fun of people on the spectrum, retard

Sorry otaku4511 🤓
Jan 5, 1:13 PM
Nov 2016
If you aren't enjoying this anime by episode 11 then you probably won't enjoy the rest of it, don't make the same mistake I did, I watched the whole crap thinking that it would get good and it never did so it was a big waste of time, don't take the rating too seriously either, the rating doesn't mean shit since taste is subjective, I have watched low rated animes that are way better than this overrated FMAB piece of crap.

Not everything is bad in FMAB though, it has some nice things like King Bradley, that character is cool, and the action scenes from that character are pretty good too but that's probably the only thing I praise about this anime, I don't praise anything else since the rest of the shit are mostly boring, uninspiring or generic, I honestly expected better from FMAB and don't even get me started with that lame shitty comedy, it's probably the worst comedy I've ever experienced in an anime and FMAB tends to shoehorn that fucking comedy in the worst moments possible, when something serious happens they shoehorn that shitty comedy and it completely ruins the mood for me and this happens A LOT, just don't waste your time with this shit.

If you want you can give this anime a few episodes more to see if it manages to captivate you, if it doesn't then do yourself a favor and drop it.
Jan 5, 1:16 PM
Jan 2020
If you need lots of action, like Bleach or DBZ, you’re not gonna like FMA: B. It’s really that simple.
Jan 5, 1:17 PM

Sep 2017
It's fun to watch and you don;t have to take it too serious. At least you can watch it knowing that it probably gets you a step closer to "normal people anime"
Jan 5, 2:10 PM
Feb 2023
ktg said:
Btw don't expect too much. Yes it was #1 for a long time, but most of the time it didn't deserve it. Especially in the last 5 years, we've seen better shows.

Dude can you stop with the troll and bait messages? Even if it doesn’t continue being number 1. It’s the only anime in top 5 in every ranking site. That says enough.
Jan 5, 2:15 PM
Feb 2020
I think it's a show that does not have a single thing it does amazingly, but does everything equally great. It's a show that does little wrong, though obviously nothing is without criticism. The pacing can be slow at times and fast in others, though because FMA had filler your stance on this may vary.

But generally, FMAB was number one not because it was incredible, or had anything you HAD to see like other anime, but it was so equally adept at everything from characters to music to animation to worldbuilding to mystery that it's the "best" anime because it does everything equally competently and great, but it does absolutely nothing incredible to balance it out. It's not the greatest anime of all time, but it is the textbook definition of "perfect" because it does nothing badly or even averagely.

* I must stress that I'm NOT saying it's a masterpiece, or a must watch, what I'm saying is that it does everything equally great, and it's the ultimate anime jack of all trades, master of none. This is why it was the top for so long, because you can't really rate it low because it objectively does everything greatly while doing nothing wrong. Though subjectivity does exist and people are free to have their opinions, I as a person can just see a product for what it is rather than attaching my own biases and emotions to it.

The mystery is what hooked me, so if you're not a fan of mystery then there's probably some other aspect that you'll be hooked by, though you've seen other things that do aspects of FMAB much better. I think Mystery is the trade in which it excels, though as I said it's not a slouch in anything else.

However I stand by that FMAB is the perfect beginner anime, and the "best"* anime, though not the greatest because that's subjective.
Jan 5, 2:19 PM
May 2016
Reply to DigiCat
@ktg Excuse me, did i ever try to defend the guys words?

Also what fallacy? The guy has some shit takes and ways of saying them, but they're his opinions and he's free to have them, so what does that have to do with how many anime he's watched?

I also don't get the statement of "I know how many important shows are there that I haven't watched yet", what do you mean by important shows?
What makes a show more important than another? Isn't the point of watching anime to enjoy it, to watch what you personally like regardless of what others think of it?
@DigiCat Right now you are defending him :D
I wrote what I wrote, because it felt like you don't know why I said what I said and not because you defended him.

And yes, that was fallacy. Not everything is an opinion. If I say that the Earth is flat, that's not an opinion. Saying that watching anime for 20 years makes his taste good, while he watched less than people who started like 3 years ago, is a fallacy.

That statement means there are influential shows in the industry that I would define as "must watch" to be an "expert" or "hardcore fan" or whatever way you would refer to someone with a vast knowledge in anime. So, simple example, check the season when the original Dragon Ball started airing and count how many of those shows you've heard of. You've probably only heard of DB. That's because it was more influential, it had much bigger impact on the industry.
When we are talking about which show should be number 1 (this was the original argument that I made), then we should consider these factors too.

