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Mugetsu- Feb 24, 2020 6:20 AM
Haha it's cool I overthink way too much with anything I do. You should see me playing Skyrim, I take hours to come up with a character and I've re-read a 500 page Lovecraftian Dungeons and Dragons book like 4 times. . . then again overthinking and talking about it is my second job so I guess it's warranted.


It's true there's such a SMALL percentage of stuff you will actually use but I will admit some stuff is necessary to broaden your horizen a bit so to speak, if you ask me by the time someone gets to highschool they should be able to specialize a bit in specific subjects, don't get me wrong I'm not expected kids that age to know what they want to do but am saying they should have a decent idea at that point.
Little Jimmy who wants to know about coding should not have to learn the history of long dead men who built a flintlock pistol who the hell cares he wants to learn coding in Python. xD

Oh crap, you can’t get in trouble for not doing homework? That’s. . that now makes me want to go to Poland a little now lol.

“they have no idea what to spend it on”

*gets Flashback of convention auctions*
*one of the first 50 Sephiroth figures made for final fantasy 7 starting bid is 10 thousand dollars*

…. You can say that again.

Well fair enough at least you know what you’re good at. Me? I keep trying everything and picking up new skills and it’s. . . hit or miss with me but when I hit, boy, do I hit. xD

Honestly, even though we still have to work together and it is kinda awkward things are working itself out I’m not nearly as stressed as I was, just wanna focus on myself for a bit, my fashion, body, and computer. >.> Speaking of which everytime I see an overpriced “Gaming Laptop” in a store for like 2000 dollars when the parts are worth 1000 at most I want to crack the glass open with a sledgehammer and destroy it… Also please don’t go on a school shooting. >_>

WELL in that regard… got done with my panel awhile ago and Katsu is wrapped up and my panel went great! Got a full house with over 95 people attending and it was super intimidating, especially because I only had about an hour but I made it work very well I got to think and honestly it wasn’t as difficult as I thought and fairly streamlined. I talked about briefly where Issekai came from, how and why we have it now--why it’s so goddamn stupid--and why Konosuba takes advantage of it in a subtle way to make it enjoyable. Everyone LOVED the Megumin one of course she is beloved by the community, and actually, I got a little dealer’s room plush of her for free from one of the merchants it’s so cute.

And I got a lot of people super interested in it and more subtle themes in anime and how Konosuba rewards you no matter HOW deep you look into it which is a sign of a great work of art. After the panel was over I got an applause and everything! >.< Super weird stuff. Luckily they seemed to have taken a liking to me. The parties are getting kinda insane. =.= 7 police calls here. One about theft. Another for domestic violence. And apparently two people were having, let’s say, intimate relations in public… over a balcony.

Got some pictures! <3 Of me and my dorky self too lol

I got to meet SOO many of my favorite voice actors too, like Cherami Leigh who voices Gaige in Borderlands 2, she was my main at the time in the game and I was fanboying out I love Q&A’s haha. I also attended a panel about Kyoto animation and the magical girl genre.

Anyhow, the rest of the convention was fun too, I got to play TONS of Street Fighter in the gaming room and drunk quite a few margharitas. <.< Along with really loving the fashion show there was this AMAZING Dio Brando cosplayer who did some of the most flexible stuff I had ever seen for the poses, like they did this move where they dropped completely dead and made themselves slowly rise up again to the sync of a heartbeat like a bram-stoker-esque vampire that had me applauding and cheering like a madman extremely impressive stuff. Didn’t really spend that much in the dealer’s room since the stuff is super pricey and while you can get good deals (like this sweet Bleach artbook I got for like 16 bucks) most of it is upfront price but hey it supports the merchants I guess. Got my first (and hopefully last…) figurine though of Lelouch from Code Geass.
I also got a REALLY great poster of a class I play in a video game I play fighting off hellish foes in the dark it looks SOO cool I love how the aesthetic is him fighting on through the darkness that he’s completely surrounded by. ;-;

