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Oct 1, 2009 3:03 PM

Feb 2009
Im assuming its because it has such a big fanbase, also Bleach and Naruto fanboys are not going to like it because some other people say its better. Oh and maybe because it was too slow at the start, that is why it is not as popular as the other two, they started off really well, whereas One Piece concentrated too much on character development and was not able to get the action bit right, therefore there was no balance, however all I can say short of another word is it is worth the damn wait!
Oct 3, 2009 2:56 PM

Jun 2009
Yes I would say the fan base is a turn off.
They assume superiority that there anime is better.
Really I don't hate it I just can't stand it.
It is just another stupid anime,
if you love it power to you.
If you dislike is (as myself)
you find something better.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Oct 5, 2009 12:45 AM
Jan 2008
Sami092 said:
Im assuming its because it has such a big fanbase, also Bleach and Naruto fanboys are not going to like it because some other people say its better. Oh and maybe because it was too slow at the start, that is why it is not as popular as the other two, they started off really well, whereas One Piece concentrated too much on character development and was not able to get the action bit right, therefore there was no balance, however all I can say short of another word is it is worth the damn wait!

As a Bleach fanboy, I approve this message.
and I would like to add that a good chunk of One Piece fans who diss Bleach never watched Bleach. Or, they didn't put it up on their lists.
So when I see that they are dissing it without ever giving it a chance, I find it's my duty to get pissed off, lol.
Oct 5, 2009 12:53 AM
Jul 2009
It's not right to say that ppl hated one piece.
Once that particular person started reading the manga, he/she will hooked on it. Even though, yes...the drawings are not everyone's taste but eiichirou's had a superb skills in terms of perspective and powerful action combats.He didn't rely much on screentones, all of them were so original.

Once u read the manga, never even bother the anime. I mean what can u expect from TOEI animation. This studio is one of the worst, but efforts were given only for movie productions.
Oct 5, 2009 8:51 AM

Jul 2009
Well I have a few friends who like anime and they all love Naruto and Bleach but every time I mention One Piece they dismiss it as 'silly' and 'childish' just from the fact it has weird art and an AWFUL dub. But 1 of said friends has grown to love it and the others have never given it a try so I just ignore them. >.>
Oct 5, 2009 9:13 AM

Apr 2008
One Piece has one of the shitieest fanbase of all anime. It might be cuz it's so big but they just can't stand anyone saying their 'oh so great' anime is not the best anime in the world.

It pisses me off. Those stupid people pussed me into watching 200+ episodes of with I might have liked 20 or 30 in total.

Also justification for the shitty art and messy backgrounds. Oda simply can't draw.
But they also have a nasty habbit of criticizing Bleach for having no plot no backgrounds and having no deaths. But Imo those are the things that are wrong with One Piece..

tl;dr: I don't know. I just don't like it cuz of the beforementioned reasons.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Oct 5, 2009 9:33 AM
Jan 2009
Well... You can say I'm a FanBoy or the hell, but I can't stand people who hate One Piece with out even whatching the whole series.. and thats cause I don't know 1 single person who has seen Enies Lobby and deslikes the series!!!
I was introducted to OP by a thousand of friends who were spamming my msn.. but I resited a bit cause the drawing really sucked and the first episode wasn't that good!!
But wheen I started watching I Saw 20 eps a day or more, and I couldn't stop..
And thats the basic comparation I make about OP and the rest of the shounen:
One piece is like wine.. it always go better with time
others are like crack.. every week I see them.. and I don't really like them haha

I respect Bleach, expecialy the SS arc.. but this arc sucks...
And thats the basic of every shounen
good start-goes down and down and down- finishes greatly or not so greatly

but OP is more like
Bad start-up uP UPP UUUPPP- and the finish is steel unknown!!

The grammar may be a little off, lett me know if I didn't make sense!! LoL

BTW: First Post!!
Oct 5, 2009 10:24 AM

Apr 2009
Remus_Lupa said:
One Piece has one of the shitieest fanbase of all anime.

actually naruto has lol)

btw dont compare the anime. Toei sux balls.
check the manga instead.
everyone loves the art.. cause its simple and unique
Oct 8, 2009 1:54 PM

Feb 2009
smokes said:
Remus_Lupa said:
One Piece has one of the shitieest fanbase of all anime.

actually naruto has lol)

btw dont compare the anime. Toei sux balls.
check the manga instead.
everyone loves the art.. cause its simple and unique

What do you mean "Toei Sux balls"?

