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Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction (ONA) Episode 0
Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction (ONA) Episode 0
Jun 7, 8:45 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored -
May 23, 8:08 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
Susume, Karolina.
Susume, Karolina.
May 23, 7:56 PM
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21 minutes ago
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Shino-chan wa Jibun no Namae ga Ienai
Shino-chan wa Jibun no Namae ga Ienai
Jun 14, 5:10 AM
Completed 11/11 · Scored -
Kamisama ga Uso wo Tsuku.
Kamisama ga Uso wo Tsuku.
Jun 11, 11:02 PM
Completed 5/5 · Scored 6

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Gotten_Softer Yesterday, 6:39 AM
>>how much muscles you gained during those 4 months, is that normal less or more?
Its almost cannot be seen from outside but for me who always see what I really looked like Ive gained few. Its not much but as I said I can sense even smallest bit of changes in my body. One thing that can clearly be seen though is the increse in my strength.

>>Is it different for everyone? Even if they do the same type if workouts?
It definitely is different for everyone coz of the different body types. Some people gain lot muscles in small window while some almost cannot gain for so long. No matter how unlucky genetics you have, you can still gain muscles but it takes more grind than lucky ones.

>>Maybe he is, but at this point he must have added some equipments as well.
Ya you need to lift to gain muscles. pretty simple.

>>At one point many people suggested me to join the gym, but i didnt know you could join gym to gain muscles. My vision of the gym was a place where you go to lose weight and I was like why would i go to lose my weight when i dont have any.
My parents still have this mentality. They laughed when I said I wanna join gym. They said " aba yuesto xas, ajhai gym gayerw hawa mai gayab hune ho?".

When I go to my frnds house I dont plan shit. I just say "Im coming" and go there. Everything we do when we meet is just made after we meet. Most of the times we just play games if not we just go to our normal cafe and sit there for like half and hour and roam around like usual. We dont do anything crazy just good frnds talking about anything that comes to their mind thats all.

You read some Oshimi Shuzou manga? How was it? Ive noticed it is in my ptr as well.
Gotten_Softer Jun 15, 7:53 AM
>>Cannot agree.
Maybe coz u havent seen me yet.

>>For what purpose did you join the gym? How long did you go to the gym? Was there progress?
I joined to gain some muscles. pretty basic. I joined for maybe 4 months. I did see results but not too much. Its really hard for people like me to gain weight coz of high metabolism. But I started seeing lot of new muscles. Most people might not see it but I can feel even the tiny bit of changes in my body.

>>Is it like possible to build body by just working out on home?
It definitely is but its not that easy to. Just doing basic exercises wont do enough. First thing there isnt variety. Like what can you do ? push ups, planks, sit ups, pull ups maybe and what?. Maybe your frnd just is genetically gifted. For me its almost not possible to do it.

I eat a lot too and I dont do too much exercises in home so I should gain weight but I dont. Idk what will it take for me to gain weight.

>>What do you normally do when you feel bored in your room, and you dont want to travel much far.
I dont do anything. If I get bored in my house I have nowhere to go anyways. My place is pretty fking great. Literally there is a jungle like 5 mins from my home. I can go there. I can go to lot of temples here. and there isnt much noise and the environment is pretty clean, Its a great place but how many times will I go to same fking place? I sometimes go to meet frnds. msotly in chakrapath and swoyambhu and thats pretty much all. also I dont really feel bored in home idk. but If I ever feel bored then I will probably go to swoyambhu to meet frnds.
Gotten_Softer Jun 13, 7:29 AM
Im probably more out of shape than you but I do know few things about gyms. You dont join gym and immediately start lifting weights. First day or maybe 2 days you prbably have to do basic exercises like pull pups push ups and probably few cardio. then you will start lifting weights. first month its recommended to do one muscle group for each day. maybe sunday bicep, monday chest etc. that makes 1 muscle group once a week and after you get used to lifting you can start following splits. split means you do multiple muscle groups each day so that you can hit 1 muscle group twice a week. and dont do 6/7 execrsies per muscle coz thats unnecessary. you can do like 3/4 per muscle and its more than enough what matters is that "are you doing the exercises in right form" and "are you going to your maximum limits" .most important thing is definitely the diet. Its so fking hard to eat. People always say protein protein but I dont think its that hard to complete daily protein intake. whats hard imo is carbs. shits never enough. Though you can notice beginners gains pretty soon. like one months in you can notice the new muscles building.

