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Jul 2, 2008 3:39 AM

Dec 2007
Now normally I'm totally a Sub person, I usually can't stand dubbed anime, but I just bought Castle in the Sky and watched it in japanese and then again with my little nephews in english, and I have to say that I like the english dub better. It seems more complete, and well thought out, as well as funnier. There are some lines in the japanese version that I wish weren't left out for the dub though.

Has anyone else noticed this?
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Jul 10, 2008 7:09 PM

Feb 2008
I know what you mean. I've watched all of the studio ghibli films that ive seen in both languages and I have to say I liked Howl's moving castle better in English. But I can't watch My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Whisper of the Heart etc in any other language than Japanese. The voices just don't seem to fit as well for me

Especially Mononoke Hime, i saw that on tv once and th dub killed a bit of my soul...
Jul 10, 2008 8:36 PM

Jun 2008
Id rather watch subs,as well.
But for some of the Ghibli films,Id rather watch in english.
They did really good,but thats just my personal opinion..

Warm teh eggies~ Niipa~
Jul 28, 2008 2:14 AM

May 2008
the ghibli movies are really exceptions of ger. dubs wich are normally really bad but in ghibli movies it is really ok^^
Oct 26, 2008 7:47 AM

Mar 2008
yeah normally i hate dubs with a vengence, but with all the ghibli films, the translation are actually accurate and the voice actors can actually do voice acting, so both are as good as each other! personally i prefer the dubbed as its just easier (not as much hassle to read the subs)
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Oct 26, 2008 11:07 AM

Sep 2008
I think I like the dubs better because they tend to use actual actors (for better or worse). I mean, hearing people like Christian Bale and Uma Thurman lend their voices to anime is just awesome. So far, Ghibli is one of the only studios to get this to happen on a regular basis. I mean, CB didn't even v/o his own character in Gotham Knight, but he played an effeminate wizard? I watch both sub and dub so I can see if they're at least equal, and so far I tend to go for the dubs.
Oct 29, 2008 7:11 PM
Jan 2008
Tenerec said:
Now normally I'm totally a Sub person, I usually can't stand dubbed anime, but I just bought Castle in the Sky and watched it in japanese and then again with my little nephews in english, and I have to say that I like the english dub better. It seems more complete, and well thought out, as well as funnier. There are some lines in the japanese version that I wish weren't left out for the dub though.

Has anyone else noticed this?

I love this movie in English too. The new score composed by Joe Hisaishi really makes the movie come alive, plus I love the voice actors assigned to the roles (even though the leads sound mature, they still do decent jobs overall). The script sometimes goes overboard in adding in extra dialogue, but otherwise it's a fine dub, and one that I wouldn't recommend against in the least.

In fact I think ALL the Ghibli movies are excellent in English. Teaming up with Disney may have been a bit of a gamble on Ghibli's part, but it worked out really well in terms of getting quality actors to record the voices. Every time I listen to these dubs, I'm always enchanted and hardly feel the urge to listen to any of them in Japanese. It saddens me that there are people who think the Ghibli dubs are the worst things around, because while there are dubs that are indeed subpar, the Ghibli dubs aren't among them. Granted some are better/worse than others, but none of them are awful in any way IMO. If I were showing these movies to anyone, I'd show them in English without hesitation.

-Jon T.
Oct 30, 2008 11:23 AM

Feb 2008
i always prefer sub. but the ghibli movies that are dubbed are not bad.
Nov 27, 2008 6:06 PM
Jan 2008
Speaking of dubs, Ponyo just has its voice cast announced:

Matt Damon
Tina Fey
Cate Blanchett
Liam Neeson
Lily Tomlin
Betty White
Frankie Jonas
Noah Cyrys
Cloris Leachman

I am REALLY looking forward to this!!!!
Dec 17, 2008 5:11 PM
Jun 2008
In Whispers of the Heart the song Country roads in not as amazing in sad then it is dub. EEEIIII I love that movie!!!
Dec 18, 2008 7:59 AM
Jul 2008
Normally I'm totally a Sub person too, but I must say Spirited Away and Tonari no Totoro is much better in Norwegian Dub than Japanese. I watched them in English too and even the English version was better than the Japanese. It just seems more right.
Dec 19, 2008 8:54 AM

Jul 2007
I've always been a sub person, and it holds true in this as well. But the dubs for these aren't bad as they usually have larger budgets then most anime things.