Is it due to their inability to provide good animation, or what?
The way I see it is that they are doing a pretty good job, I mean their directing is of top standards. Its not really the studio's fault for lack of popularit, albeit their action sequences are relatively dull, but its just the series started off too slow, slower than the rest. In simpleton terms.
Oct 8, 2009 2:19 PM

Apr 2009
no, iw as talking about the studio, cause its one of the worst out there))
i mean they animate the anime ( not only one piece) very bad... they put quality only when are some fights, but in rest they dont even try to do it better))

anyway the only way that they are good at is fillers :D both OP and dragon ball fillers rocked :)
Oct 11, 2009 1:27 AM
Mar 2009
i believe it is over rated i use to hate it cause i heard so much about and just stopped but after while i gave it a chance again and read the manga which was up to the oz/ gecko moria battle against the strawhats and then finally started watching the anime again from start again

also does anyone know where i can download 54 to 345 ?
Oct 11, 2009 1:47 AM

Apr 2009
sebg said:

also does anyone know where i can download 54 to 345 ?

Oct 18, 2009 7:14 AM
Aug 2009
sebg said:
i believe it is over rated i use to hate it cause i heard so much about and just stopped but after while i gave it a chance again and read the manga which was up to the oz/ gecko moria battle against the strawhats and then finally started watching the anime again from start again

also does anyone know where i can download 54 to 345 ?

Torrent + i have all episodes...Send me a message where u live ;P< if its close ill givem to ya
Oct 18, 2009 10:39 AM

May 2008
Remus_Lupa said:
Oda simply can't draw.

I don't really agree with anything you say but after all it's your opinion.

Still, THIS COMMENT is retarded. I really don't get what people dislike about the art of One Piece. I think it's unique and beautiful.
Oct 18, 2009 4:13 PM

May 2007
Sennin_Darkissa said:
Remus_Lupa said:
Oda simply can't draw.

I don't really agree with anything you say but after all it's your opinion.

Still, THIS COMMENT is retarded. I really don't get what people dislike about the art of One Piece. I think it's unique and beautiful.

It's not that he can't draw. That's an asinine comment. It's just not aesthetically pleasing to the person. I can respect that. Not everyone likes all the same things. Or in this case, unique things.
Oct 20, 2009 11:02 AM

Oct 2009
Its just something I could never get into and that was years ago. and believe me I have tried skipping and giving it more than a second chance.

Common thing? I hate the art. i hear people praise it yet I see x10 better drawn animes get critisiced. That is what really seperates anime from cartoons though. The art.
Commonly people try to compare it to more classic cartoons. Don't kid yourselves. Classic cartoons/anime were actually very well drawn than the cartoons you see on TV now adays. Personally it reminds me of half ***ed drawn crap done by a grade schoolers.

example: lets say something really classic and old.
Tom and Jerry: 1940 - Very old yet very well drawn artistic ect. epic classic.
One Piece: dunno the year. but in looks it would probably compare to something you would currently find on cartoon network. I wanna say Flap Jack but thats to cruel nothing is that horribly drawn (that I know of).

Characters: really. some of the names and the way they look are just. I wanna say mediocre but thats to good a word. how creative "Gol D. Roger" "Gold Roger" hes a pirate. wow. I get it.

Powers: My memory is bad but some of which that I can are not to impressive. "Stretching" Wow. how many times have I seen this one? How did you get them? A piece of fruit. What the ****.

Really you talk about Narutards and whatnot but One Piece fan base is not really different, go around the internet say a similar opinion to mine trying not to be that offensive and you will automatically get flamed by many people. Most of which fail horribly. Bright side is so far I havent seen some nerd trying to compare whos tougher like they do Naruto and Ichigo (Ichigo wins obviously btw. dont argue)

Saw somewhere on a review about the 1/5 watched rating thing. sadly I think thats just a minor thing it would change quite a few ranks down. but really the perspective is right. I couldnt stand getting past like the first 20 being generous why the hell would i want to go to halfway through season 3 (about 80eps is the requirement for this anime)

You can say what you want to me but my opinion stands :| I wont go so far as to give it a 1 or 2 I just will never get into this anime. If it can be called that really.
Oct 20, 2009 6:40 PM

Jun 2008
Tsukizero said:
Its just something I could never get into and that was years ago. and believe me I have tried skipping and giving it more than a second chance.