DigiCat said:
Isn't the point of watching anime to enjoy it, to watch what you personally like regardless of what others think of it?

How can you tell which show you like? To be able to tell that, you first need to watch it. So you need to choose it as the next show that you would watch. How do you choose? Obviously factors like scores, reputation etc. (it is possible that someone recommended you, but with these high number of shows that we watch, it is less and less likely). Having higher score or "better" reputation sound like these shows are being "more important" than others.

Or I could define it for you as... when you go to university to study movie making, they will "force" you to watch certain movies that were "important", because of the writing, editing, scripting etc. I try to watch those important shows, but in the anime industry.

Unlike you, I have rules that sometimes make watching anime not that fun, because I like anime, so I really want to know it well. For that, I don't drop shows. It might takes years to finish it (:D), but I won't drop it.
And I regularly watch bad shows on purpose. To be able to rate shows as fairly (or objectively, but others don't like this word), I want to know what the bottom is in terms of anime making.
Jan 5, 2:23 PM
May 2016
Reply to Confused_100
ktg said:
Btw don't expect too much. Yes it was #1 for a long time, but most of the time it didn't deserve it. Especially in the last 5 years, we've seen better shows.

Dude can you stop with the troll and bait messages? Even if it doesn’t continue being number 1. It’s the only anime in top 5 in every ranking site. That says enough.
@Confused_100 It was not a troll or bait message. You are just simple wrong and made a bad argument.
There were dozens shows that surpassed FMAB once and they got downvoted by FMAB fans. So don't relay on these manipulated ranking sites.

(And yes, there were more than 5 titles that accomplished it.)
Jan 5, 2:27 PM
May 2016
Reply to DrFlamingLeaf
ktg said:
@DrFlamingLeaf If a show "loses points", because of your own moral compass, then the show is still great and the problem is within you and you loses so many points as a human being. This is the same argument when you call Michelangelo's David porn.

To make it clear before you get so mad at me. Monogatari is one of the few exception where the fan services are good and there's purpose to use it, but this only could work because Nisioisin is an incredibly talented author and the shaft had incredibly talented directors.
I'm too lazy, but I do recommend to watch this. No spoilers in it for you, it talks about one of Bakemonogatari's fan service scene and explain it so even a monkey would understand it:
There's also a second part, but this contains spoiler for you, because it mainly talks about scenes that you haven't seen, like Nisemonogatari's fan service scenes. If you are not planning to watch the series right now, then give this a watch:

DrFlamingLeaf said:
You also think I can't "know my stuff" because I'm new to anime? Gtfo with that elitest bullshit lol. You're smug af.

No, I'm actually thinking that if you started watching anime 20 years ago, but watched less show that someone who started a year ago, then you have no right to talk about when you started.

And btw, yes, if you are new to a medium, then you shouldn't really judge things, because you might lack certain perspective or knowledge. IF someone first watches Dragon Ball and Uchuusen Sagittarius, then without further knowledge that someone won't be able to tell which show had what kind of influence on the industry. Or you won't be able to tell when a series did something first time or just copied something else.

I ain't reading all that bro. Lmao. It ain't that serious, I don't take anime that seriously. It's a fun hobby, it's not my whole life like it seems to be yours. You need to take a step back and go experience life as it seems anime is your whole life. Go touch some grass.

I ain't watching no damn video about how sexualized minors is actually art 😭.
@DrFlamingLeaf That is acceptable, but then don't try to act as an expert and not as a casual viewer. It's fine that you like building sandcastles, but don't try to tell an architect how to design a house.

I would touch some grass, unfortunately you've smoked them all.

See, you are afraid of a video. You don't watch it because you might change your mind and you are afraid of that. Very mature. :D
Jan 5, 2:29 PM
Apr 2019
ktg said:
@DigiCat Right now you are defending him :D
I wrote what I wrote, because it felt like you don't know why I said what I said and not because you defended him.

And yes, that was fallacy. Not everything is an opinion. If I say that the Earth is flat, that's not an opinion. Saying that watching anime for 20 years makes his taste good, while he watched less than people who started like 3 years ago, is a fallacy.

