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Sep 21, 2014 12:55 PM

Jan 2013
dcw2021 said:

In my humble opinion
I think MSGS can have rules, as you pointed out perfectly, but should feel less stressed our about them compared to MSGC.

The MSGS...
Say something like “MSGS is set in alternative timeline to the MSGC and played is hence bestowed a more freedom to compose a content of his story than in MSGC. Your story takes a current lore of MSGC and sets the world towards alternative timeline.”
Can the player learn something else?
MSGS is more laid-back so there is no need to yell about things player can’t do.
I suggest to remove the impact on “you can’t become swordmaster in a week” yelling (!) and instead just say that...
... player can learn almost anything as long as he does find someone who can learn them and it is achieved in a logical way in the content of the setting.

Remove that stress over restrictions (!!) and instead appeal on use “common sense” or “logic” or just say “people will not like stories with total Overpowerness even though it is theoretically allowed in MSGC”

Point out that each story has own “version of island” e.g. “parael universe” which means that (unlike MSGC) one story cannot affect each other.
..point out important part using italics in co-op part of the rule set.

However, if two or more players decide to share their version of universe (along with all the damage they can cause!!) no one will stop them from doing so. Please keep in mind that this can lead to significant downsides...
Also say that “character or places from other stories can be used only with consent of original author. Even though your story takes place in alternative universe and your action (unless co-op) will not affect other stories, un-respectful behaviour towards other creation will not be tolerated.”
Can GMs interfere with my story?
MSGS place less restriction on the story content than MSGC and as such, changes for GM intervention is equally lower.
GM can still intervene with your story ... blabla
Add the part that player (MC) gains knowledge of local language, but nothing else.
beast_regardsSep 21, 2014 1:03 PM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 21, 2014 7:57 PM

May 2013
Excellent ruleset here. I really like the distinction between co-op and cameo.

If there are no other suggestions, I think this ruleset for MSGS is good to go.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 21, 2014 9:13 PM

Jul 2013
tygertyger said:
Excellent ruleset here. I really like the distinction between co-op and cameo.

If there are no other suggestions, I think this ruleset for MSGS is good to go.

It's not quite done, beast made some good suggestions I would like to implement.

Also, just to be clear, I do still have to add the sections regarding to monster girls, the lords, and the island.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 21, 2014 9:59 PM

Jul 2013
Edited earlier post in accordance with some of beast's suggestions.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 22, 2014 2:14 AM

Jun 2009
sounds very good to me :)
Sep 22, 2014 7:40 AM

Jul 2013
Here is the next set of rules. I only got 3 opinions on the number of companions, two for and one against removing the limit, so I would like more opinions on that part. Other than that, same as before.

Monster Girls:
As you explore the island you are bound to run into its inhabitants. Chances are your first encounter will be with a monster girl. Monster girls make up the vast majority of the islands population. They are usually extremely beautiful and poses inhuman features. Some poses tremendous strength, others have powerful magic, and those that do not will use numbers or a lifetime of training to overcome any obstacle they might face. Their natural life spans far exceed that of a human’s, some living hundreds or even thousands of years. Some live in the wild using their natural instincts to live off the land. Some gather in towns or villages and live like any other person would. But the thing that almost all of them have in common is their desire to find a man. Even the most timid of monster girls can find themselves overcome with desire when they get the rare opportunity to satisfy their desires. Most will take the man at the first given opportunity and use him to satisfy their sexual or reproductive needs, by force if necessary. But women are not entirely safe either. If they are lucky they will simple be ignored but many will have no problems eliminating the extra competition. Of course some of the monster girls have turned to women as a way to satisfy their sexual needs and a few even posses the same parts and desires of men.

What are monster girls?
Monster girls (MGs) are animals or mythical creatures that are given obviously feminine features, some more than others.
All the MGs are based on the descriptions given in the monster girl encyclopedia (MGE).
Note that they are only based on the MGE, they may vary from the MGE and even from each other.
For example, there is no demon lord so any MGs referring to the demon lord are either changed or banned.
Monster girls tend to live much longer than humans and posses magical aspects for combat or attracting men or both.
Because of the low number of men on the island, MGs will usually try to initiate intercourse through any means possible (usually rape.)

Are there rules in the use of MGs as NPCs?
Lilim are outright banned.
Dark Matter, Apophis, and Pharaoh can be used as special NPC’s such as villains.
MGE unique characters do not exist in the MSGS.
Other than that any MG from the MGE can be used.