If there were any bad parts, I’d say it was just the typical con stuff. For instance, while waiting for a panel in line for a history of magical girl anime (man that’s weird to say out loud..) I had to stand next to a really, really, really smelly guy. I listened to some Bloodborne analysis videos and put my hand over my mouth and nose like I was in deep thought when in reality, I was trying not to smell them…. Otherwise, there was a panel during a voice actor Q&A when someone in the front row kept talking about his experiences in voice acting interrupting our PRECIOUS HOUR WITH THIS PERSON, NOBODY CARES DAMMIT! NOBODY CARES! STOP INTERRUPTING! Now with that anger out of my system… >.>

And that’s basically it. Can’t wait to go back next year.
I got invited/hired to do a panel on Savathuun from Destiny 2 next year at Magfest, she’s a very popular character in the video game community and one of my favorite disscussions so I can’t wait. ^^^

.... and wtf your eyes are getting weak? o-o Is it genetic or just from staring at a computer all day? I'm really sorry to hear omg. If you ask me if it doesn't get worse I would recommend glasses for a while and in the future save up for it if you can but to me personally there's nothing wrong with glasses at all.
Mugetsu- Feb 12, 2020 7:35 PM
Ah let's not be so fascist consoles have some good exclusives. <.< Though, and I must admit, going from 144fps on a PC than replaying Bloodborne on the ps4 sub 50 is a very, very, odd experience....

What the hell? Jeez, like I said, fascist. >.>

WHAT YOU PLAYED TABLE TOP GAMES?! KAHJDKLHJAKLDJAKLJDAKLJD Big nerd of 40K like I said it's my favorite sci fi franchise of all time. Ugh, you filthy heretic though, Necrons I get but I honestly kinda hate chaos their goal is extremely cliche to me and if I had to force myself to pick someone on the Chaos side I like it's easily Lorgar since his plan isn't to eradicate daemon or human kind but make them exist equally as one being that embraces both aspects of them. And no shit, 12 hours a day in a factory? My god, what are the breaks there? o-o

I know right? Actually, have you heard of a recent study and argument saying that school is now "unrealistic" in terms of the world we live in now? The basis is that, everything is instantly gratified and school is the further thing away from modern reality. Okay, think about this situation right now; I'm sending a message to someone halfway across the world, 22 seconds after receiving their message. You kill someone in a video game? You get points and a sound effect. You watch tv? You're amused for a bit. You get a text? You can reply to it immediately, but school is the farthest thing from our reality at the moment and it's why kids have a hard time studying, why would their brain act differently when everything is almost instantly handed to them? *Sigh*

Hey it's cool dude didn't mean to shove it down your throat, the best thing about PCS imo is your ability to be flexible with your budget and interest and compromise or go for broke with any part and component you want, your money, your ship, you're the captain haha. Just love being a PC nerd.

I tell ya, my monitor on my right side is actually 60hz and when controlling the mouse I can feel the difference it's freaking insane. o-o Your classmate's got it wrong, I think you're an idiot if you spend money on a 244hz G sync monitor that's like 1000 dollars, then, you're fucking mad I don't even think your eyes can comprehend all that shit at once. o-o Plus I'm extremely sure you will see very few differences...

Ah I see, like I said everyone has a different flexibility to PC gaming but don't underestimate other practical uses. For instance, your comment right now, is on my right monitor, on my left I'm typing out the comment in google docs. It's super useful and was also great use a few days ago when getting the code set up for my profile, I would really only recommend it if you're a good multitasker.

Holy shit. o-o Okay okay you convinced me I'll check it out haha.

Like I said, this is one of the best ways to describe LoGH: "Imagine Code Geass without the school antics/harem nonsense, no mechs, the show is almost two times as long, and there's basically 16 lelouch's on both sides at any given moment." Yes. Still to this day. So perfect. xD

I appreciate it but assure you that's a misnomer, you know more than me on computers in some areas and it works in vice versa. xP I can't tell you anything about tick rates for instance, but damn, I can roll your head off about keyboard switches...

