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Mar 7, 2012 12:05 PM
Jul 2010
Yes Yuno is awesome. Not only might she be the only reason why most people read Mira Nikki, but without her there is nothing special about the manga. How many manga do we actually have where the "yandere" character and her love is the central part of the story? No think about it, the whole future diary game is only a secondary story in this manga... the main story is about Yuno. Even though the anime is mostly shown from Yukki's eyes/narration, I'd go so far as to say that Yuno is actually the main protagonist.

Myself would have no problem with being the target of her affection. Her being a crazy murdering stalker? not a problem! It just makes her cute. Actually in the manga at one point Yukki even thinks "her obsession with me is actually kind of cute". They changed that in the anime into him just thinking that she was cute.

Rogna said:
After the most recent chapter:
mega spoiler (don't read until after the final episode)-- >
Mar 10, 2012 4:38 AM

Feb 2012
TeneRobert said:
Whoever likes mirai nikki automatically likes Yuno as well. She's the logo of Mirai Nikki afterall? Who wouldn't like a girl who would do anything for you?

100% I agree.
Mar 12, 2012 8:38 AM
Jul 2011
I love her
Mar 12, 2012 8:41 AM

Feb 2012
AkiKiba said:
I love her

If you have noticed I add everthing in my MAL acount with Yuno... Because it's to cute for me ^^.

Damn, i just End watching episode 21 ;((
Apr 3, 2012 1:43 AM
Nov 2011
Because of Yuno I started to look for other yanderes.
I am curious as I thought yandere was stupid....
I just love her rape face :D
Apr 9, 2012 1:47 PM

Sep 2011
She's my waifu, so yes, of course I love her.
Apr 14, 2012 9:46 PM
Apr 2011
i love you yuno <3
Wanted to write something cool here. Never came up with anything.
Apr 17, 2012 1:13 PM

Aug 2010
It's hard to say. She scares and freaks the living hell out of me, but I can't say I dislike her at all. In fact, I think I grew quite fond of her. I actually found myself cheering her on a lot of the time. xD

^ *prays for the day BBCode allows images again*
Apr 21, 2012 1:34 PM
Apr 22, 2012 1:10 PM

Feb 2011
She's scary sometimes. But most of the time she's just too cute ^^
Apr 23, 2012 7:51 AM

Apr 2012
She's awesome. I just love the way she stalks Yuki, ahaha.
Apr 25, 2012 5:35 AM
Mar 2012
i love her so much but i dont know english wall so i cant say whay so bad huh?
Apr 27, 2012 11:19 PM
Apr 2012
I don't like Yuno...she killed Aru. ._.
Apr 29, 2012 4:06 AM

Apr 2009
Yuno is awesome yandere. I love her <3
May 3, 2012 9:08 PM

Jan 2012
Yuno is absolutely the craziest, sadistic, mentally unstable, evil girl. Then again she is the type that will love you, great cook, "house wife", intelligent, sexy, and is sweet. That is why i love her!

Jun 20, 2012 3:13 AM

May 2012
She's totally awesome.
From the start i liked her,even when she made Yuki kill his friends..
Do Murumuru was the one that controlled Yuno the whole time.
Jul 8, 2012 5:01 PM

Apr 2012
I love Yuno. Ever since I'd first read the manga, she was always shrouded with mystery and I was always guessing what her intentions were. She really brought out what it means to truly be considered "yandere." There were times, of course, when she might have creeped me out some, but nevertheless, my opinion never changed. The end of episode two in particular iirc was somewhat disturbing to say the least, but that was beautiful in its own sense. I don't remember that scene having such a dramatic effect on me when I was reading it in black and white.
Jul 16, 2012 8:31 PM

Sep 2011
My friend wanted to watch Mirai Nikki with me, and at first I thought I wouldn't like it. It wasn't really my kind of anime. But then after two episodes, I found myself wanting to watch more. After 5 episodes I found myself addicted. And it was all because of Yuno.