How strong are monster girls?
MGs can vary in their strengths but [insert list] is a good relative comparison.
Keep in mind that, like humans, MGs are able to learn, grow, and train as well.
Think of it this way: for the same type of monster, a civilian could not beat a feral monster that has survived by hunting all its life, likewise a feral monster could not beat a soldier trained for combat.

Can I fight MGs?
Yes you can.
However, usually humans cannot defeat MGs in a straight up fight.
The MGs that you could potentially beat in a fight will often not be alone.
The human must rely on greater skill, stats, strategy, or assistance to win.
Don’t forget, not all monsters rely on strength for combat.

Do monster girls have religion?
No, at least not in the same sense we do.
Humans from our world might have taught them some aspects of our religion but they do not warship a god.
However, they might have extremely high reverence for their lords.
They might believe in Animism or warship of the land and/or nature.

The world is dangerous and most monster girls will see men as sex toys and women as obstacles. But you will stumble across a few that will take a liking to you and you will take a liking to them. These are your companions. You can be friendly with other monster girls but your companions will always be special to you. You may love them, trust them, or simply spend more time with them than anyone else.

What are companions?
Companions are monster girls that either chose to help you in your cause or you chose to help them in theirs.
This is not the norm.
Most MGs that see a man will see him as little more that a walking sex toy. They can be nice and even helpful but in the end they only want one thing from him. Normally they will try to rape him.
Most MGs that see a woman will either ignore her entirely, see her as an obstacle, or simply see her as a weaker/lesser being than themselves.

What are my choices for companions?
Dark Matter, Lilim, Apophis, and Pharaoh are all banned for use as companions.
MGE unique characters do not exist in the MSG universe.
Other than that any girl in the MGE can be a companion.
You can also choose to make a monster girl a futanari or not.

How many companions can I have?
There is no limit to how many companions you can have.
Just keep in mind that MGs willing to become companions are rare.

What is a Futanari?
A futanari is a monster girl that is able to perform all the functions of a man and a woman.
They can get other monster girls and women pregnant.
They can become pregnant themselves.
They are rare, rarer than men.

How do I get a MG pregnant?
When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much… Oh! From a rules stand point?!
As you might imagine, there is a whole lot of sex going on without a whole lot of protection. In order to keep the population under control in the face the long life spans of the monster girls, there is a kind of magical birth control spread over the entire island.
From a lore standpoint this means that the chances of getting a monster girl pregnant through daily intercourse is very slim, roughly once every ten years.
But from a rules standpoint this simply means she will not get pregnant unless you want her to.
However, there is a way to shoot the chance of pregnancy above the norm. You could get a lord’s blessing.

How do I get a lord’s blessing?
First, you must meet with a lord either by going to their castle or meeting them when they are out and about.
Second, just do whatever they ask in exchange for the blessing. That’s it.
Once blessed the chance for pregnancy will be 100% for the next 5 years.

What are the terms for the babies?
[Enter suggestions.]
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 22, 2014 8:20 AM

Nov 2013
actually something i never quite figured out about the lord's blessing

is it 100% for the next child within the next 5 years or 100% for any child within the next 5 years?

basically does the blessing mean 1 guaranteed child or 5 children?(not including twins, litters, etc) and for that matter how does the rules handle twins and such? I think this should be clarified in both MSGS and MSGC rules.
Sep 22, 2014 8:34 AM

Sep 2013
Hmm... My opinion on the companion limit:

For FF, have as many as you want. NO RULES!!! ANARCHY!!!

For Stylized, 2 should still be the limit because Ive noticed that the more main characters you have to include limits the amount of depth and intimacy between interactions. With only allowing two companions you can easily make sure the writer doesn't end up biting more off then he can chew and end up limiting himself later.

For Collab, same as stylized but with the addition of keeping things more orderly.
Sep 22, 2014 9:00 AM

Jan 2013
aspicientis said:
For Stylized, 2 should still be the limit because Ive noticed that the more main characters you have to include limits the amount of depth and intimacy between interactions. With only allowing two companions you can easily make sure the writer doesn't end up biting more off then he can chew and end up limiting himself later.

Pointless. Writer either knows his limits and don't do such a thing.

If he don't know his limits, he will not learn those though being limited by some 3rd party. No one will ever learn without experience! Taking experience away from someone never ever teaches anything.

Only reason why we have 2 companions limit is power.

It isn't there to help writers, it is there to make main character power limited.

Because someone who made that rule actually though that endless horde could be too powerful.

So people came and thought of more different ways to achieve that power!!!

In the end, rules become obsolete and to change.

3 mod had to happen!

There is no need for power limit in MSGS anymore! We are past that point!

If someone want to make Zerg Swarm, let them.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 22, 2014 9:34 AM

Nov 2013
Zerg Swarm!