Dude it's cool we talk a lot haha. Don't apologize to me for having a life. <3
I'm currently down myself. Broke up with my partner (but to be honest it was gonna happen anyway the circumstances of how we met were... complicated) and I must admit I have been subconsciously depressed, as in I'm not showing it but my body is obviously telling me (can't exercise right and oversleeping). Plus I have a panel to do at a convention in a few days so I'm super nervous haha but will do my best to have a blast.
Mugetsu- Feb 5, 2020 7:27 PM
Oh, you own a PS4. Well at least I know you're not a PC elitist, those guys are fucking nuts I talked to one once and.... it was hellish. They were my friend for a bit but kept going on random non sequiturs about why consoles suck. Like, dude, I don't care, can we just game in Killing Floor 2? Haha.

I think a decent bit of it is that people are mistaking correlation for causality. I mean, yes, we're really smart, but there's different kinds of smart. In a sense of ethics, uh.... d-do we even have ethics anymore? O.o We either go all in or none at all. And actually, you reminded me of something, do we know how to build pyramids yet? o-o We still don't know? *sigh* Speaking of which, I hate to seemingly misdirect the conversation, but have you ever heard of the Warhammer 40K franchise? Being a fan of LOGH, I think you'd fall in love with it, the Horus Heresy novel series anyway. Has to deal a lot with politics, warfare, philosophy, etc. It's simulataniously the greatest and most stupid franchise I can think of to exist.
But basically, what you reminded me of was the Primarch (being a nerd you don't know what that is) Robute Gulliman who aimed not just to be a warlord but a logician and make kingdoms instead of destroy them which conflicted with his 19 other brothers.

Your explanation in regards to the human brain also heavily reminds me of Gilgamesh from the Fate franchise... you're not planning to destroy 90% of the population so humanity can be rebuilt and more worthy of existence or something, are you? >.> But speaking seriously I agree with you on a great deal of things. Overall I just think we're being trained to be more and more complacent and less individualistic which is a big part of our evolved intelligence. I mean, honestly, I find very little philosophically separating us from our great ape cousins sometimes.

Are you by chance aware of the theory of paracausality? It's something introduced in Epic Conway's game of life, a new variable he used to call it. Basically, if you don't know it, the game works like this:

Imagine an infinite, two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, alive or dead, (or populated and unpopulated, respectively). Every cell interacts with its eight neighbours, which are the cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each step in time, the following transitions occur:

Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
These rules, which compare the behavior of the automaton to real life, can be condensed into the following:

Any live cell with two or three neighbors survives.
Any dead cell with three live neighbors becomes a live cell.
All other live cells die in the next generation. Similarly, all other dead cells stay dead.
The initial pattern constitutes the seed of the system. The first generation is created by applying the above rules simultaneously to every cell in the seed; births and deaths occur simultaneously, and the discrete moment at which this happens is sometimes called a tick. Each generation is a pure function of the preceding one. The rules continue to be applied repeatedly to create further generations.

So the game looks something like this:

It's used in a lot of things like physics to determine variables and test chaos theory. But, basically, Conway got tired of the genetic makeup of the game an introduced new variables like giving a seed, at random, a chance to break any of his rules. So, a seed can come back to life, or die when it chooses, and this ONE variable completely changes the game.

What I'm getting at is, I think that trait to change the game? To think outside of the looking glass? I don't see that trait in many people much these days. And it's rather.. unnerving.

It's fine once again haha... you know, we sound pretty similar in many respects. Something tells me we have similar enemies/people that hate the fuck out of us. I'm quickly enjoying your company more and more haha. ^^

Ah Onii-chan--ew I can't believe I just said that... you know what, screw it, we're going with it, even though you're younger than me but whatever. Anyhow, onii-chan, can I sound like a pretentious dick for a second? Eh, what do you care you can't respond to me in real time. Basically, I HIGHLY--HIGHLY invest in getting a mechanical keyboard that's more, well, for enthusiast, ya know? Okay, so, that keyboard you're using--on Amazon right now it's 139.99$, right? That's a little pricey. I wonder, what value are you getting out of it besides that many layers of RGB? I am aware that brands such as Corsair and Hyper X have amazing macro potential which is great for coding nerds like us but logistically, and build quality wise, the price is a rip off. The key caps specifically for that board are not PBT which means you're not even getting the maximum amount of "click" for a cherry mx blue, and something tells me in 3 years the caps will fade, and, as far as I know, those keys can't be switched out for that board easily, and the caps are thinner than an average mechanical keyboard meaning they get hollowed out a lot easier, which contradicts its purpose.