That statement means there are influential shows in the industry that I would define as "must watch" to be an "expert" or "hardcore fan" or whatever way you would refer to someone with a vast knowledge in anime. So, simple example, check the season when the original Dragon Ball started airing and count how many of those shows you've heard of. You've probably only heard of DB. That's because it was more influential, it had much bigger impact on the industry.
When we are talking about which show should be number 1 (this was the original argument that I made), then we should consider these factors too.

DigiCat said:
Isn't the point of watching anime to enjoy it, to watch what you personally like regardless of what others think of it?

How can you tell which show you like? To be able to tell that, you first need to watch it. So you need to choose it as the next show that you would watch. How do you choose? Obviously factors like scores, reputation etc. (it is possible that someone recommended you, but with these high number of shows that we watch, it is less and less likely). Having higher score or "better" reputation sound like these shows are being "more important" than others.

Or I could define it for you as... when you go to university to study movie making, they will "force" you to watch certain movies that were "important", because of the writing, editing, scripting etc. I try to watch those important shows, but in the anime industry.

Unlike you, I have rules that sometimes make watching anime not that fun, because I like anime, so I really want to know it well. For that, I don't drop shows. It might takes years to finish it (:D), but I won't drop it.
And I regularly watch bad shows on purpose. To be able to rate shows as fairly (or objectively, but others don't like this word), I want to know what the bottom is in terms of anime making.

Watching anime based on scores or reputation is such a bad way to find anime to you enjoy. No wonder you don’t have fun watching anime
Jan 5, 2:35 PM
Feb 2023
ktg said:
@Confused_100 It was not a troll or bait message. You are just simple wrong and made a bad argument.
There were dozens shows that surpassed FMAB once and they got downvoted by FMAB fans. So don't relay on these manipulated ranking sites.

(And yes, there were more than 5 titles that accomplished it.)

No lol. Literally because there’s only top 5 in every site… Only Gintama and FMAB achieved that. Now to address the downvoting, you do know FMAB has the biggest downvotes compared to any anime right? And in every anime fandom they do that except you believe that it falling to 9.09 from 9.12 in one year is a fluke
Jan 5, 2:37 PM
Jan 2021
bc it's a good story first. it's not like other shonens carried by fights or animation with some convoluted story that barely ties together. I don't blame the other ones, drawing wild shit is hard enough, but expecting the same artist to also be a great storyteller is pretty demanding
Jan 5, 2:47 PM
Oct 2022
DiomarBrasindo said:
Snowy1234 said:
Omg, pls do not repeat my mistake. Drop this show immediately. I also got recommended this, and reviews are positive right? So it will become good right? Right?
I kept on watching, ep 20, 30, 50.. 70... same boring stuff, same emptiness. I watched a lot of anime, like a lot, and FMA is still the most boring show I have seen in my life. But now if i don't like show I drop it immediately, lesson learned.
Some people find something here, but as you said 5 episodes should do. Not 20-30. Even extremely slow starters as Steins Gate are more interesting than this.
Do not torture yourself. There is nothing here.

Yeah man 70 episodes

yep this clown definitely watched 100 ep out of 64 ep form this show 💀

he is just a hater don't mind him
Jan 5, 2:52 PM

Sep 2015
Personally, I liked it from the start. But I could say that I was completely hooked by episode 15.

And to add to the discussion above, if you didn't like the show, that's fine. I can see JJK and Demon Slayer mentioned a few times for comparison, those are "Battle Shonen", I don't think that FMA or FMAB were ever intended to be battle Shonen, it's more of a drama/Adventure shonen. There were some battles here and there, but they were never the main focus.

I watched it in 2010 and it is still my favourite anime. But again, everyone is not the same. Some people might not like it for one reason or the other.
AhmedJafar1Jan 5, 2:59 PM
Jan 5, 2:55 PM
May 2016
Reply to Todday
ktg said:
@DigiCat Right now you are defending him :D
I wrote what I wrote, because it felt like you don't know why I said what I said and not because you defended him.

And yes, that was fallacy. Not everything is an opinion. If I say that the Earth is flat, that's not an opinion. Saying that watching anime for 20 years makes his taste good, while he watched less than people who started like 3 years ago, is a fallacy.

That statement means there are influential shows in the industry that I would define as "must watch" to be an "expert" or "hardcore fan" or whatever way you would refer to someone with a vast knowledge in anime. So, simple example, check the season when the original Dragon Ball started airing and count how many of those shows you've heard of. You've probably only heard of DB. That's because it was more influential, it had much bigger impact on the industry.
When we are talking about which show should be number 1 (this was the original argument that I made), then we should consider these factors too.

