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Jun 20, 2014 4:06 PM

Jan 2013

From now on the .pdf version of the story is available! You only need to ask me and I'll send it to you ^^

I have to write a few words before I start with my story... I really have to. If you don't care just skip, I won't get mad XD
Please read them before starting. :P

To the members of the club:

To the people that are not yet familiar with the club:

Chapter List and Links (First Arc): (credits to Subenu, Kami and GG for this link thing ù_ù)

Chapter List and Links (Third Arc):


Chapter 1 – The strange tale of an improbable main character

[ "... Do you think he's actually going to wake up soon? W-what if we fall down there? Oh my god! *shivers*”

"Hmmm... I bet you five dollars that he is having a wet dream right now. ù_ù"

”*Punches Green* Seriously, why are you always so gross. This is not the time to think about something so stupid!”

"Seems like he's waking up though. Damn, I just lost my five dollars, isn't it? <.<"

”Yeeep, seems like it. *slides Green's money in his pocket*”

"Crap crap crap!! We're all going to die!"

Cold. That morning my bed was freaking cold and uncomfortable. I started to think that something was definitely odd.

*chirping noises*

"Oh come on! How the heck did birds get in my roo... oh SHIT!"

As I rolled left, disturbed by the noises, I suddenly found myself at the very edge of a cliff. I didn't stop myself in time but I managed to grab the edge before it was too late. I was now hanging dangerously from the cliff without even knowing how I ended up in a place like that.

My room was not there anymore, taking its place was somewhere I had never been before. It seemed like I was lying in the middle of wilderness, surrounded by huge bushes and trees.

Well, I WOULD be, if I was in the safe zone, but I was actually still trying not to fall and die in a different area, you know, the one with the ultimate cliff of death. I'm not going to describe that place, it's not like I had the time to look at my surroundings too much anyway.

Damnit, it was you and I again hiking. And you managed to win once again.

Unfortunately my strength wasn't enough to save me and soon after loosing my catch, I found myself flying in the precipice, screaming like a drunk monkey and crying like a baby. The real definition of manliness.

I'm just a normal guy after all. I'm not really strong, intelligent or beautiful. I'm full of demerits, such as cowardice and indolence. I'm envious of people who are full of dreams, because I feel like I don't have any. I was just living my normal boring life until the day before , moved by the events like a small leaf dragged away by the wind.

'Peace and quiet'. That was everything I was looking for in my life. Running away from my problems everytime I had the chance. But there was no escape from the crazy situation I was facing this time.

Only one thing was certain, I didn't want to die like that. And who knows, maybe if I could somehow be able to survive... was it already too late to try to change? Could that life-death situation be the switch that I waited so long for?

I slowed up my fall crushing into several branches, hurting and cutting myself until I was finally able to see the ground again. Suddenly I noticed two little shadows moving right below me, probably living beings.


That's what I like to think I said. But since I was screaming and crying in terror it probably sounded like:


I disastrously landed on one of the shadows with a cracking sound, then I lost consciousness.

[ “And this is the end of our story. Happy ending!”

“How the heck would that be a happy one. Just how!?”

”I don't know... oh! What about a hot lady passing by that starts to rape Sydo's corpse? :D”

”Man, that's sick.”

”No, it's not! D:”

“Why am I even talking with you? Oh god, we're all dead! We are all going to disappear! *cries*”

“C'mon, there's no way he would die from a 20 meters fall like that... probably.”

"... ಠ_ಠ “

"W-what? “

As I was slowly regaining consciousness I started hearing a weak sound coming from my side. My mind was completely blank, so I couldn't understand clearly what kind of noise was that.

“Mr. hero! Mr. hero a-are you o-ok...?”

“Hnnnn... not the chirping noises aga...”

I finally opened my eyes to find something that literally left my mouth wide open.


Seems like what I believed to be a chirping noise was actually the feeble voice of a little girl. My annoyed answer probably scared her since she was now hiding behind her yellow cheese-shaped pillow. Her long straight hair were gently waving with her sudden movement as she was trembling in front of me.

I was laying on a fluffy bed, so small that I could hardly fit on it. The rest of the room was small as well, with everything made of wood and really old looking. Only a little bookcase was standing out since it was filled with big colorful books.

“O-oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you.”

I immediately apologized, trying to sound as docile as possible and I had to control myself from the urge to punch myself for scaring a little girl. As she finally lowered her mighty pillow-shield I noticed her cute round fluffy ears. And a tail. And th...

