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May 19, 2010 10:24 AM

Feb 2009
Post your character here and all info associated with him or her.

Please use the following format:

Character Name:
Appearance: (If you use a picture, please use a spoiler)
Elemental Affinity: (Only one per character, Jonin ranks and above may have two if they wish)
Kekkei Genkai: (This is optional and an admin must approve or deny. You can make up one if you wish, but an Admin must look it over and approve or deny it)

Message from the Hokage

Sharingan Claims available = 3.

Furthermore, if you want to be from a clan of Konoha, but don't want to be part of konoha, message me before you claim it and provide a good story as to why you should have it and not be part of konoha.

~Thank you~

/The Hokage

Message from the Mizukage

Since as I am the only one left of the clan which has the Hyōton Kekkei Genkai, No one is to have that particualer Kekkei Genkai. Also the abilities in which I create cannot be used by others. I am sorry for the trouble.

/The Mizukage

Message from the Tsuchikage

The kekkei genkai shown on my genin are unique to the Morisane clan, thus are usable only by me.

/The Tsuchikage
TaizenKyoOct 8, 2012 1:10 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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May 19, 2010 10:39 AM

Feb 2009
Character Name: Taizen Hidani
Age: 25
Village: Kumogakure
Rank: Raikage
Aliases/Titles: The Eye of the Storm, Unstoppable Weather Brothers (With Hoshi)
Personality: Calm and collected, logical thinker, friendly, quiet, natural pacifist, but when his village and citizens are threatened or attack, he loses most of his rational thought and acts on anger
Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, wears his Kage uniform open, weighted metal arm guards and greaves, loose black undershirt with a custom weighted vest over it, slight physical build, 6 feet tall, 170 pounds, loose black pants, ninja pouches along his belt line and down the sides of his legs
Elemental Affinity: Lightning, water
Kekkei Genkai: Ranton (Storm Release)
Specialty: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, weaponry

TaizenKyoDec 10, 2010 8:35 AM
May 22, 2010 9:04 AM

Feb 2009
Character Name: Uchiha Hiro
Age: 27
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Personality: Very laid back and easy going, sometimes even called lazy when it comes to everyday work. He will however get just as serious as anyone when it comes to critical matters.
Appearance: Wears the standard konoha uniform, and the forehead protector on his forehead. Has short, spiky, black hair and is about 5'20 tall, normal build. He has a pouch on the back left side of his belt and on his right leg and he sports a shortblade that hangs horizontally across his lower back.
Elemental Affinity: Fire, wind.
Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan.
Specialty: All-round fighter.
BillzorJun 7, 2011 11:26 AM
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

May 22, 2010 5:14 PM

Dec 2009
Character Name: Haissem Tsukumiya, known as the "The Commander of the Iron Army"
Age: 45
Village: Ex-Iwagakure
Rank: Ex-Tsuchikage
Personality: Laid back, easy going, likes to poke fun at others, constantly teases miki, enjoys tormenting young ninja, has a fasination with the biju.

Elemental Affinity: Primary = Earth, Secondary = Water
Kekkei Genkai: Steel Release: Impervious Armor - This technique allows the user to turn part of their body into black steel, making that part invulnerable to most kinds of weapons. Blades do not affect him at all due to this ability. Also can use Steel style, converts any earth jutsu into steel jutsu along with a few steel techniques unique to him.
Kekkai Tota: Shard Release: Formed by water and earth breaking steel down to the particle level. Shard releae is superior to steel as it removes the weight component as the particles float and that if the seething mass of shards are touched they cut anything that comes into contact with them. The mass can still hold the shape of golems and rocks etc and can even look still but no matter what it looks like the shards are always moving at high velocity.
Specialty: ninjutsu, defense, alchemist like (golems, eternal life, etc.)
HaissemJan 23, 2012 5:29 PM
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
May 25, 2010 10:03 AM

Sep 2008
Character Name: Misuto Hoshi

Character Name: Tetsu Ryu
Hoshi_RyuFeb 25, 2012 10:37 PM
"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are trash, that's true, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." ~ Kakashi Hatake
May 30, 2010 4:47 AM

Feb 2010
JyenhMar 24, 2011 1:25 AM
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Jun 3, 2010 10:47 PM

Feb 2010
Character Name: Soren Yaso
Age: 16
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: He isn't good in social situations, mostly a fighter and a ninja. You could call him shy, but he tries to avoid conversation and focus on a mission or assignment. He seems to shine in battle, and sometimes during it he forgets to cover up his emotions and will really be himself. He looks up to powerful ninja, and tends to seek approval to a degree. Rather impatient, he loves adventure and excitement and he's very loyal to his land. He's a very nice kid and seems to do what's right without thinking about it too much. He has no experiance talking to girls, and tries to avoid them because of this. If ever trapped in a situation he has to talk to a girl he will contantly be trying to think of ways to get away or end the conversation sooner, hating the shy feeling he has around them.

Elemental Affinity: Wind
Kekkei Genkai: Chōjinteki (超人的, Superhuman)

Specialty: Taijutsu, Speed, weaponary
CrogLatteJun 26, 2010 6:06 PM
Jun 4, 2010 2:52 AM

Jun 2008
Anbu Report:

The Lord of Shadows

This Nin is suspected to have been behind a number of the latest assassinations and a cause for great disturbances throughout the world. The Threat he poses is above S-Class,

- Report -
KantarellJun 4, 2010 3:05 AM
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
Jun 8, 2010 3:40 PM

Mar 2009
Character Name: tenshi
Age: 20
Village: sand
Rank: genin
Personality: Calm and collected, logical thinker, to his villagers he comes across as loving and protective, to many shinobi he comes across as cold and calculating

