As the title says: What was you favorite scene and/ or episode in the anime?
(Of course you can also write about a particular manga scene, but then put in the spoiler for the non-manga readers!~^^)
As for me, my favorite episode is probably the first one... I even watched it twice xD
the. adaption. was. just. perfect.
Voices, Soundtrack and that nice scene about the Shadow and the Light which supported visually the dialogue. Because of that I knew this anime would be awesome^^
and for the scene: Of course Kuroko's pass over the whole court <3
I saw it so often that it was awkward to see it again in the match against Aomine xD
My favorite episode was episode 24. I don't really know why, but gosh, I was fangirling, supporting, and screaming through the entire match. It was awesome. But I liked every episodes...
My favorite scene would be... Heh, it's hard too chose.
During the 25th episode, Kasamatsu telling "You did well" to Kise and helping him to walk, then quietly and painfully crying alone in the dark. He reminded me Takami in ES21. I can't help but feel really sorry when I see the crying.
I liked also KagaKuro's funny moments, when Kuroko wakes up with bedhair, when Kuroko scares Kagami with Nigou, or when Kuroko pops up in the bus with his big and cute blue eyes...
aaaaaah there are so many good scenes >.<
I just rewatched the anime again because I was sad it was over xD
So hmmm Well i LOVE the first scene where Aomine shows up and how lazy he is xD I love his voice!
and really any scene with Aomine or Shoichi gets me so excited xD
But i think my favorite scene in the anime is
after they beat Kaijou and Kise comes to talk to them and Kise, Tetsu, and Kagami play together against the jerks and then Kise says "I finally got to play with Kurokocchi again" ^_^ I love that part so much xD
Also any of the epic scenes that reveal on of the GOM's skills. Like Midoriins range etc. All very epic and awesome ^_^
It's too hard to choose 1 favorite scene xDDD
And as for the manga O_O There are too many good scenes O_O It's not even possible to narrow the manga down enough to one or two scenes xD But the epic GOM scene stuff still applys xD Especially with Atsushi and Akashi lol
Everything! A part that stands out was when they were fighting Midorima in end of match!
And all the flashback scenes with Teikou Such a brilliant anime!
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♥ My Favorite Scene is... everything, everything, everything!
Midorima & Takao bath scene :3
Takao playing with the food XD
When Tetsuya #2 appears for the first time. ♥
Kagami afraid of Tetsu 2...
Serin in Steak Bomber...
Return of Kiyoshi :3 and more more more... XD
Mizukis said: ♥ My Favorite Scene is... everything, everything, everything!
Midorima & Takao bath scene :3
Takao playing with the food XD
When Tetsuya #2 appears for the first time. ♥
Kagami afraid of Tetsu 2...
Serin in Steak Bomber...
Return of Kiyoshi :3 and more more more... XD
Totally agree!! This anime is just AMAZING!
Game over. If that's the case, I just have to play again.