“Wait, what the...?”

Chapter 1 – End

Next Chapter: 'Nezumi-chan to Ookami-san' sounds kinda cool, isn't it?
SydoKillerFeb 28, 2015 4:29 AM

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

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Jun 20, 2014 8:08 PM

Nov 2013
Still at the very beginning but I need to write before I forget... wtf, beating up on green already? Have I taught you nothing @w@! Anyways back to reading!
Short while later:

okay so the colored voices are.. in your head?
Never seen anyone else use chat styled internal dialogue or implant actual sound ques like "*chirping*" lol. Not saying that's bad or anything, just different.

You might want to preview your posts before posting them though, you left some brackets ( [ ) behind, again it happens, nothing big, just something I noticed.

Well so far I'm interested, you story feels more as if someone were actually telling me the tale from their own memory rather than reading it to me lol. Also nice to see you broke the mold with the character selection, choosing a very unlikely companion, I look forward to seeing what you do with her... and to her @w@ lol jk. Good job so far Sydo ^^
Jun 20, 2014 8:36 PM
Jul 2013
Tumbling down the mountain and into Wonderland. This gonna be good.
Jun 21, 2014 2:51 AM

Jan 2013
greatgreenman said:
You might want to preview your posts before posting them though, you left some brackets ( [ ) behind, again it happens, nothing big, just something I noticed.

I left them there for a reason, since when the three of them are talking it's like the narration gets interrupted. Dunno if I could do it in another way if you think it's annoying? ò_ò

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jun 21, 2014 7:30 AM

Jan 2013
Ordinary man hearing voices in his head!
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jun 21, 2014 5:28 PM

Nov 2013
SydoKiller said:
greatgreenman said:
You might want to preview your posts before posting them though, you left some brackets ( [ ) behind, again it happens, nothing big, just something I noticed.

I left them there for a reason, since when the three of them are talking it's like the narration gets interrupted. Dunno if I could do it in another way if you think it's annoying? ò_ò
That wasn't clear that was happening lol, just looked like you were accidentally using extra brackets.Typically when I see narration or speaking being interrupted, I usually see either "--" or ".." but whatever works for you :P
Jun 30, 2014 1:26 PM

Jan 2013
Well shit. I'm back and ready to get all the ladies!

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jun 30, 2014 1:26 PM

Jan 2013
Chapter 2 - 'Nezumi-chan to Ookami-san' sounds kinda cool, isn't it?

The little thing that was standing in front of me probably wasn't human. That is not an easy thing to accept at all, but I knew for sure that I wasn't dreaming or anything, since my whole body was hurting baldy and my knee was screaming in pain.

That obviously couldn't have been some kind of joke either... because I really hoped that none of my friends would ever throw me in a 20 meter cliff fall. Man, I really hoped so.

As I was staring at her I also noticed her... 'VERY light clothing'. How should I call it... some kind of crazy hot revealing pajamas? But thinking about it was so freakin bad that I had to look somewhere else and try to talk about something to distract myself.

"So... what happened to me? Where am I?"

“Y-you saved me from the evil wolf t-that was trying to... to eat me! You s-suddenly appeared from the sky with a... flying kick on that b-bad thing's head and you chased it away mr. hero!”

I then realized why my knee was hurting that badly, that unlucky wolf probably saved my life being there at that time. Well, I had problems with wolves anyway, so I just thought something like 'GTFO wolfy and stahp eating little kids for fuck sake'.

“Mr. Hero? What do you mean...”

”Take a look at t-this.”

She handed me an old picture book and timidly pointed at a particular drawing.

”S-see? It's just like in the book! The hero came flying, defeated the evil d-dragon and saved the princess, so you must be a hero too! Isn't it?”

She didn't seem to be used to other people at all, but despite her fears she was tryng hard to show me her expectations. She wasn't only gratefull for having her life saved by me but she was also assisting at a dream coming true. As her beautiful teary eyes were staring at me...

“Y-yeah... sure! I'm Sydo, the legendary hero! Gnahahahah! That beast had no chance against me, are you ok little lady? Oh, do you mind if I ask your name?”

I facepalmed internally so hard that I could almost hear the sound of it. But seeing her exploding in excitement made me forget my lie pretty quickly.

”I knew it!! You really were a hero! This is so cool! *blushes and hides behind her pillow again* Oh, and my n-name is Primula. N-nice to meet you mr. hero.”


