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Is the Anime Community Just a Home for the Sexually Repressed?

Apr 3, 2016 8:53 AM
Jul 2018
removed-userSep 18, 2020 4:03 AM
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Apr 3, 2016 8:56 AM

Dec 2015
It is like that in the majority of the entertainment industry really.
Apr 3, 2016 8:57 AM

Nov 2012

Shame Mamster isn't logged on right now.
Apr 3, 2016 9:08 AM

Feb 2013
i only watch mature anime with no fanservice for mature watcher such as myself
Apr 3, 2016 9:11 AM

Dec 2015
DerTwist said:
ScarfedPichu said:
It is like that in the majority of the entertainment industry really.

Is it? Do you have any examples? The only fanbase outside the anime community which I've seen in any such similar light is the Brony community, and that is generally for the same kind of fetishistic expression seen in the anime community only limited to animals.
Movies in general. Seem to share a lot of these traits and just TV in general as well
Apr 3, 2016 9:16 AM
Oct 2010
Probably, but is it a home for ONLY the sexually repressed is another question altogether.
Apr 3, 2016 9:16 AM
Jan 2013
Of course not

It's a mansion
A goddamn enourmous mansion
Can't fit all these desperate people in a small house
Gon overflow
gone bai bai
Apr 3, 2016 9:20 AM

Dec 2015
DerTwist said:
ScarfedPichu said:
Movies in general. Seem to share a lot of these traits and just TV in general as well

Again, do you have any examples? I may just not be as well educated in the medium, but I have yet to see any films, at least highly regarded ones, that cater to fans after paedophilic, bestialic, incestuous content. Such movies I have heard of that follow a similar line are generally very controversial and do not amass the huge following that the anime community has. Likely due to the reason that they are not animated films and the content 'hits to close to home' as the saying goes and will likely result in much more backlash than enjoying the same content in an animated format because 'it's just an anime, it's not real'.
I would have to say fifty shades of gray fits in with some of what you are saying
Apr 3, 2016 9:25 AM

May 2015
The anime community is actually a home for people who occasionally enjoy dabbling in some fine tasteful cultured Chinese cartoons.
every single one of my forum posts is dumb and invalid except for 1, I don't claim them it was a different person it was all fake
Apr 3, 2016 9:25 AM
Oct 2010
DerTwist said:

I've not seen the film nor read the books, but does it contain scenes catering to paedophilic, incestuous, bestialic content in the way anime does? It's more the illegal side I'm referring to, the side that the anime community uses as an excuse to realise their desires simply because it is fictional and they cannot be condemned for it by law like they would be in any other situation in reality were they to act upon these desires in the real world.

Probably game of thrones books then.
Apr 3, 2016 9:26 AM

Jul 2010
I came across a lot of people who considers you a weirdo if you still play video games or watch cartoons after a certain age. I don't see how it is restricted to Animes only.
Apr 3, 2016 9:27 AM

Dec 2015
DerTwist said:
ScarfedPichu said:
I would have to say fifty shades of gray fits in with some of what you are saying

I've not seen the film nor read the books, but does it contain scenes catering to paedophilic, incestuous, bestialic content in the way anime does? It's more the illegal side I'm referring to, the side that the anime community uses as an excuse to realise their desires simply because it is fictional and they cannot be condemned for it by law like they would be in any other situation in reality were they to act upon these desires in the real world.
yes It does in some of its scenes from what I can remember
Apr 3, 2016 9:28 AM

Dec 2015
SuperRed said:

Shame Mamster isn't logged on right now.

Lol. Ima try to summon him ahahah @Mamster-p

Nahh m8 I dont think so. Theres porn industry as well, so no repression whatsoever
Apr 3, 2016 9:31 AM

Mar 2012
Robiiii said:
SuperRed said:

Shame Mamster isn't logged on right now.