Elemental Affinity: Lightning, fire, wind
Kekkei Genkai: bloody Nightmare (ability to control and manipulate blood into attacks and for defense)
Specialty: Ninjutsu, chakra
Bio: He was found wandering through the desert covered in blood like he had been in a blood bath some shinobi brought him back to the village as he was in shock and only 4 years old at the time, during his time in the sand village he has trained nonstop like something is driving him to become stronger. Since he trained so much he entered the academy and passed to become a genin at the young age of 10 and is working on rising through the ranks one of the other, he doesn’t know why but he wants to have more power. During his time in the village he hasn’t been able to remember anything before the time in the village and has become to think of it as his home, he doesn’t like how people hate the sand village and so is determined to change the way people view the sand village even if it kills him. However only recently has his kekkei genkai began to awaken this happened on his 10th birthday just after he graduated and became a genin, his kekkei genkai awoke during the night as he let out an almighty scream of terror. Ever since that day he has trained to use his kekkei genkai and can feel it getting stronger the more he uses it however every time he sleeps he has memories of past wars and battles sometimes glimpses of a clan being wiped out and devoured by a young child with blood surrounding him. There is no information about his clan it’s like they have been wiped from history and everything else has been hidden not even the attack has been recorded, tenshi is the only one that knows anything about that night or his clan but the information has been lost in his head or sealed away.
baxter09Feb 11, 2012 11:56 PM
Jun 9, 2010 4:08 AM

Jul 2009
Character Name: Shigai Tsukurite
Age: 18 (was 14 but now is 18 due to his clan jutsus)
Village: Kirigakure Missing Ninja
Rank: S-Class

With out Cloak On

With Cloak On

Elemental Affinity: Water(Primary), Earth(Secondary)
Kekkei Genkai (Death Eyes Level/Stage 6)

Here is a complete overview on the kekkei genkai i have created.
Death Eye Overview:

Specialty: Mid Ranged Combat
Bio: Past

Shigais Swords:

Curse Seals:
ZantaboanMar 12, 2012 9:41 AM
[center]"Gentlemen, all I ask for is war. A war so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it you really want? Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody war? A war whose fury is built with iron, and lightning, and fire? Do you ask for war to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth?!" - The Major.
Jun 9, 2010 4:46 AM

Dec 2009
Character Name: Raiga Daaku
Age: 27
Village: Currently, none, but formerly a genin of Kirigakure
Rank: D-Rank Missing Nin
Personality: Raiga main nautre is sadistic. He always has a sly thing to say, and loves to get under peoples' skin. A smart man, he tends to research his enemy, find their greatest fears and regrets, and use them against them with a muititude of illusions. Strangely, he loves to torture people physically and especially mentally, but he hates the thought of killing someone and values life. He enjoys manipulating people through fear, and crushing people under his thumb. While Raiga is a horrible person, that's all he is. He doesn't have aspirations to rule the world, he doesn't like to kill people, and even though he enjoys doing it he doesn't like the propect of ruining someone's life. The best way to describe him is as someone who decided they don't mind being evil or selfish. One aspect he loves to see in people is sentivity, which may be the reason he loves to break down willed strong-willed till they're just as weak.
Appearance: Raiga is a tall, well-built man, having a slightly above average muscle mass without much fat due to the fact he must earn or find what he eats. He has black hair and piercing black eyes with a single scar on his rough face. Most of the time he looks as if he's grinding his teeth, although he usually doesn't, or he wears his signature sadistic grin. Having no access to a barber he tied his extra hair in a small ponytail, hidden if he's being viewed from the front. He is about 7'1" and wears a black jacket and white shirt with black pants. He often adorns a sleeveless, black as night cloak over it all, occasionally wearing a black mask.

Elemental Affinity: Water
Kekkei Genkai: Yami(Darkness) Release.

Specialty: Genjutsu
RaigaDaakuJun 12, 2010 6:36 AM
Jun 10, 2010 10:02 AM

Mar 2009
Character Name: Soyokaze Amane Aka "Phantom of the Hidden Mist"
Age: 23
Village: Kirigakure
Rank: Jōnin
Personality: Positive spirit, he is always looking forward to the next challenge. A selfless ally, he is always guarding the lives of his comrades ahead of his. He can be quite stubborn in accepting other peoples aide at times.






Elemental Affinity: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water
Specialty: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu

Bio: Amane grew up a simple and peaceful life due to the village's limited invaders. As a student his grades were just about average but his strength lied in the battlefield. Following in his mother's footsteps he is working hard in studying to become proficient in the art of Kenjutsu, currently he is quite adept with a blade in hand. On the eve of his 10th birthday Amane's father had left on a mission to investigate suspicious activity a few miles off from the village. Weeks, even months had past but his father never returned. Heading off into a solo mission his mother left to find his father's team. Her search proved to be frivolous as his father was no where in sight, no matter how hard she tried to search the lands outside of the village.

His mother returned home to Amane for his care and has since lived by his side to take care of her precious child. His father never did return unfortunately but Aname still hopes to see the day when he could reunite with his beloved father.

Days after his graduation from the Academy, Amane witnessed a horrid scene that would forever be inscribed in his memories. A masked individual came into the household provoking his mother. After verbal warfare proved to be useless the two engaged in battle. With the location of her husband on the line as the price for defeating the ninja. Unfortunately, Aname's mother was not able to withstand the fearsome power of her opponent as was struck down by his blade. Amane watched in horror as his mother was decapitated under the light of the moon. Before the masked individual left, he spoke to Amane sealing the eventful night:

What you've witnessed is real, have no doubt, the events that have finished unfolding right before your eyes serves a higher purpose, one which you have yet to understand. When time pronounces itself to you, my cover will break and you'll see all it's been hiding, then you can make your own judgement. I shall wait for that time. *in a small ouff of smoke a notebook appears in my hand and i flip through it and rip out a page leeting it fall into the boys lap, the heading saying, "If it's so hard to see simple creatures, how much harder is it to see a man?"*

As a Genin, he studied under the guidance of the past Mizukage, Misuto Hoshi. Hoshi taught Amane the fundamentals of chakra molding, as well as many of his standard jutsus. The two eventually formed a big brother little brother relationship. During the Genin trails at Kumogakure, Amane was pitted against Kumogakure's jinchuurikki. A hard fought battle that unfortunately overwhelmed him. As a result, he was knocked out of the first round. However, his efforts and fightning spirit did not go unnoticed, as the Mizukage still entitled him with the rank of Chunin.