”Whoa! What the fuck is wrong with you? Hey Blue, do you know what this loli thing is?”

”Hmmm, give me one second. *opens his laptop* Well... seems some kind of... oh MY GOD! *suddenly closes the laptop*”

”W-what? ò_ò”

”Let's just say that it's something that could easily get you arrested, shall we?”

”I don't really get it. By the way... where did you find that laptop?”

”Laptop? Which lap... *runs away from the laptop* T-THAT THING WAS NOT HERE BEFORE! *shivers*”

”G-ghost laptop! D:”


”*Throws the laptop and hits Green's head*”

I had no idea of where I was or what exactly I was even talking to. But since the situation was completely unknown I couldn't be careless, so I tried to ask only as much as necessary.

The little Primula wasn't really of help, it was clear that she was not really used to the outside world. After all she was just a kid... and outside her house everything I could see was just a big scary forest. If there were also wild beasts like that wolf roaming around...

The thing that was bothering me the most was that after she treated my wounds she tried her best to answer my questions too. But she was still truly scared of me. That's why everytime I was going to ask something important I unconsciously changed the subject. I couldn't stand to see her trembling like that anymore.

”Oh... y-you have to leave now mr. hero! It's almost nighttime, so you can't stay here. Because y-you see... Oh! Because t-this is an enchanted house! Yeah! Every night it s-suddenly shrinks until only I am able to fit in it! B-but be sure to come here again tomorrow, I r-really have to do something to thank you!”

By her look I could easily tell that she was lying about the cursed house thing, but she probably had her reasons to not let me stay there at night, so I simply nodded in response.

“O-oh... I see. That would be a problem indeed. But are you sure you'll be fine by yourself? You won't be attacked again?”

”D-don't worry, the house is surrounded by a magic barrier, so other t-things can't get inside! I still w-wonder why the barrier doesn't work with you, maybe it's because you're a h-hero!!”

I reassured her immediately using the hero excuse to justify the thing... but that matter was now bothering me instead.

I then left the house, after greeting Primula properly, that was still waving her tiny arm at me in the distance. That view made me forget all the bad things about that crazy day. Since my body was still hurting I simply arranged some leaves and branches under a nearby tree and tried to sleep there.

I never thought that I would have woken up soon by the smell of smoke and a desperate crying.

Chapter 2 - End

Next Chapter: The determination of a good-for-nothing hero
SydoKillerSep 5, 2014 3:49 AM

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jun 30, 2014 1:27 PM

Jan 2013
Chapter 3 - The determination of a good-for-nothing hero

Thick smoke was quickly surrounding the area, making me cough several times. In a normal situation I would run away as fast as I can because I'm a freaking coward. But something was stopping my legs from doing that and I soon realized that it wasn't because of my hurting knee. A faint crying sound was what was holding me back. How could I hear something like that despite of the strong sounds coming from that burning house?

As I was dragging myself near the house I suddenly noticed a big shadow surrounded by the smoke, waiting patiently at the front door of the house. Whatever that thing was, it probably used the fire to make Primula come out, since the barrier wouldn't let it approach her.

Why? Why was I doing something like that? I've always been a pathetic coward, running away from my problems whenever I could. How could I even think about helping other people? What could I do to save her anyway?

“Wait a second... has the crying stopped??”

My thoughts suddenly disappeared, as my legs started moving as fast as they could. My common sense just stopped working and I couldn't care less. As I was awkwardly running towards the back of the house, where Primula's room was, I could feel the bandages on my knee coming loose.

“*smirks* Seems like I'll have to ask her to redo them now.”

I finally reached a window that was near to her bed and I looked inside. Primula was laying on the floor with her cheeks lined by her tears. She fainted once the smoke started to fill up the place and the shock probably prevented her from doing anything.

The room was falling apart, I had no time to think anymore. I wrapped my mouth and nose with my shirt, trying to not inhale the smoke and I jumped against the window. I tried not to put attention on the grazes left from the glass and once I grabbed the little girl I ran away as fast as I could.

I could only hope that the black smoke and the loud noises would have hidden our escape.

