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Jul 24, 2010 6:16 AM

Jun 2009
These characters are from before the reboot. None of these characters are still valid.

Post characters here, using one of these templates. For description, just give a brief overview of your character's past and personality and stuff. For appearance, you can use a picture (preferred) or a text description, whichever suits your fancy. Once I approve, you're good to go.

External mutations (if any):


AbstractCalamitySep 14, 2010 11:54 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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Jul 26, 2010 5:53 AM
Dec 2009
Name: Lola Gaten
Age: 22
Specialty: Vast knowledge of weaponary
Description: She never wanted to become an agent, but her parents pushed her into it. They wanted her to get revenge aganist the mutants, because one of them killed her older brother, and heir to the great Gaten family, Edgar Gaten. She always had fun with her brother when he was alive, but she still didn't have anything aganist the mutants. It's just her job. She's prone to horrible nightmares, where a cilivan with a knife comes running towards her at the age of 15, but she doesn't know why she has this nightmare; that's never happened to her. Well, as far as she knows...
Jul 26, 2010 1:17 PM

Jun 2009
Oh, a member! XD
Anyway, looks good. I guess it's time for me to make a couple NPCs and my own character, then.

Name: Morgan Blackwell
Age: 43
Specialty: Politics
Description: The head of the MSRA. Little is known about him, and he goes through a great deal of effort to keep it that way.

Name: Neal Brass
Age: 29
Specialty: Tactics
Description: Leader of the Brightvale division of agents. A logical man who values his comrades. Since he took lead, field casualties have dropped almost 40%.

Name: Ivan Weinberg
Age: 33
Specialty: Anatomy
Description: Head scientist of the Brightvale division. A cheery man who is more fascinated with the mutants than fearful. However, he dislikes the rough treatment the mutants receive once captured.

And my personal character:

Name: Isaac Cassell
Age: 20
Powers: Can control conductive materials in contact with him, directly or indirectly through other conductive materials. The more conductive the material, the more control he has. He can even bend soft metals.

External mutations (if any): Occasionally blue sparks arc across his body.

Description: A calm, friendly man who is willing to help just about anyone with anything, except those trying to do him harm, of course. He is rather open about being a mutant and makes little attempt to hide it. He relies on subtle intimidation to keep people from attacking him. To that end, he proudly displays any weapons he has on him, which is usually a 25 ft. length of chain coiled around his left arm and a hunting knife on his belt.

He has had a few run-ins with the MSRA, and as such they have a detailed file on him.

Originally, he was planning on going to school to make watches, but since he became a mutant four years ago, his plans have come to a grinding halt. He was forced to drop out of high school and now relies on any friends and family that are still talking to him to provide him with money to live. He lives in a cheap, old apartment on the outskirts of the city. The landlord is aware of Isaac being a mutant, but let's it slide for an extra, under the table fee.


We'll wait until we have... let's say at least one more agent and one more mutant, then we'll start.

I will, however, create some locations so we have some of that done. Remember, if you need a new location, make a new thread. Try to keep it general, though.
Jul 27, 2010 2:55 AM

Jul 2009
Name:LLoyd Siegfried
Powers: Body Mutation. He can mutate and body part into something, be it a weapon or a shield. This mutations have also granted him great speed and agility(he can run up buildings)
However his powers act as a double edged sword. In order to keep his powers in control, he is forced to consume human beings. Consuming people also help him heal wounds, as well as take there form.
External mutations (if any):whenever he comsumes someone, black tendrils cover the body. When his hunger builds and he is forced to hunt, he eyes take on a primal anime look.
Description:A young man who has suffered through many hardships. He was always seen as an outcast. When his mutant powers started to manifest, his father placed in in the mansion dungeon, where he spent the best part of his teenage years. He eventually managed to break, killing many guards and consumed his father.
Since then he has been on the run, having killed many people, because he has powers he does not want. He trusts noone, and tries his best to hid his powers.
But when the hunger comes, he must hunt.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jul 27, 2010 6:15 AM
Dec 2009
Yaaaay! Another member! Hi! ;D Okay, we just need one more agent, and it begins! XD
Jul 27, 2010 6:18 AM

Mar 2010
Name: Aya Chi
Age: 17
Powers: Shadows. She can manipulate shadows to do about anything, though this power has a certain limit. There is a point were the shadows act on its own but that is only when she if very angry or sad, and she loses control of it.
External mutations (if any): When she DOES loses control her whole body goes black.
Description: She witnessed her whole family being taken away becuase they were 'mutant's by 15 she realized she had those qualities too. She ended up living alone not going out unless she had to. For many years she was fighting by herself, and all of her friends left her. Through all of that she is generally kind at times and outgoing, unless someone pisses her off. She always wears weird clothing.
NikkisterJul 27, 2010 6:26 AM
Jul 27, 2010 6:35 AM

Feb 2010
Name: Anne Enfield
Age: 19
Specialty: Hunting prey.