>>Solanin has live action adaptation, and i watched that, prolly even before reading the manga.
holy shit. didnt know that. I definitely will watch it.

>>I dont normally go out, also shifted to a new area recently and yeah literally no one that I know lives near.
Lmao I moved to Budhanilkantha maybe 8 years ago and I still havent made any frnds here. first of all Ive not seen people my age much in this area and even if they do they are playing volleyball which Ie no interest in.

>>I dont hate wearing half sleeved tshirt or shirts, but yeah showing thin arms kinda sucks
literally the only reason. I dont look that skinny in winter coz I wear like 3 clothes but summer its a different story.

Gotten_Softer Jun 12, 10:14 PM
>> was born at 12:30 in the midnight so,
lmao I was born at 12:30 also. If I was born 31 minutes earlier My birthday would be 1 day earlier.

>>do you go to gym?
I used to go gym and I started to see the results but I stopped coz of time issues. I had to go to my barista class for the entire day fking up my diet so there was no point going to the gym like that. Now as my class is done I might join soon. Do you go to the gym?

>>No, I wasnt planning on watching the whole series anyway, It has a pilot episode which is labeled as episode 0 on anime streaming sites, so i just wanted to watch that but somehow mistakely i watched episode one.
For me Im actually really interested in the show. I most likely would read the manga but considering its Inio's first adaptation. Im wanna watch the anime of this atleast.
Thou I dont know why they didnt adapt Solanin yet. Its Inio's most normal shit making it easier to appeal to lot of people.

>>Sword cursor is also cool, it works like normal cursor, its just longer compared to normal cursor.
Ya its cool and all but its so fking long and its also pretty thin so when I first saw that I didnt know how to point coz of the curve tip. But when you hover anything it changes their color to black so it does help.

My area is pretty hot. I cannot go anywhere during the day. I really hate summer. One its unbearably hot and another I have to wear half sleeved tshirt which I also hate. Only good thing about summer is that I can go swimming. I always sleep with fan switched on. So the artificial air does help a bit.
Gotten_Softer Jun 12, 8:20 AM
>>Isnt your birthday on jun or jul 26? or something?
I will be 22 this July. Nepali are kinda bad at these. My mom always say "tw 22 vaisakis" coz its already new year and my mom counts the year than actual date of birth. So for mom Im 22 after new year not when I actually when my birthday comes. Its like 2 months from now so.

>>The anime doesnt gives inio vibes tbh. Like yous said about pluto,
I dont know about dededemons much but Im really interested in his manga adaptations. Like his manga looks way too normal from the surface level but deep inside it gets way too fking dark. Same as Shuzou's mangas. Oshimi has one anime adaptation (aku no hana) and it has some janky visuals.

>>Just watched one episode, idk if i will continue or not.
Why though? do you not like it or what?

Its been ages since I last checked my ptr and ptw lmao. I might have to complete few of them atleast. Short ones wont hurt.

>>Your list interface design is weird man, can never use it well, the sword cursor is confusing. Also looks like I cant use the "filter" feature.
One of my old MAL frnd made this for me. I just love the way everything looks. Ive messed up few of the features myself. one of them being the namings of the shows. Lot of mangas name are written vertically than horizontically. I think you understand what I mean. Cursor thing is kinda true too lol. Its coz it is curved katana so its little hard to actually point with it.

Lmao just realized I have my old "imgur" account. Logged in and saw my 3 yrs old favorite manga, anime, characetrs collage. damn my taste hasnt changed for last 3 years.
Gotten_Softer Jun 11, 10:37 PM
>>it could be possible but i dont see reels or any other types of short content replacing movies and related medias.
I dont think reels can ever replace movies either but it already has overtaken long form youtube videos. Even me spend more time on yt shorts than actual youtube.

>>You had a gap or something? Do you go to college If not what level would you be in?
There are ton of gaps in my school. I once had a gap in class 3 I believe and once in class 11. I would be in 6th sem if I was going college. Unfortunately I stopped after +2. Tmi kun level ma ho rw aile?

I think Cricket would die as a sport mainly coz cricket isnt big in many countries. I thought cricket was huge coz of the craze I used to see but that was only indians. Now I realize many western countries doesnt even give a fk about cricket. But also sometimes I feel like cricket will live on untill there is cricket team in India.