Dec 20, 2008 5:09 PM

Nov 2008
studio ghibli are always top notch wit the dubs (except kiki delivery service dub, kirsten dunst is terrible)
howls moving castle and spirited away are great examples but they can leave things out in the translation. For my money though I wud go with subs because i dont like to miss out on the details eg. my neighbour totoro.
perception is subjective
Dec 21, 2008 7:33 AM
Jan 2008
dec said:
studio ghibli are always top notch wit the dubs (except kiki delivery service dub, kirsten dunst is terrible)
howls moving castle and spirited away are great examples but they can leave things out in the translation. For my money though I wud go with subs because i dont like to miss out on the details eg. my neighbour totoro.

I don't really watch much of Kirsten dunst's films, but I thought she did a great job as Kiki, and I also liked her chemistry with Phil Hartman (Jiji); I first watched Kiki in English, and I liked it so much that I find it odd to hear it in Japanese. For me, the dub MADE the film for me.

As for things getting left out in translations, it is sometimes inevitable, because some things just won't translate very well at all literally, so the writers have to come up with something to compensate for it. However if Miyazaki OKed it, there's nothing really bad about them.
Jan 4, 2009 2:51 AM

Oct 2007
It's what the person feel, which voice fits which character's. I loved Castle in the sky, when Pazu would scream(Japanese) SHEEEETA!, SHEEEETA!, haha it's great.
Jan 4, 2009 2:09 PM

Mar 2008
well i watch the subs for more info, but for preference i choose the dubs as i get more enjoyment out of them, and can rewatch whilst doing other stuff.

select ghibli films are the only things i would watch in dubs, otherwise i watch subs.
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Feb 7, 2009 10:10 AM
Jan 2008
sugarplumfairy said:
well i watch the subs for more info, but for preference i choose the dubs as i get more enjoyment out of them, and can rewatch whilst doing other stuff.

select ghibli films are the only things i would watch in dubs, otherwise i watch subs.

It's very pleasing to see that there are fans who actually like watching these movies in English; some fans on other websites love to hate on them for whatever reason, and I have always been baffled. While I understand the attachment to the original, I feel that it is unfair to totally dismiss the dubs. Granted these dubs aren't perfect, but nothing is. Even the voices that fans find irritating I actually enjoyed listening to.
May 18, 2009 8:04 AM
May 2009
I don't see why people can hate on the dubs so much either. There isn't THAT much meaning missing from them and it's much..err..easier? to watch the dubs :P
May 22, 2009 3:56 PM
Jan 2008
fusingmatt said:
I don't see why people can hate on the dubs so much either. There isn't THAT much meaning missing from them and it's much..err..easier? to watch the dubs :P

Exactly. Miyazaki himself has said that his films should be appreciated by viewers in their own native language, and if he is OK with the dubs Disney has done, then who are naysayers to say otherwise. Granted not all these dubs are flawless, but they're not terrible by any means. (Even the ones which add in some extra music are still good.)
Nov 12, 2009 6:00 PM
Jul 2018
some dubs are good.

Ive watched the dubbed version of grave of the fireflies.

but, nothin' can beat the subs. well, maybe.
Dec 15, 2009 10:57 PM

Jun 2008
I hate dubbed anime - i use all kinds of subs

OEC ~ CCO ~ TSC+VIP ~ UC ~ TCO ~ TVMF ~ MCC + Other Badges
Jan 20, 2010 7:18 PM

Jan 2010
Ill always say Subbed. I cant stand Dubs. Though I must say, Ghibli's dubs arent as bad as most.
Feb 2, 2010 4:12 PM

Jul 2009
even thought i talk english i still would like subs better
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Feb 2, 2010 4:15 PM