As a Chunin level shinobi Amane's fame in the village grew exponentially. His relationship with the Mizukage grew by the day as well. It was during this time that Kirigakure was first invaded by Iwagakure, and Amane played an instrumental role in the counter assault. The calamity of the attack left many in despiar, and injured. Amane himself had to be hospitalized for a few days due to injuries sustained.

His progression continued, and he reached Jonin level status, becoming the bodyguard of Misuto Hoshi. It was at this time that he was entrusted with the Five Tailed Dolphin Horse as its jinchurikki. It would take him several years after in order to fully master the tailed beast. He did receive the adequate training in Kumogakure, and even trained with the Raikage for a brief stint.

Back at Kirigakure things seemed to be going well, but the Mizukage took a leave of abscence. The village was inevitably subject to another assault, this time led by the famed shinobi Mei. The attack obliterated Kirigakure, and the area is now a graveyard of a long lost battle. The survivors fled to Kumogakure to rebuild anew. Most of them assimilated into Kumogakure's culture believing that Kirigakure could not begin anew. With no hope set in the future, Amane decided to leave his village, friends, and responsibilities behind in search of himself.
MotionBlueJan 20, 2012 11:11 AM
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Jun 10, 2010 1:54 PM

Feb 2010
Character Name: Sayu
Age: 18
Village: Iwagakure
Rank: Genin

Character Theme:

Appearance: (regular look)

(Pretend it is bones)

Elemental Affinity: Wind
Kekkei Genkai: Shikotsumyaku
Specialty: Weaponry, Taijutsu, and Speed
SyraiFeb 15, 2012 7:55 PM
Jun 10, 2010 9:07 PM

Mar 2010
Character Name: Kyvr Anscent
Age: 15
Village: Iwagakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Cold, aggressive, serious, focused,

Elemental Affinity: -----
Kekkei Genkai: -----
Specialty: High speed, High Strength Taijutsu.
Bio: Quick Summary(Till I'm no longer lazy.): Long ago his family, highly advanced in technology, were nearly wiped out. People feared their power and amassed a massive force in order to remove their fear from the planet. In their haste they missed a few survivors. Centuries pasted before Kyvr was born. His parents used the new born as a chance to get revenge on the planet. However he was under trained and his parents were weak and tired from all the running, fighting and lack of food. They decided to leave him in a nearby village when he was old enough to take care of himself. In fear of being killed, they severed all connections with Kyvr and fled never to be seen again. But before leaving, his parents implanted a chip within his brain stem that their parents gave to them. This chip had a specific program. To destroy everyone and everything. Only his family knows this, the chip will activate this program when the time is right.
RageBorneJun 11, 2010 3:45 AM
Jun 11, 2010 12:16 PM

Jul 2008
Character Name: Psynergi "Psy" Redicus Mulander
Future Aliases: The Croc-sage. Kumogakures White Dragon. "The squid".
Age: 20
Village: The village hidden in the clouds
Rank: Jounin
Personality: He started out as a hesitant and careful ninja, preferring traps over direct confrontation. During his time as a genin, Psy learned the horrors of battle and steeled his heart to it. Without his friends noticing, something within Psy stirred and he became colder. He is now a calculating, thorough ninja. He goes undercover to gain information with an amazing pokerface, he has grown greatly in confidence and skill. Psy is a quiet and gentle soul most of the time, with his occasional spurs of impulsiveness.
After the Chuunin exams, Psy retained his noble stature from his household and made a vow to uphold his families values and restore his clan to its former glory. He is polite and curteous, even fighting most of his battle as a Gentleman would. When pushed past his primal boundries, he throws away all that and turns into a highly effective killing machine with a vicious disregard for human life.

Appearance: Long ash-white hair, held up in a long ponytail by a clay-braid. Friendly, pretty face and a slender body. Wears black and white pants with a black jacket over a red t-shirt. Never wears shoes for some reason..
(Visual Appearance is greatly inspired by the character Allen Walker, D.Gray man)

Elemental Affinity: Water and Fire
Current Specialty: Direct and indirect combat using Water and Fire style jutsus in collaberation with his summons. Sets up strategies at the start of the battle which often turn the tide near the end. Agile and nimble nature, with great skill for nin-tools and weaponry.

Currently training: Fire-style: Three dying Stars, and Water-style: Marshland

PsynergiAug 21, 2011 7:25 PM
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Jun 11, 2010 2:35 PM

Jun 2010
Character Name: Yuzuki"Sora"Arakumi
Age: 19
Village: Kumogakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Straigth-forward girl cheerful tomboy, who fights dirty but true, she follows her own code of morals and justice which she follows riguriously, she has a short temper, a bit overly wild attitude, however she is capable of great a calm and couragous leadership, she knows when the time to stop acting like a brat and act like a grown-up comes around and anyone who knows her know for a fact that the personality change is almost frigthing.

She enjoys high places where the wind grabs her hair, she loves to fight or fly in any shape or form, she is also a talented singer, however this is something she is embarrased about, holding it a secret from others.

Appearance: Stands head to head with men of standard height, her face is blessed with a pair of stunningly deep emerald eyes, her hair is long and lusterious brown which is often carried in a long pony tail that would reach her naval if she slung it over her chest. She has long strong legs which miraclously is not showing much sign of muscle growth, depsite the traning she has had them endure.

She usualy wears a long sleeved shirt which main section only reaches down her chests, leaving the navel and the midsection of her stomach bare, while her hands are completly hidden in the long sleeves. For her lower parts she wears a various set of skirts or sometimes military" baggy "pants. She wears her headband as a belt around her skirts/pants

Elemental Affinity: Wind
Specialty: Taijtusu

Coming from a strong high-ranking clan of the village hidden in the cloud, she always grew up with tutors around her, however she was a rebelious brat and would always break out of clan compound to play with other kids, her best freinds were actualy homeless children, her relationship with them really shaped her personality, making her wilder and more rebelious and agressive than what was expected of her.

When she entered the Academy she became a let-down to the clan, her abilities in Ninjutsu, even tho she had been trained for countless hours by private tutors, proved below average.