>>Watched the anime ift felt mid so havent continued the manga as well.
I used to love the manga. Just the uniqueness it had I loved it. Now it has turned into idk what to say. I stopped after seeing some incest development in the plot and havent read since. I heard it wont go that route so I might read it pretty soon.

I still love Spy x Family like I always did, Its just the everyday slice of life show I can shut off my brain and enjoy, And its pretty hilarious. It is repetitive but I never expected anything more from a show like that in the first place.

Didnt know Dededemons anime is coming. Man I really do wanna read the manga. Read chapter 1 like 3 yrs ago and havent continued since.
Gotten_Softer Jun 8, 9:54 PM
>>did you take the job tho? You didnt talk about taking or not taking the job.
I did not. There is no way I can manage to get back home after I complete my shift at 9 PM.

>> But i feel like im too dank for real life lmao, if i were a celebrity i would get cancelled easily. tbh tho im the first one to always joke about others.
I dont really like starting a joke but I dont think one can keep up with me if they start going at me first.

>>Does that mean, movies, series and anime dont have future?
I think its kinda true as well. I think there is a reason there are almost no longer series nowadays. They are always divided in different seasons with 12 or maximum 24 episodes each.

>>Doesnt bibek lives there as well? So you guys were like "same-area-friend"? I thought random school college friend.
Idk how to answer this lmao. Its yes but also no. Actually I was a senior of Bibek in school. We studied in same school upto class 8. He was class 7. I used to talk to him but not much coz of the school frnd but coz we both used to play same moba game called "Dota 2". And we just became frnds coz of the game and started to hang around quite a while after that and its been like 8 years now maybe.

>>According to the rule isnt that what should have happened?
I know thats the rule and I didnt say they did that wasnt in the rule but the 'rule' in the first place doesnt make sense if Im being honest. I dont see how "how much boundries youve got" makes sense. It seems like they are downplaying the single, double runs and cricket is all about 4 and 6's.

I remember reading Oshi no Ko, MHA, JJK, spy x family, Please go home akutsu san and skip and loafer. Last 2 are like monthly mangas so I can skip reading those for few months and catch up in like 10 minutes. Its been like 4 months since I read jjk and mha. Its been quite a while since I read oshi no ko coz I started to get bored of the new developments that was going on. and Idk why I stopped spy family. I think I have like 10 chapters to catch up.
Gotten_Softer Jun 6, 9:13 PM
>>I have gone only twice ever in my life. Ofcource without my parents interest.
twice a life is too unbelievable but Ill trust you.

I would hate to be in your shoes. for that internship job youve done. I found a job yesterday and salary was fine and all but I have to work from 12-9 which is fine for me but I have to go back home after job which is like 7 km far from the job location. and for late 9 o clock its pretty impossible for me top get the bus. I dont think patho is an opnion coz 1 trip cost like 150 and 30 days equals how much like 4500? cannot do that.

>>From what I know I dont think there are many old guys in the barista field so i guess its okay, maybe.
I ve seen lot of old guys in the field. By old I mean mostly I see people around 28-32 if I have too guess. which is still not old enough that its hard for me to cooperate with them.

>>They are still stuck there and arent afraid to speak their mind. It's we gen z who get hurt easily. I dont know whose fault it is.
If I have to say I will say its the fault of people who cannot take a tiny bit of joke. If the joke gets too far then it obviously cannot be tolerated but if one gets angry for tiniest of the remarks then they can never cooperate with others in their life. For me If someone jokes about me I will double down on the joke. I always was a skinny guy. Imagine me who is 6'0 feet but is 53 kg. You can imagine what I look like now. And I always have to hear this "talai ghar ma kei khana didaina k ho" and I always double down with "hunxa tapai le khana dinu hunxa vaye tapai ko ghar aauxu ni tw" and most of the time they wont joke about me anymore. Im not saying joking about someone's insecurities is fine but also getting angry over someone isnt gonna help me gain weight no?

>>I have been addicted to insta reels they days.
can relate. I used to binge these. Also youtube shorts. The short form content is lot more addicting than long ones. Nowadays people dont have the patience to watch long form video unless its about something they already enjoy. Any new content its hard for people to watch 20/30 min video of. But 1 min wont hurt.