Lol. Ima try to summon him ahahah @Mamster-p

Nahh m8 I dont think so. Theres porn industry as well, so no repression whatsoever

This was the first thing I saw when I logged in lol

Its just another bullshit argument that you could say about 1000 other communities and it'd still be bullshit
Apr 3, 2016 9:33 AM

Dec 2015
Mamster-P said:
Robiiii said:

Lol. Ima try to summon him ahahah @Mamster-p

Nahh m8 I dont think so. Theres porn industry as well, so no repression whatsoever

This was the first thing I saw when I logged in lol

Its just another bullshit argument that you could say about 1000 other communities and it'd still be bullshit

U dissagree with me???!!! >:O
Y u do dis ;n;
Apr 3, 2016 9:35 AM

Mar 2012
Robiiii said:
Mamster-P said:

This was the first thing I saw when I logged in lol

Its just another bullshit argument that you could say about 1000 other communities and it'd still be bullshit

U dissagree with me???!!! >:O
Y u do dis ;n;

What no, I'm obv talking about the op, course I agree w u lol

I can't flame tho cuz at work
Apr 3, 2016 9:35 AM

Apr 2013
Can't peoples like you just... stop putting peoples in some boxes all the time? Seriously? -_-
Can't you accept that everyone is different and that no, there's no reason to give some shitty generalization of a fanbase due to X or Y thing you noticed several times? Is that really hard?
Apr 3, 2016 9:37 AM

Mar 2012
Zefyris said:
Can't peoples like you just... stop putting peoples in some boxes all the time? Seriously? -_-
Can't you accept that everyone is different and that no, there's no reason to give some shitty generalization of a fanbase due to X or Y thing you noticed several times? Is that really hard?

How many "why are ppl into things that I'm not" threads are we gonna have a week??
Apr 3, 2016 9:39 AM
Jul 2018
Yes, we are the only community that thinks about sticking our dicks in cartoon children.
Apr 3, 2016 9:39 AM

Dec 2012
More like sexually enlightened. Once you master the art of tsundere, pantsu, lolis, beach episodes, onsen and accidental breast groping you will evolve from a sexually depraved peasant into a majestic being of incomprehensible wisdom and might.
Apr 3, 2016 9:40 AM

Dec 2015
Mamster-P said:
Robiiii said:

U dissagree with me???!!! >:O
Y u do dis ;n;

What no, I'm obv talking about the op, course I agree w u lol

I can't flame tho cuz at work

Oh okay. Then get off work, MAL needs some cleaning!!!
Apr 3, 2016 9:44 AM

Jun 2014
DerTwist said:
ScarfedPichu said:
It is like that in the majority of the entertainment industry really.

Is it? Do you have any examples? The only fanbase outside the anime community which I've seen in any such similar light is the Brony community, and that is generally for the same kind of fetishistic expression seen in the anime community only limited to animals.

Competitive gaming is way more isolated, at least we dream of going outside sometimes, but won't actually do it. Plus with anime there's more to discuss so it's more social, while the anime community is very negative, the gaming community thrives on bitching about changes.

Although these two usually mesh together most of the time, so just depends on the severity of their illness to either of the two.

At least there's a faint possibility of meeting a girl in the anime community, ya ain't gonna get far in DotA looking for pussy.

It's probably also how winning in games fuels your ego, so those people tend to be more arrogant and toxic, in anime you're just an observer so you're self-esteem is already bottom of the pits.
Apr 3, 2016 9:44 AM

Apr 2013
I think everyone here remembers (or possibly was) that annoying group of pudgy kids who showed up to school with naruto headbands and could stand to shower more than once a week.

Those are the people anime gets its negative reputation from. Judging by your question, you're probably somewhat normal-passing and are thinking too deeply about it. Most people who hate anime, except for filthy frank-tier anti-anime humor, aren't even aware of lolicons and such.
Apr 3, 2016 9:45 AM

Apr 2013
Mamster-P said:
Zefyris said:
Can't peoples like you just... stop putting peoples in some boxes all the time? Seriously? -_-
Can't you accept that everyone is different and that no, there's no reason to give some shitty generalization of a fanbase due to X or Y thing you noticed several times? Is that really hard?

How many "why are ppl into things that I'm not" threads are we gonna have a week??

