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Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo. Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai
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Nijiiro Days
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Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale
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Uuh Sep 29, 2015 7:45 PM

henriiez Jul 1, 2013 7:07 PM
You really ship Kyousake and Kirino pretty hard don't you? Well, I was disappointed at the ending of the second season. Just made me cringe and shake my head so much.

The specials are close. Surprisingly.

And welcome back? You hadn't replied in ages.
Kitix Jun 28, 2013 3:08 PM

Hi! Would you like to join One Piece CardShop (O.P.C.S) ☆ ★ or just look around and see if the club interests you. Thank you! (✿◕ ‿ ◕✿)
henriiez Jun 14, 2013 2:57 AM
I wouldn't say Kokoro Connect is serious and has a lot of drama, but comparing it to Oreimo I might.

Kirino and Inaba are very similar characters. They are both tsunderes, being harsh and sometimes distant. Though Inaba is more distant than Kirino, and I would say more mature. And related. I can't relate to Kirino much at all, since I don't know any friends that model, or have crazy obsessive friends, not to mention crazy otaku. I'm more less otaku, but not to that level since otaku related things don't happen in Australia, often.

Overall, without a doubt, I prefer Inaba over Nagase. Any day, anytime, anywhere. I like Inaba since she is the actual definition of tsundere, not the one that anime has changed it to be -- the annoying obnoxious bitch who can't even think straight. Inaba, is mean but insecure, mature but cute, and has enough brains to think rationally unlike most characters who couldn't think to save their lives.

It's not Taki, it's Taichi. Please get it right. I'll understand if you just spelt it wrong though, since the Japanese spelling is a bit complicated. I actually hate how Nagase needs help and doesn't want to admit it, it really gets on my nerves and I feel the need to slap her. Very hard.

I usually watch whenever I can, but majority of the time I watch at night since I have the most time at night to do things than I would have in the morning. Since by the time I get home, it's afternoon. Unless it was holidays, but then in which case I would be watching all day.. Most likely.

Yeah, I kind of figured that you didn't mean to put the exclamation mark there, but I just had the need to say that.
henriiez Jun 13, 2013 4:01 AM
I don't really always sort through romance anime so I don't really care so much about OTP's since I just watch any anime. I know what you mean about the atmosphere and events that make the OTP, since I feel the same way.

Why did you go on about Kirino? Oreimo is nothing close to a serious anime. It's just a fun watch because the concept driving the anime was very original and unique, I would say. Of course, just because a character has a trait that you like in characters, doesn't mean you have to like them. I think the easiest example would be dickhead characters. There's only a few that you can actually put up with and like them for who they are. Dickheads.

I'm disappointed that you don't like Inaba. You don't have to like her a ton, you just have to like her. You can't like her as much as me, since I like her too much. Even if you like her a ton, over more, I'll still like her more. :P

I didn't root for Nagase since I don't necessarily like hyper-active characters. Unless they are just completely ultimate, aka. Issac and Maria (from Baccano).

I'm fine with one episode per day, but will watch more anyway. I've got nothing better to do otherwise. Except play League of Legends or play the drums.

Alright, no need to yell at me.
henriiez Jun 12, 2013 4:19 AM
If were to have OTP's based on that seem cute and a sense of happiness when they are together, I would have nicely hundreds of OTP's. So, the OTP's I DO have, they are very backed-up by me.

Although I did like the episode where they gave Saori some background story, I do feel it was unnecessary. It didn't help directly help with the moving the plot forward, but did give a good sense on why things happened the way they did. Like, why she wears those glasses.

It does start off quite light, but gets quite deeper. The problems they do face are realistic which I do enjoy a lot. The since in able to understand what they are going through, not because you, yourself, have been in their shoes, but because they explain how they were to come to be like that. Although, it goes deeper, it does end on quite a light note which I absolutely loved how they did. When you see the last scene in the 14th episode, you'll understand why.