Common thing? I hate the art. i hear people praise it yet I see x10 better drawn animes get critisiced. That is what really seperates anime from cartoons though.

After watching 1 episode, I was an One Piece hater because of the art, characters, etc. and continued to hate it with a burning passion.
A year later, I gave it a second chance because of some arguments why OP was so great.
Somehow I managed to watch a lot of episodes because I hadn't anything else to do and then BAM Arlong Park arc. After finishing that arc, it completely changed everything I thought about OP and I even got used to the art style.

Unfortunately.. I'm talking about episode 52 (or something) here.. I don't think a lot of people would carry on that long. (you said about 80 episodes is the requirement.. I guess that's right too, considering the filler arc that's in between there, although it's completey skippable. And maybe I just love the Arlong Arc too much?).
AND there is still a chance One Piece just isn't an anime everyone would like, even after watching a LOT of episodes, like Remus_Lupa. I simply can't believe in 'everyone loves that' or 'everyone hates that'.

As for the art, yes, even though I love OP very much, I think there are many anime out there with more realistic and better colored art. It's not that Oda can't draw, it's just that OP has a very unique style (like many ppl before me mentioned) that is more cartoonish than other anime in general. If the art and character design interest you more than story and background, you probably won't like OP, unless you don't mind the less realistically drawn characters or if you can enjoy that style. Same with the story: it might not appeal everyone.

Tsukizero said:

Really you talk about Narutards and whatnot but One Piece fan base is not really different, go around the internet say a similar opinion to mine trying not to be that offensive and you will automatically get flamed by many people.

In my opinion, that's with almost every (hardcore) fan base. If you bash their fandom, of course you'll be flamed. No one likes it when you completely bash something that someone else loves greatly, no matter what it is (unless that person doesn't really care about what other people say).

Of course. You're entitled to your opinion. No one can force you to like an anime that you might not like, whether you watch it completely or not anyway.
Oct 21, 2009 6:42 AM

Dec 2008
Like many I hesitated due to the artwork (Which is not bad but different) and the idea of catching up, thanks to a couple of guys like SMOKES I gave it a chance and fell in love with it. Now the idea of watching 400+ episodes is great because I'll have plenty of show to watch. n_n
Oct 21, 2009 11:38 AM

Jan 2009
I haven't posted in this thread yet...that's a shame.

One Piece art never really got to me, i actually enjoyed it. It was a nice change from all of the generic crap that kept coming out(I didn't start watching One Piece till somewhere around 2007-08).

But what made One Piece great is the amazing writing of Oda. For this type of genre Oda is truly a rare gem. He is a master story teller and is able to depict everything so clearly. He does not cut corners when exploring his characters. His characters back story's are some of the best i have come across, and each and every of his main character's go through some sort of development.

He takes the time to make sure the reader truly understands how vast this world is. The reason why they haven't found One Piece yet, is because it is truly that hard to make it to the end of the grand line, it would have a lot less impact if a new pirate was able to come in and find One Piece in a couple of years, when the likes of the entire Navy or greats like Whitebeard could never find it.

The entire story of One Piece has sucked me in, just the huge plot twist that you never see coming, amazing characters, huge universe and really great action make this anime/manga truly a wonderful ride.
Oct 21, 2009 11:31 PM

Mar 2009
whats so good about moe shows then ?

the art? (loli with big eyes?)

the plot? (school harem?)

the characters? (the male lead that looks like every other male lead?) or (the females who all have a set formula: quiet one, tomboy, childhood friend, sister, loud one)

the romance? (dialogue is basically.. male lead goes "ummm" and the female falls in love just from that, then they call each other name back and forth, throwing "ummm" in there once in while

the comedy? (how many times is every moe show gonna go to the beach/hot springs/festival/theme park)
Oct 22, 2009 12:26 AM

Apr 2009
mrbushido said:
whats so good about moe shows then ?

the art? (loli with big eyes?)

the plot? (school harem?)

ahh dont bother to respond..

there's no point talking to him
Oct 22, 2009 1:50 PM

Mar 2009
To be completely honest, when I first heard of One Piece I really wanted to try it out but the amount of episodes put me off. Also the art style looked pretty awful because it was 'old' and so turned me off almost completely.