That's a bit tiresome indeed, but consider that some peoples in this world aren't doing a why are they liking something different" thread, they 're more into a kill/shun/whatever peoples who are into different belief then me(if you get what I mean). So in a way, anime community is fairly decent lol... Yes I know that's setting the bar very low. But isn't that comforting to know that there is worse then here? No? Well, maybe not.
Apr 3, 2016 9:46 AM

Aug 2015
girls watch yaoi boys watches we have no life
Is the Anime Community Just a Home for the Sexually Repressed?
Lol no just some people are vocal about in a sarcastic way...just look at weekly sales in both japan and murica you will see with these questions lately do you guys throw your brain in the dustbin while posting this type of shit
Apr 3, 2016 9:46 AM

Sep 2015
"Anime only has sexual content. No other media has any other sexual content. I like generalising an entire medium, because it's obviously correct."
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Apr 3, 2016 9:51 AM

Oct 2014
Some of us have gotten laid you know...

its not me or you, but I'm sure some of them are around.
What Kabaneri Did Wrong:
- Edgelord protagonist
- Special snowflake girlfriend
- Giving humans powers
- Failing to create a unique/memorable setting

What Kabaneri Did Right:
Apr 3, 2016 9:52 AM

Mar 2012

Yea it's pretty tame but still we don't need all this bullshit, 5 of the same threads a week


By the time I get off work this shit will get deleted lol or at least it better

I tagged the squad, so regulators mount up


Is there any hope for the forums anymore lol?
Apr 3, 2016 9:52 AM

Feb 2013
Let's open this can of worms which i'm sure OP won't give a shit about

DerTwist said:
The anime community in the public eye is very marginalised as a congregation of strange individuals, the social outcasts who cannot integrate with the rest of normalised society based on their appreciation of Japanese animated entertainment. I had wondered why this was the case as I had never seen any such backlash from people who claimed to enjoy Spongebob or Adventure Time, but upon looking at it from various perspectives, I had come to a final verdict and concluded that it is a result of what anime does for its audience in ways of sexual fantasies and fan service.
The public eye does not give a shit about anime. I had never seen any such backlash whatsoever. There are people who are ok with adults watching cartoons, and people who are not. I don't think many of those in the second camp care enough to make a distinction between american and japanese ones [basically what YakuKikyo said but with cartoons instead of video games]

DerTwist said:
Many such animated works are very heavy and liberal in their fan service in the respect of it being frequent in shows and frequent in 'appeal', appeals that you might not find elsewhere in modern media. Where sexual fantasies about children, siblings, animals, and various fetishistic kinks that would be seen as bizarre and often times illegal by the rest of civilised society are now instead normalised. Is this the reason why anime's fanbase is so densely populated yet still outcasted by the masses? I do believe so. We are taught and constantly reminded that many such sexual fantasies are not to be acted upon and have many negative, and even often legal implications when such desires are fulfilled, so they must be repressed, this is where anime becomes the catalyst for fulfilling these fantasies as you cannot do anywhere else, because it caters to the sexual frustrations of repressed individuals and normalises these conditions. Eg: What would be considered paedophilia, an incarceratable offence in the real world, is simply lolicon amongst the anime community and is seen as a very common fetish and accepted with little to no question on the basis that the shared material is animated instead of 'real life'.
True in that you might not find some of these things elsewhere in modern media, but false in that they are "many", unless by "many" you mean 5-10%, most of these being hentai ova and the handful of infamous actual incest tv anime. I'd also go as far as to claim there's way more american produced incest and bestiality porn, having around the same popularity as the japanese ones.

Also, sexual fantasy =/= wanting to do that in real life, and loli =/= pedophilia, but that's another topic in which there will never be a consensus (particularly the loli part).

DerTwist said:
There are the casual anime viewers who watch some shows on the occasion who do not partake in the fetishistic culture of the wider community, shows with less direct fan service catering to the fetishes of these individuals are popular on that basis, they are shows that can be enjoyed by those who seek only entertainment and not escape from a judgemental society for their defects and as such they are shows for the 'filthy casual' who does not integrate, or want to integrate with the community of sexually repressed outcasts.
I'd say the 'wider community' is composed out of people whose main experience with anime is the shounen long runners, and some popular titles, which is quite far from a "fetishistic culture", unless you think watching superpowered kids fighting is a fetish.