[ ”Ooooooh! That's my Sydo! Finally you're showing some spirit!! I'm all fired up now! *starts throwing punches making 'ssh ssh' noises with his mouth*”

”So... I'm all alone now because this fucker *points at Blue* fainted because he was too scared of the fire, and the other one *points at Green* fainted as well after seeing the little girl crying... =.=”

”*with faint voice* I've heard you saying 'ssh ssh' tho, that was fucking dumb LOL”

”*turning red*S-since when were you... GAZELLE PUNCH!! è_é”

”*flying away after the punch* >.<”

I don't know how long I kept running through the forest. I didn't know where I was going either, but as the sun started to rise, my luck decided to show up. The view of an old, wooden shed suddenly made my legs collapse. I couldn't even feel the pain of my body anymore... probably not a good sign since my wounded knee was in a terrible shape.

That's when Primula opened her eyes, looking rather confused.

“Hey there, you're safe now, I'm here with you now so you don't need to worry anymore.”

In reply, she grabbed my shirt, and while she was hiding her face in my chest she started crying as hard as she could.

I tried to make the most reliable face I could, even if I was really near to cry myself. What was going on in that place? Why was everything going wrong? And moreover why was it happening to me... I couldn't handle a situation like that by myself, I was only a useless guy, someone that...

”Mr. hero... where's m-my pillow? *sniffle*”

“P-pillow? Oh that... I'm afraid that I left it in the hou... HOLY CRAP!”

In the middle of my sentence she burst into tears, even louder than before.

”T-that pillow was a gift that my m-m-mother gave me before I...”

That's all I managed to understand from her words, the rest was more like a confused crying muttering. I spent probably an hour apologizing to her. After that she treated my wounds again, and then we started eating the edible plants she found around the shed.

“This place seems to have been unused for a long time... by the way, you're really awesome Primula! You sure know a lot about these herbs, the healing ones and now the edible ones too!”

”I'm a d-dormouse after all, we don't have many talents, and we c-can't fight at all... so we have t-to learn everything we can to help us survive...”

I sighed as I noticed that she was still in a bad mood because of the pillow incident.

Was that place plenty of strange beings like Primula? As I was wondering about that, I left the little girl sleeping inside. Once I grabbed some stuff from the shed I started working on something to cheer her up a bit. And after a couple hours of work, and stinging my poor fingers a thousand times...

“I-I tried my best to make it similar to your previous one... but as you can see it's kinda horrible, I'm really sor...”

As I was handing her the ugly yellowish pillow I made for her she suddenly jumped at me, hugging me and showing the beautiful smile that I tried so hard to give her back.

”You really are the b-best hero ever!”

“Y-Yeah... I know right? There's nothing I can't do! Gnahahahah! *hiding my injured hands*”

”Ehm... mr. hero can I... can I call you S-Sydo??”

“Sure! *pumps his fist internally*”

Chapter 3 - End

Next Chapter: What do you mean by 'melancholic copulation' exactly?
SydoKillerSep 5, 2014 3:49 AM

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jun 30, 2014 1:32 PM

Jun 2013
XD I love the way this is all written. It's so comedic--and has a very "anime like" tone to it. Definitely following.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Jun 30, 2014 1:53 PM

Nov 2013
....Sydo why is green into loli's?.... @w@

back to reading...

Well its interesting so far, though... Loli >:P bleh
I wonder will you break it to her that you're not a real hero, or will the trials and tribulations of the island make you into the hero for the weak? The kind that runs bake sales, knits sweaters for the poor and files complains with the local authorities to catch the bad guys XD
Jun 30, 2014 2:16 PM

Mar 2012
Dude i am really licking this story, i haven't really enjoyed a new story since the one DC is doing.

3 chapters in and already made me laugh, it really is comedic hope u keep them up :)
Jun 30, 2014 10:18 PM

Dec 2008
-ShadowClaw- said:
Dude i am really licking this story, i haven't really enjoyed a new story since the one DC is doing.

3 chapters in and already made me laugh, it really is comedic hope u keep them up :)

uh oh.

