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Jan 26, 2014 4:03 PM

Aug 2012
If you just joined us, make sure and introduce yourself! Tell us what you've been watching or reading, even if it isn't something "philosophical".
LithicJan 26, 2014 4:24 PM
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Feb 10, 2014 12:51 PM
Jul 2018
Hello there.
I am an italian high school student, and aside from anime and manga my interests would be maths, physics, video games and books, be it fantasy tales or philosophical stuff.
I guess I first got involved with anime and manga when I was about 5 years old, and as most, I started with Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya and the like.
That said, I am still not as experienced in anime, I've watched quite a few titles, but not enough to make me an expert.
As to what I've been watching recently, I am currently watching Mushishi, which is quite indeed amazing, aside from that some currently airing series, like Nisekoi or HxH.
As to reading, not much currently, but I want to pick up "Vom Kriege" (on war) from Carl Clausewitz, and "Der Zauberberg" (The Magic Mountain) from Thomas Mann.
Feb 10, 2014 1:29 PM

Aug 2012
Ah welcome to the club! You're watching Mushishi huh? It's such a wonderful show isn't it? I finished the Mushishi manga a few weeks ago and I absolutely loved it. The artwork is incredible and it really shows in its adaptation.

I haven't heard of the books you're reading, but I personally just finished reading the French novel "The Belly of Paris" by Emile Zola and a couple of Oscar Wilde's plays: "Lady Windermere's Fan" and "The Importance of Being Ernest". Of course all of these are for school. :p

Anyways, welcome to the club and I hope you leave a comment in the comment section when something comes to mind. We're not active everyday in the club usually, but rather come and go when we have the time.
LithicFeb 10, 2014 1:40 PM
Feb 10, 2014 1:42 PM
Lewd Connoisseur

Nov 2011
Welcome to our sexy philosophy club~ :)
Feb 10, 2014 1:49 PM

Mar 2011
Hello domme, we meet again =P
"The view from the bottom of a well may not be much, but you can see the sky and the stars really well. My world is small, but since I'm looking up at space night after night, you could say I'm a frog on a universal scale. When you gaze up at space all alone like that, the back of your mind goes quiet, and you feel as though you've gained an extraordinary amount of wisdom."
Feb 10, 2014 1:59 PM
Jan 2013
I'm an Environmental and Sanitary engineering student here in the Philippines.

One of my most favorite anime would be the "Puella Madoka Magica" specially on the case of Akemi Homura. The situation she is in where she can't get out whatever she do, so she just pushed herself. I can see the weight she had to bear for madoka. To fight and get hurt or to give in to despair and become a witch... damn just damn... A true masterpiece for my opinion :D

Well, Good Day and God Bless
Feb 10, 2014 3:14 PM

Aug 2012
NoeXMoe said:
I'm an Environmental and Sanitary engineering student here in the Philippines.

One of my most favorite anime would be the "Puella Madoka Magica" specially on the case of Akemi Homura. The situation she is in where she can't get out whatever she do, so she just pushed herself. I can see the weight she had to bear for madoka. To fight and get hurt or to give in to despair and become a witch... damn just damn... A true masterpiece for my opinion :D

Well, Good Day and God Bless

Welcome to the club! I hope to see you around.
Feb 10, 2014 11:30 PM

Sep 2012
Clausewitz is usually on my mind these days, even if I'm not really thinking about his ideas. It's hard to avoid him when exploring the more turbulent side of political philosophy - viz. warfare. With that, welcome to the club, domme008! Don't worry, so far we've successfully kept the club from collapsing into some kind of Hobbesian state of nature.

And yeah, I love Madoka, too, NoeXMoe. The films are pretty great, especially the second one (I've yet to see the third, though). Welcome!
Feb 11, 2014 12:41 PM
Jul 2018
Thank you :D And hey there, Lazhward^^
I have to say that I am really eager to read Clausewitz, some friend irl recommended it to me, but I'm not sure on whether to pick up his book first or the other I mentioned.
And thank god, I wouldn't really like this club to fall into complete chaos.
Feb 12, 2014 4:39 PM
Jan 2013
(It's been a long since I had to introduce myself like this, but here I go)

Hi there
I'm a japanese college student. It's been around 5 years that I don't watch any anime. I really do prefer reading manga.
I've been catching up on Inio Asano's work lately.
My other hobbies are videogames (jrpg, mostly) and reading (I'm studying Jung's archetypes right now).

