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Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
Jun 26, 2021 7:47 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 10
Shuumatsu no Walküre
Shuumatsu no Walküre
Jun 20, 2021 1:06 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 7
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Mar 11, 2021 7:13 AM
Completed 4/4 · Scored 7
Kengan Ashura
Kengan Ashura
Feb 6, 2021 6:10 AM
Completed 256/256 · Scored 8
Jan 24, 2021 8:39 AM
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amaanu01 Mar 5, 2020 7:42 AM
rip :(
TyDrian Dec 2, 2019 5:16 PM
I love your account
MisoSmart Jul 3, 2017 12:53 AM
Hi there! it's nice to meet you :D I've recently made a new club and I'm looking for new members to join. The club is called "Midnight Snack" and is all about making friends and discussing things. A bunch of activities will be made in the near future when we get more members.

It would be greatly appreciated if you join, and we are always up for making new friends :D
Throw me a comment if you have any questions or want an invite :3
R_TF Aug 5, 2016 8:34 AM
you're a legend
Ryuku-Tsukuyomi Aug 17, 2013 6:11 PM
The best thing to do about haters is ignoring them.
Ikusagami Jul 11, 2013 12:30 PM
Finally got around to looking through your list a bit, since you actually have higher compatibility than most, and I have to ask. . . what's up with giving Aku no Hana a 1?
. . . when it seems you haven't seen a single episode?
That really seems to contradict the stuff you said in your profile.

Not trying to criticize or annoy; you seem intelligent and critical enough to back up your judgments better than *cough* certain *cough* trolls, and I'm seriously curious why you would drop it and rate it so low, given your ethics on giving shows a fair chance.
Ikusagami Jul 2, 2013 9:48 PM
now that I have a little free time to elaborate my applause:
I enjoyed your bizarrely tendentious profile.



RyugaHellsing Jul 2, 2013 10:30 AM
i don't agree with everything you said, but your hater rant is entertaining.
A_Lam_Ma_El Jul 2, 2013 7:05 AM

'Eroge'(エロチックゲーム erochikku mu) means Erotic Game a.k.a. game with erotic content in it which is also known as Porn.

Just like how Utsuge means depressing game and just like how Nakige means crying game you get my point.

Therefore my previous statement where I called the 'Sengoku Rance' a porn game was a valid statement and not wrong.

Also my avatar is also from an eroge I was just forking around.
Ikusagami Jul 2, 2013 1:39 AM
kitkatxz Jul 2, 2013 12:16 AM
Okay, SAO PREMISE was good, but the way they executed it was pure shit that it made him give it a 1. It's about a life and death situation in a game world. Which does pretty well for the first part of the show then turns into a train wreck, cause they didn't focus on the fucking plot. OH NO WE WILL LOSE ARE LIVES IF WE DIE, WE SHOULD END THIS GAME ASAP wait.... nah let's go relax for a bit while others waste their lives trying to beat the game. Kirito is a shit character he's pretty much Jesus. He is able to everything with asspulls. Loses duel to Kayabe, able to stab him with sword even though he's dead. Can't break through the gates first time, here have my sword and you'll gain this new awesome move out of no where. Asuna was good character cause she out of the cliche MC girl, cause she went into battle knowing the risk. Then turns into a shitty tsundere and the 2nd ark because fucking princess peach. I think the characters and the way they TOLD the story was enough to make him give the show a 1/10.
A_Lam_Ma_El Jul 1, 2013 3:43 PM
Just Because someone drops animes doesn't neccesary mean they are haters it can mean that the anime just didn't appeal to them.Looking at how non existent is your dropped list you must either be really stubborn or a person who likes any kind of genre.:p

I'ts pretty much impossible for normal people to like anything they pickup so their dropped list will eventually increase the more anime they watch.And why would a normal person finnish something he clearly doesn't like?.I mean when you have finished already more than half of the series and still don't like it or see any reedeming value there is no reason to continue torturing yourself further.Unless of course you are one of those kinda guys who likes to watch animes they hate like some people i know >.>

You don't even need to hate something to drop othertimes people can drop shows because something else seem more interesting and they may even drop shows they liked(I myself frequently do this).Since people have little time and they prefer to watch the best thing they can at the moment for entertainment.