I'd say stylized should be up to the writer on how many characters there are. I'm with beast that the writer either knows his limits or doesn't. A writer could have ONE companion and still provide zero character depth, or have ten and give them so much depth that you feel like you personally know each character. Each person is different and has their own level of ability with writing.
Sep 22, 2014 11:24 AM

Mar 2014
I just finished my next chapter and I'd like to ask permission to change my story to FF before posting it, can I?

Sep 22, 2014 11:29 AM

Jan 2013
diogora said:
I just finished my next chapter and I'd like to ask permission to change my story to FF before posting it, can I?

I would rather wait until all dust settles before we label any story with any tag. Since you are using MSG original universe, your story should be rather MSGS.

This discussion should not block you from writing or posting your story - continue as normal if you want MSGC or MSGS.
FF will probably reboot stories if DCW agrees with point in shouldn't use MSG universe.
beast_regardsSep 22, 2014 12:14 PM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 22, 2014 11:41 AM

Jan 2013
dcw2021 said:

I humbly appplogize, but even rewording seems open to obvious loopholes - following at the most obvious I noticed, they may be even more of those.

"The human must rely on greater skill, stats, strategy, or assistance to win. Don’t forget, not all monsters rely on strength for combat."
Does this says human will win every possible combat because he has "strategy" or "skills"? Monsters doesn't have any strategy? Or skills? Or are all monsters feral creatures with suicidal tendencies?

"for the same type of monster, a civilian could not beat a feral monster that has survived by hunting all its life, likewise a feral monster could not beat a soldier trained for combat"
It's true, but it also says that whoever declares himself a trained soldier can beat crap out of anything in the game?
MG doesn't have anyone who have actual training to fight back against said soldier?

"Most MGs that see a man will see him as little more that a walking sex toy. They can be nice and even helpful but in the end they only want one thing from him. Normally they will try to rape him."
This is not true for approved stories including the masterpieces, I would love to suggest some rewording as simply none of the stories portrayed the environment in this way exactly, only one or two exceptions. For example Emerald used this exact wording as you did, but wasn't handled this way by non-companion characters on regular basis. It did happened, however it wasn't walk in rabid psycho's land

"How many companions can I have?"
This obviously isn't a loop hole, but does MSGC rules about overpower changed?
It was made to prevent overpower, not to help writing or so.
I suggest saying that is two for MSGC and unlimited for MSGS if there is still OP-regulation in place.
If there is no OP regulation, I am perfectly fine with wording

"Once blessed the chance for pregnancy will be 100% for the next 5 years"

I would remove rates etc. if we don't roll dices or whatever.
"Blessing guarantees successful pregnancy for limited period of time"
I much better as this is only a optional plot mechanic so there is little change that it will be repeated often. Chance that someone will aspire to be father (and Overmind) to Zerg Swarm is minimal (even though theoretical possible in MSGS with a lot of Khepri it will be one of the kind story anyway, plus I dare to assume that half of the MSGS stories will lead to some apocalyptic scenario anyway)
beast_regardsSep 22, 2014 12:06 PM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 22, 2014 12:18 PM

Mar 2014
beast_regards said:
diogora said:
I just finished my next chapter and I'd like to ask permission to change my story to FF before posting it, can I?

I would rather wait until all dust settles before we label any story with any tag. Since you are using MSG original universe, your story should be rather MSGS.

This discussion should not block you from writing or posting your story - continue as normal if you want MSGC or MSGS.
FF will probably reboot stories if DCW agrees with point in shouldn't use MSG universe.

I wouldn't go as far as rebooting my story :/ I already thought of a way to continue the story outside of the island, my next chapter already has some things I'm not sure would be approved in MSGS/MSGS, so I'll just wait for this to be settled to post.

If possible, I'd really not like to reboot my story, I like it alot (even though other might not) and I'd like to continue it from where it is now, but I'll be adding alot of FF things to it
you understand what I'm trying to say?

Sep 22, 2014 12:24 PM

Jan 2013
diogora said:

If possible, I'd really not like to reboot my story, I like it alot (even though other might not) and I'd like to continue it from where it is now, but I'll be adding alot of FF things to it
you understand what I'm trying to say?

I am not GM and this is not official, but:

If your main dream for the story is gathering a greatest harem since VN Imouto Senbatsu☆Sousenkyo, well, then go for it and MSGS should allow Harem.