>>Do you live in kritipur, I feel like you lived around budanilkantha.
I lived in Dallu for first 16 years of my life. Then I moved to Budhanilkantha. If you dont know Dallu then you can say its Swoyambhu. My dad used to take me and my brother to academy in bike. and we used to come back home by foot. which is around 40 min walk.

>>Also watching the t20 world cup, its still group stage so its not fun at all watching associate teams game. Knockout stages might be interesting.
I know its ongoing. cannot bother to watch them. Too tired of cricket.

Its sad to see the downfall of west indies. From winning world cup to playing a series with nepal. Kidna sucks. Also I once saw their roster and almost didnt recognize any of them. I fell in love with New Zealand coz of Trent Boult. I was a bowler and to me Boult felt like the perfect bowler. The bowler I wanna become. Brendon McCullum and Kane Williamson were amazing as well.

>>But yeah man new zealand do deserve atleast one trophy.
As a new zealand supporter, I openly spread hate about 2019 world cup lmao. That was the greatest final Ive ever seen in any sports. Tie and tie also in super over but sucks to see winner decided over the boundries number. Fking pathetic. Could've done another super over
Gotten_Softer Jun 4, 11:08 PM
>>I'll be 21 this year
what about you?
Im a year older than you it seems. Im 22.

>>Its kinda opposite with me. i can do much things inside my house than I can do outside.
Damn lmao. Im pretty free to go out whenever I want. I might go to bibek's house tonight.

>>The environment became too toxic and had to quit.
is this all you can say? I would like to know just what was the environment like. coz I have never done any of these Im just tryna get to my first job. Its fine if you arent comfortable to share.

>>I still see your girlfriend here and there on bibek's and other's post, how are things right now? Is the relation still intact?
Ya we are good still thanks to god. We do have fights but at this point of my relation Im used to it. I used to be scared of fights but nowadays I dont even take the fights too seriously. Its just a routine at this point.

I do have a spare fb id though. I dont use it much but sometimes I do open it and all I see are ninja hattori random clips and I fking love them. Just the pure nostalgia hits. yesterday I binged random ninja hattori clips for an hour maybe.

Funny enough my first dream was to be a cricketer. Me and My brother used to go to this cricket training center in kritipur and we also trial for district lvl and unfortunately I failed and I stopped being too serious about it. My brother did get selected but he also stopped taking it seriously for some reason. I also used to lose watching cricket but nowadays I dont even care what happens. Last time I watch cricket was the world cup finals. I still might watch cricket if the world cups is going on and New Zealand is playing. Ive been supporting them for entirety of my life atp.
Gotten_Softer Jun 4, 8:55 AM
>>You should train your son from the beginning to be able to do that at the age of 18.
How old are you now though?

>>I think that's what most people do, dominate the other party with their opinion by not letting them talk and win over them.
idk man. maybe they are scared that someone might know things more than them or something, idk whats their mentality is.

My parents gave me freedom. Im allowed to do anything. I go nighouts like 2 times a week atleast if not more and my parents dont care much. I can go out whenever I want and do whatever I want but I cant do many things in my home. They never restricted me to do anything but they dont allow many things in my house. I hope that makes sense.

>>what have you been doing these days?
Just finished my Barista training thats why I was kinda free to msg constantly in this site. I am currently searching for a job. Got 2 but didnt like the environment. Im pretty much just doing nothing as of now. What are u upto these days?

I used facebook just for the memes If Im being completely honest. If I have to text my frnds I usually do it with discord. I used to enjoy being in the music and anime communities but now they arent much fun anymore so there is no point using facebook. Also I got banned from facebook for like 5 times probably for simplest of the reasons. That also is a reason.

>>cuz i have been too emotionally attached with this thing now. I really do want to leave this thing or slow down the use.
Idk whats the reason you use that. For me the sole reason for using fb was for the memes and nowadays I do enjoy memes but I dont really wanna see memes for too long so its like I gradually lost interest in something that was the sole reason for me to use facebook.
Gotten_Softer Jun 2, 5:34 AM
>>do you plan on continuing tho?
im actually not sure man. I do wanna read it but i know im gonna get more disappointed that its never gonna come again. If I leave it at how much Ive read already. I think "atleast have something new about Nana to read".
Idk if that makes sense.

One Piece is reaching its last arc. The history of pirates and the world is starting to get revealed. Its really the endgame now. I cant believe its actually gonna end in few years.