She had no talent for any kind Ninjutsu, genjutsu and so forth.

However she found her saving grace in Taijutsu, the familiy was not a hateful arrogant one, and while some were dissapointed in her lack of talent, it was quickly accepted. But instead of moving on, one of the elders, recognising that she might have some talent for Taijutsu, started teaching her the Clans very own Taijutsu style.

This as mentioned, became her saving grace, gradiuation from the academy with sheer Taijtsu skill alone. She is now a Genin, a wild yet a kind girl looking for adventure, to carve out her own future amongst the stars and maybe one day find her true purpose and meaning.

For now she will simply "float wildly amongst the clouds"
KazeaJun 11, 2010 3:08 PM
Jun 16, 2010 5:55 AM
Mar 2010
Character Name: Sakura Dokuro
Age: 15
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Personality:Llogical thinker, friendly, smart and shy.
Appearance:black hair with a pink dome in the side of the head, wears a blue cloths and ninja sandals.
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Kekkei Genkai: natural talent for controling my elemens, a special contract with the God of Death
Specialty: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, genjutsu

He came to Konoha in the age of 4 without remembering his past and got Adopted by a good family.

after some years he joined Konohagakure's academy and tryed his best to get good grades.

Sakura dreams to find out about his tribe and his unknown past. Sakura have a pink feather witch is the only thing remains from this past. he treasure this feather the most.
lately he is training on his ninjutsu witch he find very interesting.
ren9Jun 22, 2010 9:14 AM
Jun 16, 2010 1:09 PM
May 2009
Character Name: zero
Age: 20
Village: sand village
Rank: Genin

Personality: cold hearted, doesnt care wat happens as long as my village survies, will use any means necessary to win in a fight

Appearance: white hair , always wearing black clothin and i have gray eyes that give a blank stare
Elemental Affinity: wind
Kekkei Genkai: blade dance allows me to find the weakest part of a persons body and attack it multiply times with any type of bladed weapons but it looks like only one hit
Specialty: fast speed
Bio: i dont know much about my past but the only thing i do remeber is waking up alone and covered in somebodies blood
bankai24Jun 16, 2010 8:50 PM
Jun 16, 2010 8:34 PM

Dec 2008
Character Name:Shouten
Age:was 17 now 26
Village:Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village)
Personality:cold and unfeeling care lil for the safety of anyone but his closest friends

Elemental Affinity: water and earth
Kekkei Genkai: Ranmaru's kekkei genkai
Specialty:chakra destruction and manipulation
Bio: as a baby he was born into the Aburame Clan but when they found out he had the Ranmaru's kekkei genkai they freaked out and decided to get rid of him so they threw him into a a pit of chakra destruction beetles without preform the ritual jutsu and left him for dead but one of the old elders took pity on him and cast the jutsu in secret so he didn't die instead the bugs only buried into him now living inside him the only downside the beetles eat almost all of his chaka because he cant control the beetles well or his chakra yet he then lived in the wild for many years living among different animals learning their ways till he stumbled back into the leaf and was enrolled in the academy which he easily graduated and refused the offer to return to his clan still hold a grudge against most of them he was then assigned to a team but still lives in the woods.
viper911Oct 18, 2010 3:01 PM
Jun 16, 2010 10:02 PM

Jul 2008
Character Name: Arturo Plateado
Age: 18
Rank: Genin
Personality: Spontaneous and explosive. Enjoys doing random things to have fun and being destructive. Can also be wise at times and provide advice when asked to though.

Appearance: Messy Brown hair down to shoulders, slightly taller than average. Wears tattered red jacket and white shirt.

Elemental Affinity: Wind
Specialty attacks: Sythe and jutsu combinations. Tries to catch people off guard by confusing them. If that doesn't work, attacks head on.

Jun 17, 2010 7:54 AM

Feb 2010
Has went into hiding in her summons world, no longer a PC. They are available as an NPC in which case I will be RP'ing for them. ~Shadow

Character Name: Hyūga Miki, currently using the alias Daichi Chika.

Age: 19/20 (Mind is 19, body is 20)

Village: Iwagakure (Currently in self-imposed exile but still maintains ties of loyalty)

Rank: ANBU

Jinchuriki: 4-tails (Monkey)

Personality: Shy and anti-social. She is always serious and constantly judgemental about her own actions. She will never tell the truth(at least the complete truth) whenever she is asked a question. She prefers to express her emotions through actions rather than words. She dislikes men/boys due to a number of previous experiences. She dislikes most physical contact except for a few of the other female shinobi/The Tsuchikage who have managed to gain her trust.

New body -


Clothing: She likes to dress in autumn colours (red, orange, brown) complemented with the occasional blue/purple touch and an unexplained fascination for ribbons and unnecessary lengths of cloth.

Summer and Spring: (An extract from my thread in which I obtained them.

TL:DR - Specially crafted gloves that react to my own chakra, are light weight and super strong.

Old body -

Elemental Affinity: Fire and Lightning

Kekkei Genkai: Mind over Matter (see Jutsu list)

Specialty: Intelligence/Genjutsu

Shadow543Jan 28, 2012 10:44 PM
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Jun 18, 2010 7:19 AM

Sep 2008
Character Name:Mashiro Ren
Rank: Genin
Personality:Brash,Short Tempered, But keeps calm and maintains his attitude to an extent

Elemental Affinity:Blazing Fire
Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Seal
Specialty:Fire Jutsu and Information Gathering, and Animal Manipulation.
Akira_RenjiJun 18, 2010 7:24 AM
Jun 18, 2010 7:45 AM

Jun 2009
Character: Ichimaru kaito
Age: (jonin) 25
Village: Kumogakure
Personality: Kind and calm but tends to get into trouble alot for taking the blame for other people


Elemental affinity: Lightning
Kekkei Genkai: Ken Tenshu (Health God)

Speciality: Medical ninjutsu
x_Brandon_xFeb 2, 2012 8:10 PM
"Just like a person holding a sword trying to protect something. That maybe one's life, or place in society, or reputation, things that one loves, things that one believes; it matters not if it's good or bad, the will to 'protect it' does not change."- yoruichi
Jun 20, 2010 12:31 AM
Jun 2010
Character Name: Uchiha ender
allious: the rising flame of the leaf
the silver advinger
Age: 14
Village: missing ninja
Rank: c class
pirsonality: always on guard, thinks every thing threw and vary quiet
elimental infinity: fire
Kekkei Genkai: manipyure-taraikou
Specialty: All-round fighter.
biography: ender is a direct desendent from sasuke, he is ashamed that he was related to the traterase brothers but injoys studdying every thing about them. He has blond hair and blue eyes because allong the way a nother group of ninja's from a nother villidge had been mixed in some where but at this time it is unone what type of ninja and also it is unone if that ninja caried a kekingenki because ender has not develupt any such other kekenginki exept the sharingon witch they thought he did not have because of his blue eyes.