Could you give us a list of things you want the best in yours story? Like top ten

We will look from your 10 wishes and advice which mod to use -

Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 22, 2014 12:39 PM

Mar 2014
beast_regards said:
diogora said:

If possible, I'd really not like to reboot my story, I like it alot (even though other might not) and I'd like to continue it from where it is now, but I'll be adding alot of FF things to it
you understand what I'm trying to say?

I am not GM and this is not official, but:

If your main dream for the story is gathering a greatest harem since VN Imouto Senbatsu☆Sousenkyo, well, then go for it and MSGS should allow Harem.

Could you give us a list of things you want the best in yours story? Like top ten

We will look from your 10 wishes and advice which mod to use -


I guess I just have to get rif of some a bit OP ideas for my character, but depending on how it goes MSGS sounds good enough.

only 10? can't I have more?

or are you talking about 10 things I'd like to have in it? I already had quite alot of ideas for FF, but I'll have wait for everything to get settled to decide.

"which mod to use"...what exactly is a mod? I feel stupid for asking, but I really don't know

Sep 22, 2014 12:43 PM

Nov 2013
beast_regards said:
diogora said:
I just finished my next chapter and I'd like to ask permission to change my story to FF before posting it, can I?

I would rather wait until all dust settles before we label any story with any tag. Since you are using MSG original universe, your story should be rather MSGS.

This discussion should not block you from writing or posting your story - continue as normal if you want MSGC or MSGS.
FF will probably reboot stories if DCW agrees with point in shouldn't use MSG universe.

I don't see any reason why someone can't use current MSG lore as the starting point for their base outline of their Free Form story. Why should it it not be allowed? For what reasons?
Sep 22, 2014 2:49 PM

May 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
is it 100% for the next child within the next 5 years or 100% for any child within the next 5 years?

It's 100% chance of conception for the next five years. That means one guaranteed pregnancy per year. The blessing does not guarantee live delivery, however; there can still be miscarriages. Consider... Aneksi has four sisters, so her parents were obviously blessed. But since one of those births was twins, she would seem to be a sister short.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 22, 2014 2:59 PM

Nov 2013
tygertyger said:
Clarus_Nox said:
is it 100% for the next child within the next 5 years or 100% for any child within the next 5 years?

It's 100% chance of conception for the next five years. That means one guaranteed pregnancy per year. The blessing does not guarantee live delivery, however; there can still be miscarriages. Consider... Aneksi has four sisters, so her parents were obviously blessed. But since one of those births was twins, she would seem to be a sister short.

I never noticed that. I feel sorry for Aneksi now ;~; I know how that is.
Sep 22, 2014 6:10 PM

Jan 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
I don't see any reason why someone can't use current MSG lore as the starting point for their base outline of their Free Form story. Why should it it not be allowed? For what reasons?

Because it would become MSGS in the process, won't it?

Because that's what MSGS is - free form story bases on MSG lore!

It wouldn't be logical if we mix MSGS and FF together and I am obviously trying to set those two apart do be easily distinguishable so it won't confuse readers.

This is one rule that I wanted for FF and reason why there is MSGS middle point.
MSGC is already free unresticted use that setting!

MSGF should've ANY setting BUT that from original MSG!

Is it that difficult to understand?

Probably is.

It is up to GM, obviously. I meant it well.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 22, 2014 6:24 PM

Jan 2013
diogora said:
[what exactly is a mod?

Form? 3 form story? I call it mods.
Seems I just confused you for that I apologize.

diogora said:
only 10? can't I have more?

You can.

I am trying hard to have a discussion about how to distinguish MSGS from FF if both lack strong regulation and one of the point is use of different setting. I said like 10 things not because there must be 10 of them or any exact number, I wanted to find out if that you actually asking for can't be achieved in MSGS...

FF was, at least in my mind, for those who want different setting that MSG! One form, specially for all those different settings!!

You would get harem or whatever you wish in MSGS too.

It was for clarity and wider options!

I thought it was logical?

But seems I just stupid idiot and can't make myself clear, I will let GM to formulate the statement.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 22, 2014 11:47 PM

Sep 2013
@Beast - I still view the setting as very potentially rapey. I'd think that an unaccompanied male is more likely to have the encounter go bad than any other way. The companions you pick are (potentially) different.

The only reason it didn't play out like that in my first story in every encounter was because my character was almost never without his companions (one of which was a scary undead).
Sep 23, 2014 3:37 AM

Jan 2013
emeraldtryst said:
I still view the setting as very potentially rapey.