Also you forgot to mention 3 kinds of haters.

One is the guys who hate some animes because they failed to adapt the source material well be it light novels,mangas,visual novels etc. Basically this is mostly apperant with the manga readers that like some manga and then watch the anime version of it and then they start hating it how they left out so many things and completly butchered the whole story.I myself as a visual novel reader hate how studio DEEN has butchered the higurashi anime making it into a mindless gorefest and destroying the non-japanese higurashi fanbase.Well though you can't be harsh on them since it's kinda hard to adapt a god knows how many volumes light novel or a 100+hour count vn like higurashi into a 12 or a 25 episodes seriously so it doesn't come out like some crapfest.

The second type of haters you forgot to mention were the ones that hate animes because of its fandom most generic examples would be how pretty much every non-naruto watcher hates the naruto fandom.This is a case where people hate animes because they hate their fandom and don't understand how people can actually like the anime so the hate is transferred from the fans to the anime itself.This is ofcourse partly the fandoms fault because they can really act like idiots and can't be reasoned with most of the time.

The third type of haters you forgot to mention are the guys who hate animes because of how they influenced the industry or otakus in general.Example include hating lucky stear and k-on for inflcuencing the industry and essentially creating a moe-'boom' that lasted for years.

Also yes most people outside of his 'fandom' realize that DraconishMarch is a huge pretentious-hipster who should be no longer be watching anime since he hates 90% stuff he watches and just spreads the hate.And acts like a dick to everyone who tries to argue with him.I think he dropped shinsekai yori because of that certain little 'yaoi' episode and maybe he has insecurities :p

Who are the 2 other members of the mongrel trinity?:P

I personnaly don't think there is anything wrong with hating on things in general since its just an opinion and ppl have those but that doesn't give them an excuse to be dicks towards other people.Also yes haters tend to influence the ones that are easy to influence resulting in a massive hate-wave on certain series sometimes.

Hating shows just because they are "mainstream" or famous is a stupid thing to do yes and is not a valid arguments.I honestly think they are just mad that their own shows are not mainstream and not everyone praises it.

Also I kinda find it ironic how you are essentially a hater of haters :O and having an avatar from a porn game you sick person.

kitkatxz Jul 1, 2013 12:36 PM
Well, to back up Drac's case he did like Baccano,Madoka,FMA:BH, and Code Geass so he is not a hipster. Second, SAO deserves 1 or 2 imo Plot was shit, characters were shit, only thing good about the show was the art and the sound. K-on yea it's a slice of life but a BORING ONE. All i remember from the show was them drinking tea and eating cake and the opening. He doesn't have a problem with Moe he has a problem with Moeblobs* (characters who are just there to look cute who have no personalities what so-ever), but i will agree with you his patience is not very good he dropped TTGL at episode 8... he didn't even the effects of Kamina's death, i will agree with you on that other then that i have to disagree with you.
AndyRayy Jul 1, 2013 12:30 PM
I love your spiel on DraconisMarch! It pretty much relays my feelings towards the way he blindly judges entire works after watching maybe ten minutes of the first episode (even though he would probably end up really liking them if he just actually watched more than 3% of them).

I love how DM's response to what you said is "GJ-Bu in favorites? That explains everything." lol And he's the one who says that people like to make attacks with irrelevant information (GJ-Bu was fucking awesome by the way).

It figures: he's talking to Vanisher, the same guy who tried to defend DM, but never took the time to respond to my rebuttal against every point he made in defending DM's elitist opinion videos (because he knew I was right).

Anyhow, keep up the awesome~
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