I know what you're trying to get at. It's like, the little time you might have time to watch anime, you'd rather watch new anime, rather than the ones you've already seen since it does not shock you as much having seen all the scenes. Much like Death Note, but the concept there is still enough to keep anyone interested.

I've told you this before, but why don't you check out Shingeki no Kyojin since it is the biggest hype of this year so far, even making it into the top 10 anime -- which is a big feat since it hasn't even finished, not even half way done for that fact. Though I do agree it is amazing, I was enjoying Suisei no Gargantia more. I say was because it went a bit boring and dull half way through to add some fanservice. Disappointed in that fact. Will do fine without it.
henriiez Jun 12, 2013 1:29 AM
You really love Kirino and Kyousake together don't you? Are they your OTP or something?

I feel they will definitely stick with the relationship between Kyousake and Kirino as it is for now, since they are just showing us how different their relationship has changed now Kirino has acknowledged and accepted her feelings towards Kyousake. They are currently the driving force of the anime right now, I doubt that there will be a season 3 after this. Not for a very long time, at least.

If there were dramatic moments in an anime, I feel that they would drag it out so that you would feel the full brute-force of emotions that the characters are feeling. That is very important, because that helps you understand them. No one wants to miss a second of anime while they are watching it.

I think for you to be into re-watching anime, you need to have seen a lot of anime. I'd forgotten some details of anime I loved so I went back to watch them, and just went on a streak of re-watching anime. I can recall the general drift of most, if not all, the anime I've seen. That's over 200+ anime I can remember just by thinking about it.

I would say that HenNeko does have a good plot. The episodes aren't as empty so that you feel like nothing has happened throughout the whole episode, like One Piece does feel like recently -- for a long time actually. On the contrary, HenNeko puts in a lot of details in the one episode that it feels like you've seen about 40 minutes worth of content, in half the time. The characters aren't strong, but the concept is a nice watch.
henriiez Jun 11, 2013 12:26 AM
It was nice to see Kirino acknowledge Kyousake to be your brother, since she would normally be too embarrassed to do so earlier times.

It's no use fussing over it now. I'll just delay watching it for a long time so I can hopefully forget about it, so let's forget this ever happened. Don't even try to bring it up since my recall ability is insane since I can recall an anime episode just by watching the first few seconds of it. Pretty cool, don't ya' think?

I didn't have to rewind as I did get all the details I wanted, it's just that in the specials' last episode was so utterly cute (that means a lot since I don't use the word cute often). I watched Kokoro Connect for the duration of the time it aired, so I didn't go through a lot of Kokoro Connect -- and would skim through the episode to see the scenes I liked and wanted to re-watch. For example, there's a scene in the 11th episode where I just had a 'moe' (in a good way, since I normally do dislike 'moe') overload, and died. Almost literary.

Thank you for the compliment. :)
henriiez Jun 8, 2013 6:19 PM
True, they might or might not be fillers, but it will probably still be a good fun watch.

Oh, I haven't seen the anime. So, I didn't know Shuffle was the title of an anime, now you've spoiled it for me. :( I don't know if I'm going to watch it soon, but I do tend to remember spoilers, which annoys me largely.

I must say there is a scene in the specials which made me watch it over. And over. And over. Replay button is dead. Death. Kokoro Connect had some very unique ideas, but I found that I had thought of them when I was younger. Some weren't exactly the same, obviously, but were extremely similar.

No problems, if you have any other uncertainties about anything relating anime and manga, ask me. I'll see if I know, or think that I do. :P
henriiez Jun 5, 2013 11:38 PM
For me, I think they wrapped up Oreimo in that ninth episode and the rest will be filler episodes. Well, I do feel like that have ended the anime with no where else to go but continue on with random episodes.

I don't really understand your third paragraph. :(

I also did get a better opinion of Kirino, sort of. However, I just didn't like how they played that out. I mean Kirino finally coming to terms with how she actually feels is great. I really do mean that, but that episode didn't sit well with me whatsoever. Excluding that hug from the back. Best scene ever. Maybe it's just playing on my fantasies so it gets my bias.