Anne's dream was to be a famous single Artist, but on the 9th August 2001 she was turned into what's called a 'Mutant', fortunately these powers gave her the power to attract who she wants using her voice, however after showing her family what was meant to be a 'Christmas performance' she soon found out those who heard it was cursed to die on the 9th of August the following year. She swore to never sing again until one day a 'mutant' broke into her house, to protect her self she started singing, what she didn't know was that this 'mutant' was her lover, her last hope of living left. She'd murdered everyone she loved. No longer being able to take this she trained her voice in a meadow outside of Brightvale, by capturing fox's and rabbits and seeing within a year if they could survive, she learnt to control her voice and went to test her studies on a newborn mutant that resembled a lost one, finding out that her powers were in complete control.
However behind her stood Morgan Blackwell, who knew she could come in handy.
It is now a top priority secret that within the MSRA is a mutant.
She hunts her prey by being a hit artist, every so often doing live concerts to track down the mutants.

Her personality consists of hiding the truth about herself, caring for just about every human, and detesting other mutants. Her one need is to be normal and escape from the 'curse'.
No one is able to catch her eye but she wishes someone would because a glimpse of romance may take her away from reality for just a while.

You may find this slightly inappropriate, but she has the exact image in mind.
NumbJul 30, 2010 5:43 AM
You're still the one that I love, the only one I dream of~
Jul 27, 2010 8:00 AM

Mar 2010
Name: Cayla Moere
Age: 20
Powers: Her power is quite destructive one: she can make things explode if she concentrates enough. She can't make fireworks nor control fire: just explosions. It takes quite a lot of energy and the bigger explosion is, the more energy it takes. Oh: ad she isn't affected by explosion she creates, it's some kind of natural protection. Cayla is quite skilled in it due to her... ahem, training.

External mutations (if any): None, that's why she was able to live with "normal" humans for so long. But when she uses her power, her eyes go red. She used to say that it was because of contact lenses.

Description: Cayla always somehow knew that she was different from other people, but people never noticed. She had quite normal childhood (her parents are completely normal) and she was an only child. When she turned fifteen, she found out about her power by accident and never told anyone, even her closest relatives don't know. When situation turned bad for mutants, she left her family for their own safety and started living alone. She just wants to live normal life, but she knows that someday somebody may come for her, so she often trains her powers. Because of this, she moves quite frequently. Cayla is kind and helpful girl, but you dont want to get on her bad side.

Appearance: [img=]
(sorry, I can not "spoilerize" it :)
Jul 27, 2010 12:36 PM
Dec 2009
Okay, we officially have enough members to begin! ;D Well, if that's okay with AbstractCalamity...:3
Jul 29, 2010 12:03 PM

Jun 2009
OK, all that have been submitted to this point are accepted! ^_^

So, we can start!

edit: (Also, Numb (and anyone else who may want to use a similar kind of picture), I don't mind that kind of picture, just as long as nothing... "personal"... is showing.)
AbstractCalamityJul 29, 2010 12:59 PM
Jul 29, 2010 2:00 PM

May 2010
Name: Silver Rain
Age: 24
Specialty: Politics + Tactics
Silver was a big theif in the past, put with a car accident, he forget everything about his past life, he is smart and atractive, he has a little sister, she is a normall girl, he want to protect her cuz all of his enemy want to take her as a hostage to make him an evil again.



Name: Alice
Age: 16
Occupation: Share and arc
Description: Alice is Rain young sister, she has many accident cuz here brother was an evil someday, oneday she has a car accident with her brother, so she lost her voice because of the shock. She have a dream to became a businesswoman and have her company.
Jul 29, 2010 2:57 PM

Jun 2009
Jul 30, 2010 12:21 PM

Aug 2009
Age: 20
Specialty: accuracy
Description:his D-V from every other rp....he tries to help the mutants secretly,he uses a barrett REC7 ,he is also very sadistic as well as he murders secretly, he kills more agents than mutants and sometimes in wars he "accidently" headshots his "allies" frorm behind

D-VAug 9, 2010 1:01 AM
Jul 30, 2010 12:51 PM

Jun 2009
Double post is accepted!
Jul 30, 2010 10:29 PM

Aug 2009
2485 to make a sig btw??
D-VJul 30, 2010 10:34 PM
Jul 30, 2010 10:35 PM

Aug 2009
Jul 31, 2010 2:18 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Karo Rakka
Age: 25
Specialty: Close Quarters Combat, Urban Warfare

Description: Karo was transfered from a counter-terrorist organization to the MSRA as a result of the rising threat of mutants to society. She believes in removing treats to society and follows orders without problem, but she hasn't made up her own mind on the nature of mutants themselves yet.

She believes the MSRA is ultimately for the protection of humankind, but is also a bit skeptical of their true intent. She finds that she is constantly under pressure to recognize mutants as inhuman and evil by nature, but must also wrestle with the idea that it may be untrue.

She is methodical, rational, and analytical most of the time. She tries to maintain a cool exterior, and keeps her emotions under control, believing that they can cloud her judgment. She has a tendency to build up stress due to her line of work, and she often keeps a squishy ball with her to help her cope.


((Please bear with my lack of understanding of the way these types of organizations work.))
Jul 31, 2010 11:32 AM

Jun 2009
Nah, your understanding seems fine.