She's so adorable. Her looks, her mannerisms, her voice (the little sounds she makes in some scenes are just too cute.) Her love for Yukki. Even her yandere side is endearing to me. It's been a long time since I've loved a character as much as I love Yuno, and I fell in love with her almost instantly. Now I've finished the series and my only regret is that there's no more Yuno. ;_; I might go back and read the manga now.
Aug 1, 2012 3:12 PM

Jul 2012
Yuno *___* I love her more than me )?) XDDD ok, no... but I REALLY LOVE HER... she's the reason who I watch Mirai Nikki... and because is a awersome anime, too, of course BD
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Aug 17, 2012 9:54 AM

Aug 2012
I like her. When you uncover all the mystery about her past, you understand well her motives... Sad backstory.

Aug 29, 2012 4:29 AM

Aug 2012
Hyunckel said:
I like her. When you uncover all the mystery about her past, you understand well her motives... Sad backstory.

I love her.
Yeah...although she is murderous and overly attached to Yukki, there is a reason for it all. Seriously a sad, sad backstory. Yukki was her only hope for a future. Her backstory even makes her actions kinda acceptable.
Jan 5, 2013 8:08 PM

Jan 2013
I like her. Despite all her madness in the name of love, I understand her feelings. In certain moments she is annoying, in others she is Amano's savior. Love or loathe, she has an important role by saving Yukiteru in several moments.
Jan 5, 2013 8:09 PM
May 2012
Yuno cannot be hated. Any haters will have her at their doorstep, and it won't end pretty for the hater.
Jan 27, 2013 1:40 PM
Jan 2013
I absolutely loathe her. So annoying and frustrating to watch, she's the main reason why I stopped watching Mirai Nikki.
Minene is a much better female character who deserves ten times more recognition than this bitch.
Feb 14, 2013 6:02 PM

Jan 2013
Hongu said:
I absolutely loathe her. So annoying and frustrating to watch, she's the main reason why I stopped watching Mirai Nikki.
Minene is a much better female character who deserves ten times more recognition than this bitch.

Don't you consider the fact that she is overly attached and psychotic? Gasai's personality makes the plot more coherent. I think Minene is important for the story because she plays the role of the maturity, different from the common adolescent insecurities. She is kind of a mother for Yuki, but she has to kill him at the same time. As to Yuno, I agree that there are some annoying moments when she takes her relationship at extreme, but it may be just an effect of exaggeration, to make the character more intense. And I'm so sorry for you to stop watching. :/
Feb 23, 2013 4:43 AM

Aug 2012
Yuno is awesome ..although sometimes I hate her >.<
Feb 24, 2013 1:30 PM

Feb 2013
This is a post I made for another forum, it basically sums up my feelings towards Yuno.

Be warned, it contains spoilers....

What is there not to like about Yuno?

She is extremely diligent, loyal, smart, athletic, kind, resilient. Yes, she is kind, but the world at one point forsook her and she concentrated her kindness towards one person alone: Yukiteru. We can also deduce that she is nurturing and humble. It was her that kept Yukiteru grounded, and gave him a purpose, once his parent's died.

It was she that helped boost Yukkii's self-confidence, by giving him starring roles in her plans, and always encouraging him, and this is what eventually led to Yukiteru have the strength to reach the climax: accept he loves Yuno, and break the illusory world. In the end, Yuno did act like his mother, she shouldered the responsibility of both of them to the very end.

But it was not only in Yukiteru that Yuno had such an impact, every foe she dealt with, either became amazed or fearful of her talents. From Minene, to Reisuke, to the 12th, they all accepted her skills, and were even happy to have met her even if it was under such dire circumstances. Makes you wonder how would of life been if Yuno and Minene had become best friends, or if Yuno had been able to play big sis to Reisuke. Of importance with these exchanges, is that Yuno was always humble. You never see her toy with anyone (perhaps Kousaka was an exception, but it was more of a dare), nor ridicule them. She was always respectful in this regard. Furthermore, when Yuno kills Reisuke, she reveals closely that her drive is not for glory, or fame. She does not want to, care to be an elite and prove that she is better than anyone. She simply loves Yukiteru, and is willing to do anything for him.