Really liked it.
Jun 30, 2014 10:23 PM

Mar 2014
Liking your story man. The comedy and the story seems to give me the same feeling as an anime. Especially those 3 people (Blue, red , and green) gave me a good laugh.
Jul 1, 2014 1:17 AM

Dec 2012
Good story Sydo. I really enjoy the comedic but "action" filled atmosphere of it. The titles are well picked, the next chapter title is kinda hinting. :-D
Jul 1, 2014 3:09 AM

Apr 2014
welp, the long wait was worth it~ the 2 new chapters were pretty good, the comedy is good and makes me giggle. I'm expecting for more :)
Jul 1, 2014 3:17 AM

Jan 2013
You're all being too kind with my story, without doubt, but I'm really happy to see that someone is liking it so far. I'm actually crying T_T

I'm impressed, does it really give all this "anime like" feeling? I didn't really planned anything like that, I probably got influenced without noticing. Even if DID leave some small anime relations here and there :3

greatgreenman said:
Well its interesting so far, though... Loli >:P bleh
I wonder will you break it to her that you're not a real hero, or will the trials and tribulations of the island make you into the hero for the weak? The kind that runs bake sales, knits sweaters for the poor and files complains with the local authorities to catch the bad guys XD

*slap* mah precious loli!
And yeah, I wonder about that... (knitting is fucking hardcore ù_ù)

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 1, 2014 6:44 AM

Mar 2014
-applaudes as loud as possible-
Mr. HERO!!!!!! SUKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
I've been waiting for this for so long
ARIGATOU for writing this!! it's awesome dude!!!!!

(-sighs- now I want to write a story to :( )

Jul 1, 2014 8:49 AM

Jan 2013
diogora said:
-applaudes as loud as possible-
Mr. HERO!!!!!! SUKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
I've been waiting for this for so long
ARIGATOU for writing this!! it's awesome dude!!!!!

(-sighs- now I want to write a story to :( )

I'll be waiting to see your work as well then ^^

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 1, 2014 8:50 AM

Mar 2014
SydoKiller said:
diogora said:
-applaudes as loud as possible-
Mr. HERO!!!!!! SUKEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
I've been waiting for this for so long
ARIGATOU for writing this!! it's awesome dude!!!!!

(-sighs- now I want to write a story to :( )

I'll be waiting to see your work as well then ^^

hehe, I'll do my best Hero-san!!!! <3

Jul 1, 2014 9:28 AM

Mar 2012
For purposes rendered i actually meant it :P
Jul 1, 2014 11:10 AM

Nov 2013
good so far

made go aw mentally once or twice

also kudos for going the loli route
(read 5 stories so far and no one else has given them any attention, save echo but that was more a cameo)

have now caught up to hetlan, green, sydo, moni, and echo
Jul 2, 2014 1:48 AM

Jan 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
no one else has given them any attention, save echo but that was more a cameo)

LOL. Kami will be pleased to hear my story is completely normal :-D
beast_regardsJul 2, 2014 9:58 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jul 2, 2014 9:32 AM
Nov 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
good so far

made go aw mentally once or twice

also kudos for going the loli route
(read 5 stories so far and no one else has given them any attention, save echo but that was more a cameo)

have now caught up to hetlan, green, sydo, moni, and echo

More of a cameo what?

Anywho, looks like we got ourselves a "hero". Lesse if this'll get you into any more trouble, shall we? I'll be tuning in again to this story to see what misadventures come about...
Jul 2, 2014 1:23 PM

Nov 2013
echoes_guy said:

More of a cameo what?

cameo; as in brief appearance you had a harpy loli if i recall
Jul 2, 2014 1:55 PM

Sep 2013
Checking in! Sorry I took so long to get started, was/am still burned out a bit after my grande finale. But enough about that.

I'm liking this. It's light, fun, and there's only been one catastrophically emotional fire.

The Dormouse is, not unlike the Alice, one of those "super" loli MGs. The mind can only speculate on how interesting your first night camping out might be. =)
Jul 5, 2014 2:11 AM

Jul 2008
Doki, you're the only person with an oomukade companion. I didn't even get that option when I started my story, and I don't want to change mine. I'm waiting for the oomukade. I wanna see her so bad. Where is the oomukade???

Cute story by the way.
Jul 5, 2014 3:37 AM

Jan 2013
Chapter 4 - What do you mean by 'melancholic copulation' exactly?

“I couldn't see well in the darkness, but I think that someone was trying to lure you outside... we'll have to search for a safe place to stay and maybe I'll be able to collect some information about what's going on in this place... let's get everything we need in this shed and then-”


Primula suddenly shouted a cute cry as she hit my face with her pillow.

“W-what was that for!?”

”I-I'm sorry! It's just that is almost night outside and I'm scared of dark places! Can w-we sleep here for tonight?? *scared puppy face*”

The loli power in that little thing was something to be scared of. There's no way I could say no to her, after all we went pretty far from her house and given my wounds, a bit more rest wasn't a bad idea either.