Enviroment hasn't been never described as rapey, at least not to the extreme described in the rules. You didn't described it to this extreme, neither did Tigertiger, KamikadzeTM or PantsMan, to name only few who has they stories acknowledged as canon. It potentially changes nothing in MSG as a whole as this part - it always been there. However I still feel it s in works together to certain situations when combined with other parts you pointed out. That can be part of new vision though. In this case I apologize for nitpicking.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 23, 2014 4:47 AM

May 2013
beast_regards said:
Enviroment hasn't been never described as rapey, at least not to the extreme described in the rules. You didn't described it to this extreme, neither did Tigertiger, KamikadzeTM or PantsMan

I won't venture to speak for the others, but my story is pretty clear about the fate of unclaimed males. Consider various MGs in the story and their first responses to the MC:

Aneksi: Riddle contest challenge (which she expected to win, knowing the effect on the loser);

Hashima: Rape attempt, foiled by Aneksi;

Beset: Realized he was claimed and waited for permission from his "owner" to avoid a fight;

Aneksi's Sisters: Husband, not concubine. Best not to think about what they would've done to a concubine;

Audience on the practice grounds at the Moon Bazaar: Would've loved some of that action... but wait, he's protected by five Sphinxes, an Anubis, a Gorgon, a Dullahan, and a Ghost;

Mahire: Why rape when you can seduce? And who cares if he's claimed;

Khepri Handmaidens: Waited for permission from their mistress;

Nefer-Apep: Successful rape. More than once, in fact. Yeah, it was in dreams, but for the purpose of psychological trauma it's the same;

Desert Patrol: Would've been a rape, but they decided that fighting the defenders would be too much work.

In all cases, I portray mamono as having restraint only because of tactical considerations ("Can I win this fight, and what shape will I be in afterward?"), the mores of their own cultures, or their individual personalities. Human notions of decency never enter into it.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 23, 2014 6:08 AM

Jan 2013
tygertyger said:
I won't venture to speak for the others, but my story is pretty clear about the fate of unclaimed males. Consider various MGs in the story and their first responses to the MC

Probably a reader's misunderstanding. My bad.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 23, 2014 6:16 AM

Jan 2013
What is GM opinion of MSGF setting?

Should there be a rule that MSGF shouldn't use setting borrowed from MSGC/MSGS?
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 23, 2014 6:28 AM

Mar 2014
beast_regards said:
diogora said:
[what exactly is a mod?

Form? 3 form story? I call it mods.
Seems I just confused you for that I apologize.

diogora said:
only 10? can't I have more?

You can.

I am trying hard to have a discussion about how to distinguish MSGS from FF if both lack strong regulation and one of the point is use of different setting. I said like 10 things not because there must be 10 of them or any exact number, I wanted to find out if that you actually asking for can't be achieved in MSGS...

FF was, at least in my mind, for those who want different setting that MSG! One form, specially for all those different settings!!

You would get harem or whatever you wish in MSGS too.

It was for clarity and wider options!

I thought it was logical?

But seems I just stupid idiot and can't make myself clear, I will let GM to formulate the statement.

1st of all, you are definetly not a stupid idiot

So here are some of the things I want in my story, but I want to use while still continuing my current story, I think my ideas are FF tho

1. a Harem (I know this also works for Stylized, but I just wanna make it clear >w<)

2. The character will be teleported back to the real world for a chapter (should happen soon in my story)

3. once he "returns" there will be drastic changes to the so called "Monster Island", there will be alot of changes, so it wouldn't really be the MSGC/MSGS island anymore.

4. The MC unlocks magical powers, but not any normal kind of magic (won't go into detail to not spoil too much)

5. pregnancy (should also be avaiable in Stylizes, but I'm just throwing this in here >w<)

6. MIXED BREEDS! (one of the drastic changes from point 3)

I think points 3, 4 and 6 explain why I'd want to continue my story as FF

Sep 23, 2014 6:29 AM

Jul 2013
beast_regards said:
What is GM opinion of MSGF setting?

Should there be a rule that MSGF shouldn't use setting borrowed from MSGC/MSGS?

I'm no GM but I figured I should state that I wrote the rules with the possibility of switching from MSGS to MSGF in mind. Meaning that if someone started in MSGS but decided to do something that clearly would not fit into the setting then they could choose to switch to MSGF without having their story banned or changed. In such a case you would have a MSGF with obvious MSGS ties. I see no harm in allowing someone to do that from the beginning if they want to.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 23, 2014 3:53 PM

Nov 2013
MSGF Rule Suggestions

Welcome to the Monster girl Survival Game Free Form version, or MSGF for short. This version allows the author to create any setting they wish. This version if perfect those who wish to write anything and everything that tickles their fancy. There are only a couple of rules to keep in mind;
1 – Monster Girls (MGs) are a must, no exception.
2 – Be respectful to other authors. (for example, no killing someone else's characters or destroying their locations just because you don't like it. Just because this is Free Form doesn't excuse being a dick.)