Jul 2009
even thought i talk english i still would like subs better
<img src="" />
Feb 21, 2010 12:38 PM

Aug 2007
Yet another thread full of people who hate dubs:(
All the Ghibli films i have watched in english have had good to excellent dubs, Howls dub is awesome. Saw ponyo last week that's got a pretty good dub, only Ghibli film i wouldn't watch dubbed is Whisper of the Heart, the english version of country roads is BAD reallly BAD.
Feb 21, 2010 12:59 PM
Nov 2009
I never watch my anime dubbed. It's not that I can't stand English dub, but I feel a part is missing if it's not in Japanese. I mean, you can't replace the original and some dubs leave lines out which I hate. So even though about halg of my Ghibli collection are English releases, I never watch them dubbed.

Finnish dub is another story. I once tried watching Totoro in Finnish, but after one line I grabbed the remote and killed that abomination before it could torture me any longer. Some people say Finnish dubs are done well and that could be the case (I mean, you can't beat the infamous Agapio Racing Team's dubs in terms of suckiness (search it in YouTube and you'll see what I mean)) but for some reason I can't enjoy most of the Finnish dubs. I've also heard Finnish dubs while watching the extra trailers and I usually feel like sticking an ice pick in my ear. I don't even want to imagine Finnish version of the songs.

I also have a little problem with Finnish subs. It's only for those Ghibli's that I've first seen with English subtitles, but the way some names are translated to Finnish (volucite in Laputa, Sea of Decay in Nausicaa, Air Pirate's Federation in Porco Rosso) sound really stupid. I'm not saying they're bad translations(ok, for volucite it was) but they just don't feel right or are a bit "clumsy" if you know what I mean.

So, Japanese dub and English/good Finnish sub for me.
Feb 23, 2010 12:28 AM

Jul 2009
I don't have much reference for dubbing in the Studio Ghibli films, but from what I have seen Disney has done a pretty good job getting real actors to participate, rather than the low budget voice actors you see in other anime brought to the states. For example, Michael Keaton in Porco Rosso or Christian Bale in Howl's Moving Castle. They didn't make the characters unnatural or stilted because they weren't just reading lines; they were getting in character. (I watched both of those films with Japanese audio first as a reference)

While I do praise Disney for that, I still have a bit of an issue with them trying to Americanize the films as well. Most prominently I recall the theme song from Kiki's delivery service. After having watched the Japanese with subs version I started the dvd to see how they did with the english audio and was horrified to find that they had replaced the awesome jazzy theme song with country music, which was totally unnecessary. Oh, and they changed the gender of the cat, which is strange.
Jun 14, 2010 3:01 PM
Jan 2010
Looking at some of the first posts I surprinsingly am not the only one who somehow watches Ghibli-movies as Dubs even though normally I'm more of a sub-person. I can't say something about the English dubs, but the German ones are just great, even better than the Japanese ones. That's a pretty rare thing to say for me so I think it's even more laudable.
Jul 1, 2010 6:59 AM
Dec 2009
The Dubs are always amazing. It is Disney after all.
Jul 2, 2010 12:19 PM

Dec 2009
So far I've watched Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Whisper of the Heart, Castle of the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service and The Cat Returns. And all in english dubbed version. I love them. I'm also usually a sub person and I can't stand watching dubbed anime but the english voices in these films really suit the characters.

Recently I was re-watching Whisper of the Heart and I watched parts in both sub and dub but I didn't really think that the japanese voices suited the characters as wall as the english ones. So I would have to say that dubbed Ghibli films are definitely my favourite. :D
Aug 16, 2010 7:29 PM
Jan 2008
What's also interesting is that Miyazaki doesn't consider subtitled versions of his movies to be any more authentic than the dub ones, and frankly, he isn't concerned is some things get lost in the translations of his movies or not. This is probably why Disney is able to get away with a few tweakings of some cultural aspects that may be difficult for American audiences to grasp, but of course, everything has to be approved by Ghibli, elsewise it doesn't get released. It's as simple as that. Fans can say whatever they want, but Miyazaki isn't unhappy with the dubs of his movies in any way.