As I was thinking about it I found myself outside the door.

“Wait a second, do I have to stay outside again!?”

She just slammed the door without saying anything. There was definitely something odd about her at night. I started to think that she was scared of me, as if I could jump at her in her sleep. Did she really had such a bad impression of me? Well, her clothes were kinda arousing actually...

“NOPE. What the heck am I fantasizing about? Bad hero! Really freaking bad!”

This time I sat down under a really nearby tree, so that I could see clearly the surroundings of the old shed. I couldn't let that thing approach my lol... I mean Primula again.

Since when did I become someone that other people could depend on? Everything just happened so fast... two days before I was sitting on the sofa with my parents shouting at me about my lack of responsibility... yeah, my parents...

The forest was incredibly calm and that made me fall asleep in the middle of my thoughts. That didn't last long tho...


“Ouch! What the heck! How big can a mosquito be in this kind of... wooOOH... hooooly crrrap... waz mah head alwayyys this fffluffy? *hiccup* Oh... look at that! G'morning mah little bro!”

As I was having an interesting chat with my sudden erection something slowly got down the tree and with sinuous movements started to coil around my numb body.


The huge creature, with half body of a centipede and the upper half of a beautiful woman was seductively looking at me.

“Heeeey, if it isn't a fine gurl! I mean bug... I mean... *hiccup*”

I stopped for a moment to elaborate my thoughts.


”Seems like my poison was a little too much for you... well, you don't have to worry anymore my little precious human. This is the only way after all...”

As she was whispering in my ear she started moving her hand towards my groin. I couldn't move my body at all, but my rod was happily responding to her movements. Strong waves of heat were assaulting my body, giving me a chaotic sense of pleasure.

Something was strange about her words. Her expression, hidden by her long hair, was sad and full of sorrow as she was staring at me. But I was way too high to notice.

She then started loosening her beautiful dark kimono, showing her pure white skin, ornate with strange purple marks. Only an odd piece of paper was hiding her most precious place now.

”Can you see this? This is a talisman that only my predestined man can remove from my body, it's the demonstration that I'll belong to you for the rest of my pitiful life... now, let our melancholic copulation begin...”

[ ”Oh no. No no no. Oh god. Stop it. All those... legs moving around... no no no. *shivers*”

”B-but she was looking so sad *sniff*, what the fuck man, not cool. Not cool at all T_T”

”What, were you always this sentimental? Big bad Red is crying like a girl? I can't believe this. à_à”

”Oh c'mon, go to hell Blue.”

”I can't hear you over my fapping! *anf anf*”

”Ok, that's it. Kill him. ù_ù”

”My pleasure. *punching Green without mercy*”

Chapter 4 - End

Next Chapter: Hangover...! *hiccup*
SydoKillerSep 5, 2014 3:50 AM

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 5, 2014 3:42 AM

Jun 2013
"The loli power in that little thing was something to be scared of. There's no way I could say no to her, after all we went pretty far from her house and given my wounds, a bit more rest wasn't a bad idea either."

Loli power too OP?

Anyhow, really cute. I really like it. Could have used more boobs, however.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Jul 5, 2014 3:48 AM

Mar 2014

Jul 5, 2014 3:52 AM

Dec 2008

awesome as usual mate
Jul 5, 2014 3:56 AM

Jul 2008
Yay oomukade. :D

Also, is it normal for guys to talk to their erections?
Jul 5, 2014 4:15 AM

Apr 2014
”I can't hear you over my fapping! *anf anf*”


You're making lolis into a scary creature :P
Jul 5, 2014 4:33 AM

Jan 2013
YummyLunches said:
Where is the oomukade???

I'm impressed. You actually called for it ù_ù

YandereTheEmo said:
Could have used more boobs, however.

I know man, I know XD

Thank you guys for all the support, I really appreciate. I'll do my best so that you'll all have a good time as much as I'm anjoying writing my story.
I'll keep posting my chapters every 4-5 days, let me know if you think that I should change my posting rate or something :P

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 5, 2014 2:36 PM

Nov 2013
YummyLunches said:
Yay oomukade. :D

Also, is it normal for guys to talk to their erections?
unfortunately... sometimes yes. Gotta give them a pep talk sometimes, and yell at them for when they're unneeded (uncalled for boner during a meeting is not cool).

@Sydo:... why is green the fapper!! What do you have against green Sydo @w@..