What is the MSGF?
The MSGF is a group of stories about monster girls that each individual author created.
There is no pre-made setting.
You have fun writing whatever story comes to mind.
The point of the MSGF is to have a good time.

Who runs the MSGF?
[Insert MSG staff list with added descriptions for each job.]

What do I need permission for?
To start a story.
To use other writers characters or places.

How do I start my own story?
[Insert instructions.]

Can GMs interfere with my story?
If the rules are violated a GM will step in and ban the story from continuing until one of three things happen.
1 – The violating part of the story is changed.
2 – If the author does not cooperate the story will be forcefully ended.
This is only done as an extreme measure.

The Player:
Free Style is just that, you can do or be whatever you want. Want to be a Super Saiya-Jin? Sure. Want to learn or have magic? Go for it. Want to start a harem of monster girls? Be our guest. Want to become a monster yourself? It's your choice. You can write anything your heart desires... as long as there are monster girls ;)

Who is ‘the player?’
The player is the writer.
Real or fictional.

Other players:
Unlike the Collaborative and Stylized versions, every player in the MSGF is effectively on their own universe. You cannot do anything that will affect other players without their permission and vice versa. However, if you talk with another player and decide that you don’t mind sharing a world together you can effectively combine them to make a smaller Collaborative version or a simple cross-over.

Who are the ‘other players?’
Every Story represents a Player, like you.
They follow the same rules as any other MSGF player.

Can I write a story together with these other players?
Yes! This is called a co-op.
If the other story is another MSGF story and you don't care about continuity (or maybe you do and you two simply mesh well), all you have to do is ask the writer of the other story if they wish to do a co-op.
If they say yes, you must notify a GM and then the two stories will be canon with each other and you can interact with each other’s characters and places as much as you want.(within reason and respectfully)
However, you cannot form a co-op with Collaborative or Stylized stories because they are under different rules.

If I cannot form a co-op, can I still interact with other players?
Yes, this will be a cameo.
If you cannot co-op with a story due to rule or lore conflicts you can still have their characters make an appearance.
However, these characters will be versions appropriate for your story and will be considered different than the originals.
But you must still have express permission from the original creator of those characters and preferably their participation in their use.
If for any reason two stories that were cannon with each other and had a co-op become non-cannon with each other. The interaction will be considered a cameo.

Are there rules in the use of MGs as NPCs?
Any MG can be used. Whether you use the MGE as a base or some other series or just plain come up with your own.

How strong are monster girls?
As strong(or weak) as you want them to be.

Can I fight MGs?
Yes you can.

What are my choices for companions?
There are no restrictions.

How many companions can I have?
There is no limit.

How do I get a MG pregnant?
Wen you knock her up.
The mechanics of which are up to you.

Sep 23, 2014 8:24 PM

Jul 2013
Before anyone asks, I asked Nox to write up a version for the MSGF while I work on the MSGS. I wanted to get it up as soon as possible so anyone writing MSGF could officially do so.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 24, 2014 4:28 AM

Sep 2012
Sorry to interupt ya-all-rules-making but I have a quick question. If an MG that usually lives on spirit energy accoding too MGE but what I wanna know is can they eat normal foos like fruits and meat and stuff like that, and just to bring an exemple MG like a succubi?
Sep 24, 2014 4:39 AM

May 2013
Carn0 said:
Sorry to interupt ya-all-rules-making but I have a quick question. If an MG that usually lives on spirit energy accoding too MGE but what I wanna know is can they eat normal foos like fruits and meat and stuff like that, and just to bring an exemple MG like a succubi?

I'd say yes. In fact, considering the shortage of men, those MGs would be pretty much screwed if spirit energy was all they could live on.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 24, 2014 4:49 AM

Sep 2012
Ok, thank you. That's all I wanted to know.
Sep 24, 2014 5:01 AM

Jan 2013
dcw2021 said:
Before anyone asks, I asked Nox to write up a version for the MSGF while I work on the MSGS. I wanted to get it up as soon as possible so anyone writing MSGF could officially do so.

I would change some wording :) .. also Stylized should also have it's own alternate universe :)
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 24, 2014 6:29 AM

Mar 2014
dcw2021 said:
Before anyone asks, I asked Nox to write up a version for the MSGF while I work on the MSGS. I wanted to get it up as soon as possible so anyone writing MSGF could officially do so.

so I can already make mine an MSGF?