About a year later, I became friends with someone on Youtube and they told me to try it out, guaranteeing I'd love it. So I went off and downloaded the first 10 episodes. The next thing I knew I was through about 120 episodes because it just grabbed me and wouldn't let go. Now I am up to date with both anime and manga, being #1 on both my lists. I now love the art style too, it's original and grows on you during the course of the anime.

If anyone hasn't given this anime a chance, at least 30 episodes, and say they hate it then they're some extremely unbright people. Don't judge a book by it's cover, read the first few chapters and then you have the right to judge it.

{{ TCO }} {{ ACP }} {{ TSC }} {{ LAC }}
Oct 25, 2009 1:40 AM

May 2007
who cares , I like it that's what matters
Oct 26, 2009 1:48 AM

Feb 2008
DarkFlash said:
who cares , I like it that's what matters

Amen brother.
Oct 26, 2009 4:02 AM

Jul 2009
one piece is a series which i found average at the start but however it kept getting better and better , and now it is getting the credits which iit deserves
Oct 26, 2009 8:21 AM

Mar 2009
smokes said:
mrbushido said:
whats so good about moe shows then ?

the art? (loli with big eyes?)

the plot? (school harem?)

ahh dont bother to respond..

there's no point talking to him

ill respond to myself then! since it was kinda trick question :D

the answer is.. those things i listed are the good things about moe shows,, some people like that about them and some dont, its the same for every genre, theres always gonna be little internet vs conflicts but

the lesson would be... if u gonna talk crap then expect crap back
Oct 26, 2009 11:24 AM
Oct 2009
I tried watching One Piece I really tried. made it to episode 155
Now I cant personally hate the series just all the ridiculous hype. One Piece... well.. its just sucks. You can call me hypocrite for saying this because im probably the biggest DB/DBZ fanboy. and just like the poster above me said, since everybody love to bash DB/DBZ Im gonna bash their beloved shows. I tell you why I think it sucks: WARNING!! WALL OF TEXT

You might think One Piece is something new but it is seen quite often in video games and many shows that came before it. Im not saying it should do something that has never been done before. Its just when you've seen the same stuff 100 times before the 101st time will be about as boring as watching dishes. What irritates me the most is One Piece fans go out of the way and say that its better than Naruto or Bleach or DBZ when it does the same exact shit. Yea so what if Naruto and Bleach has fillers. Well So does One Piece with its Island of the month(s) formula. Seriously how long do they have to take the find the freaking treasure. How many Island background checks we have to go through, and How many lame villains they have to fight. which lead me to the next reason

Most of the villains are just plain stupid, they really have no motives other than to be complete douchebags. Neither of them have no personality other than their evil characteristics. Honestly why the hell arlong taxed a entire island for years other than to stoke his ego. What does Crocodile gain after killing off millions of people. They dont have any reasons they're just evil. Kim possible have better villains.

I also hate how One Piece has this Goku syndrome. Like how Luffy like food and acts stupid but is a good guy(Ignorance is bliss after all *rolls eyes*), and no matter how hard the side characters fight they can never beat the big bad guy without Luffy's help. I hate when this happen, I mean this is like a direct insult to normal people. Mostly all fantasy anime does that though. I use to like Luffy's crew but since they dont show any character development(with the exception of maybe Zoro) after they leave their home island. They become boring watch and you just want them to hurry with their fights, repetitive flashback scenes or typical dialogue so Luffy can kick the big bad's ass and move on.

I stopped watching after the croc arc or was it the beginning of sky island? I just cant really get myself to watch this anymore. In a way this show is like pokemon inuyasha and dragonball(not Z) stirred up with pirate myths.

maybe I should just make my own manga for my own amusement than I probably wont waste my time watching shows like these
Oct 26, 2009 11:26 AM

Apr 2009
I liked the anime before they changed all the voices.. Never really read the manga, excluding a couple or chapters in SJ.
"To avoid criticism; Say nothing. Do nothing. Be nothing."