Accepted! (^_^) b
Jul 31, 2010 12:08 PM
Jun 2010
Player removed for ignoring actions by other players, defying reason, and disrespecting authority. --AbstractCalamity

Specialty:weapon warfare,demeltion expert,science (including alchemy yes that's science)
Description:made agent at 11 for milatary tactics. he is smart,funny,charming,perverted. has watch rambo first blood enough times to now tactics.and played enough grand theft auto.
Appearance:6feet tall jet black hair blue and green eyes
AbstractCalamityAug 8, 2010 1:19 PM

Jul 31, 2010 12:16 PM

Jun 2009
Jul 31, 2010 12:53 PM

Apr 2010
Name: Light
Age: 18
gender: female

Powers: shapeshifting abilities, superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, weaponry and the ability to consume people, taking their appearance.

External mutations (if any):shapeshifting abilities: including weapon mutation.

Description: Light was once human and suffered a terrible school life of torture, bullying and having no trusting friends. when she reached the age of 15 she suddenly mutated, showing superhuman abilities to do with shapeshifting. after these powers were shown she ran away from home. she is a sweet, cute, caring girl, however when she uses her powers she develops a much more dark evil personality. she has never lost a fight since gaining these abilities.

Appearance: she has long blonde hair,red eyes and pale skin. she wears a short leather hoodie, a black string bikini top underneath, tight-fitting black shorts and knee-high, black army boots.
TsunderechanJul 31, 2010 12:56 PM

Jul 31, 2010 12:56 PM
Jun 2010
what the hell why are we talking about my life through your charcter discrpation

Jul 31, 2010 12:59 PM

Jul 2009
Tsunderechan said:
Name: Light
Age: 18
gender: female

Powers: shapeshifting abilities, superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, weaponry and the ability to consume people, taking their appearance.

External mutations (if any):shapeshifting abilities: including weapon mutation.

Description: Light was once human and suffered a terrible school life of torture, bullying and having no trusting friends. when she reached the age of 15 she suddenly mutated, showing superhuman abilities to do with shapeshifting. after these powers were shown she ran away from home. she is a sweet, cute, caring girl, however when she uses her powers she develops a much more dark evil personality. she has never lost a fight since gaining these abilities.

Appearance: she has long blonde hair,red eyes and pale skin. she wears a short leather hoodie, a black string bikini top underneath, tight-fitting black shorts and knee-high, black army boots.

LOL you're characters like a female version of mine.
(Prototype right)

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jul 31, 2010 1:00 PM

Mar 2010
HaremAllMighty said:
Tsunderechan said:
Name: Light
Age: 18
gender: female

Powers: shapeshifting abilities, superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, weaponry and the ability to consume people, taking their appearance.

External mutations (if any):shapeshifting abilities: including weapon mutation.

Description: Light was once human and suffered a terrible school life of torture, bullying and having no trusting friends. when she reached the age of 15 she suddenly mutated, showing superhuman abilities to do with shapeshifting. after these powers were shown she ran away from home. she is a sweet, cute, caring girl, however when she uses her powers she develops a much more dark evil personality. she has never lost a fight since gaining these abilities.

Appearance: she has long blonde hair,red eyes and pale skin. she wears a short leather hoodie, a black string bikini top underneath, tight-fitting black shorts and knee-high, black army boots.

LOL you're characters like a female version of mine.
(Prototype right)

I thought that too :D
Jul 31, 2010 1:01 PM

Apr 2010
HaremAllMighty said:
Tsunderechan said:
Name: Light
Age: 18
gender: female

Powers: shapeshifting abilities, superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, weaponry and the ability to consume people, taking their appearance.

External mutations (if any):shapeshifting abilities: including weapon mutation.

Description: Light was once human and suffered a terrible school life of torture, bullying and having no trusting friends. when she reached the age of 15 she suddenly mutated, showing superhuman abilities to do with shapeshifting. after these powers were shown she ran away from home. she is a sweet, cute, caring girl, however when she uses her powers she develops a much more dark evil personality. she has never lost a fight since gaining these abilities.

Appearance: she has long blonde hair,red eyes and pale skin. she wears a short leather hoodie, a black string bikini top underneath, tight-fitting black shorts and knee-high, black army boots.

LOL you're characters like a female version of mine.
(Prototype right)

yes you'd be right there I've always wanted a female version of prototype :P
and sorry I didn't realise you had put that.

Jul 31, 2010 1:02 PM

Jul 2009
Yeah that games awesome

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jul 31, 2010 1:03 PM

Apr 2010
I know it's one of my favourite games ^^

Jul 31, 2010 1:49 PM

Jun 2009
Tsunderechan said:
Name: Light
Age: 18
gender: female

Powers: shapeshifting abilities, superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, weaponry and the ability to consume people, taking their appearance.

External mutations (if any):shapeshifting abilities: including weapon mutation.