Sep 24, 2014 7:58 AM

Jul 2013
diogora said:
dcw2021 said:
Before anyone asks, I asked Nox to write up a version for the MSGF while I work on the MSGS. I wanted to get it up as soon as possible so anyone writing MSGF could officially do so.

so I can already make mine an MSGF?

Until we give the MSGF its own rules thread, or at least add it's section to the rules thread, it wont be official. But yes, you can. I don't expect the rules to change to much, maybe a bit of wording but that is all.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 24, 2014 8:19 AM

Mar 2014
dcw2021 said:
diogora said:

so I can already make mine an MSGF?

Until we give the MSGF its own rules thread, or at least add it's section to the rules thread, it wont be official. But yes, you can. I don't expect the rules to change to much, maybe a bit of wording but that is all.

yayy ^w^ thank you :3

Sep 24, 2014 8:42 AM

Jan 2013
A little changes made to Nox's version.

See it if is any better or worse, up to you.

Welcome to the Monster girl Survival Game Free Form version, or MSGF for short.
Unlike other versions, this one allows you to write story with any setting you wish without any other restriction as long as two following rules are fulfilled:
1) Story is centred Monster Girls (MGs). There is no exception in that rule.
2) Respect work of other authors and do not use their characters or setting without their consent. Disrespectful behaviour towards other’s people work is strictly prohibited. (for example, killing character borrowed from other story or burning town taken from other story is considered disrespectful. If you don’t like someone’s work, do not use it, simple as that!

What is the MSGF?
The MSGF is a group of stories about monster girls that each individual author created.
There is no pre-made setting.
You have fun writing whatever story comes to mind and have a good time. 

Who runs the MSGF?
[Insert MSG staff list with added descriptions for each job.]

What do I need permission for?
To start a story.
To use characters or places created by other writer.

How do I start my own story?
Write a first chapter, at least 800 words long and free of (most obvious) grammatical mistakes, and sent that chapter to [insert GM here] for approval. Once story is approved, you will be invited into the club and allowed to post your story.

Can GMs interfere with my story?
If the rules are violated a GM will step in and ban the story from continuing until one of three things happen.
1 – The violating part of the story is changed.
2 – If the author does not cooperate the story will be forcefully ended.
This is only done as an extreme measure.

The Player:
Free Style is fan-fiction story which unlike other two versions is not restricted by genre or setting, allowing you to write any story you wish. Can be sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk or whatever comes you your mind, it will be your creation and yours only.
Stealing other writers work or ideas is obviously NOT welcomed.
Who is ‘the player?’
The player is the writer.
Main Character or any other characters in the story may be representation on the writer’s persona, but also can be completely fictional. There is no limit to that.

Other players:
MSGF is set in different universe entirely created by a writer of the story and has no relation to the universe described in Stylized and Collaborative versions. You are virtually unable to take any action that would directly or indirectly affect other player’s stories.
However, if you made agreement with other player, you could share your universe with him and make small Collaborative version of your own universe or simple cross-over.

Who are the ‘other players?’
Other players are writers of their own stories following exactly same set of rules. As explained above, their stories have no effect on yours unless your mutual agreement says otherwise.

Can I write a story together with these other players?
Yes! This is called a co-op.
In theory, MSGF setting is too unique to match with universe described in MSGC and MSGS versions and thus you are unable to make coop Collaborative or Stylized ones. However, this will not restrict you from sharing your universe with other MSGF writers as long as it is done after mutual agreement between both writers, it is handled in respectful manner and it is logically consistent within your own setting.
If I cannot form a co-op, can I still interact with other players?
Yes, this is called cameo.
Even if you are unable to make a co-op with a story due to obvious incompatibility with other story setting, lore or rules, other player’s character can still appear in your story. However, original authors of those characters need to express their permission with their use regardless the fact we deal in technically separated universes.

Are there rules in the use of MGs as NPCs?
Any MG species can be used. Moster Girl Encyclopedia should be used as base, however this is merely a suggestion and writer can make their own species if required. Use of specific characters require consent of their respective creators.

How strong are monster girls?
As strong or as weak how author makes them. They are no restrictions or regulations over this topis..

Can I fight MGs?
Yes, you can. There is no specific regulation over this matter as long as it isn’t violating rule of respecting other author’s creation.

What are my choices for companions?
There is no specific rule or restriction over that matter as long it isn’t violating rule of respecting other author’s creation.

How many companions can I have?
There is no limit.

How do I get a MG pregnant?
Should I even explain you something like that after all what is said above? :-P
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 24, 2014 12:24 PM

Jul 2013
Made some minor spelling and grammar fixes. Other than that I think it looks good.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 25, 2014 4:38 AM

May 2013
Looks good. I would suggest one minor tweak.

dcw2021 said:
If the rules are violated a GM will step in and ban the story from continuing until one of two things happen.
1 – The violating part of the story is changed.
2 – If the author does not cooperate the story will be forcefully ended.