DigiCat said:
Isn't the point of watching anime to enjoy it, to watch what you personally like regardless of what others think of it?

How can you tell which show you like? To be able to tell that, you first need to watch it. So you need to choose it as the next show that you would watch. How do you choose? Obviously factors like scores, reputation etc. (it is possible that someone recommended you, but with these high number of shows that we watch, it is less and less likely). Having higher score or "better" reputation sound like these shows are being "more important" than others.

Or I could define it for you as... when you go to university to study movie making, they will "force" you to watch certain movies that were "important", because of the writing, editing, scripting etc. I try to watch those important shows, but in the anime industry.

Unlike you, I have rules that sometimes make watching anime not that fun, because I like anime, so I really want to know it well. For that, I don't drop shows. It might takes years to finish it (:D), but I won't drop it.
And I regularly watch bad shows on purpose. To be able to rate shows as fairly (or objectively, but others don't like this word), I want to know what the bottom is in terms of anime making.

Watching anime based on scores or reputation is such a bad way to find anime to you enjoy. No wonder you don’t have fun watching anime
@Todday Then give me a recommendation how I should watch anime and also I'll name a few and help me find similar ones. But first let me start with a short monologue how I come to this conclusion.

When I started watching anime, there were 2 ways I followed. Either it was recommended by someone (classmate, relative etc) or reputation/score, until I had a clear idea what I like and dislike. To give you an idea about that time, I noted that I don't really like romance, mecha or SoL.
So when I liked a specific show and it felt like I wanted to watch something similar, I looked at the recommendations on the MAL page. I repeated this several times and when I arrived at shows with rating of 7. I asked myself, do I really want to watch this with lower rating instead of another show with a rating of 8 or 9 from a different genre that I don't like that much? My answer was no at that time, so I want watched other stuff.
When I said I didn't really like mecha or romance, that still true. I'm more into fantasy and medieval stuff, but still some of my ALL TIME favorite shows are from those disliked genres, like Fruits Basket (2019) or Code Geass.
So I definitely learned to not listen what I generally think of a genre and give chance to every shows. But if you still have a really good that you would like to recommend me to look for shows, then I'll listen.

As for what I'm looking for, because I haven't seen anything like that before, is Godzilla Singular Point. The script was written by a physicist. It is a sci-fi show with a realistic or believable scientific explanations. So in generally I'm looking for hidden gems with low rating that I'd like. Other shows with low rating are Hikari no Ou, Mars Red or Jouran.
I still think you can't find these without actually watching many stuff.

Lastly, fun fact, you slightly misunderstood what I said. I enjoy watching anime, but there are rules that I made that sometimes made it harder, but it's only about those rules. Watching shows based on score and reputation most of the time was perfectly fine and had zero problem with it.
So, again, the less enjoyable experience came from my own rules, like not dropping a show.
Jan 5, 3:26 PM
May 2016
Reply to Confused_100
ktg said:
@Confused_100 It was not a troll or bait message. You are just simple wrong and made a bad argument.
There were dozens shows that surpassed FMAB once and they got downvoted by FMAB fans. So don't relay on these manipulated ranking sites.

(And yes, there were more than 5 titles that accomplished it.)

No lol. Literally because there’s only top 5 in every site… Only Gintama and FMAB achieved that. Now to address the downvoting, you do know FMAB has the biggest downvotes compared to any anime right? And in every anime fandom they do that except you believe that it falling to 9.09 from 9.12 in one year is a fluke
@Confused_100 Ahwww, I hate arguing with children...

Sadly, no. You think every fandom acts the same way and the same ratio downvotes it. Both of your assumptions are wrong.
Firstly, before we even start this. You need to know that how MAL ratings work. When a botting happens they do not remove the votes from the stats, they just do not include it in the aggregated score. If you, yourself calculate FMAB's score based on the numbers in the stats, you will get 8.940712127 (at least this is what I got in my Google Sheets). Therefore, talking about the "biggest downvotes" are false, because we don't know how many of those 1s are included.
Secondly, the fanbases act differently. When a new show comes out and surpasses FMAB, there are more people who only watched FMAB compared to those who only watched that new show. So downvoting a new show will be always easier. Someone who watched both show and enjoyed both will unlikely to change FMAB's rating, because of this.