Well props for being the first (as far as I can tell or remember) to use the oomukade (as something other than an enemy lol). Though I wonder what is with the glum mood? She's found an extremely rare commodity and rape is about to ensue, shouldn't that be a cause for celebration lol (for her at least?)?
Jul 5, 2014 5:36 PM

Jan 2013
First, I think it's better if you don't compare yourself with Green anymore, because of reasons XD

GG said:
Though I wonder what is with the glum mood? She's found an extremely rare commodity and rape is about to ensue, shouldn't that be a cause for celebration lol (for her at least?)?

I can only say that is a really important feature. Nothing is left without a reason in my story ù_ù
(almost nothing lol)

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 5, 2014 7:38 PM

Nov 2013
Then you might want to consider changing colors @w@... green is in my name.. its who I am!!
Jul 6, 2014 2:03 PM

Nov 2013
greatgreenman said:
YummyLunches said:
Yay oomukade. :D

Also, is it normal for guys to talk to their erections?

unfortunately... sometimes yes. Gotta give them a pep talk sometimes, and yell at them for when they're unneeded (uncalled for boner during a meeting is not cool).

this is where you implement my "budda" self control tactic ad people so lovingly call it.

serious its the same concept as making oneself cry- just think sad things

to rid self of an unwarranted salute just think of things that disturb you
Jul 6, 2014 2:08 PM

Nov 2013
...what if tears make it worse?
Jul 6, 2014 2:14 PM

Nov 2013
greatgreenman said:
...what if tears make it worse?

are you referring to the erection or trying to make one self cry?

if the former then don't think of things that make you cry
Jul 6, 2014 2:18 PM

Nov 2013
What if its just an attention whore and trying to make it go away makes it that much stronger? Not everything is fool proof lol.
Jul 6, 2014 2:20 PM

Nov 2013
greatgreenman said:
What if its just an attention whore and trying to make it go away makes it that much stronger? Not everything is fool proof lol.

well if it salutes anything and everything then, yes it won't work
Jul 8, 2014 3:42 AM

Jan 2013
So... before posting my new chapter I wanted to make an important announcement.
I've always had the help of MoniStar editing my chapters before posting them, so that he could help me with my grammar, since I want to remind you that english is not my first language.
But I can't continue like this, I see a lot of people doing their best with their stories even if they have problems with grammar, and with people complaining about that in the comments. It's unfair for me to keep depending on a kind friend's help, so starting from today I'll post my original chapters.
I'm sorry if the story will get annoying because of this, maybe someone will even stop reading it. Maybe I'll regret doing this. But this is what I think is the best thing to do. Thank you again for your attention, thank you Mon for helping me, you're awesome.


Chapter 5 - Hangover...! *hiccup*

Primula that night was having problems getting asleep. Something like that was crazy for a Dormouse, always ready to sleep anytime, anywhere.

She was thinking about her mother's words. That time when she told her to stay away from human males at night. Only adult Dormouses could sleep in the same room of a man, so she would have to live alone until she grew up. “Here, this is my present for you. Keep it always with you until you'll be able to find someone that will be by your side for the rest of your lives.” - said her mother, giving her a cute yellow pillow, shaped like a small piece of cheese, as a present.

Were human males dangerous at night? Or maybe it was her, something that she didn't know about herself yet...

Since when that guy showed up she was constantly feeling uneasy. Was it because the hero that she always dreamed about had finally showed up like inside a fairy tale? No, something else was bothering her, but she couldn't tell what that feeling was exactly.

She then looked at a strange looking pillow. That ugly yellowish color, that weird shape and even a tickling sensation coming from it. A normal person would definitely throw that thing out of the window without even thinking about it.


Primula held it tight and finally managed to fall asleep.


“Well, if it iznt a fasssshionable pair of *hiccup* panties. Where the fffuck do people sellll them I wonderrr...?”

As I was staring at the Centipede girl's talisman, my body was completely enslaved to seek more pleasure. But the girl that was clinging on me suddenly stopped and started holding her head between her hands.

”W-What's going on? My head... it hurts so bad! This pressure... is it coming from that shed?”

The girl turned her sorrowful gaze towards the heavy air she felt coming from her left side. The sight filled her eyes with pure fear.

”What the hell is that...! I-it can't be... demonic energy?? I've never seen so much in my entire life! Why is that even here in the first place... Aaaargh! M-my head... it's like it's going to explode any moment!”