I'm really not trying to be a dick to ya Onii and come off as elitist but I hate seeing people not getting the quality for what they pay for but I don't judge like that. So tell ya what, if you wanna get another keyboard sometime in the future, here's some great recommendations from Reli (though I don't know if you're a 60% keyboard user or a 100% but since you like coding I'm gonna assume 100%...)

Not gonna shove it in your face any further. Just ask me if you want more details or anything haha.

What kinda of microphone do you run? Now then, don't be surprised, but I actually don't have a mic. Truly, I don't. I want to get one soon but I do most of my talking on the computer through my other monitor's speakers. Ooh, that's another thing, let's dish monitors, 144hz, am I right? I cannot go back to using one monitor dear god I'm addicted after I got too so much more productive.. (and by productive I mean watching sci fi shows and movies on the other screen while grinding),

Interesting, I have never heard of that brand of mouse. It seems we're reversed, you're the mouse enthusiast, I'm the mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Tell me what's so good about that mouse? :o I'm always hungry for more PC knowledge.

Yeah... one of the only three series I've seen that I have given a 10/10. It's a masterpiece the only thing holding it back is its admittedly slow pace, but for someone like me who enjoys slow burners it fits me like a slipper. Did you know it was based off a long ass novel series and that's one of the reasons why it's so slow? Haha, things you learn.

We have some good synergy onii-chan... now please excuse me while I burn my eyes out from repeating that. Nice to talk to someone who knows their way around a computer.
Mugetsu- Feb 2, 2020 12:50 PM
Np!!! Do anything special?

I see. *Sigh* You know, a common misconception is that computers are incredibly smart, they are but are also very linear and really easy to break. In many respects, they're kinda fucking stupid and can be tricked with a simple virtual machine. >_>

Eh I must admit I'm trying to give art forms/genres I normally don't like a chance. For instance, I'm replaying Final Fantasy 8 which is a game I REALLY want to like but hell the synopsis of the wiki is better than the actual game.. *Sigh*

Oh come now, not trying to call you an old man but you're sounding like one haha. To be honest, I don't think we're going backwards that much, but that, as Oppenheimer feared, our technology is evolving faster than our intelligence. Let's take social media for example. I've said this rant again and again and again and I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing of it, but I find major social media eerily similar to fascism.

I mean, this country has always since its very inception adopted the traits of the enemies its defeated, whether it be Mao's Communism expressed in social decorum, or Hitler's Kraterocracy expressed in Capital. In this regard, I've noticed quite a few scary things about it hanging out with specifically my buddy who is a MAJOR social media start (so major I'm not telling you their name..). For instance, we have this joke where I'm their: "Slave", that's kinda racist but its our own thing. I said that we should just put a collar around me, me bending down and them sitting on my shoulder and have them say that. And they were like: "NOOOOOO" because, obviously, me being african american and them white, well, let's just say they'd lose probably half of their watchers and money and sponsors and etc.

I asked them if they found that the slightest bit unnerving that their income can be changed with one little interpretation, they said no, but we started talking about it a little more. They do a lot of filters and cosplay for anime and I asked why they did they, they said, it makes them more appealing, and I replied to that: "Yes. Of course. Because in a fascist society everything is dictated to you and fitting in, and if you don't, even if it's extreme subtle, there's consequences." And thought I was going crazy but as they listened to me more, well, they didn't agree but did think it was rather. . . uncomfortable. You either fall in line or get cut down, I mean, it's everywhere in our culture, from memes, to fashion, ever seen a beer commercial? It's for that reason, I really want barely anything to do with as little social media as possible (even though their followers keep begging for me to appear for some reason...=.=) So many false interpretations. Slander. I still remember talking about it with my good friend Cate, she said the solution was to just not be a problematic person, I replied: "You say 'problematic person', I hear: 'Fall in line or get cut down to size'".