Resently he has decided that the kages are curupt and no longer worth following. He has split from his villidge and learned that he does not have the power of the sharingon any more. He has developed a new kekengekai nown as: manipyure-taraikou
He struggles to learn more about this and is quickly separated from the only person who may know more about this ability. He is sent to cumo were he may find out more but first he must retreave an artifact of his clan so he can use his kekengekai to its fullest abilities
ender95Oct 9, 2010 10:53 PM

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Jun 27, 2010 1:09 PM

Aug 2009
Character Name: Shingi Nakama
Age: 17
Village: Kirigakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Loyal and someone who doesn't let their partners fall in battle.
Appearance: Has black spiked hair and wears a black cloak wich is sleeveless on both arms and has a hood.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Kekkei Genkai: ****
Specialty: Taijutsu
Shingi_TomodachiJul 20, 2010 2:13 PM

The difference... in strength... what about it? Do you think I should give up... just because you're stronger than me...? I've always known you were strong. Nothing I see now will change my mind - Ichigo Kurasaki
Jun 27, 2010 2:52 PM

Jan 2008
Character Name: Nina
Age: 12
Village: Kirigakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Kind, smart. Shy most of the times, worries about people when they're hurt. Can get real mad when provoked. Always had an interest in seeing other people's bloods on the ground and playing in them. But hides that interest.
Appearance: Medium size built body. Trademark is her long flowing orange hair down to her knees.
Elemental Affinity: Water
Specialty: Medical Nin
Nina_ChanApr 13, 2011 5:40 PM
"If this eye cannot see a thing, then it does not exist."

-Ulquiorra Cifer
Jun 27, 2010 7:45 PM

Nov 2009
Matsu Hyuga - dead

Momoko - current

Age: 13
Village: Sunagakure
Rank: Special Jonin
Personality: Covers a deep depression with an extremely childish nature.

Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Blood Type: O -
Identifying Features:

Kekkei Genkai:

Fighting Style: Enjoys a boxing type style but switches to a more all around style if the enemy is stronger than her

Theme Song:

Saten-SanJun 12, 2011 2:08 PM
I miss rping here.....
Jul 18, 2010 1:35 AM

Jul 2010
Character Name: hanzo hattori
Age: 20
Village: konohagakure
missing nin
Rank: a-rank
Personality: laidback, silent type

Elemental Affinity: water, wind
Kekkei Genkai: kaze no masuta ( wind master)
Specialty: weapons
Bio: I was brought to the village as the last known surviving member of the hattori clan, hereditary users of the kaze no masuta kekei genkai. I have few memories of my family and those I do have are only of their murder. I was trained as a ninja to become an asset for the leaf village. because of my kekei genkai, I decided to train with weapons and taijutsu, while learning ninjutsu that complements my melee skills. I look for my clan's murders when I have time between missions, but mostly stick to training in free time.

after learning of the uchiha murdering my clan, I vowed revenge. I sought out rogue uchiha, killing them all, learning of a master mind in the village, responsible for all the death. Izuna uchiha. soon after learning this, I was captured by the hokage and tsuchikage. taken back to konoha and interrogated, I was then stripped of my shinobi status. not wanting to stay in a village where uchiha had taken everything from me, I left the village after a brief confrontation with the hokage. I now spend most of my time in the summon world, training.

currently, I look for partners, comrades, to help me in destroying the leaf uchiha. If i find such people, woe to the uchiha and everyone who gets in my way.

character has been remade
jollysadnessJan 19, 2012 4:40 PM
Jul 18, 2010 3:48 PM

May 2009
Name: Hanako Maki
village: suna
rank: genin
personality: She feels strong and hard to break, but she stands up for the littleguys. Doesn't like feeling helpless. Confident and strong willed.

Affinity: Earth
kekkei genkai- n/a
specialty: Taijustu, dodging, Likes to use the boestaff. Very little chakra, so doesn't rely on it.
bio: Has lived in suna all her life. She doesn't let anything deter her from her path. Because of her little chakra she had to toughen up and train constantly to keep up with other students and is still constantly looked down upon as not good enough. She hopes to show her worth to her village. She lives on her own and takes up lower rank missions to keep up rent and to train.
unohanaJul 20, 2010 5:08 PM

Jul 19, 2010 9:10 PM

Jul 2010
Name: Kaito Haru Hyuga
village: Village of the Leaf
rank: genin
personality: Careful, Caring, Willing.
Affinity: Water
kekkei genkai:Bayakugan
specialty: Taijustu/ninjutsu/healing.
Weapon: None
bio: Born in the leaf village I live to survive and do unknown objectives that others haven't completed. I have feeling for other beings more than myself. I live with the water and the sun((Kaito Haru)Ocean of the sun). I lost my personality of fear and hate when I was young and had to get over it from my siblings and people around me treating me like an other. Emotion is painful, so I dropped it. As anything has happened in my life I was there. As a kid my life has been tortured and forgotten. As a Teen I live alone in a village and don't always think stuff through all the way. I never became a Genin because I was at a casino, then got kicked out and couldn't find my way back to the village and decided to stop and get ramen :P. IT was worth it. I have a goal to do something nobody else has ever done.
Jul 20, 2010 4:04 PM