The shack was completely surrounded by a thick black fog that was whirling around dangerously.

”I... I can't resist anymore! My head hurts so bad! And I was... so close too. My fated one, I'm sorry... *sniffle* I-I wish we'll be able to meet again, hopefully in a different situation...”

As she burst into tears, the girl left, bumbling as she seemed clearly in pain. Her sparkling tears were the last thing I could see before passing out.

[ ”By the way, I'm kinda sure I've seen a nipple there.”

”FUCK YOU GREEN! *crying desperately on Blue's shoulder*”

”*pat pat* C'mon man, this is starting to get embarrassing for me too... ಠ_ಠ “

”B-but! T_T”

”Eeeew, what are you doing guys? BL? I can't fap to that! LOL”

”I don't even want to know what he's talking about! *cries even louder*”

”Me either... now stop it thou, you're gross! Gaddemmit! è_é”

*chirping noises*

“Oh god... everytime I hear them something bad happens... AND THEEEERE WE GO... this time it's fucking HANGOVER. FUCK YOU BIRDS.”

It was a beautiful warm morning. But when your head hurts that bad, you couldn't care less.

I was asking myself how the heck I could end up with a hangover, but no matter how hard I tried to remember about last night, nothing was coming to my mind. The only thing I found was a strange mark on my side, like some kind of huge bug bite. It didn't hurt much thou so I didn't put much attention on it.

I found Primula already up, organizing the stuff she took from the shed. She timidly greeted me, then she got back to her work. That place seemed to have been uninhabited for years, so we didn't really worry about stealing anything.

I started asking myself about what she was carrying with her since the bag was huge already. Then I noticed an old dusty bunny plush, peering out from the sack. I felt my heart melting as she was looking at me with an interrogative expression.

“A bunch of old knives? Hmmm... they'll do the job.”

”W-what do you want to do with them?”

“I'll show you once we get out in the forest.”

After a bit more of preparation we were ready to leave. We didn't know were to go, so we just took the opposite way of where Primula's house were. Hoping to find a way out of that dangerous forest. There was definitely something that was hunting the little girl, I couldn't let her in that place anymore.

“Oh, perfect time. Primula, can you see that fruit on this tree?”

As the girl nodded I took out one of the knives I got from the shack and quickly threw it at the tree, precisely hitting the fruit that fell right on my hand.

“Gnahahah! What do you think? My father had been teaching me how to throw knives since when I was a boy, now that I think about it that's kinda weird, but as you can see I can do it pretty well! When you live in the countryside there aren't many ways to enjoy yourself after all. *bites the fruit*”

“That's awesome! Heroes are so cool!! You bit that poison fruit without caring at all!”

“Well, I can't fight monsters with them, they're just old kitchen knives, but they could be use-... wait a sec... *stomach growling* what did you say about... *face getting blueish* ...poison?”

At least I managed to not threw up in front of Primula.

Chapter 5 – End

Next Chapter: Fated encounter
SydoKillerSep 5, 2014 3:51 AM

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 8, 2014 4:00 AM

Dec 2008
Haha, Sydo acting cool to get Primula

And green is just awesome lol
Jul 8, 2014 4:03 AM

Jan 2013
Sorry for posting this chapter earlier than I'm used to, but I really had to write that announcement.
Sorry everyone à_à

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 8, 2014 4:04 AM

Jun 2013
SydoKiller said:
Sorry for posting this chapter earlier than I'm used to, but I really had to write that announcement.
Sorry everyone à_à

You're not on a quota for posting chapters, my nukka xD

Anyway, good shit... Good shit... Keep it rolling, pops.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Jul 8, 2014 4:43 AM

Mar 2014
awesome as always u.u

btw, do you really know how to throw knives? >.>

Jul 8, 2014 5:01 AM

Jan 2013
diogora said:
awesome as always u.u

btw, do you really know how to throw knives? >.>

Yeah, I used to play a lot with my dad when I was younger ^^
Maybe right now I'm not good like I used to be thou :P

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Jul 8, 2014 5:03 AM

Mar 2014
SydoKiller said:
Yeah, I used to play a lot with my dad when I was younger ^^
Maybe right now I'm not good like I used to be thou :P

-sighs- I wish my dad had taught me how to throw knives

Jul 8, 2014 8:08 AM

Jan 2013
Uncrowned_King said:
And green is just awesome lol

Dear voices in my head, stop chatting when I am trying to screw a loli
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
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