But it is not only her physical ability we are entreated to, but her smarts. At one point or another, she was able to outwit everyone she dealt with. She managed to deduce the weak spots of her rivals, and exploit them. The way 12th was trying to confuse the duo, Yuno used brilliant thinking to have the real Hirasaka reveal himself (and even then, she commends him for his super-hearing). The time when 7th and Yukiteru/Yuno fought for the 2nd time? Yuno was forward with Yukki, acknowledging that their over dependance on her led to a one-sided battle, and that Yukki was "weak". But instead of saying this on a negative way, to make Yukki sulk, she turned this into a strength, by building a strategy around it, to eventually separate the 7th.

Or the time when arrogant Akise fought with Yuno. He was so sure he had a fail-safe plan, with a diary that could predict all outcomes, she managed to turn the tables, by manipulating him. Of course, this turn of events led to the unfortunate death of the gang.

So, what about her diligence? Here you have a person willing to go to the end of the world for the person she loves, and no matter how much rejection, or how this other person refuses to cut her some slack, she continues on to try and ensure her loved one's safety (or for that matter, even commit self-sacrifice for her loved one's well-being, as shown when she was willing blow herself up against Kurusu). For instance, at the cult, when Yukki conveniently forgets Yuno has saved his life before, and doubts Yuno, because she refused to hear her, Yukki's good-hearted decision endangered them both. What did Yuno do? She ensured his safety by enabling his escape. She practically sacrificed herself, thankfully Yukki pulled through and saved her from a tragedy.

To me, one of the most heart-breaking moments was post-kidnap, where Yuki basically vocalizes, that he think she is a monster and to get lost. She could of abandoned him, but no, his well-being was what drove her forward. She would not see any harm come to him.

Delving deeper into the kidnap, I myself question Yuno's methods, but not her purpose. Here she is, in a state of distrust towards Yuki's peers. His friends betrayed him twice, once at school with Minene, and Hinata putting him in danger. Their allies going ahead trying to kill them, and knowing that out there, there are many other people that would see harm come to them. That is why she did what she did, she wanted to keep Yuki safe, and perhaps she feared Yuki would not respect her rationale, and instead choose to further endanger himself by not retreating. Sure, it is a pity that she had him drugged, if it wasn't for this, I think the time they had spent together at that point would of been the perfect opportunity to know each other.

This scene, also brings up that she is not heartless. At this point, she has Hinata in bonds. She could of easily killed her, but she did not. Nor did she kill Kousaka, specially after the blunder that he did of revealing the "outcome". She let them live, perhaps out of Yuki's sake. But if you remember the time when Minene had the entire school hostage, it was Yuno that tried to assure Yuki, that he could trust his friends. She did not try to keep him away from them, not until the very betrayal of Yuki's friends surrendering him to Minene, where she was wrecked by guilt. I think this played an important part on how Yuno would act from that point forward.

I also admire Yuno's resilience, physical and mental. Sure, I will not deny that emotionally scarred (reason why Yukki was of great importance to her), but how much did she not suffer? Her mother suffering from extreme depression, abusing her, while her father abandoned them. She was left to endure for who knows how long, extreme abuses. She was being raised more like a machine, tuning her to perfection, that a person, with emotional needs. She was locked up in a cage, and measured in every regard. This is also, one of the most heart-wrenching moments, ever. When Yuno is basically choking on her own vomit, from trying to eat something inedible.

Even then, she was always able to live on. Deep down inside of her, she hoped that all this would change and they would be happy once again. She did not kill her parents, she did lead them to their deaths, but unintentionally. She kept them caged, wanting to be empathetic towards her and change. This did not come, and the result shattered her. This is what led her to try to repress her emotions and rely so heavily on Yukki. But through all the ordeal, she managed to survive. I am sure many of us in the exact same circumstances, we would of either snapped and really killed our parents in violence, or committed suicide.

This event also opens up to one of the most endearing, and saddening moments in the event of Yuno's life. When 1st world Yuno is talking to 3rd world Yuno. With grief, she quips at her younger self, that from that point forward, her life would collapse into the abyss. That in a way, she was mercy killing her younger self, to save her from experiencing what she went through. Only to surprise herself, when her younger self made her realize, that deep down inside she was hopeful for happiness, not resentment. Wondering why did things have to turn as they did, and knowing she could not take that back (this was the start of the catharsis for her).