Description: Light was once human and suffered a terrible school life of torture, bullying and having no trusting friends. when she reached the age of 15 she suddenly mutated, showing superhuman abilities to do with shapeshifting. after these powers were shown she ran away from home. she is a sweet, cute, caring girl, however when she uses her powers she develops a much more dark evil personality. she has never lost a fight since gaining these abilities.

Appearance: she has long blonde hair,red eyes and pale skin. she wears a short leather hoodie, a black string bikini top underneath, tight-fitting black shorts and knee-high, black army boots.
Accepted, but it'd be nice if you came up with something that we don't already have. This is fine if it's what you want, it's up to you whether you want to keep it or change it.
Jul 31, 2010 4:51 PM

Dec 2008
Powers:he controls wind and air
External mutations (if any):i looks like his hair and clothes r contastly blowing in a small wind even when there is none
Description: he has always been a very fickle person doing watever he felt like even after he discovered his powers when he was around 17 not much changed for him he just let the wind take him where it blows
Jul 31, 2010 5:02 PM

Jun 2009
Jul 31, 2010 5:56 PM

Apr 2009
Name: Ali Meaking
Age: 21
Powers: Doesn't feel physical pain.
External mutations: Could be dying but wouldn't know.
Grade: 10
Personality/Bio: Ali is a loud girl, she never thinks about what she's doing or who she bothers. In her eyes if you've done something bad, it should be dealt with. Despite her age she is very naive and still looks rather young in the face for a 21 year old- standing at 5'5.
Her mother and Father went missing on a 'Business trip' 7 years ago, that only her brother knew about- he swore to tell her what happend on her 16th birthday. However when Ali reached 15, her brother died in a car crash, leaving her wondering about the day her parents went missing. She soon realised that they became mutants, and went looking for them. On her journey, she too became one.
She is some what clumbsy when it comes to realising a situation and often accidentally stirs things up. If you don't like her, she doesn't care and will just leave you be. Not many people like her so she gets frowned apon- even though she is nice. Ali just speaks her mind.
She likes to sing and have fun, sitting around bores her. Laughing is what she likes to call a hobby. Taiyaki ♥.
She dislikes her powers being used, Oranges, the smell and taste makes her feel sick. She hates being manipulated, especially by younger people.
Jul 31, 2010 6:08 PM

Jun 2009

Also, I know that character. Sanae Kochiya from Touhou.
Aug 1, 2010 4:29 AM

Apr 2009
Aha, it was just a random image I fount ^^.
Aug 1, 2010 1:10 PM

Dec 2009
Name:Christin "Chris" Scarlet
Powers:She can control fire, ice, wind and lightning through blades, arrows, guns and her body but she can only use her power on her body for 10 min or else it really hurts her. Through her power she can cause weapons to heat up, freeze, have an electrical shock or create a slicing wind. She doesn't us her powers very often because she can't control it very well. She can use it for 10 to 15 min before she starts to lose control of it.
Description:Her parents kicked her out when they found out she was a mutant. But because her family is rich they send her money so she can survive. She lives in an apartment outside of town. She has a hard time hiding her emotions no matter how hard she try's to hide them. She wishes that humans and mutants would just get along. If she gets pissed off she loses complete control of her powers when this happens anyone around her gets killed and anything around her gets destroyed. When ever she loses control of her powers she cry's. There are no known survives of the times she has lost control of her powers.
Aug 1, 2010 2:58 PM

Jun 2009

Also, that picture looks like it was probably the source for Ishikatsu's avatar.
Aug 1, 2010 4:03 PM

Jun 2009
Name: Burokun enjeru (Japanese for broken angel)
Powers: I have the power to create and control flames that already exist.
External mutations (if any):I usually have an abnormally high body temperature and smoke sometimes. (I don't mean that as a if I'm hot. I want the agents to notice me easily)
Description: He is very quiet and doesn't really talk to anyone. He discovered his abilities on day by accident at a camp ground with his parents. As a result his parents left him all alone and never came back for him. He made his way back to the city where he lived off the streets. He looked in on his parents every once in awhile to make sure they were okay but other than that he barely had anything worth living for.
No matter what blade you possess, it is impossible to cut a single flower that blooms in the wilderness that has become my home. ~Unknown
Aug 1, 2010 4:13 PM

Jun 2009
Aug 2, 2010 2:54 PM

Jul 2009
Name:Keita Orashima
Description:A former assassin in the Japanese Yakuza, He has played a part in the death of many High-ranking officials. Trained to use any weapon, and a natural crack shot, he is a very deadly man indeed.
His clan was eventually destroyed by a mutant hired by a rival family. Keita, in keeping with the code of honor, killed this mutant as well as assassinated the heads of the family that has hired him.
He was eventually picked up by the MSRA, and transferred to the under-manned Brightvale division.
*Note; While he has fully grasped the English language, he still uses Japanese phrases from time to time, as well as Honorifics when speaking to people.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Aug 2, 2010 3:51 PM

Jun 2009
Oh, a Japanese guy. How... unexpected...