Mind giving some examples for "shows with less direct fan service catering to the fetishes of these individuals are popular on that basis"? That sentence is extremely awkward, and i don't get if it's supposed to be a different category from the first part of the sentence, or the same shounen long runners i was thinking about.

The term 'filthy casual' does not have that much of a commonly agreed meaning. If that's how you want to use it, maybe it says more about you than the community. I associate that term mostly with people who only watched a handful of popular shit, and make claims about being the best anime ever.

Also, are you familiar with the idea of non-sexual, or even non-violent fan service?

DerTwist said:
There are those also who very much enjoy constantly running the significance of many shows into the ground and championing them almost as pieces of modern art for no reason that can be sanely gauged. I have yet to ever see anyone compare the aforementioned Spongebob to such art and that is because there is little reason to do so, so why are some anime shows championed as such? I believe it's a form of mask or denial, to integrate themselves into the community with an ulterior purpose which detracts from their sexual fantasies which they are still to an extent ashamed of or denying, subconsciously or otherwise. I see little reason people would be as obsessed with such shows without any sort of ulterior motive unless they are intending be be outcasts with the intention of feeling unique and interesting without directly associating one's self with the fetishistic community at large.
Again, you might want to give some examples. NGE? Kill la Kill? SEL? Angel's Egg? LOGH? Gintama? Inferno Cop? Boku no Pico? Utsu Musume Sayuri?

As for the Spongebob part, it might be because the western cartoon community isn't as big, though there are some similar ironic memes concerning Shrek, and non-ironic ones with cartoons that were popular in the 90s ("if you remember this your childhood was awesome :^))))

DerTwist said:
I will likely get a lot of backlash for this, but I am confident that I have hit the nail on the head as it were. If you agree, disagree, or are in a state of denial in the matter, please, by all means respond with your verdict.

Somehow i think you're a pervert who loves loli, incest and/or bestiality and you're in denial/projecting.
Apr 3, 2016 9:57 AM

Oct 2010
MAL Trolling Academy lesson #123: Stupid Generalizations.
Apr 3, 2016 9:57 AM

Mar 2015
DerTwist said:
Many such animated works are very heavy and liberal in their fan service in the respect of it being frequent in shows and frequent in 'appeal', appeals that you might not find elsewhere in modern media.

At least in the "animated and in-your-face" department...

Where sexual fantasies about children, siblings, animals, and various fetishistic kinks that would be seen as bizarre and often times illegal by the rest of civilised society are now instead normalised. Is this the reason why anime's fanbase is so densely populated yet still outcasted by the masses?

OK, hold up a sec. Let's get the reason for "being an outcast" out of the way first. It has nothing to do with a person's kinks, it has to do with their personality. Naturally I can't speak for everyone, so this answer is limited to me. You know why my peers never got to know me well or why I never made any friends, girlfriends, etc.? Because I'm a damn apathetic, possibly aromantic, sociopath of an introvert. I don't talk or interact with people unless I absolutely have to. I couldn't find it in me to like most of the people I meet (exceptions exist of course). I don't even KNOW if certain groups would shun me for my tastes, for the simple reason that I was never that integrated into their circle to begin with. I was just the weird quiet guy in class that noone could figure out and made fun of. I found anime a lot more interesting than any real-world people.

Sorry if I ranted a bit...

Now back to the topic of fetishes or sexy stuff in general:
Boobs (read: fan-service or anything sexually inviting in general). There is nothing wrong with a healthy hetero male wanting to look at boobies. If my eyes saw a picture of some gal's boobs and then a drawing of, again, boobs - my brain's not gonna tell the difference (obviously one is a person and one is a drawing but neither are "real-life", they're both images). If anime titties are drawn in a way that gets the imagination running full-throttle, I am indeed going to think "Yes, this is good. I like this.". If anime can provide some eye-candy that real life can't, what's the problem? It ain't hurting anyone. Hmmm, I get the feeling I'm getting further away from the OP's post here so I'll stop.