So, no matter how many inner conflicts did Yuno shoulder through the entire ordeal, she always remained pure hearted. She had to brave through her past errors, trying to change the outcome. She did not want godhood, she was more than willing to have Yukki kill her, but seeing his reluctance (thankfully), she could not bear the thought of losing him once again (in the end she even trapped Yukki in an Utopia, where he could be happy). I know Yuno loved Yukki, and as much as she tried to act otherwise, and make her believe otherwise, her conscience (her diary) would not let her betray her true emotions. Throughout her duel with Yukki, she was always concerned for his safety, proving her love was true.

At the end, she made the hard choice for Yukki, of killing herself, not bearing the thought of losing him again, and realizing how much she wanted for a better future. Even in her last moments, we see her kindness and loyalty. Thankfully at the end, Yukki and Yuno achieved a HAPPY END, by being together. Even if it took 10,000 yrs to achieve, Yuno's love was so pure, and her will-power so strong, she was able to shatter the divide between her loved one and herself, to be reunited.

So, again, what is there not to like about Yuno? Those who don't like her, I believe, are simply taking her at face-value. I for one, feel deeply identified with Yuno, and grew to care for her greatly. Feel like soul mates, even when by no means am I as high performance as she is, in fact, I am much as Yukki in his beginning, a quitter. In the end, I feel this experience was a very positive one, and opens up a lot for reflection.

By the way, cannot forget the time when she did her best to earn Yukkii's mother's approval (liking her mother very much). Or how she did not kill his father, but did assault him, to somehow make sure he went to Yukkii's place and solve their issues, rather than escape.

If you would like to show your appreciation to Mirai Nikki, please read the following open letter and help spread it:
Feb 26, 2013 10:21 PM

Jan 2013
Guardian_Of_Yuno said:
This is a post I made for another forum, it basically sums up my feelings towards Yuno.

Be warned, it contains spoilers....

What is there not to like about Yuno?

She is extremely diligent, loyal, smart, athletic, kind, resilient. Yes, she is kind, but the world at one point forsook her and she concentrated her kindness towards one person alone: Yukiteru. We can also deduce that she is nurturing and humble. It was her that kept Yukiteru grounded, and gave him a purpose, once his parent's died.

It was she that helped boost Yukkii's self-confidence, by giving him starring roles in her plans, and always encouraging him, and this is what eventually led to Yukiteru have the strength to reach the climax: accept he loves Yuno, and break the illusory world. In the end, Yuno did act like his mother, she shouldered the responsibility of both of them to the very end.

But it was not only in Yukiteru that Yuno had such an impact, every foe she dealt with, either became amazed or fearful of her talents. From Minene, to Reisuke, to the 12th, they all accepted her skills, and were even happy to have met her even if it was under such dire circumstances. Makes you wonder how would of life been if Yuno and Minene had become best friends, or if Yuno had been able to play big sis to Reisuke. Of importance with these exchanges, is that Yuno was always humble. You never see her toy with anyone (perhaps Kousaka was an exception, but it was more of a dare), nor ridicule them. She was always respectful in this regard. Furthermore, when Yuno kills Reisuke, she reveals closely that her drive is not for glory, or fame. She does not want to, care to be an elite and prove that she is better than anyone. She simply loves Yukiteru, and is willing to do anything for him.

But it is not only her physical ability we are entreated to, but her smarts. At one point or another, she was able to outwit everyone she dealt with. She managed to deduce the weak spots of her rivals, and exploit them. The way 12th was trying to confuse the duo, Yuno used brilliant thinking to have the real Hirasaka reveal himself (and even then, she commends him for his super-hearing). The time when 7th and Yukiteru/Yuno fought for the 2nd time? Yuno was forward with Yukki, acknowledging that their over dependance on her led to a one-sided battle, and that Yukki was "weak". But instead of saying this on a negative way, to make Yukki sulk, she turned this into a strength, by building a strategy around it, to eventually separate the 7th.

Or the time when arrogant Akise fought with Yuno. He was so sure he had a fail-safe plan, with a diary that could predict all outcomes, she managed to turn the tables, by manipulating him. Of course, this turn of events led to the unfortunate death of the gang.