Aug 4, 2010 9:57 AM

Jul 2010

Name: Rufus Wolfe
Age: 25
Speciality: Assassin
Description: He grew up in a German orphanage, where the conditions were so bad it drove him insane. Rufus never tells anyone of his past and even the MSRA, who he works for, don't know that much on him. He generally hates everyone, especially mutants but is very obedient and authoritative. He is very quite and is generally unapproachable but is quite smart, and after finishing a job he hardly leaves any trace. Rufus is very deceiving and will use others for his own benefit. When not working, he is usually drinking or reading, which takes him away from the reality he hates.
Aug 4, 2010 11:14 AM

Jun 2009
Aug 6, 2010 2:55 AM
Jul 2010

Name: Dominic Rin Mercer

Age: 19

The ability to free-form control movements and/or objects around him. However, the extent of use for that power is limited by his concentration.This allows him to stop objects in movement, move objects and even organic beings as he wishes. The power he has can also be used upon himself, allowing him to manipulate his speed, or velocity of any moving parts of his body. It's unknown if the power is psychic or physical.

External mutations:
His eyes change colour depending on his mood, which can sometimes give away his thoughts.
Veins in his body, especially around the hand, wrists and arms increase in size when his mind is in a tense state.

Born into a pacifist family of highly religious Monks, Dominic grew up around heavy patriotism and religion. His parents were both devout Bhuddists and surpressed many of Dominic's feelings. Soon, after having had enough of his home life, Dominic Left, managing to live in an abandoned store several miles away from his school.

On a stormy night, thunder crashing down upon the fields close to his "home", Dominic sat down, writing his English homework assignment under a crooked long light tube. The storm was getting worse. Dominic decided to conclude work for the day. The sun had gone down long ago, he had no clock to keep track of time. Walking over to his handmade bed, crafted out of rough cloth and an old matress, he laid down, sighing as he raised his head to look out of the shattered window. The river nearby was raging and splashing with water.

The room was eery, as a creaking sound quickly turned Dominic's attention to the ceiling above. Shielding his face with his right hand, he sat hoping for the best. And the best occurred. Removing his hand, he discovered his "talent". There, he played with his power moving small objects around the store. Through this talent, Dominic found the coming years easier to cope with.

He used the powers he had to his advantage, stealing from numerous locations around the city, able to find a small flat to live in. However, his psychological state was questionable. One day, whilst playing with levitation to float and revolve a kitchen knife, fragments of his past flashed before him, as he "dropped" the knife stabbed straight onto the wooden flooring. He remembered his upbringing to stay as a righteous person, though that too was questionable.

On his final day of school, walking to his ceremony, he noticed a man with in overalls standing in his way. "Excuse me sir." He sighed. "Yeah Kid?" Dominic didn't look up, the man was well above his height and seemed like an extremely well built person. "Mind if you move out of the way sir?" The man stood before him, motionless. "Fraid I can't let you do that." Dominic's eye twitched, as it always did when he was annoyed. "Sir, it's my last day. I want to begin my with life, can you understand?"

The man placed his hand on Dominic's shoulder softly. "Kid, you never had a real life to start with." As the grip tensed, Dominic noticed a silenced handgun in the man's other hand. Terrified, Dominic Panicked as the man immediately let go of Dominic's shoulder, flyng back several feet into a dumpster. Passers by stopped to watch the commotion. The man got up cursing, as he aimed steadily and fired two shots heading Dominic's way. The crowd screamed as the bullets slowed down and eventually stopped before his eyes. The bullets dropped as Dominic rushed towards the man, able to swing his right foot heaftily into the man's jugular, wiping him onto the ground. Inspecting the still body, Dominic grabbed the gun, searching the man for any items of interest. Grabbing spare magazines and the man's wallet, Dominic ran for his flat.

Upon arrival, his flat had been left untouched. Running to the kitchen, he rummaged around, finding his silver switch-blade which he had won in a fight. Slipping it into his pocket. Dominic grabbed his bags and hastily packed clothes and all the money he had. Though supplies were no issue, he had to be prepared.

He was in his rugged uniform, not good for moving around. Without second thoughts, he put on a white t-shirt, over that a grey shirt. Finding an old hoody, he put that on, as he grabbed his Winter longcoat and scarf, he headed out, armed and wondering what the hell was going on.

Looking back, all of that started two years ago. He had to leave the only girl he'd liked, and everything he had worked for. Now he was living a life of solitude. Dropping his blunt onto the snow, he rubbed the scarf against his nose, then raised it below his eye, as he walked off into the shadows of the eery streets.

His personality at this stage was more cynical, yet faithful in himself. He sets himselves rules not to engage in combat unless it's eminent upon him. He carries two silenced USP 45. handguns and a modified TMP. Often hooded, he lives off finding out information on who was sent to murder him four years ago, and what his purpose in life is. Perhaps more humble than he is quiet, he befriends people only to have to leave them sooner or later. His sense of humour can sometimes be somwhat sadistic, though as a person, Sadism is far from his type of character. Often in combat, he attempts not to finish an opponent off, rather leave him/her wounded so Dominic can escape or question the subject in hand. He longs for a life where he is able to make a friend that he can keep, or even more perhaps...