I think my attention span would be considered small, but leaving something incomplete leaves me with a sickening feeling so I'd rather now. If it was a bad anime, my code of ethics would allow me to discriminate it. Since I have finished it.

I don't participate in episode discussions, but did only once for the fourth season of Minami-ke called Minami-ke Tadaima. Minami-ke was one of the first anime I've seen so I was really looking forward to the fourth season. Sadly, it was a disappointment. A big one. There was only one episode I genuinely liked.

Kokoro Connect dies down quite a bit after the first few episodes, since it is hard to keep an anime going if it gets better every episode. The first few episodes got my immediate attention, and I loved it. Episodes 14-17 are a must watch and they do contribute to the plot. It's not a second route or anything though.

Here's some background knowledge, which I think is true. Hopefully, since I came up with it myself.

OVA's are episode not contributing to the anime whatsoever. They use the same characters from the parent anime to do whatever they want to do -- give producers/animators a break, and let them have their weird fun.

Specials' are episodes which contribute to moving the anime along. They are specials' because if they extended the TV series, they would have gaps in the anime which don't contribute to the anime which people would hate. I mean for Kokoro Connect wraps the anime up in 17 episodes, for that to all happen in one season it needs to be extended to 24-26 episodes. What will they do with those remaining 7-9 episodes they have left to fill? Filler episodes. People don't want that.
henriiez Jun 3, 2013 12:58 AM
I don't mind the very late response; as I too, will also be very busy this week and the next. Next week, more so.

I think season one of Oreimo was more about getting to know the characters and introducing them to us. Like Ayase being extremely overprotective when it came to Kirino. Or how Minami would give Kyousake advice when he needed it (and how awesome her voice is). Overall, season one is just to develop the characters, for them to add in character development this season.

I think Kyousake would have just went for it, and Kuroneko was scared of that; immediately withdrawing her comment so it wouldn't cause problems. Anime is unpredictable though. She could of thought Kyousake would have rejected her, and was afraid of getting hurt.

Anime has always left me guessing even when I'm really sure about something -- and it just comes completely from the left field and hits me in the flat in the face. I've been right sometimes, the most recent time was in Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) where I guessed what had happened to a Titan.

Episode 9 of Oreimo left me with a sicken feeling, though it had made some decent progress. I just didn't like it. A kiss on the cheek would be a no-go for me; but the embrace where Kirino was hugging Kyousake from behind when he had asked for life counseling was worthy of a round of applause. That moment right there, was enough interaction to keep the atmosphere unchanged.

As you might of picked up, I like an anime where there is a consistent overall atmosphere to the anime. I like anime being true to itself and not trying to be everything it can, or wants to be. Those anime are a huge turnoff for me, but I stick through it because my code doesn't allow for me to discriminate or pick on an anime without first completing it.

It's a pleasure talking to someone who has a genuine interest in anime. It's good to get your feelings across and hear someone else's opinions on the subject at hand. I have no friends at my school where as I can talk enthusiastically as I do now, with you and my other anime enthusiasts.

There has been one anime I've been trying to get people to watch, whether they have an interest in anime or not. One way or the other, this anime has my full interest at the moment. The second I saw this, I was captivated. Legitimately. The anime is, Kotonoha no Niwa. This anime is just so insanely beautiful it has to be spread around everywhere. It is a anime movie, with a duration of 46 minutes. Just watch it. That's all I'm going to say.
henriiez May 28, 2013 11:46 PM
I know Oreimo doesn't represent much of real life, but it does fine without the incest. In my opinion, it's fine as it is.

Incest does kind of creep me out but it doesn't offend me. I don't even have any siblings to begin with. Not that I'm into that kind of stuff. I'm scared that that thought even crossed my mind. Well, it all comes down to whether they can still pull off an incest route without becoming an anime it's not; because once an anime goes off course of it's nature (core/central) atmosphere it bugs me.