As far as changing the songs in "Kiki" goes, the reason why is because Disney couldn't get the rights to use the songs in their dub at the time the dub was being made. Not that it matters; I liked the Sydney Forest replacements. (Interestingly, they reinserted the original songs back into their newest edition for "Kiki".) As far as Jiji is concerned, I think the idea is that he WAS always a male character, so it didn't bother me in the least. In fact, I can't imagine him without Phil Hartman's voice; his lines just crack me up every time I watch it.
JTurnerAug 17, 2010 9:49 AM
Sep 29, 2010 1:58 PM

May 2010
i'm much more of a sub person. but Disney did an outstanding job with the dubs.
Nov 28, 2010 5:40 PM

Apr 2010
I prefer subs definetely...I mean the original is always the best ^^
Dec 16, 2010 7:19 AM

May 2008
I normally hate dubs, but Miyazaki's movies are the exception. For his films, I actually prefer the dub.

Watching dubbed anime series makes me want to vomit all over the screen though. Can't stand it.
Dec 31, 2010 6:53 PM
Jan 2008
Not all Anime dubbed series are bad. I can name countless dubs to shows that I've enjoyed unreservedly. Even so, the Disney Ghibli ones will always be at the top of the list. There isn't any that I dislike at all, in fact. You can't go wrong with the casts that Disney assembled.
Jan 1, 2011 3:52 PM

Mar 2008
I generally prefer anime subbed, but I can't think of one Studio Ghibli film that I did not enjoy dubbed. Probably has something to do with them working with Disney most of the time; Disney films generally have great voice acting. Voice acting is an art, and usually, when it comes to anime it's not done right. But Studio Ghibli's dubs are always fantastic.
May 26, 2011 9:34 PM

Oct 2009
I like all my anime dubbed because I'm a visual person and having to read subs distracts me from being able to look at the picture plus sometimes those subs go by too fast and it's annoying to have to keep pausing or rewinding to see what they say. However, I did watch Pom Poko both subbed and dubbed and I have to say that the subbed version was quite a bit more adult/mature of a movie based on the dialogue, then the dub translation was. I figure that's probably becuase Disney figures the little kids won't watch the movie with subtitles so it's safe to accurattely do more adult/mature dialogue translations for the subs than for the dubs, which kids will probably watch.
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Jun 2, 2011 9:49 PM
Jan 2008
caninesrock said:
I like all my anime dubbed because I'm a visual person and having to read subs distracts me from being able to look at the picture plus sometimes those subs go by too fast and it's annoying to have to keep pausing or rewinding to see what they say. However, I did watch Pom Poko both subbed and dubbed and I have to say that the subbed version was quite a bit more adult/mature of a movie based on the dialogue, then the dub translation was. I figure that's probably becuase Disney figures the little kids won't watch the movie with subtitles so it's safe to accurattely do more adult/mature dialogue translations for the subs than for the dubs, which kids will probably watch.

While that may be an understandable argument, another thing to keep in mind is that POM POKO is also targeted more toward a Japanese-specific audience--much more so than any other Ghibli movie, it's steeped heavily in Japanese culture, and as such, it would be difficult to translate without baffling audiences unfamiliar with it. I don't think POM POKO is a perfect dub, but I DO applaud Disney for the attempt.
Aug 8, 2011 1:26 AM

Dec 2008
If you can read you have no excuse to watch dubs, is my highly personal opinion. =P ^^

But seriously I recently found out I've been watching the English dub of Mononoke Hime for so many years! I realized it when I watched the film the last time, it was in the original language and it felt so weird. The voices were strange and some dialog was changed or just gone. And in the scene where they walk out of the forest and (in the English version) the injured man yells "It's HEALED!" (so funny! XD I love this part) I knew I had watched the unoriginal version all these years. I actually prefer the type of voices chosen for Jigo and Moro in the English version over the Japanese version. So I guess of all the dubs of the Ghibli-films I like the MH-dub the most. :D