For pursuits or attempts to follow leads, Dominic keeps a "momento" outfit. A skeleton covered hoody, with a pair of extremely flexible jeans.He had obtained the hoody from a crook that attempted to mug him during a midnight walk home. During these operations he also carries an SR25 issued sniper rifle strapped to his back. During these "missions" he also wields a fine set of blades he found in a Japanese Pawn store. He has also often been spotted with a neckless of half a heart. The neckless itself is golden strung on by silver chains. It is of half a heart, in a chassis form with tribal designs that reform the chassis of a heart. From an angle, it seems more like a blade than half a heart.

Natural -


Weapons -
Dual modified USP 45. caliber handguns

Modified TMP

Old SR25

Dual Katanas

(( OOC ))

I'm somewhat unaware of the objectives here, but if possible I would like to spend more time later to create a second character, as a companion to Dominic. If you have any questions or comments, feel free as I'm more than willing to start any form of roleplay here. I'm also not sure which rules of roleplay you guys follow, and to what extent, since I can't find a formal rules section anywhere. ( Im still getting used to the website ). Any apologies if I powergamed with the encounter with the agent.

EDIT: I waited a bit longer than expected so I went ahead and made the second character anyway o3o.

~~~~~ ♠ ~~~~~


Name:Elena Bolaivard

Age: 18

Powers: The power to deceive. She can personify sound and alter it to reach the ear as a different sound. She can make something look as if it was a completely different object or even animal. Thus she can be effective with words and appearing as a completely different being. In essence, she has the power to completely alter matter in one's perspective.

External mutations: It's unknown if she posses any deformations of the external body, as she has only been sighted in a single form. Thus she could be appearing as what she wants people to see her as. In this form, she seems just like any other girl, except a notable un-bleached naturally pink hair.

Growing up with a generally easy family, Elena had as ordinary a childhood as most other people that grew up in society. However, because of her personality of wanting to belong, Elena was socially unstable. Often changing her looks to want people to like her more. This often took effect in completely undesired ways.

Her early childhood was happy, but as she grew older, it became clear that her desires were beyond possibility. Wanting to be the most popular, she went through the most extreme measures to change herself to make herself more wanted. By the end of her first year in High School, Elena only had a small circle of friends, who were also unwanted around the school. However, within the circle, the bond was stronger than any ordinary friendship. Elena was viewed upon as the prettiest in this circle, but far from the person with the best personality.

Giving up all hope with her attempts to be popular, Elena slowly turned into a shy girl, only talking when it was absolutely required. Often, she'd shake her head as an answer to say "no" to the teacher's request to answer a question. She spent time secluded, writing poems and love songs to herself, often shaded under a tree.
Slowly and slowly, her image began to build into a stable girl, fond of wearing pink coloured clothing. Over time, she befriended another young girl in her class, and soon began spending time again with a fellow companion in life.

On a rainy night after a late extra-study lesson, she walked home with her best friend. The two walked at a slow pace, talking about their day and gossip in general. The footsteps stopped as they reached the door to her house. The door was open, and all the lights were on. Her friend muttered. "Ellie, that's unusual. Isn't your family on vacation?" Elena nodded, as she placed her finger on her friend's lips, slowly muttering. "Maybe it's robbers." Her friend took steps back as she reached for her cell phone and began dialling the number for the police. Elena once again disagreed with her friend, beckoning to inspect the interior of the house.

Elena walked through the door slowly, dropping her bag on the floor. To her surprise there were two men sat on her Sofa, as if they were waiting and expecting her. "Uhh... Can I help you folks?" The two men got on their feet smiling at each other, as they drew small handguns from their jackets. Elena's friend panicked, as she screamed and began taking steps to run out of the house. Two shots silenced the screaming girl, as a heavy thud concluded the drama she had caused. The long gun barrels soon turned to Elena, who was hastily thinking for words.

"Hey guys, wait a sec." "Maybe I'm not what you're looking for? Maybe~ what you're looking for might not even be in the same house?" "It's kind of like... I'm not what you're meant to kill see? Maybe it's a wrong target, or maybe you should be asking me questions before shooting me? You know? Like the movies?" Or maybe you should just shoot each other... The two mean shrugged, turning face to face as a gunshot echoed through the house, punching a hole into the neck of one of the men, with a messy exit hole leaving a splat of blood on the wooden wall.

That was her queue, Elena ran up to the remaining figure standing, checking her foot positioning for balance, then spun back, as she swung her foot head height straight into the cheek of the remaining man. He struggled to hold ground, dropping his gun as he took several steps back to regain conscience of what had just happened. Elena once again, decided to stall time. "Maybe your friend here aimed his gun at you first? Infact, I think he did, I think he was going to kill you and take all the glory. You should change the scene first to make it look like you're avenging him by killing me, no?" That's right. Just stop and inspect that body... Once again, he went exactly as she wanted, dropping his gun and walking over to the body, staring down at it. She slid across the floor, picking up the handgun, slipping it into her pocket. She then grabbed the table lamp nearby, and swung with the weight of her body to knock the man unconscious.

