Hi! I've seen you are in ''The Drawing Club'', but it has been innactive for a very long time, so maybe you would like to have a look at this other club: Mangaka Desu!
This is a petition for the official marriage between C.C and I, CCs_No1_Fanboy. I got the idea from Dr_Jan_Itor who gave me permission to make a petition for the official marriage. Please sign it. Thanks. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ccfanboymarriage
All Comments (166) Comments
Care to join a support group? Don't worry, we'll keep your addiction Anonymous.
I won't be on this on much
So please add it ^^
thanks!! i`m glad you liked it ^-^ its allways nice to know ppl like what i drow ^-^
Me = sending noble trains at you
Please approve of the official marriage between Haruhi Suzumiya and Dr_Jan_Itor