It's all very disgusting, unnerving, and repulsive to me, though, I suppose it's the ultimate doubed edged sword. People are allowed to communicate instantly, but that makes you feel like shit for not doing so immediately, everyone is connected, but everyone is suffocated.

Our society and tools have advanced and I KNOW our intelligence has as well, we're just sitting in a melting pot full of massive jumbles of morality and logic that is plain idiotic, miasamic, and foolish. We can see this everywhere we go. Every child from the day they can understand language is told the same thing: "Be nice to others", but also beat out the competition?
Although millions are suffering in poverty, billions are donated to saving endangered species when natural selection is just taking its course. What can a panda do for our species other than looking cute? We want all the goods of free will, without taking any responsibility of the bad. "You're special. You're a great and nice person", but when something goes bad we blame external forces. I fear this species is stuck in logistical cowardice, unafraid of taking responsbility for our actions at the cost of everything we touch. We can be a truly great species. I think we already are. But altruism is a double-edged sword. Then again, maybe humans are always destined to be this way. We're a species of idealism and rhetoric, but also will and hedonism. I think, in many respects, are greatest flaws are also our greatest strengths. So, I'd like to give us more credit, but our credit is also intristically linked with our achhilies heel. I don't think we can change that, but we can own up to it.

Ugh, my rants over, I apologize haha.

Okay fine maybe you have a point...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!! Oh thank god it seems you know hardware stuff about PC let's talk-tech. =.= What mechanical keyboard are you running? I personally use Cherry MX brown switches they give me just the right tactile and "clack" sound I enjoy, Ducky makes some damn good mechanical keyboards. What kind of switches do you like? I will NEVER use MX blues dear god they are way too clicky for someone with tinnitus like me. Mouses are really hard for me to pick and I admittedly use the silly, "gamer" Razer mouses and I must admit the Death-Adder-Elite is doing me nicely. But damn that is a HILARIOUS story. xD

I see. Sorta like me, but instead of buying stuff I just read and research the hell out of it until I'm satisfied haha.

What? You're also a major fan of Legend of the Galactic Heroes? Why haven't we talked about it? O.o
Mugetsu- Jan 26, 2020 2:52 PM
Also. *Ahem* HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Mugetsu- Jan 25, 2020 6:28 PM
Jesus christ that sounds like a pain. Rookie question but do you think the amount of ram is linked to it crashing so much?

Oh, thank god, I'm not the only idiot who's thought of a quote similar to that. <.< Not trying to get too philosophical, but do you think a true testament to your humanity would not be to only recognize your desires, but know how to sate them? Maybe you should seek domination not over others, but of yourself. When Dracula is about to be beheaded for his slaughter, his drinking the blood of the fallen enemies and allies to be something less and more than human is indeed out of instinct to survive, but out of that instinct he abandons his humanity. Something to think about. While I do know we're all animals in the end, I think something truly promising about this species is its ability to embrace absurdity.

AGH! Visual novels. Keep them away. *gets cross up* ... how ironic considering the rant you just went on about the Catholic doctrine haha. And honestly, time travel is fun and a fun idea... unless you're black like me, then you can only go back so far. I'm a decent fan of chaos theory myself.

Isn't it funny how long dead men have thought of problems we'd have centuries before any of this came to pass? >.> It's super interesting. It sometimes makes me wonder if the quote: "Humanity hasn't evolved past the stone age" isn't an insult, but a compliment.

Ugh, well, it's my cheat day and I enjoyed ice cream, chili cheese fries, and a sandwich,. Man I miss food that taste good. So you can cook huh? You'll have to make me something sometime. >.> Is there any "traditional" polish food that you like?

"a new gaming mouse and keyboard"
For the love of god do NOT tell me what model any of them are at all I am a pc nerd and will go on a rant about how you need a mechanical keyboard. >.<
..... And please don't buy a dakimakura like why lol. You have interesting hobbies my friend you're more otaku than I thought hahaha.