Nice to meet you all : )
Feb 12, 2014 4:40 PM
Lewd Connoisseur

Nov 2011
>jrpg, mostly

You're already awesome in my book.
Feb 13, 2014 9:46 PM

Nov 2012

I've been a member of this club I don't know since when, but I guess I have to somehow introduce myself. I'm from the Philippines, working on weekdays and watching anime on weekends or whenever I have a free time (trying to catch up on my pending list).

I am currently watching Psycho-Pass and Shinsekai Yori.

Philo is my favorite subject when I was still in college and I love topics on Being Human from Plato to Sartre to other contemporary thinkers :) Maybe, that's why I'm also gravitated towards anime with such theme. I rarely join philosophical discussions but I love hearing or reading one.
Feb 14, 2014 10:49 PM

Jul 2013
Hey! I'm a reviewer here on MAL, when I'm not swapped with school (Senior in college, btw). I was invited to this club by my good friend, BakaGekai. I look forward to getting to know you guys!
Demi Valentine

Website: Nika 'n Asia

Follow me on social media!

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Feb 15, 2014 12:22 AM

Aug 2012
@acramish: Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. We appreciate it!

@Demi_V: Welcome to the club. Hope we see more of you!

Hope both of you guys have a great day.
Feb 15, 2014 12:55 AM

Oct 2013
Hello! I'm not so new to MAL but I haven't really participated in any groups. That being said, I also don't know if I can come on often enough (though I certainly will do my best).

At the moment, I just picked up watching "Terra e..." which is really pulling, even with a few episodes in. I won't bother listing any of my current readings though; that list would just be too long (too many books to read, not so much time).
Feb 16, 2014 12:29 PM

Aug 2012
@Kirioko: Welcome to the club! Thanks for joining. It's okay if you don't visit the site every day or anything, as the club is active only when somebody feels like posting something.

Hope to see you around!
Feb 17, 2014 3:20 PM

Sep 2012
acramish, if you enjoy a reading a decent philosophical discussion once in a while, just stick around and you'll see them here! The comments section on the main page tends to spawn some brief, yet enjoyable discussions from time to time. Enjoy the club!
Apr 24, 2014 8:03 AM

Apr 2014
Hello. I'm new to MAL. I'm currently watching Ouran High School Host Club. Not so philosophical, I know. I was never really a fan of anime until I watched Death Note and liked it very much.
Sackcloth and ashes.
Apr 24, 2014 8:36 PM

Aug 2012
Hey there Jideol, welcome to the club! Death Note is a good show and I hope you continue watching more anime. There is so much more great content out there to watch.

Hope to see you around!
Apr 26, 2014 4:12 AM

Mar 2011
Welcome Jideol =]
"The view from the bottom of a well may not be much, but you can see the sky and the stars really well. My world is small, but since I'm looking up at space night after night, you could say I'm a frog on a universal scale. When you gaze up at space all alone like that, the back of your mind goes quiet, and you feel as though you've gained an extraordinary amount of wisdom."
Apr 26, 2014 12:46 PM

Mar 2008
Hello! My name is Clara and I looove anime with philosophical themes. I think the first one I read that really blew me away was Monster by Naoki Urasawa. I've since then read/watched a lot more things by him. Currently I'm watching Shin Sekai Yori and Chihayafuru, but only Shin Sekai Yori is really philosophical. Anyway, it's lovely to meet you all and I'm really excited to be here!
Apr 26, 2014 4:56 PM

Aug 2012
Welcome to the club! Thanks for introducing yourself and hopefully we'll see you around!
Apr 26, 2014 5:05 PM

Sep 2013
Hello everyone! (^-^)/
I'm not good in presentations and all the stuff like that, but at least I can try. Well, I'm a law student and of course I have already a degree in distraction-by-the-flight-of-a-fly. I'm interested in all art's expressions and in all philosophy's expressions, meaning from a child asking repeatedly “Why?”, till the highest expressions of human kind. Actually I'm reading a ton of books, since I have this bad habit of starting ∞ books, and only finishing the one that interests me the most. This one, at the moment, is “Der Fall Maurizius”, of Wassermann. The same happens with anime/movies/manga. At the moment I'm quite interested in exploring works by Tsutomu Nihei, Jiro Taniguchi and Craig Thompson. What else to say... May Odin bless you all! (^_^)/
Once an alt always an alt! | ( ˇ෴ˇ ) | I ♥ Music
Apr 28, 2014 10:40 AM

Apr 2014
Thanks both :-)
Sackcloth and ashes.
May 2, 2014 9:41 PM

Aug 2012
@Brynhildr: I apologize for the late reply, but welcome to the club! Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself and I hope you're able to share some interesting things with us in the comments section.

Have a great day!