We are taught and constantly reminded that many such sexual fantasies are not to be acted upon and have many negative, and even often legal implications when such desires are fulfilled, so they must be repressed, this is where anime becomes the catalyst for fulfilling these fantasies as you cannot do anywhere else, because it caters to the sexual frustrations of repressed individuals and normalises these conditions.

I can only speak for myself here. I never even thought about HALF of the kinks I saw in anime before I got into it. I found them all pretty new and interesting from the get go. To this day I believe they make my viewing experience more fun.

Eg: What would be considered paedophilia, an incarceratable offence in the real world, is simply lolicon amongst the anime community and is seen as a very common fetish and accepted with little to no question on the basis that the shared material is animated instead of 'real life'.

Man, I dunno about you but I can't stand even looking at real kids, I'll be damned if I ever find any attractive. And I've seen quite a bit of non-acceptance for lolicon, just sayin'. Crimes are crimes, but a drawing is not a person. Being attracted to a piece of fiction (lolis) is way different than wanting to f@ck the real thing. Anybody who can separate reality from fiction can tell you that.

I see little reason people would be as obsessed with such shows without any sort of ulterior motive unless they are intending be be outcasts with the intention of feeling unique and interesting without directly associating one's self with the fetishistic community at large.

You're describing outright fanboys more than you are 'filthy casuals' here... It has nothing to do with wanting to be unique, people get obsessed with stuff and start believing it to be the best thing since sliced bread. They then want to spread the gospel of said series to the 'ignorant masses' without considering that other people just don't care or don't share their opinions.

cheers m8
DoubleMangekyoApr 3, 2016 10:00 AM
Apr 3, 2016 10:01 AM

Sep 2015
Have you visited a (3D) porn site recently? there are so many strange fetishes - wow - the only thing you won't find are animals and children (replaced by the extremly popular teen genre though). i don'T think that the anime community is more/less accepting than any other online (!) community

the reason it's viewed so negatively is because....well it's drawn and not real (cartoon->children; cartoon+sex->perverted man children)
Nigami_ShinApr 3, 2016 10:05 AM

Apr 3, 2016 10:02 AM

Mar 2012
These threads really do bring out ppls insecurities -___-

Anyway, my break at work is over, so I'll leave the squad to destroy this shit
Apr 3, 2016 10:08 AM

Feb 2010
Nice reductionist argument. Anime = fetish catering and western animation = spongebob. If that's how far your horizon goes in terms of the animation medium it's no surprise you have a low opinion of it. But if you reduce anything to the lowest common denominator it won't look very sophisticated. That's why reductionist arguments like that are stupid and usually just made to 'back up' a point you're trying to make even before you start actually thinking and researching the topic.

DerTwist said:
The anime community in the public eye is very marginalised as a congregation of strange individuals, the social outcasts who cannot integrate with the rest of normalised society based on their appreciation of Japanese animated entertainment. I had wondered why this was the case as I had never seen any such backlash from people who claimed to enjoy Spongebob or Adventure Time, but upon looking at it from various perspectives, I had come to a final verdict and concluded that it is a result of what anime does for its audience in ways of sexual fantasies and fan service.

The masses love reductionist positions like the one you described and likes to focus on the negatives of any community because that's more entertaining so all of that's not a surprise. It's easily digestible, let's people judge others and feel superior and just in general the psychological incentive to see any group with a niche hobby with a subculture in a negative light is always there. Being passionate about nerdy hobbies still isn't that accepted. People will equally look down on bronies or awkard nerds who dedicate their life to model trains or other obscure hobbies.