KastetTHC Jan 22, 2020 11:33 AM
My wish for today is Find this guy in my bed and spend with him all night looong
G3t Y0r c00k rdy
KastetTHC Jan 21, 2020 11:01 AM
I Don t speak london
Pizda jak chuj pizda pizda Kastet THC niebieskie światło będziesz obrzygany oglądaj ciulu one piece
Sakura to najlepsza postac wiem ze walisz do niej konia
Hinata wsadza ci palce aż po jelita i srasz jej na klate
Kc <3
Mugetsu- Jan 15, 2020 4:29 PM
I must admit I'm a horrible programmer and enjoy pin and firewall testing far more, but I do need to know some levels of coding so learn how to crack into defenses of things as well as put defenses up, so to speak. I've actually tried going into python like in the video with all my RGB lights on and flashing and my god no wonder that dude in the video wore sunglasses it hurts your eyes like hell...

Sometimes the hardest thing to do, is nothing. I'm sure you know that on some capacity, as well as knowing that's correct, so, by letting them have their fun, don't you think you'd be "right"? Therefore accomplishing and sating your ambition and desire? Just a perspective.
Also! Did you know antimatter is actually just a theory? It's super interesting, scientist are fairly sure it exist, but that it's defined possibly by not existing. Okay, so, let's say it dissolves all matter it touches, but that logic, it would actually destroy itself the moment it existed, hence why we have never seen it despite their being massive amounts of evidence for it. Super fascinating.

Eh, just a quote from an awesome dark fantasy series I'm obsessed with.

Quite honestly, I've taken a liking to Japanese Shinto, if you know about it? I've read a lot about it so I could do a discussion on Bloodborne since thematically it's very involved in the game's throughline. It's basically not the worship, but the taking care and respecting of spirits or holy locations, but really, it's less of a religion and more of a way of life of respecting things just as you would like to be. Perhaps dated and altruistic, but I really appreciate it and there's a lot more going on behind the hood of it.
And yeah, the Christian god specifically makes no sense when you start to think about it. I always wondered, if he's so all powerful, shouldn't he be able to do literally anything at once faster than the I can blink? If he can, and he's doing this all for our sake, he must be amused, and if anyone is amused by suffering, not gonna say I haven't been with certain situations, but. . . I'll let Epicurus take it from here.

More drama but i've learned to cut myself out from toxic people.
In other news, don't know if I ever told you this, but I used to box from the time I was 15-18 but quit for personal reasons, A.K,.A the sport consumed me but I'm trying again and doing well, won 2 out of 3 matches but the training is hellish. My body is burning from the 3-5 hour exercises, and I hate eating food, it's always the same thing; chicken; fish; brown rice; sweet potato; vegetable. And alchohol? Nope. None of that. Except on weekends. My body is literally addicted to the exercise so much that while i was getting work done on my braces I had to stop myself from doing crunches. Other than that, doing well. Actually, I could say it's because of that I'm doing well. I always feared my potential, but I enjoy embracing it.

You doing good? This must be one of the seven signs of the apocolypse...
But enjoy driving! I must admit I find it a little intimidating myself, but do have my license and do drive when necessary but I don't exactly enjoy it personally. . . but holy fuck chill you speed demon. Don't you know the opposite sex doesn't like fast men? Haha. Okay. That was horrible.

OKAY EVEN BETTER! Damn, aren't you taking advantage of your talents. Are you saving the extra money or?
Mugetsu- Jan 4, 2020 5:56 PM
Jeez, be a wittle more optimistic! xD
And honestly I don't think the market is going to be ready for VR for at least another 80 years. Just watch... watch. <><
And how funny. You're into programming when I'm also into cybersecurity stuff. I assume you've seen this video...

AH! Let me stop you there my friend. Listen, you know this by now you're not a dummy, as someone born and raised to be a Jehovah's Witness there is NOOOOO point arguing for using science with them. It's not worth it. It's contradictory by nature to take medicine from science but not believe in a god because most science doesn't really have evidence for it. o-o But it's intrinstic to human nature, both fortunately and unfortunately. In fact, I ever tell you one of my favorite lines from my favorite novel series?
Humans cannot be purely rational. Our biology won't allow it. The physical structure of our brains places the prefrontal cortex (responsible for rational thought) at the furthest point away from the spinal cord, with several primitive structures intercepting and filtering all data that passes between the prefrontal cortex and the rest of the body. While many of those primitive structures are highly useful, allowing a person to listen to a single voice in crowded room or remember an old memory based on a split-second familiar smell, they also have the ability to disconnect the prefrontal cortex when they deem it necessary. That's why people can have violent outbursts and not remember them, or feel as though they are watching themselves perform actions they didn't consciously decide to perform. Humans are only capable of being rational if it feels good to be rational. As soon as our creature comforts start to break down, being rational becomes much harder -- if not impossible." Deep shit my dude. >.>