But I have a dilemma because now I remember all the English lines and expressions when I watch the movie as it should be watched. I can't decide what to think or witch version I should choose. :( I think I'll stick with the Japanese language version though, but still keep the English language version in my memories ("ærh, no it's still broken." XD) ^^.
"He isn't dead, San. He is here with us now, telling us, it's time for both of us to live."
"And slowly... You come to realize..."
"They come without asking, and then they leave just the same.
But once you meet them, even if nobody ever knows it, that encounter will change your life for the better."
Aug 17, 2011 11:40 AM

Feb 2010
Definitely dubs. I've always watching all ghibli studio masterpieces in english (only ghibli, others i prefer in subs). I like the voices of eng version, they r pretty well done, very clear and sweet to listen. Also, as someone already mentioned above, they r very funny.

And i'm not against the subs. They r a lot better choice if you r bad at listening in english, then you can just open your dictionary and look for the word you don't know.

After all it comes to the person's personal taste : English or Japanese. Of course you'll choose according to which language you'd like to listen more in anime field.

Sep 30, 2011 12:45 PM
Sep 2011
I only saw all the movie in dub so i don't know how good it is in Japanese ... I think I might watch all of them with subs!

Spirited Away is a masterpiece !!
Sep 21, 2012 5:40 AM

Sep 2012
I actually have only watched the Dubbed versions of these films, I guess I should try subs at some point but it's never sprang to mind.

The dubs just fit... and its perfect, the voice acting in nearly all of them is brilliant!
Dec 22, 2012 3:09 AM

Jan 2011
Spirited Away and Porco Rosso dubs were pretty good
May 24, 2013 12:33 PM

Aug 2012
I usually watch anime with sub. In Pompoko, the main character's voice was better with hungarian dub, but they cut scenes out of the film. The hungarian dub for Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service and Nausicaa were pretty good. But the hungarian dub of Totoro and Grave of the Fireflys was just horrible. For the little girl in Totoro they gave the voice of a teenager, and the voice of Setsuko in Grave of the Fireflys was like a 30-year old woman's voice.
"Wings that can't fly have no meaning" Thono (Air)
Jan 5, 2014 10:09 AM

Mar 2013
Subs all the way. However, the Studio Ghibli movies are one of rare that actually have some splendid Dubs as well.
Regardless, Subs overpower them, IMHO.
Jul 20, 2014 6:49 AM

Jan 2014
I prefer dubs in principle, but there hardly ever are any good ones :P Most Studio Ghibli films have good dubs, but Laputa's is miscast (Pazu and Sheeta sound too old, etc.), and Pom Poko is so Japanese it's too hard to dub.
Jul 29, 2014 11:03 AM

Oct 2013
I really can't stand dubs. Subs all the way!
Aug 3, 2014 9:01 PM
Jan 2008
MihoWittmann said:
I prefer dubs in principle, but there hardly ever are any good ones :P Most Studio Ghibli films have good dubs, but Laputa's is miscast (Pazu and Sheeta sound too old, etc.), and Pom Poko is so Japanese it's too hard to dub.

Pazu and Sheeta DO sound more like teenagers, but I thought they both did good jobs, and aside from those two, nobody else in the Disney dub was miscast IMO. Mark Hamill and Cloris Leachman were both awesome and fit their characters to a Tee, and so was everyone else. While Disney's Laputa isn't perfect, it's far from unlistenable and still has its assets.

Pom Poko WAS a hard movie to dub, yes. But I still appreciate the attempt, and I thought they did a very creditable job.
Dec 6, 2014 2:52 PM

Jul 2012
I prefer sub..
It's already in my mindset, if anime is from Japan.. So it just sounds strange or weird or didn't fit with the animation xD
and I watched some anime with dub, I think it isn't really bad :D

Apr 9, 2015 10:45 PM

Mar 2012
Both are great, but some of Ghibli's dubs are just fantastic. Disney gets some amazing voice actors.

Overall, I would choose subs if I had to choose only one but it's hard to go wrong either way. Certain movies should definitely be watched subbed though..Grave of the Fireflies standing out.
RichtheLionheartApr 23, 2015 9:50 PM
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