May 7, 2014 6:40 PM

Aug 2012
@TheEventHorizon: Well thanks for deciding to join the club as soon as you joined! We are a very laid back club to be perfectly honest, and discuss things at random when somebody brings up a topic one of us has an opinion.

I hope to see you around the club! Have a good day.

May 8, 2014 4:48 AM

Mar 2011
So many new members, welcome all :)
"The view from the bottom of a well may not be much, but you can see the sky and the stars really well. My world is small, but since I'm looking up at space night after night, you could say I'm a frog on a universal scale. When you gaze up at space all alone like that, the back of your mind goes quiet, and you feel as though you've gained an extraordinary amount of wisdom."
May 11, 2014 4:25 PM

Sep 2013

I thank you for the welcome. It will be a pleasure for me to share some of what I experience.


First of all welcome to the club! :) I noticed you spoke about a book on relativity of Einstein. I started a similar book (maybe the same), but I found it quite difficult to understand, since my physics background is that of high school (that is to say around zero :P).

So, I decided to read another book of Einstein, in which he expressed his opinions about humankind, life, war, science, politics and so on. You can really understand and appreciate his efforts to move consciences toward the deepest meaning of humanity, dignity and solidariety. That reminds me also about a reported quote of him in Alan Moore's Watchmen, that, on the other hand, remarked, I suppose, his concerns about the drammatic drift of Europe and other countries involved in the WWII: “The release of atomic power has changed everything except our way of thinking ... the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker.”. I found him being 'sympathetic' with all creatures and trying to transmit the value of 'understanding', rather than fight to make our point of view the right one.
Once an alt always an alt! | ( ˇ෴ˇ ) | I ♥ Music
May 27, 2014 7:34 PM
Jan 2012

I've been in MAL and this club for a while but I guess I never introduced myself. I am a college student probably pursuing a mathematics degree. I read manga much, much more than I watch anime. My favorite anime, though, is almost certainly kino no tabi. I loved it a lot. Manga-wise, I like a lot. Just read some Wanitokagegisu, a pretty obscure title but interesting. I like stories that focus on the mature themes of the ordinary and the extraordinary. Not sure exactly how to explain, lol. ^^
Jun 13, 2014 1:28 PM

Aug 2012
I apologize for the (very) late reply, but welcome to the club! I hope you enjoy yourself and I hope everything is going well for you.
Jun 15, 2014 7:08 PM
Jun 2014

Thanks for making this thread, I truly appreciate being able to break into the club in a lighthearted manner.

I joined MAL a couple days ago after finishing Neon Genesis Evangelion and EoE (amazing experience). I've recently decided to frequent watching anime much more so than I have before, NGE has really resonated with me and now I can't help but want to explore some more. I may not be as intrigued by Japanese/anime(?) culture as other anime fans, I interact with anime as I interact with other artistic mediums, but I am rather fond of anime in particular. I find that, personally, anime speaks to me in manners that most mediums are incapable (or unwilling) of doing. My interests lean towards existential themes in anime, but I'm always open to new experiences. My current readings change often and drastically, but I will like to establish that I am most familiar with (and fond of) the works of Plato and Nietzsche.

Been a pleasure to read the responses so far, and I hope to see you all in other threads at some point!
Jun 16, 2014 8:22 PM

Aug 2012
Pallas said:

Thanks for making this thread, I truly appreciate being able to break into the club in a lighthearted manner.

I joined MAL a couple days ago after finishing Neon Genesis Evangelion and EoE (amazing experience). I've recently decided to frequent watching anime much more so than I have before, NGE has really resonated with me and now I can't help but want to explore some more. I may not be as intrigued by Japanese/anime(?) culture as other anime fans, I interact with anime as I interact with other artistic mediums, but I am rather fond of anime in particular. I find that, personally, anime speaks to me in manners that most mediums are incapable (or unwilling) of doing. My interests lean towards existential themes in anime, but I'm always open to new experiences. My current readings change often and drastically, but I will like to establish that I am most familiar with (and fond of) the works of Plato and Nietzsche.

Been a pleasure to read the responses so far, and I hope to see you all in other threads at some point!

Welcome to the club Pallas! Glad to have a relative newcomer to anime join our club, especially one who is as intrigued as you about the more thought provoking side of anime. Don't hesitate to join in on the discussions in the comment section.

Wish you all the best.