May 2009
Character Name: Junpei Fujimori
Age: 14
Village: kumogakure
Rank: genin
Personality: Calm under pressure and strong willed about his plans and ideas and does not care if any people friend or foe die along the way
Appearance: 5ft 6 ,long brown hair,always wears a kimono
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Specialty: Tactics (intelligence) Ninjutsu, Genjutsu
Zeroro1995Jul 22, 2010 5:33 PM
Jul 23, 2010 11:27 PM
May 2009
Character Name: Ryuu Sora
Age: 16
Village: Iwagakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Calm, generally keeps to himself, often rejects battle invitiations

elemental Affinity: lightning
Specialty: ninjutsu, taijutsu, speed, chakra control
zandreiJul 23, 2010 11:35 PM
Aug 3, 2010 12:09 PM

Aug 2009
Character Name: D-V
Age: 21
Village: Hidden Leaf
Rank: Genin
Personality: D-V in every rp.... just check my prof
Appearance: (If you use a picture, please use a spoiler):

Elemental Affinity: (Only one per character, Jonin ranks and above may have two if they wish):Ice
Kekkei Genkai: (This is optional and an admin must approve or deny. You can make up one if you wish, but an Admin must look it over and approve or deny it)
Specialty: Usage of razor sharp wires/hand to hand
Bio: his been a nobody since he became in ninja
D-VAug 3, 2010 12:32 PM
Aug 9, 2010 10:28 PM

Jun 2010
Character Name: Kuma Ken
Age: 18
Village: Iwagakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Loves animals
Will be there to help

Appearance: Older then he looks, with a scar running down over his right eye, with his family's symbol on his back a bear paw, and well fit.

Elemental Affinity: Earth

Kekkei Genkai: Kuma Bishamon. (Allows the spirit of the bear to flow in his body temporarily increasing strength, speed, and senses but becomes weak after use.)

Specialty: Hand to Hand Combat

Bio: Didn't want to be a ninja, but wanted to create his own justice after his little brother died from rouge ninjas.
Aug 13, 2010 6:24 PM

Jul 2010
Character Name:Airi
Village:Hidden Leave Village
Personality:Cool/Nice/Funny/Calm and when she fight she gets Aggressive and Sexual.

Elemental Affinity:Earth
Kekkei Genkai:?
Bio:Airi is the only girl that Love to read when she is doing anything and she Love to get new information. When she was 9 her mom uses to tell her different story of the village that r pass down from family and the only one that she like it was the one of the guy that almost destroy the leave village with a big snake. So her mom tell her more about that guy name Orochimaru that he try to destroy the village and the more her mom tell her about him the more she like him. when she turn 16 she try to find more info about him and she found 2 scroll with some move of him in a forest around he's old hid out that her mom tell her about. Now that she is 17 she is looking to get stronger and to find all the others scroll of Orochimaru moves and info.
Obi-ChanJan 27, 2011 9:35 AM
Aug 14, 2010 9:53 AM

Sep 2009
Character Name: Rikimaru Uchiha
Age: 15
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Quiet, doesn't talk a lot. Always seems to be thinking about something when people talk to him.

Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Kekkei Genkai: Raiton
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Aug 20, 2010 11:24 AM

May 2010
Character Name: Ace
Age: 18
Village: Hidden cloud village
Rank: Genin
Personality: high level of intelligence and perception, social and sexual dominant,mysterious,charismatic

Elemental Affinity: Fire
Kekkei Genkai: Storm release Ranton
Specialty: Strategy, Ninjutsu
Bio: Lives only for increasing his own power
DepthshadowAug 20, 2010 12:59 PM
Sep 17, 2010 6:47 AM

Nov 2009
Character Name: Oba "the Gadfly" Musashi
Age: 19
Village: Iwagakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Goofy, but serious when need be
Appearance: Spandex on chest, legs are lightly armored with four katana Holstered to waist, I wear a Samurai mask with a fly like appearance
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Kekkei Genkai: none
Specialty: swordsmanship
Bio: a samurai from the Land of Iron who took part his country's "ninja/samurai exchange program" to keep light ties with the ninjas villages and learn various ninja techniques to develop new sword styles, this program is being involved wih every village in keeping with the countries nuetrality
TH3GADFLYSep 18, 2010 7:50 AM
Sep 18, 2010 7:45 AM

Aug 2010
Character Name: Nara Kunichi
Age: 14
Village: konohagakure
Rank: Genin

Personality: active yet lazy, and despite this hates people who are being lazy around her (when she's active she smacks them into action), out going, loud, but is dead serious when it's needed- she's headstrong, and a fierce friend who hates weakness (especially when it has to do with girls).

Appearance: has short black hair, black eyes, on the tall side, wears both swords in crossed sheaths on her back, likes wearing the color green, also likes to wear her forehead protector around her neck.
Elemental Affinity: air
Kekkei Genkai: none
Hiden: Shadow Imitation Technique

Specialty: concealment techniques, taijutsu, kenjutsu- uses double katanas but also uses the customary ninja weapons

Bio: born in konohagakure, she lives with her mother, as her father's whereabouts are unknown due to disappearance during a mission. She always wondered where and who he was, but stays with her mother in complete faith that he will come back. she was always made fun of by others for her abnormal way of fighting. She fights abnormally in the respect that she's adept with two katanas instead of one, something teachers said to be an unstable way of fighting and always belittled her for. Despite all this she remains a headstrong girl who's great as a friend but as an enemy...
deets1Nov 10, 2010 5:09 PM
Sep 19, 2010 8:03 PM

