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Days: 65.6
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Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei
Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei
Apr 15, 2023 9:26 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 6
Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Apr 9, 2023 6:27 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 9
Aug 14, 2021 6:16 PM
Completed 8/8 · Scored 6
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Minagoroshi-hen
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Minagoroshi-hen
Apr 22, 12:40 PM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 9
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Yoigoshi-hen
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Yoigoshi-hen
Mar 24, 5:51 PM
Completed 14/14 · Scored 7
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Tsumihoroboshi-hen
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai: Tsumihoroboshi-hen
Mar 1, 11:51 AM
Completed 16/16 · Scored 9

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MetaThPr4h May 16, 2018 5:14 AM
Thanks a lot! :D
loverhentai Oct 15, 2017 4:44 PM
thank you for the add!
ExTemplar Feb 3, 2016 11:35 AM
Happy Birthday.
ExTemplar Dec 24, 2015 1:11 PM
Merry Christmas!

lawlmartz Aug 8, 2015 3:35 PM
No Star Wars???? Fix this immediately. Cinema HISTORY, dude! Must see movies. It'd be interesting though... for someone to have their first viewing of the Star Wars movies in-universe chronological order and not the order in which they were made. Hmmm.

The Empire Strikes Back is one of the greatest movies of all time. It has one of the most powerful moments in cinema history in it, and one that'll be quoted forever. I'm cautiously optimistic, as another friend put it, about the new 7th movie coming out this year. We shall see...

I love the Godfather Part II. It's in my top 5 movies. Great, great movie. I wish I'd been required to watch it for school, lol- but we never had any cool classes like that. We just watched garbage movies for literature, like Lord of the rings.
I'm very much a film nerd too. I'm trying to knock out the imdb top 250 movies.I've seen a good chunk of them, but still a lot to go. I'm into Hitchcock and Kubrick movies atm. Watched Psycho the other day, and the Shining and Dr. Strangelove slightly more recently. Going to hit Rear Window/North By Northwest soon, and I also need to watch "M", Fritz Lang's other masterpiece.

I tend to write very long reviews (Kill La Kill was 3000 words LOL), and I know for certain that people don't typically read the whole thing. I think the length scares some people off and they downvote me for that, tbh. I don't really care though. Haterz gonna h8.
I could talk to an admin, but I doubt they'd change a fundamental feature of the site like that.

Well, I try to be very concrete in my writing and not speak too generally, except when I'm trying to describe the plot or characters and avoid spoilers. I guess that lends itself to being 'less subjective' as you say, lol. I would encourage you to watch Kill La Kill and tell me what you think. I don't want to say very much about it, because I don't want to spoil anything.

Yes, I removed a lot of stuff from my profile- i'm in the middle of restructuring it. What do you think of my character tiles? :D I tried to put a twist on the typical "MAI WAIFUS" that like everyone has.

I've been watching a film series called Mardock Scramble lately- they're really cool. I wrote up a review today that'll be out soon, if you wanna check it out.

Urobuchi also did Madoka Magica, which I think is now the show that's been on my planned to watch list the longest of anything LOL. I think I'm going to knock it out soon, especially since it's on netflix. What's PMMM? (Phantom is on my planned list as well.) Urobuchi's character in Chaos Dragon is the only one that I give a rat turd about, and she's pure evil. It's great, lol.

It's no big deal. School is about to start for me soon, so I might be spottier too.

lawlmartz Aug 2, 2015 10:36 AM
I flirt with being a writer, but I can't write dialogue well. It just sounds really stupid to me. I have several ideas for stories that I think would be cool, but I've not written any characters or anything. Just overall plots. I'm just a simple reviewer. I got into reviewing in two ways. One, i draw influence from Mr Plinkett, my internet reviewing hero :P
If you have seen the Star Wars Prequels, I highly recommend you watch his reviews- they're on youtube in their entirety, but are quite long. Very worth it though. The second part is that I started watching these shows and I felt like I was wasting time, so I wondered how I could make something constructive out of it... and then I discovered that I liked writing, and just started doing it more and more.

You flatter me, thanks. I've hit something of a dry spell lately with reception to my writing, and while it doesn't make me think what I'm writing is bad (because I'm conceited like that :P) it annoys me that people try to suppress my speech because I have an opinion that differs from the popular one. That doesn't mean my review is unhelpful... I wish MAL would change it to where either you have to have the title on your list that you vote on, OR make it like Facebook where there are just thumbs up. Because as it stands now, to get on the "most helpful" board, it only counts upvotes. It has nothing to do with your %helpful... so like Shakespeare's monkeys with type writers... eventually if you put enough out there you can get on the top board. (I don't think that's right, especially given how some people wrote like 2 reviews 7 years ago and are still up there despite having not used the site in 5 or whatever.)

An 8? (A note about my scoring- I let the math dictate the overall score. So, if a show has really really bad animation, but I give everything else an 8, {so 8 story, 8 characters, 8 enjoyment, 8 sound, 1 art= 6.6, but the show is really more of an 8} The enjoyment score is generally closer to what I thought about the show, but I try to be fair.)
I'm definitely not objective. On my profile (I think it's covered up in a few spoiler tags now) I say that "I understand that the purpose of reviewing is to give a subjective opinion to a product that everyone views differently". A review by definition is subjective, and anyone who says differently is just wrong lol.
A wholly objective review would be a plot synopsis, since you could only include factual material. I put theories and interpretations in my reviews a lot. My Kill La Kill one is FULL of it. (I consider it my best work) Guilty Crown I also wrote an alternative theory for. I like doing character analyses and examining themes in shows ,too.