BokuTomo was an amusing anime, wasn't it? I'm definitely with you on there being no 'LOL' moments. It's just a nice laugh, nothing that will really get you hook you in or make you experience death from pure laughter. If you are looking for a good laugh my best recommendation is: Danshi no Koukousei no Nichijou. Hands-down, one of the best comedy anime I've ever seen. Other comedy anime I definitely recommend would be Gintama and Nichijou.

Gintama; with Gintama you have you have a lot of old anime knowledge (which I do not, but the subs did explain it for me - grateful for that). Or just general knowledge of Japan (or the world - in general), but the characters are funny enough to carry the anime. The first 'season' of Gintama is mainly episodic.

Nichijou; with Nichijou, I'm not sure with there are any die hard moments. There isn't a main cast, and they feature a number of different people to (try to) make you laugh. I'm re-watching it now. I'll get back to you whether there are any great moments of laughter.

Just because I can, I'm recommending Baccano. I find that I'm always recommending this anime now. No one has seen it, and it just upsets me because I feel this is one of the best anime ever. People who haven't FINISHED the anime, rate it below 5 because they give it up because it is too confusing. It is confusing, only because they haven't seen it all. To date, this anime with the only one which I have given a score of 10/10 (recently changed the score of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood to 9/10 from 10/10). I'll re-watch the other anime I've once rated 10 to see whether they really deserve or not, because Baccano is an anime where I hands-down agree that it deserves a 10. No doubts.
henriiez May 28, 2013 12:35 AM
Yeah, I think anyone would have guessed something was up the second the mention of Kirino and Kyousake in a picture together.

All I have to reply is my instincts that watching a lot of anime has been etched into my brain. I think Kuroneko genuinely liked Kyousake, but rather have him be on better terms with Kirino -- not sure as to be Kirino's boyfriend, because adding incest into the anime doesn't suit it. The kind of relationship Kyousake and Kirino have is more than enough to keep the anime going.

I don't really know any details on any of the airing anime later episodes since I don't follow the manga of any of them. I am trying to read a lot of manga though, so if Tegami Bachi, (Kaichou wa) Maid-sama, Claymore or Soul Eater get a sequel, only then will I will ever have spoilers. To date. Though I haven't caught up to where the anime has been animated up to yet with Tegami Bachi, Maid-sama and Soul Eater, doubt a sequel for any of those will be out soon. If Dragon Eye, Arisa or Psyren get aired (for the first time) will I also have spoilers.
henriiez May 20, 2013 12:00 AM
I'm actually very pleased with how Oreimo is going right now.

I'm happy my OTP worked out, and I think the anime is going into a more serious phase so I don't think it would be funny around now. I would say that everything is going alright so it now, since they gave characters background stories and problems which are in one way or another relate-able. Like the concept of being left alone, or being inferior to your siblings.

Kirino would indeed be the main star of this anime, so I think now that they (Kyousake and Kuroneko) are dating, we are anticipating on how she would react. Will she cheer them on? Which I highly doubt. Will she try to break them apart. I could go on and on about her actions, but I think you get where I'm going with this. To be fair, Kuroneko is no side character either. She does appeal to some guys, i.e me.

Well, let's just wait and see what they are going to throw at us.
henriiez May 6, 2013 12:12 AM
In Oreimo2 fifth episode it looks like Kyousake is finally being more 'aggressive' (forward) with his actions like when he was waiting on the stairs for Kirino just to ask her where she had been. Then Kuroneko made a move since she saw Kirino and Kyousake on that fake date and decided to make a move!

*laughs wickedly*

Beautiful nice white one-piece to get Kyousake's attention, nice one Kuroneko! I laughed at the fact that Kirino helped her pick it out. Oh karma. So in my head, Oreimo is something kind of like this now.

Kuroneko > Kyousake >< Kirino.

(Kuroneko going after Kyousake. Kyousake going after Kirino. Kirino going after Kyousake.)
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