It's finally done! The club's very own Pink Hair LE! <3
Pink is a very unusual color for hair,so it's often used for special characters~ Do you agree? :3
Format Name (shorten it if it's too long):
.:Cards By:.
NO ONE here will tolerate:
Rudeness and disrespecting the things said in the format.
Being ungreatful (No "Thank You!" ? No cards ~).
Doing any of the both untoleratable things more than once.
Respect each cardmaker's rules!
Members: 2 from each Category
Staff: 4 from each Category
To get the cards you have to write in pink!NO exceptions!
If you want one or two more cards, ask me nicely :)
As for the bonuses, you can get only1! Eve-chan can have both,though^^ ~Since this is a new design, I would like to know what you think about it ^0^~
Oh, and since I like these cards, post limit is30 :)
Biiig Cards! xD
mandieve Members: 2
Staff: 3
Limit: 20
+1 if you can tell me who each character is XD
seany94 Members: 1
Staff: 3
Limit: 15
PS: Sry Delivery will be late I have exams coming up...
Guitar22 Members: 3
Staff: 5
Limit: Post 20
Just save bonus :D
Note: Will fix cards #4, 6, and 7 if requested
DarkWerWolf Members: 2
Staff: 3
Limit: post 30
Save and Re-host!
VegeMayos Members: 1 (Bonus for first 5 who request)
Staff: 2 (Bonus if you want)
Limit: 15
Chip-Tan Members - 2 cards
Staff - all if want
Post limit - #17
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: Females- 2, 3, 5, 6 Males- 9 11, 13, 15 + Bonuses 1 AND 2 uwaaaaa love you pav-chan!!
seany94: 1, 3, 4
Guitar22: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
DarkWerWolf: Could I maybe have all oh pweez!! I can't choose XDDD
VegeMayos: 1,2 + Bonus (Inori is my current love ^^ See Ava + Sig set haha)
Comments: You guys are great !! Love the cards and man have I been waiting for this ^^ Pavli! I love your design its so cool!!!!! I've never seen anything like it on here and I think that's awesome! Wahhhh Yay thank you so much EVERYONE!!!!!! <----Note its like 1am here and I have had a little too much coffee or was it soda....maybe I mixed it?!?! OH GAWD what's going to happen to me! I'm going to stop now.....thank you muches XD
Name: Pavli
.:Cards By:.
mandieve: 1,2 and 6 please and thank you <3
seany94: 1~ ;D
Guitar22: 3 and 5 please~ :D
DarkWerWolf: 3,4 please ^^
VegeMayos: 1 + bonus!!! <3
Chip-Tan: ALL ONEGAISHIMUUUUUUU!!!! asdfghdlghjSDFLKJasdfldhs-- *spazz attack*
Comments: Like eve-chan said, I LUV YOU ALLL!!! >/////< Great job :D Thank you very much for the cards and for participating *bows*
ASilva .:Cards By:.
Females: 2,3,5,7,8 ... if possbile :) Pls :)
Males: 9,11,13,16 (question ... isn't cards 16 remind you of sakura from Naruto ???)
mandieve: all cards :) - Ask me the qustion via PM, So i won't have to Put the anwser in here :)
seany94: 2,3,4
Guitar22: 1,2,3,4,7 + bonus
DarkWerWolf: 1,2,3
VegeMayos: 2 + bonus
Chip-Tan: All Please :)
Comments: Hope i have followed all card maker rules, and Awesome cards everyone :)
Name: Hime
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: Females: 2,3,5,7 Males: 13,14,15,16 Bonus: 2
mandieve: 1,2,4
VegeMayos:2,3, + bonus
Chip-Tan:All plz :D
Comments: Thank u and all look great <3 great work everyone!!
Name aku27
.:Cards By:.
For the female : 1 3 5 8
For the male : 11 13 14
+ bonus 1 PLEASE :3
mandieve: 1
seany94: 3
Guitar22: 4
DarkWerWolf: 2 4
VegeMayos: 2
Chip-Tan: can I have all ? :3
@pav : Waah ! I love your cards . Black + pink = AWESOME
Thank you so much ! I LOVE PINK . Thanks :3
Name: seany94
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: Female: 2,3,5,6 Male: 9,10,14,15 Bonus: 1
mandieve: 2,4,6
Guitar22: 1,2,3,4
DarkWerWolf: 3,4
VegeMayos: 2,3+Bonus
Chip-Tan: All Please^^
Comments: Hmmm... Dun know why my comment just disappeared when I check back here but anyway I write it again haha^^ Awesome cards everyone! Love them^^ Thanks a lot!!!!!!