To be honest, uh, in regards to my beliefs. Honestly, I'm fairly sure there is something we could call a God, whether it be heat expansion, entropy, maybe the universe itself, or a grand precursor that kickstarted life, quite honestly I don't really care, but I do know that it's NOTHING like any religion has ever thought of it to be. No offense of your own personal beliefs btw.

Let's do our best to make it better!!! ... or die trying. >_>

It's okay dude you have a life. I've actually been consumed with boring, annoying, friendship/relationship drama. It's cool. How have you been doing?
Mugetsu- Dec 18, 2019 12:52 PM
Huh, that's an interesting experience. Running with beer? . . . Well, awesome way to gain the carbs back you burned. xD Hey if it works for ya go for it.

Same here.... >.>

A fucking robot? Please don't end up making skynet until 2050, I'm confident I'll be ready to die around that time. But how is that working anyway? o.o You making AI? Or just allowing it to move and such?

Cold, cold, and more cold, my jobs are becoming quite taxing to do, though they say it's a great way to build up stamina, I believe them. ANd I know the feeling, making snowmen and such, ah, nostalgia. Doesn't help that it's around this time of the year I got my first, uh, let's say in name only: "Girlfriend", when I was 16--and turns out she was just using me to kill time while going through something with her boyfriend. Ah, out brief candle, life is but a walking shadow - I suppose hahaha. xD But yeah, it's always a complicated time of the year for me around this time. Especially the new year when we first, uh, did nature's dirty little secret. But hey, you can always make new memories my dude.
Mugetsu- Dec 4, 2019 8:22 PM
THANK YOU! I have also recovered from my many hangovers, haha.

Well just about well! So I'm planning on training my coworker in some light boxing lessons (used to do it a long time ago), and have been exercising my ass off for ten days, my arms have been sore as hell and I should have been taking rest days but I'm stubborn. Tried doing a push up late at night, even though my arms were burning, and my right arm entirely gave out and went to full on muscular failure for almost 10 seconds. Needless to say, I have really, really, really learned my lesson. Will only jog for now I suppose... awe. ... OTHERWISE FUN TIME! xD

I hope your drama situation has improved a little too. O.o
Mugetsu- Nov 20, 2019 1:41 PM
Glad to find someone who doesn't jerk madoka off like a sugar baby. <.<

...... once again, never going to Poland. Wtf. o.o

Sorry my replies are so inconsistent now. Man, it's been so long since I even watched anime. Let's just say I have gotten into quite a tiring relationship, well, not a physical one but with a friend who really needs help. Real life is such a fascinating thing, huh? Hahaha.
Mugetsu- Nov 9, 2019 5:10 PM
Sorry for the--... well, this reply isn't late, only about 72 hours apart. Anyhow, at war in retail with the customers and upping my exercise a lot to push new limits so replies are less frequent haha. Anyhow, let's get back to it.

Man, Poland sounds pretty awesome on one hand, than remember the other stuff as well... the bad ones...

Ah, I love the term: "The truth is amoral", so fitting here. Basically, it doesn't matter what the "truth" is, it only matters what people's perception of it is. Shows like South Park also made a lot of black comedy jokes about this as well. Actually, I made a few reasons why I didn't like Madoka a bit of time ago...

Ah, so that over razer blades? If you ask me it's quite a fair trade. <.< Everyone's got dark habits, I for one listen to way too much philosophy shit and heavy metal while exercising.. Probably to cover up emotional insecurities haha. >.>

Woah, do you find it to be some sort of socialist regime?
Lvx Nov 5, 2019 5:19 PM
Thank you, i appreciate it! 🙏☺
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