Comparing a subculture to some mainstream shows like spongebob or adventure time is just stupid on various levels. There's no subculture surrounding them, you don't need to be particularly into animation to watch some of the mainstream american animated comedies. They're just there and because they're close people see them as individual shows and not like a random anime, which is just seen as 'an anime' with whatever a person thinks about anime in general being attached to it, no matter if the show is LOGH or Highschool DxD or Mars of Destruction. Which of course is not reasonable, but it is how it is.
Also tens of thousands of people in the anime community also watch and like those shows so making anime fans and adventure time fans seem like two opposing entities makes no sense in the first place.

Of course there ARE a lot of people who are into anime for the fanservice and fetishes and sexual fantasies and unfortunately a lot of anime fans themselves believe in and perpetuate the stereotpe that anime has nothing to offer but fanservice and sexual fantasies, which makes it of course even easier for the masses to stick with that opinion. It doesn't make it any less of a biased point of view though. If you're into anime because of only that you will find enough material, but if you're into anime while mostly trying to avoid that kind of stuff you will still find enough material. You can't reduce the anime medium to just the catering if you have at least basic knowledge of the medium.

Many such animated works are very heavy and liberal in their fan service in the respect of it being frequent in shows and frequent in 'appeal', appeals that you might not find elsewhere in modern media. Where sexual fantasies about children, siblings, animals, and various fetishistic kinks that would be seen as bizarre and often times illegal by the rest of civilised society are now instead normalised. Is this the reason why anime's fanbase is so densely populated yet still outcasted by the masses? I do believe so. We are taught and constantly reminded that many such sexual fantasies are not to be acted upon and have many negative, and even often legal implications when such desires are fulfilled, so they must be repressed, this is where anime becomes the catalyst for fulfilling these fantasies as you cannot do anywhere else, because it caters to the sexual frustrations of repressed individuals and normalises these conditions. Eg: What would be considered paedophilia, an incarceratable offence in the real world, is simply lolicon amongst the anime community and is seen as a very common fetish and accepted with little to no question on the basis that the shared material is animated instead of 'real life'.
There are the casual anime viewers who watch some shows on the occasion who do not partake in the fetishistic culture of the wider community, shows with less direct fan service catering to the fetishes of these individuals are popular on that basis, they are shows that can be enjoyed by those who seek only entertainment and not escape from a judgemental society for their defects and as such they are shows for the 'filthy casual' who does not integrate, or want to integrate with the community of sexually repressed outcasts.

You make it seem like fetishes aren't a thing anywhere in the world. Most of what you mention is hentai stuff and if you want to compare hentai to live action porn both have equally disgusting sides and both cater to millions of different fetishes. And in general judging a medium based on the porn it produces is stupid. Just imagine doing that with live action movies, nobody will take you seriously even for a second.

There are those also who very much enjoy constantly running the significance of many shows into the ground and championing them almost as pieces of modern art for no reason that can be sanely gauged. I have yet to ever see anyone compare the aforementioned Spongebob to such art and that is because there is little reason to do so, so why are some anime shows championed as such? I believe it's a form of mask or denial, to integrate themselves into the community with an ulterior purpose which detracts from their sexual fantasies which they are still to an extent ashamed of or denying, subconsciously or otherwise. I see little reason people would be as obsessed with such shows without any sort of ulterior motive unless they are intending be be outcasts with the intention of feeling unique and interesting without directly associating one's self with the fetishistic community at large.

This paragraph is so ridiculous that it makes me think you're just trolling. You're basically saying that everyone who prefers the vast arsenal of anime that don't solely revolve around sexual fantasies still do so because of the same reason that people watch fanservice shows. Now you're not only reducing whole mediums of entertainment to one single thing but even humans themselves are reduced to only their sexual drive since they even watch anything that doesn't appeal to it only to detract themselves from it. Not to mention that this argument is retarded and probably just projection, but I don't see how you can think it only applies to anime. With the same logic you can assume that cinephiles or literature fans just pursue those hobbies to distract themselves from their constant urge to watch porn. There's no logical reason to limit the argument, the way you presented it, to anime, except the fact that you WANT to bash the anime community and put any other medium on a pedestal.