She had no clue what was going on, and the sight of her only friend bleeding on the floor shook her mind. Running upstairs to her room, she grabbed her duffel bag, packing as many clothes as she could find. No wait... If I'm going to survive... She stopped, taking everything out. Sat on her bed thinking quietly. Then began packing her clothes again. Doesn't matter... if I need food I'll just talk people into feeding me. if I need money, I'll do the same thing. It's all good... She put on her snow coat and scarf, tilting her pink hat as she ran out, disarming the bodies of any weapons to keep for herself. Concealing them steadily, she walked out making sure not to touch anything else in the crime scene. "Rest in peace Lilith, we'll meet again in the afterlife. Thanks for everything." This can't be happening...

That was how many years ago...

Elena sighed, as she scraped off the snow on her coat, rubbing her scarf closer to her nose. The char was covered in show apart from the tiny patch she was sat on. Looking up, street life was as normal as ever. People carelessly walked on with their lives whilst she was uncertain what to do with hers. The sun was covered by a pack of heavy grey clouds, snow still falling. Her nose was itchy, as she hesitated then sneezed. It's no good. I need to get inside somewhere... Stupid landowner, I don't know how he managed to find out I was there. I thought I could talk to anyone like that.

She crossed her arms as she empty-mindedly crossed the street, only noticing that a car was several seconds off from mowing her down. She sighed as she walked on, looking around for god knows what... Just a sign... any sign... A crowd gathered her attention. What's this... they're all in the same hoody... She ran up to the alley behind the scene, slowly eavesdropping.

"What's this? A punk wearing our threads." One figured arrogantly yelled. Another followed through. "Look brotha, this hoody 'o yers are threads mang, custom made for the Skull-Krew. With a K." The man at the center of the crowd... No wait... that's a boy not even a guy. Is it? He looks young... It was a ginger boy, who looked still in his teens. But his height was well above average, wearing a hoody similar to the rest. It had the human skeleton designed across the entire jacket, and the hood on the boy in the center was on, covering his eyes as his hair dropped to his nose. He finally spoke, in a clear voice. "I'm not looking for trouble... Make your own way, it's just a hoody. I like it and you're not making me take it off."

A roar of laughter took over the crowd, as shouts of disagreement scorched across the street. "This punk thinks he's a tough guy!" "Let's show him what the Krew means" "Nobody wears our threads but us." The crowd backed away from the boy, forming a slight line. Switchblades and guns began to appear, alongside baseball bats and two by fours. Maybe I should help him... Then again he looks like he can take care of himself...

The man in the centre remained still, a look of dissatisfaction on what was visible of his face. "Yo, Skull-A, bust a cap in this punk." One of the men raised a gun, aiming directly at the man in the middle. Elena was slightly shocked as to why he had yet to move. A bang make her gasp loudly, forcing her head to look away, only to attract unwanted attention. As she looked back, half the gang was staring at hers, whilst the other half with mouths open were staring at the man in the middle. Looking at him, Elena immediately noticed why. Wait... what's this... . The bullet had stopped in front of him, motionless in the middle of the air. His mouth moved slowly, as the words somehow personified across the street. "You picked the wrong outfit to like. It just so happens to suit me more... I don't spill unnecessary blood, I keep to that code." The bullet rotated 180 degrees, as it pointed back at it's origin. "But you're really... really annoying me." The bullet sped past, as the man shrieked in fear. Only silenced by the sight of a bullet floating a millimetre away from the gun barrel it had been fired from.

That's quite enough... Elena decided to run up to help the man, but tripped as she ran through the middle of the gang. The man lost focus as the bullet dropped, making the gunman jump in surprise. Elena looked up, only to see more bullets float in front of the man. The bullets dropped, as the man reached into his inner jeans. Taking out two dark black pistols. Aiming at the crowd. A burst of silenced gunfire was the queue for several bullets to freeze in front of each gang member, as the crowd shrieked and scattered away from the scene, some leaving behind their weapons in despair.

The man concealed his weapons as he helped Elena get up. "You shouldn't try to interfere where you're no help." Elena shaked her head. "You don't know what you're saying." As the man began walking away, Elena reached out, asking him to stop. He did as she said ( To his surprise ) and turned around. "How did you... are you like me?" She shrugged as she ran up, grabbing his hand and walking on. Talking about... What am I going to say? Where do I even begin?

The snow stopped, as a sudden rain poured down from the skies. Elena shrieked, exclaiming that her clothes were going to be extremely hard to clean with the combination of rain, dirt and snow. The man to her surprised laughed as he turned around. "You shouldn't run around when it rains. Less rain drops on one spot than across a walking line. It's even worse if you run in circles. Here." He walked up to her, taking off his hoody to cover her upper body. His underlayer consisted of a raggedy red shirt. As he began walking away. Elena slapped him around the back of the head, as she caught up. "Silly, you're the one that gave me your coat then you walk off. Weirdo. Let's go." Go where exactly?...