Oct 26, 2009 12:21 PM

Apr 2009
OutouCiel said:
I liked the anime before they changed all the voices.. Never really read the manga, excluding a couple or chapters in SJ.

when did they changed all the voices ? O_o
that didnt happen... maybe you missunderstood something
Oct 26, 2009 2:36 PM

Jan 2009
BigAnon said:

You might think One Piece is something new but it is seen quite often in video games and many shows that came before it. Im not saying it should do something that has never been done before. Its just when you've seen the same stuff 100 times before the 101st time will be about as boring as watching dishes. What irritates me the most is One Piece fans go out of the way and say that its better than Naruto or Bleach or DBZ when it does the same exact shit. Yea so what if Naruto and Bleach has fillers. Well So does One Piece with its Island of the month(s) formula. Seriously how long do they have to take the find the freaking treasure. How many Island background checks we have to go through, and How many lame villains they have to fight. which lead me to the next reason

Most of the villains are just plain stupid, they really have no motives other than to be complete douchebags. Neither of them have no personality other than their evil characteristics. Honestly why the hell arlong taxed a entire island for years other than to stoke his ego. What does Crocodile gain after killing off millions of people. They dont have any reasons they're just evil. Kim possible have better villains.

While it's true One Piece has filler's, they are no where near as long or bad as Naruto and Bleach. One Piece filler's are integrated into the story amazingly well. Honestly until i went back and read the manga i seriously thought that most of the filler's were just another stop on their very long jounry.

This isn't true at all, if you had paid attention to Croc's true intentions you would've noticed his true plan. He wasn't doing it to just be evil, he actually had a greater plan it was well explained.

BigAnon said:
I also hate how One Piece has this Goku syndrome. Like how Luffy like food and acts stupid but is a good guy(Ignorance is bliss after all *rolls eyes*), and no matter how hard the side characters fight they can never beat the big bad guy without Luffy's help. I hate when this happen, I mean this is like a direct insult to normal people. Mostly all fantasy anime does that though. I use to like Luffy's crew but since they dont show any character development(with the exception of maybe Zoro) after they leave their home island. They become boring watch and you just want them to hurry with their fights, repetitive flashback scenes or typical dialogue so Luffy can kick the big bad's ass and move on.

While i will agree with you on the Luffy Goku thing, as the whole eating food is a comedy skit used in many anime outside of shounen. While it's true in most shounen the main character will take down the biggest bad guy, and One Piece isn't really an exception. However while it may be Luffy bringing down the bad guy it is always his crew supporting him(This can be seen in Sky Island and Thriller Bark, because without his crew there was no way he would've survived).

And no the characters do not stop going through development. In fact One Piece has some of the best character development in any Shounen or anime for that matter. Character's struggle with their own personality and ability flaws each and every arc and somehow come out different each and every time.

While the Flashback's may seem annoying, it is necessary. Remember this anime is over 400 episode's long and those flashback's are put in there for people who continue to follow the series. You can't possible expect someone to remember something from over 200 episode's ago(Especially when it aired 4-5 years ago).
Oct 26, 2009 3:00 PM

Apr 2009
jeez dont bother to reply to him mate ;)
didnt you see ? he registered today just to post this message rofl
dont waste your time)
Oct 26, 2009 4:24 PM

Jan 2009
smokes said:
jeez dont bother to reply to him mate ;)
didnt you see ? he registered today just to post this message rofl
dont waste your time)

Figured he was a troll but decided what the hell lol.
Oct 26, 2009 4:30 PM

Sep 2009
Can't say. Never watched it an never plan to.
But I can say that some of the fans are completely retarded.

Oct 26, 2009 5:34 PM
Oct 2009
burntlettuce said:

This isn't true at all, if you had paid attention to Croc's true intentions you would've noticed his true plan. He wasn't doing it to just be evil, he actually had a greater plan it was well explained.

And no the characters do not stop going through development. In fact One Piece has some of the best character development in any Shounen or anime for that matter. Character's struggle with their own personality and ability flaws each and every arc and somehow come out different each and every time.

While the Flashback's may seem annoying, it is necessary. Remember this anime is over 400 episode's long and those flashback's are put in there for people who continue to follow the series. You can't possible expect someone to remember something from over 200 episode's ago(Especially when it aired 4-5 years ago).

Flashbacks are good every once in awhile but many times I feel like the creators are treating me like a idiot by shoving down 10 minute flashbacks every 10 episodes. If I want a Spaced Repetition lesson I would read the summary thats what its for right? But hey like I said its Anime, Flashbacks are necessary for people who treat anime/manga like a daily funny in a newspaper.