>>Whats some advice about life you'll want to give to people,
im pretty sure everyone knows about this already but I really think people should be open to other's ideas even if they dont like them personally. We live in ever evolving world and you can never be like "i know everything" coz you can always learn something new everyday. People are different and follow different rules, have different views and perception and thats what makes us human. and thats the most fun thing about being a human. Imagine a world where everyone has same idea and same opinion on everything. No argument, no discussions. Life would be boring asf. idk if I have to teach something to my brothers then I will tell them to be open to new ideas and explore them. Its nice having strong opinion of your own and its something we should have but that doesnt mean its the only right opinion and any ideas contrasting yours is not worth listening. This goes for anything like movies, animes, music, sports, politics, everything.

>>Whats your main motto when living?
These motto, principles are pretty fancy terms and Ive never made one. But there is one thing that I absolutely hate and also the reason that I have repeating fights with my family. My family are traditionalist and tend to follow all social norms. They try to fit in with the society. And I have no problem with them doing that. Thats a good thing. But its crossing the limit when I am restricted to do something I love and enjoy coz of this line " manxe harule k vanxa, k sochxa". And I personally dont give two shit about what they think about me as long as I dont do something too stupid. Its fine doing things to fit in with the people coz it helps stregthen the frndships but if its restricts the way you wanna live then its not worth. Letting society decide how you live has to be the worst way of living your life.

>>some people tend to think that if the main character has bad ideas they are the antagonist. Like with death note people call light antagonist and L protaginist. No matter what wont the main character always be protagonist, same with AOT too.
They stupid. Dunno what else to say. People who cant differentiate antagonist with villain.

Looking at your list I dont think there are any that I dont personally love. Maybe they wont be in my list but they are reletively close. We have lot in common as well. But if the list is ranked then I will say I wiil re-arrange the list a quite much.
Gotten_Softer Jun 1, 6:05 AM
>> will read this its short i need to have that much patience.
If you ever give it a try. Lemme know how you feel about it.

For me the best visuals has to be Your Name. Anime wise I will probably say Violet Evergarden. It has some incredible visuals.

I think she stopped the manga coz of the health complications but I dont think its that serious that its been 15 years without the continuation. I almost believe that its not gonna continue ever again. I remember back in 2022 I read somwthing along the lines of "thanks for people who read and support my manga. I will try to continue my manga while also taking care of my health". And its been like 2 years and literally no sign of continuation so I sometime wonder if thats fake article.

>>You might have gotten spoiled about the major incidents already at this point? That would suck man.
No I havent. There is literally no one that Ive talked about Nana except you and one other guy from MAL and he hasn't read the manga himself. And also there isnt much talks about Nana online coz its not that popular so I havent been spoiled of anything as of now

I do read one piece weekly. Ive invested too much time on this manga already to just stop reading. It was my first manga and I started reading it weekly when it had just 600 chapters. I dont like One Piece too much but it's something I cant stop reading coz I wanna complete things I already started.

Ya I understand what you mean. I wanna believe Im what you think I am. Atleast someone on the internet thinks positively of me 😆😆.

What I mean was that as we talked about favourite movies and manga and anime so I might as well know about your favourite protagonist and antagonist. Simple words. What will be your favourite antagonists and protagonist.

Gotten_Softer Jun 1, 1:22 AM
Man I didnt know we already had this conversation. Thats fine if you wanted to try it and couldnt. Thats upto you.

I didnt know Tenki no Ko was made by the same studio of Kaiju no Kodomo. Isnt Tenki no Ko a Shinkai Makoto movie? It had amazing visuals.

>>man really sad that he died too soon. with all the resources and newer concepts being found everyday in today's time no one can imagine what he could have come up with,
His death is probably the biggest loss anime community ever had. His works wasnt only appealing to anime lovers but also lot of people who dont usually watch anime. From his unique ideas, his visuals, his way of exploring the human psyche were just unmatched.

>>Maybe tokyo godfather is the most normal movie he has ever made in terms of weirdness.
It is his most normal work. Its juust your normal christmas movie. Sennen Joyuu is kinda humane movie as well. Nothing too fancy or something too mindfuck happens but the way he was able to intertwine the actress various past's and present was amazing to see.

>>I might have heard somewhere that NANA got cancelled but didnt have that weight to it to believe,
Might as well believe it now.