Jul 30, 2014 2:51 PM
Jul 2014
Hi there... :) I am Bulgarian philosophy student in university. I love anime. :D In fact I think that as platform it is capable to carry much philosophy and to be philosophy as expression. I am glad that there are people think in the same line of though :). My favorite anime(if it is possible to limit your self to one) is Evangelion. It was an anime which had big influence over me as a kid.
Aug 2, 2014 6:05 PM

Aug 2012
_Morpheus_ said:
Hi there... :) I am Bulgarian philosophy student in university. I love anime. :D In fact I think that as platform it is capable to carry much philosophy and to be philosophy as expression. I am glad that there are people think in the same line of though :). My favorite anime(if it is possible to limit your self to one) is Evangelion. It was an anime which had big influence over me as a kid.

Welcome to the club Morpheus! Glad to have you on board! Evangelion is one of my favorite anime as well. Hope to see you around and hope you're having a good day.

Sep 5, 2014 5:16 AM
Mar 2014
I suggest that Darker than black should also be in the Anime relation list.
Sep 5, 2014 4:44 PM

Aug 2012
Jasteraz said:
I suggest that Darker than black should also be in the Anime relation list.

Thanks for the recommendation. You'll find the discussion about adding it or not in the club comments section.
Sep 9, 2014 9:54 PM
Sep 2014
Hello. im new to this club and still in high school. i got hooked to anime when i was about 12 and the first anime i started out with was doraemon. then it reached naruto, then bleach and recently akumetsu, ubel blatt and akame. i love the manga where you can see and understood the dark side of humans. please take care of me
Sep 26, 2014 7:51 PM

Aug 2012
arpros said:
Hello. im new to this club and still in high school. i got hooked to anime when i was about 12 and the first anime i started out with was doraemon. then it reached naruto, then bleach and recently akumetsu, ubel blatt and akame. i love the manga where you can see and understood the dark side of humans. please take care of me

I apologize for the late reply arpros, but I wanted to give you a belated welcome to the club! It really sounds like you'll be getting into the dark psychological themes many seinen manga have to offer. Anyways, welcome and see you around.
Oct 26, 2014 4:10 PM
Oct 2014
Hello there,
I suck at presentations. I'm swedish and have an great interest of psilosophy among some other subjects. I read, writes and drinks a lot. My personality type is INFP if that says something. Soon I will start studying history.
You can say when it comes to philosophy that I'm mostly influenced by empirism, agnosticism, idealism and pragmatism.

Anime I've seen that one might consider philosophical or have elements of it, would be Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ef: series and Elfen lied. Currently I'm watching Monster.
I think that anime in general shows that philosophy is a big part of East Asian cultures.

Tack och god natt :)
Rarusu_Oct 27, 2014 6:50 AM

Nov 4, 2014 3:10 PM

Jun 2014
Just found this club, and thought I might see what you are all interested in. Good pseudophilosophy / philosophy in storytelling is like good worldbuilding, it makes my experience of the work richer.

As for me personally, I've enjoy a few VNs probably a bit more than I have anime. Attending uni studying philosophy.
Index1Nov 4, 2014 3:21 PM
Nov 27, 2014 7:21 PM

Aug 2012
Rarusu-sama said:
Hello there,
I suck at presentations. I'm swedish and have an great interest of psilosophy among some other subjects. I read, writes and drinks a lot. My personality type is INFP if that says something. Soon I will start studying history.
You can say when it comes to philosophy that I'm mostly influenced by empirism, agnosticism, idealism and pragmatism.

Anime I've seen that one might consider philosophical or have elements of it, would be Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ef: series and Elfen lied. Currently I'm watching Monster.
I think that anime in general shows that philosophy is a big part of East Asian cultures.

Tack och god natt :)

Late tidings most definitely, but a late welcome is better than none at all right? Welcome to the club!

Index1 said:
Just found this club, and thought I might see what you are all interested in. Good pseudophilosophy / philosophy in storytelling is like good worldbuilding, it makes my experience of the work richer.

As for me personally, I've enjoy a few VNs probably a bit more than I have anime. Attending uni studying philosophy.

And a late welcome to you as well. Enjoy your time here and hopefully we'll bump into each other on the forums!
Dec 2, 2014 2:33 PM
Apr 2014
Hello, my name is Daniel.

I'm not a hardcore manga reader, but I enjoy it from time to time.

My favorite manga is Lilim Kiss.

I'm currently rereading monster and just started on Asu no Yoichi!

Also, I believe everyone is a psychological egoist :)
Dec 4, 2014 9:19 AM
Dec 2014
Hello, my name is Neil.

Philosophy related Anime that I'm really interested in are Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and the currently airing Kiseijuu Sei no Kakuritsu (Parasyte The -Maxim-)
I have not watched Serial Experimental Lain yet, but soon I will
Dec 5, 2014 12:21 PM

Aug 2012
cancerowns said:
Hello, my name is Daniel.