The facts are that both eastern and western animation (or fetish and spongebob like you are calling them) are mediums just like any other, be it movies or books or whatever. You can apply critical and analytical tools to them and there will be movies/books/anime that hold up to those standards, but the majority will still be catering to the masses and have no ambitions beyond entertainment and being profitable. And just like with any medium, if you're a pretentious douche that can't even be bothered to get into the medium on more than a very superficial level, you won't ever leave that level and can easily get a negative opinion without ever actually getting to know the medium.
And being interested in depth in an entertainment medium so your interest starts expanding to a more holistic and analytical level has nothing to do with 'trying to integrate yourself into a community', it's just what happens when you're passionate about a hobby and generally enjoy thinking about things instead of just passively watching stuff without thinking about it. If that kind of approach scares you because you can't understand it and see 'no reason except an ulterior motive' to appreciate books, movies or animation in that way, it just shows that your horizon is very limited and you have difficulties with understanding and even tolerating people who care for different things than you do. Which is 100% your problem despite all the projecting you're trying to do.

The bottomline is that whether or not I fap to loli hentai, live action tranny porn, scat or bestiality it has nothing to do with what and how I watch anime, TV series or movies when I'm not having the intention to fap. Whatever fetishes I fap to I fapped to before I got really into anime and I will still fap to if I ever stop watching anime. Same goes for any other medium of course.
AlcoholicideApr 3, 2016 10:17 AM
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 3, 2016 10:09 AM

Mar 2015
Which cave are you coming from mate. xD
This salad is salty favored
Apr 3, 2016 10:12 AM
Jul 2018
Don't let a few Mamsters taint your view of an entire community.

Just kidding mang, love you pervs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Apr 3, 2016 10:16 AM

Feb 2013
Pullman said:
The facts are that both eastern and western animation (or fetish and spongebob like you are calling them) are mediums just like any other, be it movies or books or whatever.
this has been bothering me for a while..
aren't both eastern and western animation the same medium? i.e. animation
Apr 3, 2016 10:20 AM

Feb 2010
romagia said:
Pullman said:
The facts are that both eastern and western animation (or fetish and spongebob like you are calling them) are mediums just like any other, be it movies or books or whatever.
this has been bothering me for a while..
aren't both eastern and western animation the same medium? i.e. animation

Of course but you can separate them geographically just like there's european movies and asian movies etc... And since OP is working with his fetish/spongebob duality I figured I'd at least keep that duality in my reply so he doesn't get too confused when I'm already calling them by their actual names.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 3, 2016 10:25 AM

May 2014
Shitposts. Shitposts as far as the ye can see. Not only are these "sexual fantasy" anime looked down upon by the general anime community, but they are also looked down upon by the Japanese in general. So why do they make them? Simple. In Japan porn sucks and they're extremely conservative, so anime gives them the erotica they desire. Does it mean the American community watches anime for this reason? Quite the opposite. Anime fulfills the niche type of show American cartoons rarely provide. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a show I think all MAL users have probably seen and loved, and is probably a reason we all got into anime, at least for me and my friends it was. Unfortunately, shows like that are extremely rare, but the anime world is full of these epic fantasy stories. I think that's that's why people in the anime community like anime. It has nothing to do with erotica and I also don't believe watching anime has any affect on your social standing. I've personally never had an issue socially, I could be a rare case, but I don't believe that to be true since in college MOST people I know have seen at least one anime.
Apr 3, 2016 10:31 AM

Nov 2009
DoubleMangekyo said:
We are taught and constantly reminded that many such sexual fantasies are not to be acted upon and have many negative, and even often legal implications when such desires are fulfilled, so they must be repressed, this is where anime becomes the catalyst for fulfilling these fantasies as you cannot do anywhere else, because it caters to the sexual frustrations of repressed individuals and normalises these conditions.

I can only speak for myself here. I never even thought about HALF of the kinks I saw in anime before I got into it. I found them all pretty new and interesting from the get go. To this day I believe they make my viewing experience more fun.

Yeah, it's hard to beat anime in providing crazy stuff. Loli, animal ears, tentacles... anime taught me a lot of fun things.