Confused_100 said:
No lol. Literally because there’s only top 5 in every site

Btw no. I just realized what you are saying.
On Anilist and on AniDb FMAB was in 6th position at certion times. On Kitsu, FMAB is currently 43rd highest rated.
Here's Kitsu's list, this is the easiest to check:
Jan 5, 4:08 PM
Aug 2023
bladewade said:
Im currently on episode 11 of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and I must say it’s so underwhelming and boring to watch, the minute I feel as though the story is going to develop and get more interesting, an underwhelming 10 minute fight happens which is boring to watch. Idk if it’s because I just finished Jujutsu kaisen season 2 so my expectations for action is insanely high however, even so I would’ve expected this to be way better because of the constant praise this anime receives. The only thing really pushing me to watch this is a comment that someone made claiming it gets really good after episode 22 and I know someone under this thread will say I’ve pretty much just started the anime so I shouldn’t necessarily be complaining however, I believe a anime should captivate the watcher at least by the 5th episode.
I want to know if it’s true that this anime gets better after episode 22 and why this it’s so loved in the anime community, I’ve genuinely never heard negative criticisms made towards this show

the anime sucks it never got better for me lol, overhyped cause many fanboys

still recommend you watch the full thing yourself so you can reach your own conclusions and form an opinion
Jan 5, 4:54 PM
Feb 2023
ktg said:
@Confused_100 Ahwww, I hate arguing with children...

Sadly, no. You think every fandom acts the same way and the same ratio downvotes it. Both of your assumptions are wrong.
Firstly, before we even start this. You need to know that how MAL ratings work. When a botting happens they do not remove the votes from the stats, they just do not include it in the aggregated score. If you, yourself calculate FMAB's score based on the numbers in the stats, you will get 8.940712127 (at least this is what I got in my Google Sheets). Therefore, talking about the "biggest downvotes" are false, because we don't know how many of those 1s are included.
Secondly, the fanbases act differently. When a new show comes out and surpasses FMAB, there are more people who only watched FMAB compared to those who only watched that new show. So downvoting a new show will be always easier. Someone who watched both show and enjoyed both will unlikely to change FMAB's rating, because of this.

Confused_100 said:
No lol. Literally because there’s only top 5 in every site

Btw no. I just realized what you are saying.
On Anilist and on AniDb FMAB was in 6th position at certion times. On Kitsu, FMAB is currently 43rd highest rated.
Here's Kitsu's list, this is the easiest to check:

And now insulting other than talking and having a discussion… Yes all fandoms have that, hence why FMAB had alot of downvotes. By your logic, FMAB bots aren’t real, meaning you are contradicting yourself. It was and it was top 5 for more time… Kitsu? The Demon Slayer site? Really? If that’s the case, you believe all demon slayer content deserves to overtake top 5.

Now I am gonna tell you this an advice, if you wanted to try to provoke me by calling me a “child” then tries to deflect while contradicting yourself in the process isn’t helping you. Try to converse genuinely and not trying to bait others. Like I get you fall into reddit posts or salty fandoms who think their animes deserve to be top 5 when it literally after it finishes airing, it falls in rating because it’s natural. What isn’t natural is what is happening to FMAB rating. I have pictures of it even if you want to talk genuinely. Or even look at the historical data in MAL or Anilist or other databases. Every ranking system has FMAB in its top 5 and not because of “fanbase”. This kind of talk is getting old because other than seeing every perspective, you deflecting blame and trying to make one old fanbase the center of blame when it literally is in every fanbase.

Go try and criticise any new anime, you will see bad responses, why? Because fanbases sometimes don’t differentiate art with their real lives, they connect a show’s ranking and rating as success. I see anyone who talks as if there’s only one side to blame as literally not talking genuinely and baiting. So stop insulting and projecting and talk for real here. Or don’t and stop conversation here for your sake atleast.
Jan 5, 7:59 PM

Dec 2022
I watched a few episodes back in the day and its pretty boring. Just not my thing.