I'm not a hardcore manga reader, but I enjoy it from time to time.

My favorite manga is Lilim Kiss.

I'm currently rereading monster and just started on Asu no Yoichi!

Also, I believe everyone is a psychological egoist :)

And welcome to the club! Great to have you here!

omponk_donk said:
Hello, my name is Neil.

Philosophy related Anime that I'm really interested in are Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and the currently airing Kiseijuu Sei no Kakuritsu (Parasyte The -Maxim-)
I have not watched Serial Experimental Lain yet, but soon I will

Welcome to the club! Hope you have a good time as a member!
Dec 5, 2014 9:53 PM

Jan 2014
Hello! I go by Matoro, but that name was taken. Anyway I only got into anime/manga less than a year ago after a friend showed me Code Geass. Since then I've really picked up the hobby and far surpassed him.

That was mostly because I see that the medium has probably the most potential I've seen in any art form. Not being bound by the laws of physics, while still being able to tell a visual story is great, and it saddens me to see that very little anime takes advantage of that, at least from what I've seen in my limited experience.

I've taken a few philosophy courses, going into tech but I still like to discuss stuff casually like this. Religiously I'm an agnostic theist.

So yeah. I've recently started reading manga, as if my backlog wasn't long enough. I'd love to discuss anything I've seen, and I'm always on the lookout for recs. Looking forward to discussion!
Dec 6, 2014 6:22 AM

Mar 2011
Hello to all the new members :)
"The view from the bottom of a well may not be much, but you can see the sky and the stars really well. My world is small, but since I'm looking up at space night after night, you could say I'm a frog on a universal scale. When you gaze up at space all alone like that, the back of your mind goes quiet, and you feel as though you've gained an extraordinary amount of wisdom."
Dec 24, 2014 1:33 PM
Dec 2014
Hello I am a new member of MAL, I am very happy to be here since I can manage all my stuff in here. I am also looking forward to meet new People and new Inspiration.
I love to search for Animes with philosophical sense such as Ergo Proxy or Psycho Pass, most of them I like are mostly playing with social criticism and the intersection between human identity in individualism and collectivism in a unity. I like to watch them because it is a great source of Inspiration for me, therefore I am hapyy to be in this Group and in MAL to search for new sources, may it be my new sources will be People like you :)

Have a nice day!
Jan 8, 2015 8:51 AM
Apr 2014
Hi there, I'm newbie here, I'm totally into philosophical animes, but unfortunately there arent too many too watch... :/ I love ergo proxy , gantz, raibow ad stuff like that
Jan 8, 2015 9:02 AM
Feb 2014
I have been watching anime for a long time but joined only recently. I am going back to old anime and rewatching some. I am currently reading buddhist atheist autobio and one of Kyogoku Nasuhiko's Kyogokudo series mystery novel. The most recent anime I watched was the third Mushishi and Tenshi No Tamago. I have also been watching the new Shinya Shokudo tv series. I am hoping to explore more about philosophy in anime!
Jan 21, 2015 6:16 PM

Aug 2012
MiraiKristeva said:
Hello I am a new member of MAL, I am very happy to be here since I can manage all my stuff in here. I am also looking forward to meet new People and new Inspiration.
I love to search for Animes with philosophical sense such as Ergo Proxy or Psycho Pass, most of them I like are mostly playing with social criticism and the intersection between human identity in individualism and collectivism in a unity. I like to watch them because it is a great source of Inspiration for me, therefore I am hapyy to be in this Group and in MAL to search for new sources, may it be my new sources will be People like you :)

Have a nice day!


Hi there, I'm newbie here, I'm totally into philosophical animes, but unfortunately there arent too many too watch... :/ I love ergo proxy , gantz, raibow ad stuff like that

wuhme said:
I have been watching anime for a long time but joined only recently. I am going back to old anime and rewatching some. I am currently reading buddhist atheist autobio and one of Kyogoku Nasuhiko's Kyogokudo series mystery novel. The most recent anime I watched was the third Mushishi and Tenshi No Tamago. I have also been watching the new Shinya Shokudo tv series. I am hoping to explore more about philosophy in anime!

I apologize for the late welcome to the club, but I welcome you all to the club! Enjoy your time in the comment section if there is something that strikes your fancy. And if there is something you'd like to add, please don't hesitate to post your thoughts in the comment section.

I've been pretty busy with IRL things lately, as other admins have been, so the admins may not be as active as other clubs.
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