So, what about her diligence? Here you have a person willing to go to the end of the world for the person she loves, and no matter how much rejection, or how this other person refuses to cut her some slack, she continues on to try and ensure her loved one's safety (or for that matter, even commit self-sacrifice for her loved one's well-being, as shown when she was willing blow herself up against Kurusu). For instance, at the cult, when Yukki conveniently forgets Yuno has saved his life before, and doubts Yuno, because she refused to hear her, Yukki's good-hearted decision endangered them both. What did Yuno do? She ensured his safety by enabling his escape. She practically sacrificed herself, thankfully Yukki pulled through and saved her from a tragedy.

To me, one of the most heart-breaking moments was post-kidnap, where Yuki basically vocalizes, that he think she is a monster and to get lost. She could of abandoned him, but no, his well-being was what drove her forward. She would not see any harm come to him.

Delving deeper into the kidnap, I myself question Yuno's methods, but not her purpose. Here she is, in a state of distrust towards Yuki's peers. His friends betrayed him twice, once at school with Minene, and Hinata putting him in danger. Their allies going ahead trying to kill them, and knowing that out there, there are many other people that would see harm come to them. That is why she did what she did, she wanted to keep Yuki safe, and perhaps she feared Yuki would not respect her rationale, and instead choose to further endanger himself by not retreating. Sure, it is a pity that she had him drugged, if it wasn't for this, I think the time they had spent together at that point would of been the perfect opportunity to know each other.

This scene, also brings up that she is not heartless. At this point, she has Hinata in bonds. She could of easily killed her, but she did not. Nor did she kill Kousaka, specially after the blunder that he did of revealing the "outcome". She let them live, perhaps out of Yuki's sake. But if you remember the time when Minene had the entire school hostage, it was Yuno that tried to assure Yuki, that he could trust his friends. She did not try to keep him away from them, not until the very betrayal of Yuki's friends surrendering him to Minene, where she was wrecked by guilt. I think this played an important part on how Yuno would act from that point forward.

I also admire Yuno's resilience, physical and mental. Sure, I will not deny that emotionally scarred (reason why Yukki was of great importance to her), but how much did she not suffer? Her mother suffering from extreme depression, abusing her, while her father abandoned them. She was left to endure for who knows how long, extreme abuses. She was being raised more like a machine, tuning her to perfection, that a person, with emotional needs. She was locked up in a cage, and measured in every regard. This is also, one of the most heart-wrenching moments, ever. When Yuno is basically choking on her own vomit, from trying to eat something inedible.

Even then, she was always able to live on. Deep down inside of her, she hoped that all this would change and they would be happy once again. She did not kill her parents, she did lead them to their deaths, but unintentionally. She kept them caged, wanting to be empathetic towards her and change. This did not come, and the result shattered her. This is what led her to try to repress her emotions and rely so heavily on Yukki. But through all the ordeal, she managed to survive. I am sure many of us in the exact same circumstances, we would of either snapped and really killed our parents in violence, or committed suicide.

This event also opens up to one of the most endearing, and saddening moments in the event of Yuno's life. When 1st world Yuno is talking to 3rd world Yuno. With grief, she quips at her younger self, that from that point forward, her life would collapse into the abyss. That in a way, she was mercy killing her younger self, to save her from experiencing what she went through. Only to surprise herself, when her younger self made her realize, that deep down inside she was hopeful for happiness, not resentment. Wondering why did things have to turn as they did, and knowing she could not take that back (this was the start of the catharsis for her).

So, no matter how many inner conflicts did Yuno shoulder through the entire ordeal, she always remained pure hearted. She had to brave through her past errors, trying to change the outcome. She did not want godhood, she was more than willing to have Yukki kill her, but seeing his reluctance (thankfully), she could not bear the thought of losing him once again (in the end she even trapped Yukki in an Utopia, where he could be happy). I know Yuno loved Yukki, and as much as she tried to act otherwise, and make her believe otherwise, her conscience (her diary) would not let her betray her true emotions. Throughout her duel with Yukki, she was always concerned for his safety, proving her love was true.

At the end, she made the hard choice for Yukki, of killing herself, not bearing the thought of losing him again, and realizing how much she wanted for a better future. Even in her last moments, we see her kindness and loyalty. Thankfully at the end, Yukki and Yuno achieved a HAPPY END, by being together. Even if it took 10,000 yrs to achieve, Yuno's love was so pure, and her will-power so strong, she was able to shatter the divide between her loved one and herself, to be reunited.