DoubleMangekyo said:
Eg: What would be considered paedophilia, an incarceratable offence in the real world, is simply lolicon amongst the anime community and is seen as a very common fetish and accepted with little to no question on the basis that the shared material is animated instead of 'real life'.

Man, I dunno about you but I can't stand even looking at real kids, I'll be damned if I ever find any attractive. And I've seen quite a bit of non-acceptance for lolicon, just sayin'. Crimes are crimes, but a drawing is not a person. Being attracted to a piece of fiction (lolis) is way different than wanting to f@ck the real thing. Anybody who can separate reality from fiction can tell you that.

I've always thought that anti-pedophilic propaganda in media exist so as to use the "think of the children" argument to ban thoughts.
There is nothing wrong in wanting to fuck a child. It's wrong to actually fuck a child. That's how it works for all crimes.
Have you never wanted to kill anyone?
Apr 3, 2016 10:45 AM

Oct 2013
I'm not sure I understood the topic , but if I did, people like the fanservice because it's part of human nature to be interested in the opposite gender's bodies.
And also, I don't think that Spongebob is bad, I've been watching Spongebob a lot, in the past, it's just that sponge bob is directed toward the young audience, when many anime with the fan service are toward matures or teenagers
Apr 3, 2016 10:48 AM

Aug 2015
What exactly is "Sexually Repressed"?

Whatever it is, my straight answer : NO.

It's home to many different kinds of people. Including perverts like me :3
But before that
Z-DanteApr 3, 2016 10:54 AM
Apr 3, 2016 10:50 AM

Sep 2015
You know what? I'm not gonna read all that shit, I'll let you have it.

You win, we're all perverts, be proud of yourself.
NasalShark said:
I'd love to squeeze your nipples until they look like a purple slushie, Senpai.

Apr 3, 2016 10:50 AM

Mar 2014

You only realized just now?
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Apr 3, 2016 11:14 AM

Oct 2015

Anyway OP you are definitely correct. Just look at my sig for instance.
Apr 3, 2016 11:18 AM

Apr 2015
I do not belong to this world. Take me, Oh Lord anime Jesus.
Apr 3, 2016 1:11 PM

Jun 2007
Where are you seeing the widespread bestiality? I suppose there is fanservice involving "otherwise human, but with animal ears" characters, but actual bestiality is pretty limited to small subsets of h-manga and anime.

What would be considered paedophilia, an incarceratable offence in the real world, is simply lolicon amongst the anime community and is seen as a very common fetish and accepted with little to no question on the basis that the shared material is animated instead of 'real life'.
"Pedophilia" is not an incarceratable offense. Child rape and molestation are. And it could (and has) been said that video gaming communities accept spree killings and other acts of violence with little to no question on the basis that the shared material is animated instead of "real life." So where's the condemnation for them?

While the sexual content probably colors the "normals'" perception of anime to some extent, things like simple ignorance and xenophobia are also major factors. In the eyes of the general public, these are cartoons from a strange foreign culture, with strange character designs, strangely-named characters, and stories/characters outside the realm of the accepted "non-children's cartoons" like Simpsons, South Park, Archer, and Family Guy and its clones. So they're going to look down on non-children who watch them regardless, no matter how clean and sanitized a given anime is. I once had a roommate give me some grief over watching "Japanoporn," and it wasn't because I was watching actual hentai, or any ecchi/harem anime available at the time (2003) like Love Hina, Vandread, Burn Up!, Aika, Colorful, Najica, Mahoromatic, or Steel Angel Kurumi. No, it was the edited/dubbed version of Sailor Moon, the same one that was censored enough to air on US TV back in the 90s.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

Everything that connects to MAL
Apr 3, 2016 4:32 PM

Nov 2013
Well obviously. I thought that goes without saying.
Apr 3, 2016 4:36 PM

Aug 2014
Who needs friends and relationships when you have a dakimakura that doesn't talk back to you at all, no matter what weird things you say to it. #OtakuLife!
Apr 3, 2016 4:47 PM
Feb 2014
OP and people defending it are the walking embodiment of Reddit.
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