Enough about that though, I'm glad Outbreak is what I'm looking for- and I don't really care about characterization in it since we're supposed to have seen Higurashi beforehand right? I see it as an alternate setting (which it has a great setup for) for something we know already, rather than a standalone, but I haven't seen it yet :P . I'll save it for a rainy, dark night when I need a Higurashi fix. I may do what you said and actually watch Kira, but we'll see.

So basically, Umineko was to you what Chaos Dragon is to me? :P MC has to kill his friends to gain power to stop some bigger threat, so basically some minor character dies every week lol. Needs more Urobuchi :P
lawlmartz Aug 1, 2015 8:46 AM
I take notes while I'm watching most of the time, but I was trying to look out for moments like that. I think school days was crafted pretty well for the bad rep it has. The moments mirror when Kotonoha and Sekai are on the train platform, and then the symbolism and framing later on with the thread and the lingering gaze on the knives was cool. A repeat viewing, if I could stomach it, might reveal some other ones earlier on.
See, for me, the twist was that I knew Makoto dies at the end, but I didn't know which gal killed him. So the whole time I'm debating on whether it's going to be Kotonoha or Sekai... And then all the other little girls get involved and it was a tossup by the time of the fake pregnancy. Man, you wanna talk some real life stuff? That right there. I know people that happened to, and the deadbeat would be dad DID turn into a pariah, just like that.

Really though, I wish Setsuna didn't get involved. She was a nice "voice of reason" character that I thought should have stayed clean, but nobody in School Days is clean!

So what do you rate Kira? (every time I hear that word I think Death Note)
And does it ruin the reputation of Higurashi? It basically had no fanservice besides one moment with Takano that I remember haha. I don't like fanservice for THR most part. It has a place in some shows, but for things that are serious and then try to stuff panty shots and tits in your face, no. Leave.

That's what I was told. My friend Lil-Bird is a huge fan of the series, and she wouldn't steer me wrong. She got me into it in the first place.

I was astounded that there was a sequel of sorts in Umineko, And it has the "no naku Koro ni" title too, like you said! I do want to try it out, but I'm not going to expect MC Rena and the badass crew to be there. As I understand it's also incomplete, because it's supposed to be like Higurashi to Kai, a question season and and answer season
lawlmartz Jul 31, 2015 7:58 AM
Sorry for the late reply.
I suppose so, and thanks for the compliment. I try to write stuff that's either
a. a perspective that nobody else has written about before,
b. either theme or character analyses,
or c. try and make it entertaining to read.

Usually all three.

I didn't hate School Days- I'm not sure if you inferred that from my review. I actually think it's pretty brilliant, especially the ending. I'm sick of seeing ecchi harem garbage, (apparently not just like everyone else) and I thought School Days was an awesome deconstruction of it. It took a really confused and impulsive teenager high school character, turned him into a borderline sociopath who has sex with anything with two legs and a pulse, and showed (a very extreme, but realistic) interpretation of what could happen when you try to play a bunch of girls off on each other and be a big fat cheater cheater pumpkin eater.

Love is irrational, like I said. You hear about that kind of stuff on the news every once in a while... someone catches someone else cheating and stabs the crap out of them. Definitely a memorable show... I just had problems with how horrible the first half of it was, really.

I wouldn't watch Kira. I was told by several people that it's just fanservice crap. Rei is the continuation of the series (which I see that you've seen), and I heard outbreak was tasty. What did you think of Rei, as far as being "Higurashi" material? :P
It definitely has a certain reputation to uphold. Also, have you seen Umineko no Naku Koro ni?
Snowbelle Jul 31, 2015 1:10 AM
Thank you, although really, you judge me too highly. I may say cool things, or some would say, but I'm fool at heart. Always have been.

Indeed. "Suffocating" is an incredibly fitting way to describe the feeling. There is so much life for all of us to live, yet some people choose to be tied down to an acre or a single town or city. The very idea is absurd to me.

Again, you flatter me. Regarding me too highly will be a mistake, I would advise against it.
Snowbelle Jul 30, 2015 8:02 PM
Well, obviously I have some natural talents that assist in my writing, but nobody is born good at anything, it takes practice and time to get to the point of "profession" in any medium.

Ahh, aha it sounds like you have your plans mapped. That place you linked looks incredibly beautiful. I can relate. Some place to give us more reason to live. We live to revived, right? I wish you best of luck in getting to visit all these places. :)

Do I know life well? Nah, not at all. I know nothing about anything, simply somebody fond of speaking without being asked to.

No problems, man. Take as much time as you like to reply.
lawlmartz Jul 30, 2015 12:40 PM
Ah, School Days. Seems like everyone I ask finds me through that haha. It's almost like nobody ever reads anything else I write :(

Yeah, I think everyone has a different opinion of School Days- it's just one of those that no two people ever get the same thing out of, which I think is a plus, really. I do love Higurashi though. I'm just lazy and haven't watched Rei or Outbreak yet. One day. I have a problem with not finishing short sequel OVAs and movies for shows I spent time watching 50 episodes on it seems like lol. Not the first time it's happened
cody Jul 30, 2015 9:59 AM
Dude, just saying that got me excited for classes to start back. What subject was it?
And that's awesome about the shoes. Glad you had a good day. :]
lawlmartz Jul 29, 2015 4:18 PM
Uh, hi. I guess you read a review I wrote or something? I don't typically accept random friend requests, but if we have a chat, sure!
cody Jul 29, 2015 5:33 AM
Hey, thanks for the FR. How are you?
Snowbelle Jul 29, 2015 5:12 AM
Yoo, awesome! I'm doing the same. Any places in particular you're interested in going?

Yeah, exactly. I have a rather unique way of getting through hard times, but y'know, life is just like that. Can't really choose what happens to us at any given time.

Yeah, no worries, man. I've actually read less than 20 full-sized novels in my life, haha. As an author, that's probably strange. But really, most of my literature skills come solely from writing, not reading.
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