Two weeks later...

A deafening silence engulfed the residental streets of a row of apartments in Brightvale city. A taxi stopped by as two figures got out the back, one leaning in through the front window to pay the driver.

Elena brushed the snow off her pink hat, as Dominic lowered his scarf below his mouth, shaking the snow off his hair. "We finally got a home. Hah." He walked up the steps, as the door opened before him. "You shouldn't use your... talent so freely like that. People might see..." He shrugged as he levitated above the steps. Elena gave out a slight "Eek" as she too, began to float above the ground, slowly levitating above the steps. "It beats walkin' right?" She shrugged and sighed as the two stopped in front of room 12. Two quiet thomps echoed across the hallway, as a screechy door opened and closed.

She retains her quiet character, but is somewhat more open when around Dominic. Similar to Dominic's dressing style, she also obtained a hoody from the "Skull-Krew" for times when it was necessary to confine her identity as much as possible. Though Dominic often disagrees that she goes with him, she abuses her power to force him to let her follow along. She carries an MP5K with her, and two slide out blades attached to the vambraces stitched onto her hoody. She is also keeps a recording device in her pocket, alongside her phone. Sometimes, she is spotted with a neckless with half a heart on her neck. The neckless is made of gold attached to silver chains. The trinket is half a heart, with curly designs of the chassis of a heart. At an angle, it seems more like a blade than half a heart.


Natural Look -

Combat Outfit -

MP5K -

Wristblade -
HmmmmmmmmmmmAug 8, 2010 9:49 AM
Aug 6, 2010 11:09 AM
Aug 2010
muntant Part wolf
name: Daniel
Age 14
Powers: shapeshifting, super speed, deadly claws
Description: will hurt anyone if need be
Wears teeshirts with hoodies over them and jean shorts or pants
i dont put up walls to keep people out but to see who cares enough to tear them down
Aug 6, 2010 11:11 AM
Aug 2010
Muntant part wolf
Name Daniel
Age 14
Powers super fast and shapeshifting
description will hurt anyone necassray
wear tee shirts and hoodies with jean shorts or pants
i dont put up walls to keep people out but to see who cares enough to tear them down
Aug 6, 2010 12:58 PM

Apr 2010
(in relation with my other mutant I posted "Light")
Name: Zero Takeshi

Powers: Extremely destructive use of electricity, and lightning. If he concentrates enough he could cause a whole country to have a black out. he can also move at a great speed. His powers have no limits.

man.. this is like some soppy love story X3

Appearance: he has dark blonde, spikey hair. He is tall and thin. He has very pale blue, nearly grey coloured eyes. He wears jeans, a long black trench coat that is very torn at the bottom. He also wears an open white T-shirt underneath. (that's right open ;P)
TsunderechanAug 9, 2010 10:15 AM

Aug 8, 2010 11:28 AM

Jun 2009
I'm going to start being a little stricter on characters. I have been a little lax in the interest of just getting players on board, but I feel now that that was a mistake.
Mercer said:
I'm somewhat unaware of the objectives here, but if possible I would like to spend more time later to create a second character, as a companion to Dominic. If you have any questions or comments, feel free as I'm more than willing to start any form of roleplay here. I'm also not sure which rules of roleplay you guys follow, and to what extent, since I can't find a formal rules section anywhere. ( Im still getting used to the website ). Any apologies if I powergamed with the encounter with the agent.
The objective for mutants is to survive. The objective for agents is to capture or kill the mutants. There really isn't much beyond that. I like to leave things as open as possible for the players to make their own story. As for rules, their a work in progress, really. This club is fairly new, and formal rules haven't been made yet. We did just make a rule about using full sentences and proper grammar, but it doesn't look like that will be a problem for you.

@Mercer: Both accepted, but be careful with powerplaying.
@firestyle14: You need more.
@Tsunderechan: Teleportation seems a bit much. The rest is good, though.
Aug 8, 2010 2:57 PM
Aug 2010
what more do i need
i dont put up walls to keep people out but to see who cares enough to tear them down
Aug 8, 2010 3:10 PM

Jun 2009
A backstory and a more detailed appearance mostly. Also some more details regarding his power, such as limitations and drawbacks for example, especially with shapeshifting, would be nice.
Aug 8, 2010 3:15 PM
Aug 2010
i dont put up walls to keep people out but to see who cares enough to tear them down
Aug 8, 2010 3:17 PM
Aug 2010
Muntant part wolf

Name Daniel

Age 14

Powers super fast and can turn into a wolf whenever he wants

personality loving and caring and kind to muntants and civilians make me mad and i will hurt or end up killing an agent

description i wear tee shirts and hoodies and jean pants and shorts. i run fast to get out of troble when i dont feel like fighting. i can turn into a wolf to fight agents or to kill an agent

my back story was i found my power when i was 9. i showed my parents and they attacked me so i ran far away. later i learned to control my power i went back and destroyed my parents and then i found out there were more like me so i went on looking for people like me i was walking and a dude in a nice suit told me to stop i ran to a ally he followed me there. i asked him what he wanted he told me to come with him. i said now ge pulled out a cool looking device so i turned to a wolf and destroyed him now i go from place to place trying to find a home
firestyle14Aug 8, 2010 5:36 PM
i dont put up walls to keep people out but to see who cares enough to tear them down
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