Jan 6, 12:20 AM
Jun 2022
Tbh, I liked this anime from the starting, from the very first episode, so I can't say where this started to get better, cuz it was already best for me from the starting.
But I do think that has a personal opinion, becuz if something is liked many doesn't mean it will be liked by 'everyone' and that's the reason even FMAB's rating is not 100.
So if you don't like this anime I think why not just drop it, cuz otherwise it would just be a pain for you to watch.
Jan 6, 1:10 AM

Apr 2019
Watched it when I was on my teens (who only liked big and flashy scenes) and gave it a 6/10

Re-watched it a decade later on my mid 20s (who now wants a good story more than anything) and gave it a 9/10

Jan 6, 1:15 AM
Aug 2023
ktg said:
@Confused_100 It was not a troll or bait message. You are just simple wrong and made a bad argument.
There were dozens shows that surpassed FMAB once and they got downvoted by FMAB fans. So don't relay on these manipulated ranking sites.

(And yes, there were more than 5 titles that accomplished it.)

this literally lmfao
Jan 6, 4:07 AM
Jul 2018
It doesn't get better. I managed to watch it a decade ago only because of the hype. Pretty boring over all.
Jan 6, 4:38 AM

Jun 2019
It's underwhelming I agree. But I wouldn't say it's boring. It's a decent watch. I like it.
Jan 6, 12:39 PM
Jul 2021
It's nice to see that some people still remember and watch old but great shows like fmab
Jan 6, 12:42 PM
Aug 2023
Snowy1234 said:
Omg, pls do not repeat my mistake. Drop this show immediately. I also got recommended this, and reviews are positive right? So it will become good right? Right?
I kept on watching, ep 20, 30, 50.. 70... same boring stuff, same emptiness. I watched a lot of anime, like a lot, and FMA is still the most boring show I have seen in my life. But now if i don't like show I drop it immediately, lesson learned.
Some people find something here, but as you said 5 episodes should do. Not 20-30. Even extremely slow starters as Steins Gate are more interesting than this.
Do not torture yourself. There is nothing here.

Not even 70 episodes in the show. Therefore, opinion not valid. Next.
Jan 6, 12:42 PM
Feb 2016
The hype is that it's better than every other shonen. it doesn't take much to be better than Naruto, dragon ball z or bleach. So now all the people that enjoy these kinds of shit shonen shows think this is the epitome of anime. Forcing the rest of us to have to see this mediocre anime at the top spot forever.
Jan 6, 12:45 PM
Aug 2023
Not really sure what the confusion is cause fmab is better than jjk so…
Jan 6, 6:34 PM
Dec 2022
If you don’t like it don’t watch it. It’s kind of like me with code geass where everyone seems to think it’s a masterpiece and I just find it boring. I personally love fmab but if you don’t like it then don’t continue to watch it
Jan 6, 6:38 PM

Aug 2021
I'm just here to tell you to keep going even though I never watched it myself xD
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Jan 6, 6:57 PM
Dec 2023
bladewade said:
Im currently on episode 11 of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and I must say it’s so underwhelming and boring to watch, the minute I feel as though the story is going to develop and get more interesting, an underwhelming 10 minute fight happens which is boring to watch. Idk if it’s because I just finished Jujutsu kaisen season 2 so my expectations for action is insanely high however, even so I would’ve expected this to be way better because of the constant praise this anime receives. The only thing really pushing me to watch this is a comment that someone made claiming it gets really good after episode 22 and I know someone under this thread will say I’ve pretty much just started the anime so I shouldn’t necessarily be complaining however, I believe a anime should captivate the watcher at least by the 5th episode.
I want to know if it’s true that this anime gets better after episode 22 and why this it’s so loved in the anime community, I’ve genuinely never heard negative criticisms made towards this show

Huh, people really get heated in here. Opposing those who say "just drop it instead of posting", I had the same question when I started.

I first watched and dropped it at release. Years after the hype was that high that I tried again. Same process three times. At the end I binged it in one weekend just to have evidence to say that I did not like it. Same thing with 150-300ch of naruto, one piece, black clover, seven deadly sins, fairytale, my hero academia and so on. They just feel empty for me, but people say they are good so I gave them a good chance.

It feels an slow-paced anime (comparing it to new ones), but for me the reward after that build-up was not worth.

I would say watch up to chapter 20 or so and if it does not pick up your interest, drop it. Something being good does not mean that you'll like it. And something being bad doesn't mean you won't like it. There are truckload of animes to spent time in something you don't enjoy just because is "objectively good"/too hyped.

Btw, first time using this forum, just registered this week.
Jan 7, 6:19 AM
Nov 2023
just drop it if you don't like
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