Name : irzie
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: 11, 13, 14, 15 +Bonus 1
mandieve: 2, 4, 5
seany94: 2, 3 ,4
Guitar22: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8
DarkWerWolf: 1, 3, 4
VegeMayos: 1, 3 + Bonus
Chip-Tan: can i have all?? XD Onegaishimasu...
Comments:everything is so awesome ... thanks... ^__^
Name (shorten it if it's too long): KingCalifornia (use KingC if you need it shorter)
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: 3,5,11,13 + Bonus 1
mandieve: 3,5
seany94: 3
Guitar22: 3,4,7
DarkWerWolf: 1,2
VegeMayos: 3 + Bonus
Chip-Tan: 1,3
Comments: thank you very much^^
Name: Neko
Cards by~
Pavli: 5, 7, 9, 13 + Bonus 1
Mandieve: 2, 5
Seany94: 3
Guitar22: 3, 4, 7(please fix :D)
DarkWerWolf: 3, 4
VegeMayos: 2 + Bonus!
Chip-Tan: 2, 3
Commemts: I had SO much trouble choosing!! I want them all!! XD Thank you so much for the beautiful cards!!~
Name (shorten it if it's too long): SugarDumplin or SugarD
.:Cards By:.
Pavli:if possible I would like to use my 2 for the female in the male category please.
for #'s 11, 13, 14, 15
mandieve: 2, 4
seany94: 2
Guitar22: 3, 4, 5
DarkWerWolf: 3
VegeMayos: 2
Chip-Tan: 1, 4
Comments: I really like the designs a lot. tysm 4 the cards >(^x^)<
Name: Rikumoon
Cards by~
Pavli: females :5 6 2 3 males: 11 13 14 15 bonus: 2
Mandieve: 1 2 3 inori , lala, yuno , louise , mayu dang the last one xD can u give me a hint
Seany94: 2 3 4
Guitar22: 1 3 4 5 6
DarkWerWolf: 2 3 4
VegeMayos: 1 3 and bonus
Chip-Tan: all plz
Name: ajin12
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: 3, 6, 11, 16, bonus 2 (could i also have 7, pretty please? i love your design for these cards!)
mandieve: 1, 2
seany94: 3
Guitar22: 1, 4, 5
DarkWerWolf: 1, 4
VegeMayos: 2
Chip-Tan: 2, 4
Comments: thank you so much! pink hair is awesome :)
Name : Rozzimandias11 ( Rozzi11 )
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: Females: 2, 5 Males: 11!!!, 15 Bonus 1 please!
mandieve: 1, 4 dang I'd request 2 but i only know Yuno, Yui, and the girl from zero no Tsukaima...and i think IA and another vocaloid girl (Megurine Luka i think?) but im not sure xD
seany94: 4
Guitar22: 1, 4, 7
DarkWerWolf: 1, 4
VegeMayos: 2
Chip-Tan: 1, 2
Comments: Thanks so much! THese are so cute <3
Name (shorten it if it's too long): EvianBubble
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: 1, 5, 7, 13, 14, and 15 + bonus 2
mandieve: 4 and 5
seany94: 1 (if possible please :3)
Guitar22: 1, 4, and 8
DarkWerWolf: 3 and 4
VegeMayos: 2 (if possible :P)
Chip-Tan: 2 and 3
Comments: There aren't actually very many pink-haired characters that I like XD IDK why lol :P Thank you! :)
Name: Ayame_Rin
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: Females(2, 6) Males(9, 13 and can i have 11 too, PleasePleasePlease? ) Bonus 1 (also about your design: it's different from all "standard" card designs, it's cool and i like it ^^ )
DarkWerWolf: 1, 4
Comments: great cards, thank you! :)
Name: LunyRed
.:Cards By:.
Pavli: Females - 3 & 5; Males - 10 & 14
DarkWerWolf: 2 & 3
Comments: I missed a lot of sets! What a shame... :c But characters with pink hair are attractive! c: And there is nothing to be embarrassed about when typing your messages in pink. xD Thanks in advance! ^^
Name: Ursula09
.:Cards By:.
Female: 2,3
Male: 11,13
Your cards are so beautiful, I love the borders and also the pictures. You made a good job. It's really hard to pink, it's my favorite color. Could I also have bonus 2