I havent seen pass the beginning of the skyland so the only character development I see is after the croc arc. And I went and reminisce on one piece for a while. and take back what I said about character development, I wouldn't call it better than most shounens though. If you compare it classic anime instead of crappy modern ones like naruto
Oct 26, 2009 6:37 PM

Mar 2009
since uve only seen before sky island,, those are story telling flashbacks that are part of the story, its just extra backstory which adds to the arc

before water 7 arc, only 1-3 minutes are wasted on unneeded flashbacks (flashbacks that describe the situation, usually with a map/old footage)
Oct 26, 2009 7:46 PM

Jan 2009
BigAnon said:
I tried watching One Piece I really tried. made it to episode 155

You haven't seen the really good episodes yet. If you don't like shonen, don't watch it. Simple. Don't create an account purely to troll. If you're going to troll, do it on your main account.

mrbushido said:
since uve only seen before sky island,, those are story telling flashbacks that are part of the story, its just extra backstory which adds to the arc

This is correct. Almost everything told in One Piece has a purpose. Even some stories will appear to look like filler, but they actually become more deeply attached to the anime as the story goes on. This is one of the many reasons why we love One Piece.
Manga_samaOct 26, 2009 7:53 PM
Oct 27, 2009 12:32 AM

Apr 2009
BigAnon said:

are treating me like a idiot by shoving down 10 minute flashbacks every 10 episodes.

wait what ?
where have you seen this ?

are you sure you are not talkin' about naruto ?

please dont watch it then, and dont post here lol
Oct 27, 2009 12:34 PM
Oct 2009
ok!! maybe the 10 minute thing with a combination of 10 episodes(I have feeling I was misunderstood on that one, or just wrote is wrong.) was a exaggeration but alot of people exaggerate things about everything. The truth is is that every time the good guys go through a dramatic moment like getting their ass wooped the show throws a flashback you've already seen 1-2 episodes ago. Even if I saw the show weekly I would still remember the flashback. My memory isnt that horrible. I KNow what I freaking saw. I shouldnt have to rewatch One Piece To see oh I guess it was a 10 sec flashback instead of 1 min. A repeated Flashback to show what the main characters are thinking about is no excuse its still a repeated flashback. And Im not talking about flashbacks that you haven't seen. Now If we are talking about the manga thats a different story.

I always keep hearing "oh just keep watching it will get better." so I watch and watch and still feel unsatisfied but I will give One piece one final shot due to curiosity and deep down inside there is a like for One Piece. After watching a couple of more episodes last night I just cant understand why everybody thinks it gets better. It goes like this; Luffy n crew lands on Island, Luffy n crew beats up the douchebags on the island. Its as simple as that. yea this is only from episode 1-150 something. if it truly gets better than this after I finish the sky arc I stand corrected. but for now Its not looking so good.

Say what you want about what the theme of the island is. the person who is causing all the havoc is the big bad guy. not the entire populace on said island.

I also dont understand all this troll profiling, honestly im just some guy that read a recently made topic while surfing the internet and wants to participate with the discussion. its about "Why do alot of people "hate" one piece." even if I dont hate the series I gave my reason, there wasn't any trolling of any kind. Just because I just recently registered doesn't make me a troll. This forum doesn't have a guest feature so I had to >.>.
Oct 27, 2009 1:07 PM

Apr 2009
BigAnon said:

yea this is only from episode 1-150 something. if it truly gets better than this after I finish the sky arc I stand corrected. but for now Its not looking so good.

the thing is one piece si adventure type, not bleach/naruto, and there is many adventures in one piece world

all the arcs are connected... you will see in the future that the characters from the previous arc will appear again in the show, and they Wont be forgotten or just a temporary characters... ( besides Enel)

now when there are 420 episodes, the Characters are still connected from the first episodes... So they are NOT just adventuring to the random islands for fun
you wont understand that unless watching all the show...OP world is huge
Oct 27, 2009 1:18 PM

Mar 2009
"It goes like this; Luffy n crew lands on Island, Luffy n crew beats up the douchebags on the island. Its as simple as that."

yea thats true, u could say something similar to (worded differently) that for every genre, for every anime.