I would reword it to, "If the rules are violated a GM will step in and ban the story from continuing until the violating part of the story is changed. If the author does not cooperate the story will be forcefully ended." No need to mention two options when there is really only one option.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 25, 2014 4:43 AM

May 2013
beast_regards said:
Should there be a rule that MSGF shouldn't use setting borrowed from MSGC/MSGS?

If we restrict that setting, it's not truly freeform. I can understand the desire to keep the two styles separate, but I don't think we should prohibit FF from using the established setting. Anything that qualifies as FF will probably be pretty distinct, anyway.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 25, 2014 11:00 AM

Jun 2009
I still wonder why it should be named MSGF, when there are stories that likely have nothing to do with the MSG. wouldnt be FFF (or sth like that) like: FreeFormFiction be more precise?
Sep 25, 2014 11:11 AM

Jan 2013
Subenu said:
I still wonder why it should be named MSGF, when there are stories that likely have nothing to do with the MSG. wouldnt be FFF (or sth like that) like: FreeFormFiction be more precise?

Well, club dedicated to the "game" is still called Monster girl Survival Game, or MSG for short, so it will be still be "MSG" regardless of form (mod, as I love to call it) - what is a question how we call the each mod since MSGC, MSGF and MSGS are basically all repeating all same three letters all the way and may not look clear when looking at thread. Maybe we should thing of different tags altogether? :-)
[MSGC] or [C] or [Collaborative] or [Shared Universe] or anything else, Imagine there are threads each with corresponding tag. Right next to each other - it will look like this
[MSGC] Su's Story
[MSGS] Beast's Story
[MSGF] Ubercool Story
How does the tags look? Please note that there is no regulation to title (tale, legend, whatever) but tags should look the way they won't be confused with each other.
Main point is that this is first thing that each writer needs to do, make his tag right. Or GM for inactive.
We should decide on tags and even if writer is uncertain [MSGC/MSGS] we should agree on tag form.
beast_regardsSep 25, 2014 11:23 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 25, 2014 11:35 AM

Jun 2009
well yes, that was also one of my concerns, when its all about looking the same.
Sep 25, 2014 11:46 AM

Jan 2013
Subenu said:
well yes, that was also one of my concerns, when its all about looking the same.

So, we need to make up a tag standardization (rather than cooler names) ...

... only it really needs to do is that each form have logical and distinctive tags (simple C, S or F could do)
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Sep 30, 2014 7:26 AM

Mar 2014
My story didn't work out with me trying to change it to MSGF mid-way, so I'm going to take beast-regards advice and restart it for the MSGF.

I have 2 request that I would really like to have approved.

1. Can I please take the characters from my first story? Of course they'll be resetted, so they won't know the MC at start, but I'd still like to use them. (Lily, Rachel, etc.) can I?

2. To who and in what format do I have to send an approval request message?

Sep 30, 2014 7:44 AM

Jul 2013
diogora said:
My story didn't work out with me trying to change it to MSGF mid-way, so I'm going to take beast-regards advice and restart it for the MSGF.

I have 2 request that I would really like to have approved.

1. Can I please take the characters from my first story? Of course they'll be resetted, so they won't know the MC at start, but I'd still like to use them. (Lily, Rachel, etc.) can I?

2. To who and in what format do I have to send an approval request message?

1. I see no problem with that.
2. Send it to emerald I believe, same basic format as before.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Sep 30, 2014 8:13 AM

Mar 2014
dcw2021 said:
diogora said:
My story didn't work out with me trying to change it to MSGF mid-way, so I'm going to take beast-regards advice and restart it for the MSGF.

I have 2 request that I would really like to have approved.

1. Can I please take the characters from my first story? Of course they'll be resetted, so they won't know the MC at start, but I'd still like to use them. (Lily, Rachel, etc.) can I?

2. To who and in what format do I have to send an approval request message?

1. I see no problem with that.
2. Send it to emerald I believe, same basic format as before.

I'll do that, thank you :)

Sep 30, 2014 8:36 AM

Sep 2013
Just had a revelation...if we're going to have all the short stories in one thread, are we also going to have the comments in the same thread? Seems like that might make things more than a bit cluttered after a few of them get posted...
Sep 30, 2014 11:37 AM

Jan 2013
It seems some of the writers of MSG don't yet know what is MSGF or any other forms, so ... could we make like ... official announcement?
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
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