>>The last chapter could really feel like a last chapter
I actually havent caught up to the manga yet. Ive read upto chapter 42 I believe. Its the chapter that anime also ended.

>>There arent much female in this anime. Only these three sisters and mc's so called sister.
Ya man they areally are lovely. I love Akari and Hinata and Momo has to be the cutest anime character Ive ever seen. Rei's sister is great character too. As a character though. As a human she is pretty horrible. But as an antagonist she has to be the way she is.

Ive yet to read both Inuyashiki and Gantz. I might actually read manga. As much as I dont watch anime anymore, I still sometimes do read few mangas.

>>Honey and clover and 3gatsu might not be in my top ten but doesnt change the fact that they are great shows and love them.
Both of them are in my 5's fs. Umino Chicka is easily the best female author Ive seen. Close ones being Yoshino Satsuki and Urushibara Yuki. Interms of my favorite authors. Umino might even be above Inoue if Im being completely honest.

>>There are two guys I respect that I met online and you are one of them. I uploaded on facebook as well but ofc couldnt mention you.
Thanks man.

>>Obviously not the senior-junior kinda respect, like tapai-hajur, namaste kind of respect.
I hope it isnt like that. Lol.

>> I have also stolen a few animes from your list and two of them are my literal favorites, honey and clover and showa genroku
Glad to hear I was able to unknowingly recommend these animes to you. I dont really talk about them online coz I dont wanna look different.

The word dogmatic can be viewed in both positive and negative way. As long as I know its the kind of person who believes his own ideas to be the truth and fails to accept others different views. And I dont think I am kinda that. I have my ideas but Im completely open to knowing what others thinks despite their ideas contrasting mine.

As we have already talked about anime , movies, mangas and even womans. I might know everything about you by knwoing your favorite protagionist and antagonist as well.
Gotten_Softer May 31, 10:56 PM
>>Looks like the manga only has 50 chaps, I might give it a read soon.
You should man. I dont think manga is nearly as good as the anime but its story is so intruiging that I was able to forget how beautiful the anime was and enjoy the mystery and the adventure. I also recommend this short manga from same author called the "Suiki". it also has some of the best landscapes and visuals in manga form Ive ever seen. Not in terms of art though.

Also I didnt say Billy Bat is better than 20th Century Boys. Its not but talking about just mystery aspect. The mystery of Billy Bat to me is better.

Ive watched all of your favorite movies but Mind Game. Dunno about that. Your choices are really great. I personally feel Paprika is Kon's weaker movies. Not saying I dont like it. Its great movie and in terms of creativity and originality its his best. Saying this about someone's weaker movies shows how good of a director he is.

For me, my list would be like:-
1: Princess Mononoke
2: Whisper of the Heart
3: Only Yesterday
4,5: The Wind Rises and Millennium Actress
6,7,8: A Silent Voice, Spirited Away, In This Corner of the World
9: Perfect Blue
10: Colorful, Tokyo Godfathers

These will be probably in my 10's. There are 11 but whatever. Fk I really do suck some Ghibli dick. Have like 4 in top 5 and 6 in top 10. And also castle in the sky, kiki's delivery service and maybe even valley of the wind will be in my 15's also.

Nana is literally cancelled. Vagabond is on hiatus but Nana is cancelled. There is like more chance for Vagabond to return than NANA. Inoue is making REAL. Dont you know? He probably makes like 1 chapter every 4/5 months or so. But thinking about Vagabond makes me sad. Mushashi's character is this close to getting a perfect ending. Just like 1 more arc maybe and we can see the ending of it but Inoue said he has no motivation to continue Vagabond anymore.

>>which akari lmao?
Kawamoto Akari from March comes in like a lion. The big sister. I love all the 3 sisters but Akari to me feels like the best one.

Oh man all of your favorite womans list is nice but Fubuki. I dont really like. Also all of the woman you have in your list. Seems like I prefer someone else from the same show. Like I prefer Chika over Kaguya and Abigail than Cynthia. Cannot complain with Monogatari choices though. Definitely the best 2.

Mine extended favorite list would be something like:-

Hinata (from same anime as akari)
Oscar (Rose of Versailies)
Nana (Osaki)
Shinobu and Senjougahara

cannot think of more. will leave it at that.