Sep 2010
Character Name: Nakamura Katsumi "The Ghostly Maiden"
Age: 23
Village: Missing Nin, formerly Iwagakure.
Rank: Anbu
Gender: Female
Personality: Fixiated upon to equality of shinobi, believing that advantages because of objects or power disrupts the balance. Knows how to pick a fight and is often calm and calculating while being a bit of a smartarse and sometimes unable to hold back a sharp remark or two
Appearance: Hair the colour of the freshly fallen snow flows unrestrained down to the waist, her skin fair yet not enough the be considered pale, her hair often causing her to stand out amongst a crowd. Her eyes are a luminesecnt blue that seem to glow if one looks closely, butterflies of the same blue are always around her. Standing just under 6ft and slender with a mid-sized bust she is a woman that grabs many mens attention as she walks by, hair flowing in the wind after her. Often found wearing a pure white anbu uniform, her mask being pure white with horns curling back into her hair which flows down her back untied even when on a mission.
Elemental Affinity: Wind,
Kekkei Genkai: Yaibachou (Butterfly Blades) - The butterflies that float around Katsumi are a physical representation of her chakra. These butterfly can change into any assortment of weapon upon the wielders will. It is extremely hard to master as immense chakra control is needed to be able to use this kekkai genkai correctly because of this need for immense chakra control the clan has developed many hiden techniques which use the users chakra directly instead of converting it to ninjutsu.
Specialty: Weapons, chakra control, One Hundred Sword Style, WoC
The white Khopesh is called 'Dawn' whilst the black Khopesh is called 'Dusk'. Secondary WoC is a pure white bone longbow called 'Witchhunter'.
HaissemOct 4, 2010 12:31 AM
Sep 19, 2010 8:42 PM

Apr 2010
(Not finished)

Character Name: Daichi Chika (Karasu-hime – Crow Princess)

Age: 15

Village: Kumogakure

Rank: Genin

Personality: Generally a very quiet person who is used to spending the majority of her time locked safely in her own mind with her thoughts. She looks down on most others seeing them as ‘stupid’ making it difficult to make friends but easy to make enemies. She disregards many things as unimportant or superficial and is often too busy with her overly vivid imagination to worry about such trivial things, like the physical world.

Height: 163cm (5'3)
Weight: Refuses to say
Eye Colour: Deep ocean blue
Hair: Electric blue hair (Slightly longer than shoulder length) often worn in a small ‘back only’ ponytail with the bangs on the side/front still free.

Other asthetics: She often looks unhealthy with pale skin that is almost translucent in thinner areas.

Clothing: She likes to dress in blue and white with an unexplained fascination for ribbons and unnecessary lengths of cloth.

Elemental Affinity: Lightning

Kekkei Genkai: Mind over Matter –

Gives her the ability to materialise her thoughts outside of her body. Due to this her intelligence plays a vital role in the effectiveness of this specialised power.
Generally the created material is simply a solidified mass with properties similar to a force field. The stronger her thoughts (intelligence) the stronger the physical incarnate is. It is practically invisible by nature but will reflect even the smallest amount of light causing it to gleam. In general her thoughts have no colour, and can be seen through.

The only limit on what can be created is her imagination and the fact that it must be able to function under the laws of the world it is being brought into. Such as gravity.

She has also discovered a number of other intriguing possibilities of this materialisation that have yet to be explored.

Specialty: Genjutsu/Intelligence.

Bio: Little is known about her mysterious past. She generally deflects any questions that are asked and nobody is interested enough to try and find out about it.
KhiriSep 19, 2010 11:22 PM
Sep 23, 2010 6:05 PM

Sep 2010
Character Name: Garet Jax
Age: 17
Village: kumogakure
Rank: genin
Personality: silent type
Appearance: over 6 ft tall with long black, straight hair. always wears a hooded cloak and dark glasses. his cloak contains a multitude of weapons stitched into it.
Elemental Affinity: lightening
Specialty: weapons and hand to hand. close quarters combat
Sep 26, 2010 10:18 PM

Nov 2008
Character Name: Tsubaki Hayashi
Age: 20
Village: leaf
Rank: Ginen
Personality: been shown to be extremely serious and mature for his age, and to have great self-control. In battle, he is able to stay relatively calm in most situations and carefully look at the situation at hand.

Appearance:Tsubaki has mid level shaggy dark brown hair with sky blue eyes he wear the standard uniforms of the anbu consisting of black and gray armor, metal arm guards, and a signature spiral tattoo on the left of his shoulder.carry the Sword of Kusanagi, which is strapped to this backs.he wears his ninja forehead protector around his neck.

Elemental Affinity:Thunder

Kekkei Genkai:
Bio:born under a family of anbu's Tsubaki was train from a young age in the ways of stealth, assassination and the way of the anbu.when was old enough he went to the Academy and shortly after pass as a ginen.other then that no one now anything about him cause his records were whipped clean.
ZeadrickSep 27, 2010 9:09 PM
nankurunasia meaning roughly "It'll all work out" or "It'll be all right"
Sep 27, 2010 3:41 PM

Aug 2010
Character Name: Akiyama Tenshi
Age: 16
Village: Lightning
Rank: Genin
Gender: Male
Personality: Currently Unknown
Kekkai Genkai: Storm Release
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Specialities: Ninjutsu
Biography: Currently Unknown
BeyondSep 27, 2010 4:01 PM
Oct 6, 2010 4:27 AM
Dec 2008
Character Name: Kaminari Hirako

Age: 19

Village: Konoha

Rank: Genin

Personality: Extremely outgoing and somewhat boisterous. She takes much after her father. She has a younger sister who wishes to follow in Kaminari's footsteps.


Elemental Affinity: Uses lightning based abilities, and wishes to master Chidori.

Kekkei Genkai: Does not have one

Specialty: (Working on)

Bio: Kaminari was born and raised to be the best Ninja she could be. At a young age Kaminari showed an interest in Lightning based techniques, she wishes to master more elemental techniques other then just lightning.
Jisasu-no-HimeOct 6, 2010 5:27 PM
Oct 13, 2010 7:00 AM

Nov 2009
Character Name: Uzumaki Pein

Age: 17

Village: Kumogakure

Rank: Genin

Personality: Very unactive , does things in a rush of mind at times, loves to smile which makes him easy to make friends.


Elemental Affinity: Wind

Kekkei Genkai: Rinneagan and sage mode

Specialty: Assasination

Bio: Pein found out he possessed his rinneagan at the age of 7 when his parents are killed by unknown ninjas. As his parents was killed infront of his eyes, he went into rage and used rinneagan on the ninja unknowningly, killing the ninjas. A ninja from Konoha then train him after finding out about his powers and taught him for 2 years before letting him to go for training as a frog sage. After completing his sage training, his master went missing leaving him alone. He then join back with his village, Kumogakure.