So, again, what is there not to like about Yuno? Those who don't like her, I believe, are simply taking her at face-value. I for one, feel deeply identified with Yuno, and grew to care for her greatly. Feel like soul mates, even when by no means am I as high performance as she is, in fact, I am much as Yukki in his beginning, a quitter. In the end, I feel this experience was a very positive one, and opens up a lot for reflection.

By the way, cannot forget the time when she did her best to earn Yukkii's mother's approval (liking her mother very much). Or how she did not kill his father, but did assault him, to somehow make sure he went to Yukkii's place and solve their issues, rather than escape.

If you would like to show your appreciation to Mirai Nikki, please read the following open letter and help spread it:


Wow, you wrote such a brilliant opinion, like a thesis! I couldn't agree more, and much I think of her you've already mentioned. However, we can't deny that, despite her feelings for Yuki, she was so obsessed in protecting her boyfriend that she had a strong desire of killing those who come closer of Yuki. I don't like when people say Yuno is a freaky character, because it is not madness but it is her complexity which leads her to kill everyone. Her sick love influenced somehow Yuki's feelings, and he decided to kill even his friends. I think that if wasn't Minene, Yuno would have won the game, because Yuki was surrended to her.

But I understood what you said and I still believe that Yuno's love was pure, although unthinking.
Apr 23, 2013 1:24 AM

Apr 2013
I watched it for Yuno haha~
I love her! :3

12 participants? No, you got it wrong... they are 13. They are all crazy, but one of them is a little more... dangerous...
Apr 23, 2013 1:30 AM

Dec 2009
Of course I do! I fucking love her! She's amazing!
May 1, 2013 2:55 AM

Apr 2013
I love her. <3
She makes the anime so much better! >w<

12 participants? No, you got it wrong... they are 13. They are all crazy, but one of them is a little more... dangerous...
Jul 6, 2013 11:51 PM

Jan 2013
Yuno is the fckin best. She's currently in my 'top 3 most favorite female characters of all time'. I'll wait and see if someone can beat her awesomeness and replace her.

Jul 11, 2013 4:23 AM

Jul 2013
Yuno is one of my favourite characters out there and someone i'm seriously considering making a cosplay for she's just that awesome!
Oct 12, 2013 8:17 AM
Jun 2013
Yuno is awesome!
Oct 31, 2013 11:59 PM

Oct 2013
Call me crazy but Yuno is my favorite character. It's not her fault she was like that. It's just misfortune from the start until she realized she has become the antagonist. The ending is the best. It made me see a better Yuno.
Nov 2, 2013 3:37 AM

Oct 2013
During the whole anime, I didn't know what to think about her.
Sometimes I really really liked her, but sometimes I haven been scared she could
kill someone she shouldnt (even scared that shes going to kill Yuki!).

But after seeing the last 3 episodes I just know that I freaking love her! She's awesome :D
My only regret is having regrets!
Dec 27, 2013 10:14 AM

Dec 2013
yes !! i love her ♥ ♥she's soo cute ♥♥
Feb 10, 2014 11:46 AM

Nov 2013
I love this anime because of her. )
Feb 16, 2014 1:45 AM
Oct 2012
Imo Yuno is one of best female character!! Thanks to her Mirai Nikki is in my TOP 3 Favourite Anime.
Feb 19, 2014 1:29 AM

Feb 2014
I just recently finished mirrai nikki and i'd have to say wow...yuno def takes the top spot for my female leads. shes soooo adorably cute and lovey, but that kind of Jekyll and Hyde thing she has going on makes it better. Def sad when it ended lol
Aug 4, 2014 10:03 PM
Aug 2014
Agreed, Yuno is awesome. Gave me the biggest void I've had when I finished the series.
Sep 21, 2014 1:27 PM
Jul 2018
Yeah, I do loved Yuno.
Nov 13, 2017 8:37 PM
Nov 2017
Absolutely love her cute psychopathic ass. The only thing that bothered me was how she could drug yukki and lock him to a chair that was too far.
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