Fujiwara is a supporting character. Kaguya and Miyuki are the mc so any one else are supporting characters.
Gotten_Softer May 31, 9:26 AM
>>It took me a month to get to 7 episodes of ergo proxy and had to drop it eventually. I watched episode 7 many times, cuz I would leave it after few mins into it and come back next day and watch from the beginning. This continued for few days and i dropped it.

I actually really like Ergo Proxy. Among the cool animes this and Haibane Renmei are the best ones Ive seen.

>> I might say i have a list of my favorite stuffs but im not over protective or over passionate about it. Not even, music, movies, or even people irl.
I am pretty open about this I love be it movies or anime or music. And ones I find someone that doesnt agree to my opinion I am eager to know why we think differently about certain things. I do care if they bash my favorite shows, not coz Im angry but I am interest to know about their pov. Thats what I love about being human that we are different and you can always learn something new. But these kinda people are like non existent nowadays. There are are just bunch of mindless bashers.

Ive heard nothing but good things about Space Brothers. Unfortunately I heard about them quite late in my anime life. Space Brothers and Maison Ikkoku are the 2 animes that I regret not watching when I was at my peak anime watching phase. Sucks no one told me about them sooner.

I have a little different opinion about SOL. For me its the shows without any fantastical elements in a real life settings about characters mundane day to day life. And Yuru Camp is a slice of life. They are just bunch of kids going camping and spending their day. There isnt anything big building up, nothing crazy is happening. Just kids enjoying their camping days. New day new camp. I never thought about SOL like how you explained. Im pretty sure my thoughts on sol isnt correct either coz I said they dont include fantastical elements but Mushishi is as fantasy as it can get and it is a slice of life show.

>>I saw a negative review about this anime on this site, they were saying that sato is not a hikikomori, not an otaku he is an awful human being, he knows he needs to change but doesnt wants to change he leaves his house couple of times to get a job but unnecessarily gets scared of society.
I dont know what does he mean by "unnecessarily gets scared" thats the most stupid thing Ive heard in a while. It simply sounds like he is making fun of people for not being able to be social. there is a reason thats called "Hikkikomori" They simply cannot do it regardless of if he wants or doesnt want. If it was that easy to get over that then there wont be any shut ins in the world rn. Its like saying "oh you are addicted to smoking? its so easy to get over it. Just dont smoke". As if I never thought of it.

>> can never build of myself to watch mushishi again after droppping it, but i might read tha manga if it has less than a 100 chapters. Just to see if my opinion has changed
Ive always loved the show. Just the pure feeling of calmness every episodes has. The characters, the mystery, the adventure. everything fills me with joy. Man thank god my dad didnt wear a condom so that I was born in this world to witness this gem. That was a joke. But I really cannot talk enough of it. xD

For me the 90's anime are just eye catching. Idk what it is about them that I just love the way they look aesthetically.

>>man we have like more than 5 common shows.
Nice. I really like Non Biyori but Im also not too fond of it. I actually do prefer Yuru Camp more. Also I see Omoide Poroporo in your list. I didnt include movies in my list coz I rate them separately. But awesome movie choice from you. Its in my top 3 anime movies.
I really fell out of love with Steins Gate used to be in my top 10's back in 2020 now I dont think it will make my 20's. Still great show. Kaguya sama to me never felt like a "oh this is one of my absolute favorites" I love it as is and I dont think I have much problems with the show but it never had that click in it. Fruits Basket in other hand is something that I hold very close to my heart. Easily my favorite shoujo show ever after Chihayafuru.

We have few common manga's as well it seems. Always gotta love fellow NANA enjoyers. Looks like you have 3 Naoki mangas. Have you read Billy Bat yet? If you havent I highly recommend it. From pure mystery standpoint. Its better than 20th Century Boys imo.

>>dk if some are in order but shows how great takehiko inoue is when 3 of his most popular mangas are in both of our's list.
I always have utmost respect to the authors with multiple great shows. Inoue, Naoki, Kunihiko, Yuasa, Kon are all just legends. It might be easy making one masterpiece but making multiple of them is just unbelieveable. Takehiko 3 mangas are in my top 10 while 4 Naoki mangas are in my top 15's. Just goat things.

I never thought of this "favorite female character thing" but If I have to name it should be between Kagura, Akari or Chihaya. Thats the best I can do to answer your question. I cannot just name 1. But it will be between these 3.
Who will be yours. and also who is your favorite supporting character? Mine will be Morita Shinobu from Honeya nd Clover.
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