The Rinnegan is off limits in this club! If you want a Kekkei Genkai, then you'll have to chose another.

Also, Sage Mode is not a Kekkei Genkai, and you can only start training to learn it by being taught by someone who already knows it when you're a Special Jonin.

You will have to change your character details if you want to RP in this club.

TaizenKyoOct 13, 2010 8:40 AM

Oct 17, 2010 6:59 PM

Feb 2008
Character Name: Itsuki "Ikki" Madarame
Age: 25
Village: Kumogakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: While mostly laid back, lazy and annoying, when Itsuki is serious, he can become calm and analythical. He likes to joke around and tease people an awful lot. Despite being a novice he can be quiet full of himself at times. Although Itsuki is 25, he acts childish 24/7.
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Kekkei Genkai: (Electrical Vain) - While the original ability had been altered by means of experimentation, this ability that only Itsuki possess (can be inherited through child birth), is the ability to manipulate electricity and/or lightning through the use of his chakra. His body had bonded with electrical particles making him relatively resistant to lightning. Along with a resistance to lightning, he is able to positively charge at high speeds using his chakra as the medium to absorb electrical attacks and make it his own.
Specialty: Ninjutsu, Weaponry. Has the tolerance to withstand pain, meaning, Itsuki is incapable of feeling pain up to a certain level of suffering.
Bio: Itsuki is one of the few living member's of a clan that was subjected to tortures of experimental testing. At the age of six, Itsuki had already lost his parents, siblings and friends to many experiments. Weeks later after losing his family, he would escape with other people of his clan to nearby villages. Once word got out of their escape, most of the members of Itsuki's clan were hunted down and killed by hired assasins. Itsuki and other clan members were soon found out. With many of the members dying before Itsuki, he would soon be the last one of his group. Surrounded, all little Itsuki could do was fall back in fear of being killed. Just as Itsuki was about to get exterminated, the group of assasins were blown away by some electrical surge. Before Itsuki was an old man and a young boy the same age as himself. Itsuki smiled in gratitude and lost consciousness due to the trauma he had experienced. He would not wake up for another sixteen years.

Sixteen years passing, Itsuki wakes up at a medical center in the village of Kumogakure. Shocked at how much time has passed and how much he had matured (Which wasnt much actually). He went toward his window and opened it to see a crowd of people just on the other side of the village. It seemed that the people were gathered up to celebrate the coming of the new Raikage. Itsuki's keen vision allowed him to distinguish the Raikage. It seemed familiar. But it wasnt clear. All he could remember was the day he was saved by two shinobi. With that in mind, and despite his age, he entered the academy and graduated as a genin level ninja.
Character Facts:

  • His last name is an alias. Itsuki's past name and name of clan is unknown.
  • He is very vain.
  • Although he is currently the only person with a Kekkei Genkai to freely manipulate the lightning, his true Kekkei Genkai was just genetically altered due to the experiments he and his clan was put through. It is possible that others, those that escaped the vile experiments might share the same ability since all of them suffered the same experimental process. Inherenting this trait is possible through childbirth but the chance of using the true ability of this Kekkei Genkai will forever be lost as the dominant gene (the altered Kekkei Genkai ability of lightning manipulation) will take over as the ressecive gene (the true ability of the Kekkei Genkai) and essentially replace it, creating a new clan with the birth of Itsuki's first child.
  • While positively charged chakra is a quick way to fight, negatively charged chakra is much more lethal, however, it takes much time and effort to gather these negative chakra particles.
  • Even though Itsuki is at the age of 25, he remains in a child-like body. This is due to the experiments he underwent. He is unable to age properly.
-Madara-Oct 24, 2010 4:38 PM
Nov 21, 2010 11:19 PM

Jul 2008
Character Name: Comet Knightwolf
Age: 14
Village: Kirigakure
Rank: Genin
Personality: Cocky, shows little to no emotion, arrogant, a little reckless, a delinquent who "bows to no one"

Elemental Affinity: Wind
Kekkei Genkai: None
Specialty: Weapons and quick finishes
Not much to say here. She was orphaned at a young age. In fact, she never even knew her real parents. She only had stories to go by abut their heroics and way of bushido. Comet waants to prove herself worthy of her name, but people have ben less than kind to her. How can one develop teamwork skills when no one was willing to work with you. This caused her to become a loner, a delinquent, and insubordinate. Despite her ability to pass the tests to graduate from the academy, her constant ditching held her back. She finally graduated and wants to prove that a lone shinobi/bushido is better off then a team.
Dec 7, 2010 7:14 PM
Jun 2010
Character Name: kerushii zetsu
Age: 20
Village: kiri
Rank: ambu
Personality: , shy, deadly, with a mix of curiocity and an anoying habbit to always over anilize things:
Appearance: 4-7, brown hair down to her mid back, blue green eyes, cute smile. She caries a blade, with intricate designes resting in a sheith that runs down her spine. the shieth is black, with silver for the strange design.
Elemental Affinity: water and wind

Specialty: speed intel and ninjutsu
ender95Feb 17, 2012 3:11 PM

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Dec 23, 2010 7:18 PM

Feb 2010
Character Name: Kaori Yuuka
Age: 16 18 (ATS)
Village: Iwagakure
Rank: ANBU
Personality: In general she is an over-zealous, clueless, klutz with sadistic and pyromaniac tendencies, though it has proven to be mercurial, relying very heavily on her mood and state of mind. She often turns things into a game, shown by her almost ritual taunting of opponents using the ‘Kagome Kagome’ children’s’ rhyme.
Appearance: -Note- Her clothes are fireproof. They were made by the succubus (under duress from the pit fiend) so she would stop burning her own clothes off when she fought. Fire (and Hellfire) actually re-stitches them.

Elemental Affinity: Fire
Kekkei Genkai: Yuuka Clan's Demonic Hellfire.

Specialty: Burning Things (Everything)

Shadow543Mar 22, 2011 11:37 PM
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
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