but its how its told, how its executed and the experience u go through while watching

shounen genre, u can pretty much predict hero wins scenario, but for one piece u can never predict where theyre gonna go/who they meet/what kind of adventure theyre gonna go through next

u talked about how its stuff people have seen 100times already

besides the powers/action, i disagree with that, the amount of detail and backstory for each island's culture-people-animals-technology is so creative, thats very rare in anime
Oct 27, 2009 2:06 PM
Oct 2009
mrbushido said:
"It goes like this; Luffy n crew lands on Island, Luffy n crew beats up the douchebags on the island. Its as simple as that."

yea thats true, u could say something similar to (worded differently) that for every genre, for every anime.

but its how its told, how its executed and the experience u go through while watching

shounen genre, u can pretty much predict hero wins scenario, but for one piece u can never predict where theyre gonna go/who they meet/what kind of adventure theyre gonna go through next

u talked about how its stuff people have seen 100times already

besides the powers/action, i disagree with that, the amount of detail and backstory for each island's culture-people-animals-technology is so creative, thats very rare in anime

Exactly.. very rare in "anime". looking outside of anime One piece really isnt all that diffrent from american adventure shows that come on toon disney or nick. Avatar comes in mind. Than again One piece elements can be found in J-RPGs. Skies of Arcadia was about Air Pirates!!

The Point im trying to make here is not to complain about Originality. It just that One Piece suffers alot of repeated themes in the first part of the series that throw people like me away from the series. It suffers the same flaws american adventure shows and J-Rpgs have made. One thing that make One Piece different from the rest is the amount violence they show but thats about it.
Oct 27, 2009 2:15 PM

Apr 2009
well the manga doesnt censore the blood btw..
watching the show further will make you change your mind.
Oct 27, 2009 2:38 PM

Mar 2009
(not 100% correct since i dont know much american cartoons, but i did watch alot back then)

not many american cartoons show drama, they dont show character realism, they dont have a sense of creativity that goes beyond being a simple cartoon and they become limited to ratings

best american cartoon for me is south park, its not afraid to show controversial things

and what repeated themes? i dont know that many ocean pirate anime, with mermen/giants/sea monsters/zombie island/sky island/amazon island/floating water city/dragons/sea trains/mountains/time travel/everyone losing their memory/dance island/islands that are alive/island of poo
Oct 27, 2009 3:44 PM
Oct 2009
Another problem with one piece is that I find it hard to take it seriously. One minute its showing drama than another minute they're joking about it. And since nobody dies after the island arc ends I just stop caring whatever drama they may produce. Like I said this is no different than american cartoons. And the Villains, o lord. they're actually worst than american cartoons.

and what repeated themes you say? yes yes plenty variety, but all they variety is just wasted as of now. I mean its just the same thing. Luffy goes onto island, there is some Island drama, Luffy beats Bad guy, move on to the next island. It simply follow the laws of shounen physics without any attempt of breaking it. I might as well play J-RPG atleast the bad guys look cooler. I cant really say shit about the episodes after the sky arc since Im watching it at this moment.
Oct 28, 2009 1:01 AM

Apr 2009
the sky arc is also mediocre, the epicness starts after this arc ;)
Oct 28, 2009 5:38 PM

Aug 2007
Remus_Lupa said:

Also justification for the shitty art and messy backgrounds. Oda simply can't draw.
But they also have a nasty habbit of criticizing Bleach for having no plot no backgrounds and having no deaths. But Imo those are the things that are wrong with One Piece..

tl;dr: I don't know. I just don't like it cuz of the beforementioned reasons.

Ignorance. Oda does not draw the anime.
Oct 29, 2009 10:26 AM

Aug 2007
That whole thing about Skypiea reminds me of how some people actually call it filler. *facepalm*
Oct 29, 2009 1:15 PM

Apr 2009
mehameha said:
I personally enjoy the backstory of Jaya/Skypiea. It also fits the adventure theme the manga intend to have..

those 3 episodes were the best one of the arc)â
the story was pure awesomeness
Oct 31, 2009 6:04 PM

Apr 2009
I think it is because:
1. different art style
2. the first 20 episodes aren't very great, and the animation for these episodes are old
3. some people think have rubber ability is stupid
4. too long
5. 4kid dub
6. its popularity
Nov 4, 2009 11:22 AM
Aug 2009
Damn! this topic is still going on ??? i stopped looking at 80 replies :)
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